CC Staff Report 01-27-2014CITY OF CHAhHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone. 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us p MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: January 27, 2014�%'� SUBJ: Hummingbird Heights, Metes and Bounds Subdivision Planning Case #2014 -02 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the two -lot metes and bounds subdivision of Hummingbird Heights subject to the conditions of the staff report, and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision." City Council approval requires a majority vote of City Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting metes and bounds subdivision approval to divide the Property into two lots. City council may approve a metes and bounds subdivision of a lot into two lots inside the urban services area if both resulting lots meet the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance and abut an existing public street, pursuant to section 18 -37 (b) of the Chanhassen City Code. PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a metes and bounds subdivision of a 1.667 -acre parcel into two (2) lots on property zoned Single - Family Residential (RSF) located at 6221 Hummingbird Road. The applicant is Homestead Partners, LLC and the property owner is Donald B. Rix. BACKGROUND In 1884, the Plat for "Murray Hill" was registered. April 17, 1978, the replat of Lots 17 and 18, Murray Hill was approved. January 8, 1979, Gallagher Addition was approved. July 21, 1986, Evelyn Lohr Addition was approved. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 2 SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots. The net density of the development is 1.14 units per acre. The easterly 56 percent of the property is located within a wooded bluff which extends down to Galpin Boulevard. STREETS The proposed subdivision is adjacent to Hummingbird Road, a 16 -foot wide public street within an 80 -foot wide right - of -way without curb and gutter. This street was constructed in 1971 and sealcoated in 1994 and 1999. In 2011 Hummingbird Road was surveyed and assigned a pavement condition index (PCI) of 76; a PCI of 100 represents a new road and a PCI of 0 represents a completely deteriorated street. Given the PCI of 76 staff did not recommend resurfacing Hummingbird Road with the 2013 street rehabilitation project. The current standard for new streets within Chanhassen is 31 feet wide with curb and gutter. The property frontage to Hummingbird Lane is 180 feet. Should council require the developer to improve this section of road the remaining 900 feet would remain a rural section. Also, there are limited opportunities for the installation of the required stormwater runoff management facilities. Summit Avenue extends from Hummingbird Road into Shorewood and connects with Murray Hill Road, as shown in the graphic below. WSW 5 REV D SSEX ¢a vEa cm I - - 111 6 -.-.. ^� - o ��RCNy 9 The current standard for new streets within Chanhassen is 31 feet wide with curb and gutter. The property frontage to Hummingbird Lane is 180 feet. Should council require the developer to improve this section of road the remaining 900 feet would remain a rural section. Also, there are limited opportunities for the installation of the required stormwater runoff management facilities. Summit Avenue extends from Hummingbird Road into Shorewood and connects with Murray Hill Road, as shown in the graphic below. Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 3 A summary of the existing and proposed condition is below: EXISTING PROPOSED Chanhassen Shorewood Total Chanhassen Shorewood Total # of lots 13 6 19 14 9 23 # of homes 12 4 16 14 9 23 Trips /day 115 38 153 134 86 220 (124 if there were (57 if there were (181 if there were homes on all lots) homes on all lots) homes on all lots) The proposed traffic on the streets will be under 2,000 vehicles per day, which is the upper threshold for traffic on a residential street. Considering the condition of the road, the developed nature of the surrounding area, the anticipated traffic volume and the lack of stormwater management facilities, staff does not recommend that the portion of Hummingbird Road be widened or urbanized with this development. UTILITIES There is one sewer and one water service within Hummingbird Road to provide service to Lot 1. The developer will be responsible for installing services for Lot 2. A $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the City determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for both parcels, a portion of which shall be collected with the subdivision: Water: 2 units x $1,886 /unit = $3,772 Sewer: 2 units x $664 /unit = $1,328 The remainder of the water and sewer hookup fees shall be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. The proposed lots within Shorewood will be serviced by the existing sanitary sewer within Summit Avenue. Watermain does not currently exist within Summit Avenue. The developer requested to extend watermain from the existing terminus within Hummingbird Road and provide service to the proposed four lots within the Shorewood subdivision. This section of watermain is currently a 1,100 -foot dead end; therefore, staff requested that the developer extend the watermain to Murray Hill Road to provide a looped system for the existing and proposed users to minimize service disruption in the event of a watermain repair and for water quality purposes. Due to the cost of the watermain installation the developer has indicated that he will pursue the installation of wells on the properties within Shorewood. Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 4 The developer proposes 10 -foot front and rear yard and 5 -foot side yard drainage and utility easements on each lot, as shown on the plans. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. GRADING & EROSION CONTROL The area decreases in elevation from west to east and south to north. The eastern 200 to 230 feet of the area meets the criteria for bluff. No additional runoff volumes or rates may be directed towards this bluff area without showing that it will not result in increases in erosion downstream. The current rain garden design proposes concentrated flows at discrete discharge points. This will not be allowed. There are known erosion issues along Galpin Avenue down gradient from the proposed development. Because these two lots are part of a larger common development, it will exceed the minimum threshold for a General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES - Construction Permit). The applicant will need to meet the requirements of this permit and provide evidence of this compliance. At a minimum, a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will need to be provided for staff review and comment before any site grading can take place. The erosion prevention and sediment control practices shall be installed prior to any earth - disturbing activities and the applicant or their contractor shall contact the City to inspect their installation. Silt fence should be located as far from the top of bluff as possible while still allowing for the proposed grading. Silt fence shall also be placed around any filtration/infiltration features prior to construction and it shall be indicated on the plan set that these areas are to be protected from all construction activity, including material stockpile, throughout the duration of the project. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT As noted in the preceding section, bluff conditions are located easterly on the lot and drainage and erosion problems exist along Galpin Avenue. Carver County and the City of Chanhassen have already committed a substantial amount of resources to address the resulting erosion and private property damage resulting from the flow hydraulic and hydrologic conditions along Galpin Avenue. The loss of canopy on the bluff area above Galpin Avenue will only exacerbate the problem. Every reasonable effort shall be made to preserve the tree canopy on this bluff and to assure that no increase in rates or volumes of runoff directed towards the bluff occurs. Under the new NPDES — Construction Permit, the new NPDES — Municipal Separate Storm Sewer permit and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District rules the applicant must meet the abstraction requirements of one (1) inch of runoff from all new impervious surfaces. The applicant is proposing to use raingardens but has not provided any specifics as to the design and specifications of these features. These missing specifications include, among other things, grading of the features, inlet and outlet methods, any necessary soils corrections, contributing watershed areas, treatment volume, infiltration rates, planting schedule, and an operations and maintenance program. In the absence of these it is not possible to determine if they are meeting Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 5 the requirements of either NPDES permit or the MCWD rules or if they are sized and located appropriately for the intended goal. In addition, without this information, the storm water management fee credit cannot be calculated. The applicant must provide this information. It may be that this information has been provided to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District as staff has communicated with the consulting engineer that the development would need to meet the district requirements. Even if this is the case, the information must still be made available to the City for review, comment and use. With all subdivisions, storm water utility connection fees are collected. These fees are based upon development type and area. Fees are divided into water quality and water quantity and are used to maintain storm sewer infrastructure and to construct water quality improvement projects. For Hummingbird Heights the stormwater utility fee due at final plat is $12,102.42. These fees were calculated by the following method: I able 1. Storm Water Connection Fees without Easement Bluff areas have always been used in calculations as the presence of a bluff does not preclude the removal of vegetation or the alteration of topography, but merely stipulates the conditions under which this may occur. However, the preservation of forested areas is a proven mitigation measure for urbanization as it provides significant abstraction. For this reason, the placement of protections over these areas is considered a stormwater best management practice by industry standards and is recognized and given credit by multiple agencies including Carver County, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and the Minimal Impact Design Standards which were developed by a diverse working group consisting of representatives of state and local agencies, development groups and consultant groups. For the reasons stated above, the applicant is proposing to place the bluff area in a preservation easement. This preservation easement shall restrict, for the duration of the easement, the removal of any non - invasive vegetation and shall not allow for grading except as is necessary to correct demonstrable erosive conditions provided a plan is developed by a licensed civil or soils engineer or a licensed geologist or soil scientist. By protecting these areas, the Storm Water connection fees would be reduced as shown in Table 2 below. Base per acre rate Area in acres Total WATER QUALITY 1 $2,990.00 1.667 $4,984.33 WATER QUANTITY $4,270.00 1.667 $7,118.09 SUBTOTAL SWMP FEES $12,102.42 I able 1. Storm Water Connection Fees without Easement Bluff areas have always been used in calculations as the presence of a bluff does not preclude the removal of vegetation or the alteration of topography, but merely stipulates the conditions under which this may occur. However, the preservation of forested areas is a proven mitigation measure for urbanization as it provides significant abstraction. For this reason, the placement of protections over these areas is considered a stormwater best management practice by industry standards and is recognized and given credit by multiple agencies including Carver County, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and the Minimal Impact Design Standards which were developed by a diverse working group consisting of representatives of state and local agencies, development groups and consultant groups. For the reasons stated above, the applicant is proposing to place the bluff area in a preservation easement. This preservation easement shall restrict, for the duration of the easement, the removal of any non - invasive vegetation and shall not allow for grading except as is necessary to correct demonstrable erosive conditions provided a plan is developed by a licensed civil or soils engineer or a licensed geologist or soil scientist. By protecting these areas, the Storm Water connection fees would be reduced as shown in Table 2 below. Table 2. Storm Water Connection Fees with Easement Base per acre rate Area in acres Total WATER QUALITY $2,990.00 0.735 $2,197.65 WATER QUANTITY $4,270.00 0.735 $3,138.45 SUBTOTAL SWMP FEES $5,336.10 Table 2. Storm Water Connection Fees with Easement Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 6 In the event that this easement is ever vacated, stormwater utility connection charges shall be collected for the area at the current rate at the time of the vacation. Further, appropriate stormwater management practices shall be designed and constructed. It is often possible that the preservation of open space in a natural condition significantly reduces, or even eliminates, the need for additional stormwater best management practices realizing significant reductions in development costs. The Minnesota Stormwater Manual lists average costs for the activities required to create a pond. Discounting the cost of site preparation, survey costs, storm sewer conveyance and site restoration, the typical pond costs approximately $21.50 /yard to construct and approximately $3,500 for an overflow structure. So a one acre -foot pond would cost over $38,000 to excavate and outlet. It is the policy of Chanhassen to provide a credit for Water Quality fees equal to 50% of the base rate time the area treated provided it, at a minimum, meets the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) recommendations. The modified plan set has moved the generic rain gardens to the backyard area. These rain gardens will only accept drainage from the back roofs of the houses and not from water typically associated with pollutant loading such as driveways, streets and maintained yards. Further, by moving them to the backyard and installing an underdrain, the design will create concentrated flows to the bluff and create a situation where rill and gully formation is likely to occur. The design of the rain gardens only included a generic detail from the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual. This detail calls for the use of between 20% and 30% native top soils. The stormwater management report contends that "Due to the clay soils filtration is the only feasible alternate to infiltration on the site." This is incongruous with the NRCS Soil Survey data which indicates these soils to be moderately well drained. Either the site has soils conducive to infiltration or the site has clay soils which are not conducive to infiltration. The design shall not allow for the use of in situ soil materials within the rain garden and the underdrain shall be fitted with a mechanism that may restrict flow to allow for increased infiltration unless a geotechnical report or infiltration testing using an infiltrometer has been performed confirming that the NRCS soil survey does not accurately reflect existing soils conditions. As no specific designs were provided for the treatment areas, and no water quality modeling was provided, it is not possible to determine what level of treatment has been provided. As such no credit has been applied as it is not possible to determine the actual area treated or the efficacy of the treatment design. Provided they comply with the stormwater requirements of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, avoid creating concentrated flow discharge points to the bluff area, and maximize the treatment potential of the rain gardens, a specific design of the features can be deferred. PARKS & OPEN SPACE The Hummingbird Heights subdivision request for two single lots is subject to a single condition of approval for parks and trails: the payment of park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat approval for the two lots. At today's rate, the payment of a total of $11,600 in park Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 7 dedication fees is required. These fees will be deposited in the City's park and trail dedication fund for utilization on future park and trail improvements. COMPLIANCE TABLE Setbacks: Front— 30 feet, Sides— 10 feet, Rear— 30 feet, Bluff— 30 feet from top of bluff. Hardcover: 25 percent RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions: Buildine: 1. Appropriate permit(s) required for the demolition or moving of any existing structures. 2. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits can be issued. 3. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 4. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. En 'neering: 1. A $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored following the installation of sewer and water services to Lot 2. The security can be released when the City determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 2. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for both parcels, a portion of which shall be collected with the subdivision: Water: 2 units x $1,886 /unit = $3,772 Sewer: 2 units x $664 /unit = $1,328 The remainder of the water and sewer hookup fees shall be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. Area (sq. ft.) Width ft. Depth (ft.) Notes Code 15,000 90 125 Parcel 1 35,591 90 395 Bluff in rear yard Parcel 2 37,018 90 408 Bluff in rear yard Total 72,609 1.67 acres Setbacks: Front— 30 feet, Sides— 10 feet, Rear— 30 feet, Bluff— 30 feet from top of bluff. Hardcover: 25 percent RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions: Buildine: 1. Appropriate permit(s) required for the demolition or moving of any existing structures. 2. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits can be issued. 3. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 4. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. En 'neering: 1. A $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored following the installation of sewer and water services to Lot 2. The security can be released when the City determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 2. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for both parcels, a portion of which shall be collected with the subdivision: Water: 2 units x $1,886 /unit = $3,772 Sewer: 2 units x $664 /unit = $1,328 The remainder of the water and sewer hookup fees shall be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 8 3. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 4. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Preservation Easement' document. This easement shall restrict the removal of vegetation to allow for only the removal of invasive vegetation or noxious weeds and only after the removal has been reviewed and approved by the City. The document shall also forbid any topographic alterations or placement of fill materials except as is necessary to correct demonstrable erosive conditions provided a plan is developed by a licensed civil or soils engineer or a licensed geologist or soil scientist. In the event this easement is vacated, Storm Water Management Fees, as listed in Section 4 -30 (c) 3 of the City Code, shall be due for the vacated area at that time. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 5. Storm Water Utility connection fees totaling $5,336.10 shall be collected with the subdivision. 6. A plan showing the design of the rain garden features along with details and specifications shall be provided for review and approval. 7. The proposed location of the rain gardens shall be moved such that it treats water from the driveway and/or road area and so that there is not a concentrated flow condition to the bluff area. 8. The applicant must provide a letter from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District stating that the development is in compliance with their stormwater management and erosion control rules. 9. An operations and maintenance manual describing the schedule for anticipated inspections and maintenance of the rain garden areas and indicating who is responsible for the long -term care and maintenance of the features unless included with MCWD submittal and approval. 10. A $5,000 security must be provided to ensure that the rain garden features are constructed on lots 1 and 2. The security can be released when the City confirms that they have been constructed per design and have adequately performed through one full growing season. 11. A Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) meeting the requirements of the NPDES construction permit shall be provided for review and comment. 12. The applicant shall provide proof that the NPDES permit has been applied for and received from the MPCA. This can be in the form of the permit number. 13. All erosion prevention and sediment control shall be installed prior to any earth- disturbing activities. The city shall be contacted to inspect that this condition has been met. 14. All applicable details shall be included in the plan set and shall be specific to the proposed improvements. Todd Gerhardt Hummingbird Heights — Planning Case 2014 -02 January 27, 2014 Page 9 15. The detail for the bioretention facility shall be modified such that it does not include in situ soils materials. 16. The underdrain shall be fitted with a mechanism to restrict flow to the outlet. A geotechnical report or percolation testing report indicating that the area is not conducive to infiltration as described in the MN Online Stormwater Manual can be submitted in lieu of this. 17. Silt fence or other perimeter controls shall be installed to protect the rain garden areas from all construction- related activities and shall be placed as far from the top of bluff as is reasonable to allow adequate room for construction equipment yet protecting the bluff. 18. The plans should call out for all infiltration/filtration areas that they are to be protected from all construction related activities throughout the duration of the project. Park and Recreation: 1. The developer shall pay park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat approval for the two lots prior to recording the property deeds. Plannin>?: 1. Deeds for the two parcels shall be submitted to the city for review and approval and then recorded at Carver County. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced Copy Metes and Bounds Subdivision Cover Sheet. 4. Reduced Copy Existing Conditions Plan. 5. Reduced Copy Preliminary Plat Metes and Bounds Subdivision. 6. Reduced Copy Preliminary Utility and Grading Plan. 7. Reduced Copy Preliminary Tree Preservation Plan. 8. Letter from Thomas J. Radio to City of Shorewood. 9. Reduced Copy of Replat of Lots 17 and 18, Murray Hill. 10. Reduced Copy of Gallagher Addition. 11. Reduced Copy of Evelyn Lohr Addition. 12. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. g: \plan\2014 planning cases\2014 -02 hummingbird heights metes & bounds\staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of Homestead Partners, LLC and Donald B. Rix for Subdivision approval. On January 27, 2014 the Chanhassen City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Homestead Partners, LLC and Donald B. Rix for a metes and bounds subdivision approval to create two lots. The City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The City Council heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single - Family Residential District, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 6, "Murray Hill" and that tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 116, Range 23, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 3; thence East 12 rods and 19 links; thence South 9 -1/2 degrees East to the point of intersection with the South line of Lot 6, "Murray Hill" if extended; thence West to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, "Murray Hill"; thence North along the East line of Lot 6 to the point of beginning. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this subdivision ordinance; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. 5. The planning report #2014 -02 dated January 27, 2014, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 27`h day of January, 2014. CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL Im Mayor COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227 -1300 / Fax: (952) 227 -1110 i-a-i- CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 Date Filed: 1x-30 '13 60-Day Review Deadline:a-a':g -i`t Planner: 8C7 Case #:44,4 ^oa ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FEES: ❑✓ Notification Sign .................... ............................... $200 (City to install and remove) Property Owners' List within 500' ........ $3 per address (City to generate - fee determined at pre - application meeting) Escrow for Recording Documents.. $50 per docu ent vi (CUP /SPRA/ACNAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds Subdision } Project Name: Hummingbird Heights Property Address or Location: 6221 Hummingbird Rd Parcel #: 255450020 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 1.710 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: RSF - Single Family Present Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential Existing Use of Property: vacant lot ❑ ❑ All Others .......................... ............................... $425 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600 21 Subdivision Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on -site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less ......... ............................... $300 Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 Zoning Appeal ....................... ............................... ❑ Create over 3 lots .......................$600 + $15 per lot ❑ Conditional Use Permit Plan Review .................... ............................... ❑✓ Metes & Bounds .........................$300 + $50 per lot ❑ Single - Family Residence ..... ........................... $325 ❑ Consolidate Lots................... ........................... $150 ❑ ❑ All Others .......................... ............................... $425 ❑ Lot Line Adjustment.......... ............................... $150 *Include number of existing employees: ❑ Final Plat * ............................. ...........................$250 ❑ Interim Use Permit ❑ *Requires additional WO escrow for attorney costs. $500 ❑ In conjunction with Single- Family Residence.. $325 Plus $5 per dwelling unit Escrow will be required for other development contract. applications through the ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FEES: ❑✓ Notification Sign .................... ............................... $200 (City to install and remove) Property Owners' List within 500' ........ $3 per address (City to generate - fee determined at pre - application meeting) Escrow for Recording Documents.. $50 per docu ent vi (CUP /SPRA/ACNAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds Subdision } Project Name: Hummingbird Heights Property Address or Location: 6221 Hummingbird Rd Parcel #: 255450020 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 1.710 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: RSF - Single Family Present Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential Existing Use of Property: vacant lot ❑ ❑ All Others .......................... ............................... $425 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ Grading ? 1,000 cubic yards ........................... UBC ❑ Rezoning Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 Zoning Appeal ....................... ............................... ❑ All Others .......................... ............................... $500 ❑ Sign Plan Review .................... ............................... $150 ❑ Site Plan Review information that must accompany this application) ❑ Administrative ....................... ...........................$100 ❑ Commercial /Industrial Districts * ......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area *Include number of existing employees: and number of new employees: ❑ Residential Districts .......... ............................... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FEES: ❑✓ Notification Sign .................... ............................... $200 (City to install and remove) Property Owners' List within 500' ........ $3 per address (City to generate - fee determined at pre - application meeting) Escrow for Recording Documents.. $50 per docu ent vi (CUP /SPRA/ACNAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds Subdision } Project Name: Hummingbird Heights Property Address or Location: 6221 Hummingbird Rd Parcel #: 255450020 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 1.710 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: RSF - Single Family Present Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential Existing Use of Property: vacant lot ❑ Vacation of Easements / Right -of- way ................... $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ Variance ................................ ............................... $200 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Single - Family Residence ............................... $150 ❑ All Others ........................ ............................... $275 ❑ Zoning Appeal ....................... ............................... $100 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment ............................ $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) TOTAL FEES: $ 1 "D loo- Received from: Date Received: Check Number: ❑ Yes ® No Requested Zoning: same Requested Land Use Designation: same Description of Proposal: parcel split into two single family homes ❑ Check box if separate narrative is attached SCANNED Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Homestead Partners, LLC Contact: Tom Strohm Address: 525 15th Ave S Phone: (952) 294 -2113 City /State /Zip: Hopkins, MN 55343 Cell: Email: toms @homestead- partners.com Fax: Signature: yr — Date: 12130/13 v PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City /State /Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Terra Engineering Contact: Peter Knaeble Address: 6001 Glenwood Ave Phone: (763) 593 -9325 City /State /Zip: Minneapolis, MN 55422 Cell: Email: peterknaeble @gmail.com Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: ❑ Property Owner Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: Applicant Via: ❑] Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑ Engineer Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City /State /Zip: ❑ Other* Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: SCANIN': MKI '.IIItRl % December 27. 2013 Don Rix 505 Del Rio Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Letter of Authorization To whom it may concern: I, the undersigned, hereby authorize Homestead Partners to act on my behalf in all matters relating to the application for subdivision and /or platting permits for the property at 6221 Hummingbird Road, Chanhassen, MN; including signing of all documents relating to these matters. Any and all acts carried out by Homestead Partners on my behalf shall have the same effect as acts of my own. This authorization is valid until May 31, 2014. Sincerely, Don Rix 52515 th Ave South, Hopkins, MN 1 952- 949 -3630 SCANNED METES & BOUNDS SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR: HUMMINGBIRD HEIGHTS CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA PREPARED FOR: HOMESTEAD PARTNERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, "Murray Hill" and that tract of land in the Norttmest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3. Township 116, Range 23, described as follows'. BeginniN at the Northwest comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Sea=n 3; thence East 12 rods and 19 links; thence South S�112 degrees East to the point of intersection with the South line of Lot 6, "Murray Hill', ff extended; thence West to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, "Murray Hilt"; thence North along East line of Lot 6 to the point beginnkt. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No 33687.0, Milim MEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION 1. COVER SHEET / SHEET INDEX 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 3. PRELIM. PLAT /METES & BOUNDS SUBDIVISION 4. PRELIM. UTILITY AND GRADING PLAN 5. PRELIM. TREE PRESERVATION PLAN N � a N iO m o � a' o 3 _ m Um n m g z > vac CIVIL ENGYNEO2&Mn PLANNER ipar'vo cx4•. Z TERRA ENGINEERING INC. 6001 OD AVE. HOMESTEAD PARTNERS (� Z GOLDEN N VALLEY, MN 55422 525 15TH SO. LJ = 763 - 593 -9325 HOPKINS, MN 55343 PETER KNAEBLE, P.E. 952- 949 -3630 F peterknaeble09mail.com STEVE BONA stephen.bona0gmail.com W 9C W W Q' W :..�fnha SLAWEVOR Ow Savor - WETLAND CaNSULTANT Z = Gurcnb SCaoo1 #209 KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO. d' F g Z EDINA, MN 55439 26105 WILD ROSE LANE SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 W W 2 Q DAVID CROOK, RLS LK1110ool.com MARK KJOLHAUG, PWS #00084 0 = _ �c v' V (n = 0 m.r 12/16/13 SITE nm.cn . ` r SITE ADDRESS: 6221 HUMMINGBIRD Y nu. Sw _ (PIN - N!ix!F1.p i:iv�i r SITE AREA: 1.71 ACRES (74,490 SF) 1 S IV 55N $t T C .r.i Muuanr .. HKrra4 . Milim MEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION 1. COVER SHEET / SHEET INDEX 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 3. PRELIM. PLAT /METES & BOUNDS SUBDIVISION 4. PRELIM. UTILITY AND GRADING PLAN 5. PRELIM. TREE PRESERVATION PLAN N � a N iO m o � a' o 3 _ m Um n m g z > vac CIVIL ENGYNEO2&Mn PLANNER APPLICANT Z TERRA ENGINEERING INC. 6001 OD AVE. HOMESTEAD PARTNERS (� Z GOLDEN N VALLEY, MN 55422 525 15TH SO. LJ = 763 - 593 -9325 HOPKINS, MN 55343 PETER KNAEBLE, P.E. 952- 949 -3630 F peterknaeble09mail.com STEVE BONA stephen.bona0gmail.com W 9C W W Q' W SLAWEVOR to ? WETLAND CaNSULTANT Z = DEMARS — GABRIEL SURVEYORS 6875 WASHINGTON AVE. SO., #209 KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO. d' F g Z EDINA, MN 55439 26105 WILD ROSE LANE SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 W W 2 Q DAVID CROOK, RLS LK1110ool.com MARK KJOLHAUG, PWS #00084 0 = _ mcrk0kjolhaugenv.com V (n = 0 m.r 12/16/13 nm.cn . 13 -125 SITE ADDRESS: 6221 HUMMINGBIRD RD., CHANHASSEN, MN (PIN 255450020) SITE AREA: 1.71 ACRES (74,490 SF) 1 SUMMIT ¢ i HUMMINGBIRD 6260 150 Fl RIM col 0 rn 0 N N HOUSE ROW Qt' r pl e'�'ln5 1, \ \ 1 \ ` 1 I I< < I 7 m d 66' RIM V a � x Z bj r d #6140 NO WETLANDS ON SITE PER KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO. (10- 2013). 6160 MURRAY CT. / REAGAN 3411723430029 WETLAND :POND 6180 MURRAY CT. BATESON 3411723430030 H T E H D \ T H T. SHOT o \ a °o f . N n m u N o � m v z mMV ww ocnrca vlz k€ 6261 GALPIN BLVD. f— H O'CONNER f 250031500 1❑ LEW ❑ 0 a PP MH 43 4 O 1064.9 RIM SHOT E 1) 1050AN 1051.65 15.8' AS EN VE CO.) BB,. q 00 HUMMINGBIRD OC ZUPNIK m 255450030 A HUMMINGBIRD 6260 150 Fl RIM col 0 rn 0 N N HOUSE ROW Qt' r pl e'�'ln5 1, \ \ 1 \ ` 1 I I< < I 7 m d 66' RIM V a � x Z bj r d #6140 NO WETLANDS ON SITE PER KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO. (10- 2013). 6160 MURRAY CT. / REAGAN 3411723430029 WETLAND :POND 6180 MURRAY CT. BATESON 3411723430030 H T E H D \ T H T. SHOT o \ a °o f . N n m u N o � m v z mMV ww ocnrca vlz k€ 6261 GALPIN BLVD. O'CONNER Z 250031500 a 12 N Z = F wm S Z OZW W E U m y c> z a s Z mi 30 0 30 60 Q 2 SCALE IN FEFf W = U ����Nyy��, lEgEbEL B -5 DENOTES SOIL BORING uIt — - — — — — — DENOTES SILT FENCE /GRADING UNIT 12/16/13 - -- - IDU— — DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS 1056— DENOTES P�SEO CONTOURS aw.ccT —»�»— DENOTES STORM SEWER —�>— DENOTES SANITARY SEWER 1 3 -1 25 �' —W— OENDTES WATERMAIN I x 1056.23 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION, X 1055.0 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION E' ♦10 p DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERROW EIEVATION SCANNED CHANHASSEN ZONED RSF-SINGLF FAN. .� 0. I 15,000 SF LOT MIN. o `S Qv 90' MIN, FRONTAGE AT ROW I I 125' MIN. LOT DEPTH (135' ON DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOTS) Q30' FRONT SETBACK o �' Mx 43 -IS (V 30' REAR SETBACK m m 1053b/10484 CJ 30' SIDE SETBACK LL MAX. HEIGHT 35' o MAX. IMPERVIOUS IS 25% PER LOT �' \\ STREET l7 _10 DRIVEWAYS- MAX. 10% 6 MIN. 0.5% e m MING 30' STRUCTURE /IMPERV. SETBACK FROM 'TOP OF BLUFF' ° a z NO GRADING /TREE REMOVAL W/I 20' 'BLUFF IMPACT ZONE' m 9 PHG 5 \ - QJ r 'BLUFF IMPACT ZONE' IS 20' FROM 'TOP OF BLUFF' PJ� to r�1 _ 20' o P m s p EX. SER I 2 l�E !` n L �9 6160 MURRA'. R V REAGAN 3 41172 3 4 30 0E j m "Z— z WETL. #23115 SUMMIT AVE. a,l 0 Q Im LEE z� I 3 411723430015 Li IN � > 31 N F_ i H � ; f 6180 MURRAY CT. 4 I 4 BATESON awm vn� N 80 R \� 3411723430030 S H❑ R E W ❑❑ D AMYN RAL acvan v e (� \l PPO 1'I I I I I (HENN, C ❑a/ 164.9 RIM SHOT 1 TAPER 1050. 1051.65 I I E M s.s- 225.34 1 164.00 RIM 9 010 SHOT g HASSEN ! r- - -= -- +� -- - - -- sae (� \\ t6 EX. GV .� ___x 1 5 DO EASE — — z EX. HYD (CARVER C❑ g 1 1 11 X TNH 972.00 SHOT ' l a0' RO °I cr I I rn D [T o e�ve a 6200 HUMMINGBIRD � Ex. stV R. I � \ \\ \ ', �a I o D ZUPNIK \\ \ \ \a $ 35,591 SF 255450030 0` £ \ \NO \& 14,500 SF W/O BLUFF.m I N £ er$• -g� a .. °fa601 i $ l7 y L .. 10'. S-SR. CTYP. GHANJ.. �an \� C0 I ? [7 0 H -- - _�-c� 10' DgU EASE. ' F z a �� _ 6261 GALPIN BLVD. m N 7 a: a I \ \� �\ 72,609 SF 0 01 a 0031500 S w \ \ 1.667 AC. m 150 o I ] I \ • \ \ I 52IN//io5S.1 °o• a \ \ \ N : _ o \ \ \ 17,500 SF W/O BLUFF 6240 HUMMINGBIRD I \\ \\ \ I Im " Q a w HASSE I 1 1 N 6' ROV -1 Z = 252680010 16 _ _ _ `\ 1 1 I I W E >- m K W EX. HYD GV _ L - — — — — — — — — — — 5' D 6 U EASE. 1 _ 4- — — — — — — — — — _1 mfn I 413.69 - -- <0b ZV) II = 6231 HUMMINGBIRD ( $ g LIEDTKE \ (\ 30 0 30 60 Ld Q Ld 252850010 \1 \\ \ SCALE IN FEET n LEGEbOL H lib B -5 DENOTES SOIL BORING Harz - - - - - -- DENOTES SILT FENCE /GRADING LIMIT 12/16/13 -- - H56 -- -- DENOTES ExSTING CONTOURS —1058— DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS �>' �»� DENOTES STORM SEWER 6260 HUMMIN BIRD - ---->— DENOTES SANITARY SEWER FRANZEN ­S'—ii� DENOTES WATEIIMAIN 13 -125 252680020 x,055.23 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION X 1056.0 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT SUNADON EW40IM0.0 DENOTES EMERGENCY OVET6LOW ELEVATION o. II a �c� v NO WETLANDS ON SITE PER n „� KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL 103 16 b /10 o�U r SERVICES CO. (10- 2013). a N P a � m p�G z e \ _ r WE O I E e IX SER I d AN OWEL 6160 1 66' R REAGA 34117E P if i 0 z #23115 SUMMIT AVE. LEE zl OP P IT (V 411723430015 Li Q j fV V i � f j i 6180 1 1 BATES ., H❑ EW❑❑ %i R \� 34117E PP I t'1 MH 43 4 01 I I I HE ) 1064.9 051 S 5 -1 TAPER ' t95aoN to51.GS 22 5.34 1 1 RIM 0.0 H T ts.Ir 1 AS EN j X. m ` / CO.) 1 D (C �/ E C ) 80' RO �y / ARL1D690 e1 I 1 X X Z H` r ❑ Ca v O �9 00 HUMMINGBIRD ZUPNIK '- 255450030 a7 C L f n u 'P' FULL MT. R' \ \"q \ 25 a GAR 10 F 523N /IOSS J I \ \ \ N ® _ Of mz 62 HUMMINGBIRD H SE 2680010 lia 4QU — xrn _ _ � \ 1' W E z mLa 0 6° F z _ 231 HUMM NGBIRD ( \ ( $ Z IEDTKE w 60 re 252850010 \ \1 \� \\ sc vF D IN riicT � J d i.EZIAL S B5 io - — - -- DENOTES SILT FENCE /ORAMND LIMIT m� �C 134 DDN0TE5 E%ISTNC CONTOURS �� /16 /IJ 1056— DENOTES PROPOSM CONTOURS DF]VOTES STORM sl Y g 6260 H DENOTES SANITARY SEWN 1 J -125 FRANZ —8'� DENOTES wAMWMN 25268 020 x1056.23 DENOTES MSnNG SPOT R An04 X 1056.0 DENOTES M10POSM SPOT ELEVAnON .1 EDF41111106A0 DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERROW EEVANON 4 1CANNC-r) HASSEN VER CO.) 6200 HUMMINGBIRD ZUPNIK 255450030 6240 HUMMINGBIRD HASSE 252680010 6260 HUMMIN BIRD FRANZEN 252680020 80' R A Lo Lo z Z f X x ib' I CIAe i O / CEDAR ROW p� v v O� v I p�P � a O O p , � ° 0 p o op pZ G o ° I o� - —O - 0 00 g_ e O 'o Jl o o o ° Q185 TREES oe O p IN Isp ° m 2 8 °° Y ° e ° O oe O ° O O z �J pTN m O 0 00 a pe"O _ < �� 'o z e F ° O I N O r O O O ° 'Q J Qw O O ue °� 0,4 O - - 00��_- 6 - O - °NJ I O ° ° O O� 4 p ° 02P O p p o O I °;'' O O ° �JO O °P O � a %6b 89.34 pI I P \ \ ti 14 \ °�\ 1�° \ eJ\ \ O J I z o \ O: \ �I 1=LWCi h`,Z 6231 HUMMINGBIRD LIEDTKE 252850010 O ° O 8 O O O O O O Sm O I �P P� 72,609 SF �1 1.667 AC. 2 1 413.69 NO WETLANDS ON SITE PER KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO. (10- 2013). - TREE CALCULATIONS (ALT.) - - - - - - - DENOTES SILT FENCE /GRADING OMIT - -- - - - +:: ( -- -- 12p'OS TOTAL SITE AREA 1.67 END STREET fi' \VWIDENINO DENOTES STORM SEWER ma BLVD. AREA 0.14 AC. x1056.23 OENOIES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION NON -BLUFF AREA 0.87 19' a r O r 1 ° 0) NON -BLUFF TREE CANOPY AREA w go I O #23115 SUMMIT AVE. LEE (75X) vri �,I L0 z 411723430015 LJ a N Q 3 H- H f I AC. (46X) I H SREW❑ ❑D 0.36 B° R u (41X) �SDDnTAPER (HENN, CO,) HASSEN VER CO.) 6200 HUMMINGBIRD ZUPNIK 255450030 6240 HUMMINGBIRD HASSE 252680010 6260 HUMMIN BIRD FRANZEN 252680020 80' R A Lo Lo z Z f X x ib' I CIAe i O / CEDAR ROW p� v v O� v I p�P � a O O p , � ° 0 p o op pZ G o ° I o� - —O - 0 00 g_ e O 'o Jl o o o ° Q185 TREES oe O p IN Isp ° m 2 8 °° Y ° e ° O oe O ° O O z �J pTN m O 0 00 a pe"O _ < �� 'o z e F ° O I N O r O O O ° 'Q J Qw O O ue °� 0,4 O - - 00��_- 6 - O - °NJ I O ° ° O O� 4 p ° 02P O p p o O I °;'' O O ° �JO O °P O � a %6b 89.34 pI I P \ \ ti 14 \ °�\ 1�° \ eJ\ \ O J I z o \ O: \ �I 1=LWCi h`,Z 6231 HUMMINGBIRD LIEDTKE 252850010 O ° O 8 O O O O O O Sm O I �P P� 72,609 SF �1 1.667 AC. 2 1 413.69 NO WETLANDS ON SITE PER KJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO. (10- 2013). - TREE CALCULATIONS (ALT.) - - - - - - - DENOTES SILT FENCE /GRADING OMIT - -- - - - +:: ( -- -- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS TOTAL SITE AREA 1.67 AC. DENOTES STORM SEWER D BLVD. AREA 0.14 AC. x1056.23 OENOIES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION NON -BLUFF AREA 0.87 AC. (INCL. BLVD. AREA) NON -BLUFF TREE CANOPY AREA 0.65 AC. (75X) 17 (INCL BLVD. AREA) ( ='BASE LINE CANOPY COVERAGE) MIN. CANOPY COVERAGE REOD. 0.40 AC. (46X) PROP. CANOPY COVERAGE 0.36 AC. (41X) (TO GRADING LIMIT SHOWN) ADDITIONAL TREE CANOPY REOD. 0.04 AC. (1742 SF) AT 1089 SF CANOPY /TREE = 2 ADD. TREES REDD. EACH LOT SHALL HAVE A MIN. OF ONE 2.5' DECIDUOUS TREE OR ONE 8' HIGH CONIFER TREE IN THE FRONT YARD (BY BUILDER). VERIFY SIZE, SPECIES AND LOCATON WITH CITY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. - ° v r A Z � tTJ N F d CO 0 I A o C N r J 6'R\4 w E 4 30 0 3D 60 ISCALE IN FEET LEGIMML Q B-55 DENOTES SQL BORING - - - - - - - DENOTES SILT FENCE /GRADING OMIT - -- - - - +:: ( -- -- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS —10 %— DENOTES PROPOSED GDNTOURS — >) ---»- DENOTES STORM SEWER DENOTES SANITARY SEWER V DENOTES WATERMAIN x1056.23 OENOIES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION X 1056.0 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EW4910WO DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERI'LOW ELEVATION 0 < ti � a _ � r � - N � = Q n m g ti € vu 3a VA O Z LLJ w =m W � fY W LLJ C.5 a m vI w Z2 iQ � 2U J a 1"12/16/131 iNMY61 5 BEST & FLANAGAN LLP 225 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 TEL 612.339.7121 FAX 612.339.5697 BESTLAW.COM BEST & FLANAGAN January 13, 2014 Via email: cityhall(a_)ci.shorewood.mn.us Mayor and Councilmembers City of Shorewood 5755 Country Club Road Shorewood, MN 55331 Re: Summit Woods P.U.D. Concept Plan Application Dear Mayor and Councilmembers This firm has been retained by a group of Murray Hill neighbors to advise them on the legal and technical issues created by the application for the concept plan for Summit Woods P.U.D. The neighbors and other affected citizens are concerned that the decision to proceed has been made in haste and the motion should be reconsidered by the Council at its meeting on January 13, 2014. By way of background, I have practiced in the areas of municipal and land use law for over 30 years. During that time, 1 have represented private owners seeking land use approvals, as well as serving as the city attorney for the cities of Minnetrista (1 S years), Orono (2 years), and Afton (7 years). Since I have only recently been retained and have not attended any of the meetings concerning this application, I reserve the right to supplement these comments after a more complete review of the city file and applicable zoning codes. However, based upon my review of the file so far, the following issues need to be more fully addressed and resolved. SUMMIT AVENUE SAFETY From the outset, I believe there are concerns about the impact on Summit Avenue from the proposed development. Persuasive evidence has been produced showing that the current conditions can present significant safety concerns. Adding four homes will only exacerbate that situation to an unacceptable level of danger and threat to public safety. Something will have to be done to address this situation. Yet, the applicant has dismissed the impact of its development on this important issue. This indifference strongly suggests that the developer is not willing to correct this situation. Because the city will need to require the improvement of this road due to this development, the developer must be required to pay for those costs. An agreement with the developer on this point should be reached before it and the City invest any more time or money on these planning efforts. Delaying this conversation until after approval of the P.U.D. concept plan could give the developer an argument that such a condition is not warranted or legally required. Why give the developer that negotiating leverage? SUMMIT AVENUE /HUMMINGBIRD ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS Another critical issue to be resolved prior to approval of the concept plan is the responsibility for maintenance of Summit Avenue and Hummingbird Road. The use of both roads by construction - related traffic will significantly degrade both roads. The additional traffic from the residences will also have an impact. It appears that Hummingbird Road is currently at its maximum capacity and this additional traffic will significantly burden the road, increasing both maintenance and replacement costs and danger to the public. Without an agreement in place, that cost will fall upon the cities of Shorewood and Chanhassen, which each have vastly different assessment policies. Once the developer has sold off the lots, the developer will have no on -going responsibility for maintenance. Once again, why not have that discussion now to clearly identify the developer's willingness to incur this responsibility that is being directly caused by its development? Once the concept P.U.D. is approved and the developer begins investing in preliminary plat planning, that becomes a more difficult conversation. The city should have that difficult conversation now rather than later. P.U.D CONCEPT STATE DEVELOPMENT The two road issues just discussed are examples of the type of more specific and pointed discussions that should take place before the P.U.D. concept plan is approved. There are certainly other issues concerning storm water run -off, steep slope management, and tree loss that need to have a deeper exploration. My experience is that the sooner those difficult discussions occur and the more candid they are about the eventual intentions of both the city and the developer, the clearer the understanding and the less the likelihood of an uncomfortable dispute later on. If the city does not clearly articulate its expectations as to design and cost responsibilities early on in the process, the developer inevitability will argue that it has spent thousands of dollars in design based upon its understanding of the city goals and objectives. Then, either the city compromises on its standards or the developer sues the city. However, if these conversations are held early on, both parties can act accordingly, before substantial sums are invested in a futile effort. The developer has threatened the city that if the P.U.D. concept plan is denied, it will simply proceed with a standard subdivision with more lots and a great loss of trees. Whether the developer would or could do such a plan can only be known after such an application has been submitted and properly studied. The city should not allow such tactics to be used to intimidate it into making a rushed and unwise decision. This comment does reflect, however, the attitude of the developer that could appear in subsequent negotiations: either my way or an even less attractive alternative. NEED TO LOOK AT THE BROADER IMPACT The north lot of the Rix property that was originally part of the P.U. D. application and the possible two lots in Chanhassen on the adjoining land should also be included in an analysis of the application. These lots will certainly be developed and their impact needs to be addressed. Your subdivision and zoning codes certainly allow and may even require such an analysis. The developer should not control the review process by picking and choosing arbitrarily what is in the plan. CONSULTATION WITH CHANHASSEN AND ITS CITIZENS Because of its location on the city's border with Chanhassen, and the potential development of lots in Chanhassen on adjoining property, this development will certainly impact property and neighbors in Chanhassen. The impact on Hummingbird Road will directly impact a street maintained by Chanhassen. It is unclear from my limited review of the record what communication has been had with Chanhassen planning or public works on this issue. In the spirit of municipal cooperation, this is a conversation that should occur, but apparently has not happened. CONCLUSION By my comments, I do not mean to second -guess or judge harshly the work of the Shorewood staff or your own deliberations. Unfortunately, the state law on land use decisions can sometimes result in a rush to judgment on issues that are irreversible once they are made. You have sufficient grounds for denial. Your adjoining city of Chanhassen should be invited to participate and provide input. If the developer is serious about building a quality development that will enhance the neighborhood, it will be back with a better plan. I have copied your attorney on this letter so that he is aware of this communication. I have also copied the Mayor and Councilmembers of Chanhassen to advise them of our concerns. V�e���ry trul yours, Thomas`} - Radio Attorney DIRECT 612.349.5680 tradiol.oestlaw.con, c: Mayor and City Councilmembers of Chanhassen Timothy J. Keane, via tim.keane�mgmllp.com REPLAT OF LOTS 17AND 18 MURRAY HILL 1 m RT I-i vu¢anv ,n�c 5 r,Dv,T.TMO,wNecE EAacnelPd I [® ___1_____ Olt. I I 3 Si 2 s: a m r a =B W y l T uTN uueee wi,e aavicenv H�ii __ x 0 I 3 1- L KNOW ALL MEN BY IN6g PRESENTS, That Both N. Crearruck, divorced not now rewstild end George J. C[anbm,k Jr. antl Her , .—h brook, ...ad and Aire, Co. o'mese and Marvel 0. gggeAL and Joan R. NgfuX, M1uabond eM war, contract pure.:- er the C...., des -lewd property all- . in the County or Onrve[. Btata of Xinneaote to -„ll. Lone If and 18 of W or c xBAY HIll� a cding Ec 1:11 p M1e cu or let As Our w file and of MCOrd 11 the office or theCOOnty It .... do,. Rave cabled the lame to be care se d And Platted ae by PL AT By YOM 17 All 10 MIIxMY HILL and do hereby donate o,I dedicate to the Public for pbelve boa forever the esamenee rni toliety and C-eac6e pbepses es sham be vb is plat. In ei,.a.. Meieof ..itl N.'a A. C[anbioeY. d —I. net no. remained lad None.. J. C,srtbs ak J[. and .'re, Cracb[oek, huebantl antl Mrn. aM Marvel G. 8gpum antl In.. H.�jEygP z,, (h�u�ab/an and Mre� have he[ew[o �ne]E nth hands Ellie lt�day .1 1978. ryHXUt rABUS�' iraln [oo[oO eF erve11 1 G. Cg r n mop r.da aV h v lo�ranbrao Ml WCXTYOOFNI//lid rho fore o1n g f innti —rot can .aka- l.egee hero[. w tnmmF orZ .�197e br wrvtl c. Rgfm -d Joan R. efgabe, hn.enna -a .vf.. �mn..x..x� .✓� atom. Notury P bltc.ygyF' puLC nty. Nfnn Mr Gown —ion -pirss, STATN OF NI 390TH CM. OF x It I.. rarefying inaEnaenv x— ....let before me Chia iG]sy or �n.eb.1118 by do. A. trenbrook, dire—H wt cox remarried, and George J. Cranbmok Jr. and Marjory OrIppppereok, huebantl and Mre. sea xa Pueny.FigPGan 11, - Nly comm4-4on expire 'a' /•r /is I hereby, certify that I have we-,eyed and platted the property described - thin plot ae IIILI OF 1TN 11 All 18 brallt BILL{ that Chia plA' Sa a cortacv [e reaenteEion or said curve . cars all dlat .... a are y,—, y shorn m be plat 1. rues and M1uMredthe or A room that allpmnnuwnEa have ben ther —Ely placed in the ground an It— on said plat: that the carbide bawd, line Ai. carreatly d.eiy.mea on -18 vJet .ad there are no act lands or public htahuaya to be dasignatad on laid p1At. Ro —ee AA, 8r . La d Sury o[ inn n Be, .sI. 1018) - DATE Or MINNe -TA RINTY OF ECOIT The Choego', incumbents se. ab. --alga before M1S $Y ado, o1 /^J/yL1978 /by .....0 A. 9 —noon. Land 9urvayoi. _ r N'jifdY.s N/q LYO Ja i -. ^y = Xana M3RCG9wEe �o na ota ........ a . ................�... (.• XY Commfaalon mplrss CNAXNASBEN. XIXXE.9JTA. ihls plat of a8plad OF 107f8 17 ANN 18 IACPAAy HILL wb approved and acwpuld by the City C ... all of Clutha..... Xinnea at,, at a i,I.r m-Cing Isr—of bald thi.jl�y .,Ap 78. CITY N F CIIAIIM. BiBX. MSXXe MYI'A. by //�/ �I mror by � ` � • l dbe,l.trytor Plao"It to Chapter 395. MSw -oEa Iays of 1971. thin plot he, beat appreved thin do, or _1978. Carver County Herb, 9— r,Dv,T.TMO,wNecE EAacnelPd I [® ___1_____ GRAPHIC SCALEIN FEET yo to F' '� a6 NW�6rN ,DENOTES IRON MONUMENT MARKED BY el ADJOw CPT L —A, 3 MINNESOTA REGISTRATION N o. IO IA3 gN °wN ON ME P11 BEAR, NOS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED VALLEY Ema.Co. INC. KNOW ALL MEN BY IN6g PRESENTS, That Both N. Crearruck, divorced not now rewstild end George J. C[anbm,k Jr. antl Her , .—h brook, ...ad and Aire, Co. o'mese and Marvel 0. gggeAL and Joan R. NgfuX, M1uabond eM war, contract pure.:- er the C...., des -lewd property all- . in the County or Onrve[. Btata of Xinneaote to -„ll. Lone If and 18 of W or c xBAY HIll� a cding Ec 1:11 p M1e cu or let As Our w file and of MCOrd 11 the office or theCOOnty It .... do,. Rave cabled the lame to be care se d And Platted ae by PL AT By YOM 17 All 10 MIIxMY HILL and do hereby donate o,I dedicate to the Public for pbelve boa forever the esamenee rni toliety and C-eac6e pbepses es sham be vb is plat. In ei,.a.. Meieof ..itl N.'a A. C[anbioeY. d —I. net no. remained lad None.. J. C,srtbs ak J[. and .'re, Cracb[oek, huebantl antl Mrn. aM Marvel G. 8gpum antl In.. H.�jEygP z,, (h�u�ab/an and Mre� have he[ew[o �ne]E nth hands Ellie lt�day .1 1978. ryHXUt rABUS�' iraln [oo[oO eF erve11 1 G. Cg r n mop r.da aV h v lo�ranbrao Ml WCXTYOOFNI//lid rho fore o1n g f innti —rot can .aka- l.egee hero[. w tnmmF orZ .�197e br wrvtl c. Rgfm -d Joan R. efgabe, hn.enna -a .vf.. �mn..x..x� .✓� atom. Notury P bltc.ygyF' puLC nty. Nfnn Mr Gown —ion -pirss, STATN OF NI 390TH CM. OF x It I.. rarefying inaEnaenv x— ....let before me Chia iG]sy or �n.eb.1118 by do. A. trenbrook, dire—H wt cox remarried, and George J. Cranbmok Jr. and Marjory OrIppppereok, huebantl and Mre. sea xa Pueny.FigPGan 11, - Nly comm4-4on expire 'a' /•r /is I hereby, certify that I have we-,eyed and platted the property described - thin plot ae IIILI OF 1TN 11 All 18 brallt BILL{ that Chia plA' Sa a cortacv [e reaenteEion or said curve . cars all dlat .... a are y,—, y shorn m be plat 1. rues and M1uMredthe or A room that allpmnnuwnEa have ben ther —Ely placed in the ground an It— on said plat: that the carbide bawd, line Ai. carreatly d.eiy.mea on -18 vJet .ad there are no act lands or public htahuaya to be dasignatad on laid p1At. Ro —ee AA, 8r . La d Sury o[ inn n Be, .sI. 1018) - DATE Or MINNe -TA RINTY OF ECOIT The Choego', incumbents se. ab. --alga before M1S $Y ado, o1 /^J/yL1978 /by .....0 A. 9 —noon. Land 9urvayoi. _ r N'jifdY.s N/q LYO Ja i -. ^y = Xana M3RCG9wEe �o na ota ........ a . ................�... (.• XY Commfaalon mplrss CNAXNASBEN. XIXXE.9JTA. ihls plat of a8plad OF 107f8 17 ANN 18 IACPAAy HILL wb approved and acwpuld by the City C ... all of Clutha..... Xinnea at,, at a i,I.r m-Cing Isr—of bald thi.jl�y .,Ap 78. CITY N F CIIAIIM. BiBX. MSXXe MYI'A. by //�/ �I mror by � ` � • l dbe,l.trytor Plao"It to Chapter 395. MSw -oEa Iays of 1971. thin plot he, beat appreved thin do, or _1978. Carver County Herb, 9— _J Y R (L g -1 J J X xl m a a GALLAGHER EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC. — SURVEYORS— rni.xce a.rt r'vw°�Nxin r BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED - DENOTES IRON MONUMENT .E X C a i 12 p Sr pl b 4 a h I < in r v "OQ SCALE- I INCH EQUALS 50 FEET N Know all men by these presents that Marguerite M. Gallagher, widow, owner and proprietor of the following described property situated in the Stale at Minnesota and County of Carver to wit: Lots Two (21 Three (3) Four 141 Five (5) and Four and 87/100 acres In the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Three (3) Township One HUndredand Sixteen (116) Range Twenty-three (23) and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section Three 131 theme East twelve 1121 rods nineteen 091 links; thence South nine antl one-half 1910 degrees Fast thirty{our (341 rods; thence South Twenty-four IN) and one -half (112) degrees West six (6) rods; thence South forty -four and one -half IM 1121 degrees West Twenty- nine 1291 rods seven RI link; thence North fifty-nine 691 rods; three (3) links to piece d beginning; all situated In the Townsile of Murray Hill. Excepting from above the following: That tract of land in the Northwest Quarter (NW 1M1 of the Northeast Quarter (if 114) of Section Three (3) Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty-three (231 described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter ONE 114) of said Section Three 13); thence East Twelve 1121 rods and nineteen 1191 links; thence South nine and one -half (9 112) degrees East to the point of intersection with ine 5ooth line of lot Slx 161 MUrrey Hlll if exWuWdj thence West to the Southeast corner of W Six (1) Murray HIII; thence North along East line of Lai Six (6) to the point of beginning. All situated in the Townsite of Murray Hill. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as GALLAGHER ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the a591w+n on this plat. In witness whereof said Marguerite M. Gallagher, wldew, has hereunto set her hand this _day of arrYa. '1914. 9 _ . 6/ IryUOeritxe%LM Gallagher I STAROFMI ESOTA COUNIY OF = The foregoing instrument was ackOpw dged beforemethl �ay of Al 197-7, by Marguerite M. I Gallagher, wldw. �� fbiary Public, I Cou�aJJ��ty, MI n4soW ' My, commission expires '7dl3E2 /982_ II ll / / / N oerni4 NO ELELE I herebycertifythat I have surveyed and plaided the prepertydescrlbed on this plat as GALLAGHER ADDITION; that this plat Is acorred represen- tation W said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a fad; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown; that the outside bountlary lines are correctly designated on the plat and flat there are no wet lands to be designated on sold plat. l�r M Vernon A, NlckoIs, land surveyor Minnesota Registration No 9053 STATE OF MINNESOTA - COONTYOFHENNEPIN The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this- L&fday d / 4 1 ry 197,4 by Vernon A:'Mckols, Land Surveyor. l CHRIS KUNTZ, WaRy Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota My commission expires March 4, 1982. This plat of GALLAGHER ADD Iii ON was approved ano accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Ml nnesofa, at a regular reeding thereof held this_ZeMdayd T94arrRY ,191,4. \ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNES b1 11✓o�v.�. kwL . Mayor by �� i .(.(/ -- Clerk Purs no to Chapter 395,MInnesda Laws of 1971, in is plat has bren approved I is_day of ,197_ Carllsle Madsen Carver County Surveyor 73 EVELYN LOHR NWM1 line � N.W pt .f See 3. i I:F, ON .__. I I ------ - ------------- --- ______ ______________ I I ____..._/ I u^N .z 07. �— .e.Y:- w-- __ - -___- oN (opµ a Im IMaAdpr MoI L M- _ rrc /rew✓+. 9y /59 -4 I m 7 f l r.... t n N L'� SCALI It,, w Orerdmq• ena //y EMamenn —1 I—• _1___ L __1__ 9Mnp 3 /sN /nw %/naM aa/MNip l.I //n IF •an <•rnp M/••I /nX /nln �M1�ERM >pq1 c ' Cf • o•n Op. r.am I�p mrn Imx Npe 9 or Lill— N.. I. 9053 p pen.n, l2 -In.n x L -In.b ..� Lon qpe m.rpea WLI—I. rv.Aa3)6 .I,lh X...1 Nw oa .r 9.ax., 3, T. 116 N. ea . ", X .a B.arin9 r S96.00W..Ym ADDITION LL4 X .Ingle p er ena Prep<let at exe 1.11 -11, a..erin.a vrep.rly vltuseetl 1e eba coon 1r5 orlc...... ll.t..1 Xlnneee... to .... 11. the Xa 15. MVPPIY X <txe.. be X..Lh 1/2 e( re.atee public fee pxbl<a uaa If In< I.eevenl. (.c tl...nege aatl ut Iltylp as at. i °ste I. !be 1 ieiB IXNB9V�ie m inenro C'. enl me xcFnvatetl¢eJ �� a of - Ll n v gvelyn 5. Leh.. s f � C w.;nn t , Inn..nlx .p r —FrGL`22. — en' v...... [ r tleae.ln<a . o.t ev xv t0 eU Lane.. I— ly .na o`o "11<NPI.1 ; '"I", 1 ` .I.",eve been .tlr Pla<aa In tha'e ...a a .h— v! tNr tle .cur d-ig !eJ' /aa a pl.4 as •Inet tna.a eta 11 — tian.l. o. peel l.`nnlehn.ym Ito 'n. IT 1. or xmx.goa i:XSi 11. x.. a.x...au<a b.m.< m< lnl.L n. U oember $6 br a.ro-a x. ft .earen. en svrey.e. Ntl� Nlnneea! t ."T 'It W4 . . ...ltlxaa vtl.rxo a by the C;P 1 .L the Clty I O]I t..a<.. ;pi gaPl4 pr i.. g;iN. Y� m.n 19V -.nt t. Chept.r 395. xl ..... to I,,, If Ieil. this Plvt bee been epp..<.e this _ acv If :nabi..� ".re�o:.ar:e`I p.i:ayin�. .snarl... ., . ..aPp,l.. I. _ I— l..a a.... m.a .. tIt. 0.1 Pmxnxx t. xio4¢. caanlr we.l.. .y._ aVV^ty b""' BP. Ca,r^, CaaM1,e X Fxx,ilan na. tuee 1— tler a1 I. —. ek a el.cY .X, ee n.eveee! N.. bsee neon pela ev thle acv ar a l.r litt IP= ve I..t eee<,Ybea en thle Piet ev eI.Lll LOX. .1041i1Cn M HEDLUND ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Aw .1, -- nl.:n..e 153 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 13, 2014, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Notice of Public Hearing for Hummingbird Heights Metes & Bounds Subdivision — Planning Case 2014 -02 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 2014. Notary P lic KIM T. MEUWI SEN �. Notary Public- Minnesota MY CWffA W EVkft An 31, 2015 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen City Council Meeting When is the Monday, January 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. public City Hall Council Chambers hearing: 7700 Market Boulevard Request for a Metes and Bounds Subdivision Proposal: (Hummingbird Heights) of 1.71 acres into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential RSF — Planning Case File No. 2014 -02 Applicant: Homestead Partners, LLC Owner: Donald B. Rix Address/ 6221 Hummingbird Road Location of A location map is on the reverse side of this Proposal: notice. This public hearing gives the neighborhood an opportunity to comment on the proposal. During the meeting, the Mayor will lead the public hearing What through the following steps: happens at the 1. Staff will summarize the request. meeting: 2• The applicant may comment on the request. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Council discusses the request. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2014 -02. If you wish to Questions talk to someone about this project, please contact & Robert Generous by email at Comments. bgenerous(a-)ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952 - 227 -1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the City. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 16, 2014. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen City Council Meeting When is the Monday, January 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. public City Hall Council Chambers hearing: 7700 Market Boulevard Request for a Metes and Bounds Subdivision Proposal: (Hummingbird Heights) of 1.71 acres into two (2) lots on property zoned Single Family Residential RSF — Planning Case File No. 2014 -02 Applicant: Homestead Partners, LLC Owner: Donald B. Rix Address/ 6221 Hummingbird Road Location of A location map is on the reverse side of this Proposal: notice. This public hearing gives the neighborhood an opportunity to comment on the proposal. During the meeting, the Mayor will lead the public hearing What through the following steps: happens at the 1. Staff will summarize the request. meeting: 2• The applicant may comment on the request. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Council discusses the request. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2014 -02. If you wish to Questions talk to someone about this project, please contact & Robert Generous by email at Comments: bgenerous(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952 - 227 -1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the City. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 16, 2014. RICHARD W O'CONNOR CHRISTINE J HASSE TERRY K & VICKI J FRANZEN REV 6261 GALPIN BLVD 6240 HUMMINGBIRD RD 6260 HUMMINGBIRD RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8017 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8883 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8883 CHARLES A & LAURA A LIEDTKE 6231 HUMMINGBIRD RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8884 DONALD B & GILLIAN E RIX 505 DEL RIO DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -9770 GARY & MARY CONNELL 6201 MURRAY HILL RD SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 JOHN & MIKELL REAGAN 6160 MURRAY CT SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 JOSEPH C & ANN M SCHLEIF 3201 COUNTY RD 92 N INDEPENDENCE, MN 55359 NATHAN J & MALINDA M SCHMIECHEN 22785 MURRAY ST SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 JOHN H BENSON 6271 HUMMINGBIRD RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8884 LEA FOLI & MARILYN J ZUPNIK 6200 HUMMINGBIRD RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8883 ARMENAK & LENA PETROSIAN 850 SADDLEBROOK PASS CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JOHN S & LINDA M G HARTMANN 22845 MURRAY ST SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 MARIANNE I KILKER 6140 MURRAY CT SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 RICHARD & KAREN LANE 6120 MURRAY CT SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 MARK A & CHRISTINE L SASS 6275 HUMMINGBIRD RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8884 DAVID B & JERILYN K ASAO 6280 HUMMINGBIRD RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8883 CITY OF SHOREWOOD 5755 COUNTRY CLUB RD SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 JONATHAN D REINSTRA 23120 SUMMIT AVE SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 MR & MRS JEFFREY R FETZER 6090 GALPIN LAKE RD SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 RICK BATESON 6180 MURRAY CT SHOREWOOD. MN 55331 SONDRA LEE TRAYLOR WALDEMAR F CRUZ TOM STROHM- HOMESTEAD 23115 SUMMIT AVE 6085 CHASKA RD PARTNERS LLC SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 525 15TH AVE S HOKPINS MN 55343