2005 PC Future Agenda Items 2005 Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule Possible Future Dunn Bros. Coffee (EDA meeting in January) Items (Date Church Road Subdivision (Spartz) Unknown) Advance Fitness (Liv Homeland) John Klingelhutz Subdivision (north of Lyman) Arboretum Business Park Restaurant Site CarlsonlBrandt Subdivision (Dogwood) Bongard Subdivision (6500 Chanhassen Road) Minger (NW GalpinlLyman) Variances on Lake Riley Blvd. (Sharratt Design) February 15 PC Old Business - Hidden Creek Meadows - Subdivision approval for a 21-lot (March 14 CC) subdivision with Variances. The development proposal includes a Wetland Alteration Permit to permit the crossing of a creek and wetland with a public street. The site is 19.2 acres zoned Single-Family Residential, RSF, located at the ends of Pipewood Lane and Cartway Lane north of Highway 7. Applicant: D & G ofChanhassen, ILC. - Planning Case No. 04-31 Public Hearing - Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance regarding Electrical Substations March 1 PC Tentative - PC Worksession (March 28 CC) March 15 PC Public Hearing - Preliminary PUD, Town & Country Homes (April 11 CC) Public Hearing - Variance Gary Carlson 2 family dwelling Public Hearing - After-the-fact Variance to side yard setback to build a shed located at 7450 Chanhassen Road, Tim McHugh Application not yet received Public Hearing - Jerome Carlson Subdivision with variances (Pemtom?) Application not yet received AprilS PC Public Hearing - Subdivision, Site Plan with Variances and Land Use (April 25 CC) Amendment for Water Treatment Plant, West 79th Street. Applicant: City of Chanhassen Public Hearing - Site Plan review for parking ramp and retail buildings located at the comer of future 212 and Lyman, SMTC Application not vet received April 19 PC (May 9 CC) May 3 PC (Mav 23 CC) May 17 PC (June 13 CC) June 7 PC (June 27 CC) June 21 PC (July 11 CC) July 5 PC CANCEL MEETING DUE TO HOLlDA Y? I' ; I f' G:\agendas\planning Com\2005\2005 planning commission items.doc