Plans 11x17 2-21-05 ~ "5 '" ð I l ~ o 0:: ~ c o -J I l ~ .. .. ~ '" .s '5: t; ! i i 1 .. . .- ..~ e l- e ~ w z Z 1-4 ~ >~ ~~ >e 1-::1: ~z we D!::I: uu I Mil" 1V22/04 -..a:r ... 04-108 ,-'" I<A.L ,-'" (j ~ ci Z a::: ~ UJ ,"I- UJ ~¡g Z<t: a <3~ UJz 8\IÌíÏ; ~:::: ~ « Q,0'" a::: i3 g. ~ ,..". Q, It) ..... ë::; t:: &, UJ <::).t:: '¢ I- \D:i; ~ ~~1 l i 't ~ l;:)J . ~l ~i i? loll sh~p Hid z < ....I 0.. ~ Z e .... I- .... R Z [] U ~ Z .... t; .... x w ~ c ~ £~ ~~.. ~ !. ...J .;. '> .. .. "'''' ~gl ;::~, ;;¡, _N 1JI:$IQO ..."" OCIØ 60 ì FEET SURVEYI::A Do. vld Crook, RLS DeMo.rs-Go.brlel Surveyors 3030 Ho.rbor Ln, 11111 PlYMouth, MN 55447 763-559-0908 SI£ET INDE)(I SHEET 1 EXISTING COND TlONS PLAN SHEET 2 PRELIMINARY PL.: T SHEET 3 PRELIMINARY UT ITY PLAN SHEET 4 PRELIMINARY GRA lNG/EROSION CONTROL PLAN/ TREE PRESERV A TI N PLAN SHEET 5 PRELIMINARY LAND APE PLAN .IV 30 30 ~ ~ SCALE IN CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED FEB 2 4 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Roy Lecy Lecy Brothers HOMes 15012 Hwy. 7 Mtko.., MN 55345 952-944-9499 ENGD£ERI Peter Kno.eble, PE Terro. EngineerIng Inc. 6001 Glenwood Ave. Mpls., MN 55422 763-593-9325 ---, LS, Bl L~. B2 \. <>~ 1- ------ ______ J, /'" Molin.', Addltlon____....... ---- ----- ----I~ // ./ __~\<>b'ò ______ we- - Rd. HIl / 4- q,.; "", {:; '> ~ ~ # 4- / (Y ~ c..., ~ þ {5 ~...__ Ex._.O'R/W So.n. L)(, 22' bit. --:;------ , .. ÐTvi:V-ïiRiVE ~ )( ----rx:'40~---!:!------ 3 -------------------~------- Bo.sellne tree co.nopr lover <Per S....rveyor 10/04 $;, '" I ~ I _-1 r~ Ji>.. E $.~\' ""_____ "'" ~ -~€:-_~" '" --- , . ~~ ----- t{;-' t:r. I;'KP~-' ~ 416..,0' -t it",., J06'f_,~ ___, ____ .¡;;:- - ------~ - <" 4" (Y ~ ---!::i...¡06e ~' Þ {5 - -------I069)~ :----1066--- I f -------1064 ) - -1062------ ------ "- "- \ ) ~ SHIrT loG 1 (j r ~ "5 '" ci ð I Z f æ ~ UJ ,"I- ~ UJ Q,lt) z ~lt) ~ c a <3~ " -J 0 I Z 0\IÌíÏ; l UJ ~:::: ~ ~ t::Q '" .. ~ ~g.~ ~ Q¡1t) <51 a::: ë::; t:: &, UJ <::)_~ ~ 'š', I- \D~ '" ù' -I L C ~ £~ 1[" §Ið h .;. :; .. .. "'''' ;a ~~ > ~ èù ~ - lJC<1GID ,-'" ..."" I<A.L OÐ:>:D ,..JJt ~~~ l ! It" ~ ~ hlþ i fli~í 1 fh~r .. _Uj! H I- < <[ I- ..J e a.. ~ w z >- Z 1-4 æ ~ <[ .. z >ffi ...... ~ L\J~ ...... 1-4~ ..J >< 1-::1: W ~z æ w< a.. D!::I: uu ~ I i Mil" 1V22/04 -..a:r ... 04-108 >IaT NØ 2 .IV 30 0 30 60 ~ ~ ~ ì SCALE IN FEET ... ""- ~ z.".. ~ 15,000 ,f ' !IO' (cIJ. I. !IO' Qt 3(1' rSB) PUBLIC 125' 2:\;( 30' (ñ~Qd vor. Fo,.. 25') 30' 10' <30' conwr) 10' 5' am: .TAI Toto.' t:1W aNa. 3.36 QCo No. of lots 5 lot, Don5lty LOS ur'IIt,/o.c. Avg. lot clze 2..234 of MIn. lot 5Ize 15.363 ,f ---< LS, Bl L., B2 \. 1- ------ J, <>~ ------ /'" Hot~e-'5 AddltJon____....... ~ ---- -------- ----I~ I t{;- ~ ~ ~ ~ <"" I .-.-..... Mln. tot Q.re-o. "'n. tot f'rorrtage Min. lot depth Mo.x IPlpft" vious F"ront ~QotbQck Reo.r setback Side slttbo.ck rront/rMr eo.sl'. Side rase. 4- ~ " / str..t/curb Uft~ous: "tt. curb I¡"o) ,od) U"" (31' B- B) --- E"- .0 (Y 4 ~ þ {5 / / ______ we- - // __~\"'b'ò./ ¡- --- ,'t ~ - - - -- -..---- ) --' 1 ley I' ) , ISE )( 1 < I # ~- ~ ..... - ........ ........ ........ ~ ì(;' .~, \ '-- -- - 'lOr ot ~r~ \ ....... 2 ~ Ex. H~use I L3, B HII Ro. I 6464 M ~ ___-1 "'" S ~-~~y~~!..~--- I ~ --.±---- "- ~I ~ ------- t{;-" ~I t:r. I;"KP-' ~ ,<o-j <4: JO~ \ 416'''~___''3:1 it",., Of__~"'" _______ ,!;I - - - - - "3:<;;:' - ~ I - - 4.'<' ---------------t' o ~ & ~ .:f c.., - , lQ6i?~ ~' ------ .þ {5 , ~ 068)~ ---to66:J I f ------!06. J - -1062---- ---- '----Ie6&-- ( \ 6 / ( ''--\ ) ~ ~Q~ ------~ ~ ~ Á..,I:} ",v 1......... .t ~ ~ " li .... "5 '" ð I (j Z ci Z œ: ~ w ."1- UJ ~¡g Z<t: a <3~ Z 8,.;-íÏ; UJ :t:,;::! <\ t::-tvj « Q,O<J\ a:: i3 g.~ ,..". (\¡It) ..... ë::; t:: &, I-UJ <::).£; ~ \D ~ " L C ~ £~ !toO ø ~Q h ...J ,; >- ::.~ ~g " ....- ;;¡~ _N SIC$J&O P..IX. ..."" I<A.L CHX1Œ3I '..IX. ~~~ fi ¡ Ít,.; ~ :i bUJ i gr~i 1 LÏoh fir~l1; .. _Hid H z < ....I < 0.. I- >- e ~ ~ W ....I Z .... Z I- 1-4 ::J ~ >- >~ ~ W~ Z ....~ .... >e ~ 1-::1: :¡ ~z w l.IJe D! D!::I: 0.. UU ~ I i Mil" 11/22/04 -..a:r ... 04-108 wrr.... 3 .IV 1 10' cleo.r :spa.c~ rli'qd. o.round o.U hydro.nts. (IC'I no s"trQ-Qt lights, trQ-Q'S:, s:hl"Ub:51 Xce1 E'ñQ>rgy I Qwt5t, co.blg- TV I tron:5foN"lG'r" boxQ:II:, etc" Any conntc1;lon:s to ex. HH or CB r\U.5t b~ core drltled. San. Sewer S' PVC SDR35 Son. ServK;C' 6' PVC SDR26 S' PVC C-9QO 30 0 30 60 1" TypG' K cop~r ~ , --- SCALE IN FEET 4- q,.; "", {:; '> ~ ~ ~ 4, '" ~ .... .... F..- ............ ~ JIñrIct HI", tot o.rC'o. 15,000 sf . 4" Min. \o~ frontQG" 90' (cui I. 90' ~~ 30' rSB) PUBLIC (Y HI... tot depth 125' ~ HcIx I""....vlo.... 2:\:( rS rront ...~bQck 30' (n...." vo.r. fo... 2:\') ~ Reor'" :setbc.ck 30" <$ SJde- U'tbo.ck 10' (30' cort"l4lr' JY rrontlr"Qr .~,.. 10' <:t Sid. "Q'~. 5' ^V so:tN'e't/curb iJ",lnous: ,th curb 1~Q') sod> Unit (31' B-B) -,- Ex. .0' R/W 3 L., B2 - Jo.ckson Ex. R/IJ to "" V~CQt.d. ___~~E.d~_~t.______ --------- Ex, 100' R/W 107o.~~ ~ll~_ __ ==:.~=-- - End Prop. 8' IJH Q t 10+M) , ''''', ,t......t .Ign IY Developer) Abblett Ex, ....tt.. prlvQcy f..nc.. SQn, MH 12 <by ot""r,) ,OJ 11066.00/10.8.50/1048..0 <17.60') ~ 1 ... Q A~~ ~~ Block 2 /""0 .0/" '00 ""'j~ ~j Ex. Ho....se "PlIJ L3, Bl 6464 MlA"'roy Hill Rd. 4- / q,.; _____~~_S!!':!!..~--------' -------~,¡-- {:; '> ~ - - - - - - - '"3:-.:;;! <..'" 4" (Y ~ c..., ~' þ {5 (y.C"'Q(ff> C{;,., t;O " ~Ho....se 1af6.J L4, BI 6474 M...rr~y HI! Rd. r Ia5iíJ Pleo.so.nt HI I;" KP -. & ~ !! .. ... "- ¿; ~ .2 u ::0 )/ '" Ir~-. ~4: it"", t:r. :e ~ < .. ~ ; < = -f c +' '0 . .c . ! u X. ::0 )/ )/ '" '" 416..,0' ;,. '"' C\.Ï fj'> Ex. Lot 1, Block 1 Shiveley Aclcltlon Ex. 1~1"'\llou5 ore-a Lot 1=8940 .f (18.27.' i ... ~ i> >i '" " 1'1 ~ ., 10 I ~ IW B-B 50 31' ....--.....---- ...........--...!~,~... r-' ,. /' II r··......... Y_- _ _ _ -LL ~x. 50' R/W ~'. ,..--__ - I . r - - ---.::::--.......... "~ I ~ I ""'- .....-. : ..- I I' ¡Ii È: "';;:--.. _~ ' -~ I : i ¡ : / : : I i,; II : ," : I l 4 ~ : :~ !ta ~: -I l/!!ç¡ "4 òl ~: ,.!If -, WI ¡'8;d. : I' ò ;:; , ~, :F'" I ' I " I./I~ . ' 5 ___-1...... L_ : Ex, OutlõtÃ:~~ŸAëfmÕñJ I Ln__.___-1~_~!~___~ 416,90 ""t~l fmc" 3 , i.. :~ /'" ,1> ¡- I ¡ I ¡ ! ¡ L ~ .. ... "- ¿; ,¡; £ ::0 )/ '" ,., ~ u "'''' +'''' ~2' \0 !5. ~ (") .. ~ :! dOJ.M fH .... u ." ," .sh Ex. 6"cno.ln Unk fencw ------------ ...J (J (J :I: U V) W ...J co c:I s: l- V) W ~ <X ~ Z (J I- W Z Z s: t$> "", {:; '> ~ ~ ~ ",,-,; "'.:::; ","- .t ~ & 4,'-'; &- ~ GV (by ot.........) Hyd/GV (by ot""r" CB <by oth~r')- (43 Lots) 2 PROPOSED Plowsho.res Devel1 No.tho.n Fro.nzen 952-361-0832 11/5/04 PreliM. Plo.l Engr.1 lJestwoocl professlono.l Services Inc. Chris Moehrl P 952-937-5150 1 6 Prop. CB (by ot~....) 1052.00/1047.00 Block 1 7 Prop. CB (by oth.....s 8 11 ? "5 '" ð I l ~ " ¡¡: ~ <: " -J I l ~ .. .. ~ '" .s '5: t; ! ~ i 1 .. H Mil" 1V22/04 I'IfD.«r ... 04-108 ....... z 0([ ~ Q. EI rx .... z c e U I- ~ ~ ..... W (¡') z ~5 ¡ ~Q. .. ~z >~ R5I W~ m.... 1-4~ <It> >< 1-::1: >- P.í ~z ~ w< i~ 3~ i!a. :Jt&J f~t (j ~ ci z a::: ~ UJ ."1- UJ Q,lr¡ Z -ilr¡ a <3~ z 8,íf; UJ ~.!!) C\ t::-'" « Q,O <J\ a::: i3 g. ~ ,..". <ù It) u.. ë::; t:: I I-UJ <::).!; ~ \D <: .... '..IX. I<A.L ,...IX. ~ ~1 J! It" ~ htlI glil~l ~ l~h sh~l~ H~gi ~ 4 SlaT ... c ~ £~ ~ i.. ~o h ...J >- :;; .. .. "'''' ~g ;::;:, ;;¡~I _N' 1JI:$IQO ..."" OÐ>DI .IV ~ / 1.55 ~c. (46.0X of toto.l ,It.> 0.~9 o.c. x 1.2 . 0.71 ~c. . 30.928 .f I 30 30 60 1089 s:f'/trQI' ~ , 29 trres SCALE IN FEET 3 t{;- ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.'<' I c::Mr'"" -.......'__....... z-. ....ect Mn. tot o.re-o 15,000 51' . MIn. lot f..ont~g" 90' (cl. I~ 90' o.t 30' rSB> PUBLIC Hln, lot cIopth 125' Mo.x 1"P.....v\oUS 2:lX rront se-tback 30' (nt!'.-d VOJ". for 25? R~,.. 5~tbQck 3<Y SJdtl' se-tbo.ck 10' <30' co,.,.,..,..) front/rt'Qr ~QS~. 10' SId.. *0.541'. 5' _liliiii · Sltl' CIty s1:o.ff rtport rot" erosion contrd. not..s. : ~::~ ~:tu~~~~J, ~~"",~: w'¡t~~ff'd~y~ burn"'g>. o.f-W.. sit.. Ql"o.d"'g I~ col'l )t..t.., · Ddy ,t....t .....ping ~nd oc.....plng Is Ntqd. (If ""ce"o...y: · City "~""e' 0. d.toled h~ut rout. o.nd tro.ff'lc control pi"" for "'po..t...; /'I~t.....lo.l (by COnt.....cto..>. . 3.36 o.c. 2.39 CC. (71.1% of 1:01:0.' s:lt¡.) 0.97 o.c. (28.9X of toto.l ,It.> 1..3 ~c. 0.96 o.c. (28.6Y. of toto.l 5It~: 4- q,.; " streit/curb 1...."InOt..lS "th curb I....> ,oct> U"" (31' IÌ-B & ~ c..., ~ þ {5 ----- < LS, Bl L4, B2 \. <>~ 1- ------ ______ J, /'" Molin.', Addltlon____....... ---- ----- ----I~ gro.dlng 'lID: PlQlJtVA1DII CiILCIIA'IDDI Toto.' site area Bo.~..t~ co.nopy cov¡.r 0."'.0. Non-co.nopy cover o.reo. Canopy 0.,....0. to M rlil'l"IO......d (to or~dlng U/'Ilt ,hown> Canopy cover"' o.re-Q re'mnlng o.f'ter (to gro.dlng 1...lt ~hown> H.... co.nopy COViPr re'qYlrtd <p~.. City t~bl. II .6X of tobl ~It~> Addltlono.l co.nopy cove-r re-qu...e-d Ar"QQ. of co.nopy cover/treG' (pQr" City> No. of' lo.nd:5co.pe tr~e5 required ASSUME O.~O' CROWN (rIN. CL ..r-- í / / 2 ( \ 6 / ( -==~:?JJ r ---------1064 -- - ---1062 --...... ~ - ''-\ ) ~ - ~ ~ ~4. <:5 L - - - - -- ~ ~ \ ~"O~ '--...~ : "5 '" ð I gi C C o 0:: ~ c o -J I II O¡ <5 ð ª i i' 0: 1 .. !! (j Z ci Z a:: ~ UJ ,"I- UJ ~¡g Z<t a <3~ Z 8\IÌíf; UJ ~:::: ~ « Q,0'" a::: i3 g. ~ ,..". Q¡ It) ..... ë::; t:: &, I-UJ <::).!; ~ \D ~ " P..IX. I<A.L ....JX. ~~1 l .¿ '5 ~Uj , li~j h~~~ nji~ 1JI:$IQO ..."" OCIØ .IV 30 30 60 ~ ~ ì SCALE IN FEET .. ""- ........-.& ~ JIñrIct 15,000 ,f ~ (co.l. Is ~ ~t 30' rSD) PUBLIC 125' ~~ 30" (need VOJ"". For 25'> 30' 10' (30' c:oM')Qr) 10' 5' t{;- ~ ~ ~ ~ 4,'" a.~ - .... Hln. tot o.rM 4,; MIn. lot front~g. (Y I1In, lot depth :òf- Max I""orvlowo r!S rront ..tb~ck --;7 Rear setback Ñ SId. o.tb~ck ~"V rront/re-o.r east', <if SId. .~,.. '\f rut..... c....b Uno (31' D-B ~ ~~~~~~__________rut~.!....:c:..!~U~ 0: ~__ Ex. .0' RIW ~ E SEx. 22' bit. L ~8- x. ~n. , ¡;;!I. -----=-~-iïüVE~ ~ ~ -_"'____ -..........--..L----.-_______ )( ~,. ..- w t -----=---------rx:'40~ --~u~_šÕ'"¡¡¡¡¡_¡;;; 1: rutur. strNt conwrlr.. ~ 4- q,.; " Molin.', Addition s-tre,t/curb B2 L4, Jo.ckson RI'J to be Vo.CQ ted. Shiveley Addtlon Block 1. Rd. Ex. Lot 1111 Ex. Ho....se L4, B1 647. Hurr~y liMIU HI ~'" laJV ¥ Pleo.so.nt I;" KP -. Ex. Ho....s 6464 L3, Bl e ¥ ItJ71.J Hur'ro.y H.' Rd 4, . S t:r. I;"~-' _________~_____~~ S.~\. / 1:'4: t{;-" ----~-------' ~I:',,'t ~ -- ~ ----- .¡;;: ~ -- 4,'" 4,; (Y 4 ~' þ {5 ~ ~ ... g . Ò'> 6 ~ ::. ---~ Æ -' ~ ~ ,¡ ... oj :§ cu cu !.. +' 'U cu > o !.. a. a. .q; - t:r. I I I I 416,"0' --------- '" , , 2 r ~ c . ~ ~ ~ ~ .. . . J: ~ U X. "' ,¡ x ... w :;,. <J) (>j 0\ ~ ::. '" :S .!õ ~ '" ,¡ ... < l- e ~ w z Z 1-4 ~ >~ W~ ....~ >< 1-::1: ~z w< D!::I: uu "'11" 1V22/04 PII(J.CÇ'''' 04-108 I 5 SJaJ' IG z < ....I 0.. 1.&.1 0.. < U ~ R Z < ....I >- Q! e z .... ~ .... E&J D! 0.. co.tcu'o. tlon) SIZE 8' DB 8' BB 8' BB cl ~... cmE MY, liP 9 CGS 10 BHS 10 ~";';'WOf:~{5:~ ~f~::ch~l~~·d In ø.dcUtbn to thl' tr.es shown. 3 RY LANDSCAPE NDTESI ~t tr'-...s ,....q~....d 29 tr... (per tr.os/,~cln 1/3 0' tot~l s 201. , IZ~. ~S ~~g.~vl; ~~ fr .. c.rtlf'1.d nurs.ry stock ~s tr t.d by It! Stotut. 18.44-18.61, Act: 1 Block 2 T."". ,tr..t oIgn ~ (by Dev.lop<tr) ~" $¡ s'" -1 ~ 1S. .. ~ Ex. whit. prlVo.cy f'one. SOon. HH 12 <by othor,) 1066.oo/1~8.~/104e..0 (17.60') ,., .,.Q!,t>( ~ ~~.s! Oq, '~t .~ .olq~Q " "'.> ( .0 ~.> Abblett /4 ~' I 5 Ex, O....tlot A, Shiveley Addtlon Prop, CD 416.90 Ex. ftl8'to.\ f'enc~ GV (by otNro) (by othoro) Hyd/GV (by othor, 1052.00/1047.00 CB <by oth.r,) Block 1 PROPOSED PINEHU (43 Lots) Plowsho.res Deve[ pMent LLC No.tho.n Fro.nzen 952-361-0832 11/5/04 PreliM. Plo. Engr,l 'Jest wood P ofesslono.l Services Inc. 7 Chris Moehrl P: 952-937-5150 1 3 Prop. CB <by othor.) 8 t$ t{;- " I >. ~ 5 >'>. ":v' t.Q ~ &-"X' ~f <J) ,,~ !5.~ ~ ",v 1>...M ",'- f n þ .."'u " .'" ~ ~~ð ~ 6_ 6-' <~ &- Ex. 6'ch~ln link f.nc. ------------ ...J r::J r::J :I: U VI W ...J :::¡ :::¡ ;: f- VI W ~ .q; '" Z r::J I- W Z Z ;: