Plat 8.5x11 ~ I heft:by Cl!frlify rhol I how: :SlJr~~d and plolted Ihl!! proþr:rly dl!!$cribl!!d 0" this plol o:s PINEHURST; Iho/ Ihis plol ;$ 0 corfect fepresr:f!/olion 01 the survr:y; Ihol 011 di!Jloncl!!$ Oft: COfff:Clfy show" on Ihl!! pial,',., feel and l1ufldredlhs of 0 foot; thaI 011 monuments how: b/!!M correctly plocea in 'he I)(Ollnd os snown or will or: correctly plocl!!d in Ihl!! ground os de"Ù)flotl!!d; ond Ihol the outside boundary lines ore concelly des;9"ored on 1M: pIal and thol Ihr:ft'l orf': no wr:I fondS 0$ di!!fined in Minni!!solo Slatules Section 505.02, Subd, 1 Of' public highwoys /0 be dosir¡na/t!(j other Ihon 0$ show,.,. 8y Croig W. Mor:>/!!, Lond Survt:)OI' Minnesota Lice,.,:;.e NO. 2J02f STArr or IIWNCSDTA COUNTr 01' The foregoing Surw:yOr's Cl!!r/ificole was ocknowledged before me this _ doy of , 200_. Oy Craig IV Motsl'), Land Sur~t')yar, Minnesala Licenst! No. 2J021 8y Notary Public. Counly, Minnesolo My Commission £xpires CHANHASSCN. ....sorA This plot o( PINEHURST was approved and occ~pled by Ihe CUy Council of Chonhossen, Mlnnesolo, 01 0 rl')'1ulor mel')(in'1 Ihert:of held Ihls _ day of , 200_, and Is in compliance with the pro~/sions of Minnesota Slolul(Js, Section 505,OJ, Subd. 2. All monuments will be sel os sp(Jcifi(Jd by the City Council and os sloled on this pIal, oCC()fding 10 Minnes% Slolu/es, Section 505.02, Subd, , QFt' COiI.INOl OF CHANHAS$CN, .....sorA 8y 8y Mayor Clcrk COUNTY SUR~)Ql. Carver County. Minm:soto Pursuant to Chopter 395, Minnesota Lows of 1971, Ihis pIal has been approved Ihis _ day of 200_. 8y John f. Freemyer, Corvet County Sutveyar COUNry AtJOI7OR. Cor\lf!'1r Counly. Minnesota I ht')reby cerlify thaI th(Jr(J 00: no dl')/inquenl loxes for 011 yeors prior 10 _ (or land describcd on lhis pIal and transfer I')ntered. Doled Ihls _ doy of , 20o_. 8y Mark Lund9r(Jn, Carver Counly Audilor COUNTY 7RCASVRCR, Cor~r:r Counly. Minn(:solo I hr:reby cr:rlify Ihal the taxl')s poyoblt: for Ihr: year 200_ for land describt:d on lhis pial as HIGHLANDS AT BLUFF CREEK haw: bt:en paid Of! Ihis _ day of 200_, 8y - Tom Kerber, Corver County Trcosurer COIINTY R(CORDCR, CorVi')r Counly. Minni')s% J ht:rl')by ct:rlify /hol this pIal of PIN£HURS filed tl _dorof ,200_,01 _ o'clocl< _.M. os Documenl No. 8y - COfl W. Hanson Jr" COfver County Recorder WESTWOOD Proft:ss;onol Servic(')s, Inc. -~ PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. PINEHURST 1r:l')own he County Counly AND Thol pori of the following desctloed ptoperly. Thot pori 01 Ihl') Soulhl')ast Ouader of Ihi') Northwcst QuOttt:f' 01 Section 3, Township 116, Rongl') 23 Wesl dcsctloed os lollows: Commencing 01 0 point on Ihe South line Iheteol distonl 1056,5 feel Eosl of Ihe Southwl')sl cornet thcft:ol; thMce £osl al0/19 Iht: Soulh line Ihetcol 231.5 leet: Ihenct! Norlh 2 de'1rt:es 55 minules W.!'st a distance of 219.5 IMI; Ihence Soulh 84 degrees Wesl 86,6 feel; IhenCIt South 87 degrees 15 minutes West 0 dislonce o( IJ8 feltl; th!:nce Soulh a dislonce of 204.7 f(:1 /0 the point of beginning. MilCh lilts south of 0 linf/ and lIs eKlension drawn (rom 0 point on Ihe fast line of th~ above descrloed proþ""Y 0 dislon of 6.8 I(:cl Norlh of Ihf/ Sou/hltost corncr of Ihf/ obove describcd pfOpefty to 0 point on the ~st lint') of the obove describf/d prop~rty a dislonce of 8.2 leel North of Ihe 50uthw(Jst corncr 01 thf/ oboVII d(Jscrlbed prop(Jrly. AND Thot part of the following de, d property. ThaI part 01 Ihl') 50ulhl')ost Quarter of Ihe Northwest Ouarter of See/ion J, Township 116, Rongf/ 23, Carver County. Minnesolo d~scfibed os follows: Ccmmf/ncing at Ihe soulhrvest corner of said Northwt')st Duartef: thence l1aslerly along the south ifnI: of said Northwest Duarter, on on assumf:d bt:aring of South 87 de'1rees 12 minules 20 sl:conds fasl, 0 dlslance of 2,136.74 ~::a~~/~~ ~~i~~;I,~~tnt~~;c:fN~~~/gr/~c~~e:: :;s;';~Z1~s I:~n~;c~~~~f/r'!o$~n oO~I:t~I:;:lo;, ~6'/~2 I~::, ~~SC;i~C:n~Ù'll1 a h~reofter call Point A; thence North 83 de9rl')/:s 40 minutes 20 seconds Wl')st a dlslanct: of 197.60 11')1:1 /0 0 poinl h~rf/ofter called Palnl 8: tht:nct: South 02 dl:gref/$ 47 minutes 40 seconds Wf/st 0 distance of 40.0 feel; thencð Soulh 40 degrees 08 minutes 28 seconds Wl')st 0 dislance of 105.50 feet; IhMce South 02 degrees 47 minules 40 seconds Wf/st 0 dlslancf} 01 9J.IJ feel to Iht: poinl of the bl')ginnin9 and Ihere lefminallng. Which lies soulh of 0 line and its I')xll')nsions drown Irom 0 point on the- east line of Ihe oboVf!1 descrioed ptoperty 0 distonce- of 8,2 fCl')t north of Ihe southeosl corner 01 Ihe aboVf!1 d(:scrlbed property to 0 point on the west Iln(J 01 the abo'l(: describ~d pfOp!:rt)' 0 distance 01 7.2 le(Jt north of Ihe soulhwcst corn!:r af the abaVi') dl:scrib(Jd property. according to Ihe pIal Iht:feof on filt: or 01 record in thl') office of thl') County Recorder, Carver Counly. Minnesota. AND That port of (hI') Northeo!r! Ouorter 01 th(J Sou/hwt:sl Quortet 01 S!:ction 3, Township 116, Ronge 23, CorVi')r Counly. Minnesol lying north o( Ihe norlh lint') of WOODRIDGE H£IGHTS, waODRIDGE H£lGHTS 2ND ADDITION and WOODRIDGE H£IGHTS 3rd ADDrTION and soulh of OLD SLOCUM rR£[ FARM, according to the fecorded plbls therr:of CorVet' County. Minnesola. Has caus(Jd Ihl: some 10 be sur~~d and plotted as PtN£HURST and docs herl')by donoll') and dedicate 10 Ihe public lor puolic IIse farever Ihl: food, court, lonc, and drr'V(J, and also dedicates Ihe easemenls for drolnagt! and utility purpost:s a, shown on Ihe pIal to Manager , 200_, by Todd M. JloMity company. on bl:holf al the company. [xpir, 1tNO. ALL IICN 8'1' 71£5£ PR£5£NFS: Thot Plowshares DevelopmMl, LLC, 0 Minnl')sota limited liability company. of Ihe following dflscribed propcrty siluated in Ihl: Counly of Carver, Slole of Minnesota, to wil: e aI/ice 0 h office ° of recoord in th Illeo, o he plot 10 according Lot I, Block t, OLD SLOCUM TRff FARM, Rt!COfder, Carver County, Minnesota. liability company. has caust:d Ihf/st: prt!st:n I 200_. PLOWSHAReS D£'ÆLOPtICNr. LtC limited Minnf/sola In wilness rvhcreol said Plowshort:s Dell.!'lapment, LLC, be slgne-d by its gMerol porlnl')r Ihis _ day 0, County. Minnl')solo Todd M. Simning, Chi, S7A1t OF .....SOTA COLINTY or Th(J loregoing inslrumMt was acknowledged before me thls _ day o( Simning, Chi(Jf Manager 01 Plowshares O(:velopmtlnt, LLC, a Minnesota limited 8y Notary Public, My Commlssio, 01 record fil thl')r, pi, I, /0 according Lot 2, Block " OLD SLOCUM rRf£ FARM, RecOl'der, Carver Counly. AJinnf/salo. AND 8y - I L ~ PLA T FILE NO, C.R. DOC. NO. PINEHURST "-'/"'1117"1 ¡r-Io '"'-r Q~~F/-;-E-F,/ /"'I !:- ï/lr- t./OF/Tf-!~A/é.-ST O~~¡:'/-;E-,i:,,) (Ï !:- SE-~'. , T ~VL/,r7L..n:';1 v I r7C v. ", ., I I t I I.~ II \ ,~, I~>? .~., I D' I t f";h\ (j'" ..J,;:/'¡ I,;..., f ~¡J:; \ ' 1-'-- ,------ : ,-------:-,.,- I Drv¡,,~.t /Jlillty J7rl ~ I t»ø1It. 4t UtHlty .J/ ~ . I I E~ømlllll J:!: La:"",."t II~::;: I I 7 I ~ I 8 I ~~ : :" I I' !~ I I I~ I II I I I I I I I : II' J I I ,t I ¡ L..--_______J L...__ ! ~~ \ JJ -----__....J N'" I "",/2'",,,,,. 7~' I I np '/2' "'EN '~ .... I I --- ...... J05.64- - ---=- -- .. -~ I ---- /2403 _ I --- -1 ¡ I I ~: : I I (f) _I I c) "' I 2 I I ~: ~I I <, ~I I II I =~ ~' I I ;~ " 2~ J ~: I ..... I "' I , C) I sJ ;: I :3 a I c~ I : II:: oJ I 'C l,' ¡~.~ pi ~~ ! P "~I :5 ~ '... ,(,) '" II ~§ I 23 I ;¡ I I ~ I t----- g I I ~ I ~ I ~~: ~ I·... . P~ I ~ ~þ,~ I I .... :'ª' JJ I / If;'··MI/·""'04"< --' I 'l03 I I I I Westwood Professional ServICèS. In(. ;: of J sheets ~ 2~) D " \ , , , 3 " \\o<j.o '\ ,-;." ','~~~ 5 .....>ÍI'\~~ I Ñ6600;;t~~·~~t '\~~ k. NØ2"2!i'!i4"E ~ '\ ~'J1 ,, , 1~~~¡'06·F; \ lXofl>tJ'). If ..1r....', J ~ '2'·'" ~~~Wlty £rmtml!lflt ;,.>. '\ '\ J...' ~I - - 7/:;~- ~~~;;;_:: S /l2rMJ·.I FIP LS 1I2O<fJ ._... ~A/OODR/D(;E ffE/Gh'7"S 3F/D ADD/TON ,::: ~, /'" :;v,~./~:, ~f/:. s£ 1/4 N02047.30-E ' 7.20~<:'~~., N87"09'30"W ..----1!'!!~__L__ '24 ~ ¡-__~~_g:____::;- --;:,,=~__=~- _ --1!2££... t- -1'1_ _ ...!J.>!!£... : I ,'0'0] I:ï;:: ;$; ~~ \ 2 i~ I ';11 r-------,:-T-;;;1 ~ I~ ! ~¡ 'Dt-ø"..tUtlllly_j/ ';1 3 \ ¡¿ 4 I,: I 5 ,:: : £~M' 'I \ \,¡ I~ I ~I I 6 ~: \ \- J~ 1 ~I I "J I \~ I~ I ;'1 I ~I I \~ l;f II /"'I, ~¡ §I ,,\ ,. 1101olLovI \£ .. __-' W-E'i\,'-'----J L___ .~~J)\ '(:; \ __:¡j,::"'L..tI7.1I!S , ~;<...... \~ 'Þ:'..""I' ,1 ~\ f'TPL5f191ß2 ... FIP LS /12CUJ../ Ilf-I,-"'-'-:;- nCH7r71....) I I I I I 60 ~.J .> è2 C~ I I I I IIOIJIh /in~ of t· OLJ) SLOCUM 1RCC f'ARU // ~/~ \~ /.. £d<}.01 - - - - - -L _ ,:::J ---- W"tll S I':IO<J ~A/OOD¡:"J/DGE 24 n-r ') v, ~ OlJn...OT B N87"27'2/'W,/<136.66 ~-:"'np l.S 112CUJ The north line of Lot 2, Block I, OLD SLOCUM TR££ FARM (tJ ostJufl1er) to bear N 87°12'20. W. Denot(:s 7/2 Inch by 14 Inch iron monument set and morked by LlclJntJe No. 2:3021 Denotð$ {ron monument found and marked os shown (" I 1/1 Ir-/ \... ... ,... f"'\ ,-,-//"\ ~ I ...)n/VLLI 1Ï~;¿IIIL1I~ 6.oJ......::=: ,............~ ....,...' ,- ". ". '\" \ 'iii \ ~~ ~ ~ , '"' ~ '"' 'i) ~ f 0 50 'DO 50 200 ! ~ "'5õõ ~ Scale ., feet No monument symbol shown at any statute requrred locot{on indicates a plat monument that will be set, and which sholl be In place on or before the 25th day of Fobruary. 2006. Drainage and Utftrty Easements af(: shown thus: I I -J L5 I I 5 I I >0 I I '0 _____J____J L____L____ Berng S feet in width, unless athðrwrse Indlcatðd, and adjornlng lot lines, and /0 fect In wrdth and adjoIning right-of-way lines os shown on th(: plot. L ~ PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. . I PINEHURST \ No monvmðnt symbol shown at any statute rðqulr"d ~ locotion Indicates" plat monument that will be set, ."..... --- and which sholl blJ In place on or bðfortJ thð 25th ./ day of February. 2006. / ./ I Dralnago and Utllfty F:OSðmfJnts orð shown thus: BRE-t·./DE-,^·/ C}/"\^/,", I ' V¡VU I I I ---..I 5 3RD ...,....,r-.¡"T"I"-"'" I 1-5 ,-,VLJ/I/VIV I I I I 70 I I 10 _____J____J ~____L____ 'fhð north /{nð of Lot 2, Block I, OLD SLOCUM TREE FARM I Is assumed to bear N 87°72'20" W. 1 Dfmotes 1/2 (nch by 14 Inch Iron monumðnt I BernI) 5 feet in width, un!(Jss othorwfso Indicated, set and marked by LICðflStJ No, 23021 and odjoim'ng lot linos, and 10 feot in width ond adjoining r{ght-of- way /fn¡,s os shown on the plat. Dlmaff)!! Iron monumtlf t found and markod os $l1own í! ~~~ , :.11 I ' 0 I ) :. .: ,/ " ~ ~ ~: " ,<I' §, ,\ j:;1 !\ ~ II ~I'/ / \ : ~,,:-'~," ' / L- - .;;.."" -----------------------/' , ,/ ////'/ ¿'~/ ("'II/I Jr-, \/ >\r"'I""'/"T"II""IAI ..;nlvt:.t../ rll./UI/IVIY ~ \ \ \ i . \ I ': Þ<Wth /In. '" ..p '-____-1 /~ OLD SLOCU/J ---_cL.______ IfI I ~ FJP 1/2" OPCN ~ ,.. 1/2" OP(N Iw'.JQ f~~" O:~~ , - ",¡,::"'.'.'::' t:¡(JO '2-25 ¡¡,.¡;§ó I "'v' h ~"J~'20 \ ~~ \ ' I ~ J, I ~ ' r' I}:' ,<; 18 ).~~.:.a'\l ;;':;ö---~7',,/ ~.'), '''''''''1 I I /~- :'l'sl.~f11RŒ I OF TNE SC:_/ThJ~A,'EST Q:.../AR7"EF..) nørTlI_r com... "f tllf /- tIP LS J-fJ74 F1P CAPI'CD _..., ;:'.'{4 ;:";'h~ r'/t.\r-"\ :!? ~2J.49 Itj N6;72'20,2.. 887.51 //-----------7' 60.fJ.3 II I} / / / ' /11 ~ / / / / / X> ,^,/CF./Tf'¡~~/E-ST QUAFrTER ,'1':- - - 'I''''' ",." c"" 0I.IT1..0T A , ......... np '/b" OPEN lI'tI./Itlmør>f ....- Lot 2. Block OLD SLOCUM TRŒ F....RM Cd,. g '" ::¡ ¡.. .:t '" .. ~ s~ ~S ". -. l',j S~ l¡J Q- ('6 -. çS f: ës C:) 'C C:) iJ:: r(') 200 ~ (ÐtJt C:) -. çS [) -. l¡] C:) -. L,j l~ (b 50 ~ 00 Ii in 50 o I s, mŒFARU N87D27'21"W 403.89 WOOD8IDGE- fiF:JGfiTS 2ND ADO/7"O/'·/ ~(",/l~~ .,~I;<:r ,0 : ~o' I I I Westwood Professional Servlces_ Inc. Sh"ðt J of J sh, .~ I L ,; \ to" I ': Iq} r-r'- I I I I I I I I I J ") I ç, ." ;~ ~§ I I! " II ~ 'I E; I :5 I (¡ I r---- I I I G :3 c, " :5 \ SH/~'D .., No m_1 .;¡mbct .;...'"" ot "">' ./..fu!_ r.qulnd /f>ctJrl"" 1ndic<JIHoplotmOll""'''''' lhot",lIb...t <Jf dt/lhkJ oIIoiIb.~plðt:'''''Mb."". tb.:2ð/h doyofFetw"",:tOOlS, 'bo... 'hut: ~ :~/CCDR/D(;£ Th'/lMh /",. ott"t 2./J1ødt t, OI.J) S/.OCW 'fRŒFARU ø..._..:Iloð_Nl11"I:J"20· !( o D"'OIH'/2I1!C"bYI"~lrMm...".......t HtOfldmor1<PdbyLIc_No.:J;J021 . D.IIotuhlllmØll_ttlrrO"",( Ø(I(/m<lf1!H<JllMoo"" :I I PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. i""IVVI"V" ) SJf:~'n PINEHURST _ _ .A:ORTJI~·,'EST C¿''ARTER OF TUE SC:":TfI:~'EST C¿''AF(JER ø OUTLOT A £~ ë3 o. ~j §~ "J '" ,~ -. ê5 ~: ë'5 " ., " '" '0' f~ ë) O. C'J £~ Cj c" ,~ t '00 ¡;; o t,¡e ----,------- f7E/Gfi7"S 2,":0 ADD/TO,' ~ /CQDR:D(,'E I I I I I I I BRENDEN POND I 3Rt) '''''''IT",,''o^' I "UUI"V" I I :".:::::.:t:. ():/o:f/.~~":}~,. ~ S1..OCJII Tf/Œ rM!.f I DMol.. fj;J},d) />,.14 ~.b ¡""'",,,,"umenl ..,IGlldmQI/¡ØbyU-NtJ.:;J02/ /ùt¡,,'..IwI...............,t """''' ""dmodm". .,,,..... No "''''''''''..,'.......boi.....''''..' tJI'Iyolol",.,..qo¡hd ':::t~~d."J:':n~.ð :~""::;~;'k:o "~.I>:~¡:t .......-" .,.,,,<>fFe"""')\2004 .;' Onm.".....durRlt.yC_I. II .-J , I f-~ II _____1____J L____'L_____ Westwood -1_1"'-1 ~ (NDSe<»-J lhlng'r..llnfll/dl",.",¡...Oth.....tø...dI<or*<t "nrJI}ti}o/fllnø "'tiki... Md 10""" In width oM ødjIJIn",prlØM-or-...yllnHðI..,,,,,,,,,,,tb,/lløt L