5. Library Project CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box ]47 ChanhllSsen, MinneJota 553] 7 Phone 6]2.937.]900 General Fax 6]2.937.5739 Enginming Fax 6]2.937.9]52 Public Safety Fax 6]2.934.2524 Wfb www.ci.chtlnhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council Scott A. Botcher, City Manager ~ January 27, 2000 s- - The Citv o(Challhassen. A fi7owin~ community with clean "'kes, quality sehooli, a charmin~ downtown, thrivin~ businesseJ, and beautiful parks. A ~reat p"''' to live, work, and p"'~ FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Library Needs Assessment Please find enclosed a preliminary copy of the Needs Assessment for the proposed Chanhassen Library. As indicated previously, this is a "check-in" meeting to get some response from the council as to areas of deficiency within this report or areas where additional research may be necessary. However, I believe that this report is sufficiently improved from the one submitted previously and will allow us to begin discussions on the progress of the Needs Assessment. Barry Petit and Melissa Brechon will both be present to discuss library services and the Needs Assessment in particular. Thank you. g:\us~r\scotttl\library needs assmt.doc