8b Snowmobile Trails
7700 Ma'Ket B8ulevard
PO Box 147
Challr!aSSen MN 55317
Pr,0118 952 227 1100
Building Inspections
PllOrle 952227 1180
Fax 952.2271190
Phone 952.227.1160
Fax 9522271170
Pholle 952 227.1140
Fax 952227.1110
Park & Recreation
Ph8r,e 9522271120
Fax 952.2271110
Recreation Center
2310 C¡wlter Boulevard
PhOl18 952.2271400
Fa\ 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Prlone 952.2271130
Fax 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone. 952.227.1300
Fax 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone 952227 1125
Fax 952.227.1110
Web Site
wWlwchanhassenmrl us
The City of Chanhassen · A grcwlIlg
Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
December 3,2004
Chanhassen Snowmobile Trails
On Wednesday, November 17, I met with members of the Chanhassen
Snowmobile Club. There remains a small but active group of leaders within this
loose organization of 75-100 members. The club no longer inducts officers,
choosing to operate in a committee style format. Their primary concerns are to
retain the right to operate snowmobiles within the City and to provide trail
marking for the few remaining trail routes located in the City. However, they
clearly understand that the number of years that these liberties will be available is
limited. Development of roads, businesses, and homes continue to make
snowmobiling increasingly difficult.
Upon conclusion of their meeting, the club members agreed to divide up the work
associated with signing of the trails. Charlie Littfin agreed to act as spokesperson
for the club and was designated as club contact. Mr. Littfin's home phone
number is 937-8392.
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