CC Minutes 12-13-04 o~ -40 City Council Meeting - December 13, 2004 Councilman Lundquist moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council award the contract for professional services, approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for hardware and electrical services for SCADA improvements, Project PW307D. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. K. VILLAGE ON THE PONDS BUILDING C-l: LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE DRIVE AND GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD: VOP I. LLC: FINAL PLA T APPROVAL AND SITE PLA~ APPROVAL FOR A 18.000 SO. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. (COOP GROÇERY) WITH VARIANCES. Councilman Peterson: Mr. Mayor the only thing, the only reason why I'm bringing this up, I'd like council to consider one of the conditions that was added by the Planning Commission outside of a recommendation by staff, which is item number, condition number 30 which is requesting a 4 way stop at Great Plains Boulevard and Lake Drive. Councilman Labatt: Craig, are you on l(k)(1) or l(k)(2)? Councilman Peterson: 1 (k)(2). Councilman Labatt: Okay, thank you. Councilman Peterson: I'll pause for a moment as you look for item number, condition number 30. It's on page 12. To that end, the reason I'm questioning it is, the traffic studies that are attached don't call for a need for any kind of stop sign or traffic light system until 2010 and I'm just not a proponent of putting stop signs or any kind of lights prior to their need. And I understand the early rationale which is always about safety but there's also, you can't put a stop sign everywhere. You can't put legislate against stupidity of sorts and I think this is a case where we're too early. I don't think it's necessary so I would recommend that we delete item 30· and approve everything else. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other comments? Discussion. I would concur on this item that Councilman Peterson raises. I think, especially given the risk here of not going forward with this requirement at this time is minimal and of no cost to put up a couple stop signs in 5-10 years whenever the conditions warrant is of minimum cost. And so there's, I don't see that there's any need at this point to include that condition in this approval. And I think, you know let's control traffic when we grow to that point, especially when there is no cost to waiting. Any other thoughts or discussions? If not, is there a motion? Councilman Peterson: Motion to approve with condition 30 deleted. Mayor Furlong: Of both items 1 and 2? Councilman Peterson: Yes. Councilman Lundquist: Second. 46 City Council Meeting - December 13, 2004 Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Lundquist seconded that the City Council approve Village on the Ponds Building C-llocated at the southeast corner of Lake Drive and Great Plains Boulevard, VOP I, LLC: 1. Resolution #2004-89: Final Plat Approval. 2. Site Plan Approval for a 18,000 square foot commercial building (coop grocery) with variances, deleting condition number 30. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. COUNCIL PRESENT A TIONS: Mayor Furlong: I'd like to begin by reading a statement regarding the City Manager's performance review for 2004. The City Council met in executive session on Monday, December 6th and again this evening discussing Mr. Gerhardt's performance and compensation as our city manager. The following is a summary of those discussions. Mr. Gerhardt has completed another year of excellent work for our city. He accomplished his personal goals and together with the City Council and his staff coordinated and executed on a number of key goals for our city. Some of the major accomplishments this year included improving our city's financial position and outlook as exemplified by Standard and Poors two step rating increase from A to A-. AA-. By maximizing the financial benefit to the city of our TIP districts and establishing a comprehensive 5 year financial budget, debt service and property tax plan. By implementing a review of the city's public safety needs and police contracting services that we obtain through Carver County Sheriff's department. Completing long range comprehensive water and sewer utility rate study and implementing engineering and design work for the city's first fresh water treatment plant. And managing the logistical support for the visit by the President of the United State to our city this last October. In consideration of his performance the City Council discussed increasing Mr. Gerhardt's total compensation in 2005 by 5.2 percent above that which he received in 2004. At this time I'd like to ask a motion be made so indicating the council's intent to increase Mr. Gerhardt's compensation as we have discussed. Councilman Peterson: So moved. Councilman Lundquist: So moved. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Is there any discussion on that motion? Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Lundquist seconded to approve the City Manager's compensation for 2005 with a 5.2 percent increase from 2004. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. 47