Letter from R. Hennings 12-1-04 December 1, 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED City of Chanhassen Planning Commission 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 DEC 2 2004 Sand Companies, Inc. 366 South Tenth Avenue PO Box 727 Waite Park, MN 56387-0727 Office: (320) 202-3100 Fax: (320) 202-3139 E-mail: SCI@SandCompanies.com Website: www.SandCompanies.com CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Re: General Concept Plan Review Sand Companies, Inc. Development (Curry Property) Dear Commission Members; In accordance with Sec. 20-517. General Concept Plan, we are making submission of drawings and supporting information for the property generally known as Curry Property, but defined as Parcels #1 and #5 north of the proposed Highway #212 and Highway #101 intersection and Parcels #3 and #4 south of the same intersection. We provide the following information in answer to the 6 information request made: (I) Approximate building areas, pedestrian ways and road locations; See Sheet A-O.I for proposed layout of the north sites. Parcel #5 is to be devoted to two StOlY townhouse buildings with double garages. Parcel #1 is to support development of 16 townhomes and 51 apartment homes in a three story building over a basement parking garage. On site vehicle traffic will be on private drives, and pedestrians will be accommodated with internal sidewalks connecting to walks along Lake Susan Drive. See sheet A-0.2 for the proposed layout of the south site. Parcel #4, with it large wetland area, will serve as the site for a three story building with 69 apartment homes over a basement parking garage. Parcel #3 will be developed for Neighborhood Business uses including service type offices, financial institutions, convenience store with gas pumps, and some neighborhood retails shops such as submarine shops, optical shops, pizza stores etc. Vehicular traffic is organized along a public street connecting between proposed intersection of Highway #101 and the on-off ramp to #212, and intersection of Lyman Boulevard at the existing Highway #101 location. We propose an internal sidewalk along one side of this internal street. (2) Height, bulk and square footage of buildings; As noted on the plans, the apartment buildings are three story over parking garages, mostly below grade. The apartment buildings are 10 feet floor to floor, so third floor is 20 feet above grade, with the building eave height at about 29 feet. Because we prefer fairly step roof pitches, we would expect total peak heights to approach 45 feet to the roof ridge, or 37 feet to average roof height. The townhomes are two StOlY, with eave heights at about 18 feet and roof ridge heights in the range of 30 feet. The commercial buildings will all be limited to one story, and to the extent we can control the individual building designs we would expect use of sloped roofs with eaves heights in the range of 10-14 feet and ridges in the range of24 to 36 feet. P:\SCI - Cons\. & Dev. Div\Chanhassen Land Development ii04-3ÛÛ\Architectnre\Site Related\PlanningCommissionI20104.doc Construction . Property Management . Development Equal Opportunity Employer - - - - - - - - - ----- ---- - - - - - --~- - - - - ------ (3) Type, number or square footage or intensities of specific land use; Parcels #1 and #5 on the north will be used for multiple residential use. A total of 7 buildings is proposed. The sites total 6.11 acres after additional right-of-way is taken for highway development, resulting in a density of 11.95 units per acre. Parcel #4 on the south will also be multiple residential with a density of 11.54 units per acre. At Parcel #3, actual building sizes will be largely dictated by setbacks and parking requirements. The drawing on Sheet A-0.2 shows a total of 41,500 sq. of building, but his is just to represent on possible approach to the development of these building sites. In some cases, somewhat larger buildings could be developed (financial institution) without burdening the site parking ability. (4) Number of dwelling units; A total of 142 living units is proposed. (5) Generalized development plan showing areas to be developed or preserved; Sheets A-O.l and A-0.2 show the extent of development. Areas have been established for water retention ponds, although no detailed design analysis has been completed. The significant wetland on parcel #4 will be retained, and there is current interest on the part of watershed district in utilizing some portion of Parcel #4 as part of a larger area water treatment system. We plan to cooperate in that effort. (6) Staging and timing of development; Both the massive highway construction process and market forces will control development of these parcels. It would be our goal to have building construction activity underway on parcels #1 and #5 during the summer of2005. We expect little commercial demand for Parcel #3 until highway traffic on #101 is in place, so construction stans there are more likely to be very late 2005 or into 2006. Sand Companies, Inc. plans to conduct a neighborhood information meeting from 7:00 to 9:00 PM on December 15 at the Chanhassen Country Inn and Suites. Notices will be mailed to all residents of record within 500 feet of the property this week. Beyond the 11" x 17" site drawings we have prepared a large site drawing over an aerial photo that illustrates the relationship between our proposed development, the highway system and existing neighborhoods. We hope this is helpful to area residents and Planning Commission members alike. Sincerely, . hard A. Hennings, AlA Senior Architect P:\SCI - Const. & Dev. Div\Chanhassen Land Development iiû4-3ÛQ'IÞ.rchitectuæ\Site Related\PlanningCommissionI2ûIû4.doc