Correspondence í t. . r ! , Correspondence Letter to Len Simich, Southwest Metro Transit from MnDOT dated November 30, 2004. Review of Claims Paid dated December 6, 2004. Memo from Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator dated November 30,2004 re: Status Update on Lake Susan Projects. Memo from Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator dated November 30, 2004 re: Proposed Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Proposed Rule Changes. Letter from CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco dated November 17, 2004. Great News Notice from the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce. Letter from the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District dated November 16, 2004. Water Resources Monthly Update from Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator dated November 30, 2004. / i , , ¡ 1 I ¡ , j \ j :! '] :~ ¡ j i 1 1 I ¡ , ¡ ; ¡ j ;Ii )j í :~ f , -' ¡V~x.¡. Ad!'!, S-rdl'O*' {.t. . "' ..ø't4ES01:t t(~ OF"" Minnesota Department ofTransportation Metropolitan Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B2 Roseville, MN 55113 November 30, 2004 .__'__'U_'__ RECEIVED DEC 0 2 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Mr. Len Simich Southwest Metro Transit 13500 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dear Mr. Simich: We have reviewed your request for additional Bond Accelerated Program Transit Advantage (BAPTA) funding and we are pleased to inform SouthWest Metro Transit (SMTC) that additional BAPT A funding has been identified for two park and ride facilities located at TH 212 trH 101 and TH 212/ TH 41. With regard to the TH 212 and TH 101 park and ride, Mn/DOT will authorize additional BAPT A funding, not to exceed $3.3 Million, for the construction of the parking facility . and transit station. This authorization requires that the additional BAPT A funding be combined with the CMAQ grant and regional funding for this project ($1.864 million), as well as the TH 212 design build project site preparation funding. As outlined in our November 4, 2004 letter to SMTC, Mn/DOT will transfer·the right of way for the TH 212/TH 101 site after October 1, 2006 (interim completion date in SP 1017-12) and upon receipt of $525,000 in approved wetland credits as payment for the 3.5 acres of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) land. Additionally, part of the construction of the TH 212/TH 101 site is planned to include an internal east west service road that also serves the 3.5 acres of TOD; Mn/DOT will require payment by SMTC of an estimated $130,000 (includes 25% design build contract fees) for this shared use roadway. Mn/DOT and SMTC must execute a cooperative construction agreement as part of the TH 212 design build project for the east west service road construction. We are also pleased to let you know that Mn/DOT will authorize additional BAPTA funding, not to exceed $1.0 Million, for construction of the 400 stall park and ride facility at TH 212 and TH 41. As you are aware, Mn/DOT is in the process of acquiring the right of way for this facility and will grade the site as a part of the TH 212 design build contract. An interim completion date will be provided in the TH 212 design build contract; right of way for this facility will be transferred to SMTC after the interim completion date and upon approval of your park and ride facility by both Mn/DOT and city of Chaska. I would like to take the opportunity to point out a few other requirements of the BAPT A funding.BAPTA funds utilize General Obligation Bonds and construction contracts must be awarded by June 30, 2007 and construction must be completed within two years of the last transit bond sale by the Minnesota Department of Finance. Additionally, the capital expenditures funded by BAPT A require a 20 year useful life. Design, An equal opportunity employer CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassec, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 F,,:952.227.1110 j Building Inspections ~ Phone: 952.227.1180 I .~ F,,:952.227.1190 ¡ .~ ] Engineering ~ , ¡ Phone 952.227.1160 F,,:952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 F,,:952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.2271110 RecrealionCenter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax 952.227.1404 -~ Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.2271130 Fax: 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.2271300 Fax 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.2271125 Fax: 952.2271110 Web Site www.ci,chanhassen,mn.us ~' i r , MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council FROM: Bruce M. DeJong, Finance Director c#-¡- \ I December 6, 2004 DATE: SUBJECT: Review of Claims Paid The following claims are submitted for review on December 13, 2004: Check Numbers Amounts 122209-122414 $ Total All Claims $1,206,085.46 Attachments: Check Register Invoice Listing The Cily ot Ch.nhassen . A growing community wilh clean lakes. quality schools, a charming downtown, Ihriving businesses. winding trails. and beautiful parks. A greal pface to lIVe. wOIk. and play. ! CHECK REGISTER REPORT t Date: 12/06/2004 122209-122414 Time: 2:36pm , City of Chanhassen Page: 1 BANK: CRANHASSEN BANK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Check Vendor Number Date Status Number Vendor Name Check Description Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122209 11/18/2004 Printed AARP AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING 70.00 122210 11/18/2004 Printed AARP AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING 170.00 122211 11/18/2004 printed ADPSCR ADP SCREENING & SELECTION EVCS ALCOHOL TEST 31.00 122212 11/18/2004 Printed ARAMAR ARAMARK COFFEE/SUGAR/CREAM/CUPS 135.05 122213 11/1812004 Printed AUTENT AUTOMATED ENTRANCE PRDDUCTS SR CENTER DOOR REPAIR 437.00 I 122214 11/18/2004 Printed BOLMEN BOLTON & MENK INC COUNTRY OAKS DRAINAGE STUDY 2,303.63 j 122215 11/18/2004 Printed BROAMO BROWN'S AMOCO VEHICLE WASH 8.00 , 122216 11/18/2004 Printed BUCPLU BUCHMAN PLUMBING CO INC REPAIR LEAK 2,231.00 , , , 122217 11/18/2004 Printed CAMKNU CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12,888.95 ¡ ¡ 122218 11/18/2004 Printed CARPAR CARROLL PARTS FAN DELAY 23.62 ; 122219 11/18/2004 Printed CARRED CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS BABYSITTING TRAINING 360.00 1 122220 11/18/2004 Printed MINNEG CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO GAS CHARGES 714.90 ¡ 122221 11/18/2004 Printed CHATRE CHAD'S TREECARE INC TREE REMOVALITRIMMING 2,609.25 I 122222 11/18/2004 Printed CHACHA CRANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP 170.00 122223 11/18/2004 printed CHAREL CRANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN STATE FIRE AID 154,033.00 122224 11/18/2004 Printed CHABUI CHASKA BUILDING CENTER REBARIEXPANSION JOINT 26.59 122225 11/18/2004 Printed CHRWED CHRIS & CHRIS WEDES EROSIONlLANDSCAPE ESCROW 1,250.00 122226 11/1B/2004 Printed CHRTHI CHRIS THIBODEAU-FEIST MILEAGE TO SEMINAR 12.38 ~ 122227 11/18/2004 Printed COREXP CORPORATE EXPRESS OFFICE SUPPLIES 154.61 :1 '1 122228 11/18/2004 Printed COTBUI COTTAGEWooD BUILDERS LANDSCAPE-6645 MULBERRY CIR E 750.00 , i 122229 11/18/2004 Printed COUMAR COUNTY MARKET MISC FooDISUPPLIES 714.01 J 122230 11/18/2004 Printed DEBKIN DEBRA KIND REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 740.63 ¡ :~ 122231 11/18/2004 Printed EHLERS EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC PUBLIC SAFETY EVALUATION 5,754.00 j 122232 11/18/2004 Printed FOCONE FOCUS ONE HOUR PHOTO PHOTO DEVELOPING 47.67 i 122233 11/18/2004 Printed GENCON GEN CON CONSTRUCTION REMODEL 16,567.59 A 122234 11/1B/2004 Printed GOPSTA GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC UTILITY LOCATES 478.40 ~ 122235 11/1B/2004 Printed !lANTHO HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON LIFT STATION 2 01-11C 2,671.25 '{ 122236 11/18/2004 Printed HONNGU HONG NGUYEN REFUND-TAB KWON DO 130.00 ! 122237 11/18/2004 Printed INDLAN INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC NOVEMBER PLANT SERVICE 398.32 122238 11/18/2004 Printed JACTRU JACOBS TRUCKING INC TRUCKING-PARK RD & PARK PL 1,772.75 122239 11/1B/2004 Printed KAPETE KARE PETERSON STAMPING CLASSISUPPLIES 74,46 122240 11/18/2004 Printed KIMPRO KIM PROSEN DVD PLAYER FOR CONF ROOM 84.01 ¡ 122241 11/18/2004 Printed LAEMED LAERDAL MEDICAL CORPORATION FILTERICPRIVIDEO 160.82 122242 11/1812004 Printed METROC METROCALL PAGER CHARGES 105.19 122243 11/18/2004 Printed METFOR METROPOLITAN FORD SWITCH-CROWN VICTORIA 2.76 122244 11/18/2004 Printed MEYSCH MEYER SCHERER & ROCKCASTLE LTD LIBRARY 64.50 122245 11/18/2004 Printed MICGOR MICHAEL GORRA MAILBOX REPLACEMENT 285.00 122246 11/18/2004 Printed MIDCOU MID COUNTY COOP CREDIT-MIXED GASIDIESEL FUEL 10,100.81 i 122247 11/18/2004 Printed MTIDIS MTI DISTRIBUTING INC CUP-SCALP ANTI 268.95 1 122248 11/18/2004 printed NAWATE NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC METERS 1,877.17 ',I 122249 11/1B/2004 Printed NICSOR NICOLE SORENSON DANCElHALLOWEEN SUPPLIES 115,72 122250 11/18/2004 Printed POWOIB POWERPLAN OIB BLET-CHIPPER 190.01 122251 11/18/2004 Printed QUAFLO QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS, INC REPAIR PUMP-LS 28 1,539.77 122252 11/18/2004 Printed QWEST QWEST TELEPHONE CHARGES 55.38 122253 11/18/2004 Printed QWEINT QWEST INTERPRISE INTERNET CHARGES 422.94 122254 11/1B/2004 Printed RJMCON RJM CONSTRUCTION REFUND PERMIT OVERPAYMENT 800.00 122255 11/18/2004 Printed ROWEKA ROWEKAMP ASSOCIATES INC GIS TRAINING-DEVANS 495.00 122256 11/18/2004 Printed RWHAG RW HAGEN OCTOBER DIVE TRAINING 250.00 122257 11/18/2004 printed SASCON SASS CONSTRUCTION INC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3,663.13 122258 11/18/2004 Printed SCHSON SCHARBER & SONS INC HYD VALVEITELESCOPING MIRRORS 1,128.90 122259 11/18/2004 Printed SHOTRU SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE SCREWS 6.33 122260 11/18/2004 printed SIMGRI SIMPLEX GRINNELL LAKE ANN MONITORING 889.00 122261 11/18/2004 Printed SOUPUB SOUTHWEST PUBLIC SAFETY CHARGER CORD/CHARGER/HOLDER 240.97 122262 11/18/2004 Printed SOUSUB SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING PRINTINGIPUBLISHING 1,890.52 122263 11/18/2004 printed SUSMAR SUSAN MAREK KEEPSAKE BOXES FOR DANCE 2,070.95 122264 11/1B/2004 Printed TARGET TARGET OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.00 122265 11/18/2004 Printed TECGRA TECHNAGRAPHICS BUSINESS CARDS-WEGLER 170.40 122266 11/18/2004 Printed TONEQU TONKA EQUIPMENT COMPANY SEMINAR REGISTRATION 50.00 122267 11/18/2004 Printed TRACON TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 4T REPAIR 474.99 12226B 11/18/2004 Printed 1WIGAR '!WIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO ROLLER/CORD/RECVR/TRANSM 281. 41 122269 11/1812004 Printed VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE CHARGES 37.27 122270 11/18/2004 Printed WACFAR WACONIA FARM SUPPLY CHAIN FOR FLAIL MOWER 31.14 122271 11/1B/2004 Printed WSDAR WS DARLEY & CO, TESTER, SMOKE DETECTOR AERO 39.B3 122272 11/18/2004 Printed XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC ELECTRICITY CHARGES 12,920.27 122273 11/18/2004 Printed ZARBRU ZARNOT!I BRUSH WORKS INC SWEEPER BROOMS & PARTS 682.61 122274 11/24/2004 Printed 3RDLAI 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK SKATEBOARDING CAMP 2,176.00 122275 11/24/2004 Printed ACHEA AC & HEATING BY GEORGE REPLACE UNIT HEATER 1,750.00 }, CHECK REGISTER REPORT Date: 12/06/2004 t. 122209-122414 Time: 2:36pm City of Chanhassen Page: 2 . BANK: CHANHASSEN BANK ----------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------- Check Check Vendor NUJIIber Date Status Number Vendor Name Check Description Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122216 11/24/2004 Printed ANN'!OO ANN'S TOOL SUPPLY GRINDING DISCS/WHEEL/CONNECT 252.33 122271 11/24/2004 Printed ASPMIL ASPEN MILLS PATCHES 52.23 122218 11/24/2004 Printed ATTIL AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES CELL PHONE CHARGES 9.89 ~ 122219 11/24/2004 Printed BETHOM BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS SUBSCRIPTION 22.00 122280 11/24/2004 Printed BONROS BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK HOLIDAY EXPRESS TRL INSPECTION 946.00 f; 122281 11/24/2004 Printed BORSTA BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY LI\MP/GRD CONN 68.12 1222B2 11/24/2004 Printed BOYBUI BOYER BUILOING CORPORATION EROSION ESCROW 250.00 í 122283 11/24/2004 Printed BURTIT BURNET TITLE REFUND FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 9.81 , 122284 11/24/2004 Printed CHAACQ CHANHASSEN ACQUISITIONS LLC 2ND HALF TIF 14,066.50 , , 122285 11/24/2004 Printed CHACHA CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAN BUCKS-ENV EXC AWARDS 300.00 i 122286 11/24/2004 Printed CHABUI CHASKA BUILDING CENTER WORK GLOVES/PIPE COUPLINGS 42.3B , , 122281 11/24/2004 Printed CLELAK CLEARY LAKE EQUINE SM ANIMAL HORSE INSPECTION-KLINGELHUTZ 111.00 ¡ , 122288 11/24/2004 Printed COREXP CORPORATE EXPRESS OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.64 1 122289 11/24/2004 Printed DELTOO DELEGARO TOOL COMPANY DRILL BITS 144.40 j ¡ 122290 11/24/2004 Printed DENCHA DENNY CHADDERDON LANDSCAPE/EROSION ESCROW 1.150.00 ! 122291 11/24/2004 Printed ooUHOE DOUG HOESE PARKING/INSPECTOR LUNCH 18.25 ¡ 122292 11/24/2004 Printed FACMOT FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY DISTRIBUTOR CAP/WIRE SET/ROTOR 148.29 ¡ 122293 11/24/2004 Printed FIRI!EA FIRESIDE HEARTH & HOME REFUND VOIDED PERMIT 101.00 122294 11/24/2004 Printed FOCONE FOCUS ONE HOUR PHOTO FILM DEVELOPING-BUSH VISIT 84.69 :¡ 122295 11/24/2004 Printed FORBEN FORTIS BENEFITS LONG TERM DISABILITY 1,011.51 ~ 122296 11/24/2004 Printed FORDEN FORTIS DENTAL BENEFITS EMP DENTAL INSURANCE 902.29 :;¡ 122291 11/24/2004 Printed FRANKI FRANKIE'S MISC FOOD 191.24 ! -~ 122298 11/24/2004 Printed HANTHO HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON BOYER LAKE MINNEWASHTA ADON 21,244.06 ~ 122299 11/24/2004 Printed HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL CONTAINER DEMURRAGE 65.00 ~ 122300 11/24/2004 Printed HOMDEP HOME DEPOT MISC SUPPLIES 25.32 ,~ i 122301 11/24/2004 Printed HOPTOW HOPKINS TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE FILTER/SEALER 40.32 ~ 122302 11/24/2004 Printed ICMA ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST-451 EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMP 430.00 ! 122303 11/24/2004 Printed INTTEC INTERTEL TECHNOLOGIES INC SHORT CABLE RUN/PROGRAM DID'S 1.145.6B ~ 122304 11/24/2004 Printed JERRUE JERRY RUEGEMER HALLOWEEN PARTY SUPPLIES 201.11 122305 11/24/2004 Printed JHLAR JH LARSON COMPANY MIDGET TIME-DELAY FUSE 411.06 122306 11/24/2004 Printed JWPEP JW PEPPER & SON INC MUSIC 85.B9 122301 11/24/2004 Printed KKEARC KKE ARCHITECTS INC CITY HALL REUSE 105.89 122308 11/24/2004 Printed KNOBUI KNOBLAUCH BUILDERS LLC EROSION/LANDSCAPE ESCROW 1,250.00 ,) 122309 11/24/2004 Printed L38LLP L38 LLP FINAL TIF PAYMENT 8,545.01 '" 122310 11/24/2004 Printed LANEND LANDS END CORPORATE SALES SHIRT 25.00 '" '-1 ~ 122311 11/24/2004 Printed LUNBRO LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPE/EROSION ESCROWS 3,150.00 à 122312 11/24/2004 Printed MEDICA MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 48,109.66 1 122313 11/24/2004 Printed MICLLP MICRO LLP FINAL TIF PAYMENT 8,910.00 122314 11/24/2004 Printed MIDAME MID AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS EXP FILE POCKETS 43.81 122315 11/24/2004 Printed MIDASP MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION SAND MIX 33.11 , 122316 11/24/2004 Printed MINGRE MINNESOTA GREEN EXPO REGISTRATION 220.00 1 122311 11/24/2004 Printed MNLIFE MINNESOTA LIFE LIFE INSURANCE 1,225.95 122318 11/24/2004 Printed MNSHER MINNESOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOC PERMITS 41.81 122319 11/24/2004 Printed MNNEAL MN DEPT OF HEALTH WATER SUPPLY SERVICE CONNECT 8,550.00 122320 11/24/2004 Printed NCPERS MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE EMPLOYEE LIFE INSURANCE 32,00 122321 11/24/2004 Printed MRPA MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. LUNCHEON/CONFERENCE B55.00 122322 11/24/2004 Printed MooMED MOORE MEDICAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES 361.40 122323 11/24/2004 Printed MSRS MSRS EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 1,161.52 122324 11/24/2004 Printed MTIDIS MTI DISTRIBUTING INC NOZZLE ASSEMBLY 1,097.39 -i 122325 11/24/2004 Printed NANGAG NANCY GAGNER MOM N' ME CLASS 141.00 ~ 122326 11/24/2004 Printed NFPA NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN SHIRTS 1B6.91 122321 11/24/2004 Printed USCM NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMP 6,938.41 122328 11/24/2004 Printed NICCOY NICOLE & JOHN COYLE FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 25.88 122329 11/24/2004 Printed OFFMAX OFFICE MAX OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.02 122330 11/24/2004 Printed PATCO PATRICK & CO DOG/PET LICENSE TAGS 219.46 122331 11/24/2004 Printed PAUOEH PAUL OEHME MILEAGE TO MPWA MEETING 46.50 122332 11/24/2004 Printed QWEST QWEST TELEPHONE CHARGES 128.32 122333 11/24/2004 Printed RICWIN RICHARD WING TOWELS 232.19 122334 11/24/2004 Printed ROSSEI ROSSO & SEIERETAD PA EMPLOYEE WAGE DEDUCTION 359.16 122335 11/24/2004 Printed SKYEVE SKYWAY EVENT SERVICES TABLES FOR PRES BUSH VISIT 104.31 122336 11/24/2004 Printed SPSSLP SPS COMPANIES-ST LOUIS PARK 120 V 1650 W 6 GALLON 230.81 122331 11/24/2004 Printed STATRI STAR TRIBUNE FINANCE DIRECTOR AD 511.10 122338 11/24/2004 Printed STETOR STEVE TORELL MEALS/MILEAGE/PARKING 10.11 122339 11/24/2004 Printed SUMFIR SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION PERMIT OVERPAYMENT 6.90 122340 11/24/2004 Printed TODGER TODD GERHARDT ICMA CONFERENCE MEALS 13.15 122341 11/24/2004 Printed TRIDIM TRI-DIM FILTER CORP TRI JET 4/40 2 PLY 25.54 122342 11/24/2004 Printed UNIWAY UNITED WAY EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION 106.00 CHECK REGISTER REPORT Date, 12106/2004 122209-122414 Time: 2:36pm City of Chanhassen Page: 3 BANK: CHANHASSEN BANK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Check Vendor Number Date Status Number Vendor Name Check Description Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122343 11/24/2004 Printed VERIZO VERIZO~ WIRELESS CELL PHONE CHARGES 6.51 122344 11/24/2004 Printed WAYTEK WAYTEK I~C WIRING ACCESSORIES 166.82 122345 11/24/2004 Printed WWGRA WW GRAINGER I~C BLADE SET 29.67 122346 11/24/2004 Printed XCEL XCEL ENERGY I~C ELECTRIC!TY CHARGES 19,316.0B 122347 11/30/2004 Printed POST POSTMASTER UTILITY BILL POSTAGE 998.27 122348 12/02/2004 Printed AMEPRE AMERICAN PRESSURE, INC WASHER SPRAY GUN 219.32 ~ 122349 12/02/2004 Printed ANCTIT ANCHOR TITLE REFUND-F!NAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 5.91 .~ 122350 12/02/2004 Printed BONROS BONESTROO ROSENE IINDERL!K BLUFF CREEK RESTORATIO~ 3,530.26 ! 122351 12/02/2004 Printed BRIBEN BRIAN BENIEK SANTA CLAUS 100.00 î 122352 12/02/2004 Printed CARTRE CARVER COUNTY TREASURER SECOND HALF POLICE CONTRACT 493,711.56 122353 12/02/2004 Printed CATPAR CATCO PARTS SERVICE S~OWBLOWER FITTINGS 34.49 ! 122354 12/02/2004 Printed MINNEG CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO GAS CHARGES 2,234.60 1 122355 12/02/2004 Printed CHANHA CITY OF CHANHASSEN WATER/SEWER BILL 135.35 ~ 122356 12/02/2004 Printed CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA GREAT AM HISTORY THEATER 429.00 ~ -~ 122357 12/02/2004 Printed COREXP CORPORATE EXPRESS OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.39 ~ 122358 12/02/2004 Printed DOUHOE DOUG HOESE MILEAGE TO SEMINAR 37.50 ~ ·i 122359 12/02/2004 Printed DYNAME DYNAMEX DELIVERS NOW DELIVERY CHARGES 35.02 , '1 122360 12/02/2004 Printed EARAND EARL F IINDERSEN INC SIGNS 457.59 j , 122361 12/02/2004 Printed ELIMAU ELIZABETH MAULE REFUND-SUPER SCIENCE DAY 20.00 ~ 122362 12/02/2004 Printed FIRSYS FIRST SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY WELL 2 RESERVOIR DATA 784,63 1 122363 12/02/2004 Printed FORAME FORCE AMERICA !NC HYD PUMP & SEALS-TRUCK 119 746.42 -~ 122364 12/02/2004 Printed HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID/CHLORINE 1,811.02 j 122365 12/02/2004 Printed HENTRE HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER PRCT KITS/CMP MNL/AFFDVTS/SEAL 21.89 ,j -~ 122366 12/02/2004 Printed HENTEC HENNEPI~ TECHNICAL COLLEGE REGISTRATIO~-KATIEB 228.26 122367 12/02/2004 Printed NORTHE HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RATCHET TIE DOWN/COUPLING 81. 71 122368 12/02/2004 Printed IMPPOR IMPER!AL PORTA PALACE PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 2,298.53 122369 12/02/2004 Printed ISLAND ISLANDVIEW DI~!NG SENIOR CENTER PARTY 511. 00 ~ 122370 12/02/2004 Printed JEFKEO JEFF KEOGH LUNCHEONS/LICENSE RENEWAL 160.00 122371 12/02/2004 Printed JHLAR JH LARSON COMPANY 100W MH MED CLEAR/CORE & COIL 323.50 122372 12/02/2004 Printed KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED DOWNTOWN CHAN TIF MODIFICATION 128.00 122373 12/02/2004 Printed KIMHOR KIMLEY HORN IIND ASSOCIATES INC TH 212 RELATED SERVICES 4,178.94 122374 12/02/2004 Printed KMCTEL KMC TELECOM TELEPHONE CHARGES 2,34B.12 122375 12/02/2004 Printed KUSCO~ KUSSKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY COUNTRY OAKS DRA!NAGE IMPROV 17,450.00 122376 12/02/2004 Printed KVCI~C KVC INC REPAIR, APPLE MAC 242.50 122377 12/02/2004 Printed LIFFIT LIFETIME FITNESS INC REFUND REMAINING BALANCE 94.62 122378 12/02/2004 Printed LYMLUM LYMAN LUMBER BOARDS FOR TRUCK 113 32.86 122379 12/02/2004 Printed METROC METROCALL PAGER CEARGES 58.83 122380 12/02/2004 Printed METCO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, ENV SVCS OCTOBER SAC 9,355.50 122381 12/02/2004 Printed MICRYA MICHAEL RYAN MEALS 13.75 122382 12/02/2004 Printed MIDASP MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATIO~ SIIND MIX 164.24 122383 12/02/2004 Printed MIDLUH MIDWEST LUBE INC GREASE FITTINGS/TUBING-MOWERS 314.35 122384 12/02/2004 Printed MCPA MINN CRIME PREVENTIO~ ASSN MEMBERSHIP 40.00 122385 12/02/2004 Printed MNTREA MN STATE TREASURER OCTOBER SURCHARGE 3,41B.96 122386 12/02/2004 Printed MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC CooF ELECTRIC!TY CHARGES 484.66 122387 12/02/2004 Printed NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS FITTINGS-S~OWBLOWER 26.64 122388 12/02/2004 Printed NAWATE NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC METERS 3,435.45 122389 12/02/2004 Printed NEXTEL NEXTEL CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 1,901.93 122390 12/02/2004 Printed ~SRMAA ~SRMAA REGISTRATION 270.00 122391 12/02/2004 Printed NYSPUB NYSTROM PUBLISHING COMPANY IOC SUMMER CHAN CONNECTION 5,273.00 122392 12/02/2004 Printed OLSCOM OLSEN COMPANIES CHAIN/RATCHET PULLER/SLEEVE 395.44 122393 12/02/2004 Printed PARSUP PARTEK SUPPLY INC BLUFF CREEK PHASE II 44.73 122394 12/02/2004 Printed PEOELE PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS OUTLETS SERV!CE 1,618.79 122395 12/02/2004 Printed POMTIR POMP'S TIRE SERVICE I~C TRACTOR TIRES 763.41 122396 12/02/2004 Printed REMSER REM SERVICES INC SHAMPOO CARPET 5,146.75 122397 12/02/2004 Printed RICBUS RICHF!ELD BUS COMPANY BUS FEE 342.00 122398 12/02/2004 Printed SENSYS SENTRY SYSTEMS, INC. MON!TORING 32.79 122399 12/02/2004 Printed SHOTRU SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE THREADED CAP 13.05 122400 12/02/2004 Printed SIGNSO SIGNSOURCE SIGNS 288.19 122401 12/02/2004 Printed STEDEV STEINER DEVELOPMENT SIDEWALKS 222,754.68 122402 12/02/2004 Printed STREIC STREICHER'S BADGE 258.42 122403 12/02/2004 Printed SUSBIL SUSAN BILL MILEAGE/MISC SUPPLIES 56.2B 122404 12/02/2004 Printed TARGET TARGET ANNIVERSARY -MARTINO 43.43 122405 12/02/2004 Printed TODGER TODD GERHARDT DECEMBER CAR ALLOWANCE 575.00 122406 12/02/2004 Printed TOLGAS TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY ACETYLENE 18.15 122407 12/02/2004 Printed TONABE TONY ABERNATHY JEANS/SHIRT 73.96 122408 12/02/2004 Printed UNDSCH UNDERWATER SCHOOLS OF AMERICA INFLATOR HOSE/CONNECTIO~ 31.95 122409 12/02/2004 Printed USABLU USA BLUE BOOK SIG~S 245.84 City of Chanhassen CHECK REGISTER REPORT 122209-122414 BANK, CHANHASSEN BANK Date: Time: Page: 12/0612004 2:36pm 4 Check NUIllber -----~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount Check Date Status vendor Number Vendor Name Check Description ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________w_______ 1 ¡ , i j 122410 122411 122412 122413 122414 -1. ~ 1 ,á ...~ 12/02/2004 Printed 12/02/2004 Printed 12/02/2004 Printed 12/02/2004 Printed 12/02/2004 Printed VERIZO WACFAR WEAWAT WESTER GOOBRA VERIZON WIRELESS WACONIA FARM SUPPLY WEATHER WATCH INC WESTERMANN'S ART & FRAME WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES DRY FERTILIZER MIX WEATHER SERVICE FRAMING-MPLS SKYLINE TIRES Total Checks, 206 Total Checks: 206 Grand Total: Bank Total: 3.99 1,898.36 1,056.00 220.81 283.03 _________w_______ 1,206,085.46 _________w_______ 1,206,085.46 ¡ INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: U5pm City of Chanhassen Page: I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------ Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: 101-0000-2012 Health Ins MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 768.74 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 j 101-0000-2012 Health Ins MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 9.68 . , LIFE INSURANCE 1Il504 i , 101-0000-2022 Surtax Pay FIRESIDE HEARTH & HOME 122293 10/27/2004 1.00 ! REFUND VOIDED PERMIT 200402259 ..~ 101-0000-2022 Surtax Pay FIRESIDE HEARTH & HOME 122293 10/2512004 1.00 j ì REFUND VOIDED PERMIT 200402234 ! 101-0000-2022 Surtax Pay MN STATE TREASURER 122385 10131/2004 3,488.73 '1 OCTOBER SURCHARGE 103104 101-0000-3305 HVAC FIRESIDE HEARTH & HOME 122293 10127/2004 52.50 ~ REFUND VOIDED PERMIT 200402259 ~ 101-0000-3305 HVAC FIRESIDE HEARTH & HOME 122293 10/25/2004 52.50 , t REFUND VOIDED PERMIT 200402234 1 101-0000-3816 SAC Retain METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, ENV SVCS 122380 10/31/2004 -94.50 OCTOBER SAC 103104 101-0000-3818 SurTax Ret MN STATE TREASURER 122385 10/31/2004 -69.77 J OCTOBER SURCHARGE 103104 , ----------------- Total 4.209.88 Dept: Legislative q 101-1Il0-4300 Consulting FOCUS ONE HOUR PHOTO 122 294 10/13/2004 31.71 ,~ FILM DEVELOPING-BUSH VISIT 78934 ." 101-1110-4300 Consulting FOCUS ONE HOUR PHOTO 122294 10/11/2004 52.98 FILM DEVELOPING-BOSH VISIT 78813 101-1110-4340 Printing DEBRA KIND 122230 11/03/2004 553.13 REPORT TO TIlE COHMUNITY 11/03/04 101-1110-4340 Printing SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PURLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 129.60 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 101-1Il0-4340 Printing NYSTROM PURLISHING COMPANY INC 122391 11/22/2004 5,273.00 SUMMER CHAN CONNECTION 19836 101-1110-4360 Membership CIlAlffiASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 122222 11/16/2004 170.00 MEMBERSHIP 1Il604 101-1110-4370 Trav/Train COUNTY lIARKET 122229 11/05/2004 204.76 MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES 11052004 ----------------- Total Legislative 6,415.18 Dept: Administration 101-1120-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 13.48 EHP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 1Il904 101-1120-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 1.946.11 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1120-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 42.26 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1120-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 71.48 LONG TERK DISABILITY 1Il804 101-1120-4300 Consulting STAR TRIBUNE 122337 11/21/2004 511.70 FINANCE DIRECTOR AD 112104 101-1120-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 77.03 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1120-4370 Trav/Train TODD GERHARDT 122340 10/20/2004 73.15 100 CONFERENCE MEALS 102004 101-1120-4370 Trav/Train FRANKIE'S 122297 10/21/2004 38.10 MISC FOOD 5211 101-1120-4380 Mileage TODD GERHARDT 122405 11129/2004 575.00 DECEMBER CAR ALLOWANCE 112904 ----------------- Total Administration 3,348.31 Dept: Finance 101-1130-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 4.20 EHP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24104 1Il904 101-1130-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 1,437.78 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1130-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 34.30 LIFE INSURANCE 1Il504 101-1130-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 46.71 LONG TERM DISABILITY 1Il804 101-1130-4370 Trav/Train CHRIS THIBODEAU-FEIST 122226 11/16/2004 12.38 MILEAGE TO SEMINAR 111604 ! I INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND t Date: 12/06/2001 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 2 -----------------------~--------~--------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Finance ----------------- Total Finance 1,535.37 Dept: Legal 101-1110-1302 Legal Fees CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS ImI7 10/3I/2001 12,888.95 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 103101 ----------------- ¡ Total Legal 12,888.95 , Dept: Management Information Systems i 101-1160-1030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2001 1.58 BMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/21/01 111901 j 101-1160-1010 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2001 l,091.85 ¡ :i HEALTH INSURANC8 101336101050 101-1160-1010 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2001 22.17 ''i LIPE INStJRAllCE 111501 '~ 101-1160-1010 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2001 18.13 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111801 101-1160-1310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2001 58.67 CELLUIAR PHONE CHARGES 112301 101-1160-1320 utilities QWBST INTERPRISE 122253 11/02/2001 122.91 INTERNET CHARGES 615D08651051001307 .. 101-1160-1370 Trav ¡Train ROWEKAMP ASSOCIATES IRe 122255 11/11/2001 195.00 GIS TRAINING-DEVANS 2001180 101-1160-1530 Equip Main !\VCINC 122376 11/21/2001 212.50 REPAIR, APPLE MAC 11269 ----------------- ~ Total Management Information Systems U53.11 :>' 'r Dept: City Hall Maintenance J 101-1170-1030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2001 1.53 .~ , EHP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/21/01 111901 101-1170-1010 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2001 381.37 HEALTH INSURANCE 101336101050 101-1170-1010 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2001 9.15 LIFE INSURANCE 111501 ,1 101-1170-1010 FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2001 13.27 Insurance LONe TERM DISABILITY 111801 101-1170-1110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 122227 11/01/2001 8.16 CLIPBOARD 56297006 101-1170-1110 Office Sup CORPORATE BXPRESS 122227 11/05/2001 116.15 OFFICE SUPPLI8S 56331507 101-1170-1110 Office Sup ARAlW!K 122212 11/16/2001 135.05 COPPEE/SUGAR/CREAM/CUPS 6013131808 101-1170-1110 Office Sup TARGET 122261 11/08/2001 7.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 802820 101-1170-1110 Office Sup TECHNAGRAPHICS 122265 11/15/2001 170.10 BUSINESS CARDS-WEGLER 10286901 101-1170-1110 Office Sup PATRICK & CO 122330 11/11/2001 219.16 DOG/PET LICENSE TAGS 631620 101-1170-4110 Office Sup OFFICE MAX 122329 11/12/2001 17.02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 111204 101-1170-1110 Office Sup MID AMERICA nUSINESS SYSTEMS 122311 11/16/2001 13.87 EXP FILE POCKETS 43657 101-1170-1110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 122288 11/17/2001 71.73 OFFICE SUPPLIES 56642292 101-1170-1110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXÞRESS 122288 11/12/2001 6.91 OFFICE SUPPLIES 56519311 101-1170-4110 Office Sup TARGET 122101 11/15/2001 11.35 OFFlCE SUPPLIES 767724 101-1170-1110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 122357 11/19/2001 3.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES 56712676 101-1170-1150 Maint Matl TRI-DIM FILTER CORP 122311 11/10/2001 25.51 TRI JET 1/10 2 PLY 3682302 101-1170-1150 Maint Matl WW GPAINGER INC 122315 11/18/2001 29.67 BLADE SET 1957128211 101-1170-1300 Consulting DEBRA KIND 122230 11/03/2001 187.50 CHANHASSEN FLAG CONCEPTION 11032001 101-1170-1300 Consulting INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC 122237 10/01/2001 199.16 OCTOBER PLANT SERVICE 5908 101-1170-1300 Consulting INDOOR LANDSCAPES INC 122237 11/01/2001 199.16 NOVEMBER PLANT S8RVlCE 5935 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2:25pm Ci ty of Chanhassen Page: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date AIOOunt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENEAAL FUND Dept: City Hall Maintenance 101-1170-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122314 11119/2004 1,161.63 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1170-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 46.18 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1170-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY IRe 122346 11/15/2004 1,309.10 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111504 101-1170-4320 Utili ties CEN'l'ERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122354 11/24/2004 594.46 GAS CHARGES 112404 101-1110-4350 Cleaning RBM SERVICES INC 122396 11/30/2004 3,088.50 NIGHTLY JANITORIAL 9663 101-1170-4350 Cleaning REM SERVICES INC 122396 11/30/2004 93.32 SIWIPOO CARPET 9665 101-1170-4483 Liab Ins MICHAEL GORRA 122245 1111712004 285.00 MAILBOX REPLACEMENT 111104 101-1110-4510 Bldg Maint SASS CONSTRUCTION INC 122251 11/10/2004 662.64 MAIL SLOT/REPLACE LOCKSET 111004 101-1170-4510 Bldg Maint SASS CONSTRUCTION INC 122251 11/15/2004 3,000.49 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 10661 101-1110-4510 Bldg Maint BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 122281 1111712004 68.12 LAMP/GRD CONN 94061360 101-1110-4530 Equip Main AUTOMATED ENTRANCE PRODUCTS 122213 11/08/2004 431.00 SR CENTER DOOR REPAIR SRV004611 101-1110-4530 Equip Main SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 122399 12101/2004 2.15 THREADED CAP 64280 ----------------- Total City Hall Maintenance 12,643.83 Dept: Elections 101-1180-4300 Consulting FRANKIE'S 122291 11/0212004 105.44 GENERAL ELECTION MSALS 5132 101-1180-4300 Consulting FRANKIE'S 122297 11/02/2004 126.52 GENERAL ELECTION MEALS 5131 101-1180-4300 Consulting FRANKIE'S 122291 11/0212004 105.44 GENERAL ELECTION MEALS 5129 101-1180-4300 Consulting FRANKIE'S 122291 11/0212004 91.38 GENERAL ELECTION MEALS 5134 101-1180-4300 Consulting FRANKIE'S 122291 11/02/2004 112.46 GENERAL ELECTION MEALS 5130 101-1180-4300 Consulting FRANKIE'S 122291 11/0212004 211.90 GENERAL ELECTION MEALS 5133 101-1180-4300 Consulting HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 122365 11/22/2004 21.89 PRCT KITS/CMP MNL/AFFDVTS/SEAL 112204 101-1180-4340 Printing SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 111.84 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 ----------------- Total Elections 952.81 Dept: Library Building 101-1190-4300 Consulting SENTRY SYSTEMS, INC. 122398 12101/2004 32.79 MONITORING 413394 101-1190-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122314 11/19/2004 116.36 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1190-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY IRC 122346 11/11/2004 2,067.58 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111104 101-1190-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNHGASCO 122354 11/24/2004 1,494.83 GAS CHARGES 112404 101-1190-4350 Cleaning RBK SERVICES IHe 122396 11/30/2004 1,964.93 NIGHTLY JANITORIAL 9664 101-1190-4510 Bldg Maint SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 122259 11/1212004 6.33 SCREWS 63996 101-1190-4510 Bldg Maint PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 122394 11/23/2004 339.56 OUTLETS SERVICE 2862600 ----------------- Total Library Building 6,082.38 Dept: PolicefCarver Co Contract 101-1210-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 3.08 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1210-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 384.37 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1210-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 10.11 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Police/Carver Co Contract 101-1210-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 14.98 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1210-4300 Consulting EHLERS &: ASSOCIATES IRe 122231 11/11/2004 5,754.00 PUBLIC SAFETY EVALUATION 23141 101-1210-4300 Consulting CARVER COUNTY TREASURER 122352 11/29/2004 493,711.56 SECOND HALF POLICE CONTRACT SIIERIOO0579 ----------------- Total Police/Carver Co Contract 499,878.70 Dept: Fire Prevention &: Admin 101-1220-4030 Retirement CHANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN 122223 11/12/2004 154,033.00 STATE FIRE AID 111204 101-1220-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 3.21 EM> HCSP-PAY DATH 11/24/04 111904 101-1220-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 1,187.94 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1220-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 24.68 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1220-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/1S/2004 35.21 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1220-4120 Equip Supp WS DARLEY &: CO. 122271 11/10/2004 39.83 TESTER, SMOKE DETECTOR mo 655667 101-1220-4120 Equip Supp SOUTIIWEST PUBLIC SAFETY 122261 11/04/2004 240.97 CHARGER CORD/CHARGER/HOLDER 418446 101-1220-4120 Equip Supp HOME DEPOT 122300 11/16/2004 25.32 MISC SUPPLIES 111604 101-1220-4130 Prog Supp LAERDAL MEDICAL CORPORATION 122m 11/01/2004 160.82 FILTER/CPR/VIDEO 1551309 101-1220-4130 Prog Supp MOORE MEDICAL 122322 11115/2004 361.40 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 80294806EI 101-1220-4140 Veh Supp METROPOLITAN FORD 122243 11/15/2004 8.51 SWITCH-CROWN VICTORIA 436946 101-1220-4240 Uniforms ASPEN MILLS 122277 11/16/2004 52.23 PATCHES 57987 101-1220-4310 Telephone VERIZON WIRELESS 122269 11/03/2004 37.27 CELL PHONE CHARGES 110304 101-1220-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122242 11/01/2004 14.67 PAGER CHARGES 1896056 101-1220-4310 Telephone VERIZON WIRELESS 122410 11/20/2004 3.99 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112004 101-1220-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122379 12/01/2004 14.68 PAGER CHARGES 1956479 101-1220-4310 Telephone KKC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 101.27 THLEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1220-4310 Telephone NEXTHL 122389 11/23/2004 225.27 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1220-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122272 11/10/2004 657.07 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111004 101-1220-4320 utilities CENTERPOINT ElmRGY MINNEGASCO 122220 11/03/2004 91.43 GAS CHARGES 110304 101-1220-4320 Utilities CITY OF CHANHASSEN 122355 11/3012004 135.35 WATER/SEWER BILL 2999980 113004 101-1220-4350 Cleaning RICHARD WING 122JJJ 11/10/2004 232.79 TOWELS 304803 101-1220-4350 Cleaning SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 122399 11/26/2004 10.30 CLEANING SUPPLIES 64205 101-1220-4370 Trav/Train RWHAGEN 122256 11/08/2004 250.00 OCTOBER DIVE 'l'RAINING 2350 101-1220-4370 Trav /Train NSRMAA 122390 11/29/2004 270.00 REGISTRATION 112904 101-1220-4370 Trav/Train HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 122366 11/30/2004 228.26 REGISTRATION-KATIEB 87784 101-1220-4375 Promotion NATIONAL FIRE FROTECTION ASSN 122326 11/0912004 186.97 SHIRTS 2925660Y 101-1220-4375 Promotion MICHAEL RYAN 122381 11/19/2004 13.75 MEALS 111904 101-1220-4510 Bldg Maint TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 122268 10/13/2004 281.41 ROLLER/CORD/RECVR/TRANSM 225209 101-1220-4510 Bldg Maint AC &: HEATING BY GEORGE 122275 11/02/2004 1,750.00 REPLACE UNIT HEATER 110204 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 5 ------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------._------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Fire Prevention & Admin 101-1220-4510 Bldg Maint PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 122394 11/23/2004 557.31 HOOK UP UNIT HEATER IN GARAGE 2859100 101-1220-4520 Veh Maint BROWN S AMOCO 122215 11/0412004 8.00 VEHICLE WASH 110404 101-1220-4530 Equip Hain UNDERWATER SCHOOLS OF AMERICA 122408 11/08/2004 31.95 INFLATOR HOSE/CONNECTION 31606 101-1220-4901 Refunds SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 122339 11/23/2004 6.90 PERMIT OVERPAYMENT 200402456 ----------------- Total Fire Prevention & Admin 161.281.76 Dept: Code Enforcement 101-1250-4010 Sal - Reg TARGET 122404 11/17/2004 25.00 ANNIVERSARY-MARTINO 805687 101-1250-4030 Retireroent HSKS 122323 11/19/2004 10.61 EHP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1250-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 5,397.99 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1250-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 102.06 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1250-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11118/2004 13 7.5 5 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1250-4140 Veh Supp METROPOLITAN FORD 122243 10/05/2004 -5.75 MISC SUPPLIES 32903 101-1250-4240 Uniforms LANDS END CORPORATE SALES 122310 11111/2004 25.00 SHIRT 3103603X2 101-1250-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 174.01 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1250-4370 Trav/Train OOUG HOESE 122291 11/23/2004 18.25 PARKING/INSPECTOR LUNCH 112304 101-1250-4370 Trav/Train STEVE TORELL 122338 11/22/2004 70.17 MEALS/MILEAGE/PARKING 112204 101-1250-4370 Trav/Train JEFF KEOGH 122370 11/29/2004 160.00 LUNCHEONS/LICENSE RENEWAL 112904 101-1250-4370 Trav/Train DOUG HOESE 122358 11/24/2004 37.50 HlLEAGE TO SEMINAR 112404 101-1250-4901 Refunds RJM CONSTRUCTION 122254 11/08/2004 800.00 REFUND PERMIT OVERPAYMENT 200401390 --------~-------- Total Code Enforcement 6,952.39 Dept: Animal Control 101-1260-4120 Equip Supp MINNESOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOC 122318 11/19/2004 47.87 PERMITS P04104 101-1260-4120 Equip Supp TARGET 122404 11/19/2004 4.08 DOG TREATS 727674 101-1260-4140 Veh Supp HOPKINS TOWN « COUNTRY DODGE 122301 11/16/2004 40.32 FILTER/SEALER 110075 101-1260-4140 Veh Supp . WINGFOOT COIOIERCIAL TIRE 122414 11122/2004 283.03 TIRES 1241027434 101-1260-4240 Uniforms STREICHER'S 122402 11/29/2004 158.42 JACKET/POLICE MARKER 1227088 101-1260-4240 Uniforms STREICHER'S 122402 11/29/2004 100.00 BADGE 1226970 101-1260-4300 Consulting CLEARY LA1Œ EQUINE SM ANIMAL 122287 10/29/2004 117.0 0 HORSE INSPECTION-KLINGELHUTZ 19654 101-1260-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122242 11/01/2004 22.02 PAGER CHARGES 1896056 101-1260-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122379 12/01/2004 22.01 PAGER CHARGES 1956479 101-1260-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 15.94 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1260-4360 Membership MINN CRIME PREVENTION ASSN 122384 11/19/2004 40.00 MEMBEKSHI P 20051064 ----------------- Total Animal Control 850.69 Dept: Engineering 101-1310-4030 Retirement HSKS 122323 11/19/2004 14.25 EMF HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1310-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 3,806.16 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 6 ---------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount -----~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Engineering 101-1310-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 72.08 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1310-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 84.96 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1310-4300 Consulting DYNAMEX DELIVERS NOW 122359 11/25/2004 3\.02 DELIVERY CHARGES 1065341 101-1310-4310 Telephone AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 122278 11/17/2004 9.89 CELL PHONE CHARGES 111704 10l-l310-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 110.96 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1310-4340 Printing SOUTIIWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 122262 10131/2004 93.08 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 101-1310-4370 Trav/Train PAUL OEHME 122331 11/19/2004 46.50 MILEAGE TO MPWA MEETING 111904 ----------------- Total Engineering 4,272.90 Dept: Street Maintenance 101-1320-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 16.53 EMF HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24104 111904 101-1320-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 4.059.61 HEALTH INSURANCE 101336101050 101-1320-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 77.60 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 10l-l320-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 123.10 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp ZAJ</IOTH BRUSH WORES INC 122273 11/03/2004 682.61 SWEEPER BROOMS & PARTS 98339 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp WACONIA FARM SUPPLY 122270 11/09/2004 31.14 CHAIN FOR FLAIL HOWER 124253 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp POWERPLAN OIB 122250 11/15/2004 190.01 BLET-CHIPPER 142471 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp POMP'S TIRE SERVICE IHC 122395 11116/2004 763.41 TRACTOR TIRES 416082 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 122367 11/18/2004 81.71 RATCHET TIE DOWN/COUPLING 821042050 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 122292 11/10/2004 63.32 SEALANr ADHESIVE FOR REPAIRS 6692615 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp WAYTEKINC 122344 11/19/2004 166.82 WIRING ACCESSORIES 984931 101-1320-4140 veh Supp LYMAN LUMBER 122378 11/24/2004 32.86 BOARDS FOR TRUCK 113 216449 101-1320-4140 veh Supp FORCE AMERICA lHe 122363 11/22/2004 746.42 HYD PUMP & SEALS-TRUCK 119 1216343 101-1320-4150 Maint Matl MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION 122315 11113/2004 33.17 SAND MIX 72884MB 101-1320-4150 Maint Matl MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION 122382 11/20/2004 164.24 SAND MIX 72918MB 101-1320-4240 Uniforms TONY ABERNATHY 122407 11/19/2004 73.96 JEANS/SHIRT 111904 101-1320-4300 Consulting WEATHER WATCH IRe 122412 11/20/2004 1,056.00 WEATHER SERVICE 5954 101-1320-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122242 11/01/2004 50.24 PAGER CHARGES 1896056 101-1320-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122379 12/01/2004 3.88 PAGER CHARGES 1956479 101-1320-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 347.05 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1320-4560 Sign Maint EARL F ANDERSEN INC 122360 10/05/2004 457.59 SIGNS 62429IN ----------------- Total Street Maintenance 9.221.21 Dept: Street Lighting & Signals 10l-l350-4310 Telephone KIIC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 45.91 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1350-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122346 11/15/2004 15.415.31 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111504 101-1350-4320 Utilities MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 122386 11/22/2004 397.80 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 112204 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Du. Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Street Lighting & Signals 101-1350-4530 Equip Main TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 122267 11/08/2004 474.99 4T REPAIR 13959 ----------------- Total Street Lighting & Signals 16,334.13 Dept: City Garage 101-1370-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 12.29 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1370-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 1,925.51 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1370-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 35.87 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1370-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 67.25 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1370-4120 Equip Supp ANN'S TOOL SUPPLY 122276 11/14/2004 252.33 GRINDING DISCS/WHEEL/CONNECT 13270 101-1370-4120 Equip Supp AMERICAN PRESSURE, INC 122348 11/24/2004 219.32 WASHER SPRAY GUN 43748 101-1370-4140 veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 122292 11/18/2004 41.40 COIL KIT 1GB 6694744 101-1370-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 122292 11/18/2004 115.07 DISTRIBUTOR CAP/WIRE SET/ROTOR 6694723 101-1370-4170 Fuel & Lub MID COUNTY COOP 122246 11/10/2004 5,386.50 DIESEL FUEL 81053 101-1370-4170 Fuel & Lub MID COUNTY COOP 122246 11/10/2004 5,596.50 UNLEADED GAS 81054 101-1370-4170 Fuel & Lub MID COUNTY COOP 122246 11/10/2004 -882.19 CREDIT-MIXED GAS/DIESEL FUEL 66925 101-1370-4260 Small Tool DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 122289 11111/2004 22.64 MISC TOOLS 692608 101-1370-4260 Small Tool DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 122289 11/15/2004 121.76 DRILL BITS 693695 101-1370-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 117.58 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1370-1310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 233.75 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1370-4320 utilities CEN'I'ERPOIN'l' ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122220 11/03/2004 485.06 GAS CHARGES 110304 101-1370-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122346 11/17/2004 341.29 ELE=CITY CHAJ<GES 111704 ----------------- Total City Garage 14,091.93 Dept: Planning Commission 101-1410-4340 printing SOUTHWEST SUB1JRBAII PUBLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 193.80 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 ----------------- Total Planning Commission 193.80 Dept: Planning Administration 101-1420-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 4.72 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1420-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 1,526.37 HEALTE INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1420-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 32.87 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1420-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 47.69 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1420-1310 Telephone VERIZON WIRELESS 122343 11/10/2004 6.51 CELL PHONE CHARGES 3572941140 101-1420-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 46.78 CELLULAR PRONE CHARGES 112304 ----------------- Total Planning Administration 1,664.94 Dept: Senior Facility Commission 101-1430-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 0.40 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1430-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 96.09 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1430-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 2.89 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description N'-r Nwnber Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fum , GEIIERAL FUND Dept: Senior Facility Commission 101-1430-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 4.01 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 ----------------- Total Senior Facility Commission 103.39 Dept: Park Commission 101-1510-4340 Printing SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 86.40 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 ----------------- Total Park comission 86.40 Dept: Park Administration 101-1520-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 2.25 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1520-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 707.48 HEALTH INSUHANCE 104336101050 101-1520-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 15.75 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1520-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 22.52 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1520-4120 Equip Supp WESTERMANN'S ART & FRAME 122413 11/15/2004 75.33 FRAMING-BUSH RALLY 115335 101-1520-4120 Equip Supp WESTERMANN'S ART . FRAME 122413 11/15/2004 145.48 FRAlIING-MFLS SKYLINE 115 3J4 101-1520-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 60.08 CELLULAR PIIONE CHARGES 112304 101-1520-4370 Trav/Train MN RECHEATION . PAR< ASSOC. 122321 11/18/2004 855.00 LUNCHEON/CONFERENCE 111804 ----------------- Total Park Administration 1,883.89 Dept: Recreation Center 101-1530-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 0.59 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1530-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 384,37 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1530-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11115/2004 8.40 LIFE INSUHANCE 111504 101-1530-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 11.23 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-lSJO-4120 Equip Supp KIM PROSEN 122240 11/09/2004 84.01 DVD PLAYER FOR CONF ROOM 110904 101-1530-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 104.56 TELEPHONE CHAHGES 111904 101-1530-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 15.89 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1530-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENEHGY MINNEGASCO 122220 11/03/2004 -10.53 GAS CHARGBS 110304 ----------------- Total Recreation Center 598.52 Dept: Dance 101-1534-4120 Equip Supp NICOLE SORENSON 122249 10/23/2004 115.72 DANCE/HALLOWEEN SUPFLIES 102304 101-1534-4120 Equip Supp SUSAN MAREK 122263 11/13/2004 2,070.95 KEEPSAKE BOXES FOR DANCE IllJ04 ----------------- Total Dance 2,186.67 Dept: Lake Ann Park 101-1540-4310 Telephone QWBST 122332 11/lJ/2004 128.32 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111304 101-1540-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 150.54 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1540-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122272 11/10/2004 222.03 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111004 ----------------- Total Lake Ann Park 500.89 Dept: Park Maintenance 101-1550-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 20.25 EMP HCSF-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1550-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 4,321.46 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Park Maintenance 101-1550-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 78.85 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1550-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 108.16 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp JH LARSON COMPANY 122305 11/23/2004 131.7 0 CALENDAR/CORD 438405801 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp JH LARSON COMPANY 122305 11/12/2004 348.02 TIME DELAY FUSE/BU-HORIZ/CLEAR 444708901 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 122387 11/23/2004 8.48 FITTING-SNOWBLOWER 131682 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 122387 11/23/2004 18.16 FITTINGS-SNOWBLOWSR 131591 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp MIIYtŒST LUBE IHe 122383 11/19/2004 314.35 GREASE FI'rl'INGS/TUBING-MOWERS 14624 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp CATCO PARTS SERVICE 122353 11/22/2004 29.80 HYD FITTINGS-SNOWBLOWER 362901 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp CATCO PARTS SERVICE 122353 11/23/2004 4.69 SNOWBLOWER FITTINGS 115090 101-1550-4150 Maint Matl JH LARSON COMPANY 122305 11/17/2004 72.56 MIDGET TIME-DELAY FUSB 444708902 101-1550-4150 Maint MatI WACONIA FARM SUPPLY 122411 10/18/2004 1,898.36 DRY FERTILIZER MIX 8677 101-1550-4150 Maint Matl OLSEN COMPANIES 122392 11/23/2004 395.44 CHAIN/RATCHET PULLER/SLEEVE 311622 101-1550-4150 Maint MatI JH LARSON COMPANY 122371 11/16/2004 323.50 100W MIl MEn CLEAR/CORE. COIL 444800901 101-1550-4240 Uniforms JH LARSON COMPANY 122305 11/23/2004 96.08 FLUKE 439325601 101-1550-4300 Consulting SIMPLEX GRINNELL 122260 10/22/2004 889.00 LAKE ANN MONITORING 70087899 101-1550-4300 Consul ting ADP SCREENING & SELECTION SVCS 122211 10129/2004 31.00 ALCOHOL TEST 819715 101-1550-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 45.43 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 101-1550-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 212.64 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1550-4320 utilities XCEL ENERGY IHe 122272 11/10/2004 16 4.3 6 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111004 101-1550-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122354 11/24/2004 89.57 GAS CHARGES 112404 101-1550-4370 Trav /Train MINNESOTA GREEN EXPO 122316 11/23/2004 220.00 REGISTRATION 112304 101-1550-4400 Land/B1dg IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 122368 11/21/2004 2,298.53 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 720 101-1550-4530 Equip Main SCIIARBER . SONS INC 122258 11111/2004 1.128.90 HYD VALVE/TELESCOPING MIRRORS 4990 101-1550-4530 Equip Main MTI DISTRIBUTING IHe 122247 11/05/2004 42.95 NOZZLE/GASKET/WASIlER 44286400 101-1550-4530 Equip Main MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 122247 11/09/2004 21.49 BUSHING 44312200 101-1550-4530 Equip Main MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 122247 11/09/2004 204.51 CUP-SCALP ANTI 44320000 101-1550-4530 Equip Main MTI DISTRIBUTING rNC 122324 11/16/2004 1,097.39 NOZZLE ASSEMBLY 44286401 101-1550-4560 Sign Maint SIGNSOURCE 122400 11/24/2004 288.19 SIGNS 35164 ----------------- Total Park Maintenance 14,903.82 Dept: Downtown Maintenance 101-1551-4260 Small Tool SPS COMPANIES-ST LOUIS PARK 122336 11/10/2004 230.81 120 V 1650 W 6 GALLON S1129953001 101-1551-4310 Telephone CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122220 11/03/2004 27.66 GAS CHARGES 110304 101-1551-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122346 11/15/2004 30.99 ELECTRICITY CllARGES 111504 101-1551-4510 Bldg Maint CHAD'S TREECARE INC 122221 11/03/2004 2,609.25 TREE REMOVAL/TRlMIIlNG 20026 101-1551-4510 Bldg Maint JH LARSON COMPANY 122305 11/23/2004 -231.30 R1"1'UI<N-BALLAST 454586101 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2,25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 10 ----------------------------._--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Du. Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Downtown Maintenance 101-1551-4510 Bldg Maint PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 122394 11/23/2004 721.92 WATER HEATER WIRING 2862700 101-1551-4530 Equip Main BUCHMAN PLUMBING CO INC 122216 11/05/2004 2,231.00 REPAIR LEAK 15668 ----------------- Total Downtown Maintenance 5,620.33 Dept: Senior Citizens Center 101-1560-4130 Prog Supp COUNTY MARlŒT 122229 11/05/2004 24.26 MlSC FOOD/SUPPLIES 11052004 101-1560-4130 Prog Supp BEmR HOMES AND GARDENS 122279 11/22/2004 22.00 SUBSCRIPTION 112204 101-1560-4130 prog Supp JW PEPPER & SON INC 122306 11/19/2004 85.89 MUSIC 10064914532 101-1560-4130 Prog Supp SUSAN BILL 122403 11/29/2004 36.03 MILEAGE/MISe SUPPLIES 112904 101-1560-4300 Consul ting AARP 122210 11/12/2004 170.00 DEFENSIVE DRIVING 111204 101-1560-4300 Consulting AARP 122209 11/03/2004 70.00 DEFENSIVE DRIVING 110304 101-1560-4300 Consulting KARE PETERSON 122239 10/31/2004 74.46 STAMPING CLASS/SUPPLIES 103104 101-1560-4300 Consulting RICHFIELD BUS COMPANY 122397 11/23/2004 342.00 BUS FEE 13lJJ5 101-1560-4300 Consulting ISLANDVIEW DINING 122369 11/29/2004 511.00 SENIOR CENTER PARTY 112904 101-1560-4300 Consulting CITY OF CHASKA 122356 11/24/2004 429.00 GREAT All HISTORY THEATER 8093 101-1560-4380 Mileage SUSAN BILL 122403 11/29/2004 20.25 MILEAGE/MISC SUPPLIES 112904 ----------------- Total Senior Citizens Center 1,784.89 Dept: Recreation Programs 101-1600-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 I.S5 EMF HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1600-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 614.99 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1600-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 16.13 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 101-1600-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 34.63 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 101-1600-4130 Prog Supp SKYWAY EVENT SERVICES 122335 10/10/2004 104.37 TABLES FOR PRES BUSH VISIT 983174 101-1600-4300 Consulting FOCUS ONE HOUR PHOTO 122232 11/15/2004 47.67 PHOTO DEVELOPING 80519 101-1600-4300 Consulting BRIAN BENIEK 122351 12/01/2004 100.00 SANTA CLAUS 120104 101-1600-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 62.67 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 101-1600-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122346 11/17/2004 65.83 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111704 101-1600-4320 Utilities MIl VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 122386 11/22/2004 10.18 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 112204 ----------------- Total Recreation Programs 1,058.32 Dept: Halloween Party 101-1614-4130 Prog Supp COUNTY MARlŒT 122229 11/05/2004 484.99 MISe FOOD/SUPPLIES 11052004 101-1614-4130 Prog Supp JERRY RUEGEMBR 122304 11/22/2004 201.11 HALLCMEEN PARTY SUPPLIES 112204 ----------------- Total Halloween Party 686.10 Dept: Self· Supporting Programs 101-1700-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 0.46 EMF HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 101-1700-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11/11/2004 153.75 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 101-1700-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 4.03 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2:25pm Ci ty of Chanhassen Page: 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Self-Supporting Programs 101-1700-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 5.49 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 ----------------- Total Self-Supporting Programs 163.73 Dept: Preschool Activities 101-1711-4130 prog Supp NANCY GAGNER 122325 11/16/2004 72.00 MOM Nt ME CLASS 111604 101-1711-4300 Consulting NANCY GAGNER 122325 11116/2004 75.00 MOM N' ME CLASS 111604 ----------------- Total Preschool Activities 147.00 Dept: Youth Sports 101-1730-3636 SlfSupProg BONG NGUYEN 122236 11/15/2004 130.00 REFUND-TAB KWON DO 2000139002 101-1730-4300 Consulting 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK 122274 11/22 /2004 2,176.00 SKATEBOARDING CAMP 112204 ----------------- Total Youth Sports 2,306.00 Dept: Youth Activities 101-1731-3636 SlfSupProg ELlZABETB MAULE 122361 11/30/2004 20.00 REFUND-SUPER SCIENCE DAY 2000143002 101-1731-4300 COIl$ul ting CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS 122219 11/10/2004 360.00 BABYSITTING TRAINING 130209 ----------------- Total Youth Activities 380.00 ----------------- Fund Total 797,582.67 Fund: CABLE TV Dept: 210-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 2.26 EMf BCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 210-0000-4040 IIl$urance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 803.57 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 210-0000-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 11.71 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 210-0000-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 16.30 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 ----------------- Total 833.84 ----------------- Fund Total 833.84 Fund: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Dept: Recycling 211-2310-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 0.26 EMf BCSP-PAY DATE 11/24104 111904 211-2310-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 353.74 BEALTH INSDRANCE 104336101050 211-2310-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 3.68 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 211-2310-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 5.94 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 211-2310-4300 Consulting CIlANHASSEN CllAMBER OF COIIMERCE 122285 11/23/2004 300.00 CHAN BUCKS-KNV EXC AWARDS 112304 211-2310-4340 Printing SOUTHWEST SDBURBAN POBLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 777.60 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 ----------------- Total Recycling 1,441.22 Dept: Reforestation 211-2360-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 0.26 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 211-2360-4040 IIl$urance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 353.74 BEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 211-2360-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 3.68 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 211-2360-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 5.94 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND City of Chanhassen Date: Time: Page: 12106/2004 2,25pm 12 --------------~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------~----------- Fund Department Account GL Number Vendor Name Abbrev Invoice Description Check Number Invoice Number Du. Date Amount --------------~-----------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------~----------------------------~----------- Fund: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Dept: Reforestation ----------------- Total Reforestation 363.62 ----------------- Fund Total 1,804.84 Fund: CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Dept: 400-0000-1155 Dav Insp HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 122298 11/1212004 127.50 KNOB HILL 2ND 13447 400-0000-1155 Dev Insp HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 122298 11/1212004 148.75 FRONITER SECOND 13453 400-0000-1155 Dav Insp NANSEN THORP PELLlNEN OLSON 122298 11/1212004 6.546.25 SETTLERS WEST 13452 400-0000-1155 Dev Insp HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 122298 11/1212004 255.00 CIMMARON 13451 400-0000-1155 Dev Insp HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 122298 11/1212004 361.25 BDRIMOOD 13450 400-0000-1155 Dev Insp HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 122298 11/12/2004 21.25 HIDDEN CREEK 13449 400-0000-1155 Dev Insp HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 122298 11/12/2004 467.50 BOYER LAKE MINNEWASHTA ADDN 13448 400-0000-4300 Consulting GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 122234 10131/2004 478.40 UTILITY LOCATES 4100224 ----------------- Total 8,405.90 Dept: Library Building 400-4002-4300 Consulting MEYER SCHERER & ROCKCASTLE LTD 122244 10/31/2004 64.50 LIBRARY 20010210033 ----------------- Total Library Building 64.50 Dept: Lower Level Remodeling 400-4130-4300 Consulting GEN CON CONSTRUCTION 122233 10/31/2004 16,567.59 REMODEL 8 400-4130-4300 Consulting KKE ARCHITECTS INC 122307 10/31/2004 105.89 CITY HALL REUSE 3071220016 400-4130-4703 Off Equip INTERTEL TECHNOLOGIES INC 122303 10/08/2004 1.145.68 SHORT CABLE RUN/PROGRAM DID'S 1381983 ----------------- Total Lower Level Remodeling 17,819.16 ----------------- Fund Total 26,289.56 Fund: PARK ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT Dept: Hwy 41 Trail 410-4133-4710 Trail Cons BONESTROQ ROSENE ANDERLIK 122280 10/29/2004 946.00 HOLIDAY EXPRESS TRL INSPECTION llJ557 ----------------- Total Hwy 41 Trail 946.00 --------~-------- Fund Total 946.00 Fund: MUNICIPAL STATE AID FUND Dept: Hwy 212 415-4212-4300 Consulting RIKLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 122373 10/31/2004 915.22 TH 212 RELATED SERVICES 1706878 ----------------- Total Hwy 212 915.22 ----------------- Fund Total 915.22 Fund: TAX INCR 6 - GATEWAY *024 Dept: 495-0000-4706 Other Impr STEINER DEVELOPMENT 122401 11/16/2004 222,754.68 SIDEWALKS 111604 495-0000-4B04 Spec Assmt CHANHASSEN ACQUISITIONS Ltc 1222S4 11/23/2004 14,066.50 2ND HALF TIF 112304 ------~---------- Total 236,821.18 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND City of Chanhassen Date: Time: Page: 12/06/2004 U5pm 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Vendor Name Abbrev Invoice Description· Check Number Invoice Number Due Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: TAX INCR 6 - GATEWAY '024 ----------------- Fund Total 236,821.18 Fund: TAX INCR 7 - EDEN TRACE '23 Dept, 497-0000-4804 Spec Assmt 497-0000-4804 Spec Assmt MICRO LLP FINAL TIF PAYMENT L38 LLP FINAL TIF PAYMENT 122313 11/22/2004 112204 122309 11/22/2004 112204 Total 8,910.00 8,545.01 ----------------- 17,455.01 ----------------- Fund Total 17,455.01 Fund: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROJECTS Dept: 2005 MUSA Expansion 600-6010-4300 Consulting KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 2005 MUSA AREA EXFANSION 122373 10131/2004 226.83 1698044 ----------------- Total 2005 MUSA Expansion 226.83 Dept: 2005 Street Improvement 05-01 600-6011-4752 OUt Engine HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 2005 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 122298 11/12/2004 13,316.56 13455 ----------------- Total 2005 Street Improvement 05-01 13,316.56 ----------------- Fund Total 13,543.39 Fund: Water Fund Dept: 700-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 4.87 EKF HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 700-0000-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 2,750.98 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 700-0000-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 46.09 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 700-0000-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/18/2004 61.49 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 700-0000-4120 Equip Supp CHASKA BUILDING CENTER 122286 11/18/2004 21.19 WORK GLOVE8/PIPE COOPLINGS X15898 700-0000-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 122292 11/08/2004 -35.75 RETURN-ALTERNATOR/STARTER 6692173 700-0000-4160 Chemicals HAWKINS CHEMICAL 122299 10/31/2004 65.00 CONTAINER DEMURRAGE DM110023 700-0000-4160 Chemicals HAWKINS CHEMICAL 122364 11/18/2004 1,811.02 HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID/CHLORINE 666647 700-0000-4250 Kerch Inv NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 122248 11/15/2004 1,877.17 METERS 1878312 700-0000-4250 Merch Inv NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 122388 11/23/2004 3,435.45 METERS 1903841 700-0000-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122242 11/01/2004 9.13 PAGER CHARGES 1896056 700-0000-4310 Telephone QWEST 122252 11/01/2004 27.69 TELEPHONE CHARGES 110104 700-0000-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122379 12/01/2004 9.13 PAGER CHARGES 1956479 700-0000-4310 Telephone KMC TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 222.39 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 700-0000-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 107.21 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 112304 700-0000-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY IOC 122272 11/10/2004 10,057.72 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111004 700-0000-4320 utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122220 11/03/2004 60.64 GAS CHARGES 110304 700-0000-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122346 11/17/2004 42.66 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111704 700-0000-4320 Utilities CENTERFOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122354 11/24/2004 55.74 GAS CHARGES 112404 700-0000-4330 Postage FOSTHASTER 122347 11/30/2004 499.13 UTILITY BILL POSTAGE 113004 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND Date: 12/06/2004 Time: 2:25pm City of Chanhassen Page: 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date AIoount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: Water Fund Dept: 700-0000-4340 Printing SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 348.70 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 700-0000-4370 Trav/Train TONKA EQUIPMENT COMPANY 122266 11/02/2004 50.00 SEMINAR REGISTRATION 110204 700-0000-4509 Remit MN DEPT OF HEALTH 122319 11/16/2004 8,550.00 WATER SUPPLY SERVICE CONNECT 111604 700-0000-4550 Wtr Sys CARROLL PARTS 122218 11/02/2004 23.62 FAN DELAY 4308141 700-0000-4550 Wtr Sys FIRST SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 122362 11/15/2004 784.63 WELL 2 RESERVOIR DATA E09511 ----------------- Total 30,885.90 Dept: Well No. 9 Project No. 03-02 700-7006-4752 Out Engine BOLTON & MENK IHe 122214 11/08/2004 1,733.63 WELL 9 SITING/DESIGN 03-02 81361 ----------------- Total Well No. 9 Project No. 03-02 1,133.63 ----------------- Fund Total 32,619.53 Fund: Sewer Fund Dept: 701-0000-2023 SAC payabl METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, ENV SVCS 122380 10/31/2004 9,450.00 OCT08ER SAC 103104 701-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 122323 11/19/2004 4.87 EMP HCSP-PAY DATE 11/24/04 111904 701-0000-4040 Insurance MEDICA 122312 11111/2004 2.750.97 HEALTH INSURANCE 104336101050 701-0000-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE 122317 11/15/2004 46.10 LIFE INSURANCE 111504 701-0000-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS 122295 11/1S/2004 61.49 LONG TERM DISABILITY 111804 701-0000-4120 Equip Supp CHASKA BUILDING CENTER 122286 11/18/2004 21.19 WORK GLOVES/PIPE COUPLINGS X15S98 701-0000-4140 Veh Supp FAC'l'QRY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 122292 11/08/2004 -35.75 RETURN-ALTERNATOR/STARTER 6692173 701-0000-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122242 11/01/2004 9.13 PAGER CHARGES 1896056 701-0000-4310 Telephone QWEST 122252 11/01/2004 27.69 TELEPHONE CHARGES 110104 701-0000-4310 Telephone METROCALL 122379 12/01/2004 9.13 PAGER CHARGES 1956479 701-0000-4310 Telephone K!!C TELECOM 122374 11/19/2004 222.39 TELEPHONE CHARGES 111904 701-0000-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 122389 11/23/2004 107.20 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGHS 112304 701-0000-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY IHe 122272 11/10/2004 1,819.09 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111004 701-0000-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 122220 11/03/2004 60.64 GAS CHARGES 110304 701-0000-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 122346 11/17/2004 42.66 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 111704 701-0000-4320 Utilities MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 122386 11/22/2004 76.68 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 112204 701-0000-4330 Postage POSTMASTER 122347 11/30/2004 499.14 UTILITY BILL POSTAGE 113004 701-0000-4340 Printing SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 122262 10/31/2004 89.50 PRINTING/PUBLISHING 103104 701-0000-4340 Printing USA BLUE BOOK 122409 11/19/2004 245.84 SIGNS 896001 701-0000-4520 Veh Maint TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 122406 11/16/2004 18.15 ACETYLENE 331515 701-0000-4551 Sewer Sys QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS, INC 122251 11/09/2004 88.93 RELAY-GE START 14775 701-0000-4551 Sewer Sys QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS, INC 122251 11/09/2004 1,450.84 REPAIR PUMP-LS 28 14774 701-0000-4551 Sewer Sys CHASKA BUILDING CENTER 122224 10/28/2004 26.59 REBAR/EXPANSION JOINT 390157 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND City of Chanhassen Date: Time: Page: 12/06/2004 2,25pm 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Vendor Name Abbrev Invoice Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: Sewer Fund Dept: Dept: Lift Station .2 701-7010-4752 OUt Engine HANSEN THORP PELLlNEN OLSON LIFT STATION 2 01-11C Fund: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Dept: 720-0000-3660 Sewer Chg NICOLE & JOHN COYLE FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 720-0000-3660 Sewer Chg BURNET TITLE REFUND FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 720-0000-3660 Sewer Chg ANCHOR TITLE REFUND-FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 720-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS EMP HCSF-PAY DATE 11/24/04 720-0000-4040 Insurance MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 720-0000-4040 Insurance MINNESOTA LIFE LIFE INSURANCE 720-0000-4040 Insurance FORTIS BENEFITS LONG TERM DISABILITY 720-0000-4120 Equip Supp PARTEK SUPPLY INC BLUFF CREEK PHASE II 720-0000-4120 Equip Supp BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERtIK SIGN GRAPHICS/LAYOUT 720-0000-4300 Consulting JACOBS TRUCKING IRe TRUCKING- PARK RD & PARK PL 720-0000-4300 Consulting HANSEN THORP PELLlNEN' OLSON CURRY CREEK STABILIZATION 720-0000-4300 Consulting BOLTON & MENK lHe COUNTRY OAKS DRAINAGE STUDY 720-0000-4300 Consulting KOSSKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY COUNTRY OAKS DRAINAGE IMPROV 720-0000-4300 Consulting BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK BLUFF CREEK RESTORATION Check Number Invoice Number Amount Due Date ----------------- Total 17,092.47 122235 11/12/2004 2,582.75 13462 ----------------- Total Lift Station '2 2,582.75 ----------------- Fund Total 19,675.22 122328 11/23/2004 25.88 1930700 122283 11/23/2004 9.87 2354900 122349 12/01/2004 5.91 2644601 122323 11/19/2004 1.37 111904 122312 11/11/2004 561.24 104336101050 122317 11/15/2004 14,65 111504 122295 11/18/2004 19.68 111804 122393 11/19/2004 44.73 12443 122350 11/22/2004 1,022.00 114450 122238 10/31/2004 1,772.75 19803 122235 11/05/2004 88.50 13380 122214 11/08/2004 570.00 81362 122375 11/29/2004 17 ,450.00 112904 122350 11122 /2004 2,508.26 114449 ----------------- Total 24.094.84 ----------------- Fund Total 24,094.84 Fund: HISTORIC PRESERVATION TRUST Dept: 800-0000-4300 Consul ting KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 122372 11/18/2004 128.00 DOWNTOWN CHAN TIF MODIFICATION 63779 ----------------- Total 128.00 ----------------- Fund Total 128.00 Fund: DEVELOPER ESCRCM FUND Dept: LANDSCAPE 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay CHRIS « CHRIS WEDES 122225 11/15/2004 750.00 EROSION/LANDSCAPE ESCROW 111504 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay COTTAGEWOOD BUILDERS 122228 1111012004 750.00 LANDSCAPE-6645 MULBERRY CIR E 6645MCE 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay LUNDGREN BOOS CONSTRUCTION 122311 11/22/2004 2,250.00 LANDSCAPE/EROSION ESCROWS 112204 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay KNOBLAUCH BUILDERS LLC 122308 11/22/2004 750.00 EROSION/LANDSCAPE ESCROW 1415KHL 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay DENNY CHADDERDON 122290 11/22/2004 750.00 LANDSCAPE/EROSION ESCROW 8900AR ----------------- Total LANDSCAPE 5,250.00 Dept: EROSION CONTROL I :; ;{ e , ~ ¡ j , ¡ INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND City of Chanhassen Date: Time: Page: 12/06/2004 2,25pm 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Vendor Name Abbrev Invoice Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡ ~ t j ~ ~ Fund: DEVELOPER ESCROW FUND Dept: EROSION CONTROL 815-8202-2024 Escrow Pay CHRIS & CHRIS WEDES EROSION/LANDSCAPE ESCROW Escrow Pay LUNDGREN BRaS CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPE/EROSION ESCROWS Escrow Pay KNOBLAUCH BUILDERS LLC EROSION/LANDSCAPE ESCROW Escrow Pay DENNY CHADDEROON LANDSCAPE/EROSION ESCRCM Escrow Pay BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION EROSION ESCROW 815-8202-2024 815-8202-2024 815-8202-2024 815-8202-2024 1 -~ ~ Dept: TRAFFIC STUDY 815-8231-2024 Escrow Pay LIFETIME FITNESS INC REFUND REMAINING BALANCE Escrow pay KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES IRe FOOD COOP TRAPFIC STUDY 815-8231-2024 " ;, Fund: PAYROLL CLEARING FUND , i Dept: '.j 820-0000-2006 Deduct Pay ROSSO & SEIERSTAD P~ ~ EMPLOYEE WAGE DEDUCTION 820-0000-2006 Deduct Pay UNITED WAY t~ EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION 820-0000-2009 De! Comp NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION "',' EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COO :) 1 820-0000-2009 De! Com¡> 100 RETIREMENT AND TRUST-457 ,~ EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMP -j 820-0000-2011 Life Ins. MINNESOTA LIFE 1 LIFE INSURANCE u 820-0000-2011 Life Ins. MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 'J EMPLOYEE LIFE INSURANCE j 820-0000-2012 Health Ins MEDICA ~,î HEALTH INSURANCE 820-0000-2013 DENTAL PAY FORTIS DENTAL BENEFITS EMP DENTAL INSURANCE 820-0000-2016 RET HEALTH HSRS EMP HCSP-P~Y DATE 11/24/04 ¡ " ¡ Check Number Invoice Number Amount Due Date 122225 11/15/2004 500.00 111504 122311 11/22/2004 1,500.00 112204 122308 11/22/2004 500.00 1415KHL 122290 11/22/2004 1,000.00 8900AR 122282 11/16/2004 250.00 6341CD ----------------- Total EROSION CONTROL 3,750.00 122377 12/01/2004 94.62 DW5271 122373 10/31/2004 3,036.89 1701668 ----------------- Total TRAFFIC STUDY 3,131.51 ----------------- Fund Total 12,131.51 122334 11/24/2004 359.16 112404 122342 11/24/2004 106.00 112404 122327 11/26/2004 6,938.41 112604 122302 11/26/2004 430.00 112604 122317 11/15/2004 499.96 111504 122320 11/18/2004 32.00 111804 122312 11111/2004 10,340.48 104336101050 122296 11/18/2004 902.29 111804 122323 11/19/2004 1,636.35 111904 ----------------- Total 21,244.65 ----------------- Fund Total 21,244.65 ----------------- Grand Total 1,206,085.46 .~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952227.1180 F,,:952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952227.1160 Fax: 952227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Pari< & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 F,,952.227.1110 RecrealiollCellter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 F,,952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 F,,:952.227.1110 PublicWorl<s 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 F,,952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 F,,:952.227.1110 WebSile www.cì.chanhasSell.ffiIl.US MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator ~ DATE: November 30, 2004 RE: Status Update on Lake Susan Projects by Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District North Shoreline Stabilizaûon The City of Chanhassen and the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District are cooperating to complete a stabilization of the northern shoreline of Lake Susan. The lake banks in this location have eroded over time and now pose a threat to users of the City trail because of their height (several feet) and proximity to the trail (18 inches from the trail edge) in some areas. The project is being designed and managed by the District. The plans involve the stabilization of approximately 9S0 feet of shoreline through the use of vegetation and rip rap. The City received revised plans and specifications from the District on November 29. The project is being advertised starting this week. A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for December 21 with a bid opening on December 29. Construction will likely occur in January or February 200S. The cost of the project is estimated to be $160,000. The City will provide SO% of the cost ($80,000) through its Surface Water Management fund (Capital Improvement Program Project It SWMP-01S). The remainder of the funding ($80,000) will be provided by the District. Delta Removal The Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District will be undertaking the removal of the delta at the inlet of Riley Creek into Lake Susan and will be funding 100% of this work. The contract for the delta removal was awarded by the District in Winter 2003-2004. However, the contractor was not able to perform the work last winter due to the late award of the contract. The District Engineer met with the contractor during the week of November 22, 2004 on-site. The District Engineer indicated that the contractor is planning to conduct the delta removal as soon as the ice conditions will permit a truck driving on the lake. The District Engineer anticipated that this would mean the work would probably occur in late January or early February unless we have extremely cold temperatures earlier than that. The City ot Chanhassen . A growing communily with clean lakes, quality schools. a charming downtown. thriving businesses, winding trails, and beaulilul parks. A great place to lIVe. work. and play. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen. MN55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.IIBO Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 F,,:952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 F,,:952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310CoullerBoulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 F,,:952.227.1110 Web Site www.cLchanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator ~ DATE: November 30, 2004 RE: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Proposed Rule Changes BACKGROUND On November 22, 2004, staff received a Statement of Need and Reasonableness for proposed revisions to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District ("District") rules, as well as a copy of the proposed revisions. According to the cover sheet, the proposed changes are considered by the District "to be of a 'housekeeping,' or minor nature that do not significantly reduce water resource protection or increase the burden on regulated parties." Comments on the proposed rule revisions will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on January 3, 2005. The public hearing regarding the proposed rule revisions is scheduled for January 13, 2005 at 6:45 p.m. in the Minnetonka Community Center Council Chambers. IMPLICATIONS FOR CITY In reviewing the proposed rule revisions, it appears that a majority of the changes are clarifications to existing rules and therefore do not substantively alter the applicability of the rules. However, several items have the potential to impact Chanhassen residents: 1. Rule C: Floodplain Alteration - Permits for the removal of ice ridges in shoreland areas will require applicants to show that the ice ridge resulted from ice action during the previous winter. Minimal impact. 2. Rule D: Wetland Protection- a. Adds a provision that the excavation and buffer portions of Rule D are "adopted under the District's watershed authority and appl[y] whether or not the District is the Wetland Conservation Act local government unit in the municipality where the excavation is to occur." The City's legal counsel has indicated that the imposition of these rules District- wide oversteps the authority granted by the legislature to watershed districts in cities where watershed districts are not the local government unit for the Wetland Conservation Act. ¡ The Cily of Chanhassen' A growing communllywilh clean lakes, quality schools. a charming downtown, thriVing businesses. winding Iralls, and beaulilul parks. A great place 10 live, work. and play. MCWD Proposed Rule Changes November 30, 2004 Page 2 of 2 b. Prescribes actions that may and may not be undertaken within wetland buffers and clarifies the prohibition of structures and fill within buffers. Current practice, no impact. 3. Rule F: Shoreline & Streambank Improvements - a. Clarifies the regulated improvements and the areas where such improvements are regulated. Minimal impact. b. Increases standards for rip rap and retaining wall design to promote stability. Minimal impact. 4. Rule G: Waterbody Crossings & Structures- Requires maintenance agreement with the District as part of the permitting process. Minimal impact. 5. Rule N: Stormwater Management- a. Requires pretreatment of new point source storm water prior to discharge to a wetland. Current practice, no impact. b. Removes summary table of Best Management Practice (BMP) effectiveness. No impact. RECOMMENDATION No action is necessary. This memorandum is provided as an informational item. Persons with comments or questions may contact City staff or District representatives as indicated in the cover letter. ATTACHMENTS 1. Cover letter from MCWD, received 11/22/04 2. Proposed Revisions for Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G and N, dated 11/8/04 3. Statement of Need and Reasonableness, dated 11/8/04 j Mail: 18202 Minnetonke Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 Phone: (952) 471-0590 Fax: (952) 471-0682 Emaii: admin@minnehahacreek.org Web Site: www.minnehahacreek.org Board of Managers Pamela Biixt James Calkins Lance Fisher Susan Goetz Richard Miller Ethel Smith Scott Thomas Minnehaha creek. Watershed District Improving Quality of Water, Quality of Life Established in 1967 RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PUBLIC HEARING ANNOUNCEMENT MCWD Rule Changes A public hearing regarding the proposed Rules revisions is scheduled for: January 13, 2005 at 6:45 p.m. Minnetonka Community Center· Council Chambers 14600 Minnetonka BouleYard Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345 The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District is requesting review and comment on proposed District Rules revisions. The proposed changes are considered to be of a "housekeeping," or minor nature that do not significantly reduce water resource protection or increase the burden on regulated parties. Enclosed are a Statement of Need and Reasonableness and revised Rules. Additions to the Rules are underlined and deletions are stricken. Your written comments will be accepted by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District until January 3, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. Please send your comments to: Renae Clark 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven,MN 55391 Or by email to rclark@minnehahacreek.org or by fax to 952-471-0682. MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS RULES A, B, C, D, E, F, G and N PROPOSED REVISIONS PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES §103D.341 November 8, 2004 DEFINITIONS For the purposes ofthese mles, the following words shall have meanings set below: · Agricultural activity means the use of land for the production of agronomic, horticultural or silvicultural crops, including nursery stock, sod, fruits, vegetables, flowers, forages, cover crops, grains, and Christmas trees. Agricultural activity also includes grazing. · Alteration or alter means any activity that will change or diminish the course, current, or cross-section of public waters and wetlands. · BMPs (best management practices) are actions taken to prevent or reduce detrimental impacts to the environment while maintaining the natural characteristics of the environment. · Beds of a waterbody means all portions of a waterbody located below the ordinary highwater level. · Dredge means the removal of the sediment or other materials trom the beds, banks or shores of, a waterbody by means of hydraulic suction, mechanical excavation or any other means. · Excavation means the displacement or removal of sediment or other material. · Fast Track Permit means a permit issued by staff for standard rip rap, sandblankets or maintenance fill projects which are installed according to technical specifications provided by District engineers, or an erosion control permit issued by staff in accordance with the criteria in Rule B. · Fill means any material placed or intended to be placed on the bed or bank of any protected water or wetland. Fill must be clean, inorganic material that is tree of pollutants · Floodplain means the areas adjoining a watercourse or water basin which have been or hereafter may be covered by a 100 year regional flood. · General Permit means a permit issued which is subject to staff and/or engineer review and board approval. · Land-disturbing activity or land disturbance means any disturbance to the ground surface that, through the action of wind or water, may result in soil erosion or the movement of sediment into waters, wetlands or storm sewers or onto adjacent property. Land-disturbing activity includes but is not limited to the demolition of a structure or surface, soil stripping, clearing, grubbing, grading, excavating, filling and the storage of soil or earth materials. . . ~ : Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 1 f , · Maintenance Fill means I" or less of evenly spread fill material that may be placed in the floodplain as bed preparation for sodding or seeding purposes. · NURP means Nationwide Urban Runoff Program developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) to study stormwater runoff ftom urban development. · One-hundred vear hil!h water elevation means the highest water elevation associated with a waterbodv reached during a 24-hour precipitation event with a recurrence interval of 100 vears. as specified bv the District in a written guidance document or. if not so specified. as determined bv the District in order to act on a permit application. · Ordinary high water level means the boundary of a waterbody and shall be an elevation delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape, commonly that point where the natural vegetation changes ftom predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. For watercourses, the ordinary high water level shall be the elevation of the top of the bank of the channel. For reservoirs and flowages, the ordinary high water level is the operating elevation of the normal summer pool. · Person means any natural person, partnership, unincorporated association, corporation, municipal corporation or political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. · PID means Property Tax Identification Number and is an abbreviated method to substitute for the legal description for a parcel of property (ex. 03-117-24 330004 is Section 3 of Township 117; Range 24; Quarter Quarter 33 and Parcel 4). · Public waters means all waters identified as public waters under Minn Stat.l03G.005, Subd. 15. · Public waters wetlands means all wetlands identified as public waters wetlands under Minn. Stat. 103G.00S, Subd. 18. · Regional flood means a flood which is representative oflarge floods known to have occurred generally in Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur on an average ftequency in the magnitude of the 100-year recurrence interval. · Residential appurtenance means (a) a drivewav; or (b) a structure or surface that throughout the watershed customarilv is associated with residential use of a propertv and that does not exceed 5.000 square feet of hard surface. · Subwatershed means one of the fifteen major sub watershed planning units within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. · Top of bank means the ordinarY high water level for a water basin or wetland. and the break in slope for a watercourse. · Waterbasin means an enclosed natural depression with definable banks capable of containing water which may be partly filled with waters. · Waterbody means all waterbasins, watercourses and wetlands as defined in these rules. · Watercourse means any channel having definable beds and banks capable of conducting generally confined runoff ttom adjacent lands. During floods water ; Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8. 2004 2 may leave the confining beds and banks but under low and normal flows water is confined within the channel. A watercourse may be perennial or intermittent. . Wetland buffer zone means an area of native, unmaintained, vegetated groundcover abutting or surrounding a wetland. Buffer width is dependent on wetland size (see Rule D, subsection 2.c.). . Wetlands means all wetlands identified as wetlands under Minnesota Stat. I03G.005, Subd 19. The term does not include "public waters wetlands" as defined under Minnesota Statutes 103G.005. subdivision l5a. RULE A: PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS I. APPLICATION REQUIRED. Any person undertaking any activity for which a permit is required by these rules shall first submit for review a permit application, engineering design data and such other information to the District as may be required by these rules to determine whether the improvements are in compliance with the criteria established by these rules. All permit applications must bear the original signature of the landowner. An interested person may intervene in a permit proceeding by filing a written request to intervene with the District before the final decision on the application. The request shall state the nature ofthe person's interest and a copy shall be hand-delivered to the applicant or received at the applicant's address stated in the application before the time ofthe final decision. An intervener shall have the rights of a party in the proceeding before the District. 2. FORMS. Permit applications shall be submitted using forms provided by the District, including a variance form if a variance is requested, which you can find on the Permit !\.12I}lications page. Permit applications shall be addressed to: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 3. ACTION ON PERMIT APPLICATION. The District shall act within 45 days of receipt of an application and set of exhibits in compliance with the submittal requirements of these rules, as determined by the District. Permit decisions will be made by the Board except as provided for in specific rules and as delegated to staff by written resolution. The notification requirements of paragraph§..5 and 6 of this rule will continue to apply to permit actions delegated to staff by Board resolution. The Board will review a staff permit decision on the applicant's request. Variance requests will be acted on by the Board pursuant to Rule 1. The District may approve or deny an application and, if approving, may impose reasonable conditions. Conditions may include, as otherwise consistent with the rules, requirements for sureties, maintenance agreements and declarations and may require that those documents be properly executed or recorded before permit issuance. The District may reconsider a permit if it finds that a material error or misrepresentation was made in the application and that the correct information was available at the time of the application. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 3 4. CONFORMITY WITH MUNICIPAL PLAN. The District will review applications for permits involving land development only after the applicant demonstrates that the plan has received preliminary approval from each municipality in which development is to take place. The requirement of preliminary municipal approval shall mean: ~ j J (a) Preliminary plat approval if required for the development; or if , ~ ? ~ ~ .~ (b) Ifplat approval is not required, approval by the municipal planning commission or a written statement from the responsible municipal official that, on preliminary review, the development appears to meet municipal approval requirements. d 5. NOTIFICATION PROCESS. Persons applying for a District permit must supply a certified list of property owners and mailing labels for each property on that list obtained from Hennepin County or Carver County who reside within 600 feet of a parcel on which the proposed project is to occur. District staff will send notice of the proposed project to the individuals on the mailing list for the applicant at the applicant's expense. A copy of the list will be retained with the application at the District office. The application will not be processed until the list has been submitted to the District. Notification is required for a permit application submitted under the following District Rules: \¡ Rule B - Erosion Control R\Üc¿_C - Floodplain Alteration Kl!tC¿J.? - Wetland Protection RuIgJ~ - Dredging R~JçE - Shoreland and Streambank Improvement ISlII~º - Stream and Lake Crossings .!Sule N - Stormwater Management Notification is not required for a fast-track permit under Rule B, C, E or F. 6. ALTERNATIVE NOTIFICATION,Before lIjJ¡¡lieatieH is made, the Beard, The District. on written request, may approve alternative notification for any of the following projects: (a) A linear project, including but not limited to a road, sidewalk or trail, one-half mile or more in length. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 4 (b) A project on a parcel or contiguous parcels with an area of 100 acres or more, where no more than five percent of the area will be disturbed, provided the disturbed area does not include a wetland. (c) A project where the applicant proposes to combine notification under this rule with notification required under the approval procedures of another governmental body. The applicant must demonstrate that an alternative means of notification will provide adequate notice to residents near the proposed activity. 7. TIME FOR SUBMITTAL. A complete permit application which includes all required exhibits shall be received by the District at least 21 full days prior to the scheduled meeting date ofthe Board of Managers. Late submittals or submittals with incomplete exhibits will be scheduled to a subsequent meeting date. 8. TABLED PERMITS. Permit applications tabled at a board meeting due to revisions needed for compliance with District rules will be addressed at the next board meeting if the revisions are submitted within 3 working days of being tabled. Otherwise, permit applications and resubmittals will be treated pursuant to paragraph 7 of this rule. The District may require re-notification pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6 if resubmittal constitutes a substantial change in the proposed project or if90 days have elapsed between the date of the Board's action to table and the date ofresubmittal. 9. PERMIT RENEWALS AND TRANSFERS. A permit is valid for a one year period from the date the applicant is advised in writing that the District has approved the permit unless it is otherwise suspended or revoked. To renew or transfer a permit, the permittee must notify the District in writing, prior to the permit expiration date, of the reason for the renewal or transfer request. The District may impose different or additional conditions on a renewal or deny the renewal in the event of a material change in circumstances other than a change in District rules. A transfer shall be approved unless the District finds that the proposed transferee has not demonstrated the ability to perform the authorized work in accordance with the conditions of the permit, in which case the Board District may impose conditions on or deny the transfer. Permit transfer does not extend the permit term. 10. REGULAR MEETINGS. EºK~ll1LI11,,<::tjngsºfJh¡;Hºm:;lºLMª"li¡gçrs are conducted on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, no earlier than 6:00 p.m. II. BASIS FOR DECISIONS. All interpretations of these rules and permit decisions under these rules will incorporate and be consistent with District purposes set forth in sections 103B.20l and 103D.20l of the Minnesota Statutes. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 5 : RULE B: EROSION CONTROL , I. POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to require preparation and implementation of erosion control plans for land disturbing activities, in order to limit erosion rrom wind and water; reduce flow volumes and velocities of stormwater moving off-site; reduce sedimentation into water bodies; and protect soil stability during and after site disturbance. These measures should reflect the following principles: . . (a) Minimize, in area and duration, exposed soil and unstable soil conditions. (b) Minimize disturbance of natural soil cover and vegetation. (c) Protect receiving water bodies, wetlands and storm sewer inlets. (d) Retain sediments rrom disturbed properties on site. , (e) Minimize off-site sediment transport on trucks and equipment. (f) Minimize work in and adjacent to water bodies and wetlands. (g) Maintain stable slopes. (h) Avoid steep slopes and the need for high cuts and fills. (i) Minimize disturbance to the surrounding soils, root systems and trunks of trees adjacent to site activity that are intended to be left standing. (j) Minimize the compaction of site soils. 2. PERMIT REQUIREMENT. Unless specifically excepted by section 3 ofthis rule, land-disturbing activity shall require a permit incorporating an erosion control plan approved by the District and shall be conducted in accordance with that plan. A fast-track permit may be issued for routine erosion control projects on a finding that the application: (a) Complies with the submission requirements of section 4 of this rule; (b) Includes an erosion control plan that: (I) Complies with section 5 of this rule; (2) Provides for maintenance and inspection in accordance with section 9 of this rule; and Proposed Housekeeping Rule RuksA,B,C,D,E,F,G,N November 8, 2004 6 (3) Provides that there will be no stockpiling of more than 50 cubic yards of soil or other material subject to erosion by wind or water that is not covered, vegetated, enclosed, fenced on the down gradient side or otherwise effectively protected from erosion. Any request for a variance from a requirement of this rule must be decided by the Board of Managers. 3. EXCEPTIONS. The following land-disturbing activity shall not be subject to the requirements of this rule: (a) Activity that: (I) disturbs an area ofless than 5,000 square feet; and (2) involves the grading, excavating, filling, or storing on site ofless than 50 cubic yards of soil or earth material. (b) Routine agricultural activity. (c) Emergency activity immediately necessary to protect life or prevent substantial physical harm to person or property. (d) Activity otherwise subject to this rule, where the District has entered into a written agreement with the municipality where the activity takes place providing that the District will not exercise erosion control permitting authority within the City under the circumstances in question. 4. PERMIT APPLICATION. A written application for an erosion control permit shall be submitted by the owner of a site or an authorized representative. The application shall contain the following: (a) Site address. (b) Property owner's name, address and telephone number. (c) Names, addresses, telephone numbers and responsibilities of all contractors, subcontractors and other persons who will engage in the land- disturbing activities. (d) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons responsible for preparing the erosion control plan. (e) Documentation of all applicable county, municipal or township approvals for the proposed action or a statement that no such approvals are required. (t) Application date. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 7 (g) A statement that the applicant: (a) consents to site inspection by the District and its authorized agents at reasonable times as necessary to evaluate the permit application or determine compliance with the requirements of this rule; and (b) will notify the District and afford access for District inspection as set forth at paragraph 10. (h) Signature of each property owner with a certification that he or she understands that the proposed activity must be conducted in compliance with this rule and the approved erosion control plan, and that the application is complete and accurate to the best of his or her belief. When a property owner is not a natural person, the application shall bear a signature of one authorized to act on the owner's behalf and documentation of the signatory's authority. (i) An erosion control plan as described at paragraph 5 of this rule. (j) A soils engineering report as described at paragraph 6 ofthis rule, if requested by the District. (k) A geological report as described at paragraph 6 of this rule, if requested by the District. (I) A statement that the applicant is aware of fee requirements set forth at Rule J ofthe District's rules and agrees to pay that fee as determined due by the District. 5. EROSION CONTROL PLAN. The erosion control plan is a stand-alone document that shall include the following: (a) A vicinity map showing: (I) The site location in relation to surrounding roads, steep slopes, other significant geographic features, buildings and other significant structures. (2) All receiving waterbodies within 1000 feet of the area to be disturbed, and all stormwater ponds, ditches, storm sewer catch basins and other stormwater conveyances within 100 feet and downgradient of the area to be disturbed. (b) Site plans for existing and final proposed conditions drawn to appropriate scale. The plans shall contain: (I) Contours sufficient to show drainage on and adjacent to the site. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 8 (2) Site property lines. (3) Identification and location of all on-site water features and facilities including any lake, stream or wetland; any natural or artificial water diversion or detention area; any surface or subsurface drainage facility or stormwater conveyance; and any storm sewer catch basin. (4) Location of all trees and vegetation on site, with identification of that which is intended to be retained. (S) Location of buildings and structures on site. (6) Proposed grading or other land-disturbing activity including areas of grubbing, clearing, tree removal, grading, excavation, fill and other disturbance; areas of soil or earth material storage; quantities of soil or earth material to be removed, placed, stored or otherwise moved on site; and delineated limits of disturbance. (7) Locations of proposed runoff control, erosion prevention, sediment control and temporary and permanent soil stabilization measures. (c) Plans and specifications for all proposed runoff control, erosion prevention, sediment control, and temporary and permanent soil stabilization measures. (I) Plans and specifications shall conform to the provisions of the manual, "Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas" (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, reprinted 1994), as revised, or if a facility or measure is not addressed in that manual, then to the provisions of the "Erosion and Sediment Control Manual" (Hennepin Conservation District, 1989), as revised. (2) All erosion and sedimentation controls proposed for compliance with this rule will be in place before any land- disturbing activity commences. (3) Plans shall provide that stockpiles of soil or other materials subject to erosion by wind or water shall be covered, vegetated, enclosed, fenced on the downgradient side or otherwise effectively protected from erosion in accordance with the amount of time the material will be on site and the manner of its proposed use. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 9 (4) Plans shall include measures and procedures to reasonably minimize site soil compaction and shall provide that all compacted soil shall be broken up to a depth of at least six inches before revegetation. (S) Plan Dlutll pr-eyiàe that all Silt fence shall conform to Sections 3886.1 and 3886.2. Standard Specifications for Construction. Minnesota Department of Transportation (2000 ed,). as it mav be amended. Silt fence shall be the color orange if available meeting that specification. (6) Plans shall provide that all fabric fences used for erosion and sedimentation control and all other temporary controls shall not be removed until the District has determined that the site has been permanently restabilized and shall be removed within 30 days thereafter. (7) Plans shall provide for permanent stabilization of all disturbed areas and specifv at least four inches oftopsoil spread during final site treatment wherever topsoil has been removed. (d) A detailed schedule indicating dates and sequence of land alteration activities; implementation, maintenance and removal of erosion and sedimentation control measures; and permanent site stabilization measures. (e) A detailed description of how erosion control, sediment control and soil stabilization measures implemented pursuant to the plan will be monitored, maintained and removed. (f) On the request of an applicant proposing to landscape an improved residential property and a finding that certain required information is not needed to assess the characteristics of the property and the adequacy of proposed control measures, the District may reduce the submittal requirements of this section. 6. SOILS ENGINEERING AND GEOLOGY REPORTS. On a determination that the condition of the soils is unknown or unclear and that additional information is required to find that an applicant's proposed activity will meet the standards and purposes ofthis rule, the District may require soil borings or other site investigation to be conducted and may require submission of a soils engineering or geology report. The report shall include the following as requested by the District: (a) Data and information obtained from the requested site investigation. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 10 (b) A description of the types, composition, permeability, stability, erodibility and distribution of existing soils on site. (c) A description of site geology. (d) Conclusions and revisions, if any, to the proposed land-disturbing activity at the site or the erosion control plan, including revisions of plans and specifications. 7. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The District may require any additional information or data, as it finds relevant and necessary to evaluate and act on an application. 8. SURETY. The District may require the applicant to file a bond or other surety in accordance with Rule K. For a fast-track permit, the surety must be in the form of a performance bond, a letter of credit or a cash escrow. The surety shall be maintained until: (a) Final site stabilization and removal of erosion and sedimentation controls, as determined by the District, and the payment of all fees and amounts due to the District; (b) Forty- five (45) days after written notification to the District under paragraph 11 (d), ifthe District has failed to respond in writing; or (c) Such earlier time as the District may advise the applicant in writing. 9. MAINTENANCE. The permittee shall be responsible at all times for the maintenance and proper operation of all erosion and sediment control facilities. On any property on which land-disturbing activity has occurred pursuant to a permit issued under this rule, the permittee shall, at a minimum, inspect, maintain and repair all disturbed surfaces and all erosion and sediment control facilities and soil stabilization measures every day work is performed on the site, and at least weekly, until land-disturbing activity has ceased. Thereafter, the permittee shall perform these responsibilities at least weekly until vegetative cover is established. The permittee shall maintain a log of activities under this section for inspection by the District on request. I O. NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION. The applicant or its authorized agent shall notify the District in writing at the following points: (a) On completing installation of perimeter erosion and sedimentation controls. (b) On completing land-disturbing activities and putting into place measures for final soil stabilization and revegetation. (c) When the site has been permanently stabilized and revegetated. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 11 (d) When all temporary erosion and sedimentation controls have been removed rrom the site. At each stage indicated, the applicant shall not proceed with site activity until the District has been notified. At the stage indicated at paragraph 10(a), the applicant shall not proceed with site activity until the District has been notified and allowed two full business days to inspect the site and, as necessary, confer with the applicant. Within the two days specified, the District may advise the applicant that it is extending the period for inspection by up to five additional business days. RULE C: FLOODPLAIN ALTERATION I. POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to: (a) Preserve existing water storage capacity below 100-year high water elevations on all waterbodies in the watershed to minimize the rrequency and severity of high water; (b) Minimize development below projected 100-year high water elevations that will unduly restrict flood flows or aggravate known high water problems. 2. REGULATION. No person shall alter or fill land below the projected 100-year high water elevation of a waterbody without a permit rrom the District. A Fast Track permit may be issued for I" or less of fill in preparation for sodding or seeding. Anv activity requiring a permit under this paragraph and involving land disturbance also requires a permit under District Rule B (Erosion Control). 3. CRITERIA. W The filling shall not cause a net decrease in storage capacity below the projected 100-year high water elevation unless it is shown that the proposed filling, together with the filling of all other properties on the affected reach of the waterbody to the same degree of encroachment as proposed by the applicant, will not cause high water or aggravate flooding on other properties and will not unduly restrict flood flows. The allowable fill area shall be calculated by a professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. Creation of floodplain storage capacitv to offset fill shall occur within the original permit term. If offsetting storage capacitv will be off-site. it shall be created before floodplain filling, (b) Ice ridge regrading within the floodplain must conform to the original cross- section of the lakebed. Approval for ice ridge regrading or removal of ice ridge material rrom the floodplain requires the applicant to demonstrate that the ice ridge resulted rrom ice action during the previous winter. No additional material mav be placed within the floodplain except in accordance with this Rule. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 12 (çl All new residential, commercial, industrial and institutional structures shall be constructed such that all door and window openings are at a minimum of two feet above the 1 OO-year high water elevation. 4. REQUIRED EXHffiITS. The following exhibits shall accompany the permit application. One set - full size; one set - reduced to maximum size of 11 "x 17". (a) Site plan showing property lines, delineation ofthe work area, existing elevation contours of the work area, ordinary high water elevation (OHW), and regional flood elevation. All elevations must be reduced to NGVD (1929 datum). (b) Grading plan showing any proposed elevation changes. (c) Preliminary plat of any. proposed land development. (d) Determination by a professional engineer of the 100-year high water elevation before and after the project. (e) Computation bv a professional engineer of cut. fill and change in water storage capacity resulting from proposed grading. (f) Soil boring results if available. 5. EXCEPTION. If the 100 reiii' elevatioB ia 8f!tir-ely within a ffiuniei¡¡ality ami that munie~ality haa adopted II flood¡¡laiB oFàiHanee pf6seribiHg an allowable degree of flooàplaiH eHeroaeh1HoBt, the ordillaHee go'¡ems the allowable degree of 6IIeroaeh1HoBt and BO ¡¡ermit is reE llired IlIIder this rule. RULE D: WETLAND PROTECTION I. POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to: (a) achieve no net loss in the quantity, quality, and biological diversity of Minnesota's existing wetlands; (b) increase the quantity, quality, and biological diversity of Minnesota's wetlands by restoring or enhancing diminished or drained wetlands; (c) avoid direct or indirect impacts from activities that destroy or diminish the quantity, quality and biological diversity of wetlands; (d) minimize direct or indirect impacts from activities that destroy ordiminish the quantity, quality and biological diversity of wetlands; Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 13 (e) rectify the impact of any such activity by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected wetland environment; (t) reduce or eliminate the impact of such activity over time by preservation and maintenance operation during the life of the activity; (g) compensate for the impact on the wetlands by restoring a wetland; (h) compensate for the impact on the wetlands by replacing or providing substitute wetland resources or environments. 2. REGULf.TlON AUTHORITY UNDER WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT AND WATERSHED LAW. (a) The lY",1!¡illd COl1s",rv-ªW:'llAct, as amended, and the rnleG im¡¡lemeflting the '.V etland CeniJeFVlltÌen f.ct its implementing rules as set forth in Minnesota Rules chapter 8420, as amended, specificallv including seauencing reauirements. are incorporated as a part ofthis rule and shall govern draining and filling in wetlands in all cases where the District is the local government unit under that Act. Wetland replacement. where permitted. shall occur in the same subwatershed as the associated wetland impact. (b) Sections 3 and 4. below. are adopted under the District's watershed authoritv and applies whether or not the District is the Wetland Conservation Act local govemment unit in the municipalitv where the excavation is to occur. 3. EXCAVATION (b) E¡¡eavatieniJ in wetlands for tile pllfj'Jeses efwilàlife enhaneemeBt mllst cem¡¡ly with the criteria described in the HNR pllblieatien "§¡e&'iRted PeFlàs fer Waterfewl" (1992). Excavation in wetlands for 1lIl)' etherpW]Jese is subiect to the following reauirements. ill Excavation is governed by the substantive and procedural standards, criteria and requirements set forth in the Wetland Conservation Act, as amended, and the rules implementing the Wetland Conservation Act as set forth in Minnesota Rules chapter 8420, as amended, with the exception that replacement for excavation not subiect to the Wetland Conservation Act shall ffiIISt be at the ratio of I acre of replaced wetland for each acre of excavated wetland. íQ} Excavations in wetlands for the purposes of wildlife enhancement must complv. in addition. with the criteria described in the DNR publication "Excavated Ponds for Waterfowl" (1992). Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 14 (c) Excavation shall be deemed self-replacing if an applicant demonstrates that the wetland to be excavated is degraded: the Proposed activity would increase the wetland's function and value. as determined using the current version of the Minnesota Routine Assessment Method or other method approved bv the District: and the enhanced wetland function and value are likelv to be preserved. Cd) The application shall identify spoils placement on upland and specify how the deposited materials will be stabilized and vegetated. ~ ill Wetland replacement, where permitted, shall occur in the same subwatershed as the associated wetland impact. 4. BUFFER ill W Any activity for which a permit is required under District Rule C (Floodplain Alteration). D (Wetland Protection). G (Waterbodv Structures) or N (Stormwater Management) The prejeet must provide for a buffer _ of the following ø width adiacent to each wetland and public waters wetland: rsi;;~-;;fW~t¡;;d iWidth~f B;ffe~-i~;~1 JI I , I~~ ........:.~~ ~ ~-~.~ -~~~.~.., 10 - I acre ¡16.5 feet ¡ ~--I ~2.5 acres'---[2õ feet ízT"s acres :25 feet I> 5 acres 135 feet ,,' - Buffor zsnes are re<¡uired arsund wethlflds, and pliblie water wetlands. . Buffer zsnes must alss Be created around all replae6m6Rt 'l.'etlæuls. - Aeti'lities ÌflslHdiRg, But Rot limited to mswiRg, yard waste dispssal and fertilizer applieatisR shall nst seslll' witfiin the Buffer ZORe. Cb) The buffer is required: (1) On that part of the wetland edge that is down gradient ftom the land disturbance: and (2) Around each wetland that will be disturbed. (c) A buffer shall be documented by declaration or other recordable instrument approved bv the District and recorded in the office of the countv recorder or registrar before activitv under the MCWD permit commences. A buffer on public land or right-of-wav mav be documented in a written agreement executed with the District in place of a recorded instrument. The agreement shall state that if the Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 15 land containing the buffer is conveved. the public bodv shall require the buver to complv with this subsection. (d) Buffer vegetation shall not be cultivated. cropped. pastured. mowed. fertilized. subiect to the placement of mulch or yard waste. or otherwise disturbed. except for periodic cutting or burning that promotes the health of the buffer. actions to address disease or invasive species. or other actions to maintain or improve buffer qualitv. each as approved bv District staff. Pesticides and herbicides mav be used in accordance with Minnesota Department of Agriculture rules and guidelines. No new structure or hard surface shall be placed within a buffer. No filL debris or other material shall be excavated ITom or placed within a buffer. ; l. REQUIRED EXHIBITS. The following exhibits shall accompany the Combincd ,1()ìI1LN(11iJjç_;~tìgllJUN.tf()rI11. One set - full size; one set - reduced to a maximum size of 11 "xl 7". (a) Site plan showing: (1) Property lines and corners and delineation oflands under ownership of the applicant; (2) Existing and proposed elevation contours; including the existing runout elevation and flow capacity ofthe wetland outlet; (3) Area of the wetland portion to be filled. (b) Complete delineation of the existing wetland(s), including data sheets with detailed information on field indicators (soils, hydrology and vegetation) and summary report. Wetland delineations should be performed during the normal growing season for this area of the State (May I - October 15). Delineations performed outside of this time ITame mayor may not be permitted, depending on potential wetland impact in relation to the entire development or proj ecl. Wetland boundaries need to shall be staked in the field. (c) Identification and area of the total watershed area presently contributing stormwater runoff to the wetland. (d) A replacement plan, if required, outlining the steps followed for the sequencing process and including documentation supporting the proposed mitigation plan, A description of the nature and amount of the proposed fill material and details of the annual monitoring plan must also be included. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 16 (e) Wetlands proposed to be excavated for wildlife ponds must also submit a cross section and construction specifications which include the following design criteria: (I) Ponds should be irregular shaped and a minimum size of 2500 square feet (2) Pond depth not to exceed 5 feet and to have an undulating bottom (3) Ratios of basin side slopes ranging from 3:1 to 10:1 (horizontal:vertical) (4) The spoil disposal site must be identified and found not to be below the OHW of a public water or public water wetland, wetland subject to the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, or floodplain. However, fill may be placed in a wetland subject to the Wetland Conservation Act to the extent permitted in Minnesota Statutes I 03G.224l, subd, 10. (5) Vegetation restoration plan which includes the disturbed area being seeded to native grasses for a minimum of 150 feet around the dugout (6) The reserved organic soils should be spread over the entire excavated area to encourage and support plant growth (f) Information showing whether the subject wetland is protected by either the State or municipality or both. RULE E: DREDGING I. POLICY. It is the policy ofthe Board of Managers to preserve the natural appearance of shoreline areas; recreational, wildlife and fisheries resources of surface waters; surface water quality and ecological integrity of the riparian environment. 2. REGULATIONS. No person shall dredge in the beds, banks or shores of any fJroteeted public water or wetland in the District without first securing a permit from the District, and posting a bond or letter of credit pursuant to Rille K. 3. GENERAL STANDARDS. All permitted dredging shall comply with the following standards: Proposed Housekeeping Rule RuæsA,B,C,D,E,F,G,N November 8, 2004 17 (a) The spoil disposal site must be identified and found not to be below the OHW of a public water or public water wetland, wetland subject to the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, or floodplain and not prone to erosion. (b) In cases of an identifiable source of sediment under the control of the applicant, the plan shall include remedial action to minimize deposition of sediment into a waterbody or off-site. (c) Before District review, all dredging proposals that involve navigational access to docking structures shall be submitted to and approved, in the case of public waters, by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and, in the case of Lake Minnetonka, by the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. Proposed dredging in Lake Minnetonka is subject to the dredging standards of the DNR, MCWD and LMCD Dredging Joint Policy Statement (April 1993). (d) The proposed project shall represent the "minimal impact" solution to a specific need with respect to all other reasonable alternatives such as dock extensions, aquatic nuisance plant removal without dredging, beach sandblankets, excavation above the bed of public water, less extensive dredging in another area of the public water, or management of an alternative water body for the intended purpose. (e) The dredging shall be limited to the minimum dimensions necessary for achieving the stated purpose. (Reference General Permit 95-6150, 'Excavation for Navigation', paragraph 5). (f) If the dredging will be accomplished by means of hydraulic dredging the following additional standards will apply: (I) The spoil disposal site shall have a minimum storage capacity equal to four times the calculated volume of solid material to be removed, a minimum free board between the top ofthe projected water surface elevation and the top of the dike of one foot, if no outlet from the spoil disposal is proposed. (2) The construction ofthe spoil containment site shall be with earthen dikes. No such dike shall exceed 5.5 feet in height at any point. Dikes shall have a minimum 4 foot wide top and side slopes of2: I (H:V) or flatter. The dikes shall be adequately compacted by traversing with appropriate equipment during construction. (3) Proposed embankments which differ from the standard in 3(f)(2) shall comply with generally accepted engineering principles and be designed and certified by a professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. (4) Spoil containment sites of limited storage volume which propose a discharge back into a receiving water body through a control structure shall meet applicable State water quality Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 18 guidelines for the receiving water body. Weekly monitoring of the instantaneous discharge shall be performed and paid for by the applicant. The results shall be promptly forwarded to the District Engineer for comparison to state water quality standards for turbidity and total suspended solids. (5) A restoration plan prepared by a qualified individual shall show proposed methods of retaining waterborne sediments on site during the period of operation. The plan shall show final grades and how the site will be restored, covered and/or vegetated after construction. Sites with high erosion potential characterized by steep slopes or erodible soils may require a cash deposit to ensure performance and any necessary remedial actions. 4. CRITERIA. (a) Dredging shall be pennitted only: (1) To maintain, or remove sediment from, an existing public or private channel, not exceeding the original or originally pennitted extent of dredging, whichever is less, and subject to such further limitations on method or extent of dredging as this rule may provide; or (2) To implement or maintain an existing legal right of navigational access; or (3) To remove sediment to eliminate a source of nutrients, pollutants, or contaminants; or (4) To improve the public recreational, wildlife, or fisheries resources of surface waters; or (5) For actions by public entities for public purposes. (b) No dredging shall be permitted: (I) Above the ordinary high water level or into the upland adjacent to the lake or watercourse. (2) That would enlarge a natural watercourse landward or that would create a channel to connect adjacent backwater areas for navigational purposes. (3) Where the dredging will alter the natural shoreline of a lake. (4) Where the dredging might cause increased seepage or result in subsurface drainage. (5) Where any portion of the dredged area contains any slope steeper than 3:1 (H:V) in a marina or channel, or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) for an area adjoining residentiallakeshore. (c) Dredging identified in 4(b)(1-3) above maybe pennitted where the project complies with applicable DNR rules. Proposed Housekeeping Rule 19 Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 5. REQUIRED EXHIBITS. The following exhibits shall accompany the permit application. One set - full size; one set - reduced to maximum size of 11 "x 17". (a) Site plan showing property lines, delineation of the work area, existing elevation contours ofthe adjacent upland area, ordinary high water elevation, and regional flood elevation (if available). All elevations must be reduced to NGVD (1929 datum). (b) Profile, cross sections and/or topographic contours showing existing and proposed elevations and proposed side slopes in the work area. (Topographic contours should be at intervals not greater than 1.0 foot.) (c) In the case ofprojects using hydraulic means of sediment removal and on-site spoil containment the applicant shall supply: (I) Cross section of the proposed dike. (2) Stage/storage volume relationship for the proposed spoil containment area. (3) Detail of any proposed outlet structure, showing size, description and invert elevation. (4) Stage/discharge relationship for any proposed outlet structure from the spoil containment area. (5) Site plan showing the locations of any proposed outlet structure and emergency overflow from the spoil containment area. (d) Site plan showing the proposed location of floating silt curtains. (e) Support data: (I) Description and volume computation of material to be removed. (2) Description of equipment to be used. (3) Construction schedule. (4) Location map of spoil containment area. (5) Erosion control plan for containment area. (6) Restoration plan for any proposed permanent on-site spoil containment site showing final grades, removal of control structure, and a description of how and when the site will be restored, covered or revegetated after construction. (7) Detail of any proposed floating silt curtain including specifications for the silt curtain. (f) In the case of projects where dredging: (1) Might cause increased seepage or result in subsurface drainage, or Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 20 (2) Will remove sediment to eliminate a source of nutrients, pollutants, or contaminants, a minimum of two soil bearing logs extending at least two feet below the proposed work elevation shall be required. 6. FAST-TRACK PERMIT. A fast-track permit may be issued by District staff for the removal of accumulated sediment caused by a stormwater outlet. The application otherwise must comply with all provisions of this rule. In addition to the requirements of sections 3 and 5 of this rule, the following criteria shall be met: (a) Authorization shall apply only to removal of sediment identified as non-native material accumulated due to stormwater runoff or erosion. (b) Dredging shall not materially change the elevation or contour of the bed of the affected basin. (c) No dredging in a public water shall occur between March 15 and June I. No dredging in another waterbody shall occur between March 15 and June I unless the applicant demonstrates that fish spawning does not occur in the waterbody. RULE F: SHORELINE & STREAMBANK IMPROVEMENTS I. POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to: (a) Assure that improvement of shoreline and streambank areas to prevent erosion complies with accepted engineering principles in conformity with DNR construction guidelines; (b) Preserve the natural appearance of shoreline and streambank areas; and (c) Encourage and foster bioengineering, landscaping and preservation of natural vegetation as preferred means of stabilizing shorelines and streambanks. ., 2. REGULATIONS. (a) No person shall construct a saemlills er streambank an improvement, Stiea as including but not limited to riprap, ef a retaining wall, ª bioengineered or landscaped bank. a boat ramp or a sand blanket. to prevent erosion, or for any other purpose, sHeh as beat ramps and safld blanlcets, on the shoreline of a water basin or 1;JUblic waters wetland or on the bank of a watercourse. without first securing a permit from the District, and posting a bond or letter of credit pursuant to Rule K. (b) A fast track permit may be issued for routine riprap projects that conform to the requirements set forth in paragraph 3(b) of this rule. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 21 (c) A fast track permit may be issued for routine sandblanket projects that conform to the requirements set forth in paragraph 6 of this rule. (d) Maintenance of an existing shoreline or streambank improvement does not require a permit under this rule unless it involves the addition of new material to the improvement or, for projects other than riprap, structural change in the improvement. (e) An improvement within the meaning of the rule shall also include any water control structure affixed to the bed or bank of a waterbody. 3. CRITERIA FOR RIPRAP PLACEMENT. Riprap placement shall comply with the following criteria: ( a) General standards: (I) Riprap material shsllld shall be durable, natural stone and of a gradation that will result in a stable shoreline embankment. Stone, granular filter and geotextile shall conform to Sections 3601.1 and 3601.2. Standard Suecifications for Construction, Minnesota Deuartment of Transuortation (2000 ed.). as it may be amended. All materials shall be nonuolluting. (2) The finished slope of the rock fragments, boulders and/or cobbles shellld shall not be steeper than a ratio of 3 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical (3: I) under normal conditions. Steeper slopes will generally require larger sized riprap. The minimllH\ finished sle Je shall be ns ste6 Jer than 2: I (hsrizsntal te vertica.l). Any rock/boulder stabilization proj ect with a proposed finished slope steeper than 2: I (horizontal to vertical) shall be evaluated iB aoeeràanee with the eonàitisns fer as a retaining walls. (3) Horizontal encroachment from a shoreline shall be the minimum amount needed and shall not interfere undulv with water flow. Under normal conditions, no riprap or filter materials should shall be placed more than 5 feet waterward oftlie -ª..shoreline, measured from the ordinary high water level (OHW) elevation. The eaeroaehment inte the water is the minimllm IlHiEloot neeessal'j' tEl JfØvide JrElteetien and dees net lIadlll)' interfere with the flew ef water. The maximum shoreline encroachment waterward of the OHW is 10 feet. Streambank riurau shall not reduce the cross-sectional area ofthe channel or result in a stage Proposed Housekeeping Rule Ru1es A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 22 increase of more than 0.01 feet at or upstream of the treatment. (4) A transitional layer consisting of graded gravel, at least 6 inches deep, and an appropriate geotextile filter fabric shall be placed between the soil material of the existing shoreline and the riprap to prevent erosion ofthe embankment and to prevent settlement. (5) Ripra¡¡ J'llae6m6nt sflEmld net be attemJ'lted 'lIhen anderlj~f!g seils are net ea¡¡able ef sli !J'lerting reaulting leaàs. lR these eases, a fjaalified seils sJ'l6sialist sheald Be sBHSUlted. The design. shall reflect the engineering properties of the underlying soils and anv soil corrections or reinforcements. For a shoreline. the design. shall conform to engineering principles for dispersion of wave energv and resistance to deformation from ice pressures and movement. considering prevailing winds, fetch and other factors that induce wave energv. For a streambank. design. shall conform to engineering principles for the hvdraulic behavior of open channel flow. considering channel slope. velocitv and tractive forces. (6) Riprap shall conform to MnDOT Class llI/IV. The thickness of the riprap layers should be at least 1.25 times the maximum stone diameter. Toe boulders shall be at least 50 percent buried and mav be as large as 30 inches in diameter. (7) Riprap shall extend no higher than the top of bank, or two feet above the 100-vear high water elevation. whichever is lower. (8) A riprap placement design. for a streambank or channel shall be certified as structurallv sound and in accordance with the requirements of this Rule by a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota in the practice of civil engineering. (b) Routine riprap projects eligible for a fast track permit: Shoreline rRiprap projects shall qualify for a fast track permit issued and signed by an authorized representative of the District so long as the project meets the following specifications: Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 23 (I) Riprap material shall be durable stone meeting the size and gradation requirements ofMnDOT Class II1 or IV nprap; (2) The finished slope of the stone shall not be steeper than 3 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical (3H: I V); (3) Property comers and lines that delineate the lineal feet of shoreline to be treated shall be located and staked prior to beginning work; (4) Riprap or filter materials shall not be placed more than 5 feet waterward of the staked OHW or NOHW, and shall not be placed on property not owned by the applicant; the encroachment into the water is the minimum amount necessary to provide protection and does not unduly interfere with the flow of the water. (5) A transitional granular filler meeting the requirements ofMnDOT 3601.B, at least 6 inches in depth, shall be placed between the native shoreline and the riprap to prevent erosion of the fine grained soils. A geotextile fabric meeting the requirements of MnDOT 3733 shall be placed beneath the transitional layer to enhance stability; and (6) Underlying native soils shall not be classified as organic soils or peat. (c) Riprap installed pursuant to a District permit shall be maintained within slope and encroachment constraints established in the permit. 4. RlPRAP REQUIRED'EXHffiITS. The following exhibits shall accompany the riprap permit application. One full-size; one set-reduced to maximum size of II" x 17". (a) Site plan showing: · Survey locating the existing OHW contour, mellßàer eft1le existing shoreline or streambank. floodplain elevation, and location of property lines; · Elevation contours of the upland within 15 feet of the OHW and referenced to accepted datum; and · Plan view oflocations and lineal footage of the proposed riprap treatment. The plan shall show the location of an upland baseline parallel to the shoreline with stationing. The baseline shall be staked in the field by the applicant and maintained in-place until project completion. Baseline origin and terminus each Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 24 shall be referenced to three fixed features measured to the closest 0.05 foot, with measurements shown and described on the plan. Perpendicular offsets from the baseline to the OHW shall be measured and distances shown on the plan at 20- foot stations. The plan shall be certified by a registered engineer or surveyor. (b) Cross section detailing the proposed riprap, drawn to scale, with the horizontal and vertical scales noted on the drawing. The detail should show the finished riprap slope, transitional layer design and placement, distance lakeward of the riprap placement, ordinary high water level elevation and material specifications. (c) Description of the underlying soil materials whieft that will support the riprap. (d) Oratlatien, average diameter, ¡¡aalit)' and type ef riprap material to be asetl. Ne_ally, a Class III gratlatian is saffieieÐt (see bele'.v). (oj GFlldatieß, ¡¡aalit)' wlIl t-)'I!e ef filter blanket material te be ased. 1'1 affillllly, Type I gffitlatioß is suffieieat. (f) Manuflleturer's material speeifielltiofls for proposed geete¡¡tile fabris(s). (g) Materials ased sHall be neR pollating. Material specifications for stone, filter material and geotextile fabric. ( e) Specification of erosion control and site stabilization practices. 5. GUIDELINES. The engineer shall publish or make available to interested persons a- typical cross-section-ª for shoreline and streambank protection in compliance with this rule. 6. CRITERIA FOR LAYING SANDBLANKETS. All permitted sandblanketing shall comply with the following standards. (a) The sand or gravel used must be clean prior to being spread. The sand must contain no toxins or heavy metal, as defined by the MDNR, and must contain no weed infestations such as, but not limited to, water hyacinth, alligator weed, and Eurasian watermilfoil, or animal life infestations such as, but not limited to, zebra mussels or their larva. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. (b) The sand layer must not exceed six inches in thickness, 50 feet in width along the shoreline, or one-half the width of the lot, whichever is less, and my not extend more than ten (10) feet waterward of the ordinary high water mark. (c) Only one installation of sand or gravel to the same location may be made during a four year period. After the four years have passed since the Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 25 last blanketing, the location may receive another sandblanket. No more than two applications may be made by an individual landowner during their residency at an individual project site. (d) Exception. Beaches which are operated by governmental entities, and available to the public, shall be exempted from the following restrictions: (i) that sandblankets be no more than 50 feet in width. See subsection (6. b.) of this rule; and (ii) that sandblankets be installed no more frequently than once every four years. See subsection (6.c.) of this rule. Permits shall be required for all public beach sandblankets. 7. SANDBLANKET REQUIRED EXHffiITS. The following exhibits shall accompany the sandblanket permit application. (a) Site plan showing property lines, delineation of the work area, existing elevation contours ofthe adjacent upland area, ordinary high water elevation, and regional flood elevation (if available). All elevations must be reduced to NGVD (1929 datum). (b) Profile, cross sections and/or topographic contours showing existing and proposed elevations and proposed side slopes in the work area. (Topographic contours should be at intervals not greater than 1.0 foot). (c) A completed Sandblanket Permit Application form, available from the District. 8. CRITERlA FOR RETAINlNG WALLS. (a) A new retaining wall. or repair/reconstruction of an existing retaining wall that increases floodplain encroachment. is permitted only pursuant to a variance or an exception under District Rule I. The applicant must demonstrate that there is no adequate stabilization alternative. íQì Wooden seawalls and/or steel sheetpiling retaining walls shall comply with accepted engineering principles. W W The applicant shall submit a structural analysis prepared bv a professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. in the practice of civil engineering. 'l.'flieR SROWS showing that the wall will withstand expected ice and wave action and earth pressures. W @ The applicant shall submit a survey prepared by a registered land surveyor locating the finished wall and shall file a certificate of survey with the District. (d) Refcr ta the fella'l.'ing sestien fer fstainiflg walls alaBg streamèaBlæ. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 26 9. CRITBRI:\ FOR STREAMBf.-ÞIK ST.-'\.BILlZ:\TION. The !hysieal eharacteristies sf creeks and strellffis ereate site s !eeifie eresieR eSRtrel isslles. There are a Illlmber ef Bfesiell and sedimellt eSlltrsl !raetiees desig¡¡ed for \lse alsllg eharÆels. Em !haois shs\lld be !Iaeed SIl the strueæral stability sf the !rojeet rather than seseadlH'Y faetsrs slleh as eeR'..eRieRee sr esst. In. adèitisa ts an a ! !liea!Ïsß, reEjuir-ed e¡¡lúbits ißel\lde: · site !Ian !fB !lH'ed by an eBgÌaeer sr registered land Sllf"..eysf sflS'l.'.jag !Fe !eIt)'lißes; the sffiiaary high water (OHW) elcvatieR and ftssd !laia elevatisa; e¡dstiag streambank and eelltellr elevatisRs · eress seetieR detailillg the !rs !esed eresisR esll!rel !raetiee; illel\ldillg sls !e dimeaoisRs (lcRgth, width, height) sf !rs !ssed !rojeet and diotanee watBf\vard · !BaleRal Sfleeiãealisas · àse\lffiell!a!isa sf stmeæral stability (deoig¡¡ ealsalatieas 1:1y a f)refessisnal eaginøør) The ellgiReef shall make available ts iBterested !erssfls reeemmeRded eRteria fsr streambank stabiliza!ieR !rojeets. .w, CRITERIA FOR OTHER SHORELINE IMPROVEMENTS. Other shoreline improvements, such as boat ramps, shall comply with accepted engineering principles. RULE G: STREf.l\f 8. LAKE CROSSINCS W ATERBODY CROSSINGS & STRUCTURES I. POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to discourage the use of beds and banks of water bodies for the placement of roads, highways, and utilities. 2. REGULATION. No person shall use the bed sr bltnk sf any watBfbsdy ,....ithia the Distriet for the !Iacemeat sf Dlace a road, highway, 6f utility Of associated structure in contact with the bed or bank 'Of anv waterbodv within the District without first securing a permit from the District. 3. CRITERIA. Use ofthe bed or bank: (a) Shall meet a demonstrated public benefit; (b) Shall retain adequate hydraulic capacity; (c) Shall retain adequate navigational capacity; (d) Shall preserve wildlife passage along each bank by means that: (i) account for wildlife that are native to the site or may be present and (ii) are approved by a qualified wildlife biologist; (see Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 27 hltP::!www.wildlifecrossingsjDtÒ for more information, which will open in a new browser window) (e) Shall not adversely affect water quality; and (f) Shall represent the "minimal impact" solution to a specific need with respect to all other reasonable alternatives. The term "minimal impact" shall refer to all resources protected under the purposes of the District set forth at Sections 103B.20l and 103D.201 of the Minnesota Statutes. 4. REQUIRED EXHffiITS. The following exhibits shall accompany the permit application. One set - full size; one set - reduced to maximum size of II "x 17". (a) Construction plans and specifications. (b) Analysis prepared by a professional engineer or qualified hydrologist showing the effect ofthe project on hydraulic capacity and water quality. (c) An erosion control and restoration plan. (d) The written approval required by paragraph 3(d). (e) Information necessary to evaluate impacts under paragraph 3(f), as determined by District staff in consultation with the applicant. 5. MAINTENANCE. A declaration or other recordable instrument providing for maintenance ofhvdraulic and navigational capacitv and approved bv the District shall be recorded in the office of the countv recorder or registrar before activitv under the MCWD permit commences. In lieu of recordation. a public permittee mav assume the maintenance obligation bv means of a written agreement with the District. The agreement shall state that if the ownership of the structure is transferred. the public bodv shall reQuire the transferee to complv with this subsection. RULE N: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT I. POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Managers to: (a) Require stormwater facilities to be included in land development projects where practicable and effective. (b) Manage stormwater and snowmelt runoff on a regional or subwatershed basis throughout the District to: (I) promote effective water quality treatment, where feasible, prior to discharge to surface waterbodies and wetlands; Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 28 (2) limit developed peak rates of runoff into major surface water bodies to less than or equal to existing peak rates; and (3) promote infiltration of both precipitation and runoff. 2. APPLICABILITY OF STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. _1. _OfST_TItUIAMGEMEIT _TYING AHOAlEGULAToay_n OH TH! BASIS Of œvB.OPMEIfT TYPf AND ÐEll5JTY PROJfCT AJ;GULATORY ___HTS $H:)LE F AMI.. V HOllE NO PERMIT CQNSIßIJCTICH 5U8CMSION NOI'fRM1' BMP'S RI.NOff RAT!: I\lH)ff QUALITV S'NGI.E F AAtI. Y CONTRa., BMP'S AM)f!AT!: tENSITY! 2JJN1TSlAÇ CONTROL., BMP'S :suett/ISION >, j PERMIT av! A\JNOI'I' ~F oo.o.ury !\NO SN)LEF.......Y RATE RAT!: COI\IJROL., ew'S DENSITY > 2lNT~"'C; CONTROl, MUI. TI.lNJ eMP'S IifS[)eITI.<L OENSltY « 6; UNlTSfAC COI.MI\CI'I. BMP'S ~F It're COI'ITROL. RUNOFF QIJALITY INDUSTRIAL AIÐ BMP'S ANOR"'TE INSTITUOONAL; CONTROL.._'S MIXED use; MUl TI.LNT f;fSUjo TIA\. tENSlIV »8 UNlTSIAC ROADS, STliEETS & BMP'S HlGtlWAYS «1 ACRE NEW IMPERVIOUS SŒf' AŒ'I ROADS. STliEETS & RI.NOff RAT!: RUNOFf QUAl.ITY _AVS COI'ITROL. _'5 AM)RAT!:C~ (~ ¡ ACRE NE'N 9I8"S IMPERVIOI)S SlR'AŒ) 1121 21 31 41 5 81101 151 201 >20 SITE A(;A£ACf NOTE: Dsnslty calculation IS bttsed on total sits area înckJdÎf1g dedicated areas. As provided herein, before creating any impervious surface or changing the contours of a parcel of land in a way that affects the direction, peak rate or water quality of storm flows from the parcel, a developer of land for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, or public roadway, sidewalk or trail uses shall submit a stormwater management plan to the District, and secure a permit from the District approving the plan. Any activity that will divert storm flows out ofthe watershed must demonstrate that the diversion is not injurious to water resource management purposes set forth in sections 103B.201 and Proposed Housekeeping Rille Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N Noyember 8, 2004 29 103D.20l of the Minnesota Statutes. All permit applications shall conform to and be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Rule A ofthese rules. The plan shall provide for compliance with the requirements of this rule for BMP's, rate control and water quality control, as applicable. The applicability of the stormwater management requirements set forth in this rule to a given development or redevelopment is set forth at paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section and sununarized in Figure I. (a) Single-Family Homes, A permit is not required for the construction or reconstruction of a single- family home or its residential appurtenances. (b) Single-Family, Developed or Redeveloped Subdivisions. A permit is not required from the MCWD for construction on less than two (2) acres with a density of two (2) units or less per acre. A permit is required for residential development or redevelopment of subdivisions with a density of two (2) units or less per acre on sites of two (2) acres or more, as follows: (1) For development or redevelopment of subdivisions of two (2) acres or more but less than eight (8) acres, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 of this rule are required; (2) For development or redevelopment of subdivisions of eight (8) acres or more but less than twenty (20) acres, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 and the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4 of this rule are required; (3) For development or redevelopment of subdivisions of twenty (20) acres or more, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3, the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4, and the water quality provisions set forth in section 5 of this rule are required. (c) Medium Density Residential Land Development. A permit is not required for the development or redevelopment on a site of less than two (2) acres of residential subdivisions with single-family units at a density of more than two (2) units per acre or multi-unit residential development or redevelopment, at a density ofless than eight (8) units per acre. A permit is required for development or redevelopment on a site of two (2) acres or more of residential subdivisions with a density of more than two (2) units per acre or multi-unit residential development or redevelopment at a density of less than eight (8) units per acre, as follows: (I) For development or redevelopment of two (2) acres or more but less than five (5) acres, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 of this rule are required; Proposed Housekeeping Rule RuksA,B,C,D,E,F,G,N November 8, 2004 30 (2) For development or redevelopment of five (5) acres or more but less than eight (8) acres, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 and the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4 of this rule are required; (3) For development or redevelopment of eight (8) acres or more, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3, the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4, and the water quality provisions set forth in section 5 of this rule are required. (d) Commercial, Industrial, or Institutional Development or Redevelopment; Mixed Use; High Density Residential Development or Redevelopment. A permit is required for commercial, industrial, institutional or mixed use development or redevelopment, or for multi-unit residential development or redevelopment at a density greater than or equal to eight (8) units per acre, as follows: (I) For all development or redevelopment, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 of this rule are required; (2) For development or redevelopment activities on sites of one-half (1/2) acre or more but less than eight (8) acres, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 and the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4 of this rule are required; (3) For development or redevelopment activities on sites of eight (8) acres or more, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3, the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4, and the water quality provisions set forth in section 5 ofthis rule are required. (e) Roads, Streets, Highways, Sidewalks, and Trails. A permit is not required for the maintenance or improvement of a public or private road, street, highway, sidewalk, trail or other linear way not otherwise regulated under paragraphs (a) through (d), if the project does not result in a net increase in impervious surface, A permit is required for a public or private road, street, highway, sidewalk, trail or other linear way that results in a net increase in impervious surface area, as follows: (I) For projects that result in a net increase in impervious surface ofless than one (I) acre, the best management practices in section 3 ofthis rule will be required; Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 31 (2) For projects that result in a net increase in impervious surface of one (I) acre or more, but the total project area is less than five (5) acres, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3 and the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4 are required to treat the increase; (3) For projects that result in a net increase in impervious surface of one (1) acre ore more and the total project area is five (5) acres or more, the best management practices provisions set forth in section 3, the water quantity control provisions set forth in section 4, and the water quality provisions set forth in section 5 of this rule are required to treat the increase; (4) Sidewalks and trails that do not exceed ten (10) feet in width and are bordered by a pervious buffer of at least five feet on each side do not require a permit and are not included in any calculation of net increase in impervious surface when part of a road or street project. The interruption of pervious buffer by streets, driveways or other impervious surfaces crossing a sidewalk or trail does not invalidate this exception provided that these impervious surfaces do not exceed 25 percent of the area of the required pervious buffer. (f) Surety. A performance bond or other surety in a form satisfactory to the District is required for all activity, including clearing, grading, and excavation, that results in the disturbance of five (5) or more acres of land. The District will not require a performance bond or other type of surety from cities, townships, municipal corporations, counties, the state or federal government, or agencies of any of the aforementioned. (g) Common Scheme of Development. In determining stormwater management requirements under this section, development or redevelopment on adjacent sites under common or related ownership shall be considered in the aggregate. The requirements applicable to a development or redevelopment under this section shall be determined with respect to all development that has occurred on the site, or on adjacent sites under common or related ownership, since the date this rule took effect. (h) Additional Development or Redevelopment on Developed Sites. When the impervious area on a site is increased by 50 percent or more, the requirements imposed by this rule will be determined with respect to the site in a pre-development condition. When the impervious area on a site is Proposed Housekeeping Ruk' Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 32 increased by less than 50 percent, the requirements imposed by this rule will be determined with respect to only the additional impervious surface and site alteration proposed. (i) Impact on Downstream Waterbodies. No activity subject to a permit under MCWD Rule B, C, D or N may alter stormwater flow so as to: (I) Increase the bounce in water level for any downstream lake or wetland beyond the limit specified below for the lake or wetland susceptibility class, during a precipitation event of critical duration with any return frequency up to 100 years in the subwatershed drainage area in which the site is located; or (2) Increase the duration of inundation for any downstream lake or wetland beyond the limit specified below for the lake or wetland susceptibility class, during a precipitation event of critical duration with a return frequency of one, ten, or 100 years in the subwatershed drainage area in which the site is located, No water may be discharged from a point source onto or into the ground, or into a waterbody, so as to: (a) increase the bounce in water level or duration of inundation for any downstream lake or wetland beyond the limit specified below applicable to the one-year precipitation event for the lake or wetland susceptibility class; or (b) increase the one- or 100-year peak flow of, sedimentation into or erosion of the bed or banks of a watercourse. fsusceptibility Permitted Bounce Inundation Period Inundation Period Up to 100-Year for One-Year for 10- and 100- Class 'Event Event Year Event ~ighly susceptible Existing Existing Existing M'etland ~oderately Existing + 0.5 feet Existing plus 1 day Existing plus 2 susceptible days Slightly Existing plus 2 Existing plus 14 susceptible Existing + 1.0 feet days days wetland Least-susceptible No limit Existing plus 7 Existing plus 21 wetland/Lake davs davs Proposed Housekeeping Rule ' Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 33 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES REQUIREMENTS. BMPs eeftsist ef site desiga, strnetafal and flefl stFootural. 3f11etiees. W BMPs addressing the potential water resource impacts associated with the proposed activitv must be incorporated in all projects requiring a permit under this rule to limit creation of impervious surface, maintain or enhance on-site infiltration and peak flow control and limit pollutant generation on and discharge from the site. BMPs include site design, structural and non-structural practices. ill BMP's must be designed and installed in accordance with generallv accepted design practices and consistent with specifications of the MPCA manual "Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas (revised July 1991) and its ÍiffiIfe subseauent revisions. The Beard ifl its diseFetiefllf!lI;)' allew a BMP flet addressed ifl tfle MPC:\ If!oollal eft a delfleftstratiefl ef its effsetiveftess er if its afl 3lieatiefl will gSflerate flew !IfId IIseml data er iflferæatiefl regllFdiflg its effeetivefless. (c) No hard surface or new point source mav discharge to a wetland without pretreatment for sediment and nutrient removal. Pretreatment mav be provided bv non-structural means. @ All applications for which compliance only with BMP's is required shall delineate buildings and structures showing that door and window openings are a minimum of two feet above the 100 year high water elevation. The fellewiflg table is a sæIlflUIl)' efthe MPCf. BMPs and tfleir eWeetiysftess fer rSlf!eyal ef If!etals, 3hesflherus, nitrates, IIHd slls¡¡eflded selids Helf! sterlf!'lIater, ood fer eefltr-elliflg rates IIHd velulf!ss ef nmoff. Gllid!lfles aG te these ood etflsr BMP's is available at the Distriet effiee. ~~--- ---~EFFE-CTI'TENESS-âF-SEi~icrED BMP'S ---~-, -----~ _.~::'__+:Ø~~_TI ~.. t:'~:in;s Struetural I, I fuf¡ik~¡¡;H --~---Ilkfg¡;~ I..' 'iiigl¡ ¡'high ---.:.' - ffigà High ì IHgh 'I yes -',[~ (ne everflew) i .: ' I I : ..- .......;... ........ T'- . ... ... ..... .-¡.. ........ ... ..... ..-. ...~-..-.. .. ---·..--·..-··T--···----·--··-1·--·--·----'---·--- Dry DetsntIefl i me4 Jew Jew Jew Meà, I ootIet yes I Iew i:!.4..1ir) _L._ ¡ r s 3seifie ¡ I I Oiblgrit sßjJaraters I me4 I Jew I fI6 I fI6 bew I yes I fI6 i~ ~~t;;~p,Î~~~í~-·--t;~d.-f~~ ~--~t- Z-=~tk l-~-l-·=--+ :r -!I~7'l Div~l'siÐfls" ...................[ ooToor fI6 i fI6 . Ðeaiga ··············oo······· !~art¡al··r·~aI'Üal¡ I . s 3eeifie I ··N~;-~t;:-;et;;:aIT------r..----·-- .·-T..--·-l~--~r-------_· -ryes-T--~-yesi-i--~-- . ¥es yes yes 3IIF!ial r Jew yes yes-------r--- yes .. ¥es yes I _.^~._-~._-- Wetloods ergllHie litter -maflagelfleHt fI6 fI6 Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 34 :'à (g) Water quantity control methods and facilities used or constructed pursuant to this rule shall be in conformance with approved Municipal Stormwater Management Plans. Outfall structures shall incorporate designs to minimize erosion and scouring. New buildings and structures shall have door and window openings a minimum of two feet above the 100 year high water elevation. 5. WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS. (a) Facilities shall be established on site to meet the water quality standards of this section. Facilities, including wet detention ponds and other systems using BMP's in addition to or in place ofponding, shall be designed to reduce phosphorus loading at the downgra Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 36 (g) Water quantity control methods and facilities used or constructed pursuant to this rule shall be in conformance with approved Municipal Stormwater Management Plans. Outfall structures shall incorporate designs to minimize erosion and scouring. New buildings and structures shall have door and window openings a minimum of two feet above the 100 year high water elevation. 5. WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS. (a) Facilities shall be established on site to meet the water quality standards of this section. Facilities, including wet detention ponds and other systems using BMP's in addition to or in place of ponding, shall be designed to reduce phosphorus loading at the downgradient site boundary by at least 50 percent on an annual average removal basis. The applicant shall demonstrate that this requirement is met using a model and methodology that is acceptable to the District. Total tributary drainage area shall be used to calculate permanent pool volume. Pond outlets shall remove floatables from runoff before discharge for a one-year event. All ponds must provide a ten (10) foot safety bench at a slope no steeper than 10:1 (H:V) and two (2) feet ofrreeboard above the 100 year pond level. (b) Quality control facility outfall structures shall incorporate designs to minimize erosion and scouring. (c) New buildings and structures shall have door and window openings a minimum of two feet above the 100 year high water elevation. 6. REQUIRED EXHIBITS (SUBMIT IN DUPLICATE). (a) rfthe water quantity or water quality provisions set forth in sections 4 and 5 of this rule apply to a proposed development, plans certified by a professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota and reflecting the following items shall accompany the permit application (one set of plans must be full size; one set must be reduced to a maximum size of II" x 17"): (I) Property lines and delineation of lands under ownership of the applicant. (2) Delineation of the subwatershed contributing runoff rrom off-site and proposed and existing subwatersheds on- site. (3) Proposed and existing stormwater facilities location, alignment, and elevation. Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 36 (4) Delineation of existing on-site wetland, marshes, shoreland, and/or floodplain areas, (5) Identification, description, permeability and approximate delineation of site soils in both existing and proposed as-developed condition, for applications proposing infiltration as a stormwater management practice. (6) Existing and proposed normal, and 100 year water elevations on-site. (7) Existing and proposed site contour elevations at two foot intervals, related to NGVD, 1929 datum. (8) Construction plans and specifications of all proposed stormwater management facilities. (9) Stormwater runoff volume and rate analyses for the I, 10 and 100 year critical events, existing and proposed conditions. (10) All hydrologic, water quality, and hydraulic computations completed to design the proposed stormwater management facilities. (II) Documentation indicating conformance with an existing municipal stormwater management plan. When a municipal plan does not exist, documentation that the municipality has reviewed the project. (12) Delineation of any flowage easements or other property interests dedicated to stormwater management purposes, including, but not limited to, county or judicial ditches. (13) Documentation that the project has received a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit ftom the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) if required by the MPCA, once available. (b) A maintenance agreement shall be submitted for: stormwater treatment ponds, outlet structures for such ponds, culverts, outfall structures, and all other stormwater facilities. The maintenance agreement shall specify the methods, schedule and responsible parties for maintenance and must include at a minimum, the elements contained in the District's Proposed Housekeeping Rule Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 37 MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT STATEMENT OF NEED AND REASONABLENESS Proposed Revisions to the MCWD Rules November 8, 2004 BACKGROUND This Statement of Need and Reasonableness ("SONAR") summarizes proposed minor revisions to the following Rules of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District: · Rule A: Procedural Requirements · Rule B: Erosion Control · Rule C: Floodplain Alteration · Rule D: Wetland Protection · Rule E: Dredging · Rule F: Shoreline and Streambank Improvements · Rule G: Stream and Lake Crossings · Rule N: Stormwater Management The SONAR describes the basis for the District's judgment that the revisions are both beneficial and reasonable. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 103D.34l, the proposed revisions are being issued for public comment for a period of at least 45 days. The District solicits and welcomes all comments ftom state and regional resource protection agencies, local governments, regulated parties and all other members of the public. Comments that address language proposed by the District or suggest specific alternative language are particularly invited. A public hearing will be held on January 13, 2005, at 6:45 p.m. at the Minnetonka Community Center Council Chambers located at 14600 Minnetonka BO};llevard in the City 0 fMinnetonka, at which time any interested member 0 fthe public will have the opportunity to address the District Board of Managers on the proposal. The District carefully will consider all comments and make appropriate changes to the proposed revisions before adoption. The legal authority for the District's Rules derives ftom Minnesota Statutes Chapters 1038 and 103D. Under Minnesota Statutes §103D.34l, subdivision I, watershed districts must adopt rules "to accomplish the purposes of [the watershed act] and to implement the powers of the managers." Further authority to adopt rules to protect and manage water resources is found in Minnesota Statutes §§ 1038.211 and 103D.335. In Resolution 021-01, adopted on October 11,2001, the Board declared the following policy: "Rulemakings for purposes of housekeeping, clarification or minor change shall be separate ftom more substantive rulemakings. Substantially different subjects shall be treated in separate rulemakings." The changes in the proposed rule cover a number of Housekeeping Rule SONAR I Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 different subjects. They are changes that the Board considers to be of a "housekeeping," or minor, nature and not changes that significantly reduce water resource protection or increase the burden on regulated parties. The proposed changes, identified through the past several years of District implementation of its regulatory program, fall into the following categories: · Clarifying existing provisions that have created confusion; · Incorporating certain established interpretations of the existing Rules that the District applies in permitting; · Reducing regulatory burden in specific ways that do not significantly diminish water resource protection; · Enhancing resource protection III specific ways that do not significantly increase regulatory burden; and · Removing advisory language that should be located in District guidance documents. The following sections describe the proposed changes and briefly explain the rationale for each change. This document does not cover all details of the proposed rule. The interested reader is directed to the accompanying rule text that shows all proposed changes in redline. RULE A: PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS Section 5 of Rule A requires an applicant to mail notice that the District is considering applicant's permit to all property owners residing within 600 feet of the affected parcel. Under Section 6 the District may authorize an alternative form of public notice for linear projects such as roads; for projects on a very small portion of a large parcel; or where notice can be combined with notice required by another governmental body. Resolution 049-04, adopted by the District Board on April 22, 2004, delegated to District staff the authority to issue District permits except for those requiring a variance or for which an interested party has requested that the Board hear. This delegation does not affect the applicant's obligation to notify neighbors. Section 6 as currently written, however, requires Board approval of alternative notice. The proposed change would reduce regulatory burden and permit processing time by allowing staff to approve alternative notice. This is consistent with the fact that under Resolution 049-04, the entire permitting process in most cases now is implemented at stafflevel. The change also would delete the existing requirement that alternative notice be requested before the permit application is flied. This requirement is not necessary, provided that the notice itself is adequate to notify neighbors in a timely way. Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 2 ~ RULE B: EROSION CONTROL Three revisions of the District's erosion control rule are proposed. First, the proposed revisions would specify that silt fence must meet the standard specifications of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Materials and installation methods meeting these specifications are widely available and in widespread use. The District has had problems with soil erosion and sedimentation into storm sewers and waterbodies at sites where poor-quality materials and installation methods have been used. The rule change would set a reasonable baseline quality standard. The change also would clarify that the District's requirement for orange fence would apply only if it is available in a product that meets the MnDOT specification. Second, the proposed revisions would emphasize the existing requirement that an approved erosion control plan provide for stabilization of disturbed soils. One specific reason for this change is to ensure the awareness of residential developers that otherwise may provide only for temporary site stabilization pending house construction by a builder or lot owner. Because of the time that may elapse between subdivision and final landscaping, the difficulty in predicting h ow long that period may be, and t he limited effectiveness of relying solely on silt fence, it is important that soil surface be stabilized in the interim. Third, the proposed revisions would require, as a part of stabilization, that at least four inches of topsoil be replaced wherever it has been removed. The District considers this a moderate requirement to protect the site's preexisting infiltration capability and help ensure that vegetation will properly establish. The District presently has the authority to impose this requirement under its general erosion control plan approval role, but to provide a standard rule for applicants, proposes to set forth a uniform minimum topsoil replacement rule RULE C: FLOODPLAIN ALTERATION Five changes to the floodplain alteration rule are proposed. First, paragraph 2 is revised to state that if an applicant seeks a Rule C permit in order to disturb land within the floodplain, an erosion control permit under District Rule B also is required. "Land disturbance," in the Rules Definitions, means a disturbance to the ground surface that may result in soil erosion or the movement of sediment into surface waters or off-site. Generally, Rule B only applies when an area of 5,000 square feet or more will be disturbed. The District believes that exposing soils within the floodplain creates a greater risk of the pollution of adjacent waters, and that this warrants application of the erosion control rule regardless of the size of the area disturbed. The foundation of Rule B is the requirement for an erosion control plan. If the area to be disturbed is limited, the burden to create and implement an erosion control plan should be limited as well. However, the District believes there is a benefit to requiring a person Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 3 disturbing soils in the floodplain to have gone through the steps of anticipating and acting proactively to minimize the movement of sediment from disturbed areas into adjacent surface waters. Second, the proposed rule would set a clear standard on a question that arises with some regularity before the District, namely the timing requirement. for creating flood storage capacity to replace capacity lost through filling. The present rule does not specifically prescribe a timing requirement, forcing the District, when an applicant proposes a delay between filling and replacement, to assess on a case-by-case basis the risk of aggravated flooding in the interim. Proposed language in paragraph 3(a) requires that replacement occur within the 0 riginal permit term of one year. In several cases, applicants have proposed to create replacement on another parcel that is adjacent to the same waterbody, through coordination with, and in some cases acquisition of an easement from, another landowner. Because of the greater uncertainty involved in this arrangement, the proposed rule will require that here, replacement be created before the filling occurs. The District would retain its present ability to impose other conditions to ensure replacement, such as requiring the permittee to provide a se curity for the replacement obligation. Third, in most years the District receives at least several requests from lakeshore owners to grade or remove ice ridges within the floodplain. The proposed rule would add a new paragraph 3(b) stating that ice ridge grading will be permitted if the applicant can demonstrate, through photographs or other means, that the ridge was formed during the previous w inter and that the shoreline will b e restored tot he preexisting grade. Alternatively, a landowner may remove the ridge material entirely from the floodplain. Fourth, presently an applicant must submit a professional engineer's determination as to the effect of the fill on the lOO-year high water elevation of the waterbody. The proposed rule also would require the engineer to compute floodplain fill and replacement volumes. In the past the District, with some frequency, has received incorrect calculations that have created the risk of the District's approving actions that would decrease flood storage capacity. Finally, the rule would eliminate the present exception, whereby a District permit is not required if the lOO-year elevation is entirely within a single municipality and that municipality has in place its own floodplain encroachment ordinance. This exception has applied very rarely and, if it does so in the future, can be considered through District Rule I exception and variance procedures. Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 4 RULE D: WETLAND PROTECTION A number of changes are proposed to the District's wetland protection rule. These fall into three groups: wetland excavation, wetland buffers and general clarification. Wetland Excavation The proposed changes to the District's rules governing excavation in wetlands are as follows: I. The existing rule states that wetland impacts from excavation must be replaced on an acre-for-acre basis. This rule predates a recent revision to the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) extending WCA coverage to wetland excavation and imposing a ratio of two acres of replacement wetland credit for each acre of wetland impact. The proposed rule would make clear that if excavation is regulated under the WCA, then the WCA replacement ratio will be applied. If excavation is not regulated under the WCA, then t he one-to-one ratio will apply. In such a case, all replacement wetland must meet the WCA criteria for new wetland credit. 2. The existing rule requires excavation for wildlife enhancement to conform to DNR published guidance. The intent is that this guidance place design requirements on the excavation in addition to the other requirements for wetland excavation, but the rule is ambiguous. The proposed rule would clarifY that except where the DNR guidance provides otherwise, conformance to the DNR guidance does not replace the other requirements of the rule, but rather supplements those requirements. 3. In a number of cases, applicants have proposed excavation in wetland for the purpose of resource enhancement, or otherwise proposed that because excavation would be done in a way that preserves wetland function & value, the excavation should be deemed" self-replacing" for the purpose of meeting the a cre- for-acre replacement requirement. Those past cases include capital projects of the District in which water quality wetlands have been excavated in marginal, Type 1 cultivated Kentucky Bluegrass wetlands on public park property. The District proposes t 0 formally adopt the three-element test that it h as applied in these cases. Namely, wetland excavation will be deemed self-replacing if: · The wetland to be excavated is measurably degraded; · The proposed activity will increase the wetland's function & value, as determined using a District-approved assessment method; and · The surrounding environment, natural and developed, and design features proposed by the applicant show that the enhanced function & value are likely to remain over time. Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 5 The requirement that the wetland be degraded reflects the recognition that there are uncertainties associated with the manipulation of wetland soils, hydrology and vegetation, and that it is better to avoid artificial manipulation of a nondegraded wetland. The other two elements constitute a "performance test" under which the excavation will be allowed without replacement if it will result in a more functional and valuable wetland. 4. The proposed rule would emphasize that excavated spoils must be placed on upland, to avoid floodplain impact or disposal of potentially contaminated dredged materials near waterbodies. The proposal also would state clearly that the applicant must specify stabilization measures to avoid erosion and measures to establish vegetative cover on the spoils. This is a standard, common-sense element of the wetland excavation plan, but is not explicitly required by the Rule. The District proposes to include it explicitly in the wetland protection rule to provide clear guidance to permit applicants. Wetland Buffers The present requirement to establish a buffer around wetland that is recorded on the deed for the property is a single paragraph that is less clear than it should be about when it applies and what it requires. In late 200 I, the District began a rulemaking for a proposed buffer rule substantially longer and more detailed than the present rule. That rule was opposed by several stakeholders, primarily for its increase of buffer width and its expansion of the buffer requirement to lakes and streams. However, the rule also contained a number of changes proposed to clarify the rule and tailor it to obtain the greatest resource benefit for the least regulatory burden, and to introduce flexibility where that could be done without compromising resource protection. After several revisions and an extensive public comment process, the District Board of Managers withdrew the proposed buffer rule on April 8, 2004. The revisions proposed here are for the purpose of refining and clarifying the existing rule. No change to buffer widths is proposed, nor is the District proposing applying the buffer to waterbodies other than wetlands. The proposed changes are as follows: I. Under the present rule, the buffer requirement is triggered by any "project." This has been applied to mean that any activity requiring a District permit is conditioned on establishing permanent buffer around each wetland on the affected land parceL The proposed rule would narrow the application o/the requirement only to activities for which a District floodplain alteration (Rule C), wetland protection (Rule D), waterbody structure (Rule G) or stormwater management (Rule N) permit is needed. In other words, activity subject only to the District's erosion control (Rule B), dredging (Rule E) and/or shoreline/streambank improvement (Rule F) rules does not trigger the buffer requirement. Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 6 Further, under the present rule, when buffer is required, it must be established around the entire wetland, or as much of it as is on the applicant's property. The proposed rule would continue to require a buffer around each entire wetland in which work would occur, but when a land disturbance occurs elsewhere on the property, buffer would be required only on that part of the wetland downgradient from the disturbance. Both pre- and post-disturbance contours would be examined, and the wetland edge subject to the buffer requirement would be that portion found to be downgradient under either scenario. The proposed changes seek to align more closely the risk of adverse impact to a wetland and the protection given that wetland to minimize the impact. Activities that require a floodplain alteration or stormwater management permit involve land disturbance, grading, the creation of hard surface, placement of bare soils and other elements that create a risk of harm to downgradient wetlands. Work in or near wetlands regulated by the District's wetland protection and waterbody structure rules directly affects those wetlands. In those cases, there is a direct relationship between the activity and the obligation to mitigate the impact of the activity by protecting the riparian wetland edge. The erosion control rule protects surface waters against sedimentation ftom temporarily disturbed or stockpiled soils. The District is proposing that this temporary impact no longer would trigger a permanent buffer. The District invites comments on the possibility of a temporary, construction-phase wetland setback, for activity triggering the District erosion control rule. 2. The proposed rule would explicitly state that a buffer must be memorialized by a declaration or similar instrument recorded on the deed for the property. This is a standard condition that the District presently imposes pursuant to Rule A, section 3. That section creates a general authority to require recorded declarations. The District proposes to set forth the obligation in Rule D itself. Also, the District presently recognizes that there are legal and policy issues related to recording a buffer encumbrance on public land. Further, the District recognizes that publicly owned land is not as ftequently transferred; therefore, there is less of a need to establish legally that the encumbrance will "run with the land." The proposed rule would codify the current practice of allowing a public landowner, in lieu of recording a declaration, to execute with the District a binding agreement to maintain the buffer. The rule requires that agreement to provide that if the public agency should transfer the land, it must assign its obligation to the purchaser (if another public agency) or require the purchaser to record a declaration (if a private person). 3. Finally, the proposed rule would more clearly and completely state the prohibitions on disturbing vegetation, filling, placing structures in or otherwise interfering with the buffer. Importantly, the rule would include a flexibility, not present in the current rule, for the landowner to manage the vegetation in ways Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 7 J that would maintain or improve buffer function. The rule would require written District approval of any such measures, but authorizes staff to grant that approval. General Clarification In enacting the WCA as a statewide wetland protection law, the legislature preserved for local government units the ability to continue to regulate wetland impacts under their own ordinances. The watershed laws that give the District its powers include the authority to regulate wetland impacts; the District adopted rules governing wetland excavation and buffers because these are important elements of wetland protection that the WCA covers only in limited ways. The proposed rule would clarify that the District regulates wetland excavation and requires establishment of wetland buffers under its watershed district authority, and not under the authority of the WCA. This distinction is important in two cases. First, cities within the watershed may act as the WCA implementing agency in place of the watershed. Second, under WCA, state agencies act as the WCA implementing agency on lands that they own. Tlris latter case arises most fTequently when the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) applies WCA requirements to itself for impacts within its own right-of-way. Because of that provision ofWCA, MnDOT has suggested that the District's wetland excavation and buffer requirements do not apply to wetland within MnDOT right-of-way. The proposed rule explains that these provisions are applied under District watershed law and not under WCA, and therefore apply whether or not the District is the WCA implementing agency. The proposed rule also clarifies that the District will apply the WCA to proposed wetland filling and draining only when it is acting as the WCA implementing agency. Conversely, if the proposed wetland filling or draining activity is in a city that acts as the WCA implementing agency, then the District will defer to that city and a District permit is not required. The applicant, however, still will be subject to District wetland excavation and wetland buffer requirements, if either applies. Finally, a central element of the WCA is the sequencing requirement, whereby in order to gain approval for activity that disturbs wetland, an applicant must satisfy the WCA implementing authority that the wetland impact could not be avoided, that the impact has been minimized, that unavoidable impact will be rectified, and that it will be reduced or eliminated over time to the degree possible. Minn. Rules 8420.0520, subp. I. The District is proposing to include explicit language making clear that when the District acts as the WCA implementing agency, it carefully will examine the sequencing analysis. RULE E: DREDGING One minor change is proposed to the District's dredging rule, solely for the purpose of clarity. The proposed rule would revise section 2 to apply the dredging rule to dredging in "public water" of the District. This replaces the existing language of "protected water" so that the rule's terminology is consistent with state statutes governing impacts to public waters. See Minn. Stat. §103G.005, subds. 15, l5a. Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 8 RULE F: SHORELINE and STREAMBANK IMPROVEMENTS A number of revisions are proposed for the District's shoreline and streambank improvement rule. These fall into the following categories: · Miscellaneous clarifications · Refinement of shoreline riprap standards · Refinement of streambank riprap standards · Refinement of retaining wall standards Miscellaneous Clarifications Revisions to paragraph 2(a) are proposed to improve clarity. The changes would make clear that the rule applies broadly to an improvement or structure of a ny type 0 n a streambank, a lake shoreline or the shoreline of any wetland meeting the definition of a "water basin. " "Water basin" is defined in the District Rules as "an enclosed natural depression with definable banks." No substantive change ITom the current rule is intended. Paragraph 3(b) would be revised to clarify that only shoreline riprap, and not stream bank riprap, is eligible for expedited "fast-track" permit processing. Because of a proposed new provision that would limit the height of riprap in relation to the top of bank and floodplain edge, the revised rule, at paragraph 4(a), would require the site survey to show these features. A new paragraph 4( e) is proposed, requiring an applicant for a riprap permit to specify erosion control and site stabilization practices. ,. . Section 5, under which the District engineer is directed to make typical shoreline protection cross-sections available for interested persons, would be revised to reference streambank protection cross-sections as well. Refinement of Shoreline Riprap Standards Presently, design and materials specifications for shoreline riprap installations are found in sections 3, 4 and 9 of District Rule F. The District is proposing a general redrafting of these sections to consolidate these specifications in section 3. This redrafting also allows the District to address certain ambiguities and omissions of the riprap standards as the District has applied them to numerous riprap applications in the past several years. The following are the substantive changes proposed to shoreline riprap specifications: I. Stone, granular filter material and geotextile all must conform to standard MnDOT specifications. Housekeeping Rule SONAR 9 Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 2. The recommendation that shoreline riprap encroach no more than five feet waterward of the ordinary high water level, measured horizontally, is changed to a requirement, absent unusual circumstances. The maximum encroachment in any event would remain ten feet. In all cases, encroachment would be limited to the "minimum amount needed" and would not be permitted to create adverse impacts to shoreline stability, habitat or adjoining properties by altering water flow patterns. 3. Design considerations that applicants should consider, and that the District will apply, are specifically enumerated: dispersion of wave energy; resistance to deformation nom ice pressures and movement; prevailing winds; fetch; and "other factors that induce wave energy." 4. Riprap size and distribution are explicitly limited to MnDOT Class III/IV rock, except for toe boulders. Toe boulders may be as large as 30 inches in diameter, but must be at least 50 percent buried below the bed of the waterbody. 5. Riprap may not extend vertically higher than the top of bank (defined in the District Rules for both streams and water basins) or two feet above the 100-year high-water elevation, whichever lower. This ensures that riprap is limited to that necessary for stabilization and is not installed solely for decorative purposes. 6. When the riprap will be installed in a channel, the design must be certified for its structural soundness by a registered professional engineer practicing civil engineering in Minnesota. Refinement of Streambank Riprap Standards The District reviews differently permits for riprap installations on shorelines and on streambanks. This is because the two situations involve different engineering considerations with respect to both the hydraulic forces acting on the installation and the effect that the installation can have on water flow patterns. The District believes that this differing treatment is not as clear in the present rule as it could be, and proposes revisions to improve clarity. The proposed rule would identify these differing standards as follows: I. The encroachment of a shoreline riprap installation into a lake or other water basin is limited by a measurement in feet. Conversely, the encroachment of a streambank riprap installation would be limited by the standard that it not reduce the cross-sectional area of the channel or cause a stage increase of more than 0.01 feet at any point in the stream. 2. The specific design considerations for streambank riprap that applicants should consider and that the District will apply are different than for shoreline riprap. They are defined as" engineering principles for the hydraulic behavior 0 f 0 pen channel flow, considering channel slope, velocity and tractive forces." Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N¬November 8, 2004 10 3. Whereas a registered professional engineer must certify the structural soundness of a shoreline installation design only when it will be placed in a channel, all streambank installations must be certified by a registered engineer practicing in Minnesota. 4. Streambank riprap installations are not eligible for expedited "fast track" permitting. Refinement of Retaining Wall Standards The proposed rule includes two revisions of section 8, which contains the criteria for approval of retaining walls. First, the rule would provide that an existing retailÙng wall may be maintained, repaired or reconstructed. Conversely, it would prohibit a new retaining wall, or expansion of an existing wall that would increase floodplain encroachment, except pursuant to an exception or a variance as provided under District Rule 1. The District has discouraged retaining walls because as among methods of shoreline and streambank stabilization, they result in the greatest degree 0 f floodplain r eduction and have the greatest impact on riparian habitat and natural appearance. Typically, District staff recommend approval 0 fa permit for a retaining wall 0 nly after working with an applicant to determine that stabilization is needed and that vegetation, riprap and other less obtrusively structural methods are inapplicable (due, for example, to a stream or channel location that cannot tolerate the greater degree of encroachment into the waterbody that riprap and other methods require. Typically, property owners prefer a method other than a retaining wall for reasons 0 f both cost and appearance. The rule simply would memorialize this long-standing approach. Under the proposed rule, an applicant for a new or expanded retaining wall would need to demonstrate that there is no adequate alternative, and further meet the standard for an exception or a variance under Rule 1. An exception requires an applicant to demonstrate that a retaining wall would have less of an impact on the water body (e.g., flood storage, habitat, visual disturbance) than riprap and other permitted methods. A variance requires an applicant to show that there are unique features of the property, such that District insistence on another method of stabilization would create an undue hardship; further, the applicant would need to show that the variance would not violate the intent or spirit of Rule F. The reader should consult Rule I for the precise variance standard. Second, the existing rule requires submission of a structural analysis of the proposed wall, and cross-references section 9 for the requirement that the analysis be performed by a registered professional engineer in Minnesota. The proposed rule would incorporate that requirement directly into section 8. Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 II j RULE G: WATERBODY CROSSINGS and STRUCTURES Three changes are proposed to the District Rule governing the placement of crossings and structures in waterbodies. First, the title of the Rule would be amended ITom "Stream & Lake Crossings" to "Waterbody Crossings and Structures." Section 2 of the rule states that it applies to structures in any waterbody of the District (a term that includes wetlands), but the title suggests that it is limited to streams and lakes. The title change would correct this. A second revision would clarify that Rule G applies only to surfaces or structures in contact with the bed or bank of a waterbody. For example, a bridge with footings entirely above the top of bank would not require a permit under Rule G. ~ Third, the proposed rule seeks to clarify the application of the rule to structures other than roads. The present rule applies to any "road, highway or utility" placed within a waterbody. Consistent with the intent of this rule to prevent hydraulic, navigational, habitat and water quality impacts within surface waters, the District applies the term "utility" to encompass structures such as stormwater outfalls, weirs and similar structures. The proposed change would memorialize this application by applying the rule to a "road, highway, utility or associated structure." The reference to "associated structure" is to limit the rule to crossings, utilities and their appurtenances, and specifically to .exclude structures such as shoreline stabilization structures (regulated under District Rule F) and recreational structures (regulated by the Department of Natural Resources, lake conservation districts, counties and municipalities). , J , } , ..~ ¡ i ~ J , ~ , ~ , J j :1 ~ j 1 ì ¡ j j j 1 I 1 î Finally, the District is proposing a new section 5 requiring a permittee to assume the perpetual responsibility to maintain the hydraulic and navigational capacities of a waterbody structure through a declaration or other instrument recorded on the deed for the property. The proposed rule states that where the structure is on public property (such as the bed 0 f a designated public water), the maintenance 0 bligation may b e assumed through an agreement between the District and the public permittee, in lieu of a recorded instrument. Presently, the District may rely on Rule A, section 3 in imposing this maintenance obligation. The proposal would incorporate this requirement directly into the body of Rule G. RULE N: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT All proposed changes to the District's stormwater management rule but one are directed to clarifying and refining provisions concerning the use of Best Management Practices (BMP's). Much of the revision is simply reorganization of the existing text for greater ease ofreading. In paragraph 3(a), a clause would be added indicating that BMP's must address "the potential water resource impacts associated with the proposed activity." This comports with current District practice to require an applicant to incorporate BMP's suited to the Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 12 j j I RULE G: WATERBODY CROSSINGS and STRUCTURES Three changes are proposed to the District Rule governing the placement of crossings and structures in waterbodies. First, the title of the Rule would be amended from "Stream & Lake Crossings" to "Waterbody Crossings and Structures." Section 2 of the rule states that it applies to structures in any waterbody of the District (a term that includes wetlands), but the title suggests that it is limited to streams and lakes. The title change would correct this. , j , ¡ J î A second revision would clarify that Rule G applies only to surfaces or structures in contact with the bed or bank of a waterbody. For example, a bridge with footings entirely above the top of bank would not require a pennit under Rule G. Third, the proposed rule seeks to clarify the application of the rule to structures other than roads. The pre'sent rule applies to any "road, highway or utility" placed within a waterbody. Consistent with the intent of this rule to prevent hydraulic, navigational, habitat and water quality impacts within surface waters, the District applies the term "utility" to encompass structures such as stormwater outfalls, weirs and similar structures. The proposed change would memorialize this application by applying the rule to a "road, highway, utility or associated structure." The reference to "associated structure" is to limit the rule to crossings, utilities and their appurtenances, and specifically to ,exclude structures such as shoreline stabilization structures (regulated under District Rule F) and recreational structures (regulated by the Department of Natural Resources, lake conservation districts, counties and municipalities). Finally, the District is proposing a new section 5 requiring a permittee to assume the perpetual responsibility to maintain the hydraulic and navigational capacities of a waterbody structure through a declaration or other instrument recorded on the deed for the property. The proposed rule states that where the structure is on public property (such as the bed of a designated public water), the maintenance 0 bligation maybe assumed through an agreement between the District and the public permittee, in lieu of a recorded instrument. Presently, the District may rely on Rule A, section 3 in imposing this maintenance obligation. The proposal would incorporate this requirement directly into the body of Rule G. RULE N: STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT All proposed changes to the District's stonnwater management rule but one are directed to clarifying and refining provisions concerning the use of Best Management Practices (BMP's). Much of the revision is simply reorganization of the existing text for greater ease of reading. In paragraph 3(a), a clause would be added indicating that BMP's must address "the potential water resource impacts associated with the proposed activity." This comports with current District practice to require an applicant to incorporate BMP's suited to the Housekeeping Rule SONAR Rules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N November 8, 2004 12 jVt...£!-,4/"" ~,¡;.... /-L. . CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Tracy Bridge Director Government & Public Relations BOO laSalle Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 Voice: 612 321 4723 fax: 612 3215137 tracy.bridge@ cente rpo i ntenergy.com November 17,2004 Mr. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen City Manager 690 City Center Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Dear Mr. Gerhardt: On July 14,2004, CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco filed a request with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) for an increase in natural gas rates of $21.77 million annually or 1.8 percent. On August 9, 2004, the Commission accepted our filing as complete and approved an interim (temporary) rate increase of $16.87 million annually or 1.42 percent. This interim rate increase for CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco customers took effect October I, 2004, and continues until the MPUC issues a final order and the company implements new rates in the surruner of2005. Weare required to distribute a public hearing notice (enclosed) with details of the public hearing dates, times and locations. This information will also be advertised in the newspapers of record for each county seat in our service area and in the communities where hearings are to be held. If you have questions or comments, please contact me or visit our Web site at www.Minnegasco.CenterPointEnergy.com/ratecase. Sincerely, ~ Tracy Bridge Phone: (612) 321-4723 Fax: (612) 321-5137 E-mail: Tracy.Bridge@CenterPointEnergy.com Enclosures: Public Hearing Notice - Any CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco customer or other person may attend or provide conunents at the hearings. You are invited to corrunent on the adequacy and quality of CenterPoint Energy MiImegasco's service, the level of rates or other related matters. You do not need to be represented by an attorney. Admirùstrative Law Judge Richard C. Luis will conduct a public hearing by videocornerence on Thur.lday, Dec. 2. 2Ø04, .tarting at7 p.m. You may participate at any of the foliowing locations: · Brainard - Crow Wmg County Courthouse Resource Center - Lower Level, 326 Laurel Street · North Mankato - South Central Technical College Cornerence Center B, 1920 Lee Boulevard (Park in Blue lot - enter door 15) · Willmar - Ridgewater College, Helland Hall Cornerence Room H-l03, 210115th Avenue N.W. The chart below shows the effect of the proposed fate changes on monthly bills for residential, comm6rcia/ and industrial customers with average gas use. Individual changes may be higher or lower depending on actual gas use. Public hearings are also scheduled for the following dates, times and locations: · Bloomington - Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2004, 7 p.rn. JOM F. Kermedy High School, Auditorium 9701 Nicollet Avenue South · Minnaapoli. - Monday, Dec. 13, 2004, 1 p.m. Hermepin County Government Center A Level Auditorium, 300 S. Sixth Street · Coon Rapid. - Wednesday, Dec. 15,2004, 7 p.m. Coon Rapids Civic Center, Civic Room A 11155 Robinson Drive NW. Individuals unable to attend the public hearings may send written corrunents by Jan. 18, 2005 to Admirùstrative Law Judge Richard C. Luis, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Waslúngton Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401-2138. Written corrunents are most effective when the following three items are included: (1) the section of CenterPoint Energy Mirmegasco's proposal you are addressing; (2) your specific recorrunendation, and (3) the reason for your recommendation. Please be sure to reference docket numbers OAR 7-2500-16151-2 and PUC G-008/GR-04-901 in all correspondence or requests. (Continued on bsclc) Customer type Ra.idenlial Commercial/lndustrial - up to 1,499/year - 1,500 to 4,999/year - 5,000 or more/year Sman Volume Dual Fual Sala.Servica - up to 119,999/year - 120,000 or more/year Larga Volume Dual Fuel Sale. Service Average monthly usaga in therms 87 66 239 1,150 Average annual percentage change for proposed final rates 4.1% 3.5% 2.1% -1.6% 4,083 15,458 109,275 -2.2% -2.1% -1.1% Notø: Table reflects Northern rate area bilfing only. ~ Your business was referred to potential cuúomers by The Chonhossen Chamber of Commerce . -._---~-..--- ~ 1- ª-k.. .. w. ~ Yøur business was referred to potential customers by The Chonhossen Chamber of Commerce 1\0 -n;"""'e.::> \r-, ~I<'- y.o-~'\ :::, morrth s ,., "e1ll· " Gre·'" ~ YOUI' business was referred to potential customers by The Chonhossen Chamber of Commerce .5 -\-\~ \ r") ~~~ e. ---~-_.~,--" .-----.. ~------- /V()ll1J.t~.;,o,,¡ (.(. METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT METRO COUNTIES GOVERNMENT CENTER 2099 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST . ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104-3431 651-645-9149 . FAX 651-645-3246 TTY use Minnesota Relay Service November 16,2004 RECEIVED NOV 1 8 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN W.J. CAESAR JOSEPH F. SANZONE, BCE 'Director Business Admin. Mr. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen City Manager 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Gerhardt: Enclosed is a summary of work done by the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) within your community during the 2003 mosquito control season. New in 2004, we asked cities throughout the metro area to link to MMCD through their websites so citizens could stay informed about day to day adult mosquito control operations. Please let me know who we can contact in your office to arrange this link. MMCD is primarily a region-wide larval control program that targets immature mosquitoes and biting gnats while they develop in water. In early spring, and after each significant summer rain, MMCD treats the worst mosquito production areas within the District with a natural soil bacterium (Bti). The same soil bacterium is used to control immature biting gnats in the rivers and streams of the metro area. These treatments prevent billions of immature mosquitoes and biting gnats from hatching into adults. The result is significantly fewer mosquitoes and gnats within the District compared to areas that do not receive control. Control of adult mosquitoes is conducted when there is a risk of mosquito-borne disease, and when adult mosquito populations interfere with outdoor activities. MMCD treats parks and recreational areas along with neighborhoods where infestations of mosquitoes have been identified. MMCD uses synthetic and natural pyrethroids to control adult mosquitoes. During 2004, MMCD continued treating approximately 60,000 catch basins within the metropolitan area. Throughout the country catch basins have proven to be an ideal habitat for mosquitoes that transmit West Nile Virus. LaCrosse encephalitis (LAC) is a viral disease transmitted by a species of mosquito that develops in old tires, artificial containers and areas in trees that hold water. MMCD monitors both larval and adult populations of this mosquito, and provides control when risk is high, or cases are AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER * Printed on recycled paper containing at least 15% post-consumer paper fibers j ! ¡ ¡ , j j ì I J ; , 1 reported. The District also conducts an aggressive public information program designed to enlist citizens' help in reducing the risk of this disease. j 1 i ¡ . ¡ \ MMCD also works to prevent Lyme disease in the metro area. The District monitors the distribution of deer ticks, the carrier of this bacterial infection, throughout the metropolitan area. In addition, MMCD works closely with the Minnesota Department of Health in providing information designed to reduce risk. Please review the enclosed summary. If you have any questions, or would like to meet to discuss our agency's activities within your community, please contact me. , 1 1 :1 ! "~ .í '.~ ::j Sincerely, ~JÞ Jim Stark (651) 643-8363 iimstarkía).mmcd.org 'i , ¡ i j I ¡ j 1 , .i ! CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard POBox 147 Chanhassen, MN55317 Administration Phone: 952.2271100 Fax 952.2271110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 F":952.2271190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 F,,: 952.227.1170 Finance Phoce952.227.1140 F,,952.2271110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 F,,952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Couller Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 F":952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 F"952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us WATER RESOURCES Monthly Update - November 2004 TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator ~ DATE: November 30, 2004 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE On November 8, 2004, the City Council awarded the contract for the 2004 Surface Water Management Plan Update to Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) in the amount of $300,300.00 minus costs incurred under the advance authorization to perform up to $10,000 of the wetland inventory and assessment. At one of the work sessions prior to the award of the contract, the City Council requested regular updates as to the progress. The Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between the City and SEH was signed on November 18, 2004 (Attachment 1). City and SEH staff held a kick-off meeting on November 23 to discuss the plan update and the transfer of information from the City to SEH. City staff is currently compiling the information that will be given to SEH for their use in plan preparation. At the November 23 meeting, SEH indicated that 33 wetlands (approximately 8% of the total) had been inventoried and assessed in conjunction with the advance authorization. BLUFF CREEK REMEANDERING PROJECT In May 2003, Council awarded a contract to Sunram Construction, Inc. for the remeandering of Bluff Creek on City property just west of Lake Drive West and south of the railroad. The new channel for Bluff Creek was constructed by Sunram during July 2003. The vegetation in the channel was allowed to establish through October 2004. In October, City street crews completed the project by diverting Bluff Creek from the old, eroding channel to its new, remeandered home. Photos of this project are attached (Attachment 2). COUNTRY OAKS NEIGHBORHOOD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT Since 2001, City staff has been in conversations with the residents in the Country Oaks, Oaks of Minnewashta and Oak Ridge subdivisions regarding storm water drainage and groundwater issues within that neighborhood. The City of Chanhassen . A growing communily with clean lakes. quality schools, a charming downlown. thriving businesses. winding trails, and beaulilul parks A great place to live. work, and play. Water Resources Monthly Update Novernber30,2004 Page 2 of 2 These three subdivisions converge at a single point and it appears that storm water issues were not adequately anticipated and addressed during the subdivision and build-out processes. On October 11, 2004, Council awarded a contract to Kusske Construction, Inc. for the construction of a swale to redirect runoff into a storm water pond. The City's consultant, Kusske Construction and City staff met with affected residents on October 14 to discuss the project and concerns of the property owners. Kusske Construction began work on the project on November 22 and completed work on November 23. Initially, there were some concerns regarding the extent of work being done on the affected properties, but it seems that those concerns have been addressed. Staff and the consultant are pleased with the outcome of this project and believe it will provide some relief to downstream properties. Photos of this project are attached (Attachment 2). LAKE RILEY /RICE MARSH LAKE PETITION In December 2002, the Cities of Chanhassen and Eden Prairie petitioned the Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District (District) to complete the items recommended within the Riley and Rice Marsh Lake Use Attainability Analyses to improve the quality of storm water runoff entering Riley Lake. In May 2004, the District issued the Engineer's Report on the Lake Riley Water Quality Improvement Project. Since then, the District has had the affected properties appraised. In late November 2004, the directly affected property owners were served with notices of the final hearing on the petitioned project to be held on December 20,2004 at 7:00 p.m. at Eden Prairie City Hall. Other property owners adjacent to Lake Riley and Rice Marsh Lake were notified of the hearing by mail. The City received several calls regarding the notice sent by the District to property owners. Staff had a number of concerns regarding the process taken by the District to alert residents of the proposed project and outlined them in a November 29 email to the District's legal counsel and engineer (Attachment 3). The hearing is still scheduled for Monday, December 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. City staff will be attending the hearing. ATTACHMENTS 1. Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between the City and SEH 2. Photos of Bluff Creek Remeandering and Country Oaks Projects 3. E-mail from City staff to P. Haik, Legal Counsel for Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made on the j t"fl,.. day of NtmtI'Ikv, 2004, between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "CITY", and SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC., a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter called the "ENGINEER." THE CITY and the ENGINEER agree as follows: 1. Contract Documents. The ENGINEER agrees to provide engineering services to the CITY in accordance with the following contract documents which are incorporated herein by reference: A. Agreement for Professional Engineering Services. B. City of Chanhassen Request for Proposed Surface Water Management Planning Update May 2004 ("RFP"). C. ENGINEER'S Fee Schedule dated September 17, 2004 ("Fee Schedule"). D. ENGINEER'S response to RFP entitled Proposal for Surface Water Management Plan Update, Chanhassen, Minnesota dated June 30, 2004, amended proposal dated August 6, 2004, including alternates "B" and "C", Scope of Services Amendment No. 2 dated September 17, 2004, and Estimated Hours and Project Costs amended October 13, 2004. In the event of conflict among the documents, the conflict shall be resolved in descending order of priority. 2. Payment. ENGINEER shall be paid for the services described in paragraph 1 on an hourly basis in accordance with the Fee Schedule, but an amount not to exceed $300,300 inclusive of reimbursable costs. 3. Method of Payment: Payment for each task or subtask as described in the following paragraphs shall be for the billable hours and reimbursable expenses charged to the task or subtask. Payment for the project in full is subject to the not-to-exceed contract limit of $300,300. If billings for a task or subtask exceed the estimated hours and project cost incurred by the ENGINEER for the completed portions of the project to date, the CITY may reduce payment to ensure that the not to exceed contract limit is met. 113878v 11 RNK:r1012912004 1 Task 1 - Project Initiation I Data Collection Payment for Task 1 shall be made following ENGINEER delivering the data collection memorandum, as described in Subtask 1.4, to CITY staff. Task 2 - Public Input and Involvement Process Payment for fees incurred under Task 2 shall be made on a per-meeting basis. ENGINEER shall be paid for each of the 10 meetings prepared for and attended under this task. Task 3 - Update 1994 Suñace Water Management Plan Payment for Task 3 shall be based on the completion of each Subtask, except for Subtasks 3.4 and 3.88. Completion of each task is defined, for example, as the submittal of the electronic GIS file (Task 3.1) or the document describing recommendations (Task 3.2) to CITY staff. Payment Subtask 3.4 shall be made upon completion of and delivery of the preliminary model to CITY staff. We anticipate that the preliminary model will be at the 80 percent complete stage. Payment for the balance shall be made following revisions to and delivery of the final model. Payment for Subtask 3.88 shall be made following delivery of the recommendation memorandum for each to the ten (10) study areas. Task 4 - Coordinate Plan Update with NPDES MS4 Permit Payment for Task 4 shall be based on the completion of each Subtask, except for Subtasks 4.1 and 4.3. Completion of each task is defined, for example, as the submittal of the document describing recommendations (Task 4.6) to CITY staff. Payment for Subtask 4.1 shall be made in equal amounts of the total subtask cost at the 25, 50 75 and 100 percent complete stages. Completion of the each 25 percent interval is based on the delivery of electronic raw survey and field data to CITY staff collected for approximately 25 percent of the estimated structures (e.g., 1125 of 4500). Payment for Subtask 4.3 shall be made in equal amounts of the total subtask cost at the 25, 50 75 and 100 percent complete stages. Completion of the each 25 percent interval is based on the delivery of GIS coverage data to CITY staff for approximately 25 percent of the estimated structures. Task 5 - Develop Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan Payment for Task 5 shall be based on the completion of each Subtask, except for Subtasks 5.1 and 5.2. Completion of each task is defined, for example, as the submittal of the document describing recommendations (e.g., Task 5.3 - delivery of draft wetland management ordinance) to CITY staff. 113878vl1 RNK:rI012912004 2 Payment for Subtask 5.1 and 5.2 shall be made on a monthly basis following delivery of the MnRAM data collected and prepared in GIS format in the preceding month. Task 6 - Surface Water Management Plan Completion Payment for Task 6 shall be based on the completion of each Subtask, except for Subtask 6.4. Payment for fees incurred under Subtask 6.4 shall be made on a per- meeting basis. ENGINIEER shall be paid for each of the three (3) meetings prepared for and attended under this task. 4. Warranty. ENGINEER shall be responsible for the accuracy of the work and shall promptly make necessary revisions or corrections resulting from errors and omissions on the part of ENGINEER without additional compensation. ENGINEER shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional engineer under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement or in any drawing, specification, report, or opinion produced pursuant to this Agreement. 5. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party by two (2) days' written notice delivered to the other party at the address written above. Upon termination under this provision if there is no fault of the ENGINEER, the ENGINEER shall be paid for services rendered and reimbursable expenses until the effective date of termination, except that ENGINEER will not be paid for incomplete tasks or subtasks set forth in paragraph 3 above. If the CITY terminates the Agreement because the ENGINEER has failed to perform in accordance with this Agreement, no further payment shall be made to the ENGINEER, and the CITY may retain another engineer to undertake or complete the work identified in Paragraph 1. 6. Subcontractor. The ENGINEER shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the CITY. The ENGINEER shall pay any subcontractor involved in the performance of this Agreement within ten (10) days of the ENGINEER'S receipt of payment by the CITY for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. If the ENGINEER fails within that time to pay the subcontractor any undisputed amount for which the ENGINEER has received payment by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall pay interest to the subcontractor on the unpaid amount at the rate of 1-1/2 percent per month or any part of a month. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. For an unpaid balance of less than $100, the ENGINEER shall pay the actual interest penalty due to the subcontractor. A subcontractor who prevails in a civil action to collect interest penalties from the ENGINEER shall be awarded its costs and disbursements, including attorney's fees, incurred in bringing the action. 7. Independent Contractor. At all times and for all purposes herein, the ENGINEER is an independent contractor and not an employee of the CITY. No statement herein shall be construed so as to find the ENGINEER an employee of the CITY. 113878vl1 RNK:rI012912004 3 8. 9. 10. 11. Non-Discrimination. During the performance of this Agreement, the ENGINEER shall not discriminate against any employee or applicants for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, or age. The ENGINEER shall post in places available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause and stating that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment. The ENGINEER shall incorporate the foregoing requirements of this paragraph in all of its subcontracts for program work, and will require all of its subcontractors for such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for program work. Assiqnment. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. Indemnification. The ENGINEER agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold CITY harmless from any damage, liability, or cost (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense) to the extent caused by ENGINEER'S negligent acts, errors, or omissions in the performance of professional services under this Agreement and those of his or her subcontractors or anyone for whom the ENGINEER is liable. it Insurance. ~ T 1,00 ,000 A. General Liabilitv. During the term of this Agreement, ENGINEER shall maintain a general liability insurance policy with limits of at least , , for each person, and each occurrence, for both personal injury and property damage. This policy shall name the CITY as an additional insured for the services provided under this Agreement and shall provide that the ENGINEER'S coverage shall be the primary coverage in the event of a loss. The policy shall also insure the indemnification obligation contained in Paragraph No.1 O. B. Workers Compensation. The ENGINEER shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect ENGINEER from claims under the Workers Compensation Acts and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of ENGINEER'S services under this Agreement. C. Professional Liabilitv Insurance. The ENGINEER shall secure and maintain a professional liability insurance policy. Said policy shall insure payment of damages for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services for the CITY, in the insured's capacity as ENGINEER, if such legal liability is caused by an error, omission, or negligent act of the insured or any person or organization for whom the insured is legally liable. Said policy shall I 13878v 11 4 RNK:rI0l2912004 j ~ 4' ~ÐO ,~¿O . provide minimum $125,808. f 'IÐCO.OOl) Gib limits of $2,999,999 r with a deductible maximum of ,; D. Certificate of Insurance. A certificate of insurance on a form acceptable to the CITY which verifies the existence of this insurance coverage must be provided to the CITY before work under this Agreement is begun. The certificate shall provide that such insurance cannot be cancelled until 30 days after the CITY has received written notice of the insurer's intention to cancel the insurance. ~ ] J J J j "~ 12. Records Access. The ENGINEER shall provide the CITY access to any books, documents, papers, and record which are directly pertinent to the specific contract, for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions, for three years after final payments and all other pending matters related to this Agreement are closed. 13. Data Privacv. The ENGINEER shall comply with the Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, The Minnesota Government Data Practice Act. The ENGINEER shall not disclose non-public information except as authorized by the Act. 'J :¡ 14. Ownership of Documents. All plans, diagrams, analyses, reports, and information generated in connection with performance of the agreement shall become the property of the CITY. The CITY may use the information for its purposes. 15. Governina Law. This Agreement shall be controlled by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 16. Permits. ENGINEER shall obtain all necessary permits required for completion of ENGINEER'S services. Executed as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: AND SHORT-ELLlOTT-HENDRICKSON INC. 113878v11 RNK:rI0l2912004 5 . ; 1 j ;~ J ~ , ) 1 113878vl1 RNK:rl0l2912004 By[)~¡l ~ Its 0 ~ð~ ÓF~J~alA~!RY 6 II , j! ~~ II! m I II I I ~ -I , I (II I !I I ìI ¡ III g - - ; ; ~I !! .!!! g.¡¡ I ~I ~ ~ I ! sJ :Ii Ci i Ii I Hili .. 1111 i U I 1Ì11( tiH '!; ~i I II li' 'H¡ u .. 0 t '§ ~ ¡ In en ~ ¡¡ .. E _ III ~ ! H~ !Ìl! ! till """",C)!,)!,) OOOO<:>OOI,)UO I -- · · · ! ! , · · · · · · · · i f . ! i : j i . '" 4"'f.i tsi!j J tJI H; iii ¡i} -It Ii; L~ U~I 1&. . J I I I I ~ 0 0) 0 @ .!§ N ::s .2 I::) ( ) I en g¡ , ð (II .;c ( ) ... @ s (.) (.) § it:: CI) ~ <3 "- 0 ... D.. (II CI) (.) ... @ ~ @ .2 ~ 0 .2 (II ~ g¡ , CI) .;c ð ( ) a: @ s (j § ... ~ <3 CI) as ... ca 3: ... .¡g ... '« .¡g , '« g¡ , ð .;c ( ) @ s (j § it:: ~ <3 en Haak, Lori From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Haak, Lori Monday, November 29, 2004 3:54 PM Paul Haik (phaik@haik.com) Bob Obermeyer Lake Riley Basic Water Management Project Notice Good afternoon, Paul-- I've received several calls already today regarding the notice sent by the District to property owners most directly affected by the alum treatments on Rice Marsh and Riley Lakes. Most are very concerned about the levy amounts laid out in the notice. I understand from talking to Leslie Stovring at Eden Prairie that the projects won't affect existing levy amounts. However, I am not the most appropriate person to address their concerns, so I have been sending them on to Bob so he can explain the District's funding mechanisms. In the best interest of the District and both cities invotved, there are several things that would have helped things go more smoothly. First, it can be unnerving for property owners to be served a notice (or receive notice in the mail) that indicates you may be assessed by an entity of which you were previously unaware. For many of our City projects with regional and financial impacts to residents, we find that an informal workshop prior to the public hearing can answer a majority of the questions that might come up and diffuse some issues.. .or at least allow us to do some research on questions that remain after the workshop before the public hearing. Additionally, it would have been appropriate to include a contact name and number for affected parties to contact with questions. Again, neither Leslie nor myself are equipped to provide more detailed information. I hope that we can continue to improve the communication with the residents of the District throughout the course of this project so that they can be advocates for the entities involved and the projects we complete in the interest of preserving and protecting our water resources. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Thanks! Lori Haak Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 952.227.1135 Fax: 952.227.1935 Email: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us 1