SUM 2004 11 23 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREA TION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES NOVEMBER 23, 2004 Chairman Stolar called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Stolar, Jack Spizale, Steve Scharfenberg, Paula Atkins, Kevin Dillon, Ann Murphy, and Tom Kelly STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Scharfenberg moved, Atkins seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of7 to O. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Todd Hoffman announced the Tree Lighting Ceremony at City Center Park on Saturday, December 4th from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Dillon moved, Atkins seconded to approve the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission dated October 26, 2004 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of7 to O. CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON FOX PROPERTY LOCATED IN 2005 MUSA. LUNDGREN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION. Mike Bird, Project Manager for Lundgren Brothers Construction introduced himself and stated he was present to learn for himself what the city's plans are for parks and trails in the feasibility study area. He then presented Lundgren's conceptual PUD for this site. Todd Hoffman presented the city's plans for parks and trails in this area. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked staff to explain why the city wouldn't purchase the whole 20 acres for a park rather than 10. He asked Mr. Bird to explain their time line for development and clarification on their park concept. Chairman Stolar asked for clarification on the amount of acreage in the tree cover area. Commissioner Dillon asked about the price range of the units and the reasoning behind choosing this type of product for this area of the city. Commissioner Scharfenberg stated he does not support a looping trail route. Chairman Stolar stated to the extent the applicant can keep the open space noticeable and important would be appreciated. Commissioner Kelly asked if multi-family housing is something new for Lundgren Brothers Construction and clarification on the components and ownership of the parks. This was an informational item only and no action was taken. Park and Rec Commission Summary - November 23,2004 2005 PICNIC RESERVATION FEES. Jerry Ruegemer stated he was already receiving calls for the 2005 picnic reservations and asked that the fees for 2005 remain the same as 2004. Commissioners discussed whether or not to increase the fees and then made the following motion. Dillon moved, Atkins seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council that the 2005 group picnic reservation fees remain at the same level as 2004. All voted in favor, except Kelly who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. Commissioner Kelly noted his reason for opposing the motion was he would have liked to raise the weekend fees. Chairman Stolar asked staff to look at the issue of capacity and ways of generating more income for 2006. 2004 HALLOWEEN PARTY EVALUATION REPORT. Jerry Ruegemer provided the report on the 2004 Halloween Party. Commissioner Murphy asked about the mixed reviews on the Touch of Magic. Commissioner Kelly commended Marvin, the playground director, for his great work in delivering candy. Chairman Stolar suggested raising the fee for next year, inviting members of the KEY Club to the January Park and Recreation Commission to thank them for their help, and the possibility of getting a discount from Target. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. Commissioner Murphy informed the commission that the dog park committee had not set a date to meet yet. Chairman Stolar suggested that the issue of the dog park be put on the December Park and Recreation Commission meeting agenda for discussion. ADMINISTRA TIVE PACKET. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked to staff to discuss the process of field scheduling and meetings with Chaska School District and the cities. Kelly moved, Spizale seconded to adjourn the Park and Recreation Commission meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 2