Plat 8.5x11 1"...tOy,..t1f,I"olu>II_..y.þI9"IOI' rtPorl_pI'tIIO".-dbym,orl.lfld...my d'"....::t_.,..¡a£o<oondt..otlcwnodoJ" AIJ9Õ1t.....t lo~d s........J">' u~d"" I". IIttr. 01 I". Slot. 0' "iMuolo LAND SURVEYORS 9013 LyMt.I. A""" South Bloomington, MH. 55437 T.k¡.152-8ð4.Sµt FII952-&a4·S34' _...,.~.c_ PRELIMINARY PLAT of SEVEN FORTY ONE CROSSING SECOND ADD. INCH = 40 FEET CARVER, COUNTY 1·3-6701PP 2004245.0; 1of1 SITE: 2401-2503 HIGHWA Y , POK IN\'~STM~NTS ~ 'I "_CNS AOOaI~ :¡:¡;¡;;ø1:~ ,L.S. ":"""oto A.q. No. 2Jð7 [)Qt.:~~__ For: SCALE: "" '- " Eôõ1_ ., -~ Cool.: ~œ VICINITY MAP ~T~1t..... _ 1 ~rr ~~ """'""" """_1""'" ----., ~-:t,"=- w:.:::: (H.J)!ott.-I'" """'" =~~-=::...- ......2)0 c..1«'t~1_ 1~2)U'·1)U ~ .....,,,_~.Ioc. -""'- ~.v.--:"L ~'i. 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TOQtth".,¡tlltn.aoøvrl"'OI'II~II(""I"'"..,..ll'>oltaft~nOø"OIIon and (_I ..0".......1 dot..t Ooc""",* ~ "91. rI..t .J01ouOlY~. '"II. (K ~~I "II. '2~I. 011 __ II"d "...!otolfl by '''ot crloln A",...de'd GOld IIIMtot..t OcHtollOl'> 01"4 [_I A'7_1 001.., ~n. 1. '99§. n.d ........ t5., 1m. 01 ~",I Ho.. ~1"3!, ::'iI"--<I'~ 0" ,~. 0-0._ (1«If'< SO'II'CI"~ Sh:..... s.- fIu'oJòI,SlII>ocIILIn.o Und..'iI"-.d[looc:lNc n.ct.1o: l,Iu... (l.eci.I(Øoo ~:"W=I =::~.... tr.~~...""cI>OI' c..n~,"1 Co!cN>oeIn ColcN:Þoeln AJleo,...,IIooIÌ'I< UfI¡1 ~T...('D"""''''¡'''IN;f\oti) Con¡I"Qr, I,...( )~I..lnlnctl..) ~\ :: ~~~e: c..,p.... s-a...,~... $1......""""""". h.IIo,eo..t_ t."11n9SÞ11!~IIO'IQ,n. h~I~$poII;lt<oa!1on 0&0 10 rID 5iiiiiiiiii IÇALt II PftT LEGEND P'oPerI,..""......! eo.-c..,. ,l,blttocl Proøwty TO !I( PlAT1'tD A' . I ·..1 ----..- --.-"- --.--.- _·,__w_ ----- ------ ------ --"il-- o o ~ .. ~ · · · " B ~ · ~ · <> · ----~.---~ 'II~1.27C '11")4,' 00200 ~~~~J "..........,.. ......,....',' !STrSi {:!.-.æu ..v..ne.s .....,......, ..v..,ooo.. ....~~~:r; GENERAL NOTES , "'---. ..,.t..w_Io..... U>o eII'I ~ S['«II r(1llfTCM: C'!O\'IJIOC ~- "'"' -... .. "'" -...- ,^I~" - ...-. ~ .... ... __.. .., =~OulAJlID,CÐIITAClcc:PMDIST~I[CIII[C'O'U'AT(.'2'J.:\.oI-0002..".JOO O'f J 'WI...' _,Io__.........·Z_c.._.._PIoWoot·.._ __~"'._~r_.... JJ'OCðl CIOf:eø._ ..J>Þr1.It1't. .,........_"'...~........ _CII,..~ ~7!--._~..~ ~(--- ~7 \~.:,.GM ..'......,~,.., .'. ,- « , - (n'.... ';,;;j£>-- , « -. ~..: -~ " =;::. -~ " - ,~ () -, ,,- ~...toII,,_\,.oI'·JO.1."''' ......._ __..."". .J.....,. C_"'-_' '.....1_........---...·...". 'I:\.....~_UI1.:I5.'..." :=-..i::. '::~..:::: ~.~r---..) "".. ' \,1 ~\~1 ...: %$ I / ... /_#, r /j ,,~/~~ 1I,If ?\ ,I ,~~ , $...., I / -2"R3·S· 16.18 ' 1'8~/~ ( /,~: /,0.1.", ~ i 'd~J.O'9 I , / i''' I I I I , ' Ì"~···tJ:fbT6H "_."'OO~. 1._....,...... W....,~I_.....,_""' ..__O_.......c.). II. _-...,__.._.- 1.~...._"_...OIr..'.. ~~~~':r""'(AS1f<ÞIfo OOC~ IIII'I:ItoICUI Wlll'1oCt N'OMI~1'IOI 0011_oa:UOOU1'C..,.... (OS(\OtOfIOOC-......' '.00 "" , "...I ... 'c".:" , . " t ...(>.- ,,' ~ .' I I .¡¡m II ~" ~v,..t 'i"'- I: .l~_.. I' I II II ~ ,~~~ .i !s.........,; ~ I: ! "IL__ .i; C-..~-. ~~. - ' - -=: :::. ...~, ,," ""< ..,' ) ./ " _1I<A5ltJ11,.rlJto(fY .-" \/... ~OT11LOCK'. ([ )I... \ \. CI'!04,w ~ ~M'"ciI'/ ;~:=:r: \ ~ :;;::i~ suRVCT PERrOR.,.rD BY: ~"...,._"""..o i.ANO suq'J[yt1Q5 /II CCHSU,T,tJI1' OOIU L)I"IdoJ.. ",w.u. Sw!h 8'-'>"91<>", ""'. ~·~O O~2) ,".-~.}I' O~2 M-"~~"'~,r"" . t,,~: '~iI!"" oV~~_O-t_ WotI, ....hl ouo""'I'O'..c_ , , ......,...,,-r :: I /, 1 ~';.~-~;.~, $0. t'jV..174.~ SEVEN FORTY ONE CROSSING SECOND ADDITION E.COND ADDITION ",os opprowd OI"id occ:ep,ted by tne City Coo.md 01 In City of Cho,.,tta'SII!n. MiMlIsoto, at ( '''91.110r muting held Ihlll___ day 01 _______, 20 ___, ond is cOf\'1øUOI'\(.e ..ith the provisions ot Mlnnuolo Statutes. Section ~.OJ. SuM. 2. AU monument, .ill be set os søecified by th. City COIoI"cil QI"Id O~ stated on this pial, OCCOI'd....1jI to Uinnnolo Stotutc. 505.02. Subd. 1. CITY COUNOL \F CITY CF CHANHA$SEN. I"UNNESOTA. By CHANHASSEN. I.tINNESOTA Thl, plot of SEVEN FORTY ONE CROSSING ., 10 o l.Iinncsoto limited Stoic of Minnesota. Limited Portnllf'Ship. the County of CQI'ver oI.t Crossings Center prQØcrty situateCl in ThaI 7 & described MEN 8'1" THE$( PRESENTS: '110 owner of the 10010wi" KNOW ALL pottnfl!'ship. --~---------- 8y --- ----- l.I.ayor Carver Count y. ,ilua SECOND AOOlnON and d¢ hereby de IOCS. c"d also dedicotinq the . ¡ " by ¡ o b ¡ """ ther~of. I Hove cou~ed the ~ome to be surve~d and plotted o~ SEVEN fORTY ONE: CROSSING dO'1ole ond dedicate to th. pUblie for public uSð forever 11"1. IhorOl.lqhfOl'H end cuI eo~ement~ o~ ""own on the plot 'or drolnaQ< ' and uti11ty purpo~ only, In wi\ne~'5 whereof ,old 7 & "'I Cel Limited PQ!'lnership. hO' proper officer 11'1;'____ dOY 0' 20_. . coust"d recorded 12'0 10 occordlnQ SEVEN FORTY a..JE CROSSING, Cro~sln9 Lot 2. BlOCk t,tinnesolo. COUNTy SURvEYOR COI"VCr County. "';nneso' PurS1.Jo"t 10 Chopler J9S. 0' " I been oppro~d h .' '" 9 Of ""","esoto lows ______________. 20 ___, ¡ By j;;~-[-¡;;;~.-ëõf-;;~nty Sur\Jð~---- By 20___. by 01 " .hI OCknOwle<:lQed b STATE Of L4INNESOTA COUNTY ($ _____ Tl1e lore901"9 In,trumer"lt w COUNTy AUDITOR Corver Counly. Mi"nno' I hereby certify thot there tro",If t' entered. Doled th; f,lIMeso!O Partnership, I Lim c "', Cro,si & s ______________ of the corporollon, ë;:¡;;'õÎ;~-;"-b~i,-o' 00" .' Ihi lond described 01 fo to all year, priO/' __....-__ 20 By ____-:,.._____________________ MOf1( Lûndqren. Count y Avdilor '0' o "0 delinquel doy 0 o ÑÕI-;;-y-PC'bil~:::..:.:::..:::..::::-ë;C"""iŸ,-.¡;;;;-~;to----- r.4y Comml"lQt1 Exp;r('5______________ I hereby cedify thot hove 'urveyed end plotted Ihc property dcscribed on t"is plat os SEVEN fORTY ONE CROSSING SECOND ADDITION; tho! t!'lis plot Is (I correct represe-nlotion 01 Ihe surv-ey; thol aU d!stonCfJs are cONfJctly shown on the plol in feet ond l'1unOr'cdths 01 0 fool; 11'101 011 monuments hove bee" correctly placed in Ihe groutld 0'5 ,hOW": thai the out,¡de boundary line.s. ore eorrectly de'i9naled on the plot and thot there ore no weUonds os defined in MIMðsola Statutes. Section 505.02. Subd. 1 or public: hi9hwoys 10 be deslg"oled olher than sho....". COUNTY TREASURER Cor~ CcuMy. MI"ne I h.r.by cerlify that Ih. to:o:" pa)'Oble tOI CROSSING SECOND ADDITION how.: beet"! paid ONE os: SEllEN fORTY this plot 20__ "d d"crlbe t day 0 20__ for f;~-K-;~r.- CountYT;-.;ã;~r;;_-------- "0' II h By fh-O~-O-;-Ë.-Hõdõ;¡¡:_Lo_;;d&;;;e_;;r----- Minnesoto UCet"l5e No. 2.3677 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUN Ty OF _______ The fo,e-çoing instrume<'lt wos ocknowlðdged before me Ih¡ E. Modo,ff. Land Surve)'Ol'. tJinnesolo License No. 23677. COUNTY RECORDER CorYOf' County, tJinnesota I hereby cerlily that Ihis plot _________. 20 ___ Thomo ______________. 20___. by day 0 day 0 thi fded CROSSING SECOND ADDITION w SEVEN fORTY ON of 01 Ñöï;;;-y-pübiï~::.:=:==-ë;;""~MiM~õta---- My CommissiOtl E:o:plr85______________ .-HARRY S, JOHNSON OLAND SURVEYORS Docume"t No. ë;rtÿi.-H;~:C(;"u~;t;'~------ ___Þ.I o'dod: By SEVEN FORTY ONE CROSSING SECOND ADDITION ~ x 40 eo 6,00 ~ .<),'tQ 6'\'?' ;0 6 =90'00'0.9.: _ '; ;TS:ìÏ - l-/ R=10,0~ , " ~ /-:;;,..,. N 89 42 38 W ~ . N ~ t: '" '" <Ó ~ AI 8,....2".57 17.02 Tr- 11/1'" /111/,., \/ //""\ I L: r7/\;Jr1vv.... f \IV. I --1------------------ I I I t '\ \....1 '^, (, I " £.. -^, <, ~ 1,/ v ~TA ::J I ¡-\ ~ '''' " '" N N ¡.. i:> I '" \) 6 -90'00'00" <. 47,12 ······,·R=30.00 \ ;' " ,.-..~ _ _ _ ~ 8-=:'4~8 7" ^ v " '" N N ¡.. ^ ,.. /" .... 0 ~ , I } '~\'_ on '- ....., ..p "..}"4, \ . /".-1 ~..t''''.;o q, ~ / ,- '>--{ _~"b ,;;,_...:. "~-I..)\/ 89'4238 258.21 '--',,', " - "'/ r - - - - Tã5:ï5 - - - - - -, I 73.06 - T , ^ v , c, 1'.10 Qj » -rl EJ ~;: ~, ¡Ii .-- .-- -'CALI II HIT Scole~ ,.. .. 40' ~o 0 40 C') -, » -, ill ~ ~ ----I \, I : I ~ I ; I I, 1-', '-,,<../ le},\ \..11\ '-~/1 ,/ vi:;' e}1 " ,- v<.,:::" :: \ " '" ~, 01 I~-; I ~ ~ I:~ L__________ ...J~ I S 89"42'38" E 198.00 0 "+ <D .. ci ::! ()- \./ tz, 0" V ~ ~ I' o o g '" W N N ¡.. i:> '" J> (') -r¡ ~- ili C') .-- » ,', ¡Ii OENOTES SET IRON 1.A0NUMENT EVlOENCEO BY '/2" BY '4" IRON PIPE I.AARKEO R.L.S, 23677 . OENOTES FOUNO IRON 1.A0NUl.AENT THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2. BLOCK ,. SE'ÆN FORTY ONE CROSSING, IS ASSUMEO TO HA'Æ A BEARING OF N 017'22" E o -,. ~. ~'\ " , -,. ~- ~;: )~ -( £....sI:WEHTS AA£ SHow.¡ T)o4us, ili' r" "1 _.J L NOT TO SCAl.! BDHG ~ rtt1 IN "0"". AOJONINC lOT LINts. AND rt'ET IN NOn;. ~C RIGHT Of WAY UN(S, um.£~ 01)oi[R'AlS( 'Ht)ICATtO. ..1_ ANO uT1J1"I" o L DAAlNAC( -". c5 , ..,.~ - ~ .. H A R R Y S, J 0 H N SON OLAND SURVEYORS SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS 6 =2'23'54 116.78 R-2789,79 '''' 11\ O¡(" V ~ ~: =?- "'- ¡Il -, () -,.. ~.::: ,', » 222.93 WES 1'1 yy ... ~<''''''''''I''., ... I..... 1-1 ÎJ~'"\~.:"'" - - --::::..... ...............\ I "- "- \ \ \ \ \ I <'0.¡:..9 \ \ \