Letter from Sharratt 2-25-05 " I February 11, 2005 Revised: February 25,2005 d~šrîtt n& gcompany RECeIVED FEB25 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RE: 9015 Lake Riley Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 PID: 25.0240300 Laura Cooper and Tim Walker are requesting a variance for the lakeside setback and lot coverage for the above named property. The lot in question is a legal lot of record that is 2,054 square feet smaller than the current lot size requirement for this zoning district in the City of Chanhassen. The existing home on the property is 35 - 36 feet from the lakeshore at elevation 864.7 and lot coverage is 28.7%. The homes to the north and south of the lot are 50' and 33' from the lake, respectively. The literal enforcement of the zoning requirements provide a building pad of only 23' in depth, street setback to lake setback; a size that is not only unreasonable for a home today, but fundamentally out of character with the neighborhood. In addition, the buildable area results in a trapezoidal shape exacerbating the difficulty of rectangular geometry for reasonable cost effective construction. The owners are requesting the variances to make reasonable use of the property, with a home that is an improvement for the neighborhood, the city, and the health and wellbeing of the homeowners. The owners are requesting a lakeside setback of 37.3' to the closest corner of the house and 33.7 to the closest point of the deck. The home would not obstruct any views for the neighbors as it would not be any closer than the existing home, and would present an aesthetically pleasing and up dated face to the lake. The lakeside variance request is less than that granted to the lot to the south, and places the new home three feet further from the lake than the cantilevered portion the home to the south. The second request is for a variance to the lot coverage requirement. The owners are requesting a variance from 25% to 34.2%. This lot is significantly smaller than 77% of all the lots on Lake Riley Blvd; it is only one of six, out of twenty seven, that are 650 or more square feet less than the required 15,000 square feet. All of the other lots this size or smaller are either around the point or at the end of the point, making the Cooper lot the only lot this significantly smaller within the first sixteen lots on this street. The owners respectfully request the opportunity to put their site to reasonable use and build a home comparable to, or smaller than, the property not only within 500 feet, but in a much greater area as well. The 34.2% lot coverage variance would allow the owners to put a bituminous drive in place to the garage. The owners are also willing to consider utilizing percolating pavers in place of bituminous to further reduce the impact of water run-off. Percolating pavers are an environmentally sound solution to the problem of run-off from solid surfaces. Not 464 Second Street Suite 100 Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone: 952.470.9750 Fax: 952.470.8407 '" 9015 Lake Riley Blvd Chanhassen MN 55317 PID: 25.0240300 Page 2 of 2 only do the pavers provide for absorption of water, but they provide filtering and water temperature control thus improving the groundwater at the same time as they reduce run- off. If percolating pavers are used, with a one inch per hour percolation rate, the lot coverage would be equal to 24.7%. We thank you for your time in consideration of this request on behalf of the Cooper- Walkers. 261 School Avenue Suite 310 Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone: 952.470.9750 Fax: 952.470.8407