CC Minutes 12-14-04 0'-1-2-3 City Council Meeting - December 13, 2004 are so, we had the fourth son was off going to school, but I just wanted to say that it's been a full 4 years. The last 2 years have been really something because the focus and support of these other 4 guys up here with me right now and the response we got from the city staff, the city manager and all of his support staff. I wanted to publicly make that point. More than that, during these 4 years my best friend and my lovely bride, Sherry has kept me standing the whole time, despite all the things that have happened during these 4 years so thank you honey. Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Ayotte moved, Councilman Lundquist seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the city manager's recommendations: i I ¡ II¡ a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated November 22,2004 -City Council Summary & Verbatim Minutes dated November 22,2004 -City Council Summary & Verbatim Minutes of Truth-in-Taxation Hearing dated December 6, 2004 If; l Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Summary & Verbatim Minutes dated November 16,2004 -Park and Recreation Commission Summary & Verbatim Minutes dated November 23, 2004 J 11 F J t b. Approval of Subdivision of 2.83 acres into Two Single Family Lots with Variances; Lotus View Addition; 745 Pleasant View Road, Beverly Thomas. c. Accept Donation for an Automatic External Defibrillator, CenterPoint Energy. d. Approval of 2005 Police Contract with the Carver County Sheriff's Department. e. Resolution #2004-81: Approve Resolution Authorizing Deficits in Gateway and Presbyterian Homes Tax Increment Districts. f. Resolution #2004-82: Approval of Fund Transfers. 4 g. Resolution #2004-83: Approve Resolution Receiving Feasibility Study and Calling for Public Hearing; 2005 Street Improvement Project 05-01. 1. Resolution #2004-84: Approval of Scheduled Utility Rate Increase. j. Approval of Parade Route for American Legion District Convention, May, 2005. 1. Resolution #2004-85: Approval of Resolution and Letter of Support for Improvements to Trunk Highway 5. City Council Meeting - December 13, 2004 m. Accept $1,200 Donation to the Fire Department from Target to Purchase an Automatic External Defibrillator. n. Approve Purchase of Fire Department Pagers Using Charitable Gambling Proceeds. o. Resolution #2004-86: Accept Utility Improvements in Rice Lake Manor 2nd Addition, Project 03-05. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: PRESENTATION OF AWARD FOR AN AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR. CONNIE HARGEST. CENTERPOINT ENERGY. Connie Hargest: Good evening Mayor Furlong, City Council members. My name is Connie Hargest. I represent CenterPoint EnergylMinnegasco and we're here, you've been giving out awards this evening so I'm here to give you one. We have a program called the Community Partnership Grant Program and such we try to give back to the communities, particularly in the arena of public safety. Justin Miller, where? There he is. He gave us an application for AED equipment, the defibrillator equipment that the city is putting in various, I think public buildings and with your first responders. And we're very pleased tonight to be able to give you a check for $2,500 for the purchase of some of that AED equipment. Thank you Mayor. Thank you to the council. Mayor Furlong: I know that this is, at least that I'm aware of the second grant that CenterPoint has provided to the city and we certainly appreciate that program. I think the other grant was for, if I'm not mistaken, trees in the City Center Park. Connie Hargest: Right, for beautification. Mayor Furlong: Beautification for our new park so. Connie Hargest: This is what we're hoping to do now because public safety happens to be an area that we're very concerned with, being a gas distribution company you can see that public safety could.. .so thank you. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. And I know, or I understand anyway that the defibrillators, one is going to be located in the fire chief's command vehicle for mobile and then there will be another one that will be located in our new senior center as well so both good locations for that type of equipment that we hope we never need to use. Thank you. I would like to open up the podium now and invite any residents or guests to come forward to comment on any issues that they'd like. As I said earlier, we do have 3 items under our public hearing so if somebody' s interested in talking on one of those items, they're free to do it at that time. They don't need to come forward now. If there's an issue later in our agenda that someone would like to comment on, they can do that at this time. And if there's any issue that is of interest to a resident or interested party that they wish the council to be aware of, this would also be a time to do that. So at this 5