Plans Full-Scale 068 ~ /' 1070 --------~-~ ------------ L5) Bl L3) Bl L4) Bl ~ \<00'Ö 066 1064 1062 416.901 --------------------- ..Y. !: ~I o u ------- Bo.seline tree co.nopy over o.reo. (Per Surveyor 10/04) ~ ~ /-, ... \Í) x w 1062 /-..... I .TRA16 \ I '-_/ l'\,^ k (42~ 6' choJn 11 I .TRM12 Ex. \ I '-_/ ./') Q) ;g ......., 1/394- I JRAæ2 \ I ,....--/ (/ -4Ò7\ I JRB'H12 \ I '-_/ Qj U !: RêŒi <.¡... 1 423- I .TRPDP12 \ I '.....,.,./ 1 41~ I JRM14 \ I '---/ /' -43~ I .TRElO \ ) '---/ :\\) /~~ I / -39~ I JREtO \ I '- --/ /-, 1 406- I .TRA14 \ I '-_/ o $... +> I /-, -..... 1 420. 1/ 424- I .TREl2 I ,;rRA~ \ I \ I I ,....--/ '---/ -- -, 384- .TRPDP8 I /, -- 1/-38ß I JRC'HI0 \ I '---/ 1/ -393 I .TRBlKW'12 \ I '---/ OJ U C OJ -~ "ö o o ?: / /" -383- I JRAlO \ I '---/ "- /.() x w --.J D D I U (/) 1/-373- I .TRA14 \ I '-_/ ..-................. (/-378 \ I .TRA16 \ \ I '-_/ //-374- I JRAS \ ) ,....-/ PQul wolf I I I I Qj u s::: Qj <.¡... ..Y. s::: 1/-36~ I .TRA12 \ I '-_/ \ \ 1058 /-..... 1 47~ I JRA R15 \ ) '-_/ / , ) / Î\ I J æ-l0/TRA14 \_- '. I r-------~" / / -Û;o.. I .TRAlO \ I '-_/ 1/-351}. I .TRAlO \ I '-_/ 106/ s::: o .£ U ........-, 1 353 I .TRAtO \ I '-_/ 1/ -353- I .TRAlO \ I '-_/ Ex, Edge Bit. r----------- 10Q7Rïç - - 100: <$' \ 1/ "158-- I JRA10 \ I '-_/ Ex, Sûlî, iv1H (3-l07.Q:83/1055~2 ___ _______~!~_SOJ1. Ex. 22' bit. < _ _ Ex. Edge Bit. -......------------......~-.....-......------____ - - - - - - - - ---:.{.,- - /~~ Q:' 14> A-'" 41 // -345- I .TRA10 \ } '-_/ \ \ 0- "\ \,~ ~\J -+-\,s ¡:.,~ ~ ,,\-0 "9 \, 1/-333 I .;pRAi0 \ I '---/ I/ï~ I .TRHIC14 \ I '-_/ ./ .~. '\ '.0 (Y) ~ ..--i (Y) /~" .,'\ 1054 I,/î¡h I .TRA \ I '-_/ ~ I'/î~ I .TRA9 \ I , / -- I/ï~ I .TRAlO . \ I '-.,.,./ "- ~ //î~ I JRA14 \ I '---/ //lTh .TRA10 J '-_/ /-, / 31 ('~' --:fWHIC14 \, ...TR..-/ \ I -..... '........../ /' --136--. t .TR~34 \ 1 '-_/ I , , . ) ~-------~ 1'/120\ I JRA~ 1~02ì'\t"1 t ;l'RAlO I -_/ o +>QJ U "- ~ gQJ ......,<.¡... JQMeS Bixler'- /ï~ ( .Trp 4 1052 \ I '- / \ \ I""""î~ \ I .TRA10 ) \., j ! / 13'0\..... .TRHIC8 \ I ,_.-'/ - r\'¥-~<¢ // \.\ÍÒ't>-\.Þ. - "- I ';$~ \1'/ 117\ \ II .TRE14 ,_...../ \ I '-_/ / ( "0 / '83- I ,/ J;PßJP2-16 \ I 'f-/ \ -- d $... ~'Ô Q. ~ VI 0 X W ........-, ¡ 18~ I JRAe \ I '-_/ (/îÕ5\ I .TRA6 ~-, j / ,/ "1ò6\ \ .TRA} I JRA10 , / \ I .......-' '--...."" 1/1Ù'\ I JRPtlP14 \ I '-_/ ¡....."1ÒÒ\ JRA2-16 I '-_/ ¡/ïò3-. I .TRAl2 \ I '---/ 1 SO-n, MH 12 (by others) 1066,00/1048.50/1048.40 <17,60') O.o~ G'A 1068 -------\ c.r A ~~ c- ~ Â)( ~~(yA <") ~'>(Ox ,. 00 'ö(q "00 '7~..J ~ ;<)< ..J 8 ó ~ ~ V' ~ 2 2 ~ ~ )7 L4) B2 -ì I ~ <:) '-Û ~\ '\ I "- -_- _ _ -;;;;,_ --- Ex. 40' R/'vI -~... CRESTVIEW DRIVE ... a '" x w Ex. 40' R/'W- --- 2 3 SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET 5 u CJ) ~ ............ ::s H tr¡ ~ 0 C--.) Q) C\j ~~ ~ C\j ~ ~~ (j Qdf) èl >Lî) <s ~ ~ G~ (j -J C) o ,G=) 0) ~ ~~ (\j -s t ~ ('t) l Cu. a 0\ Q¡ Q¡ ~QM ,f; l:J(J0\ (J) Q) lr) L5 ~ s:::: I (::::) 0) ............ (::::) ~ ~ \0 ~- ).. ~~ -- \0 v C--.) 30 30 60 I ! I SCALE IN FEET (., t .... C\4ANH.Þ.sSE.N ::Qj\1" ~ECE.NEO :~ PLAN T ITY PLAN lNG/EROSION PLAN APE PLAN CONTROL PLAN/ V) ~ o ~ ~ DESIGNEJJ P,J.K. DRA WN H.A.L. CHECKED P,J.K. I... '"0 °I...C <J) coo :5 o ~ - - <J) C \.¡- 0.. E .2 ~ ° .~ ,~en en ..c>'èc:;: ~ +-,..o<J)(!)o +-' '"0 o..,,~- o<J):J--1<J)o :6 0 en >,..c +-', t 0.. +-' :; +-' g ~ ~ ..Ç ( ) á5 '"0 I... ( )..Q........ t Q.: 0 ~ § ~ ~ ~ <D '"0 C .- c .} üen E:J2 ~- 0>, __ 3:Eo ,- J L...¡ ¡::: ~ I- tj ~ DATE PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. ~ ~ OJ ">t ° z (J) <J) a:: ......, o ~ ...¡¡....i' 1 Block INDEXI 1 EXISTING CDND TIDNS 2 PRELIMINARY 3 PRELIMINARY 4 PRELIMINARY GRA T'REE PRESERVA TI N PRELIMINARY LANDS I... Q) (j) +-' +-' Q) 0 0.. 0 <I: 0.... <I: (./) f--f Z ~ Z ........... I--i ~ L Z D '" ::3rJ u LJ We/) I--I(/) Z ><[ I--t ~ 1--:1: V) (/)Z ........... W<[ X ~I W UU I- ~ ') ~ 0...: 11/22/04 04-108 1 ~ \<00,0 L5) Bl L4) B2 L4) Bl 1068/ L3) Bl 1066 1064 1062 52.73 Moline's Aclclition 416.901 <.¡... --- ------------~r--------------------- !: =1 .~ I u ~I xl w ---------- ~ ~ 1062 cho.\n \ink fence Ex. 6' Q) ¿g ......., ---î I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ IV') IV') I' IS I I I I I I I I -......"""-----J (¡) u s::: Qj :\\) <.¡... --- \,\) ó $... +> Q. If) X W --- --- --- --- --- "'-. <=) ~ '-/ I } _30'_ ~S~ __ -- -- -- ".,..."...------...-* I --- , (4-3 sf) , "/0- '\ , /~ ' ~JI S) ,'<9 ,!) , ~ , , , " I \\'''-- - t -- -~-- -- "- E - ê~ XI 1/ I '" "- ~ 1-' /:> C:-i?Q I "- ....-I? II? c:-~ -- --- --- --- - --- 1) Block 1 Shiveley Adolti n ~ 1060 3{Y R~"B__---~" 2 ¡--;7,680 sf "\ I , I ' I ", I , I " I ", " " , , " '> / / / / It;> I / \ /({] / ,@.J /& I I I _----1 ------ OJ U C OJ '+- '"ö o o ~ --.J D o I U (/) Ü) ,~ - -.> ---- Z :::s H If¡ - ~ () Cj (J) C\J .~ ~ C\j ~ -~ <::5 -- QJlJ) Q. ~lJ) C3 "t ~ G~ <::5 -.j o """ I ' o "'\ l.r) Q) ~-~ CìJ .~ s;.: --- 0) s... QJOO\ QJ QJ ---Q~ .£; l:JcsO\ (J) CJJl.r) éJ "-¡ ~ I (::) 0) -- (::) _ ~ \0 '- :> \O~ ~ G 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET PQul wolf Cho.nho.ssen 'RSF"' Min. lot area. Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot fronta.ge Min. lot cIepth Mo.x iMpervious Front setbo.ck Reo.r setba.ck Side setba.ck Front/rea.r E.>o.se. Side eo.se. 1058 OJ U !: Qj <.¡... .::t.. s::: Q:\I V')/ 0::::, ò/ 0")1 I I I I I I 1 I I ./o~ I 6 L---- ~ Ó .£ U co ..-i 0J l{) Ex. Eclge Bit. r----------- Single F" o.r'ftlly Resldèntlo.l Zoning District 15)000 sf 90' (cul is 901 0. t 30' FSB) PUBLIC 100/ (cul is 100' 0. t 30' FSB) PRIVATE 125' 25ï. 30 30t 10' (30t corner) lW ~ S1 ~ :> ~ DESIGNED P.J.K. DRA 'kiN HAL. CHECKED P.J.K.. Ex. -- -- 100' R/'W Enol prop. street/curb (10+32.02) - bitul"'lÎnous north curb line) r---~"""'" I I I Fu-ture curb line (31/ B-B) \Ioy o'thers) :3 Future 50t R/'W line " \--------------___________æ L "-~___- - - __=- _ ==_ Ex. 40' R/'W -- T -..,.- <.:::> çx:¡l{) V' r I E Ex. 22' bit. ß çx:¡ ci x. So.n. " ... 0 - - ..... ..... - .... ...... -- - ..... ... --L:\.L.- . ~ L - - . --~~-~-_=:..---,::.,r=----_-'*'**---~.------ (Y) Q. \D (Y) ~ ...--! (Y) /~ ' 0:::: r \ " I \ o (Y) I 1054 I I I I I I I ;r JR'-'-- lli~ .........-- '\, ~" I I I IJI / 0/ II! / 1/4 ) - 3Õ' 1 I / ò ~s::: _________ ___Ç~~§.!VIE\J DRIVE ~ SO ---------------------- -----x---------------------------- ~~ W ~$... ~ +> !: Future street centerline ð '-../ - ---- - ---- -= ----- ~ Ex. 401 R/\N- 13 ¡ . /! 1052 / ; no' / ( I WI \ ! ¿ ; \ / (d/ L----__________J 30 RSB / / ro ..-i 0J \D ..-i JQrìes Bixler o ..pQj u " s::: 5Qj ..-i<'¡'" --- Ó L ~~ Q. ~ If) (;) x w ------------ RSB ---------- 15; 969 sf Outlot A) 144.00 60 R/'W 31tl B- B 21)135 E 95.90 1 Sa.n. MH 12 (by others) 1066.00/1048.50/1048.40 <17.60') 1068~ 0,<) ~<ìh ~ 1 A /)~ C /0 /)< <>I¡Yh:~OX B l 0 C k 2 " °0 ..o(Q '00 0-$'..J ~ Â)< ..J 3 v ~ rv ~ V\ þ 6 ~ ~ SITE DA T AI 3,.36 o.c. 5 1.5 uni-ts/o.c. Size sf' 15,,969 sf ~ ~ 0:) .q- L. -0 O!...C ( ) coo :5 o _ _ - ( ) c __ Q..E°-oO (f) '(j) ( ) 'I ,- .- (f) (f) ~~~,~~ 'i .E e ~ -J ..ë -:3 ---. +-' 8. +-' ~ +-' 0 ( ) ç ( ) Ü -ð !.... ¿ß ~ ......~ .- !.... ( ) ( ) C ( ) ....... 1: Q...~ 0 -0 C / . 0 ~ ( ) -0 C ,- ~" c ~ ügj>,E:J:¿;: ~......... ~Eo Õ -).'::' ~ o z 0"1 ( ) a:: ~ o a ....... o ..£: +-' I-- <[ ---.J Cì. <I: >- (}::: <[ Z 1---1 ¿ r--I -I W (}::: Cì. !--t ÞW Wv) !--tv) ><e v)Z W<I: æ:r: UU l¡J '~ ~ I-. tJ ~ DA TE I-. (j ~ ~ Q.. 11/22/04 PRDJECT NO. 04-108 SHEET NO. 2 ()) ,£ i--> -s /V If) ç:: () lJ ()) (lj -£ Moline's Addition ç:: (lj ç:: ~"t \:5 -..... CULn Q ~Ln (j "t ç:: 0~ \:5 -J o ~ o 'lJJ CJ) ~~~ C\J -£ ç:: --- 0") ~ CUOO\ Q¡ Q¡ ---Q~ -£ l:JCSO\ CJ) CUlJJ L5 ~ç::1 C) 0") -..... C) ,ç:: \0 -- :> \O~ ~ (j 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET L3) Bl PleQsQnt Hill L4) Bl L4) B2 L5) Bl I I ~I 416,901 ~ I -------------------~--~~----------------------------- s::: =1 -~ I -51 ~I xl w I / /r---- r- ~ " "=t \0 (ìJ (J) /'.. " C) C) " C) "" '-/ Ú) u " £: OJ 4- ~ "ö 0 0 ~ ... /.() x " w 2 .-J o D I U (/) W --.J Ç¡ Ç¡ 1--1 L l- (/) w :3 ç: o .£ u OJ U !: OJ <+- :::t. s::: Zo D I- W Z Z 1--1 2: x w \ r!lj> ~: 41 \ .\0 (Y) ~ ~ (Y) 3 I I / I / I //4 I / I / Ex. 6'choJn link fence I I / ~V !'J I 1\.' /t I\::! Q.; I O/ ~ t.J ¿- Ii--> \ I 0 %/ ---------- I I / Ex. Lot 1) Block 1 Shiveley Addtion Po'ul wolf Cho.nho.ssen 'RSF' Min. lot o.reo. Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot depth Mo.x ilYlpervious Front setbo.ck ReQr setbQck Side setbo.ck Front/reo.r eo.se, Side eQse I """"""",,, _ Ex, EdQe_~Lt~ _ _ _ __ ---- - 100' R/'vI End prop. street/curb (10+32.02) -- ..- <16.03') I 1:3 I~ I " IS I I-- I - Ex. R/'vI RelYlove ex. bitulYlinous (to future north curb line) Future curb line (311 B- B) (by others) ............. - /\. ~ Future 50' R/'vI line "- \-------------------------~ l '- ...7.......-=--";;ë:; -;¡;¡,.- _ =.... Ex~ 40' R/'vI. ¡:::Q~ ~~~~--Fu1ürë 8Ñpvë \.1M ----Ëx.-22'bI-t. ---=--""5 -=~-":=~--_-::----~g. _ _.....______- __ '. Ex. So.n. " " ( ~--------~---~- -~~- - - ~~ _ _Exl_Ed~ J?it, _- - ---~----~----~~---------~-----(Y)O" ---------------" OJS: CRESTVIE\¡/ DRIVE ~ ~o ------------------------------------------~ ---------------------------------- ~~ X ~$... W OJ +> !: Future street centerline ~ '../ -L-- Ex. 501 R/\!/ ./' --- --- ~ ---- - /-"--.- ~ l[) ..Y. <=> ~ :E @) 1::5 Þ s: V) 0 u (/) If) > "" 0.. co '" I co 00 I (Y) (\J .--¡ l[) .--¡ Ex. 40' R/'vI- End Prop. 8'1 'viM 0. t 10+40 w / GV ~ " ~ o "¡">Qj u , !: gQj ......<.¡... JOJfìeS Bixler ...-' 5 o L +> ...-' 0.. If) 60 R/'vI 31' B- B Ex, Outlot A) Shiveley AoIoItio Prop. CB (by others) Prop. CB (by others) 1052,00/1047,00 Block 1 8 /"', o Q::' L..J ::r :£1- Q::'O 0)... I-t:r¡ 0\./ 7 10 11 ~ ~ ~ )7 x w GV (by others) Ex. white prívo.cy fence So.n, MH 12 (by others) 1066.00/1048.50/1048.40 <17.60') 416,90 Ex. lYIeto.l fence GV (by others) IÒA 0-0 ~G'A CY, A IÒ~" /"") ~ (:I-7l?, r:'l A \)"0 -S-" Xo o -OIQ '00 0-5'.1 ~ ~.1 ED PINEHURST PlowshO-res eveloprîent LLC NQ-thQn Fro- zen 952-361-083 11/5/04 Preli , PlQ t Engr.: 'Westw 001 ProfessionQl Services Inc. Chris Moe rl PE 952-937-5 50 1 Block 2 3 1 6 2 Single F" o.r-elly Resldentlo.l Zoning District 15)000 sf 90' (cul is 90' 0. t 30' FSB) PUBLIC 100' (cul is 100' 0. t 30' FSB) PRIVATE 125' 25% 30 301 101 (301 corner) 10' 5' I ~ ~ ~ > ~ DESIGNED P.J,K. DRA WN HAL. CHECKED P,J.K. I-. -0 °l-.C <J) coo :5 o ~ ~ - <J) C '+- 0- E .Q -g ° .~ .~ (f) (f) ~ ..c>'>c3: -+-,...0 ð:> (]) 0 ~ ..... -0 o...~ - , o (]):J-1(])Ò :S I-. (f) >...c-+-, o _..µ ° t1\ '" 0.. +-':::J if> ~ -I ç Q) Ü ìJ I... <J) ...0 "- .- I-. ~ Q) s:: . <J) \ 1: 0-,_ 0 ìJ C ~. 0. ~ <J) -0 C ,- c~ ü~>'E:J~~~~ 3:Eo õ -) ...¡¡-' 0' ..c. +-' Z .--J <[ >- ~ .--J ~ >- :3 ~ <[ We/? Z &--Ie/? ~ ><r ~ e/? -.J W W<C æ: æ: 0.... U l1.I ~ i::: t-. ~ ~ IJA TE t-. (j ~ ,~ Cl 11/22/04 PRDJECT NO. 04-108 SHEéT NO. 3 ..q- ..q- co ..q- ° z CJ'! <J) 0::: I- 2 .2 Q,ì 0 Q.. 0 1068 L4) Bl ~ \<000 --------1066 l064~ 1062 -------- 1°6 <¡ ------- 416.901 <.¡... ------------~r--------------------- !: =1 -~ I ---------- BQseline tree CQnopy over QreQ (Per Surveyor 10/04) ~ ~ /" u ~I xl w I JRA16 \ I '-_/ Q) \() C) ......., 1/ -45a I JRP P8 '-_/ 1062 link 1 421\ 6' cho.\n I .TRM12 E. x, \ I '........../ ./ì / /'394- I .TRA22 \ I '---/ , 1 41~ I .TRM14 \ I ,_...../ I 423- I JRPDP12 \ I , / -..... /' --- --- Q; U !: RaD <.¡... 1/ 43~ I .TRElO \ I , .t..--- ----~ 1""""-4œ. I I JRA14 } \ ) B '-_/ /,_~O'_ ~J-......-- _ -4~ 1 424- _ - - I JRE12 I .TRA~ \, /1 \ /1 I -.... '-- -../ Ó $... +> --- OJ U C OJ .-'* "ö o o 3t /' , /J) L5) Bl L4) B2 :,\<0 \,<0 TREE PRESERVATION CALCULATIDNS. T oto.l site o.reo. Bo.seline co.nopy cover o.reo. Non-co.nopy cover o.reo. Co.nopy o.reo. to be reMoved (to grûding liMit shown) Co.nopy cover o.reo. reMo.ining 0. fter gro.ding 1.16 o.c. (34.5% of toto.l site) (to gro.ding liMit shown) Min. co.nopy cover required (per City tûble @ 46%) Additiono.l co.nopy cover required Areo. of co.nopy cover/tree (per No. of' lo.ndsco.pe trees required 3.36 o.c. 2.39 o.c. (71.1% of toto.l site) 0.97 o.c. (28.9% of' toto.l site) 1.23 o.c. 1.55 o.c. (46.0% of toto.l site) H 0.39 o.c. x 1.2 = 0.4 7 o.c. = 20)473 sf 1089 sf/tree 19 trees ASSUME 0.50' CRO'w'N (FIN. CL TO GUT Ex. House ChQ,nho.ssen 'RSF"' Min. lot areo. Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot depth Mo.x iMpervious Front setloo.ck Reo.r setbo.ck Side 5etbo.ck Front/reo.r eo.se, Side eo.se. Po'ul 'vi ol f _ _ _ _ ~~ EdgE?_ Bit~ \0 (Y) ~ ~ (Y) a 0)1 1 I I I 1 I I I ¡ 1O~2 (~1~·-.- 41 1\121\ I .~.. I I ,1RA(O {>.'ô/g;¡ .r- /_~ I'\~ VI '" J-, 1 \~ð'i'-\'b. /T.S 0:1:. (I 129\ I ;.~ \1 "-IJII). I JRAI0 \ II \ :rR!t14 t''!:: \ I I ,__/ \ ~ ¡ /, ~, /~ - - - - - - - _ - _ _ :!!J/ " . / 30 M~S\ / -..... I JRA8 / ~-..... / 1 / "1ò6\ ¡/ïÕ3\ I ,;TRAIl JRA10 I JRAlê " / \ } \ I -...... ,__ '-_/ //'"1~ I JRA14 \ I '---/ //137-. .TRA10 \ I '-_/ End prop. street/curb <10+32.02) bituMinous north curb line) Future 50' R/'vI line /"'- ::3 "- Q::: , <::> ~I.() I ~- ------- ò ws::: ~ SO ---------------------- +>1j X ------------ :5 W W ~L Q> +> ~ Future street centerline ~ \../ --- Ex. 40' R/'vI- f JQMeS Bixler G) r~ ,. ~ 2EQ; ..-.n<,¡", ,:=: · 0 I L I ~ ~ · 0.. =-.J. I If) 0 · - !~ I So.n, MH 12 (by others) 1066.00/1048,50/1048.40 <17.60') 1068~ 0,ö ~0'A CY, A /::p c //) Â)( ~-7YA í~ -s'x Ox {.' 00 'ö(Q -00 0"s-.J é( ~.J Ex. ---------- Prop. CB (by others) 6 1 Block 3 2 2 30 o 30 SCALE IN FEET Single F o.Mlly Resldentlo.l Zoning District 15)000 5f 90' (cul is 90' 0. t 30' FSB) PUBLIC 100' (cul is 100' 0. t 30' FSB) PRIVATE 125/ 25'% 30 30' 10' (30' corner) 10/ r::::;/ '-' ~ -0 °l-C ( ) coo :5 o ~ ~ - ( ) C '+- ~." Cl.E°-oo (/) '(i) ( ) .- .- (/) (/) ..cÈ2:c~ ~ ...... ( )( )o ~ -+-' -0 0.. . S:: - o ( )::5-1( )O ..c I- (f) .!: ...... ...... 0 ..?:-...... 0 ~ O"......:J (f) ( ) >. ( ) Ü -0 I- ( ) ::0 ~ ~I-( ) Vc ~' V ~ 1:: Cl..~ 0 '"0 Co;. ( ) '"0 C .- C "- Ü gj >.E :J~~~ I~ .... ~Eo Õ -? II- i( ) 2 I -;-' 0 icr 0 III Ü C\J C\J ,"'t CVlJ) :>l.r) "t ()~ ° "'"" ° "\ Ln S:,~ (\j ç:~ 0) CVOO\ ---Q~ l:JC50\ CVLn ~ç:1 C)C0) C) '_ ~ \O:t \.....- I-- 60 ~ ~ (,.j ~ ~ IJESIGNED P,J.K. IJRA INN HAL. CHECKED P,J.K. -+-' G ...c ..,..., "- <E (L o Q::: I-- Z z .......... (,/) 0 iY<E W "'-0.... L.:J ZZ ..........0 r::::1........ <E iY<E > >-w iY(¡') <EW ZiY 20.. ~ L...t ...-JW r::! ww ~ O::'::iY I-. lj (L ~ IJA T£ 11/22 0 PRDJECT Nil. 04-108 SHE£T Nil. 4 0) s: ..¡:; ~ V) ~ C) (j 0) ~~ ~ ~ C) Q C:5 ~ C) -J CJ) S: s: QJ QJ ~~ Ò) ~ ........ -~ G <::t ..q- co <::t o z 0"1 ( ) 0::: ........... ~ "" :3~ W(/) ..........(/) ><J: ~:r: Cl?Z <J: æ::r: UU I-. ~ ') ~ a... Ex. 6'cho.in link fence ---------- 10 11 PleQsQnt Hill L5) Bl L4) B2 III tJ) Ü ,~ --\-.> Z -S LV l.rì -- ~ 0 .... (j (J) C\J ,g; ~ C\J ~ ~"'\t <:5 CUln Q >lr) () "t ~ G~ <:J -J () """'\. () '" Ln CJ) ~ ~~ C\j -~ s:: ---- 0) ~ ()j()~ Q¡ ClJ ~ Q0) ,~ lJC5O\ CJ) CULn L5 ~ ç: I C)ç:0) --- -- C) ~_ ~ ).. -- \O~ v (j 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET L4) Bl L3) Bl " "'-S \j) (ìJ G\ I I ôl !: 416,90/ ~ I -------------------~--~~------------~---------------- !: :::;1 -~ I -51 \£)1 xl w I Moline's Addition \.0 (Y) ~ ~ (Y) w <[ (L I--- <[ D U (/) (/) W ç:::¡ <[ Z 1--1 -..J ~ >- '" œ :3w :z: W(I) l1--li (./') l1--li ><e ¿ .......... ~I .....J (/)2 W W-<I: o¿ ~:r: co.lculo. tlon) 0.... UU ci Min. Ex, Lot 1) Block 1 Shiveley AoIoItion /\ .... 0 0 r------ ~ .q- 'J 2 --.J D D I U (/) W --.J ç:¡ Qj H u --Iv ~ 1--1 (Ì) J L <.¡... 0 r- ..::L ~ (/) !: ~a w Þ !: d .£ <[ u :Y:: \D Z D x I- w W Z Z 1--1 L Q.¡ u c OJ <.¡... 'ö o o ?: " ~ AL , If) PQul wolf Cho.nho.ssen 'RSF'ø Min. lot o.reo. Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot fronto.ge Min. lot depth Mo.x IMpervious Front setbo.ck Reo.r setbo.ck Side setbo.ck Front/reo.r eo.se, Side eo.se. Single F o.r'tIly Reslclentlo.l Zoning District 15)000 sf 90' (cul is 901 0. t 30' FSB) PUBLIC 100' (cul is 1001 0. t 30' FSB) PRIVATE 125' 25% 30 30' 101 (30/ corner) 10/ 51 '\ ~ S! !:2 ); ~ DESIGNED P.JK. DRA WN HAL. CHECKEJJ P.J,K, Ex. Edge Bit. r---------------- - -- 100' R/w Ex. R/\J End prop. street/curb (10+32.02) I I~ I~ 1-- o IS ~ ~ ro I.- -0 ~ °l.-C V ~ coo :5 ° .2oS¿ '+- Z a.. E .Q -g ° .~ .~ (f) (f) 01 -C>'>C3: v +-,...oQ>vo ¡ a::::: +'-0 Q..~- ~ o ::5 -.J . -C~(f) ~2~ +-' 0 +-' ~ +-' ° '""" v >. a.. <..>::5 (f) _ ~~Q)-o~~ J ~ 4 t a...~ 0 -0 C ~ 0 ~ Q) -0 C ,- . c ~ ü (f) E::5~ ~ ~ ~ 0>' ........ -ß~~~ ö~ ~~ Qj 0 V -+-' Qj Q) -c 0... V 0 -+-' +' Q)C-C ( ) 0 _I.-:J+, D- 0 SM ReMove ex. bituMinous (to future north curb line) ~0 S "\ ~ ~\J -t> S ¡:,..~ ~ /'\.'0 -<¢\. Future curb line (31/ B- B) "" ~-_____ (by others) ( \----------_______________æ --- ___L "- ...7........-= - - ........==- _ ==8IIIF ~x...:__40' R/Y _ Future 50' R/\J line y \ Rvr- /' \ ./ I GQr. 106510 o IXILD - ~So.n, MH ~ I 1070.ä3~2 E Ex. 22/ bit, ~ IXlci ~----E--E7~-B.t~~---- _~30.~_~-----~----~~---~---_~-----~~ - - - - - ~'_ ~~ _1-..:_ --------------- b ~c CRESTVIE\,/ DRIVE ~ ~o -------------------------------------------- ---~-x---------------------------- ~~ W ~L (Ì) +> c Future street centerline ð '-../ RD AL -L- Ex. 50' R/\!l J--" 068.5 G ----- - ---- ---- ----~ 3 I I / I / I I //4 I / I / x w G Ex. 40' R/\J- --- WQlkout ..::L ~ '"ö V? WQlkout Lf) Bixler <:[ I <1/ I J/ " I 18/ I I / BSMt. 1060,S +> Q. U) BSMt. 1056,5 5 60 R/\J 31/1 B- B Ex. Outlot A) Shiveley AoIoItio Prop. CB (by others) Prop. CB (by others) 1052.00/1047.00 GV (by others) Ex, white privo.cy fence So.n, MH 12 (by others) 1066.00/1048,50/1048.40 <17.60') 416,90 Ex, Meto.l fence GV (by others) Â)A 0,.0 ~ÇA CY, h /)~ (!. /00 ....6< ;..¿ Cr, C J h \..TO -S-c Xo 0' -O(q '00 0-5'..J ~ Â>< ..J 8 "" o Ck W J:: -s;-I-- éiZ L::::J 0)- t--~ 0\.,/ Block 1 PRDPD ED PINEHURST PlowshQres evelopMent LLC NQ-t:hQYì I=""rQ 952-361-083 11/5/04 Preli , Plo. t Engr.: westw od ProfessionQl Services Inc, Chris Moe rl PE 952-937-5 50 No. of replo.c Ment trees required 19 trees (per Mo.x. nUMber 0 trees/species 1/3 of toto.l Min. % of conif rs 20% Deciduous tree ize 2,5 ci 0. vg,j 1.5 Coniferous tree ize 71 0. vg.j 6' Min. Trees sho.ll be fr M certified nursery stock o.s defined o.nd contr lleol by MN Sto. tute 18.44-18.6L the Plo.nt Pest Act. t- ~ ') õ2 Q. 1 Block 2 3 PRELIMI ARY LANDSCAPE NDTESI 7 1 l...J r::: ~ t- tj ~ DATE ~ ~ ~ )7 NAME CODE QTY. SIZE Sugo.r Mo.ple/Acer so.cc o.rUM SM 5 2.5" BB Red OQk/Quercus rubro. RO 5 2,5/' BB AMerico.n Linden/Tillo. o.Me AL 5 2.5" BB 2 Blo.ck Hills Spruce /Piceo. denso.tO, BHS 4 8' BB 04-108 11/22 0 PROJECT NO. 6 2 5 SHEET NO.