HRA 1984 05 17AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1984 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve minutes of April 19, 1984. 3. Request for Development Incentive Payment: Lots 1 and 2, Zamor Addition - Lawrence Zamor, Developer. 4. Downtown Redevelopment Project Status Report: a. JLH Associates b. West 79th Street /Ringroad Railroad Crossing 5. Old Business. 6. New Business. 7. Approval of Bills. 9:00 P.M. 8. Adjournment. 1� CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Iml 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing & Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Directory DATE: May 11, 1984 RE: Request for Development Incentive Payment: Larry Zamor, The above described request for a $7,500 payment was tabled by the Board on April 19, 1984 in order that Mr. Zamor could attempt to obtain a conservation easement for the City over a part of the Prairie House Restaurant property. Attached is a copy of a letter to Mr. Zamor from Ted Korzenowski declining Mr. Zamor's request to provide the City with the requested conservation easement. Mr. Zamor will be in attendance at next week's meeting to answer questions concerning his request. Attachments 1. Letter to Larry Zamor from Ted Korzenowski, dated May 9, 1984. 2. Letter to Larry Zamor from Scott Martin, dated April 20, 1984. 3. Memorandum to BRA, dated April 17, 1984. 4. Letter to Scott Martin from Larry Zamor, dated March 26, 1984. 5. Approved Site Plan for Prairie House Restaurant. T. E. I {ORZENOWSKI 4315 Lai;eview Avenue TonU b2V, Mim. 55331 S % ey �7�CtiI�- r1 �L � — c�¢�te"" tip /f� u% ��Cru✓y, /�1� �0014usr l/t `may IZ41L� c o/ /<v T 1— Vv CITY Of CHANHASSEN ?17-0"'EA VFED MAY 111984 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEr ® CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT' AUTHORITY `.. As you know, on April 19,'1984, Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment" -: «,Authority considered.your.request for a $7,500 Development:Incentive.. Payment for construction of the Prairie House Restaurant on Lot 21 .­; ,'Block 1, Zamor Addition. 'The Board acted to table your request'until their meeting scheduled for May 17, 1984, in order that you might obtain a conservation ease- went running {a. in favor of the City of Chanhassen over a, part of Lot 2' Enclosed is a sketch showing the location and minimum dimensions of . the conservation easement to be provided to the City in exchange for requested payment w. .Should you'be unsuccessful in obtaining this easement from the owner f of Lot ;2, you should provide the Authority with the reasons therefore ' including a rejection letter from the owner of record. WWII y In'any case, this matter will be considered by the Board at their nex d 3meeting „ It 4 , If ,y % Pleas ontact me as soon as you have determined the-'position of the owner ofnLot 2 $ r'I �w v <' i ' ��r,,"" n& ISincerel T s y.' v 1tr r iW : G e I °w tt ..a.� A "xt .'Scott A. Martin i .,c,3,Executive Director 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 - (612) 937 -1900 �' i. � w/ � � • I f � w '20, 1984 s s ,April ' .... j •' iC ': . je S'. ry z M cti r Chan has sen inn Motel ;:;531 West 79th Street ' 'Y "^ Chanhassen,' MN 55317 ,Re : _Development Development Incentive Payment for Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Additi on Dear Larry. 79 � h. �. ZGf.tS .. ILI G, 7•10 'zo" Kati as •E ' c� h .N � l r i5 20o Do E 0 0 50 /00 SCALE / /NCH = 50 FEET BEAR /NGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED Cher SUdP 306 • Vdla,,,o N ir!h pr,.t.ti.,p CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ' ®t 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN• MINNESOTA 55317 1612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: April 17, 1984 SUBJ: Request for Development Incentive Payment: Lots 1 and 2, Zamor Addition - Lawrence Zamor, Developer . Mr. Lawrence Zamor, developer of the commercial property where the Holiday Service Station, Chanhassen Inn, and new Prairie House Restaurant (under construction) are located, has submitted the attached request for payment of a $7,500 "Development Incentive Payment" for construction of the aforementioned restaurant. This matter dates back to the period of August, 1978 - November, 1979 when plans were considered by the City and HRA for the Holiday Service Station and a previously proposed "Happy Chef" restaurant. In an effort to provide for a more suitable building setback and landscaped green space along Great Plains Blvd., the HRA negotiated a "Development Security Agreement" with Holiday Stationstores, Inc. and acquired a "perpetual conservation ease- ment" from Mr. Zamor. For these considerations, the HRA authorized a development incen- tive payment of $7,550 to Mr. Zamor on November 15, 1979. At this same time, the HRA allocated an additional $7,450 for a development incentive "if a substitute developer is found (for Lot 2) and approved by the Authority". Mr. Zamor's current request is for payment of the development incentive allocated in 1979 for Lot 2 for a suitable "family style" restaurant. The Prairie House restaurant under construction on Lot 2 is indeed a "family style" restaurant according to Mr. Zamor. However, since nearly 41 years have lapsed since the HRA allo- cated monies towards a development incentive for a restaurant on this site, the HRA must act upon Mr. Zamor's current request before any public funds can be paid to Mr. Zamor. Given the circumstances surrounding this matter, I have had the City Attorney review the file to determine whether or not the HRA has a legal obligation to make a secondary payment to Mr. Zamor at this time. A copy of his legal opinion, which states that no legal obligation exists, is attached for your reference. 44: �\ K Chanhassen HRA April 17, 1984 Page 2 Also, since the written record of the Board's proceedings during the consideration of this matter in 1978 -1979 does not necessarily provide the Board with the full story, I have invited Don Ashworth (who was the HRA Director during that period) to attend Thursday night's meeting to answer your questions and pro - vide his perspective into the deliberations of 4} years ago: I have attached copies of pertinent materials concerning this matter for your reference, and will have a copy of the project plans available for your review during the meeting. Chanhassen 6121934.7373 MOTEL 531 Vilest 79th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 March 26, 19$4 Mr. Scott Martin City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Scott: Through the efforts of Don Ashworth in the Fall of 1979, the members of the HRA, City Council and I entered into a purchase and buy -back agreement which created for the City a conservation easement providing the City with a larger green area along the east side of 101 to enhance the entrance to the City. At the conclusion of the buy -back agreement the City owed me $15,000. When the construction of the Holiday Stationstore was completed on Lot 1 the City deposited $7,500 into my account at the State Bank of Chanhassen. The remaining $79500 was to be deposited into my account when a family -style restaurant was developed on Lot 2, Block 1. As you know, a Prairie House Restaurant is nearing completion on this lot. I request at this time that the $7,500 be deposited into my account. Sincerely, Lawrence N. Zamor Owner I 1 � 1 j� JT t l -- - -fl Q �o ice} PQzft�E wsE ksmw eIT APP,wE-D <,-,TTe ?LM � 02, i 'TGL, CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing & Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director SIA-M4" DATE: May 11, 1984 RE: Status of Downtown Project Negotiations: JLH Associates. Since our last meeting, no negotiations have been held between JLH Associates and myself. During a telephone conversation with Jack Henning on May 10th, I was advised that no firm financing commitments have been obtained for their proposed project as yet, although they were continuing in their attempts to locate finan- cing. Mr. Henning also advised me of discussions they are having with a motel developer who has expressed interest in the Downtown Area. I will be meeting with JLH Associates on Monday, May 14th, to discuss further the current project status with them. The exclusivity and site control given to JLH Associates by the HRA on January 26, 1984, expires on May 25, 1984. Mr. Henning and Mr. Howard have been invited to next week's meeting to report on their efforts during the past month and to answer any questions you may have. CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 01 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director SA-mlk.' DATE: May 11, 1984 SUBJ: Proposed West 79th Street /Ringroad Railroad Crossing Attached for your information are copies of 'correspondence con- cerning our interest in a new railroad crossing to provide for the link -up of W. 79th Street and the proposed Downtown Ringroad. As you can see, the Milwaukee Road has given our request a great deal of thought and consideration. Unless otherwise directed, I will be pursuing this matter through proper channels during the next few months. Attachments 1. Letter to E.E. Howard, Milwaukee Road dated April 24, 1984. 2. Response from E.E. Howard dated April 30, 1984. April 24, 1984 C ITYcO F A.- All fK TTT 690 COULTER DRIVE * P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 Mr. E. E. Howard Division Engineer Milwaukee Road 433 West St. Paul Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53203 Re: Proposed Railroad Crossing in Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Mr. Howard: The City of Chanhassen is interested in improving traffic cir- culation in and adjacent to our Central Business District. Towards this end, the City has identified the need for a new at- grade crossing over Milwaukee Road right -of -way in the area depicted on the enclosed general location map. I have been advised by your St. Paul Field Engineer that our request for Milwaukee Road approval of a new crossing should be directed to your attention. The proposed railroad crossing will provide for a critical link between the Downtown Chanhassen Core Area and the highway busi- ness district which has developed over the last several years along West 79th Street. Our preliminary studies show that this new roadway will improve overall traffic circulation, reduce congestion at the West 79th Street /TH 101 intersection, and strengthen the City's retailing function within the two business districts which are bisected by the railroad property. As you can see on the enclosed location map, the proposed crossing is located approximately 1500 feet from the existing at- grade crossing on TH 101 (Great Plains Boulevard). We believe that the distance between crossings, proposed sight lines, and proposed grades and vehicle stacking distances on approach roads can be designed to conform to accepted traffic engineering safety standards. We would appreciate the opportunity to review our proposal in greater detail with you or your staff at your earliest Mr. E. E. Howard April 24, 1984 Page 2 convenience. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to arrange for an inspection of this area. Your cooperation is most appreciated. Sincerely, J'# A. � Scott A. Martin Community Development Director SAM:k Enclosure cc: Robert Kutcher, Milwaukee Road Field Engineer Ron Mattson, MnDOT Rail Section \ZZ� /� I co E 1}K �� __J t__ - - -'It i AKo A 1111% 1 " 7 i i fitutional RE D NjsuNG GFNEKAX LOCATION MRP pRSTrtJG CRoSSIN� ATTw 101 (SAT Biala} o ••moo •on am u:nn r C'CVJ TOWN E EVE�C MENT PROV>_L 1 w -�• -•- RE.•. .� „nom "� CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 41z4��4 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company 433 West St. Paul Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 Phone: 414/271-• ;20 April 30, 1984 File: Chanhassen, MN Mr. Scott A. Martin Community Development Direc�r�. City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 5531? Dear Mr. Martin: Refer to your letter of April 24, 1984 concerning your pro- posal for an additional at -grade crossing with the Milwaukee Road tracks between the STH 101 grade crossing and the STH 5 Overpass. After a review of your proposal, the Railroad is in opposi- tion to a grade crossing at this location. It is felt that if it is necessary to cross the railroad at this location, that consideration be given to a grade separa- tion in order to prevent future disruption of traffic. Yours truly, E. E. Howard Division Engineer TLB:mb cc: Ron Mattson - Minn. DOT Rail. Section CITY OF CHANHASSEN TE'9��� MAY 31984 ^G':1M,UNIIY DEVELOPMENT 0 E? CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 05 -21 -84 PAGE 1 CHECK # A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E 021445 125.00 PUBLICORP., INC.- TRAVEL + TRAINING 1 125.00 NECESSARY EXPENDITURES SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING f� 1 .J .l .J 9 .:1 J ,J J J J J J �.J CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C 0 U N T S P A Y A B L E 05-21-84 PAGE 2 CHECK # A M 0 U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P 0 S E 020007 326.36 BRWINC FEES, SERVICE 020008 335.00 GRINNELL FIRE PROTECTION REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND J 020009 23.20 HOLMES + GRAVEN FEES, SERVICE 020010 2.70 MERLIN'S HARDWARE HANK REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 020011 165.00 CENTRAIRE INC REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND d 5 852.26 CHECKS WRITTEN TOTAL OF 6 CHECKS TOTAL 977.26 J f I i (° MINNEAPOLIS • DENVER • BRECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE 3 "0033 DATE: March 31, 1984 JOB NO: 62 -8214 - RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement Period of March, 1984 Services: o Evaluation of 79th Street /Ringroad Linkage I o Preparation of Memorandum dated March 14, 1984 regarding 79th Street/ I� Ringroad Linkage. Classification Hours Associate 6.00 Salary Cost - $ 163.18 Fee - $ 163.18 x 2.0 = $ 326.36 RECEi ti cD APR 191984 CITY OF CHANHAS! SENNETT, RINGROSE, WOLSFELD, JARVIS. GARDNER, INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 • PHONE 1121319-1878 - - r— "••;'-'� r •i�W) GFPSORDERINVOICE NUMBER TYPE ZIPIOTECT110X SYSTEAS o 7 a anti 0H L r CiiMPANY INC. F OFD w SALESMAN - n UST. TYPE COST. P.O.NO. L^ %OO� WEEKENDING INVOICE DATE �� NVOICE TO: E „ _ _ °_ _ C JOCAT/SHIP TO NCOM,�ATE .4 'NOflK l�hllr+/✓/AS�Sif.v J0/�(/ 0 SCRIPT;ON t i I TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT ARE: (SEE BELOW FOR EXPLANATION OF TERMS) 1 -1. TIME AND MATERIAL - Z ❑ FIXEDPRICEOF$ '- -. 3. ❑ PRICENOT TO EXCEED$ I - i 4117 Fi b* Z. SC 1 777,77m A.) TERMS OF PAYMENT ARE NET' TEN (10) DAYS FROM DATE OF—IN- VOICE. VOICE. INVOICES MAY BE REND- ERED ON A PROGRESS BASIS FOR WORK COMPLETED THROUGH THE DATE OF INVOICING, AND t PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY SUCH PROGRESS BILLING IN FULL, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PAYMENT 1 - TERMS SPECIFIED ABOVE. I B.) THE PRICE FOR WORK TO BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS AGREE- ` °'� ���� `": 'C \(''\ s��\ � i ' MENT IS BASED UPON: -- THE pr � i) PREVAILING GRINNELL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS CO., INC. PRICES FOR AND RELATED TEMS MATERIAL, _.�' G� I AT THE TIME SUPPLIED UNDER THISAGREEMENT. ., _ ..F ...., I ' 2) A FIXED PRICE WHICH IS BASED _ ON THE SCOPE OF WORK OUT- k . ,,:• -. -.= O. �jQ?a) ! G LINED UNDER THE "WORK DE. _ .' =;, `, �g2 i ti,LO -�_. }B SCRIPTION" SECTION OF THIS AGREEMENT. - - 3) A PRICE "NOT TO EXCEED" WHICH IS BASED UPON THE SCOPE OF WORK OUTLINED UNDER THE "WORK DESCRIP- TION" SECTION OF THIS AGREE - MENT. THE PREVAILING GRIN - - NELL FIRE - ° 2 �01 1 •' i PROTECTION SYS- TEMS CO., INC. PRICES FOR MATERIAL, LABOR, AND RELAT- ED ITEMS IN EFFECT G, AT THE AUTMORI sto Rs NATURE: t 1 TIME SUPPLIED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL APPLY. LABOR AND OTHER ' 33So SUBTOTAL THE COST TO THE PURCHASER WILLBE THELESSEROF(a.)THE LIMIT PRICE QUOTED. OR (b.) T EOF SIGNIIJIG; -, ,;( - MATERIAL - i I SUB -TOTAL I THE ACTUAL CUMULATIVE BILL- -' ING BASED ON THE AFOREMEN- TIONEDP LOCALTAX I I JSTOMERTELEPHONE/N�O . �'_ / O� /� Q� %� t ^^ `n B�Bmo A REV AND REVERSE STATE TA% ' / ( i � 05976,2 pw DATE OF ORDER -q -a� TOTAI DUE HI TS INVOICE 335ao� F4530 ml PRINTED IN U.S.A. �,'. +t ^l�1.�f a• r•f Iy'.t�lAC,°)r \I \r�r``- I.. —.. 7402 Washington Ave. EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344 Phone 941.1044 Q City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 TERMS: QUANTITY Net Due Upon Receiving Invoice '- DESGRIP7 -ION 4037 For: Animal Fair Reset oil burner control Checked operation Total Due: RECci'v cD APR 191984 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORIGINAL CJG�n�OU y .chi ��. � -y. ^7+�+ -4 Fs• My. r f e _ N2 i_ - ,.T r CENTRAIRE, INC. ' 7402 Washington Ave. EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344 Phone 941.1044 Q City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 TERMS: QUANTITY Net Due Upon Receiving Invoice '- DESGRIP7 -ION 4037 For: Animal Fair Reset oil burner control Checked operation Total Due: RECci'v cD APR 191984 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORIGINAL CJG�n�OU y .chi ��. � -y. ^7+�+ -4 Fs• My. r f e _ N2 i_ - ,.T r __ I AMOUNT _. _,Zgj $ 40:150 ��jj � - I m J 04 4 ICJ