Letter from P. Knaeble 2-22-05 TERRA ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING· LAND PLANNING . CONSULTING 6001 Glenwood Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 Phone: 763-593-9325 Fax: 763-512~0717 February 22, 2005 Bob Generous City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 ()ITYOF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED FEB2 4 2005 Re: Preliminary Plat Review Crestview (Slots) Chanhassen, MN TE #04-108 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Dear Bob: As we discussed, attached are the following revised submissions. for preliminary plat review (10 full size; 1-11x17; 1-8.5x11): Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Existing Conditions Plan Preliminary Plat Preliminary Utility Plan Preliminary GradinglErosion Control Plan! Tree Preservation Plan Preliminary Landscape Plan Sheet 5 This preliminary plat submittal has been revised based on our recent conversations and the comments from the 1-4-05 Planning Commission meeting. n1~~n~ n~1.~.:I..1~ ..1.:n __~:~~.. .¡:"~_ ..1.~ '"2 1 A n~ r':"V r'~H_~:1 ~~~..:_~ T.¡:"n~n l.^n~ ~_n .1. Iva~ç ~,",UÇUUlv llll~ .f:llUJv,",L 1.Ul 11lv J-J.""1"-VJ 'L--UJ 'L--UUU,",U 111vvllUÖ' .1.1. yuu 11avv auy questions, or need additional information, please call. Sincerely, f~ fl /!)t. Peter 1. Knaeble TERRA ENGINEERING, INe. cc: Roy Lecy/Andy Johnsrud, Lecy Bros. Homes (wi 2 encl.)