Planning Commission Interviews CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site \'I'Irw.ci .chanhassen. mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: March 1, 2005 SUBJ: Planning Commission Interviews Attached is the questionnaire for the Planning Commission interviews. There is one application attached (Thor Smith); however, applications are still being accepted through Friday, February 25. Any additional applications received will be presented at the meeting. Also, Deborah Zorn, who was recently interviewed by the Planning Commission for prior vacancies, would like to be reconsidered at this time. In the past those that are reapplying do not interview. After the interviews the Commission generally ranks their preference for candidates including those that may be reapplying. These will be forwarded to the City Council for their interviews on March 14,2005. Attachments: 1. Planning Commissioner Interview Questionnaire. 2. Planning Commissioner Interview Scoring Sheet. 3. Application from Thor Smith. g:\plan\planning comrnission\pc interviews 3-1-05.doc The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, Quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, \'Iork, and play. ~ < ~ o - E-- CI) ê3 CJ ~ ~ > çr:: ~ z - çr:: ~ o - CI) CI) ~ o u c.:> ~ ~ < s: II) s ~ z II) ..c:: "-' o "-' OJ) ¡::: .¡::: ..0 :::I o ;>-. o "'0 c-. 00 ¡::: .~ 0 .~ '[¡:j ,....., 00 ~ ..... :::I S ~S ~ 0 'C U II) OJ) ç:¡..¡::: 00 ..... "-' ¡::: ~ § ~¡:¡: ...... II) ..c:: "-' o "-' OJ) ¡::: ..... ;>-. õ- ç:¡.. ~ I-c <8 00 ¡::: o 00 ~ II) I-< ~ C-. o ¡::: ;>-. . g II) 00 ~ .~ "-' S ~ a ..c:: 0 ~u N II) II) 00 ~ <8 :::I ~c-. II) 00 I-c S Z ~<2 ..0 II) 8..c:: ç:¡.."-' "-' ¡::: 00 ..... ~¡::: OJ)~ ..... 00 ..0 ~ 1I)..c: -s § ..c: ~u ~ OJ) ~ ¡::: ..c: . C ~~ c<ì 00 ~;>-. "-' '2 :::I a a o u II) ..c: "-' ~ II) >- II) ..... ,....., II) c-. ..0 00 :::I Q) o 00 ;>-'00 o ~ "'Ot} "-' II) ~ "-' ..c: ~ ~~ """ ;>-. 11 - :::I u '£ ~ ç:¡.. :::I o ;>-. ~ ~ 00 II) :::I 00 .~ r:-. OJ).¡3 ¡::: ..... '2 ~ ¡:::"'O ~ II) õ-E "-' II) ~ u ..c: ¡::: ~ 8 \Jì "-' 00 II) OJ) OJ) :E II) c-. ..c: 00 "-' Þ; ~:ê II).~ >- II) .~ ¡::: ã) ~ ..0 0 :::I ;>-. O'+-< ;>-.0 o 00 "'0 E "-' II) ~ u ..c: ¡::: ~ 8 \0 OJ) = .- = = ~ ¡:¡: II) ..c: ..... II) ~ c-. :..= ~ II) 0 ..0"'0 :::I = ~.g 00 o 00 "'0 .- "-' a ~ a ..c: 0 ~u r- = II) 00 00 ~ ..c: = ~ ..c: U II) ( ) 00 o "-' ( ) ~ ..... - :::I o ;>-. "'0 c-. -"'0 :::I II) o ç:¡.. ~ 0 ~'ã3 o >- ::r::-S 00 "-' ..... 00 "-' = ~ 0 S '(ñ ..... .~ c-. ..... a a a S II) So..c: o "-' uU..c: ( ) ( ) .-;:: a .¡3 ~ . ¡j '+-< ( ) 0- ]I-c~ "-' ( ) 1::: "'0..00 = a 4'< ,f3 ( ) S ~ S 0 ( ) ~ u "2 (1):::1 :::I ..0 ~ :::I 0 ( ) o "-' I-< ;>-'CIJ~ oß"'O Q,f3§ u o '0 ~ .¡;; = .~ '" " " 0' ~ " .;;: .... " .Ë .... " § :¡ o u 00 = '8 = '" :9- § <2 -¡:; '" :9- bh 0\ ~ >- ffir-- ~~ -U') çr::t;> ~~..c:~ o ~ OJ) Q -oæ~ ~u II II -U')\Jì...... ~@ OU') uo t;>P-. ~~ ~P-. ~ g '0 ;:j " ..c:: '" 00 = .¡:: 8 '" ~ " ';;: ¡:; Ë ¡:; = o :¡ o u co = li '" ï5.. ê <2 -¡:; '" :9- bb APPLICA TION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: J. - {2. - 0 S- . COMMISSION DESIRED: PI", "'''' " I-ej ALTERNATE: 11,- k s ~ ilf C . City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: -rh ó or C. SytA I ' +L" Address: :J 1~4 ß Öu lct~( Rei '. .0·fJ-¿n¿7~ Home Phone: c.¡7Q~6;J.St{ WorkPholle:· IDfI1 . - -, .. 1:_' . f-¿g -·ì J/ ZCD5 (~Id--<6 34- i'ff.oï Cfl.Q.i f~~=;-">;'1 ~~,-'~'- ,---,~, No. of Years in ChanhasStiJi:i ~/.V5;'" " . ' Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: Se-hoo l Fi~4Y\G)C¡ I t1Md Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): . Reasonsfor Seeking this Position: íZ hcJIJe._ al~ '. ð!t!/.f.,'t¡I?- J '" ';":r . Ú PJ ,;" :1"/ Ct:'IJf#< t; ~ ,J;y . ,1./ 'rf ~!r 7-k F¿~Á~lf o/( n;v' /1 tLJjL borLc;= , r-& / e. -:£ 11/t fk/ é4t-1 !'t!,Df/" (0:.. +- / Specific Qualifications for the Position: .-¡z ê- '¡'yU;;' SCd? /5 L<."tvt VvI Un I y fb ô¿/ 2vcJ/-h-e¿;+ID/ì de! S '-Jt:: 0 S't!cf.-./~_I: -114" j ¿âh lie J ('C/'tV :h a, >ÇJ6J/ -.A ~e_ / ÞU4¡/ , /' . CITY OF CHANHA~SEN RECEIVED ./}-'i /~~ {:~ SIGNATURE FEB 1 7 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT