Property Owners List 3-1-05 j , Carver County Abstract and Title Co., Inc. 411 Chestnut St. PO Box 106 Chaska, MN 55318 Phone 952-448-5570 Fax 952-448-5155 March 1,2005 Town & Country Homes 7615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 Eden Prairie, Mn 55344 Attn: Krista Novack According to the 2004 Tax Books in the Carver County Treasurers Office the following persons are listed as owners of the property within Carver County, Minnesota, which lies within 500 feet of the following described legal description: See Attached Exhibit "A" PID #25-0221300 1. John Klingelhutz c/o James W. Heisel 350 East Hwy 212, PO Box 89 Chaska, MN 55318 2. Char Jeurissen and Mark & Jennifer Johnson 9715 Audubon Rd Chanhassen, MN 55317 3. Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Co. c/o Severin H. Peterson Jr 1500 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55347 4. Gayle & Lois Degler, Trustees 1630 Lyman Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 5. Dean & Lois Degler, Trustees 9111 Audubon Rd Chanhassen, MN 55317 6. George & Constance St Martin 9231 Audubon Rd Chanhassen, MN 55317 7. Timothy Todd 9401 Audubon Rd Chanhassen, MN 55317 8. Lake Hazeltine Woods, LLC 2177 Youngman Ave St. Paul, MN 55116 9. City of Chaska c/o Noel Graczyk 1 City Hall Plaza Chaska, MN 55318 10. Charles & Joan Wagner 9430 Audubon Rd Chaska, MN 55318 11. Bobbie D. Morlock 5020 Page Ave. NE St. Michael, MN 55376 12. John & Kristin Bilden 2908 Butternut Drv Chaska, MN 55318 13. Mark & Susan Johnson 2905 Butternut Drv Chaska, MN 55318 14. Robert & Jill Roxas 2906 Butternut Drv Chaska, MN 55318 15. Marc & Kara Strazzanti 2901 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 16. Harris & Darcy Cooper 2900 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 17. Matthew & Lisa Walsh 2899 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 18. Bharat & Shushma Patel 609 Monroe Blvd., #609 King of Prussia, P A 19406 19. Derek & Christine Schmidt 2897 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 20. Richard & Martha Carlson 2896 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 21. Michael & Rebecca Gleason 2895 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 22. Donald & Marlene George 2894 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 23. David & Kirsten Taylor 2893 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 24. Stephen & Laura Hanish 2892 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 25. John & Margaret McDonald 2891 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 26. Jon & Mary Jo Hansen 2890 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 27. Paul & Patricia Bury 2889 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 28. Carl & Sandra Beaurline 2888 Forest Rdg Chaska, MN 55318 29. Steven Golloher & Wendy Bell 2877 Ironwood Blvd. Chaska, MN 55318 30. Thomas & Debra Kerber, Trustees 2883 Ironwood Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 31. James & Carolyn Erickson 2879 Ironwood Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 32. Robert & Stephanie Geisler 2770 Simons Drv Chaska, MN 55318 33. Brian Ramsay 2774 Simons Drv Chaska, MN 55318 34. Jerome Maule 2778 Simons Drv Chaska, MN 55318 35. Peter & Joan Tetrick 2782 Simons Drv Chaska, MN 55318 36. Kevin & Rose Marie Gjerde 2786 Simons Drv Chaska, M 55318 37. Christopher & Lori Kuefler 2790 Simons Drv Chaska, MN 55318 38. The Jonathan Association 111000 Bavaria Rd Chaska, MN 55318 39. Troy & Deanne Logan 2765 Wagner Drv Chaska, MN 55318 40. James & Kathleen Wise 2747 Wagner Drv Chaska, MN 55318 - 41. David Jankowski and Ruth Basa 2741 Wagner Drive Chaska, MN 55318 42. John & Debra Travis 2731 Wagner Drive Chaska, MN 55318 43. Patrick & Elisabeth Brod 2714 Autumn Wood Drv Chaska, MN 55318 44. John & Kristin Rischmiller 2710 Autumn Woods Drv Chaska,MN 55318 45. Michael & Jennifer Broback 3300 Edinborough Way, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55435 46. Jose & Crystal Alvarez 2704 Autumn Woods Drv Chaska, MN 55318 47. David & Gayle Barnett 2700 Autumn Wood Drv Chaska, MN 55318 48. Kelly Rech 2742 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 49. Lawrence L. Twito 2738 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 50. David & Linda Ladner 2734 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 51. Denise D. Synstelien 2730 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 5318 52. Donald & Rose Mary Finger 2726 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 53. Lisa Espinosa 2722 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 54. Eric Pedersen and Neva Crocker 2718 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 55. Spencer & Jill Cowan 2714 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 56. Richard & Michele Imdieke 2710 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 57. Julia Zimmer 2706 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 58. Jeffrey & Stacy Kerfeld 2702 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 59. Myron & Karyl Muehlbauer 2698 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 60. Kenneth & Viola Rech 2725 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 61. Michael & Sheila Janke 2729 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 62. Todd & Margaret Meissner 2733 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 63. Steen & Linda Jacobsen 2737 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 64. Kevin & Karla Johnson 2681 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 65. John & Julie Myhr 2685 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 66. Brent & Jennifer Goraczkowski 2687 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 67. Jonathan & Rhonda Dick 2689 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 68. Robert & Libby Fairchild 2678 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska,MN 55318 69. Paul & Linda Derocher 2686 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 70. James & Kristen Vipond 2690 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 71. Eric & Colleen Crowell 2694 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 72. Keith & Ann Wyman 2674 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 · - 73. James & Debra Keppler 2670 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 74. Ernest & Cherish Valeski 2665 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 75. Jeffrey & Crystal Soderlind 2741 Shadow Wood Ct Chaska, MN 55318 Carver County Abstract & Title This Company does not assume any liability for the accuracy of this report. IJ ~è J'~:C' .. EXHIBIT "A" "1111 part oUhe Southwest QtL1rtcr of lite SouIlIC451 Qu.1rtcr ofS«1ion 22, TowIIshir lib, I~,",~c 21, C.1m:r Count" Minnesota. described IS follows: Commenclnß.t tlte aout/I\Wå comcr of &'lId Soutlawes! Qunrter oft/Ie Southe.1~t QU.1ltCI or ScI.1iOll 22; thence: South 88 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds &'11. amlmed bcllrlnn, "62.00 feet alonn t/Ie IOUth line or s:úd 501l1h\l'c:;1 QII.1I1er of tile Southe-1St Qu.1rter 10 t/Je point ofbc¡:lnnlnn ortlle tnlet to be descrlbccl; lhence continuinn 5011111 ~II dccree.<; 011 minutes 10 IICCIOnds East 863,62 fcce Ilone IBId IOUth lir.e to lhe IOUtllCllSl comer of aid SoudlMSt Quancr ortlle SoutlIC.1St Qu3rtcr; tI.encc: North 01 degree ~mlnutes 071CC1Onds 1!as11310.74 feclllone tho east line or'ald Southwest Qu3rter orllle SouthC451 Qu3rter 10 tho northeast comer 1hcmI~ tltcnœ North 88 degrees 18 minutes 51 ICCIOIIds West 66,00 rC'd alone tIle north line orald Southwest Qu4rtcrofthc SoutItCISt Qu.mer; thence $outh 37 dCCf'CCl51 minutes 31 SCQJnds West 157.01 fect; Ihence: South 72 degrees 21 mInutes 311cconds West 217.10 feet; thCIICC South 3S dCCf'CCl51 mlavtes:ll seconds West 125.010 feet; tI.encc: South 16 dC&rCCI51 mlnules311CC1Onds West 2401.20 n:et; dtcncc Nonh 110 dq;rccs II minutes 51 seconds Wcst93.911ec110 a polnl on tile west Uae of'dIe I!att I bit of' aid SoutIIWCII QuaI1cr of'dIe Sotrthctur Qu:sncr; Ihence South 0 I deørcc 06 mlnulCI 32 accondl West 491.21 feet alons aId west line; d.encc: South 31 degrees OS mInutes 03 seconds West :13:1.62 feet 10 IIIe rolnC of bentnnloa. Tho WClCHaltotthc Notthoast Quarterof'SoctIon 27, TOMISItIp 116, 1W1gc23. CaIvcr Coun!)'. MIMœota; EXCEPT die toUowrn, descrtbcd parcel: bcgInnJq at tho IOUtItcast oomcr or'tItc Southwest Qu3rter of the Northeast Quarter of aid Socdoa 27: tIICIICC North 00 dcørccs 29 minutes 051CC011ds West, assumcd bcarlßß, 521.00 feet along the cast line of aid Soulhwat QuartcrolthcNorthcas1 Quartcr; tI.encc: North 19dcørees 12 minutes 00 seconds Wcst611.J0 leet; thence South 00 d~ 29 mfDUles 051eC1011ds East 528.00 Icc:t to a point on the south Une of said Soud'\\'CSI Qu3rtc:r of the Nortltcast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 12 ~nutes 00 ICCIOnds East 617.10 leet along said south lilli!, to the point ofbcgJnnlng. ALSO BXŒ1'J' that put orald Southwest Quarter or tho Northeast Quarter ofScl;tlon 27 described as commencing at the southwest oomcr oIsald Southwest Quarter of tho NorthcIst Quarter: tItcnoc North 00 degrees 32 minutes IS seconds West. wumccI bearln& 531.90 feet along the west line ofaJd Southwest Qtw1cr ofthè Nl'flhc:.ut Qu3rtc:r to tIle point ofbcgJnning of the tract to be dcscrlbcd; thcncccontlnulng North 00 dcgrccs 32 mlnutesU sexonds West 231.70 feet along aId west line; tllencc North 1t9 degrees 21 minutes 45 seconds East 410.00 feet; thence South 00 dCLJrees 32 rni lIules I' SIXOnds E.1st 231.70 feet; thcacc South 89 dcgrccs 27 minutes 4' seconds West 410.00 feet 10 tllc point ort..:r.inninr,.