Letter fr Gregory Twedt 2-9-05 February 9. 2005 Mr. Tom Furlong, Mayor City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Honorable Mayor Furlong, I currently reside at 6999 Highover Drive in Chanhassen with my wife, Linda, daughter Amy and granddaughter, Alyssa. I am writing to present you with some concerns we have regarding the Yoberry Farm proposal coming befor~ you next Monday. As background, our home is located near what will be the entrance to Yoberry Farms from the north. The rear of our home will face the backyards of several of the home sites in Yoberry. We have concerns over two significant issues: 1. The additional traffic that will flow on Highover Drive 2. The compatibility of the residences in Yoberry with both the Highover and Longacres developments. The addition of 57 home sites in Yoberry will significantly increase the volume of traffic on Highover Drive. Not only the addition of homeowners going in and out, but also delivery vehicles, waste management, buses, etc. It was our expectation that Highover Drive was to be a relatively quiet residential street, not a major thoroughfare linking multiple developments. Weare also concerned with the speed of the traffic on Highover as other neighbors have had problems with speed at the current volume. Yoberry seems to be an unusual development in that as proposed, it has no major road access. It appears that it will get its identity from either Highover or Longacres. Both Highover and Longacres homeowners have a significant investment to protect and therefore it is imperative that the residences of Yoberry be compatible both economically and aesthetically. They should also have covenants compatible with the existing developments. Your Planning Commission has recognized these issues and recommended that the proposal be denied. I ask you to consider this matter carefully and side with the Planning Commission. I have no doubt that the Yoberry site will be developed, but it can be done in a way that is better for all. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ... ~w~