HRA 1986 04 17I AGENDA CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1986 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call To Order 2. Approval Of Minutes - March 20, 1986 3. Broadened Study Area Update - Fred Hoisington r4. CHADDA Update - Brad Johnson 5. Request for Assistance: a. Victory Envelope b. Rome Development Corporation 6. Downtown Feasibility Study Proposal I 7. Old Business 8. New Business 9. Approval of Bills 10. Adjournment 1 l_ l> 1 L L MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 20, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Present were Commissioners Horn, Bohn and Robbins. Absent: Commissioner Swenson. Also present were Don Ashworth, City Manager and Barbara Dacy, City Planner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Horn, seconded by Bohn to approve the minutes of the March 6, 1986 meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CHADDA UPDATE: Brad Johnson and Larry Smith presented the Downtown Redevelopment Concept as required by the Planning Agreement authorized by the HRA on October 17, 1985. The development concept proposes a shopping center on the north side of West 78th Street for retail uses and a grocery store. The Riveria building is proposed to be retained and connected to an automotive service center,. The south side of West 78th Street would contain expansion of the Dinner Theater complex containing specialty retail, necessary parking ramps and a hotel complex adjacent to the bowling center. Also, included in this area is a proposal for a community center and other affiliated activities (fitness center, etc.). Larry Smith presented the architectural elevations. The Queen Ann style is proposed on the south side of West 78th Street emu- lating an "arts and crafts" appearance. A clock tower is pro- posed at the hotel complex location. The architecture proposed on the north side has a more modern appearance. Johnson stated that the requirements for CHADDA, as stated in the Planning Agreement of October 17, 1985, had been met and that they would request the HRA to issue a resolution authorizing CHADDA and the Executive Director to act on behalf of the HRA in development negotiations. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Horn, to approve the resolution as presented by staff. All voted in favor and the motion carried. HALVERSON LEASE AGREEMENT: Ashworth reviewed the major points of the proposed lease agreement between the BRA and Halverson Building Supplies. Ashworth stated that the supply area is to be l leased at $2.00 a square foot, the boat and recreational vehicle storage area is to be charged as previously done, where the HRA receives one half of the gross receipts of the vehicles stored and the tenant will be responsible for 708 of the gas bill. Ashworth stated that the HRA would be responsible for 308 of the gas bill. " Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Bohn, to approve the lease agreement as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. L HRA Minutes March 20, 1986 Page 2 receives one half of the gross receipts of the vehicles stored and the tenant will be responsible for 70% of the gas bill. Ashworth stated that the HRA would be responsible for 30% of the gas bill. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Bohn, to approve the lease agreement as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. UPDATE ON HOUSING PROGRAMS: Dacy stated that the HRA should pass the proposed resolutions authorizing the Carver County HRA to act on behalf of Chanhassen in administrating the MHFA Housing programs. She stated that Scott Knudsen, the Executive Director for the Carver County HRA, indicated that three loans for energy and home improvements in Chanhassen have been issued through the MHFA programs. She stated that similar resolutions have been issued for the Section 8 Program done in December of 1983. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Robbins, to approve the resolu- tion as presented in Attachment #2. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Horn, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills of March 17, 1986. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Motion by Horn, seconded by Robbins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared by: Barbara Dacy, April 2, 1986 City Planner MEMORANDUM CITY OF 3, CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Barbara Dacy, City Planner DATE: April 4, 1986 SUBJ: Broadened Study Area - Staff will be meeting with the consultant on April 10, 1986 to review the results of the second computer run. The five items studied were: 1. The new north -south road connection to Highway 5; 2. An interchange at T.H. 212 and 101 (this includes leaving the interchange at Dell Road /T.H. 212). 3. T.H. 101 on approximately its present West 78th Street. alignment but witout a connection to T.H. 5 at Dakota. The existing full movement intersection at Dakota should remain. 4. A new T.H. 101 crossing of T.H. 5 at about the cement plant to the south frontage road (Lake Drive East). 5. The effects of each of these changes on existing intersections within the study area. BD:v k L. u. LIII III I U league of minnesota cities March 14, 1986 Mr. Don Ashworth City Manager P.O. Box 147 Chanha eri�:rth: 55137 Dear M In October we informed cities that the League of Minnesota Cities and the Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) had joined together to support tax increment financing. A program of analysis and representational activities is being undertaken. This step was taken in response to resolutions adopted by city officials who studied the possibilities of legislative action by the legislature in 1986 and beyond. You will recall that the League /NAHRO program is to be financed by a voluntary contribution from cities involved in tax increment finance. These contributions are to help defray the direct costs of employing Holmes and Graven to undertake the tax increment finance study and assist in lobbying the League /NAHRO position on tax increment finance. The results of this work are already evident in the proceedings with tax increment in this legislative session. Even though a less- than - desirable bill has advanced from the House Committee on Taxes, cities would have been in much more difficulty if we had not had the ability to marshal facts and figures in order to participate in the legislative process and be able to prevent much worse possibilities. This letter is sent to you to urge you to please contribute your voluntary assess- ment, which is $1,103.73. Several alternatives were considered before establishing the assessment formula. Cities which had tax increment districts in 1984 payable 1985 tax year are being asked to proportionally contribute to the cost of the program. The League urges your city to contribute your voluntary assessment to help defray the costs incurred to perform the tax increment finance study and lobbying effort which is helping to preserving tax increment as a viable development tool financing for the future. If you have any further S rtic','rely, �1 Donald A. Slater Executive Director questions please feel free to contact me. 1,1,M 1 °86 1 B3 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612)227-5600 C'Ty OF CHANHASSi_.1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF s CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Don Ashworth, Executive Director DATE: April 10, 1986 SUBJ: Requests for Assistance: a. Victory Envelope b. Roos Development Corporation Attached please find letters from Victory Envelope and Roman Roos requesting assistance on their developments within the business park. Following the groundbreaking for Victory Envelope, the Mayor, Chairman Whitehill and myself met with Jerry Carlson and his attorney (Jules Smith). Mr. Carlson generally repeated points brought out in his letter. Following that meeting, I met with Jules Smith to explore various alternatives which Mr. Carlson would desire to be reviewed. Most of the alternatives reviewed are simply either not legal or not practical. I will be meeting with Mr. Smith in the next ten day period to review an additional alternative. This alternative will be presented to the BRA at our next meeting. !I As potential decisions made regarding the Carlson request may affect the Roos request, I would ask that both of these items be tabled to our next regular meeting. No action on either of these items is required this evening with this memorandum (their let- ters) being presented solely as information to the BRA. ' '. FACTS* PARCEL 25-1900130 l. Doebeo nnoo land' - 2^6 acres, 113,256 Ft. Sq. He has not paid any taxes or uaaeoomeuta during his owner obiy^ Total due is $58,455^78 tbro March 31^ 1986 plus the 1986 taxes and uooeenmeota of $12,366.00^ Pending uoaeaomeotn from January l, 1907 on are $39,159.60. ' / 3^ The vonot7 will give notice of entry of judgement for delinquent taxes and uuneaaoaoLo approximately May of this year with the land going to the auction block approximately one year later, ^ � , 3^ The city has first option to the land in the judgement yrnceedlog/, ' 4^ Doebeo will forfeit the land. Be does not vmoot to recover the luo8^ 5, Purchase ' `e ' by a second party would mean a payment to the county for � $58,455^78 to clear the title for transfer plus the $12'366^00 in currents. Total vnot would be $70,821^78 or $^62 per square foot nbiob in $.20 above the going market place. / � 6^ Opus is selling land at $,42/Ft. Gg, which also fronts on 8inay #5 and the main entrance to the bnoiueoo park. ' !` } ' STATUS: PARCEL 25-1900130 0WNDll ~ Ouebur Correot`otutno tbru March 3I^ 1986 ~ DeIiogoeo1 Duvk Iuzeo and &eoeoomeoto doe Tvtal ��oa�z ' Taoeo &ooeao�eoto Penalty ------- �. � .� --'-_- y 1982 $ 8,107^35 $1,247,60 $ 4,307^55 $2,552,20 1983 10r643^02 l'923,58 ll,704^36 5'0l5^08 � ' 1984 16,897^06 ! 2'214^42 11^138,72 3,543^92 | 1985 14,808.35 2,162.00 l0 573 08 2,073.27 r $50^455^70. $7,547^60 $]7,72]^71 $13,104^47 Current Taxes az/8 &oaeaeoa�oto � ; Totul ' Tuxeu &aoeoo�eu1y Penalty -----_ -----_ y' 1086 $12,366^00 $2'358,54 $10,007^46 � �` ~O~ � Pending &Sarunmeoto due January l, 1987 $39,159^60 � � 'IL�� � MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Don Ashworth, Executive Director DATE: April 10, 1986 SUBJ: Downtown Feasibility Study Proposal At our last meeting the BRA authorized this office to seek propo- sals to carry out the various street, utility, etc. public improve- ments within the downtown area. Since that date, I have met with three different firms and anticipate presenting their specific proposals as a part of our next agenda. I 1� L L