7. Job Des. Park & Rec Comm. 7 7700 Markel Boulevard POBox 147 Chachassec. MN55317 FROM: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director i MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: DATE: February 11, 2005 Administration Phoce95222/,1100 Fax:9522271110 SUBJ: Approve Job Description; Park and Recreation Commission Building Inspections Phoce952.22/,1180 Fax:9522271190 Engineering Phoce952.227.1160 Fax: 9522271170 Please find attached the current job description for the Park and Recreation Commission. City Manager Gerhardt asked that we review this document to ensure that it is accurate and complete. Finance Phoce:952.227.1140 Fax 952227.1110 Park & Recreation Phoce952.2271120 Fax: 95222/,1110 RecreatiollCellter 2310Coulter8oulevard Phoce:952227.1400 Fax: 952.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phoce:952.2271130 Fax: 9522271110 PublicWorl<s 1591 Park Road Phoce:9522271300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phoce:952227.1125 Fax 952.2271110 WebSile www.ci.cha¡¡hassen.mn.us The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, qualily schools, a charming dowr1lown, Ihrivillg businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place 10 live, work, and play Creation. There is established a Park and Recreation Commission for the City. Park and Recreation Commission Membership. The Park and Recreation Commission consists of seven members appointed in the manner set forth in this subsection. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Council for staggered terms of three years expiring on March 31 sl of each year. Officers; Meetings. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Park & Recreation Commission are appointed by the Commission from among its membership for the term of one year. The Commission shall adopt its own bylaws with the approval of the City Council. All members of the Commission may vote on all questions before the Commission. No member of the Commission may vote on any question in which the member has fiduciary interest, either directly or indirectly. The Commission shall determine in its bylaws the date and time of its meetings and shall set such public hearings as are necessary and desirable or as required by law or this Code. Powers and Duties. The Park and Recreation Commission shall have the following powers and duties: (a) To hold meetings of its members, to consider such matters pertaining to parks and public recreation programs in the City as shall be referred to the Commission by the Council, or as the members of the Commission themselves deem proper. (b) To prepare a comprehensive plan for the future development of the City park and recreation system, to be submitted to the City Council for implementation, and to maintain said plan, and recommend amendments of the plan to the City Council, as may become necessary or desirable. (c) To act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all matters relating to park and recreation in the City. Reports. The Commission shall make an annual written report to the Council, not later than March 31st of each calendar year, containing the Commission's recommendations for the ensuing year. ,..,'