02-09-05 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting February 9, 2005 Meeting Called to order 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Marcus Zbinden, Dotti Shay, Deborah Yungner, Kim Grant, Ron Olsen Members Absent: Jo Mueller, David Wanek Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Don Asleson, Natural Resources Technician Guests Present: Dan Jirik and Paul Wagner, BFI, Sheldon Swensen, WM January Minutes: The minutes were approved. Presentation from Waste Management and BFI: Sheldon updated the commission on the single-sort recycling program. He handed out the brochures about recycling and general service that are distributed to customers. He said that there are 63 communities in the metro area with single-sort out of approximately 120-150 total communities. The average amount recycled is 60 lbs. per month. Price rates vary because of the PriceMatch program, price increase and acquisitions. Waste Management contributes to the communities they work in. They give donations to civic groups, county fairs, etc. WM helped with the tsunami relief and Austin’s flood recovery last year. Single-sort has met the goals of WM. It’s easier, safer, cleaner, better for employees. Chanhassen, he said, is slightly above the residual average for recycling and he’s not sure why. Marcus asked about the glass issue (a large amount is not recycled due to breakage). Sheldon said that the glass that’s broken is not yet sorted by an optical sorter. It now goes to a landfill for cover or to another facility (Chicago) if the prices are high. Some city contracts have regabe programs for profut from reyclables, so Dotti wanted to know why WM can charge customers for service and get the profits from recyclables. Dotti also asked if WM is looking at other options for recycling, i.e. organics, etc. Sheldon said that plastic abags aren’t cost effective because it takes so many for a bale. Organics may be the next possibility. WM is looking to businesses and schools for new streams of recycling. Deborah asked if plastic garbage bags filled with trash get recycled. Sheldon said no. She also asked about bags with leaves in them. Sheldon said the leaves are composted and the bags are added to the garbage. Sheldon said that the WM reyclcing facility is now accepting third party reyclables. Marcus asked if WM could partner with the city to educate residents. Sheldon thought that would be a good idea. He suggested that the city provide a link to WM on its website. WM can work with the city to get information to residents by partnering on a mass mailing. WM also has a children’s video that the city could show on their cable channel. Dan Jirik gave an update on the recycling issues for BFI. There had been complaints that BFI was mixing recyclable with garbage. Dan explained how BFI has responded to the issue. The company came up twith ta policy that clearly states that specific truckes pick up specific items. All employees, including office help, signed agreements and attended training for the problem. BFI sends out a n annual brochure on where recycling goes. They’re looking ginto converting theier existing facility into a single sort and are hoping to have it ready this year. Dan agreed that kids need to be the focus of the education. They start the recycling. Deborah asked if garbage can be salvaged at all, if anything can be done to reduce or eliminate it. Dan said there isn’t a market yet for reclaimed garbage from landfills. Deborah asked it they’re doing studies on it. Dan said the BFI is always looking for alternatives. 2005 Arbor Day planning: Letters will be sent out to schools regarding the poster contest. The deadline and theme will be updated. The commissioners suggested that Lotus be contacted about donating the tree for the winner. Dotti volunteered to follow up with the schools by calling them. Newspaper liaison: Marcus volunteered to be the liaison to the Villager. General Discussion: The commission may possible schedule a tour of the Eureka facility for March 30. Dotti will contact ? them and set it up. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Prepared and submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\minutes\Env\02-09-05MIN.doc