1975 03 31
Mayor Klingelhutz called the special Council meeting to order at 9:15
p.m. on March 31, 1975, with the following members present: Councilmen
Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. Councilman Hobbs was absent.
PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS: A motion was made by Councilman
Neveaux and seconded by Councilman Shulstad to direct the Administrator
to call all the applicants to see if they wish to be interviewed by
the Council for a position on the Planning Commission. The following
voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and
Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to hold a special Council meeting to interview Planning
Commission applicants to fill the four vacancies on the Planning
Commission on April 8, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. The Administrator will
set up 15 minute time schedules. The following voted in favor: Mayor
Klingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative
votes. Motion carried.
LORD/GLAESER ELECTION CONTEST: The City has been assessed $293.00 as
Chanhassen's portion of the Lord/Glaeser Election Contest. It was
based on the number of allegedly miscounted votes in Chanhassen.
The Court has the power to apportion the cost between the guilty
'communities. The City did not receive a notice of the Court action.
Councilman Shulstad asked if this is not true that this is only true
of one political party. "It is my understanding that the Democrats
held a fund raiser to pay all their bedts and the Republicans are the
ones who are pressing for payment. If that's the case why if we are
liable did the Democrats go ahead and take care of ~he expenses
themselves. I don't want to see the City contribute on a partisan
basis. I also don't want to see the City fork over money on the basis
of notification action that was not complete."
The City Attorney offered a suggestion that the Council advise the Clerk
of Court that the Council declines payment because the Council received
no notice of it.
A motion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman
Neveaux to decline payment on the grounds that due process was not
observed. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen
Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried.
SHADE TREE SHORT COURSE: This two day course is offered at the
Arboretum at a cost of $10.00. The Administrator recommended that
Henry Wrase and Dale Gregory attend.
A motion was made by Councilman Kurvers and seconded by Councilman
Neveaux to approve the expense and Henry Wrase and Dale Gregory be
allowed to attend this short course. The following voted in favor:
Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No
negative votes. Motion carried.
UP-DATE BASE MAP: The Administrator requested Council approval that
the Planner be authorized to enter into a contract for drafting service
with Schoell and Madson at a cost not to exceed $400.00. This is for
the drafting to bring the base map up to date to begin the work program
Chanhassen City Council Minutes, March 31, 1975
process that the Council previously approved.
A motion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman I
Neveaux to authorize the contract to be drawn up for drafting services
to work on the base map. The cost of which not to exceed $400.00. .
The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen
Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried.
LIQUOR LICENSES: A motion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded
by Councilman Kurvers to approve the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 1975-76
applications for: On Sale Intoxicating; Off Sale Intoxicating; On Sale
Non Intoxicating; Off Sale Non Intoxicating; and Sunday Sales. The
following vot.ed in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Neveaux,
Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to approve the pauly's Bar, Inc. 1975-76 applications for:
On Sale Intoxicating; Off Sale Intoxicating, and Sunday Sales. The
following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad,
Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Kurvers and seconded by Councilman
Shulstad to approve Ann Koltyk (Jerry's Old West Bar) 1975-76 applications
for: On Sale Intoxicating; Off Sale Intoxicating; On Sale Non
Intoxicating, and Off Sale Non Intoxicating. The following voted in
favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers.
No negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Kurvers and seconded by Councilman
Neveaux to approve the Riviera Clubs 1975-76 application for:
On Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sales. The following voted in favor:
Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No
negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Kurvers and seconded by Councilman
Shulstad to approve Bluff Creek Golf Associations 1975-76 application
for On Sale Non Intoxicating license. The following voted in favor:
Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No
negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to approve Kenny's Market 1975-76 application for Off Sale Non
Intoxicating license. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz,
Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion
A motion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman
Shulstad to approve the American Legion Post #580 1975-76 application
for On Sale Non Intoxicating and Club license. The following voted
in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers.
No negative votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Kurvers and seconded by Councilman
Neveaux to approve the 1975-76 application for On Sale Non
Intoxicating for Saint Hubert's Church. The following voted in favor:
Mayor K1ingelhutz, Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No
negative votes. Motion carried.
Chanhassen City Council Minutes, March 31, 1975
The City Attorney recommended the City have a uniform license
application form for the various licenses and a uniform bond.
A motion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to have a uniform license application form for the licenses and
bond starting in 1976. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz,
Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: The Administrator discussed possible shared
funding through CETA a Federal Program. The training program pays
approximately $2.00 per hour salary for up to six months. A contract
is involved but there is no obligation on the part of the employer to
continue employment after six months. This was preposed by thé'Chaska
Community Schools. There is no money left for Carver County but
Hennepin County has money. Hennepin County money could be used but
the employee has to be a Hennepin County resident.
RECYCLING PROGRAM: Councilman Shulstad discussed the recycling program.
The Metropolitan Recycling Center will be terminating their participation
in the recycling program. The Council may have to consider either
that the program be terminated or the City become more involved in
the sense of providing transportation for the material collected.
The Metropolitan Recycling Center has lost~all its federal funding also
lost its funding from Coca Cola and Hamms. They have agreed to
provide a truck through the April recycling but after that the City
is on its own. They will continue to purchase material from the City
but will not provide the transportation.
METROPOLITAN COUNCIL: Mayor Klingelhutz has received a proposed bill
that will grant power and financing to impliment Metropolitan Council's
Development Framework. A hearing will be held April 1, 1975, at 7:00 p.m.
at the Capital. Mayor Klingelhutz and Councilman Kurvers will attend
this hearing.
Senate File No. 855 will allow the Metropolitan Council to go ahead
with their Metropolitan Framework Guide and Metropolitan Significance
without taking it before the State Legislators at all.
BUESGENS OFFICE PARK: Bill Schoell discussed the proposed frontage
road and the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommendation
had certain conditions on it, one of which was the front 50 feet of
the Buesgens property be reserved for service road rather than the
rear. Mr. Buesgens was asked specifically if he was in favor of that
and he said yes. However, since that time he has submitted plans that
do not show it there. He does not want to build it at all but he
doesn't want to give up that space in front. He has a drainage map
submitted that you cannot read. The parking lot map is actually a
land survey with a bunch of black dots on it. The City Planner and
Engineer feel they should not spend their time and the City's money
reviewing plans they think are inadequate. He has been trying to find
some way to put the service road partly on highway right-of-way. The
Engineer has given sketches to the Highway Department which they are
still considering. The Council agreed that the service road should
be in front of the building.
Chanhassen City Council Minutes, March 31, 1975
LAKE STUDY COMMITTEE: Councilman Kurvers reported that the Lake
Study' Committee will· call the Department of Natural Resourses back I
to a meeting with Carver Beach representatives to resolve the conflict
between what they told the Lake Study Committee and Carver Beach
A motion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman
Shulstad to adjourn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz,
Councilmen Shulstad, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion
carried. Meeti~g a~rned at 11:30 p.m.
Barry BroWs
MARCH 31, 1975, AT 7:15 P.M.
Acting Mayor Kurvers called the public hearing to order at 7:15 p.m.
on March 31, 1975, with the following members present: Councilmen
Shulstad and Neveaux. Mayor Klingelhutz came late. Councilman Hobbs
was absent. The following persons were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bongard, 19350 West 78th Street
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson, 1660 West 63rd Street
C. M. Towle, Strong Towle, Inc., 320 Midland Bank
Leslie J. Renner, Route #2, Box 307, Excelsior
Martin Ward, Chanhassen
Edward M. Callinan, Attorney, Minneapolis
Mr. and Mrs. Al Sinnen, Chanhassen
The City Administrator read the public hearing notice as published in
the official City newspaper.
Bill Schoell, City Engineer, described the project. The purpose of this
project is to improve 79th Street through the Industrial Park by surfacing,
placing curb and gutter, providing adequate drainage from that area to
an acceptable disposal of the storm water. A number of alternatives
have been studied. The general flow of water is southward and eastward
to a ravine on the east side of Highway 101. Different routes that were
considered were (A) diagonally across the Martin Ward property through
the low area which would have precluded his freedom in developing that
at some later time, (B) crossing Highway 5 then going eastward along
the south side of Highway 5 to the intersection with Highway 101, then
southward along the wes.t side right-of-way of Highway 101 crossing
Highway 101 at a point substantially where an existing field tile
crosses now. Alternate (C) differs from (B) in that it would place the
north-south pipe along Highway 101 on the east side of Highway 101.
The purpose of our recommendation toward the construction of Alternate
(B) is providing drainage protection for approximately ten more acres
of land than Alternate (C). Another part of this same project is the
connection and carrying of runoff from the northeast corner of Highway 101
and 5 southward under Highway 5 and westward under Highway 101 so that
it can join this same pipeline and be disposed of in the ravine.
The City Attorney stated that the reason this matter is again before the
public and Council was that the last public hearing on this matter was
closed July 1, 1974, subsequent to that time no action was taken by the
Council because of litigation that was pending and other considerations.
The law provides that unless the Council takes action within six months
after the close of the hearing the matter is deemed to have been not
resolved. This was not done. One of the questions that had arisen
during our earlier discussions related to the voting requirement for
the approval of the project. There is a difference of opinion as to
whether the pipe should be placed on the east side of Highway 101 or
the west side. Under the applicable Statute there was a question of
whether or not we had a sufficient number of petitioners to warrant
the passage of the approval of this project under a simple majority
vote. We have sent the matter to the Attorney General for an opinion
as to what constitutes a 35% petition. We have had no response from
the Attorney General to our request. The legal issue involved is that
Mr. Ward, property owner on the west side of Highway 101, commenced a
lawsuit against the City of Chanhassen for an alleged conspiracy with
the Highway Department to cause the construction of Highway 5 in such a
fashion and in such a location as to inundate his lands therefore
Public Hearing Project 74-lA, March 31, 1975
causing him substantial monitary damages. He accompanied that lawsuit
with a lawsuit against the State of Minnesota alleging essentially
the same fact. This has missed the Spring Term of Court in Carver I
County. The Council should be aware that the Highway Department will
not offer any financial assistance to this project nor will the
Highway Department grant to the City a permit to use its right-of-way
for the placement of pipe unless the Ward litigation is settled or
otherwise disposed of. Mr. Ward has informed us through his attorney
that if the pipe is placed on the east side of Highway 101 he will
dismiss his lawsuit. The problem with that is that it will decrease the
assessment area and increase the cost of the project some $200 per acre.
Councilman Shulstad asked what are the long range implications of putting
the pipe on the east side of Highway 101.
Bill Schoell - Ultimately when this area developes,Mr. Ward has no
plans to develop this property, there must be some kind
of pipe under Highway 101 and this area will be drained
at that time.
Councilman Shulstad - So long as the property is left in an agricultural
state would you continue to say that the location
of the drainage pipe on the west side would benefit
that property.
Bill Schoell - Yes it would in that it would replace part of the
inoperative or almost inoperative tile on the west side
of Highway 101.
Mayor Klingelhutz - What is the estimated cost of legal fees if we
approve Alternate (B).
Russell Larson - Estimating that there is $1,000 involved already, my
guess is that it could run up to $5.000.
Mayor Klinge1hutz - Mr. Ward has stated that if we went on the east side
of Highway 101 that he would drop the lawsuit and
we could proceed with the project.
Russell Larson - We will put the question to Mr. Ward and his counsel
right now.
Mr. Callinan - That offer was open for a long time and it did not
materialize. Mr. Ward and I have to confer on the
subject. I guess we can't answer the question at the
moment but I will get you a letter by Wednesday.
Charles Towle - As of now I have 66% by acre of the property owners
involved in the improvement area for Alternate (C)
have signed a petition. I wish to proceed with the
development of the park, to see that the road is
installed. It has been delaye~ over a year now. We
are virtually stalled to sell land. We are willing as
one of the major property owners to stand this additional
Leslie Renner - I will refrain any comment, my frustration is
Mr. Callinan - I will confer with Mr. Ward and I will have a letter
to Mr. Larson by Wednesday.
Public Hearings Project 74-lA and 75-1, March 31, 1975
A motion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman
Shulstad that the hearing be adjourned until April 7, 1975, at 7:50
p.m. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen
Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried.
Hearing adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
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Barry J;rrooks
MARCH 31, 1975, AT 8:20 P.M.
Mayor Klingelhutz called the public hearing to order
March 31, 1975, with the following members present:
Shulstad, and Kurvers. Councilman Hobbs was absent.
persons were present:
Richard P. Matthews, 8017 Cheyenne
Dean Hermanson, 8025 Cheyenne
Roger B. Huffman, 8021 Cheyenne
Mrs. P. C. O'Dell, 8012 Dakota
Mrs. Ray Jeziersky, 8013 Dakota
Thomas Lenzmeier, 8014 Dakota
Mrs. Thomas Lenzmeier, 8014 Dakota
Conrad Fiskness, 8033 Cheyenne
Paul O'Dell, 8012 Dakota
Clarence Hoetstra, 8045 Cheyenne
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson, 1660 West 63rd Street
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bongard, 19350 West 78th Street
Lyle Olson, 8036 Dakota
W. M. Crawford, Minnesota state Highway Department
E. R. Howe, Minnesota State Highway Department
E. E. Of stead, Minnesota State Highway Department
Mr. and Mrs. James Dougharty, 8052 Erie
Henry K. Atwood, 8007 Dakota
Ròy Roeser, 8030 Erie
Mr. and Mrs. Al Sinnen, Chanhassen
Eugene Reilley, 1014 W. Excelsior Ave., Hopkins
Robert Mason, 4913 W. Coventry Road, Minnetonka
Steve Thompson, 7604 Great Plains Blvd.
Tom Russell, 8037 Cheyenne
Gary Meister, 8005 Erie
Mike Johnson, 8041 Cheyenne
Brian Foltz, 8037 Dakota
R. A. Peterson, 8033 Erie
Mark Geyer, 8101 Dakota
Dennis Loechler, 8028 Erie
Robert Hagins, 8021 Erie
B. G. Frykman, 8020 Erie
G. H. Wassink, 8004 Dakota
at 8:20 p.m. on
Councilmen Neveaux,
The following
The City Administrator read the public hearing notice as published in
the Official City newspaper.
Public Hearing Project 75-1, March 31, 1975
Bill Schoell, City Engineer, explained the project. The Highway
Department is proposing construction of a center divider east and west
of Highway 101 on Highway 5. People in Chanhassen Estates would only I
be able to turn east on Highway 5. It will be necessary to provide
some other way for these people to get in and out. That means is
a service road along the south side of Highway 5 from Highway 101'east
to Dakota.
The Highway Department has'met with the residents of Chanhassen Estates
to discuss this project.
Mr. Bill Crawford, Minnesota State Highway Department, made the
following statements. liThe Minnesota Highway Department in developing
the proposed plan for Trunk Highway 5 through the Chanhassen area worked
closely with the City of Chanhassen in trying to develop a plan that
would provide for safety and reasonable access to existing development.
It was felt that providing a major signalized intersection at the
junction of TrupkHighway 101 and Trunk Highway 5 and constructing a
center median through the intersection of Trunk Highway 5 and Dakota
Avenue so as to eliminate left turns at this intersection allowing
with the City of Chanhassen's plan to construct an access road from
Dakota Avenue west to Trunk Highway 101 and allow right turns in and
out at Dakota Avenue would provide safe and reasonable circulation of
local traffic and still protect the integrity of Trunk Highway 5. The
Highway Department's proposal was planned to fit in with Chanhassen's
long range Generalized Guide Plan. In answer to the points raised by
Chanhassen Estates Residents Association we offer the following:
Education of the pedestrian and bicyclist to get them to use the
access road to Trunk Highway 101 signal would be of course necessary.
The proposed service road entrance into Trunk Highway 101 is located
at a point where there is approximately 650 feet of site distance.
This is very adequate for the existing 45 MPH speed limit on Trunk
Highway 101. Traffic approaching the intersection will be slowing
down as they approach Trunk Highway 5. The median island on Trunk
Highway 5 and Dakota Avenue provides a refuge which is 18 feet wide for
pedestrians that would cross at Dakota Avenue. They would only have to
cross one way traffic at a time. The proposed median is six inches in
height and would not be a significant barrier to cross. If the
pedestrian traffic is such that a problem would exist, then additional
measures ·to control or aid the pedestrian such as construction of a
pedestrian bridge or construction of fencing would be considered. The
proposed access to the Beiersdorf development is to be temporary only
and would provide reasonable access which we are required to do until
such time as local streets are developed to provide another means of
access. It appears it is not feasible to provide these streets until
development is underway. As to the comments by CERA about the
environmental impact, the Highway Department does not intend to work
outside its present right-of-way limits. Only proposed grading south
of Trunk Highway 5 outside the present right-of-way between Trunk
Highway 101 and Dakota Avenue will be necessary at some future date if
the property is developed. The same as Chanhassen Estates was allowed
to develop. We agree the traffic signal at Trunk Highway 101 would
increase noise and air pollution. However, the benefits from the
traffic control far outweigh the negative effects. The proposed plan
by the CERA to install a traffic light at Dakota Avenue would only
add another stop for the trucks thereby bringing the noise much
closer to Chanhassen Estates development. It now appears that local
Public Hearing Project 75-1, March 31, 1975
access roads south of Trunk Highway 5 will not be constructed at the
same time the Trunk Highway 5 improvements are made. The Highway
Department is therefore willing to consider an opening in the median
at Dakota Avenue. Signals will not be provided at the intersection as
it currently ranks 45th on our priority list in District 5. This means
that it could be many years before signals would be installed. We
still believe that the original proposal by the Highway Department is
the best solution and encourage the City of Chanhassen to continue
their effort to provide access via local streets to the area south of
Trunk Highway 5. In leaving the median opening the Highway Department
makes no guarantee that the opening will remain. If an accident
problem developes we would not hesitate to close the median crossing
by police power. The residents of Chanhassen Estates should consider
the fact that if Dakota becomes a signalized intersection with
Trunk Highway 5 it will only mean a steady increase of traffic at the
intersection and on Dakota Avenue. Dakota Avenue does not lend itself
to become a collector, which it would become if it is a signalized
intersection, because it goes through the center of'~ residential
development and ends less than 1/2 mile south of Trunk Highway 5.
Again we urge the City to continue its efforts to provide local access
roads to local developments along Trunk Highway 5 in order that the
interests of both the residents of Chanhassen and the traveling public
are protected. II
Bill Schoell - Do you have any comments about making a protected left
turn for west bound drivers on Highway 5 at Dakota.
Mr. Crawford - I guess we will try and do this. I realize the
seriousness of the problem. If we can include this
with this contract and still meet the letting schedule
we will do this. Otherwise we would delete those
so as not to jeopardize the timing of the main safety
Bill Schoell - Based on that recommendation of that idea that that
opening would remain and that protected left turns would
be possible at that point, we recommended that we not
at this time build that service road on the south side
from Dakota to Highway 101 but that efforts be made to
continue to obtain right-of-way and easements to build
that road because it certainly will be necessary at some
future time.
Dick Peterson - I would like to add my support to this. Ideally the
people of Chanhassen Estates would like to have a
signalized controlled intersection. At this time
probably the development is not severe enough where this
is necessary. I feel we should maintain access at that
intersection with the left turn lanes as the State has
Dean Hermanson - I too concur with the policy of the engineer at this
point. I think the left turn lanes are certainly
going to help diminish the problem there. I guess
we will have to address the pedestrian problem at a
later date as the area grows on the south side of
Highway 5. Is there any thought to directing the
traffic at the north side of Highway 5 at Dakota
Avenue so there would not be any cross traffic?
Public Hearing Project 75-1, March 31, 1975
Mr. Crawford - I guess we could look into that. It might be wiser to
make it one way and then I am sure if we did that why
the County would require that it be taken off the County
system. It now is a County road. I don't think they I
would object to that. I am concerned about what the
reaction might be from those that are developing
properties on the north side of Highway 5 now.
It would have to be very carefully looked at.
Several persons present complimented the Highway Department on their
compromise solution and urged the City Council to work closely with
the Highway Department on this project as amended this evening.
A motion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman
Neveaux to adjourn the public hearing. The following voted in favor:
Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No
neg a ti ve votes":--ì Hea¡3.ng adj ourned at 9: lOp. m.
Barry Bro~