Final Plat 12-15-04 / 1 ... ...- u W (f) I.J..I") ON W,y Zu... :::¡ ... <.0 \-...- (f)"'- W :s:r-: .- C ~-·~SIC-¡ I ¡',;~.·T/C,V --=--" - -.- - - - - - - - - - -----... ---THE CENTERLIN-E OF - - - - - -G/C 1\ ......-. Ï\^Ti\ l/éT1,/ ç r¡ j r; -- I '- '- /-, - /-, I .¡ I I I '- I I \ \. / ,... ~ PLEASANT VIEW ROAD - " (Cï(!J C-r;C-^¡ C~,!J ¡~¡c- ~~)i!J r;) /' 170 - ~ - - '- ~ S 89020' 00" W 325.72 /_~-'\r----- ' /' I") I") I") I") PLEA SA NT VIEW ROAD I I ~I "\ '-'" SX I") ..þ. I") a N 89°20' 00" E 320.57 \ ~----------r?_-- r--------------------\\, -- \ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT \ \ I.......... 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Thomas, a single person, owner and proprietor, of the fol lowing described property situated in th~ County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to wit: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 1-16 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, described as fol lows; Beginning at a point in the centerline of Eden Prairie Roadas now laid out and traveled, distant 170 feet Easter I y from the West line of sd i d Sect ion 1 as measured along said centerline; thence(considering the West line of said Section 1 to be a due North South I ine), running South 9 degrees 32 minutes East a distance of 728.3 feet, thence North 70 degrees 54 minutes East a distance of 469.6 feet more or less to the center I ine of Lake Street as now laid out and traveled. a distance of 437.1 feet to its intersection with the center I ine of Eden Prairle Road as now laid out and traveled, thence westerly along the centerline of Eden Prairie Road a distance of 240.2 feet more or less to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom that portion lying within the right of way of Pleasant View Road, according to the United States Government Survey, thereof, Carver County,- Minnesota. has caused the sane to be surveyed and platted as LOTUSVIEW ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the pub I ic for publ ic use forever the Road and easements as shown on the plat for drainage and uti I ity purposes only. In witness whereof said Beverly H. Thomas, a single person, has caused these presents to be signed th i s day of , 200_. signed Seve r I y H. Thomas State of Minnesota County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 200_, by Beverly H. Thomas, a single person. Not~ry Publ ie, County, Mn. My Comnission Expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this p I at as LOTUSV I EW ADD I T ION; that the p I at is a cor rect representat ion .. of the survey; that all distance are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that 01 I monuments have been correctly placed in or wi I I be placed in the ground as shown, in accordance to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1; that the outside boundary I ines are correctly designated on the plat and that there are no wetlands as defined in Mi.nnesota StalutesSection 505.02, Subd. 1 or pub I ic highways to be designated other than as shown. Frank R. Cardarel Ie, R.L.S Minnesota License No. 6508 State of Minnesota County of Hennepin The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 200_, by Frank R. Carda-rei Ie, a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor. Notary Pub I ic, Hennepin County, Mn. My Corrrnission Expires COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this day of 200__. by John E. Freemyer, Carver County Survey CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA This plat of LOTUSVIEW ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Counci I of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held thIs day of , 200_, and is compliancewith th provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sect ion 505.03, Subd. 2 . That a II monuments wi II be se tas speci f i ed by the City Counci I and as stated on this plat, according to Minnesota Statute, 505.02, Subd. 1. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County I hereby certify that there are no delinquent taxes for all years prior to for land described on this plat and transfer entered. Dated this day of , 200_. Mark Lundgren, County Auditor by COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County I hereby certify that taxes payable for the year for land described on this on this plat as LOTUSVIEW ADDITION have been payed this day of , 200_. Tom Kerber, County Treasurer by COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County I hereby certify that this plat of LOTUSVIEW ADDITION was filed this day of , 200_, at _ 0' clock _, as Docurrlent Nurnber_ Carl W. Honson,Jr. CoQrity Recorder by SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS