4. Hillside Oaks Land Use ~ z < U I-if ~ ~ ~ < < ~ < ~ ~ ~ I-if 00. PC DATE: 01118/05 [I] CC DATE: 02/14/05 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: NA CASE #: 05-06 BY: RG STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Review Land Use of Hillside Oaks Subdivision and Potential Land Use Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density. LOCATION: Northwest and northeast corners of Powers Blvd. and Lyman Blvd. APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. o. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A2 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential - Large Lot ACREAGE: 20.0 DENSITY: 0.35 units/acre SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Review Land Use of Hillside Oaks Subdivision and Potential Land Use Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving land use amendments and rezonings because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning or land use amendment must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Location Map Hillside Oaks Land Use Amendment NW Corner of Powers and Lyman Blvds. Planning Case No. 05-06 yman Blvd (CS H 18) Planning Commission Hillside Oaks LUA Planning Case No. 05-06 January 18,2005 Page 2 PROPOSALS~RY The City is evaluating the land use designation for the property within the Hillside Oaks subdivision. BACKGROUND As part of the 1980 Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan, the Hillside Oaks subdivision west of Powers Boulevard was guided for Residential Low Density. After the final plat for Hillside Oaks was approved and in exchange for MUSA expansion elsewhere, Hillside Oaks subdivision west of Powers Boulevard was re-guided for estate type development. However, as part of the original plat, it was envisioned that when urban services became available, this property would redevelop, but with larger lots (one acre or larger). February, 1972. The property was zoned R-IA, Agricultural Residence District as part of the original city zoning. July, 1980. The property was granted preliminary approval for a Planned Residential development as part of the preliminary development plan for Lake Susan West P.R.D. Since a final plat was never filed on the project, the approved rezoning was never filed or published. May 7, 1984. Final plat approved for Hillside Oaks Subdivision (84-2 Subdivision). September, 7, 1984. The City approves a land use map amendment from Residential Low Density to Agricultural and deletes the property from the MUSA in exchange for 22 acres of industrial land (McGlynns) and 7.3 acres of residential land northeast of Lake Minnewashta. February, 1987. Property rezoned to A2, Agricultural Estate District as part of comprehensive rezoning of the city. February, 1991. Property brought back into the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and guided for Residential - Large Lot. Summer, 1997. Property owners for Lots 1 and 2 brought in preliminary plat for both lots including a land use map amendment and rezoning to single family residential. The property owner for Lot 1 decided not to go forward with the project and the application was withdrawn. February 23, 1998, the City Council: . denied a request for a Land Use Map Amendment from Residential - Large Lot to Residential Low Density for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks. Planning Commission Hillside Oaks LUA Planning Case No. 05-06 January 18,2005 Page 3 . denied a request for rezoning from A-2, Agricultural Estate District, to RSF, Single Family Residential, for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, due to inconsistency with the comprehensive plan. . denied a preliminary plat of Subdivision 97-12 creating six lots for the Powers Circle Addition subject to not complying with the land use designation and zoning requirements. November 26,2001, the Chanhassen City Council voted to: -Deny the Land Use Map Amendment from Residential - Large Lot to Residential Low Density for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks. -Deny the rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate District to RSF, Single Family Residential for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, due to inconsistency with the comprehensive plan. -Deny the preliminary plat of Subdivision 97-12 creating six lots for the Powers Circle Addition subject to not complying with the land use designation and zoning requirements. On May 27, 2003, the Chanhassen City Council voted to: · Deny the Land Use Map Amendment from Residential - Large Lot to Residential - Low Density for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks. · Deny the rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to RSF, Single Family Residential, for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, due to inconsistency with the comprehensive plan. · Deny the preliminary plat of Subdivision 97-12 creating five lots for the Powers Circle Addition subject to not complying with the land use designation and zoning requirements. The City Council adopted the following findings of fact as the basis for their denial of the land use amendment: · The land use amendment is premature without the redevelopment of the entire area. · The land use amendment creates an island of low density land in a large lot development. · Traffic circulation and impacts on Powers Boulevard from this area must be resolved. On September 21,2004, the Chanhassen Planning Commission directed staff to re-evaluate the land use designation for the Hillside Oaks development based on the changing conditions in the area including the extension of city sewer to the area, the opening of the 2005 Metropolitan Urban Service Area for development, the widening of Powers Boulevard and the pending construction of Highway 312/212. Planning Commission Hillside Oaks LUA Planning Case No. 05-06 January 18,2005 Page 4 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 2-46.03, subd. 4 of the Chanhassen City Code states: The Planning Commission shall have the powers and duties allowed under State law, including: (a) To prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the future development of the City that is submitted to the Council for implementation and to recommend amendments of the Plan to the Council from time to time as may be necessary or desirable. DISCUSSION In reviewing land uses and zoning, amendments are warranted if there is an error in the guiding and zoning of the property that needs to be corrected or if there are changing conditions that warrant or compel a change. Given that the two lots east of Powers Boulevard, which are part of this subdivision, are guided for Residential-Low Density, it could be argued that either the property west of Powers Boulevard is guided inappropriately, or the property east of Powers Boulevard is guided inappropriately, since an individual development is generally, but not always, guided consistent throughout. The existing land use designation of the property west of Powers Boulevard is for Residential - Large Lot. This area has been developed with single-family homes on larger lots ranging in size from 2.2 to 3.96 acres. The development abuts minor arterial roadways (Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard). Chanhassen has a range of residential land uses from large lot to high density. Maintaining this mixture is one of the city's goals. In addition, the community highly regards its natural environment including trees, slopes, vistas, and uncluttered open spaces. Hillside Oaks was developed as a Large Lot development and has maintained that character. The existing topography contains a very steep, partially wooded slope along the westerly portion of the site in and adjacent to the city park as well as the southwest portion of the site. Some of these areas meet the city definition of bluff which may not be developed nor used in calculating lot density. There are trees, shrubs and conifers located adjacent to the park in the northern portion of the subdivision. The southern area of the subdivision consists of significant areas of woodlands. These conditions potentially limit the ability of this area to re-develop within the residential - low density range of 1.2 to 4.0 units per acre. Within the development, the significant environmental features, including bluffs, steep slopes and woodlands, may be preserved only through the maintenance of the Residential- Large Lot designation. The comprehensive plan policies state: Planning Commission Hillside Oaks LUA Planning Case No. 05-06 January 18,2005 Page 5 Encourage low density residential development in appropriate areas of the community that reinforces the character and integrity of existing single family neighborhoods while promoting the establishment of new neighborhoods of similar quality. New residential development shall be discouraged from encroaching upon vital natural resources or physical features that perform essential protection functions in their natural state. The City of Chanhassen is committed to providing a variety of housing styles with housing available for people of all income levels. The City of Chanhassen supports a balanced housing supply including the provision of estate type homes. The following table represents the existing breakdown of land uses within the city by acreage and percent of total area. Land Use Commercial Office/I nd ustrial Office/I nstitutional Office Parks & Open Space Public/Semi-Public Residential Large Lot Residential Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Mixed Use Undevelopable TOTALS Acres 214 1,222 47 117 1 ,466 1,242 2,247 5,465 635 398 134 1,573 14,760 Percent 1 .4% 8.30/0 0.30/0 0.8% 9.90/0 8.4 0/0 15.2°k 37.0% 4.3% 2.7% 0.9% 10.7% 1 00.00/0 The 20 acres of land located within this development (west of Powers Boulevard) represent 0.9 percent of the total residential-large lot land within the community. If the land were amended to residential-low density, it would represent 0.3 percent of that land use. The two lots east of Powers Boulevard include a gross area of 7.34 acres. However, approximately half of these two lots are wetland. This area may not be appropriate for development at an urban density due to the wetlands, which may not be included in determining density, and the constraints of providing street access for any additional lots. This area represents 0.1 percent of the residential-low density land use. Planning Commission Hillside Oaks LUA Planning Case No. 05-06 January 18,2005 Page 6 Residential - Low Density land uses in the Lake Susan Hills PUD and in Sunset Trail surround these properties on three sides. As part of the upgrade of Powers Boulevard, sewer and water services were extended down to Lyman Boulevard to serve abutting parcels. A sanitary sewer lift station was installed across Powers Boulevard to service this area. The lift station is currently not used. The availability of an adequate sanitary sewer system is a primary consideration in the utilization of land for urban purposes. Redevelopment of the properties would assist in paying for these public improvements. Redevelopment of these parcels would use existing public facilities, rather than requiring the extension of additional trunk sewer and water lines. Powers Boulevard is a minor arterial roadway and will continue to carry high volumes of traffic. Access to the site from Powers Boulevard does have right turn lanes provided. Therefore, no additional turn lanes will be necessary. Due to the high traffic volumes projected on Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard, it may be appropriate to limit the number of housing units that abut the intersection. By maintaining the Residential - Large Lot designation of the properties, no additional homes will be developed in the area. As can be seen by the table below, the lot areas are not sufficient to divide an individual lot into two or more lots as required by the 2.5 acre minimum lot size of the Residential - Large Lot land use. Lot and Block Area (acres) Lot 1, Block 1 2.5 Lot 2, Block 1 3.96 Lot 3, Block 1 2.55 Lot 4, Block 1 2.48 Lot 5, Block 1 3.35 Lot 6, Block 1 2.2 Lot 7, Block 1 2.96 Lot 1, Block 2 3.84 Lot 2, Block 2 3.5 The north central portion of the site, Lots 2 and 3 and the eastern portion of Lot 4, Block 1, have an area of less significant elevation changes than the rest of the development. These areas have a potential for redevelopment with less impacts than the rest of the subdivision and may be appropriate for more suburban style development as residential - low density land use. Staff has prepared a schematic of a potential subdivision of Hillside Oaks based on a residential - low density land use. Most if not all of the existing homes would need to be removed and all the property owners would need to cooperate and redevelop at approximately the same time. Again, the northern portion of the development has the best potential for redevelopment with the least environmental impacts. Planning Commission Hillside Oaks LUA Planning Case No. 05-06 January 18,2005 Page 7 The Planning Commission has the following options: Maintain the existing land use designation. (No change) Amend the land use designation for all or part of the development. Direct staff to review Block 2 for a land use amendment to Residential - Large Lot. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: ''The Planning Commission affirms the Land Use Map designation of Residential- Large Lot for Block 1, Hillside Oaks Addition." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Environmental Features and Existing Houses 3. Schematic Subdivision 4. Letter from Arild Rossavik to Chanhassen Planning Commission dated 1/3/05 5. Letter from Arild Rossavik to Robert Generous dated 9/27/04 6. Location Map Hillside Oaks 7. Figure 14 - AUAR Development Scenario 8. Page 17, Chanhassen 2005 Alternate Urban Areawide Review 9. Hillside Oaks Subdivision 10. Chanhassen AUAR 2010 Total Traffic 11. Chanhassen AUAR 2003 Background Traffic 12. Chanhassen AUAR Figure 12 - Zoning Map 13. Photo Water and Sewer Lots 1 and 2 14. Photos Hillside Oaks 15. Photos Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard 16. CSAH 17 Improvements Assessment Roll B 17. Reduced Half Section 18. Chanhassen AUAR 2010 - Build Hwy 212/312, Figure 2 - Site Plan 19. Under signers requesting change from Residential- Large Lot to Residential- Low Density 20. Powers Circle Utility Plan 21. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-06 hillside oaks land use amendment\staff report hillside oaks lua.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of City of Chanhassen for a Land Use Amendment. On January 18 , 2004, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly schedule meeting to consider the application of the City of Chanhassen for a comprehensive plan land use amendment of property from Residential- Large Lot to Residential- Low Density. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed amendment preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A2. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential- Large Lot and Residential- Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: Hillside Oaks Addition 4. The land use designation of the property for Residential - Large Lot is consistent the following comprehensive plan policies: Encourage low density residential development in appropriate areas of the community that reinforces the character and integrity of existing single family neighborhoods while promoting the establishment of new neighborhoods of similar quality. New residential development shall be discouraged from encroaching upon vital natural resources or physical features that perform essential protection functions in their natural state. The City of Chanhassen is committed to providing a variety of housing styles with housing available for people of all income levels. The City of Chanhassen supports a balanced housing supply including the provision of estate type homes. 5. The planning report #05-06 dated January 18,2005, prepared by Robert Generous is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council affirm the Land Use designation of Residential - Large Lot for the Hillside Oaks development. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 18th day of January, 2005. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman ZY\ \)¡'('ð Vl vY1~,JJ -4",-~ ~ ~,~f,~ h^~ .''''! .. ---- """,-,,,,,,, :--:;.,:,....,~,.:, '~ . .--... " ~; r' .. AI > " [. 1 . l , :- -., . -: -' II - -.!!II ' 'i\-;'IO ~\ _I.. 11- _ ..' IBI )" f ì '; t, \. II .. .. t - I , '.' '. _I_ ,.' "¡~,,j;ì . ..11_.-- - \ III _.1... .' ._ .. --" , - . III . I - II.. .._ - -- , ~ ," II" _ II .. .. ' . . II!I . _... _.. .. < l r:'· ~ ... _ II· ,1':'1..__'· III I. _ II !¡-'},IIII"':.. G.... _~ . III!II _ / '- '.' . .-...... ~.... - - , -- lUll.' 1/;",':.. II , ".. tt... 1m.. -. ~--" .. .... .. I' .... - .- ' .~--.:.iI ',- __ ;~'</ ~:, "l(¡o 011..' --, "'._. l1li _.111. ~. _1_ : II. _. II_ ~ '"". __ -.. .. .. . *... II y'{ iii, . -; -. ....ill .. I!:I.' 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H' .. .. ,. , Chanhassen City Planning Commission UIi Sacchet Kurt Papke Rich Slagle Craig Claybaugh Dam Keefe Steve Lillehaug January 3rd 2005 (Revised from August 9th 2004) Ref City Land Use Guidance Hillside Oaks Block 1 and April 2005 Dear Planning Commission Members I write to you ask that the City Land Use Guidance for Hillside Oaks Block I be changed from A2 to RSF. Block 2 has already been adjusted. I feel this change should have been made when the City Adopted AUAR 2005. A develovment which will brinf! 1500 new housinf! units and 700 thousand square feet of new office svace south of Lyman Blvd (See Land Use attachment). As you know, highway 212 is coming just south of Powers & and Lyman Blvd, Powers Blvd will be extended down to interchange with 212, and in addition the large AUAR 2005 development: 1500 new housing units, a middle or high school for 1700 Student and 7000.00 square feet office space. Constructions of both these projects are scheduled to start in April this year. Powers Blvd will be turned into the main drag for this construction for years to come. When Powers Blvd hook up to new 212 it is reasonable to assume that traffic now using Minn. 5 to get to 494 will drive down Powers Blvd to new 212. Doing so will save 4 or 5 traffic lights. These developments will forever increase traffic intensity on Powers as it is extended down to new 212 and AUAR 20005. Lyman Blvd will be built into four lanes and there will be a traffic light to control this intersection. (Powers & Lyman) I have collected the following figures from the City's study: Powers Blvd: 2003 - 7700 Vehicles/Day Lyman Blvd 2010 Daily 14800 Vehicles/Day 13000 Vehicles/Day (Peak hours 3100 Vehicles )/hour (These projections are subject to another planned collector road, not funded yet, is constructed south of Lyman. Adjustment until it is constructed: the traffic load on Powers Blvd increases 12200 to 27,000 vehicles ª day (see encl map) Hillside Oaks (see list of owners attached) development consist of two blocks seven lots on the western side of Powers Blvd and two lots on the eastern side of Powers Blvd. The increased traffic and construction vehicles, on Powers and Lyman Blvd for years to come will cause property value to depreciate in value if the City continues to limit its use to Agriculture Estate (A2). We will be living in a construction zone for years to come, especially if it remainsA2 Only RSF (Single family residential) guidance will allow owners to rezone and optimize their investment .Rezoning will also make it possible to build a Sound berm, or wall along Powers Blvd to shield the neighborhood These are significant changes. This conflicts with A2 Land use guidance , a guidance intended to preserve a rural feel and character Clearly A2 has been abandoned in this locality by the City. In addition A2 designation has been abandoned for future use overall because of the high cost of bringing in water and sewer. In 1980 the land use designation for Hillside Oaks blocks 1 and 2 was RSF. Later Hillside Block 1 was later changed to A2, and Block 2 went to RSF. I have researched the City's records but 1 cannot find a reasonable explanation for this change. Sunset Trial, west of Hillside Oaks lot 5 Block 1, fits the criteria for A2; but Land use guidance is RSF, making Hillside Oaks Block 1 a A2 sandwich between RSF, Hillside Oaks Block 2, and Sunset Trail! North and South are RSF (PUD) or medium density Hillside Oaks is fragmented into four pieces. 1. Lot 1 and 2 share a common driveway which access Powers Blvd Directly 2. Lot 3,4,5 and 7 share a Cull De Sac, Oak Side Circle 3. Lot 6 may have a deeded access to Oak Side Circle but in realty accesses Lyman Blvd 4. Lot I and 2 Block 2 accesses Lyman Blvd In 1995 water and sewer service and lift station was brought down to serve Hillside Oaks Block 1 ( lot 1 to 7) Block 1.It was projected to serve 32 lots. It has now stood unused for ten years. (City project 93-29) Its cost to the City and Taxpayers are now over $400.000.00. (My streetlight has been turned off for the last three years, so the City could save money.) So far this misuse of resources has been ignored. Clearly the sewer and water improvements anticipated land use guidance change from A2 to RSF. I have written and/or contacted every property owner in Hillside Oak. Most recognize the reasonableness of this request, but some wish to ignore the significant change that is coming. I ask that the City Planning Commission initiate a correction of the City Land Use Guidance for Hillside Block 1 from A2 to RSF This does not change anything for the affected property owners, but will open possibilities for new land use when they are ready. My earlier planned Subdivision for 5 lots was supported by The City Staff. The pending proposal is only for three lots and is enclosed for your reference and my neighbors response are indicated. Respectfully ~;J.rÁ. rí<~~ Arild Rossavik 8800 Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph 952 448 4844 e-mail: AR@ARILD.US Enclosures CC City Manager Todd Gerhardt Senior Planner Bob Generous Robert Generous Senior Planner City Of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 September 27,2004 Ref Land Use Guidance change Hillside Oak Block I Additional comments: Thank you for you cooperation in the above matter. I may want to add CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd) Improvements City Project 93-29 Assessment Roll B to my argument that Land Use Guidance Change for Hillside Oaks Block I should have been changed when the City put a lift station and water and sewer In my driveway and my neighbors driveways belonging to Hillside Oaks Block I. It was stipulated to serve 32 single family houses in Block 1. (my pending request design will allow two more houses to be built on my property) The fact is that we have all been sitting with these improvements in our driveways for the last ten years.. . . The property owners of Hillside Oaks Block 2 can interesting enough access these improvements (Lift Station) as they are Guided for RSF, and therefore can redevelop their properties without a request for Land Use Guidance Amendment, but they where not included in the Estimated Assessment Roll ? Also I would like to point out that it is the property owners cost to build berm or other noise reducing walls to limit the noise effect of the increased traffic on Powers Blvd as I we are going to get most of the traffic now going 5 east to the where the rreeway begins in Eden Prairie. This traffic now will have the opportunity to drive down on Powers Blvd and be on the rreeway.... and also the reverse will be truth , traffic coming rrom Eden Prairie will stay on the new extension of2I2, take Powers Blvd exit into the City and even going west on 5 making Powers Blvd the main drag All the owners of Hillside Oaks Block I & 2 will have direct exposure to this traffic, with maybe an exception to Lot 5 Block I which is on the hill and covered by threes, and a land use guidance change for these will allow each property owner to redevelop his property in their own time or to keep their large lot size, as development of neighboring property will have little impact compared to what the increased traffic will do to the area. Also the major investment ( must be over $500,000.00 now) the City did in water and sewer for Block I 10 years ago can be recouped so this can ease the burdens to the taxpayers. Respectful~ ~ Arild RossaVl ~~ Encl REceiVED SEP 2 8 2004 Cl1Y OF CHANHASSEN .. £0 ..J ..J o a: ... z W ::; en en W en en 0« - " .... ... en ... z W :::E 0. W :¡; > CI) o .... a: ~ ~ ~ 5m ~ a:NQ) >c( M g- m.. w...a. ..J 0 >- ::>w..o 0.., CII mOE ena:Q) a:o.E w~~ ~-5: 0(.) CII e:. < .f'oo .'g" - - RI .5 iií w .:c 0« en (.) ~:rì 8 -, . c· .11) _ QJ ,J"N ; ñi E ii:A·~ CI) - CII '·~.tN Q) 0 CI) .'>1ItI't ò:...~~ <~ Yo I: - 'iõ ~ê -Q) RI_ ..JRI ~ ~o :li'(O .t:o ~tI't ~ .\.\0, ~ ~~ ~8 ;aJ vi ;~~ ;"U" ~tI't :;Y.; .:¿; ~n . .1: oX .(õ (/)'I:ë ~I~.!? w. RI ::;: ~ en en W enl .'~ 8 en ' '. < . ~'d o-~..;··... we", Q) ~11 ...' Q):= ~ tJiI <Iiii :ä Q) ~ ::;""(J)CIJ~ ¡::/ ~. en ". Wi .:.. :.;18 I .." ~.~ . "'1..·0 , ~. JIsII) loX ... .... 'PO 12C .~ ~~..: C Q) "'~ tI't "'~(J) f~ ¡¡¡ . !IF" '=!: v': c ::I 11) ~.". S 'S := "~'1 o u. c .. Q. ::> ';f :, .~ . ;;.... ~ ¡,: .~ .¡~~ ')( C '.l:' \W=?:!~ 1:). .'_1 II! en ftI ~~..'N ~ Q) i~~; ... .( ';f)''! 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U o o o 10') - ~ ·2 ;:, - CII ¡¡¡ õ ... tit .'§ õ ... .8 E ;:, I: ) :5 C o '0 Q) II) RI .tJ CII Q) iõ .. .. RI Q) >- ë: ~ :; u iii 1/1 Q) .!! Q. ;:, oX o o .s:::. oX I: .s -g .01 ~ ;¡ "2 .r= ;:, u "ë> -,g. Q) = ~ 'fi & ~ Q) Q) ~ go c Q. ~ Õ .¡¡; I: ! .2 -::> '" ::>W~ Wa:'O !fð.g 00'" C?vi~ 0....;:, 8~'5 .:"~ .... . . . . " o o Ó I/) (") .... ... Location Map Hillside Oaks '\{>t Q06 ~Sf: t1£'D1VI1 Þ€N>llr Envtrorvnental Features /// Overlay Afignment - Internal Roadway D~t.Qf_Way D T.H. 2121312 ...... - Property -- ":=.. ProjecI boundary !..._I .....-..-- Stream ¡CIl! StCIL \ H. Dn C 101m . - \1 " I I~ll t l 1-+ I rt 0 250 500 ~ ., [if- Icr Group Inc. i 11113 Hoisington Kocg . i æn . ~ ,nd A_ml<' I . KlInle~ Hl tal Consuhing I Peterson r:.nvltOn~ 06 GmIAp ltd. August, 2003 N A 1.000 Feet "d ReVIew b AreaWl e " Dr an Alternative Ch hassen an Minnesota City of Chanhassen, J Chanhassen 2005 Alternative Urban Areawide Review Portions of the project area drain to and will utilize ponds constructed within the proposed TH 212/312 right-of-way. Storm water improvements will need to be reviewed with MnDOT to ensure storm water facilities are properly sized based on the recently revised roadway alignment (August 2003). Note: the RG U IIllIst assure ¡!tm the developmellt descrihed COlllp!Ìi!S Wilh tlie requiremellt\ of 4410.3(¡jO. suhpar! 3 (and a!so that it proper~j' orders the AUAR lIlId sets the description ill that order·us required by 4-1!(}.3610. suhpart 3). City of Chanhassen Resolution # 2003-70 ordering the preparation of the AUAR is included as Appendix 1. The Order for Review was passed by the Chanhassen City Council on Monday, August II, 2003 consistent with the requirements of Minnesota Rules Section 4410.3610, subpart 3. 7. PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA. The CllfJ1U/ll¡iFI! IOta!s (!f lhe parutnetas ca! ll!d .Ii I/" shou!d bl! gil'en.fì){' each lliajor deFe!opmellt scclwrio. except ¡!Jot illjimJlatio1/ Oil "l1/cl/llljÚcluring .' "odICI' indusTria/," "illslÍtutiollol. .. alld ·'agricultural. ., The following data represents the anticipated types and intensity/density of residential, office, office/industrial, and institutional development throughout the AUAR area based on the development scenario described in question 6. TABLE 7.1 PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA LAND USE DESIGNATION Medium Density Residential/Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Office Office/Industrial Park/O en S ace Park Institutional * rounded to nearest 5,000 square feet TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE ACRES 120 MAXIMUM INTENSITY OF DEVELOPMENT 8 du/acre PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA 66 8 du/acre 17 34 45 35 36 0.35 FAR 0.30 FAR Passive Park Athletic Fields Middle/Hi h Developable land inventory is that land area that is unconstrained by steep slopes as defined by the City of Chanhassen GIS Steep Slope dataset (slopes greater than 18%), National Wetland Inventory, Peterson Environmental delineated wetlands, floodplain (100 year and floodway), the right-of-way for proposed Highway 212 and the collector roadway concept alignment for the AUAR (for purposes of estimating project magnitude data, the collector roadway ROW is assumed at a 60' width consistent with Chanhassen's residential collector standards). Key assumptions made to arrive at a net land area for development include the following: · Park and Open Space (P/OS) areas were determined based on the City's adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan Page 17 .. ·1 'I , I .., ..! :J :1 ..k-.............. 'I ~. J ." , E .... \,1)).' 0 4> ~-. ., .~,; ID ''';; " Z,- " * ~;; Nt.' ~ '" '-", ' . ~ I g;, ~8 ~ R j' 1-7 '-'I 'C A 0 ~~ ¿ . e z ~ 7 ~ - 39~. 74 'Y~P N89'OO'OO" E ~ o o O. ~ ~ O· o O· 'Ii" o .. n,. .~ OOO~ ~69'~O' \~O _',:;;: ~r ~¡: '4 ~,F ';'" l,\ .: ~" ~ ':.....? 1 " l- I 0., .~ ", ~ ::..' .;. f,${..t- ,'t ~(j 1')"'; 3 :#,.0" ,.;; ~~ .' t:..~ ' ,. ~ m '" .. ~ Ñ N o \D N !(~-ð~-' ',1'¡: I '.' ~ ." "f, o\4(~_ ( 'i ,~,)O EAST " , '" N 0_. ~ ::j :~ ~~ .0 ~ '0 7'> 7:,_ 3!19 ':Ia (LYMAN NSS'44' ,71'E BOULEVARD b ùz'· . ','?-'-:'~"". ...:~.~"'- ..... ~ ) ,17. ___ SQ'.PH L'/\jl OF Sf. :/~¡ ,',r I'I.w' Q f "t-C'" TIC R 2' '< ._.._~, ".-"-"-- ~5.~~ ~:f:' o· " II< ~," ~ ~p ·r E~ ~,.~ ~ t: .\ - ~ ;;:. ~ ~ ~ ·..·¡or '" o ; - '00 . - "':;J. t.o= .- ~; - ~ ;:; m·,< "- ß '; .~',>! ,1J / 1>"" ·i ;-If.:.',~ / ~~~'~ I oA....ru·O ')' OJ -.~ / . ~~ z !~ ~ ~ " ~ '., .~ ~ t' /. '¡..' , /,..., ""~.'! I 'j J$' ,. , > . ,.. '^ ~ U \; I .. V' II" " ~/ ~4'~(;~':'$ 'é\,.. ~"'i;:> ""7-{". ~~"~/!, .,:- .....HP"44F..f. 3076( LYMAN 30667 N ~ ,0 .> ~ ,..... I' ~ ~ ~ .~ (Jj iI\ ." :r ç E c ~ ~ ¡:: '" '" '" '" ~ -.J " " " " " 2010 TOTAL TRAFFI; / / / I \ I \ \ I / " \ " M ~, /' " \ t I /-.-. / ! /' /' " '" (-11500-7 \ / ~2~~' . V/'. /' ... ---.-'-'-'''1''''''''-.-'- JQOO7 1 :/'" (-:;0007 ,__ /' (-99007 í ~ '.' .._,_.... '-:.;7 '-,- 1'1 ;' 1\1 i í--- '- '- 'oJ; /71 I -V / 'JI 11M))::' --- .-#' . I ~~ II< l---~ ~. -- ¡ 1/1 __ ~'f~ If,-.' __ \'" or, -- r -- . .fIlii' ---- ".,; ¡ /--~~ ~~~'1 ~\ ~. I~ f //'/' f~ \. /'/ l...v /1 -~}~~~::, \ I I I ) / / / / / CHANHASSEN AUAR 2010 - BUILD HWY 212/312 FIGURE 9 - 2010 TOTAL TRAFFIC ~ "N~ ~ª "-21(20) ):¡;: T f -226(172) + " r73(58) 20~221~J ... t f 26 251 _ ..!...-.... 242 213 ""' ~~ :8~'" /' /' /' /' /' /' /' h~ Ie: 1,¡i)::' ~71 "- __ __ !\o ~<V,,,",,.' ~ "-- -- - A~:/ I" '" ' ., '-.. ~ 71' '-.. Jy ;:'<5> . ~ '-.. ~q/,¿ ~ '-.. /'JI '-.. '-.. \ ~96007 \......... '-.. A# .1-' \ \ (-75007 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "', ;ñ :§: ~ "-116(24) - '" - _326(358) ) t ~ r27(36) 445(~~¡:::: , t f 232(156 "", ~ -"'õ;ð"" ~ &Ø õñO> ..-~ ìÍ~ "-35(78) - 'f" _256(530) ) ~ ~ r206(72) 113(I06 J ... t r 117(72 _ ..!...-.... 424{343"", !è ¡;;~ ~. '" ~ ~ "-49(339) ¡ ~ r23(94) t r .-.n "'''' ~ Nt:: "'- 'õ):ñ ii J¡ 29(171)J , t 9(53)__ ~ ~~ ~ £ NORTH ~ XX(XX) LEGEND XXXX AM(PM) Peak Hour Trahic Volumes A veroge Doi! y Traffic Volumes ~-n Kimley-Hom ~_U and Associates, Inc. ~ 3DG1 1MIY-HDMt AND MSDCM.1D. IC. r---:-=..: :-_~t:-::r:...., 0.11: OCT" ago¡ ,.. DOCUWDß'. 1ÐQEntØI IØ'H THE COHCEPfS IIÞI) DESIGNS PRaÐIIED ttE:ROi. A! /1M IHS'IJIJWÐfI' or SOMe£. IS INTENDED ONlY rQR THE SPECIF1C PURPOSE AND CUENT FOR WHICH n WAS PREPARED. REUSE 01 _ __ __ ON _ _ _ _ __ _ AlW'fA_ III' 1CIUY-+iOIIN _ A5S0C"n:s. INC. SHAU. It: _ ~ 10 ICIUY-HORN _ ASSOC..n:s. INC. 2003 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC I I I I I ] Q:.Q Vl\J ~~ ~ o Cl. L_"W ~46007 " " " " " " -- ~07 \ ) ) ,// Å"--._J -'\ \ ,,~ t ~ éi" LEGEND £ NORTH .L..- XX(XX) Af. (PM) Peak Hour ~ Traffic Volumes XXXX Average Doily Traffic Volumes CHANHASSEN AUAR ~-n Kimley-Hom 2003 EXISTING CONDITIONS ~_U and Associates, Inc. CD_DUY___.... FIGURE 6 - 2003 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC -:=,: =-.::..""':.=--~:.'" IIŒ......_ _ ~, 10GDItUI WIllI 1HE CONCØ'IS _ __ _ _ .os NI __ Of" SEJMC[, . IIIIENDED OILY FOIl 1ItE SPECIfIC ~ _ a.ENr fOR IIIICH IT ., I'ÆPNIED. _ Of" _ _ __ ON _ ~ _ _ ___ _ _A11ON Wi KMlY__ _ _1£1. IIC, SIW.L. _ ~ 10 KMD__ _ _1£1. lie. Medium Density Residential/Low Density Residential Medium Density Residcntial Office Office/Industrial Park/O en S ace Park Institutional TOTAL NET OEVELOI>AßLE ACRES 120 MAXIMUM INTENSITY OF OEVELOPMENT 8 du/acre PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA ~ 66 8 du/acre 680 units 0.35 FAR 0.30 FAR Passive Park Athletic Fields Middle/Hi '11 o A2 - Agflcunural Prese/'\latlon (}¡slnct Shofeland Management Overtay Zones _ B ~ Creek Overlay W} lake Hazeltine Overlay Bluff Creel< Overtay District D Pnmary Zone o Secondary Zona o T H 212/312 RIQI'\I·Of-Way ~-= Property Boundaries C~:] PrO)6C~bouMary ~ Stream "'<I~ :ro-,T",\__·~·_·;"'·'; l'iglll"L' 12 - /-Otllllg !\l.lp N A o 245 490 -- 980 Feel WI HoisingLon Koegler Group Inc. Chanhassen Alternative Urban Areawide Review August. 2003 Kiml.:)' Hum.nd ^""Il,au:\ ·..I,·r....".r.."runuH.'IIL..I(·¡"h.lllm¡.! " ~vl,· '4, VV' ~'J J~'\ r~ ~ ~;"~ \ ,~, '<-...) 'Y\ c/ (f' ;' " H 3'1 <-~ ''',"'0 ~ "1,'," tI > ~ r;!~ '" ~. 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'" " "~ " , /' ......",/ ~ / /" , <: 'V~>v/") , " , " V ---- " :> 15~ fo:: °9 ~ W -.J Ü a::: U (f) a::: ~ o a.. ~ ~ ~ a. ;¡ ~ [j ::J n::F a. :::J I ~ I æ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ¡: is ~ T ~§ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ¡:!œ ¡.: ~ d i~ i~ ~I 6Mp'Aln-~d\lHS-N¥ld\6WLÇ6L£\:ij (90'Çt) :3n"'N 311J >lSIO wOlf:8 fOOl: 'sz PO :31VO lOld CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO. 05-06 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to Review Land Use of Hillside Oaks Subdivision and Potential Land Use Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density on property located at the northwest corner of Powers Blvd. and Lyman Blvd. Applicant: City of Chanhassen. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Bob Generous, Senior Planner Email: bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone: 952-227-1131 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on January 6,2005) SCANltE:O I CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 6, 2005, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Hillside Oaks Potential Land Use Amendment - Planning Case No. 05-06 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. K~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this \I~ day Of~, 2005. +1. ~.. '"" Notary Publi I KIM T. MEUWlSSEN Notary Public-Minnesota ./an 11 1010 0) c ¡ Q) :æ o)s C·- .- tn a.. tn ca._ Q) E ~E .20 :ãO :JO) Q.c -'- OC Q)c ().!! :;:::0. 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This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction 01 geographic features. It errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressiy waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and ail claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. yman Blvd (CS H 18) Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used lor relerence purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. It errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives ail claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify. and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. Public Hearing Notification Area (500+ feet) Hillside Oaks Land Use Amendment NW Corner of Powers and Lyman Blvds. Planning Case No. 05-06 I +- Subject Site BRETT A & ANA ADAMS 629 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KIMBERLY R ANDERSON 8671 POWERS PL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRUCE R BARKE 1371 THRUSH CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROGER & KIMBERLY BEHRENS 8780 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE A & JACQUELYN BIZEK 8750 POWERS BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN D & KRISTI A BUAN 8740 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN M & JEANINE C CASEY 8720 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JERRY JR & ELLEN J CERCHIA 761 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DORSEY & DORSEY 1551 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID J & VICKI L EASTWOOD 727 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DARREN & JENNIFER ANDERSON 701 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JON & SARAH A BAKER 650 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICKY JOSEPH BARTHEL & KAREN ANN BARTHEL 1 090 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS E BEVER & CHERRE R PELTIER 8763 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRYON J & LINDA J BOTZ 8743 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KEITH M & MARY PAT BUESGENS 1300 OAKSIDE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SCOTT B & REBECCA A CATER 1561 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DONALD C & VIRGINIA D COBAN 8821 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHERYL LEE DOTY 8736 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD & CONNIE M ECHTERNACHT 8746 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DUANE H & KAREN L ANDERSON 1570 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SREANG & SOPHORN SONG BANG 1590 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN D & DENISE A BECKER 675 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MANDALSA D BHIKHAI & RAJUNDRANAUTH BHIKHAI 1 051 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROSEANNE M BOYUM 8805 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RYAN M & LISA J CARLSON 1580 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE J JR & LISA A CEASER 1091 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY M & JAMIE M COOK 1101 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GERALD M & TRACEY B DRESHFIELD 1571 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK A & REBECCA L ERICKSON 1110 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LARRY S & LISA MARIE EYRE 1100 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KURT A & SARAH J FERDERER 1090 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY A & TERRI L FOX TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUND 5270 HOWARDS POINT RD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 RAYMOND JAMES GARVER JR 8704 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GARY 0 & JENNIFER L HICKS 1351 THRUSH CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GREGORY 0 & SHIREEN S KAHLER 8742 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 EDW ARD A & MARY G KRAFT 8711 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL J & CYNTHIA A LEEMAN 8726 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES W & JANET L MARTEL 676 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL & SUZANNE MILACNIK 751 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 YURI F FARBER 8772 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ALAN C FIELD 1111 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY S & LEE ANN FRANZ 8950 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOSEPH GIBNEY JR & KAREN STEIN 1594 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN E & BRENDA L HILL 1360 OAKSIDE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TONY KHOUENGBOUA ETAL 1130 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TED 0 & PAIGE A LAMSON 680 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MANA TH LENGSA VA TH & DOUANGCHAYLENGSAVATH 1 061 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAY WIRTH MEYER 1574 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRENT R & KATHLEEN A MILLER 1200 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN J & NANCY S FAY 640 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL 0 & JOAN M FLYNN 660 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WILLIAM G GABLER 78 STEVENS ST E ST PAUL MN 55107 CHARLES E JR & PATRICIA HANSEN 1561 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KRISTIN ANNE JOHNSON TRUSTEE OF TRUST 8719 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES R JR & SUSAN L KOZLOWSKI 8730 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JA YME 0 & CAROL R LEE 1380 OAKSIDE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DOMINIC & PATRICIA A MARGARIT 8661 POWERS PL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RONALD J & DEBRA R MICHELS 8751 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN F MILLER 1 071 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GRANT & KELLY MORRISON 1 060 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RODNEY & BONNIE M NELSON 8764 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THU VAN NGUYEN & LIEN KIM TANG 1601 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TANYA C PARKS & JEAN C SCHWALEN 8750 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANIEL E & RONDA S PIERRE 1591 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ANDREW H SCHMIDT 8669 POWERS PL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES R & CATHERINE S SCOTT 1578 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DUANE R SKLUZACEK 1190 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KOUNTHONE SOUVANNAKANE & OULADETH SOUVANNAKANE 1600 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MINH CAM & MARGARET A TRAN 1330 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANA W & SUSAN M MULLER 8850 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DIEP D, TU T, LONG D NGUYEN & THUY B & HAl B NGUYEN 1581 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THUNG M & LAN T NGUYEN 8703 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WENDY SUSAN PEKAREK 8735 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WILLIAM J & NANCY E PREMO 8712 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT L & LORI A SCHNESE 641 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CARLA J SEDLACEK 1560 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN R & CECELlA M SMITH 1361 THRUSH CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD 631 TRANSPORTATION BLDG ST PAUL MN 55155 TUOI VAN TRAN & VEN THI TO 8900 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD L & LINDA C NELSON 1 070 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DZUNG H & HONG T NGUYEN 1 081 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 HEATHER L ODDEN 1121 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CRAIG J PETERSON 1340 OAKSIDE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ARILD ROSSA VIK 8800 POWERS BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GORDON E & ARLENE M SCHULZ 1100 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PHILLIP R SHOEN 1584 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHRISTOPHER J SONES & JUDITH A MARTINEZ- 8756 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL D TIMM 11 01 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TSM DEVELOPMENT INC 222 MONROE ST ANOKA MN 55303 MARK K & TRACY A UNDESTAD 8800 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LANCE D & MELANIE J WEGNER 8727 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY M & PATRICIA J YEAGER 1120 LAKE SUSAN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICH SLAGLE 7411 FAWN HILL ROAD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS A & STEPHANIE A UNZE 1 080 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 COREY J & RUTH L WEIKLE 8744 FLAMINGO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ODELL R & SANDRA A ZURN 8659 POWERS PL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KENT B & LORI BETH W ARNBERG 1111 LYMAN CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANIEL J & CARLEEN M WIERSMA 8750 SUNSET TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID D & SUSAN M ZWICKEY 690 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317