Plat 8.5x11 received 2-28-05 ~ PLAT FILE NO._______ R. T. DOC. NO._______ a-IANHASSEN. MINNESOTA. Thla plot of BURLWOOD woa apprcwd and oocepted by the CIty Counoll 01 the City of ChcnhGMOl'l. MJnnOlOta. at a ~Iar meatln; held this- day of 20 _ and 18 compnance with tho pro'åtonl 01 Minnesota Statutee,. SectIon ~OJ. SUbd. 2. All monument. wm be Ht a. epeclftod by the City CouncU and 01 Itated on thtl plOt. occordIng to MlnnMOta statut.. Sœ.02. Subcl. 1, STUDIO STORAGE tho following dncrlbed property of Corporation, 1M own.. "lnnMOta KNOW ALL MEN BY lMESE PRESENTS: 'That Eplo Dewlopm...t. u.c. altuated In tho County or Carwr. stote of Mlnneeota. to wit: Outlot A, MoQl)nn Pork 2nd AddItion. ea......,. County, Mtnn..oto. 01"" By MINNESOTA CITY COUN01L OF CITY OF CHANHoISStN. By 0>"" COONTY SUR.."YCR CarYer County, ","".-ata Purauant to Chopttr 3CI!S. Mlnn..ota 20_ for plo ~a;e puC::':crt~~b:":"to ~~r:~th~~= :I~r:c.. ~~::':~a~~t,:o~a:eema:n'i.d=IC::~O on thl dralnOQI and utility pUrpOHll only. prop.. offl~ I by to b. Ilgned 20_ ~n;J~~o=~ .:\dt~o~·~~~t~~;t~I~no.. hat 3:ÿ.:t th... ¡neentl PClltloy Pork Enterprt.... Ino. By _ck1yo Ihlo plot ha been approwd thll '1:111, of Lo.. By John I'GOmyer Carver County SUM)'Ol" COUNTY AUDITOR Carver County. Mlnn.lota Prakf.nL Ila by 20_ corporatIon. tha STAlE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF _ 1J:.:.(~rO~~gp~I.~~:t ~~~~~ a~'=a ~m¡;ãñÿ,õñ ~a11 0 and STUDID STQRAGE thll pia on land de.arlbed oa and døcrlb«i en thle pia' fo, yeor.prtorto_ 20_ COUNTY TREASURER CcIrYIf' County, Mlnn..ota I hereby oortlfy that the tQ.eI payable for the year 20_ for the hCMI boon paid on thl, _ day of 20_ Tom 1<III'ber, County Treaaurll By oil h....by oertlfy that thtn en na delinquent tax.. for 'ander .ntered. Dat.d thl. _ day of Mark Lundgren. County Auditor By k,~~, ~r~.~a~~ r:=a= ~~a~ :;:J.,,~:l a~le:~~o: a~I'~; ~~o ~~t In f..t and hunchdth. of Q foot; that or monum.nt. ha'lll bee ClOI'tIctly placed In the ground as Ihown; that thl oubkle boundary IIn.s Qr'O OOITeCtIy dellgnated on the plot and thot h.... al"ll no wetlands at defined In Mlnneeota StatutOl, Sootlon 505.Ó2. Subd. 1 or public hlQhwa)'l tc be deatanated oth.. than _hawn. GreQory R. Praach, Land SuI'Vll)'Of' Mlnnnata UOIIIn" No. 24092 STAlE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF _ 'The fCIreQolnQ by Gragory R. _ day of a. Oooument No. plat of STUDIO STORAGE wa. filed tht. __ at _ o'oled< -oM. Reglltrar of l1t1, By REOISlRAR OF ml.ES Carwr County. Mlnnnata I h...by owtlfy that thl. 20 Cart W. Hanson Jr., 20_ day 0 SuMl)tOl". Certl1fcat. wall acknowledg.ed bo1oro me thl ProIlOh. Land SUI'\'e)tOr'. Mlnn-.ota UOInH No. 24992. County, Mlnnnota Notary Public" My Commle.1on Ðcplr'ea CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED OF' 2 SHEETS Rv!~ LA/ID DEVEt.O!'NENT 8EIMCEB -,- SHEET 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT FEB 2 8 PLAT FILE NO. R. T. DOC. NO.______ '" \ \ STORAGE STUDIO .' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :c. ~~~ ¡~\ T t:) ·c· b 83 III 8 ~ õ ( ) ---=-=;l f-------,--~ \ 1111 \ \ I. '"... \ \'?:: .'v,; \ \ ~ aLO~'I( , I '\ I( ) , \ 1 \ \ I~ I \~ I 1 \ I O:,fr¿,o'" , \ I , ""~_ ~~ ~ ~~5~ ':.. -:<c,: I,... 204.00 N 88'08'51" E J ')^, I ,&~ 1 "-II¡ 1\ ¡;¡.";)- 1"'\ "',-,.., ~ I \¡J 1110"'1 q' . ' , I ! ØW\CAtiI!' I: U71lJrY . __r 1 p 8 õ ~\ ( ) ~I I ~---~-------------------- ,..- /' / / / R - 170.00 I L - 267.91 /;. - 9017'41" / F)~F\)!( A \""1\ I" I 1/\1I\¡ OUTLOT A4C,n, >, \ I I I \ \ \ III ~ ~ ( ) 60 8 ~ \ \ \ \ \ I 8 ~ 1 LOT 83 ONE _____~~.~--~M~~~------J N 88'08'51" TER ROAD ~ -----------1 \ E 635.10 ~ DRAINAGE: AND UTILITY E:ASE:MENTS ARE: SHOWN THUS (NO SCALE) ~II- L. \ \ ~ __-~ R-170.00 , " L - 58.60 ¿_--' ~'45'OO" --- 81 ~ \ / ____ _ -----""- _ _ _ _ J <::> -~ .: ...,., -- / .' W" "".- - / ... ...,,~.l) . <::> '" / I BLOCK \ \ \ R - 170.00 \ L - 207.5P. ,,/;. - 69'57 19" "- " "- --- Rya:£co LAIÐ CEVELOPIotEM 8EA'IICe8 -,- SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS ~g;.~~N+/:dN~DB~~:~a¡:~R~~1f NUMBER 2M77, UNlESS OlltERIIISE INDICA1ED, DENOTES FOUND SURVEY MDNUMENT - 1/2' IRDN o . 1!50 )( ~ !50 100 SCALE IN FEET