Cert. & Topographic Survey . [Q} OJ þq -6- )(- x ___ss-- M-M-M- I ~ .. : .~. . j -- --- --- ~ \ i ) I II, ! I I~ K': Line of Sec. 24_mf' , 1 1 \~ ~ \ ...... "- 898~ ...... - í J ~ 'J /.....--.- MH- Sanitary 1'.-/ I Rim = 897. 50 ~ In v. =885.30 Clj I II J I 9Š ~ / N8953·46-c.. ..,,, Catch Basin-·_...46.9D = North· Right-Of-Woy Line of,. Rim=912~49 "'~"""---",,,,"-"\.J I.' · tJ... Future Lake 5ùson Drive LA~~~;ÄN:---'~=,v~/- . Catch Basin---'-{ . \ Rim;;:91Z62 \............... ¡...~\ In v. = 909.20 ......··...,ì ......s.. . l/ - Ex. Curb de Gutter<...... '~.( '\ \~l Easterly Line of CHANHASSEN -"'-'-"_ t ~ I HILLS 3RD ADDITION ......: .~.. ......,...." f R t Fence is 1.41:. West _.._..._..._.._ \.~\aJ I of Property Lme .........,-...... ','ft. PARCEL 2"'r:~~1:.;.. Areo= 9098.58 S.t: 11"- .~ Retaining_... \ \' . \ Wall -..._~...- ~..-\ I l Fence is 3.31: West-·..--'·... ......" of Property Line ~~ \ \ \ yij SB9':t13t"W1--" 31.87 'I' j.1... ArT I i. 1:0 ~/ = Eos...te. rly.. L.. in e.. 0.... f a..HANHASSfN-...... ~. \ \--« HILLS 3RD ADDITION J ~ Retaining-·....'I \ . Wall Jr'''':' Fence is 5.1x West--u-..-.--/ '- ........- of Property Line l'~ 24. 79-.~.¿-~1 ~~J~ '" - .~ A L -~Ã Edge of - - .,~ \ '\ Water -1 ..,.~ \ ----ikld --- --- /'" CHANHASSEN HILLS 3RD ADDI TION """'" """'"-_/ / / / bf ct>0) Benchmark: 1. N. H. £lev. =908.58 (N. G. v: D. Water Intersection of the Northerly--u- '" Right-Of-Woy Line of Future Trunk Highwoy No. 212 ¿,/ -,,~..?" 7 24" RCP-'''~'-:'' ! K': Inv. =899.44 i,,/ . )' E. Inv.=897.31 I~'" j/ï Edge of--·.... S Grovel ~ fQ ::s o .S ~ ~ Q:) \ ! ï \, ./ ................ _-----898- í--- ì i ...,...,....---~ ,..... - - ". -......... -- 900-_ ,..... --- -------~ ---,_............. - \ ""- \ , denotes Coble TV Accesses Hole denotes Coble TV denotes Telephone Box denotes Gote Volve denotes Fire Hydront denotes Fire Hydront denotes Sonitory Sewer denotes Overhead Electric "- "'- 970-... \0 '" \. ..~ 'ß \ (S\ \ \ '\579"56·11"£ ~,--, \ 33.5"2, \, \ ) \ ¡ ,.' I I"'" 1 / / /" -. --......... '\ ... /" -- /- ------ ....... --... ""'- - - - \ \ '\. "'- "'- ........ denotes Concrete \,. '\ ..9(2 6>, "- " " '\. ) -. "- \ \ '\ \ J 1 1 / / -- ..-- ..... ..9.J"Q , I ./ / ,... ./ / I \ \ " "'- .......... ...... "- ,/ 97,0 / / ( I \ \ \ '\ , \ '\ " / ....... .",. -- - ... (b - !Ô " " - -- - ~ ....... i J I / ,/ ,/ /' / ,/ / / ,/ I Field ./ ./ ./ / I I ..- 926_ -. I "\. I \ \ \ \ I "'- ,// -. - "- "- ........ ......... / I / I / I I I I I \ ........ " , ~ f ?, I ......,_.._.--- iiH, Sanitary /' Rim=,fJ24.98 ! Inv.=9)~48 ........ '24 \ \ '\, ".......- ./ "- / "- 1 I~ f NortAerly Right-Of- WoyJine..... \ I ,,""\ I \)) \ ./ ¡Field '-. -- i Edge of -../__.... Field 1 "',. \ / ...... \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ \ , \ -- 1-.-------- -.....-" --- \So) - Certificate & Topographic Survey Line " \ \ .... \ \ ~ ....~ ~ ~ -;. ~ O)~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } \ \ Intersection of ~he Southerly_..._........./ \ / \ Ri'ght-Of-Woy L'i(le of Future ./........,,! Trunk Hi'ghwO'y'No":-242 - - ....... \ /-... I · Iii' \ -_._::--£'!fP of 8i1uminDus------A- LYMAN ... {- - ~;; ".. \" . _ _ '\ / -/-Edge of Bituminous-·- ,.. ~,. - - .....,..---~ --- -,I f --- -- ........---- ....... :;:-... - --n - '" - . , ....., ..... i ,..,;v- ........ { I . ..... ./ "" ' ." ~ - .________ ___.J..--"",\::, --- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... ~ - - - - - _ _ .J.L- \ l " \ ,........:,\ -........... ./ . -------------, í -----Benchmark: ..........,:~:"'_._ Edge of - ~...:.;. - - - -.....:- 'i'l - - - - - ~ - - ~... -,~",,,::::..."""""'-r..r _f' /)'....... ....,......S.K': Corner of the S~ 1/4 of ···,_>Edge of 1. N. H. .---.------ Grovel -.------ I ! <..'I ---- 'ër":"vel° --or "-- ~f/' 1. 116, R. 23. Corw:r Grovel 7::'~~~6.'~~9) B . Contoining 381.842 sq. /__ Catch asm ( Rim = 924. 59 ¡ In v. =921.69 ;.r--Catch Basin ¡ ,..../ Rim = 925,24 ¡ /"",," In v. =921.44 I - -:,. j... PARCEL 1: That part of the West Holf of the Northwest· Quarter of Section 24 ond thot port of the East Holf of the Northeast Quorter of Section 23. 011 in Townshi'p 116 North. Ronge 23 West. Corver County. Minnesoto descri'bed os follows: Commencing ot the Northwest Corner of soi'd Section 24. olso being the Northeast Corner of soid Section 23; thence olong the West line of sai'd Section 24~ South 00 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds West" 0 distonce of 1495.28 feet to the North right ofwoy li'ne of the future location of Trunk' Highwoy No. 212. being olsothe Point of Beginning of thelond herein described; thence Northeosterlyolongsoid rightofwoy line the following three (3) courses: thence olong o curve. concove to the Southeost. whose elements ore:orclength of 493.36 feet. rodius of 4669.60 feet. centrol angle of 06 degrees 03 minutes 13 seconds ond 0 chord thot bears North 60 degref1s 42 mi'nutf1sL 09 se.conds £ost.o di'stønce of 493.13 feet; thence North 19 degrees 72 mi'nutes 32 seconds Eost~o di'stonceof 49.59 feet; thence North 71 degrees 27 minutes 35 seconds Eost. 0 distonce of 87.79 feet to the intersection with the Westerly right at W()Y line of. the ,,,ture locotionof Trunk Highwoy No. 101; thence Northerlyolong soid Westerly ri'ghtofwoy line. the following two (2) course$.: thence North 09 degrees 52 minutes 53 seconds' Eost. 0 distonce of 257.61 feet; thence North 00 degfl'l~sOI minutes 21 seconds West. o distance of 229.56 feftt to the intersection with the Sf.wtherly ri'ght ofwoy line of the future locotion of Loke Susan Drive; thence Southwesterly olong soid Southerly right of woy line. the following four (4) courses: thence along 0 curve. conc()veJo the South. whO~f1elements ore: orc length 156.46 feet. rodius of 270.00 feet. centrolongle of 33 degrees 12 minutes 07 seconds ond o chord thot beors South 64 degrees 53 minutes 01 seconds West. 0 distonce of 154.28 feel; thence South 48 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds West. 0 distonce of 225.39 feet: thence along 0 curve, concove to the North. whose elements ore: orc length of 239.68 feet. rodius of 330.00 feet. centrol ongle of 47 degrees.J6 minutes 48 seconds 0 chord thot bears South 69 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West, o. distonce . of234~ 44 feet; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 46 seconds West, 0 distonce of 46.99 feet to soid Westerly line of Section 24, being oIso the centerline of the existing right of woy for Trunk Highway No. 707 ond also on Eosterly ¡i'neof the plot ofCHANHASSEN HILLS3RD ADDITION. Corver Count,r. Minnesoto; thence oIong soidWesterly lineal Section 24, South 00 degrees 01 iì1inutes 22 seconds Eost. 0 distonce of 269.64 feet; thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds West. a distonce or 31~87 feet to on Eosterly Ii'ne of soid CHANHASSEN HILLS 3Rt) ADDITION; thence olong soid Eosterly line. South 00 degrees 17 minutes 39 seconds Eost. a di'stonce 01259.05 leet to the intersection with soid Northerly ri'ght of woy line of the fùture locotion of Trunk· Highwoy No. 212: thence along soid Northerly right of woy line. North 47 degrees 18 minutes 09 seconds£ost. 0 distance of 42.30 feet lathe Point of Beginning. Contoining 229.622 sq. ft. or 5.2714 ocresoflond. PARCEL 2: All thot port of existing Trunk Highwoy No. 101 dedicated to the public in CHANHASSfN HILLS 3RD ADDITION. o plot on file ando( r~ord in the office of the County Recorder. Carver County. Minnesoto onddescribed os"T.H. No. 101" in soi'd Plot: Contoining 9.102 sq. ft. or 0.2089 ocres oflond. PARCEL 3: Thot port of the Southwest Quorter of the Northwest Quorter of Section 24, Townshi'p 176 North. Ronge 23 West, Corver County. descri'bed os follows: Commencing ot the Southwest corner of soid Southwest Quarter, bei'ng olso the West Quarter Corner of soid Section 23; thence olong the West line of sai'd Southwest Quorter, North 00 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds West, a distonce of 88.01 feet to the i'ntersection wi'th the Northerly right of woy li'ne of the future locotion of Lymon Boulevord, the Point of Beginni'ng 01 the troct of land herei'n described; thence continuing along soid West Ii'ne. North 00 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds West. a distonce 0(604.46 feet to the i'ntersecti'on with the South ri'ght of woy line the future locotion of Trunk Highwoy No. 212: thence olong soi'd South right 01 woy line the following three (3) courses; thence South 79 degrees 56 minutes 11 seconds £ost.o distonce of 33.52 feet; thence North 59 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds Eost. 0 distonce 01 485.53 feet; thence South 53 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds Eost. a di'stonce of 122.71 feet to the intersection with the Westerly ri'ght 01 woy line of the future locati'onof Trunk Highway No. 101; thence olong soid Westerly right of woy Ii'ne, South 00 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds Eost. 0 di'stonce of 776. 19 feet to soid Northerly right of woy li'ne of the future locotion of Lymon Boulevard; thence olong soi'd Northerly right of woy line, North 89 degrees 30 mi'nutes 16 seconds West. 0 distonce of 550. 03 feet to the Point of Beginning. It. or 8. 7659 ocres of land. ------ J\ \.-- ~_\~ _ -rl---\-&2-~.£X. Cu~ _& Gutter \ ~ ..~; \ ........~._"..~.c:_ ... .... . : ~ 'c t h B --:-n-'" --------.-...- Catch.. Basin '0;;: '- \.- a cas! . 925 26 '~ Rim = 924. 65 R!m= . '\~ In v. =922.36 In v. =922. 16 '\ CiTY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED 2 2004 tHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT PARCEL 4: Thotport of· the Southeast Quorter 01 the Northeast Quarter of Section 2~ Townshi'p 116 North. Ronge 23 West. Cor.... County. described os follows: Commenci'ng ot the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter, being also the West Quorter Corner of said Section 24; thence OrIong the Eost line of said Southeast Quarter. North 00 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds Wesll 0 distance 01 88.01 feet 10 the intersection with the Northerly right of way line af the future locotion af l.ymon BouleVQrd~ the Point 01 Beginning of the tract of land herein described; thence along said Northerly righ t of woy Ii'ne.· North 89 degrees 10 minutes 34 seconds West, a distonce 01 777. 79 feet to the intersection with the Southerly right 01 way line of the future locatian of Trunk Highway No. 212; thence along SlJid Southerly right of way line the following two (2) courses; thence North 51 degrees 10 minutes 25 seconds East. a distance of 955.61 feet; thence South 79 degrees 56 minutes 11 seconds East, a distance of 33.52 feet 10 said East line of Section 23; thence along sold East line, South 00 de9rees 01 minutes 23 seconds East. 0 distonce of 604.46 feet to said Northerly right of way line of the future location of l.yman Boulevard, the Point of Beginning. Contoini'ng247, 111 sq. ft. or 5.6729 acres of lond. PARCEL 5: Thot port of the West half of th,e Northwest Quarter of Section 24. Township 116 North, Rongf123 West.Corver Uinnesota described os follows: Commenci'ng ot the Northwest Corner of soi'd Section 24; thence along the West line of soidSection 24; South 00 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds Eost. a di'stonce of 727.22 feet to the Point of Beginni'ng of the lond herein described; thence continuing olong soid West line~SouthOO degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds Eost. 0 distonce of 207.89 feet to the North right of woy line of the future locotion of Loke Suson Drive; thence along soid North right ofwaylme. thefollowi'ng four (4) courses: thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes 46 seconds Eost, 0 di~tonce of 46.90 feet; thence olong 0 curve concove to the northwest. whose elements Of'¢: arc length of 196.10 feet. rodius of 270.00 feet. centrol angle of 41 degrees' 36 minute:5 48 seconds ond 0 chord that beors North 69 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East. 0 d(stonce 01191.82 feet,' thence North 48 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds Eost, 0 distance of 225.39 leet; thence along 0 curve, concave to the Southeost, whose elements ore: orclength of 92.14 feet, rodius of 330.00 feet, centrol ongle of 15 degrees 59 minutes 55 seconds ond 0 chord thot beors North 56 degrees 16 minutes 55 seconds Eost.o distonceof 91.85 feet to the intersection with the South line of the North 660 feet of soidWest holf of the Northwest Duorter; thence olong soid South line. North 89 degrees 19 mmutes 33 seconds West, a distonce of 437.86 feet to the Eosterly right of woy line ofHighwoy No. 101. being also the most Northeosterly corner of a certoin tract oflonddeededto 8ell Telephone ond described in Document No. 907.35; thence Southeosterly.Sout.hwesterly ondNortheosterly olong the lines of soid certoin troct of land deeded to Bell Telephone, the following three (3) courses: thence South 26 degrees 47 minutes 09 seconds Eost. 0 distonce of 241.37 feet; thence along 0 curve, concave to the Northwest, whose elements are: arc length 85.00 feet; rodius of 506.30 feet; central ongle of 09 degrees 37 mi'nutes 07 seconds and 0 chord thot beors South 66 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds West. 0 distance of 84.90 feet; thence North 19 degrees 76 minutes 30 seconds West. a distance of 192.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contoining 64,761 sq. ft. or 1.4867 acres of lond. co .- .- 0 I '"0 0 ~ Q) Z m 0 '> .D I Q) 0 a=: J ..- I Ii .... ....!! J!U ;Sa .ral II i ~ t- ~. C'I) ...... ;.t ·...."10 c: 13 t-.; ~ .21ft! N ." '!!."IIICG :EI = ~ Q ~¡;;--= ~.21e ~ ~t~R ~.;fæ d .5 if = & ! .... s i u " 0 c: (I) IS (I) ... " = e! CD CD .s Ch Q N to 0 0 q- ::a::: Cb ( ) C Cb 0 :.:¡ Q) E-g ....... 0 >.. .....,. "0 GJ..occGJ è: "0 .Q ~ :5 ~ ~.~ - 0>"00 ( )Q.Q')Cb .- Q) Q. ( ) UJ .c,-:)c;: -- Q. (/) ~-º Õ en --:.:¡ GJ . .cOO 0 -- ;: ~ ~:5 Õ .-:) (/) Z't"O"O'-Q) ~o Q)c '- Q. >"0 "0 c GJ E c·- o~,-E:)::i >"'-Q)O'-- ..00"0 00 Q) c- >.. '-.. GJQ) GJC:)-->- .co o~o -'-.c.-...... - Q. 0 .... (/) (/) 0 .... -- 0 w '3 (þ -- 0 0 a.. Q . ~o . -gw .:::£ . ~a.. u C/) (1) -- c:: Ct1 a.~ u E ~ o Ü 1:J c: o o -..:- II - - "r- «~ ~~ 81 ~ c ~ o '- Q >.. £D '"0 Q) ..... (I) GJ ::J 0" Q) Ct: \.... ~ <b ~ ....... \.... \.... 0 ~ :::J () ~ ~ 0) ~ Q) (V) ..... 0 0 Q ....... CJ) .~ (') <b ..c: ~ ..c: (f) ....... ....... t::: t::: \.... :t c :::J <: ~ c <.J <b IV) \.... ..c: ....... C\I ~ \:) \.... t::: 0 t::: C <.J (') '- ....... ~ (.) N) Q.) C\I C\I lI) t::: "'- <b C 0'\ 0 C t::: ....... '- ....... \.... 0 C (.) <b Q:: (I) Q) ....... <b lI) \.... 0 (.Ò t::: "'- ::::1 -- .£ c C) -~ (.) ....... '- (I) ..c: <b & :t \.... ..c: O'\t: c c §-<: K <b ~~ "'- <b C ....... o (.) \&::: '- ....... \.... <b <.J ....... \.... o Q.. t::: C "0 C ::J 0 "'- +oJ C Q) +oJC E Q)~ ::J 000 C ..c. 0 IDoo a. E .- (I) 0.0 c C'U 0 "- eID .-~ "- (I) (1)0 ID 2E +oJ 0 0 C c'U (l) IDC "0 "00 . 0 Q) o ..c. +oJ (J) Q) +oJ O"C C 0 'C +oJ o 0 .0 0 (.) \... o (l) (J) a. (I) (J) Q) Q) +oJ +oJ o 0 c c Q) (l) "0"0 0<t