Adminstrative Section
Administrative Section
111506 Bender Court
Chaska, MN 55318
c.,: ~.
Park and Recreation Director
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RE¡ Bandemcre SocœrFiekll>
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Bryce Koprucki. I play goalie for the Chaska U 15 Boys soccer team.
Bandemere's soccer fields are the home fields for the Chan-Chaska teams. I've been
playing for a few years on these fields, and they are kept nice by the sprinkler system.
On fields two and three on the south ends of the fields there is a drop off going into some
woods down below. Soccer halls keep rolling down there if anyone misses the net. It
would be nice to have a higher fence with only a couple small openings so that if
someone still kicks a ball over they can get to it without climbing over or walking a long
time and delaying the game.
I hope you can address this issue within the next year. Thank you for considering this
letter and have a Happy New Year.
Bryce Koprucki
POBox 147
Chanhassen, MN55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspeellons
Phone: 952.227.11BO
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Pari< . Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Couller Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Josh Metzer, Planning Intern ...j /
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 1N
December 27, 2004
John Henry Addition
I have reviewed the proposed John Henry Addition as it relates to the City's Park
and Trail system.
Comprehensive Park Plan
The addition lies within the park service areas of Herman Field Park and Pheasant
Hill Park. Lake Minnewhasta Regional Park and the Minnetonka Middle School
West campus are also nearby. The school campus is the most likely open space to
be utilized by the new residents due to its close proximity to the site. Full park
dedication fees should be collected in lieu of parkland dedication for the two new
lots being created. In 2005 these fees have been set at $4,000 for each sing1e-
family dwelling.
Comprehensive Trail Plan
The site being dev¢lopeddoes not feature direct access to any of the City's
pedestrian trails. A n¢ighborhood trail connection to the middle school campus
does exist adjacent to the water tower across the street froiD the prqposed new
c; Kate Aanenson
g:\park\th)john henry addition memo.doc
The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community wllh clean lakes, qualily schools, a chall1llng downlown, Ihriving husinesses, winding lrails, and beaulilul parks. A greal place 10 live, work, and play.
Office of Court Services
Justice Center
604 East Fourth Street
Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2102
Phone (952) 361-1460
Fax (952) 361-1380
DEe 0 6 2004
November 29, 2004
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Attn; Todd Hoffinan
Dear Todd;
Enclosed is a letter of apology ftom a juvenile who committed the offense of Criminal
Damage to Property by spray painting graffiti at Herman Field Park on 6/15/104. Please
accept this letter with the sincerity in which I believe it was written. I would ask that you
distribute this letter to other staff as you deem appropriate. Feel ftee to contact me at
952-361-1469 with any questions or concerns.
Sincerely, ,
Talli Dorf
Probation Agent
Carver County Court Services
cc; probation file
Equal Opportunity Employer
PrÎnted on 30% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper
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§ 12-17
Watercraft means any contrivance used or designed for navigation on water other than a
(b) Parking restrictions. No person shall park a boat trailer on South Shore Drive, South
Shore Court or Hill Street. The city engineer shall mark by appropriate signs each aforemen-
tioned street.
(c) Prima facie violation. The presence of any boat trailer parked on South Shore Drive,
South Shore Court or Hill Street is prima facie evidence that the registered owner of the boat
trailer committed or authorized the commission of the violation.
(d) Penalty, Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The
minimum penalty for violation of this section shall be a fifty-dollar fine, The maximum penalty
for violation of this section shall be the maximum penalty as set by state legislature for
(e) Impoundment. Any police officer may remove or cause to be removed an empty boat
trailer with or without the motor vehicle it is attached to from the street to a garage or other
place of safety when a vehicle is parked in violation of this section. Such trailer and/or vehicle
shall not be released until the fees for towing and storage are paid in addition to any fine
imposed for violation of this section.
(Ord. No. 89, §§ 1.01-5.01, 5-9-88)
Editor's note-Ordinance No. 89, adopted May 9, 1988, did not specifically amend the
Code; hence, inclusion of §§ 1.01-5.01 as § 12-17 was at the discretion of the editor,
Cross references-Boats and waterways, Ch. 6; parking, § 12-50 et seq.
Sees. 12-18-12·30. Reserved.
Sec. 12·31. Definitions.
The definitions in Minnesota Statutes section 84.81 apply to this article. The following
words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning;
Boulevard means that portion of the street right-of-way between the curbline and the street
boundary line.
Organized race means a race sponsored and conducted by the park and recreation
conlmission, the chamber of comnlerce, jaycees, American Legion or similar council-recognized
civic groups or associations.
*State law references-Snowmobiles, M.S. § 84.81 et seq.; local regulations authorized,
M.S. § 84.87, subd. 3.
Supp. No. 14
§ 12-33
Right-or-way means a strip of land intended to be occupied by a roadway, sidewalk, trail,
and lor other utilities or facilities. A right-of-way includes the land between the right-of-way
lines, whether improved or unimproved. "Right-of-way' includes, arterial, collector, and local
Roadway means that portion of the right-of-way improved, designed or ordinarily used for
vehicular travel, including the shoulder.
Safety or deadman throttle means a device which, when pressure is removed from the
engine accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving track.
Street means a public right-of-way or a private right-of-way occupied by a roadway.
(Ord. No. 44, § 1, 1-11-71; Ord. No. 324, § 9, 7-9-01)
Sec. 12-32. Application of other laws; statutes adopted.
All city traffic ordinances shall apply to the operation of snowmobiles upon streets and
highways, Minnesota Statutes sections 84.81 to 84.88 and Minnesota Statutes chapter 169,
except for those provisions relating to required equipment, are adopted by reference as if set
out at length in this article.
(Ord. No. 44, § 5, 1-11-71)
State law reference-Adoption by reference, M.S. § 471.62.
Sec. 12-33. Operation generally.
Except as otherwise specifically permitted and authorized, it is unlawful for any person to
operate a snowmobile:
(1) On.a public sidewalk or walkway provided or used for pedestrian travel, or on a
boulevard within any public right-of-way;
(2) On private property of another' without lawful authority or express consent of the
owner or lessee;
(3) On any public or private school grounds except as permission is expressly obtained
from responsible school authorities;
(4) On any other publicly-owned lands and ice, including but not limited to park property,
playgrounds, lakes, recreation areas and golf courses, except areas.previously listed or
authorized for such use by the proper public authority, in which case such use shall be
lawful and snowmobiles may be driven in and out of such areas by the shortest route.
Authorized areas owned by the city shall be designated by resolution, provided that
snowmobile operation shall be permitted on all public bodies of water, provided that
the operation shall comply in all respects with all ordinances;
(5) So as to tow any person or thing on a public street or highway except through use of
a rigid tow bar attached to the rear of the snowmobile;
(6) At a speed greater than ten (10) miles an hour when within one hundred (100) feet of
any lake shore, except in channels, or of any fisherman, fish or ice house, nor shall
Supp. No. 14
§ 12-33
operation be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any sliding area or skating
ring when in use, nor where the operation would conflict with the lawful use of
property or would endanger other persons orproperty;
(7) In a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which disturbs,
annoys or interferes with the peace and quiet of other persons.
(Ord. No. 44, §§ 3.01-3.04, 3.08-3.10, 1-11-71)
Sec. 12-34. Operation on streets and highways.
(a) No person shall operate a snowmobile upon the roadway, shoulder or inside bank or
slope of any trunk, county-state aid, or county highway, and in the case of a divided trunk or
county highway, on the right-of-way between the opposing lanes of traffic, except as provided
in this article, nor shall operation on any such highway be permitted where the roadway
directly abuts a public sidewalk or property used for private purposes. No person shall operate
a snowmobile within the right-of-way of any trunk, county-state aid, or county highway
between the hours of one-half (If.) hour after sunset to one-half (If.) hour before sunrise, except
on the right hand side of such right-of-way and in the same direction as the highway traffic on
the nearest lane of the roadway adjacent thereto. No snowmobile shall be operated at any time
within the right-of-way of any interstate highway or freeway within this state.
(b) A snowmobile may make a direct crossing of a street or highway except an interstate
highway or freeway, provided:
(1) The crossing is made at an angle of approximately ninety (90) degrees to the direction
of the street or highway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe
(2) The snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before crossing the shoulder or main
traveled way of the highway;
(3) The operator of the snowmobile yields the right-of-way to all oncoming traffic which
constitutes an immediate hazard;
(4) In crossing a divided street or highway, the crossing is made at an intersection of such
street or highway with another public street or highway;
(5) If the crossing is made between the hours of one-half hour after sunset to one-half (If.)
hour before sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibility, only if both front and rear
lights are illuminated.
(c) No snowmobile shall be operated on streets or highways at a speed exceeding ten nO)
miles per hour.
(d) No snowmobile shall enter any uncontrolled intersection without making a complete
stop, The operator shall then yield the right-of-way to any vehicles or pedestrians which
constitute an immediate hazard.
Supp. No, 14
§ 12-50
(e) Notwithstanding any prohibition in this article, a snowmobile may be operated on a
public thoroughfare in an emergency during the period of time when and at locations where
snow upon the roadway renders travel by automobile impractical.
(Ord. No. 44, §§ 2.01-2.05, 1-11-71)
Sec. 12-35. Leaving unattended.
Every person leaving a snowmobile in a public place shall lock the ignition, remove the key
and take the same with him.
(Ord. No. 44, § 7, 1-11-71)
Sec. 12-36. Chasing animals.
It is unlawful to intentionally drive, chase, run over or kill any animal, wild or domestic,
with a snowmobile.
(Ord. No. 44, § 8, 1-11-71)
Sec. 12-37. Littering and obstructions.
(a) No person shall deposit paper, litter, rubbish or debris on public or private property, or
throw paper, litter, rubbish or debris from snowmobiles.
(b) No person shall place obstructions, including ice blocks, on publicly owned lands or
frozen waters so as to interfere with the lawful use thereof by the public,
(Ord. No, 44, §§ 9.01, 9.02, 1-11-71)
Sec. 12-38. Races.
No person shall conduct a snowmobile organized race at any place within the city without
first having secured a permit therefor from the council, Written application shall be made to
the council. The applicant shall give the information required on the form. A permit may be'
issued upon such terms, conditions and permit fees as the council may prescribe. Upon the
granting of such permit, the provisions of section 12-35, paragraph (7) may be waived by the
council for the duration of the race.
(Ord. No. 44, § 10.01, 1-11-71)
State law reference-Regulation of organized contests, etc., authorized, M.S. § 84.87,
subd. 1a.
Sees. 12-39-12-49. Reserved.
Sec. 12-50. Parking in municipal parking lots-Permit.
(a) Required. On a space available basis, the director of public safety shall issue permits
authorizing overnight parking in municipal parking lots. The permit shall specify the date and
lot for which the overnight parking is permitted. The permit fee shall be established by
resolution of the city council. No individual shall be given a permit authorizing overnight
parking of more than seven (7) days in a calendar year.
Supp. No, 14