4 Proposed Liberty/Bluff Creek
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone 952.227.1100
Fax 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone 952.227.1180
Fax 952.227.1190
Phone 952.227.1160
Fax 952.227.1170
Phone 952.227.1140
Fax 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone 952.227.1120
Fax. 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone 952.227.1400
Fax 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone 952.227.1130
Fax 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone 952.227.1300
Fax 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone 952.227.1125
Fax 952.227.1110
Web Site
Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
March 15,2005
Proposed Liberty on Bluff Creek; Town and Country Homes
The proposed Liberty on Bluff Creek planned unit development (PUD) is
located within the 2005 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA--see 11 x 17
bound proposal). This is a region of the city currently used primarily for
agriculture. However, with the development of urban services (sewer, water,
streets) now permitted and the pending construction of new Highway 212, this
area is highly desirable for development. Landowners, staff and developers
have been anticipating this situation for a number of years. In anticipation of this
change in land use, the city's Community Development Department
implemented two key planning processes-the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural
Resources Management Plan (Bluff Creek Overlay) and the Alternate Urban
Area Wide Review (AUAR).
The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park of
10-25 acres in size to be located within one-half mile of every residence in the
city. Part of the planning for this region of the city was to identify a 40-acre
parcel for a future park/elementary school site (reference aerial depiction on
page 3 of proposal). The parcel selected is centrally located within the AUAR
and adjacent to the Bluff Creek Corridor. Through a series of meetings with
School District 112, it was determined that an additional elementary school in
this area of the district was unwarranted. Knowing this, we have modified our
plans by eliminating the northern 20 acres from the acquisition plan, leaving the
southern 20 acres adjacent to the creek and collector road to be used for park
With this site identified, no acquisition of public park land is being
recommended as a part of the Liberty on Bluff Creek PUD. In lieu of land
dedication, full park fees will be required.
The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails. and beautiful parks A great place to live, work, and play.
Park & Recreation Commission
March 15, 2005
Page 2
One of the most anticipated trail extensions within the city is the north/south
Bluff Creek Corridor Pedestrian Trail that will extend from Lyman Boulevard
south to Pioneer Trail. Liberty on the Bluff abuts the Bluff Creek Corridor at its
northern border. Careful and deliberate attention should be paid to an internal
trail system within the development allowing residents convenient access to this
future trail system. A concept for this type of connection is shown north of
Block 1 initiating at proposed Street D and terminating at the eastern property
line of the PUD. This trail route should be preserved and refined as the PUD
The trails along both the north and south sides of Street A or the collector road
are currently depicted as have an 8-foot width. To meet current city standards,
both of these trails need to be 10 feet in width.
Other internal trail segments connecting future residents to the amenities
proposed in the PUD and eventually to the city's comprehensive trail system and
public open space system are depicted. These "internal" trails are encouraged
and should be included in the plan wherever appropriate.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the
City Council require the following conditions of approval concerning parks and
trails for the Liberty on Bluff Creek PUD:
1. Full park dedication fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of
requiring parkland dedication.
2. The trails on both the north and south sides of collector road "A" are
widened to 10 feet.
3. The internal or private trail north of Block 1 be carefully planned to
allow convenient access to the Bluff Creek Corridor.
4. Other internal or private trails connecting residents to amenities within
the PUD be enhanced.
G:\PLAN\2005 Planning Cases\05-11 Liberty on Bluff Creek\Park & Rec Report.doc
Preliminary Plat Submission for:
Submitted By
MAR 0 4 2005
Liberty on Bluff Creek
Preliminary Plat Submittal March 4th, 2005
Community Name
Legal Description
Legal Description
17.4 AC IN SW1/4 SE1/4 LYING
NE CORN OF SW1/4 SE1/4 TH W 66
FT TH S38* 157.08' TH S73*W
287.1' TH S36*W 125.4' TH
Section: 22 Township: 116 Range: 023
(Char Jeurissen) - previous "exception" parcel on the southwestern side of the
property along Audubon.
Legal Description
Pia SW1/4 NE1/4 DESC AS:
W LINE SW1/4 NE1/4 531.9'
231.70' TH N88*E 470' TH S1*E
Section: 27 Township: 116 Range: 023
Liberty on Bluff Creek
Preliminary Plat Submittal March 4th, 2005
Contact Information
Aurora Investments
5215 Edina Industrial Blvd.
Suite 100
Edina, MN 55439-3023
Contact: Luigi Bernardi ph. (952) 831-5002 xl08 fax (952) 893-0165
Town and Country Homes
7516 Smetana Lane, Suite 180
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Contact: Krista Novack ph. (952) 253-0448 fax (952) 944-3437
Westwood Professional Services
7599 Anagram Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Contact: Chris Moerhl ph.(952) 906-7443 fax (952) 937-5822
Town & Country Homes first introduced our proposal for the Bernardi property
to the city in the fall of 2002. To begin the process of due diligence for the
property we submitted for PUD Concept Plan approval, knowing that the site
was not developable until 2005. Without formalizing any densities, site la}!outs,
and product, the city approved our concept for a PUD. Rather than conducting a
typical EA W for our individual property within the 2005 MUSA Expansion Area,
the city determined that it was necessary to conduct an AUAR, which required
participation from all the property owners within the Expansion Area. Since the
beginning of this endeavor, we have enjoyed the opportunity to be involved in
the community, and to be a part of such a comprehensive and holistic planning
Since we introduced our proposal to the city of Chanhassen, our site plan has
become more sophisticated and enhanced through incorporating information
from the AUAR and Feasibility Study, as well as through gathering valuable
input from numerous meetings with city staff and the community.
Liberty on Bluff Creek
Preliminary Plat Submittal March 4th, 2005
Current Zoning:
Proposed Zoning:
Total Gross Acreage:
Existing Wetlands:
Total Net Acreage:
PUD /Medium Density Residential
91.02 AC
3.16 AC
8.89 AC
Oulot A:
Outlot B:
Outlot C:
11.821 AC
25.983 AC (North)
12.386 AC (South)
.703 (Commons Area)
Total Homes:
Premier: 54
Chateau: 176
Majestic: 117
Regency: 112
459 Homes
Gross Density:
Net Density:
5.0 Homes per AC
5.8 Homes per AC
The Bernardi property is currently zoned Agricultural and guided for Office
Industrial and/or Medium Density Residential.
Town and Country Homes is proposing a PUD/Medium Density Residential
community for Liberty on Bluff Creek. This enables us to be creative with our
site layout and design, and allows for more opportunity for preservation,
community character, and density clustering.
Since we first introduced our project to the city, we have incorporated 2 new and
exciting home styles, the Regency and the Majestic. We have also elevated the
architecture for our Chateau product. Our Premier homes are also very attractive
and have had huge success in the marketplace. These four distinctly different
home styles will be able to satisfy a wide spectrum of homebuyer demands.
Liberty on Bluff Creek
Preliminary Plat Submittal March 4th, 2005
More detailed descriptions of the architecture are part the Liberty book included
in this submittal.
Every home style also comes with a variety of color packages to create diversity
and interest in the architecture among the mix of housing styles. We strategically
disbursed the different home styles throughout the community in various
locations so that there is a mix among the neighborhoods and building
Quality of Life
Trails & Open Space
The Liberty on Bluff Creek plan incorporates trails throughout the site to
encourage pedestrian activity, and specifically, to take advantage of the
impressive and heavily wooded open areas to the north and south of the
community. Providing
adequate trails and
sidewalks also naturally
invites residents of the
community to utilize area
amenities, be more active,
and to get to know their
neighbors - all elements of
a strong community.
Community Pool
Liberty on Bluff Creek will also have a community pool amenity, which will be
located in the area currently referenced as Outlot C on our plans. This ':Yill be
both an active and passive open space area that the Liberty on Bluff Creek
homeowners can use. Showering facilities and parking will also be provided.
More detailed plans on this area are in the process of being finalized.
Homeowners Association:
A Homeowners Association will maintain all common areas, private streets, and
amenities - including the community pool. Town & Country Homes is proficient
and experienced in HOA creation and management. We take pride in the
management companies we hire and expect a high level of standards and
performance. This guarantees that the community will be meticulously
maintained, and will retain a high value for years to come.
Liberty on Bluff Creek
Preliminary Plat Submittal March 4th, 2005
Noteworthy News:
Very recently, a well-known and successful national homebuilder just entering
into the Minnesota market place, K. Hovnanian, has acquired Town & Country
Homes. This is an exciting turning point for Town & Country Homes because we
will now be backed with even more ability to venture into unique and innovative
opportunities. K. Hovnanian is a publicly held company, yet still maintains
strong family values and ownership, which was important to Town & Country
Homes and the Ryan family. Town & Country Homes will keep its name, and
current office location. We look forward to expanding on our success in the
homebuilding community.
To learn more about K. Hovnanian, visit their website at www.khov.com.
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Liberty on Bluff Creek
Preliminary Plat Submittal March 4th, 2005