Final Plat 11x17 12-15-04 PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. person I owner the County of That part of the Northwes Quarter of Section 1, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, described as followSi Beginning at a point in the centerline of Eden Prairie Roadas now laid out and traveled. distant 170 feet Easter Iy fran the West I ine of said Sect ion 1 as measured along sold center I Ine: thence(conslderlng the West I lno of sold Section 1 to be a due North South II ne), runn I ng South 9 degrees 32 ml nutes East a distance of 728.3 feet, thence North 70 degrees 54 minutes East a distance of 469.6 feet more or less to the centerline of Lake Street as now laid out and traveled. a distance of 437.1 feet to Its Intersection with the center II ne of Eden Pro I r I e Road as now I a I d out and t rave led, thence westerly along the centerline of Eden Prairie Road a distance of 240.2 feet more or less to the point of beglnnlng. excepting therefran that portion lying within the right of way of Pleasant View Road, according to the Un I ted States Government Survey. thereof. Carver County. MI nnesota (] single tuated In Y H. Th"""s property s KNOll ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Bever and proprietor, of the fallowing described Carver, State of Minnesota. to wit: and does Road and I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as LOTUSVIEW ADDITION; that the plat Is a correct representation of the survey: that all distance are correct Iy shown on the plat ln feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monLrrents have been correctly placed In or wi II be placed I n the ground as shawn, I n accordance to MI nnosota Statutes. Sectl on 505.02, Subd. 1; thot the outside boundary Ilnos ore correctly deslgnoted on the plat and that there are no wetlands as defined In Minnesota Statutes Section 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than as shawn Frank R. Cardarelle, R.L.S Minnesota License No. 6508 before me this _ day of a U censed Profess I ona I Land Notary Pub I Ic My Ccnmission approved by John E. Freemyer Carver County Survey CHANHASSEN, M I NNESOT A This plat of LOTUSVIEW ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held this _ day of . 200__ and is ccrnpl ioncewith th provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sect Ion 505.03, Subd. 2. That 0 II monuments will be set as spec I fled by the City Council and os stated on this plot, according to Minnesota Statute. 505.02 Subd. 1. CITY COUNC I L OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN prior to s_ 011 years Dated th AudItor taxes for entered County nquen t transfer Lundgren del and COUNTY AUDITOR. Carver County I hereby cert I fy that there are no _ for land described on this plot day of 200_. hese of day Mn has caused the same to be surveyed and plotted as LOTUSVIEW ADDITION hereby donate and ded I cote to the pub I I c far pub II c use forever the easements as shown on the plat for drainage and uti IIty purposes only. caused County person. has .200_. me th I s pe r son re Notary Public. My Comml ss I on Exp ngle before single o s n"esoto '""'iñÅ¡trLrrent was ocknowl edged 200_. by Bever I y H Th"""s, 0 I n wi tness whereof sa I d Bever I y H. ThaTlOS presents to be signed this _ day of B i gned H. ThaTlOS y Bever ng State of M County of. The forego 2 ^ " ,....( v )/' 1 Mn Hennepin County Exp ires. State of Minnesota County of Hennep I n The foregoing InstrLrrent was acknowledged _ 200_, by Fronk R. Cordarelle Surveyor hos been this plot 1971 COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, MI nnesota Laws of this _ day of 200_. Mark by _ COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County I hsrsby certify that taxes payable for the year _ for lond this on this plat os LOTUSVIEW ADDITION hove been payed this .200-. Tan Kerber. County Treasurer by bed on doy of descr \ \ 'ò'ò \ f CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 1 5 2004 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEM K o c /Iv ^ [\'rì L f3 r '"' f\ EW ADDITION was fl led this _ clock _. as DocLlTlent NL.lTber_. W. Hanson County Recorder Jr COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County I hereby certify that thIs plot of LOTUSV day of 200-. at _ o' Car by LOTUSVI£W ADDITION /' -. THE CENTERL-;(OF- - - rt FA:;ANTl1IE/1/- ~()Ar - - - - -.... ---- ( :OJ PLEASANT VIEW ROAD......, (FKA Ef1E^ PRAIRIE R(1Af1) :OJ ........... : /' -170 - - ~ ¡ S 89°20' DO" W 325.72 -'f>~ t:i - --'v- - - <1~..?.¿>~ ~~ "' 'ç:.", PLEASANTVIEW ROAD ;j <....?o$..~o;:.f"" f") ~ I"'") 1T ~ !2! 0: 0 N 89·20' DO" £ 320.57 -1"~ '..?6' 00. \ ::¡ (0' ~~<1"':.!c; ~ ' >-~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "'\ \ _ _ _ - ~?.:>. ~ ~...... _ ? 7~... ;0"': \ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT -?,....... CC" BEARINGS SHOWN ARE AN ASSUMED BASIS <::I 10 ~ ~ <::I 0 :Eo ~ f..o.I 0 \'\ \11 1 0 40 80 120 I -- ~ SCALE 1 INCH = 40 FEET INDICATES IRON MONUMENT FOUND INDICATES IRON MONUMENT SET MARKED BY LICENCE NO. 6508 SHEETS 1 OF 1 SHEET