WCA Replacement Application 01-17-2014 Memorandum SRF No. 0076098 3040 To: Terrance Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen From: Matthew Meyer, Senior Environmental Scientist Nathen Will, Senior Associate Date: January 13, 2014 Subject: CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Phase 3 Wetland Permitting Introduction This memorandum transmits updated information and attachments to replace the previous Wetland Conservation Act (WCA)/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Joint Permit Applications for the CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Phase 3 project. Appendix A (attached) contains an amended WCA/COE joint permit form with updated information resulting from delineation and design revisions, as well as incorporated Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) comments from previous submittal efforts (December 2012). CSAH 18 Wetland Delineation Approvals Wetland delineations used for this permit application – Phase 3 portion of the CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) roadway improvements between Audubon Road (North) and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard) – were updated by SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and Houston Engineering Inc. in 2013. The Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Notice of Decision for Boundary and Type are located in Appendix B. CSAH 18 WCA/COE Permit Submittal Update Permit Status Update Carver County Public Works previously submitted the Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Project (Joint Permit) in December 2012. Since that submittal, there have been ongoing discussions and coordination with the TEP regarding updates to the Wetland Delineation Reports, jurisdiction of wetlands and use of BWSR safety credits. This WCA/COE joint permit application (Appendix A) and supplemental information is intended to clarify information in response to TEP comments and to group all previous submittals into one document for processing. Terrance Jeffery January 13, 2014 City of Chanhassen Page 2 Permit Submittal On behalf of the Carver County Public Works, we request the WCA LGU to notice the revised WCA/COE permit (Appendix A) and supplemental safety information, including the updated safety information contained in Appendix F to justify use of the BWSR Road Replacement Program, to the members of the TEP including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Appendices List: Appendix A – Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Form for Water/Wetland Projects (WCA/COE Joint Permit) Appendix B – WCA Boundary/ Type Approvals Appendix C – Figures Appendix D – MnDNR Public Waters Work Permit Appendix E – BWSR Safety Justification Information – January 13, 2013 Information Appendix F – BWSR Safety Justification Information – Follow-up Information Appendix G – CRU and FHWA Letters Appendix H – Draft BWSR Withdrawal Form H:\Projects\6098-P3\EP\Wetlands\Phase 3 Wetland Permiting\Word Document\131226_wca_corp_permit\140113_WCA_CorpPermit_mmnzedits.docx Appendix A: Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Form for Water/Wetland Projects (WCA/COE Joint Permit) Public Transportation and Utility Projects Introduction, Page 1 (August 2007) NA-026620-03C Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND LINEAR UTILITY PROJECTS LOCAL AND STATE STANDARD APPLICATION Application for Local Government Unit approval Pursuant to Minnesota Wetlands Conservation Act (WCA) Project Specific Report and Notification for Work on Existing Public Roads Pursuant to Minnesota WCA Application for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Permit to Work in Public Waters Application for Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Certification FEDERAL: Application for the Department of the Army Permit (33 CFR 325) (see Page 7) Use this form to notify and apply for authorization of any proposed water/wetland project affecting lakes, rivers, streams or wetlands that may fall within the jurisdiction of 1) the appropriate Local Government Unit (LGU), 2) the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), or 3) the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If a 401 certification is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the COE will forward this application to the MPCA for processing. You do not need to send this application to the MPCA. This application packet includes the following: STANDARD APPLICATION. Fill out (Pages 1-6) and submit along with the required attachments. Instructions for completing the form are attached. APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT. Generally, in addition to state and local authorization, projects in wetland or water areas also require Federal authorization from the Corps of Engineers (COE) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. To apply to the COE using this application packet, complete the modified one page Federal application form found on Page 5, and mail it to the COE along with a copy of the local/state application. NOTE CONCERNING COE JURISDICTION: You do not need to notify or obtain further authorization from COE if all proposed work is covered by either a Clean Water Act Section 404 exemption, or if no work is in an area subject to COE jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Contact the COE if you have questions. A separate form (PUBLIC ROAD MAINTENANCE SHORT FORM NOTICE) is available for use for existing public road maintenance projects only if they qualify as either: (1) Minor or emergency work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of wetlands subject to the WCA; OR (2) Minor or emergency work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of certain DNR Public Water Wetlands (i.e., those not assigned a shoreland classification, not classified as lacustrine wetlands or deepwater habitats, or not having state or federal land ownership); OR (3) Work impacting DNR Public Water Wetlands and wetland areas of DNR Public Water basins when the DNR has received a copy of the Public Road Maintenance Short Form Notice and has waived the requirement for a DNR Public Water Work Permit to either the LGU responsible for WCA or the public road authority responsible for reporting wetland impacts to the Board of Water and Soil Resources; OR (4) Work involving existing public road crossings of DNR Public Waters. If your project qualifies for this category, use this separate Public Road Maintenance Short Form Notice. See the instructions accompanying this Form Notice. Public Transportation and Utility Projects Introduction, Page 2 (August 2007) INSTRUCTIONS to assist you with completion and mailing of these applications. Before beginning work on your project, you must receive all required approvals from the appropriate LGU, the DNR and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If you have not received a reply after 45 days, or if you wish to confirm the status of your application at any time, contact the agencies directly (see Instructions, Page 4). Proceeding with work before all required authorizations are obtained may result in fines or other penalties, and may include a requirement to restore the project site to original condition. If you have questions or need assistance with filling out this application, contact your LGU, your DNR Waters Area Hydrologist, or your COE regulatory field office (see Instructions Page 4). Note: If you believe that your project may be subject to Watershed District Regulations, local Planning and Zoning jurisdiction, or any other locally implemented or enacted controls beside those of your LGU, contact the appropriate office(s) directly in addition to your LGU, the DNR, and the COE. For more information, contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) or refer to www.bwsr.state.mn.us. A QUICK LOOK AT THE PROJECT APPLICATION PROCESS Forms can be downloaded from the BWSR or DNR web sites and filled out using Microsoft Word. Your input will be restricted to fill-in fields where users can enter text or check boxes. These areas appear gray on the screen, but not on the printed document. Send copies of your completed application forms to your LGU, area DNR office, and your COE regulatory office. LOCAL government road projects that qualify for replacement of wetland impacts via the BWSR Road Replacement Program must also send a copy to the BWSR Road Replacement Program (see Instructions, Page 3). When your application is considered complete and the appropriate fees have been received (if requested by the regulating agencies) it will be distributed for review and comment. In the case of the Corps, the DNR and the LGU, you will be notified if it is accepted as proposed, approved with changes or conditions, withdrawn, or denied. You will also be informed of any appeal rights relating to the decision. WEB SITES Refer to the following web sites for more information regarding regulations of water and wetlands: BWSR: www.bwsr.state.mn.us Corps St. Paul District: www.mvp.usace.army.mil DNR: www.dnr.state.mn.us MPCA: www.pca.state.mn.us For information on the appeals process, contact the appropriate agency (see Instructions, Page 4). Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 1 (August 2007) NA-026620-03C Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND LINEAR UTILITY PROJECTS STANDARD APPLICATION For Internal Use Only Application No. Field Office Code Date Initial Application Received Date Initial Application Deemed Complete INV: “See HELP” for important additional information and assistance in Instructions section IS THIS AN ORIGINAL OR AMENDED NOTICE? (check one) This is an original notice , dated This is an amended notice , dated January, 13, 2013 1. APPLICANT ROAD AUTHORITY INFORMATION: Road authority applicant: Carver County Public Works Department Contact person (name and title): Lyndon Robjent, P.E. (Public Works Director, County Engineer) Complete mailing address: 11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1, Cologne, MN 55322 Business phone: (952) 466 5200 e-mail: CarverCountyPW@co.carver.mn.us 2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION County: Carver Road name and/or number: CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Phase 3 Project termini: west terminus: 800 feet e. of CSAH 15 (Audubon Road); east terminus: 700 feet east of CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard) Project number: SP 010-618-013 attach PROJECT LOCATION MAP (Appendix C) 3. attach SOILS MAP (if available) Located in wetland delineation report submittal 4. PROJECT CATEGORY (check all that apply): Repair rehabilitation, reconstruction or replacement of existing roads that impact wetlands (including wetland areas of DNR Public Waters). If so, indicate size of impact (check one of the choices below): Less than 10,000 square feet of wetlands (see HELP 4). Greater than 10,000 square feet of wetlands. New road or modification of an existing road solely to increase traffic capacity impacting any amount of wetland area, river, lake or stream impact (excluding wetland areas of DNR Public Waters). Placement, maintenance or repair of linear utility projects. 5. PROPOSED TIMELINE: Approximate project start date: Spring 2014 Projected end date: Fall 2014 . See Item 5 in Memorandum Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 2 (August 2007) 6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Check all that apply. Include a detailed overhead view of your plan that clearly depicts the work to be undertaken. See What To Include on Plans (Instructions Page 2). Guardrail improvement Turn lane: improvement of existing Guardrail improvement w/slope flattening Turn lane: new construction Resurfacing Slope flattening Culvert work; repair, extension or replacement Bridge work: repair Stream diversion Bridge work: replacement Shoulder work: repair widening Reconstruction (existing roads) Shoulder widening with ditch grading Other New road construction Additional lanes solely for traffic capacity Linear utility Projects Space above is not adequate – project description is outlined in Item 6 – appended, and in Figures 3A – 3C (Appendix C). 7. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $5 million Funding Sources (%): Federal 80 State Local 20 8. SEQUENCING CONSIDERATIONS: What alternatives to this proposed project have you considered that could have avoided or minimized impacts to wetlands or water? For new construction only - list at least two alternatives (one of which may be “no build” or “do nothing”), and explain why you chose to pursue the option described in this application over these alternatives. Space above is not adequate - sequencing considerations are described in Item 8 – appended. 9A. IMPACT SUMMARY: Impacts to lakes and watercourses only. Indicate total amount of impact in square feet or acres for water body area(s) to be filled, drained, inundated or excavated. For watercourses indicate length of stream or river affected in linear feet (see HELP 9A). Location of Impact Section, Twp, Range County Name and Watershed No. Public Waters Name and ID Number Impact(s) for Lakes (square feet or acres) Impact(s) for Watercourse(s) (in linear feet) See Item 9A - appended AFFIRMATION For Public Waters impacts: I am applying for state and local authorization to conduct the work described in this application. DNR permit is located in Appendix D. I am familiar with the information contained in this application. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true, complete and accurate. I possess the authority to undertake the work described, or I am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant IF your project will impact ONLY DNR Public Waters, proceed directly to the Applicant Signature Block on Page 5. Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 3 (August 2007) 9B. IMPACT SUMMARY: For impacts to wetlands only: when attaching information on a separate sheet – use this same format ID of Wetland Basin Impacted Major Watershed Name or No. County Section, Twp, Range Wetland Circ. 39 Type / Wetland Plant Community Type (see HELP 9B) Size of Wetland Impact Size of Wetland Basin See 9B - appended TOTALS OF AREA (S) IMPACTED for each wetland vegetative community / wetland type in acres or square feet: Seasonally flooded basin T 1 Floodplain forest T 1L Sedge meadow T 2 Fresh (wet) meadow T 2 Wet to wet mesic prairie T 2 Shallow marsh T 3 Deep marsh T 4 Shallow Open Water T 5 Shrub carr or alder thicket T 6 Hardwood or coniferous swamp T7 Open or coniferous bog T 8 0.01ac 1.85 ac 0.02 ac TOTAL IMPACT FOR THE PROJECT: 1.88 ac 9C. Are any of these impact sites within 1000 feet of a lake or 300 feet of a river? No Yes If YES, please explain. Portions of the project area are within 300 feet of Bluff Creek, a DNR Protected Watercourse. 10. TYPE and AMOUNT OF FILL MATERIAL: e.g., rock, sand, clay or concrete (indicate amount of cubic yards.) 100,000 CY 11. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: For projects that require a COE standard individual permit, attach a list of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS that includes complete names and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners whose property also adjoins the wetland or water body where the work is being proposed. N/A 12. PORTION OF WORK ALREADY COMPLETED: Is any portion of the work already completed? No Yes If YES, attach DESCRIPTION OF WORK COMPLETED and provide permit numbers if applicable. 13. STATUS OF OTHER APPROVALS: Attach STATUS OF OTHER APPROVALS LIST, include any other permits, reviews, or approvals related to this proposed project that are either pending, or have already been approved or denied (see HELP 13). (See Item 13 – appended) STATE EAW AND EIS REQUIREMENTS: Are state Environmental Assessment Worksheets or Environmental Impact Statements required for this project (see HELP 13)? no, not required yes, indicate status below (See Item 13 – appended) ARCHEOLOGICAL OR CULTURAL RESOURCES DETERMINATIONS: Are you aware of any archeological or cultural resource determinations or surveys completed concerning the project or replacement site that are already completed or in process by the State Historical Society Preservation Office (SHPO) or others? No Yes. If YES, please explain below or attach a copy of any determinations or surveys. (MnDOT CRU Section 106 letter, dated April 19, 2012) – Appendix G Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 4 (August 2007) IF the project will use federal funds, please check the following boxes: The Section 106 (of the National Historic Preservation Act) review for this Federal Aid Highway Program funded project has been completed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) per the 2005 Section 106 Programmatic Agreement. (Appendix G) The Section 7 (of the Endangered Species Act) review for this Federal Aid Highway Program funded project has been completed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) per the letter dated April 11, 2007 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Fish and Wildlife Service (No Federal Species in Carver County) 14. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Are you aware of any special considerations that apply directly or indirectly to either the impact sites(s) or the replacement sites(s)? Examples may include the presence of endangered species, special fish and wildlife resources, sensitive surface waters, calcareous fens, or waste disposal sites. (see HELP 14). Not aware of any special considerations Yes, attach a list of SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS and include brief descriptions of each consideration listed. 15. ON-SITE MITIGATION CONSIDERATIONS. List any important site-specific wetland functions and describe options considered for mitigation of these functions onsite. 16. HOW WILL PROPOSED REPLACEMENT BE ACCOMPLISHED: Wetland Banking only? No Yes (if Yes, proceed to Question 17) Project-specific replacement only? No Yes (if YES, check all that apply below and proceed to Question 19) Project –specific replacement and Wetland Banking? No Yes (If Yes, check all that apply below, and proceed to Questions 18 and 19) For projects involving any project–specific replacement Part A: The replacement wetland (affirm all statements): Was not previously restored or created under a prior approval replacement plan or permit; AND Was not drained or filled under an exemption during the previous 10 years, AND Was not restored with financial assistance from public conservation programs; AND Was not restored using private funds, other than those of the landowner, unless the funds are paid back with interest to the individual or organization that funded the restoration; and the individual or organization notifies the local government unit in writing that the restored wetland may be considered for replacement. Part B: Additional assurances (check all that apply); The wetland will be replaced before or concurrent with the actual draining or filling of a wetland. An irrevocable bank letter of credit, performed bond, or other acceptable security has been provided to guarantee the successful completion of the wetland replacement. The wetland losses will be replaced via withdrawal from an account in the State Wetland Bank. Part C: For projects involving any project-specific replacement: I will record the Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants of the deed for the property of which the replacement wetland(s) will be located; and I will at the same time submit proof of such recording to the LGU. Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 6 (August 2007) FOR LGU USE ONLY For projects involving construction of new roads, increased traffic capacity or linear utility of projects, the replacement plan is (Check one): Approved Approved with conditions (conditions attached) Denied _________________________________ _____________ LGU official signature Date LGU has received evidence of title and proof of recording of Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland: _________________________ ________________ _________________________________ County where recorded Date Recorded Document # assigned by Recorder ____________________________ ____________ LGU official signature Date FOR TEP USE ONLY This section must be completed for projects affecting more than 10,000 sq. ft. of wetland involving repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of a currently serviceable existing state, city, county, or township public road necessary to meet state or federal design or safety standards or requirements, and for which the impacts are proposed to be replaced by BWSR through the Public Road Replacement Program. No debit of wetland banking credits shall occur until a majority of the TEP members recommend approval by signing below. As indicated below, TEP members recommend the BWSR debit the State Wetland bank to provide replacement for wetland impacts identified on this form, and certify the following: • The public road authority has provided project-specific reports to TEP members at least 30 days prior to beginning construction, or within 30 days after an emergency repair resulting in less than 10,000 ft2 of impact; and • The TEP has reviewed minimization and delineation decisions made by the public road authority and determined the decisions to be satisfactory. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree SWCD Representative (Date) BWSR Representative (Date) Agree Agree Disagree Disagree LGU Representative (Date) DNR Representative (if applicable) (Date) Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 8 (August 2007) Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 9 (August 2007) Instructions for the Standard Application HELP 3: Attach a copy of the County Soil Survey map for the project area. HELP 4: Please note that a PART II: PUBLIC ROAD MAINTENANCE SHORT FORM has been developed for use with maintenance projects that qualify as either minor or emergency work impacting: minor or emergency work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of wetlands subject to the WCA, OR  minor or emergency work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of certain DNR Public Water Wetlands (i.e., those not assigned a shoreland classification, not classified as lacustrine wetlands or deepwater habitats, or not having state or federal land ownership), provided a copy of this form is sent to the DNR Waters area office prior to initiation of the project, OR  DNR Public Water Wetlands and wetland areas of DNR Public Waterbasins when the DNR has received a copy of the Public Road Maintenance Short Form Notice and has waived the requirement for a DNR Public Water Work Permit to either the LGU responsible for WCA or the public road authority responsible for reporting wetland impacts to the Board of Water and Soil Resources, OR  Existing public road crossings of DNR Public Waters. Contact the DNR Waters Area Hydrologist if assistance is needed on shoreland, lacustrine or deep-water determinations. HELP 9A: See www.dnr.state.mn.us/watersheds/map.html for a state map with watershed names and numbers. HELP 9B: For wetland type/classification, refer to Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin (Eggers and Reed, 1997) as modified by the Board of Water and Soil Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers. Eggers & Reedd Community Classificastion Abbreviation Circular 39 Type Seasonally flooded basin SFlB Type 1 Floodplain forest Ffor Type 1L Sedge meadow SeMe Type 2 Fresh (wet) meadow WM Type 2 Wet to wet-mesic prairie WmP Type 2 Shallow marsh Sh Ma Type 3 Deep marsh DpMa Type 4 Shallow open water OpW Type 5 Shrub swamp ShWw Type 6 Wooded swamp WoSw Type 7 Bog BOG Type 8 HELP 13: Other permits, reviews or approvals related to the project may include the following: conditional use permit; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit; state disposal system permit (includes dredged material disposal: watershed district/watershed management organization permit (storm water, erosion, floodplain); groundwater appropriation permit; or county/township driveway/road permit. If you do not know whether your project requires state Environmental Assessment Worksheets or Environmental Impact Statements, contact the Environmental Quality Board, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155. Phone 651-297-1257. e- mail: eqb@mnplan.state.mn.us. Web site: www.mnplan.state.mn.us/eqb/review.html. Contact the State Historic Preservation Office for a determination. Phone: 651-296-5434. email: mnshpo@mnhs.org. HELP 14: If you wish to obtain information on state-listed threatened and endangered species and other natural resource elements contact the DNR Natural Heritage Program at 651-296-7963. HELP 17: Copies of the Application for Withdrawal of Credits forms are available from your LGU, or you may download a copy from www.bwsr.state.mn.us Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 1 HELP 19: Describe, in detail, how mitigation wetland(s) will be constructed. If several methods will be used describe each method. Details should include: 1) type of construction (such as excavated in upland, restored the tile break, restored by ditch block or revegetated); 2) type size and specifications of outlet structures; 3) elevations relative to Mean Sea Level or established benchmarks of key features (such as sill, emergency overflow or structure height); 4) what best management practices will be implemented to prevent erosion or site degradation; 5) proposed project start and end dates; and 6) a vegetation management plan. Attach this description on a separate sheet of paper labeled DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLAND CONSTRUCTION. For projects involving at least some project-specific replacement, include the following additional information:  Two drawings to scale of the replacement wetland. Include both overhead view and profile view (side view or cross- sectional view). Without drawings, your application will be considered incomplete.  For created replacement wetlands, include additional soils information (if available) that indicates the capability or the site to produce and maintain wetland characteristics.  Note 1: For replacement wetlands located on pipeline easements, you need to receive endorsement of your project from both the easement holder and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s Office of Pipeline Safety. Before state of construction, the owner of any utilities involved must be notified. The landowners or contractor is responsible for giving this notice by calling Gopher State One-Call at 651-454-0002 (Twin Cities Metro Area) or 1-800-252-1166 (all other locations).  Note 2: For extensive or complex projects, supplementary information may be requested at a later date from one or more of the responding agencies. Such information may include (but not be limited to) the following topographic map, water table map, soil borings, depth soundings, aerial photographs, and environmental assessment and/ or engineering reports. HELP 21: If you do not have access to some of the information requested, or if you do not know your replacement ratio, call your LGU or SWCD office for assistance. Refer to Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin (Eggers and Reed, 1997) as modified by the Board of Water and Soil Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers. What to include on Plans for the Standard Application Detailed overhead views of impact site(s) and replacement site(s), as well as profile view(s) of replacement site(s) may be hand drawn, computer generated or professionally prepared, as long as they contain all necessary information clearly, accurately, and in adequate detail. Please include specific dimensions whenever possible. You may also include photos, if you wish. Overhead views of impact site(s) and replacement site(s) should include the following items that pertain to your project: 1. Location and extent of shoreline, wetlands and water. 2. Section, township and range of site(s). 3. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity. Include length, width, elevation and other measurements, including old and new alignments, as appropriate. 4. For bridge and culvert projects, include hydrology and hydraulic reports as applicable. 5. Points of reference (such as existing bridges, culverts, landscape features). 6. Location of inlet and outlet structures. 7. Indication of north. 8. Location of spoil and disposal sites (if applicable). 9. Location of photo reference points for future monitoring of replacement site(s). Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 2 Profile views (side or cross sectional views) of replacement site(s) should include the following items that pertain to your project: 1. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity. Include elevation, depth, soil profile, side slope, and other measurements as appropriate. 2. Proposed water level elevation. 3. Areas of wetland and upland plants established on replacement site(s). Other information 1. Property boundaries. 2. Location and extent of shoreline and water. 3. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity include length, width, elevation and other measurements as appropriate. 4. Points of reference (such as existing bridges, culverts or landscape features). 5. Location of inlet and outlet structures. 6. Indication of north. 7. Location of spoil and disposal sites (if applicable). Final Checklist Attachments must include: Project Locator Map Description of Work Completed (Question 12; if answered “Yes”) Overhead View of Project Adjoining Property Owners (for projects that require a COE individual permit) Status of Other Approvals List Signed application for the Department of the Army Permit (Page 5) to seek Federal authorization of your project? Attachments may also include: Sequencing Considerations (Question 8; if additional space is needed) Listing of Special Consideration (Question 14; if answered “yes”) SHPO archaeological or cultural resource determinations or surveys (Question 13; if required and if completed) If project includes any wetland banking, attachments must include: Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits If project includes any project specific replacement, attachments must include: 1) Description of Replacement Wetland Construction; 2) Vegetation Management Plan (HELP 19); and 3) Two drawings to scale (HELP 19) Preparing Your Application for Mailing. To apply for both state and Federal authorization, your application must include Pages 1-5, the Federal application (Page 7) and attachments as indicated on final Checklist (Instructions Section). Make three copies of the entire application and all attachments. Keep the original, and mail the three copies to the appropriate local, state, and Federal agencies (see below). Mailing your application. Mail a complete copy of your application to each of the local state, and Federal entities listed below. If you are using the Public Road Maintenance Short Form Notice include required attachments. LOCAL: Send to the appropriate Local Government Unit (LGU). Contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) web site (www.bwsr.state.mn.us) for this information. SWCD offices are also listed on the BWSR web site. Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 3 For local road projects that qualify for wetland replacement under the BWSR Public Road Replacement Program, also send a complete copy of the application and Page 6 with the TEP member signatures to BWSR Public Road Replacement Program 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 (phone 651-297-7965) STATE: Send to your area DNR Waters office, attention Area Hydrologist. Contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or the DNR web site (www.dnr.state.mn.us) for this information. Area offices can also be determined by contacting the applicable Regional DNR office: NW Region: 2115 Birchmont Beach Road N.E. NE Region: 1201 East Highway 2 Bemidji, MN 56601 Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Phone: 218-755-3973 Phone: 218-327-4416 Central Region: 1200 Warner Road Southern Region: 261 Highway 15 South St. Paul, MN 55106 New Ulm, MN 56073 Phone: 651-772-7910 Phone: 507 359-6053 FEDERAL: Send to the appropriate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory field office: Brainerd: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 10867 E. Gull Lake Drive N.W. Brainerd, MN 56401-9051 Phone: 218-829-8402 St. Paul: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch Army Corps of Engineers Centre 190 5th Street East, Suite 401 St. Paul, MN 55101-9051 Phone: 651-290-5375 La Crescent: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 1114 South Oak Street La Crescent, MN 55947-1338 Phone: 507-895-8059 Two Harbors: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 1554 Highway 2, Suite 2 Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: 218-834-6630 Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 4 WCA/COE Joint Permit Questions Item 5. Proposed Timeline Bids will be received in February 2014. Construction is expected to begin in April 2014. Substantial completion and cleanup will be in late November 2014. Project closeout is summer of 2015. Item 6. Project Description The purpose of the project is to improve safety, ease projected congestion, and address necessary improvements to accommodate the future traffic growth related to the existing Chanhassen High School and other adjacent developments in the area. The need for the project is identified in the Carver County Transportation Plan (2007). Carver County is experiencing a high level of population growth, with most of the growth taking place in the central and eastern portions of the county. The cities of Chaska, Chanhassen, Victoria and Waconia are estimated to account for over half of the total County population by 2030. The 2030 County population forecast is almost triple the year 2000 population. Due to the current and expected future population growth, congestion in areas of central and eastern Carver County is expected to rise on County facilities, occurring frequently during the peak hours. Without the proposed project, the CSAH 18 corridor will continue to experience increasingly unacceptable levels of congestion and associated safety issues. Safety information, including crash data, is presented in Appendix F. The purpose of the specific impacts to the wetlands, as previously described, includes roadway fill impacts. Proposed Improvements This project involves reconstruction of the segment of CSAH 18 from approximately 800 feet east of CSAH 15 (Audubon Road) to approximately 700 feet east of CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard), in the City of Chanhassen (see Figure 2a Appendix C). This project will accommodate safety and capacity improvements to the roadway facility, as well as drainage and stormwater management, access management and a pedestrian/bicycle facility. The construction plans have been developed to minimize impacts to wetlands, water and other natural resources. Several existing stormwater management ponds will be utilized to accommodate runoff from the additional pavement within the project area. Wetlands that are proposed to be impacted are located within the right of way and at the toe of slope of the existing roadway. Impacts are directly related to the proposed improvements. Item 8. Sequencing Considerations Wetland Impact Avoidance The No Build Alternative is the only alternative that would completely avoid wetland impacts. However, the No Build Alternative would not address current safety and capacity issues in the project area. Therefore, the No Build Alternative was considered to be not feasible. Alignments slightly to the north and to the south of the existing alignment were assessed; however, the least wetland impacts were found with the proposed alternative. Wetland Impact Minimization Remaining unavoidable impacts were minimized to the extent practicable with steeper side slopes through the highway sections that are adjacent to wetlands, thereby minimizing the roadway footprint through these areas. Side slopes for the proposed road improvement were generally 1:3 in the vicinity of wetlands and 1:4 elsewhere. Slopes steeper than 1:3 present vehicular safety issues and can require installation of guard rail. Guard rail can make snow removal more difficult. Retaining walls were considered early in the planning process; however, the costs of installing them were prohibitive. Retaining walls would have required additional excavation of unstable soils and more surcharge than with a sloped design. Appropriate silt fencing and its proper installation will be specified on plan sheets for areas of the road improvement that are within 50 feet of wetlands. Anti-erosion measures will include rapid re-vegetation of side slopes with cover crops and eventually with appropriate MnDOT seed mixes. The widths of road lanes, medians, dedicated turning lanes and clear zones were designed according to State Aid Design Standards. While design exceptions from standards and guidelines in this Manual are sometimes possible, such exceptions incrementally diminish roadway safety. The two-way bicycle/pedestrian trail was designed according to standards and guidelines listed in the Minnesota Administrative Rules 8820.9995 State Aid Minimum Bicycle Path Standards and the MnDOT Bikeway Facility Design Manual. Design exceptions from standards and guidelines are sometimes possible, but such exceptions can diminish the safety of the trail. The trail alignment is adjacent and contiguous with the road. This design minimizes wetland impacts as a portion of the trail embankment is shared with the road embankment. The boulevard width between the trail and proposed curb was reduced through the wetlands in order to further minimize wetland impacts. Mitigation for Unavoidable Wetland Impacts Onsite wetland mitigation was considered early in the planning process; however, the costs of acquiring right-of-way for a relatively small amount of required wetland mitigation was prohibitive. Purchasing existing credits from a suitable wetland mitigation bank within the same Major Watershed and Bank Service Area as the wetland impacts was cost-effective and would result in wetland mitigation that is already known to be functioning acceptably. Unavoidable permanent wetland impacts will be mitigated through the BWSR Road Replacement program (Item 17 Appendix A) and through an approved State Wetland Bank (Item 21 Appendix A). In areas where wetlands are immediately adjacent to the existing roadway toe-of-slope, temporary impacts due to muck removal to stabilize foundation soils, will be restored to preconstruction conditions by re-grading to original contours. These temporary impacts are quantified in Item 9B below. It is anticipated that temporary wetland impacts would not require mitigation other than restoration to pre-construction conditions. Temporary impacts will be stabilized with a combination of Types 1, 2, and 3 Rapid Stabilization methods. Type 1 is disk anchoring. Type 2 is application of mulch and hydraulic application of a tackifier. Type 3 is application of Seed Mix #190 in combination with fertilizer and tackifier. Item 9a. Impact Summary: Impacts to Lakes and Watercourses A Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Public Waters Work Permit (Permit Number 2014-0526) has been issued for work within Bluff Creek (M-055-014) – Appendix D. Item 9b. Description of Wetland Impacts The proposed wetland impacts are located in Carver County, in the Minnesota River – Shakopee (33) Major Watershed and Bank Service Area 9 – Metro Area. Table 1 below lists the proposed impacts to wetlands located within the project area. The proposed wetland impacts are shown on Figures 3A through 3C (Appendix C). Refer to Item 6 for a complete description of the proposed project. A total of 1.88 acres of permanent wetland impact and 0.16 acres of temporary impact are proposed as a result of the roadway reconstruction. Of the 1.88 acres of impact, 0.33 acres are permanent and safety-related and 1.55 acres are not eligible for safety credits (See Appendix E and F for Safety information). The permanent safety-related impacts include 0.13 acres of impact to Bluff Creek, a DNR Protected Watercourse, and are associated with culvert replacement, grading, and rip-rap for culvert outfall within the channel north and south of Lyman Boulevard. As described in Item 8. Sequencing Considerations above, a total of 0.16 acres of temporary impacts will be restored to pre-construction conditions. Table 1: Wetland Impacts Located in Chanhassen Wetland ID, Topographic Setting 1/4 1/4 Sec. (T116N, R23W) Type: Eggers & Reed/ Circ 39 Predominant Vegetation Total wetland area (ac) Permanent Roadway Impacts Temporary Roadway Impacts W-1A NE SW 23 Shallow marsh/3 Cattail 0.14 0.02 ac 0.01 ac W-1B NE SW 23 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass 0.06 0.06 ac 0.00 ac W-2 NE SE 22 NW SW 23 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, willow, common buckthorn, 0.8 0.8 ac 0.06 ac W-10, tributary SW NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, cattail >20 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-11, Flow- through SE NE 22 Shallow marsh/3 Reed canary grass, cattail >5 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-12, Isolated SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Diverse sedges, grasses, forbs 0.2 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-13, Isolated SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Cattail, sedges, forbs <0.1 0.00 ac 0.00 ac Bluff Creek SE NE, NE SE 22 N/A Reed canary grass >20 0.13ac * 0.00 ac W-14, Flow- through SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, green bulrush, sedge >5 0.86 ac 0.09 ac W-18, tributary SW NW 23 Seasonally flooded basin/1L Box elder, maple, buckthorn 0.2 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-19 NE SW 23 Seasonally flooded basin/1L Green ash >0.3 0.01 0.00 ac Total Permanent impacts (1.88 ac) Total Temporary impacts (0.16 ac) 0.16 ac Restored to pre- construction conditions * Proposed impacts at the edge of Bluff Creek consist of replacing culverts, grading, rock rip rap lining for outfall of culverts within actual channel north and south of Lyman Boulevard. Channel cross-section characteristics will be modified to accommodate the realigned culverts. Item 13. Status of Other Approvals The Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was published in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor on November 19, 2007. Public comments were accepted through December 19, 2007. A Negative Declaration was issued by the Carver County Board at the regularly scheduled meeting on January 22, 2008. In addition to the approved EAW, and negative Declaration other permits in-hand are: a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, MnDOT work permit, MnDNR Public Waters Work permit (Appendix D), and a Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) permit. Appendix B: WCA Boundary/ Type Approvals Appendix C: Figures • Figure 1 – Project Area Map • Figure 2a – Project Location Map • Figures 3A – 3C Plan Sheets with Wetland Impacts • Figure 4 – Typical Sections - Minimum Build, Safety Only Improvements & Plan !"#494 !"#94 !"#35 !"#35W !"#35 !"#394 !"#694!"#35E ANOKA WASHINGTON HENNEPIN RAMSEY CARVER DAKOTASCOTT Chanhassen BENTON ISANTI CHISAGOSHERBURNE SIBLEY GOODHUENICOLLETLE SUEUR RICE Figure 1 J: \ M a p s \ F i g u r e _ 1 _ p r o j e c t A r e a _ 0 5 3 0 1 2 . m x d Project Area MINNESOTA WISCONSIN IOWA Project Area Carver County, MN 0510 Miles ° CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruction from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 S.P. 010-618-013Carver County, Minnesota CHANHASSEN ?ûA@ ?ûA@ NATURAL RESERVE )z GrWX GqWX GoWX CHASKA Audobon Rd North ?©A@ Blu f f C r e e k TC&W R a i l w a y BLUFF CREEK SCHOOLRECREATION CENTER CHANHASSENNATUREPRESERVE STONECREEKPARK BLUFFCREEKPRESERVE POWERHILL PARK SUNSETRIDGEPARK LAKE SUSANPRESERVE LAKESUSANPARK PRAIRIEKNOLLPARK BANDIMERECOMMUNITYPARK BANDIMEREHEIGHTS PARK CHANHASSENHILLS PARK BLUFFCREEK GOLFCOURSEPIONEERPARK SHADOWWOOD PARK HAZELTINENATLGOLF CLUB Powers Blvd Lyman Blvd G alpin Blvd P ar k R d C SA H 1 4 Blu f f C re e k B l vd W aters E dge Dr Bluff Creek Dr Ol d Great Plains Blvd Coulte r B l v d Pioneer Tr Lake Dr E A u d u b o n R d S o u t h M a r k e t B lv d Great Plains Blvd W 78th St Arboretum Blvd S imons Dr Hes se Fa rm Rd Wildwood W a y Mission Hills La Shadow Wood L a Fla mingo Dr C ree kw oo d D r Alisa La Ori o l e Ave Park Ct F o x Hollow Dr Ma rket Blvd Bluff P a s s N B l u f f C r e e k Blvd Galpi n Ct G r eenvi e w Dr H eron Dr P auly Dr M cglyn n Dr Fore s t Rdg Lukewood Dr P ark P l West L a k e Ct West Farm R d L a k e D r W Quinn R d Acorn Rd Tim b erview T r W 7 9t h S t H e i d i L a L a k o t a La W 96th St W esto n R i d ge Pkwy Co m m o nw e a lth B l v d Halla Nurser y Dr E Wildflowe r L a 86th St A u t u m n W o od s D r Iro n w ood Dr L a k e S u s an D r O s p rey La V a l l e y Ridg e Tr S P ark D r Day L il y La West Lake Dr Drake Ct Blue b ill Tr Timberw o o d D r Sun set Tr Homestead La Sto n e C r e e k Dr Su m m erfiel d Dr Kio w a T r Chanh a sse n H ills D r N B o u l d e r R d G r e a t P l ains B l v d Schuller Ct Valley Ridge Tr N J u l ian Dr L a k e H aze lti n e D r Su s a n Hills D r W a s h in g t o n B l v d SusanSusan HazeltineHazeltine RileyRiley Figure 2a Fi g u r e _ 2 a _ p r o j e c t L o c a t o n 0 5 3 0 1 2 . m x d Project LocationCSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruction from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 S.P. 010-618-013Carver County, Minnesota Project Location Project Location Stream 01,0002,000 Feet ° Trail Chanhassen High School CHANHASSEN ?ûA@ ?ûA@ NATURAL RESERVE )z GrWX GqWX GoWX CHASKA Audobon Rd ?©A@ BLUFF CREEK SCHOOLRECREATION CENTER CHANHASSENNATUREPRESERVE STONECREEKPARK BLUFFCREEKPRESERVE POWERHILL PARK SUNSETRIDGEPARK LAKE SUSANPRESERVE LAKESUSANPARK PRAIRIEKNOLLPARK BANDIMERECOMMUNITYPARK BANDIMEREHEIGHTS PARK CHANHASSENHILLS PARK BLUFFCREEK GOLFCOURSEPIONEERPARK SHADOWWOOD PARK HAZELTINENATLGOLF CLUB Powers Blvd Lyman Blvd G alpin Blvd P ar k R d C SA H 1 4 Blu f f C re e k B l vd W aters E dge Dr Bluff Creek Dr Ol d Great Plains Blvd Coulte r B l v d Pioneer Tr Lake Dr E A u d u b o n R d M a r k e t B lv d Great Plains Blvd W 78th St Arboretum Blvd S imons Dr Hes se Fa rm Rd Wildwood W a y Mission Hills La Shadow Wood L a Fla mingo Dr C ree kw oo d D r Alisa La Ori o l e Ave Park Ct F o x Hollow Dr Ma rket Blvd Bluff P a s s N B l u f f C r e e k Blvd Galpi n Ct G r eenvi e w Dr H eron Dr P auly Dr M cglyn n Dr Fore s t Rdg Lukewood Dr P ark P l West L a k e Ct West Farm R d L a k e D r W Quinn R d Acorn Rd Tim b erview T r W 7 9t h S t H e i d i L a L a k o t a La W 96th St W esto n R i d ge Pkwy Co m m o nw e a lth B l v d Halla Nurser y Dr E Wildflowe r L a 86th St A u t u m n W o od s D r Iro n w ood Dr L a k e S u s an D r O s p rey La V a l l e y Ridg e Tr S P ark D r Day L il y La West Lake Dr Drake Ct Blue b ill Tr Timberw o o d D r Sun set Tr Homestead La Sto n e C r e e k Dr Su m m erfiel d Dr Kio w a T r Chanh a sse n H ills D r N B o u l d e r R d G r e a t P l ains B l v d Schuller Ct Valley Ridge Tr N J u l ian Dr L a k e H aze lti n e D r Su s a n Hills D r W a s h in g t o n B l v d SusanSusan HazeltineHazeltine RileyRiley Figure 2b J: \ M a p s \ 6 0 9 8 \ F i g u r e _ 2 b _ p r o j e c t L o c a t o n _ 0 5 3 0 1 2 . m x d Project Location – USGSCSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruction from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 S.P. 010-618-013Carver County, Minnesota Project Location Project Location 01,0002,000 Feet ° WE T L A N D 2 0. 0 9 A C . ( S A F E T Y ) 0. 7 1 A C . ( N O N - S A F E T Y ) 0. 0 6 A C . ( T E M P ) W- 1 0 0. 0 0 A C . I M P A C T W- 1 1 0. 0 0 A C . I M P A C T W- 1 2 0. 0 0 A C . I M P A C T W- 1 3 0. 0 0 A C . I M P A C T EX I S T I N G ST O R M W A T E R PO N D SP - A W- 1 4 0. 0 5 A C . ( S A F E T Y ) 0. 8 1 A C ( N O N - S A F E T Y ) 0. 0 9 A C ( T E M P ) W- 1 4 W- 1 4 BL U F F C R E E K 0. 1 3 A C . BLU F F C R E E K BL U F F C R E E K W- ##SP- ##H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-01Job # 6098-P312/30/2013 - 10:24AM WETLAND I M P A C T S CSAH 18 FR O M A U D U B O N R O A D T O P O W E R S B O U L E V A R D S.P. 010-618-01 3 / S . P . 0 1 0 - 6 1 7 - 0 2 0 / S . P . 1 9 4 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 9 CARVER COUN T Y Fi g u r e 3 A MATCH LINE W-14 (SEE 3A)WETLAND 2(SEE 3A) WE T L A N D 1 A 0. 0 2 A C . ( N O N - S A F E T Y ) 0. 0 1 A C . ( T E M P ) WE T L A N D 1 B 0. 0 6 A C . ( S A F E T Y ) W- # # SP - # # H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-02Job # 6098-P312/30/2013 - 10:25AM WETLAND I M P A C T S CSAH 18 FR O M A U D U B O N R O A D T O P O W E R S B O U L E V A R D Fi g u r e 3 B MATCH LINE MATCH LINE S.P. 010-618-0 1 3 / S . P . 0 1 0 - 6 1 7 - 0 2 0 / S . P . 1 9 4 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 9 CARVER COUN T Y W-1 8 0.00 AC. I M P A C T W- 1 9 0. 0 1 A C . ( N O N - S A F E T Y ) W- # # SP - # # H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-03Job # 6098-P312/30/2013 - 10:25AM WETLAND I M P A C T S CSAH 18 FR O M A U D U B O N R O A D T O P O W E R S B O U L E V A R D Fi g u r e 3 C MATCH LINEMATCH LIN E I N S E T A MA T C H L I N E I N S E T A S.P. 010-618-0 1 3 / S . P . 0 1 0 - 6 1 7 - 0 2 0 / S . P . 1 9 4 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 9 CARVER COUN T Y H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\6098-P3_Wetland Permit_Safety Only Typicals.dwg Fi g u r e 4 Typical Sections - Minimum B u i l d , S a f e t y O n l y I m p r o v e m e n t s & P l a n CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruc t i o n f r o m A u d u b o n R o a d t o P o w e r s B l v d S.P. 010-618-013 / S.P. 010-617-020 / S. P . 1 9 4 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 9 Carver County, Minnesota Appendix D: MnDNR Public Waters Work Permit Appendix E: BWSR Safety Justification Information • January 14, 2013 Safety Information Supplemental Information for the WCA/ Corps Joint Permit Application Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) - Phase 3 January 14, 2013 Safety Discussion According to the MnDOT’s crash data from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2007 and locally-collected data, there have been a total of 55 crashes on CSAH 18 within the project area. These crashes include 15 personal injury crashes and 40 property damage crashes. According to MnDOT’s crash data from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2011 and locally-collected data, there have been a total of 42 crashes on CSAH 18 within the project area. These crashes include 14 personal injury crashes and 28 property damage crashes. Thus, a total of 97 crashes have occurred on the subject road improvement between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2011. Additional crash data are appended to this supplement and demonstrate that the crash rate in the subject road improvement is considerably higher than similar roadway in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. See Attachment 1.In addition, unsafe conditions for pedestrians result from the lack of a pedestrian facility along CSAH which has a 50-mph speed limit and high traffic volumes along the corridor. Existing (2010) traffic volumes along CSAH 18 in the project area are approximately 8,800 vehicles per day (vpd). Future (2030) traffic volumes are forecast to be approximately 23,000 vpd (Lyman Boulevard Phase III Traffic Analysis Update, SRF Consulting, dated January 12, 2012). This includes traffic generated from the new Chanhassen High School. Traffic operations were analyzed for existing (2010) conditions and for future forecast No Build conditions (2030). Capacity analysis (level of service (LOS)) was used to examine the operational characteristics for key intersections within the project area. LOS is a relative comparison of the ability of an intersection to function and accommodate traffic flow. The LOS of an intersection is generally presented as a rating from A through F, with A having the least delays and F having substantial delays. In the metropolitan area, an intersection with an LOS of D or better is considered to be operating at an acceptable level. Congestion results in safety issues. The following text describes safety improvements along the proposed Phase 3 reconstruction Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18). In general the roadway will be reconstructed from a 2-lane undivided highway to a 4-lane divided highway with medians. The presence of the proposed medians will reduce the potential for head-on vehicle collisions. Audubon Road (north) and Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) Currently, eastbound traffic on Lyman Boulevard waiting to turn left onto northbound Audubon Road stacks up, forming a queue that blocks the left turn bypass lane. Thus, motorists who wish to travel past Audubon Road are often caught in the left turn queue and tend to make abrupt turns into the through lane leading to rear-end or side swipe crashes. The proposed dedicated left turn lanes from eastbound Lyman Boulevard to northbound Audubon Road allow turning traffic to seek refuge without interfering with eastbound through traffic, thus reducing the potential for crashes. Eastbound traffic on Lyman Boulevard turning north onto Audubon Road can use the median width and the westbound dedicated left turn lanes as refuge as drivers gauge gaps in the westbound traffic before they traverse the westbound through lanes to complete their turn. Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17) and Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) The regional recreational trail runs alongside the west side of Powers Boulevard where it crosses Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18). A porkchop island will be constructed in the southwest quadrant of this intersection in order to allow trail users refuge from heavy traffic as they cross Lyman Boulevard. Traffic signals will be push button actuated for the benefit of pedestrians and trail users trying to cross Lyman Boulevard. The porkchop island will also serve to channelize heavy vehicular traffic turning from eastbound Lyman Boulevard to southbound Powers Boulevard. This channelization and dedicated right turn lanes will decrease the potential for rear-end crashes which result from conflicts between turning traffic and through traffic. An additional left turn lane from north bound Powers Boulevard to westbound Lyman Boulevard is proposed because heavy left turning traffic at this intersection tends to stack an unacceptable distance south on Powers Boulevard. This long queue interferes with the north bound through lanes on Powers Boulevard and tends to increase the potential for rear-end crashes. The heavy traffic needing to turn from northbound Powers Boulevard to westbound Lyman Boulevard is partly the result of the new Chanhassen High School built in 2009. Sunset Trail and Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) The intersection of Sunset Trail and Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) is at the top of a relatively steep hill. Thus, vertical sight lines are dangerous and there is a high potential for side-impact crashes as vehicles enter CSAH 18 from a current driveway. This driveway will be relocated to a side street and the approach grades on CSAH 18 will be flattened to increase the vertical sight distance and reduce the potential for side impact crashes. The reconstruction of this intersection will have dedicated left turn lanes on CSAH 18. This will greatly reduce the potential for rear-end crashes resulting from conflicts between turning traffic and through traffic. Trail Alternatives The No Build Trail Alternative was considered and rejected because it would not serve to provide continuity in the regional trail system. The location of the trail on the north side of Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) was largely driven by the location of the trail segment constructed during Phase 1 of this roadway improvement – also on the north side of Lyman Boulevard. The construction of the new Chanhassen High School in 2009 on the north side of Lyman Boulevard also was a driver for trail location. Attachment 1 – Crash Data for Intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road Crash Type Summary Lyman Blvd Crash Analysis 2007-2011 Report Version 1.0 March 2010 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011Analysis Years: Crash Summary: K - Fatal A - Incapacitating B - Non-Incapacitating C - Possible N - Property Damage 0 0 5 9 28 Total 42 0X - Not Reported 0Miscoded Surface Condition Summary: 01 - Dry 02 - Wet 03 - Snow 04 - Slush 05 - Ice/Packed Snow 33 2 3 0 4 Other 0 Unknown/Not Specified Miscoded 0 0 42Total Number of Vehicles 1 2 3+ 532 5 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 4 7 21 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 Diagram Summary: 02 - Sideswipe - Same Dir 03 - Left Turn 04 - Ran Off Road - Left Side 05 - Right Angle 06 - Right Turn 1 4 0 8 0 07 - Ran Off Road - Right Side 2 08 - Head On Other 6 21 42Total 009 - Sideswipe - Opposing Dir 0Unknown/Not Stated Miscoded 0 Intersection Relation Summary: 01 - Not at Intersection 02 - T Intersection 03 - Y Intersection 04 - 4 Legged Intersection 05 - 5 or more Leg Intersection 9 6 0 15 1 07 - Intersection Related 7 08 - Alley or Driveway 11 - Recreational Crossing 0 0 42Total 009 - School Crossing 020 -22 - Interchange Other 0 4Unknown/Not Stated 0Miscoded 006 - Roundabout/Traffic Circle 010 - RR Crossing Light Condition Summary: 01 - Daylight 02 - Before Sunrise 03 - After Sunset 04 - Dark (Street Lights On) 05 - Dark (Street Lights Off) 32 3 0 5 0 06 - Dark (No Street Lights)1 07 - Dark (Unknown Lighting) Unknown/Not Stated 1 0 42Total 0Other 0Miscoded Accident Type Summary 01 - Motor Vehicle in Transport 02 - Parked Vehicle 03-04 - Road Equipment 05 - Train 06 - Bike 36 1 0 0 0 07 - Pedestrian 0 08-09 - Deer/Animal 21-42 - Fixed Object 2 2 42Total 110-14 - Other/Unknown Collision 051 - Overturn 52-65 - Other Non-Collision 0 0Other 0Unknown/Not Stated Miscoded 0 WORK AREA: COUNTY_CODE('10') - FILTER: CRASH_YEAR('2007','2008','2009','2010','2011') - SPATIAL FILTER APPLIED Selection Filter: Analyst:Notes: Jeff Bednar 01/14/2013 Page 1 of 1MnCMAT 1.0.0 Driver and Time Summary Lyman Blvd Crash Analysis 2007-2011 Report Version 1.0 March 2010 Crash Time of Day Summary SUN MON TUES WED THU 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0FRI 0SAT 00:00 01:59 Driver Condition Summary Not Specified 01 - Normal - No Drugs or Drinking 02 - Under the Influence 03 - Had Been Drinking 04 - Commercial Driver Over .04 BAC 4 38 0 0 0 06 - Aggressive 0 07 - Asleep Other 0 0 42Total 008 - Physical Disability 0Not Applicable Unknown 0 0Miscoded 005 - Had Been Taking Drugs 009 - Illness Driver Age/Gender Summary < 14 14 15 16 17 0 0 0 2 1 18 0 19 0 020 % 0 02:00 03:59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 05:59 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 7.1 06:00 07:59 0 1 4 1 0 1 0 7 16.7 08:00 09:59 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 6 14.3 10:00 11:59 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 6 14.3 12:00 13:59 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 4.8 14:00 15:59 0 1 5 2 0 3 0 11 26.2 16:00 17:59 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 7.1 18:00 19:59 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2.4 20:00 21:59 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 4.8 22:00 23:59 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2.4 NR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2 9 12 8 3 5 3 42 100 From To % 4.8 21.4 28.6 19 7.1 11.9 7.1 100 100 421-24 225-29 030-34 235-39 40-44 3 45-49 3 50-54 2 55-59 1 60-64 0 65-69 0 70-74 0 75-79 0 80-84 0 85-89 0 90-94 0 95+0 NR 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 1 0 0 7 2 0 5 4 5 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.3 7.1 2.4 0 0 16.7 4.8 0 11.9 9.5 11.9 11.9 4.8 4.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AgeMFNR Total% Total % 20 47.6 22 52.4 0 0 42 100 100 100 9.5 90.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %Total Location First Harmful Event Summary Not Specified 01 - On the Roadway (Alley, Drive, etc.) 02 - Off the Roadway, On the Shoulder 03 - Off the Roadway, On the Median 04 - Off the Roadway, On the Roadside 4 36 2 0 0 06 - Parking Lot 0 07 - Private Property Unknown 0 0 42Total 008 - Outside Right-Of-Way 0Miscoded 005 - Off the Roadway, On the Separator 0Other 9.5 85.7 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC 0 0 MC 000 000 0NV 000000000000 00 WORK AREA: COUNTY_CODE('10') - FILTER: CRASH_YEAR('2007','2008','2009','2010','2011') - SPATIAL FILTER APPLIED Selection Filter: Analyst:Notes: Jeff Bednar 01/14/2013 Page 1 of 1MnCMAT 1.0.0 LYMAN BLVD CORRIDOR (Audubon Rd to Powers Blvd) CRASH ANALYSIS Table 1: Summary of Segment Crashes on LYMAN BLVD (Audubon Rd to Powers Blvd) Input Analysis Period (in years) 5 Input # of Fatal Crashes on Segment 0 Input # of 'A' Severity Crashes on Segment 0 Input # of 'B' Severity Crashes on Segment 5 Input # of 'C' Severity Crashes on Segment 9 Input # of Property Damage Crashes on Segment 28 Segment Length in miles 0.6 Input Segment Average Daily Traffic Volume* 8,800 *Average number of vehicles traveling the segment can be calculated by multiplying the ADTs for each of the sub segments by the percent of total segment length and then summing the sub segment products. Table 2: Comparison of Lyman Blvd Segment Crash Rates with Mn/DOT Metro District Crash Rates for Rural 2-Lane Segments Segment Crash Rate = 4.36 crashes per million vehicle miles 0.80* (1.33)** Segment Severity Rate = 6.33 1.20* Segment Crash Density = 14.00 crashes per mile per year 4.40* Segment Crash Cost^ = $232,734 per mile per year * The Mn/DOT Metro District average crash and severity rates and crash density are based on the 2007-2011 Average Crash Rates for Rural 2-Lane roadways in the Metro District crash rate data. ** The Crash Rate shown in parentheses is the (Critical Crash Rate) based on and calculated using the related average crash rate. The critical crash rate provides a statistically relevant crash rate benchmark. ^ Note that crash cost is based on the following costs by crash severity: F: $560,000, A: $280,000, B: $61,000, C: $30,000, PD: $4,400 The value used for fatal crashes in the crash cost is 2 times the value of an 'A' severity crash. See HES documentation for information on when it may be appropriate to use full cost for a fatal crash of $3,600,000. Conclusions: 1. The crash rate for the Lyman Blvd Segment is above the average crash rate and above the critical crash rate based on the Mn/DOT Metro District average crash rates for similar segments. 2. Segments with crash rates above the critical crash rate are considered to be in need of further safety review since there is a high probability (95%) that roadway conditions along the segment are contributing to the crashes and the crashes are not occurring by chance circumstance. 3. The severity rate and crash density for the Lyman Blvd Segment are above the Mn/DOT Metro District average severity rate and crash density for similar segments. Crash Data from MnCMAT 2007 through 2011 Total Segment Crashes = 42 Mn/DOT Crash Rates Metro Rural 2-Lane* Lyman Blvd Corridor Segment Crash Rate Data Based on 2010 Mn/DOT Traffic Volume Maps Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd So 043450198 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:OTHER TYPE OF COLLISION Surface Conditions:WET Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:EAST Veh Action:- Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:017 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 10/15/2004 1935 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 EAST - SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 031 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:FM Light Conditions:DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON Weather Cond 1:RAIN FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELYNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING DRIVER INATTENTION ORNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING- Weather Cond 2:RAIN First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:T-INTERSECTION Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) 043550166 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:OVERTURN / ROLLOVER Surface Conditions:WET Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:01 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:NORTH Veh Action:VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:024 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 10/23/2004 0241 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 - - - - Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:M Light Conditions:DARK - NO STREET LIGHTS Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY OTHER- CHEMICAL IMPAIRMENT-- Weather Cond 2:RAIN First Harmul Event:OFF THE ROADWAY ON THE Traffic Cont. Device:NOT APPLICABLE Speed Limit:45 Relation to Junction:NOT AT INTERSECTION OR Diagram Location:RAN OFF ROAD--RIGHT SIDE Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:BEST GUESS 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 15Page:of Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd So 050380100 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:NORTHEAST Veh Action:VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT Configuration:PICKUP Driver Age:040 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 12/14/2004 2023 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 NORTHEAST VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT PASSENGER CAR 040 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:MF Light Conditions:DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON Weather Cond 1:CLEAR FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELYNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING DRIVER INATTENTION ORNOT SPECIFIED- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:T-INTERSECTION Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) 050610394 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH DEER Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:01 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:EAST Veh Action:VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT Configuration:PICKUP Driver Age:052 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 03/02/2005 1856 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 - - - - Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:M Light Conditions:DARK - UNKNOWN LIGHTING Weather Cond 1:CLEAR NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING- NOT SPECIFIED-- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:NOT APPLICABLE Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:NOT AT INTERSECTION OR Diagram Location:OTHER Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 25Page:of Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd So 051230276 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:SOUTHWEST Veh Action:VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN Configuration:SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE Driver Age:058 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 03/25/2005 1200 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 SOUTHWEST VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT PASSENGER CAR 049 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:MM Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR IMPROPER TURNNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING NOT SPECIFIEDNOT SPECIFIED- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:NOT SPECIFIED Speed Limit:45 Relation to Junction:INTERSECTION-RELATED Diagram Location:RIGHT TURN Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) 051390102 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:SOUTHEAST Veh Action:VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN Configuration:TRUCK TRACT. SEMITRAILER Driver Age:047 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 04/22/2005 1050 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 SOUTH VEHICLE - MAKING U TURN PASSENGER CAR 056 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:MF Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTINGDRIVER INATTENTION OR NOT SPECIFIEDNOT SPECIFIED- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:STOP SIGN - OTHER Speed Limit:45 Relation to Junction:INTERSECTION-RELATED Diagram Location:SIDESWIPE -- SAME DIRECTION Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 35Page:of Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd So 062850262 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:WET Roadway Type:4-6 LANES UNDIVIDED (2 TO 3 Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:EAST Veh Action:- Configuration:PICKUP Driver Age:022 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 10/12/2006 1524 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 EAST VEHICLE - SLOWING IN PASSENGER CAR 042 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:MM Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY DRIVER INATTENTION ORNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTINGNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING- Weather Cond 2:CLOUDY First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:T-INTERSECTION Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.797) 063030172 Severity:INJURY - POSSIBLE INJURY Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:4-6 LANES UNDIVIDED (2 TO 3 Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:WEST Veh Action:VEHICLE - STOPPED IN Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:020 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 10/13/2006 0740 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 WEST VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT PASSENGER CAR 017 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:FF Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTINGDRIVER INATTENTION OR NOT SPECIFIEDNOT SPECIFIED- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:NOT AT INTERSECTION OR Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 45Page:of Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd So 063440132 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH SIGN Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:01 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:EAST Veh Action:VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:016 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 12/10/2006 1508 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 - - - - Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:M Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR ILLEGAL OR UNSAFE SPEED- DRIVER INEXPERIENCE-- Weather Cond 2:OTHER First Harmul Event:OFF THE ROADWAY ON THE Traffic Cont. Device:NOT APPLICABLE Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:NOT AT INTERSECTION OR Diagram Location:OTHER Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.790) 070380272 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH SIGN Surface Conditions:WET Roadway Type:NOT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles:01 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:UNKNOWN OR NOT APPLICABLE Veh Action:- Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:071 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NOT SPECIFIED 12/31/2006 1500 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 - - - - Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:F Light Conditions:UNKNOWN Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY NOT SPECIFIED- NOT SPECIFIED-- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:NOT SPECIFIED Traffic Cont. Device:UNKNOWN Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:NOT SPECIFIED Diagram Location:OFFICER REPORTED THAT Investigating Officer:NOT SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(004+00.791) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 55Page:of Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd No 041900040 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:ICE / PACKED SNOW Roadway Type:OTHER Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:WEST Veh Action:VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:050 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 03/08/2004 1104 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 NORTH VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT PICKUP 023 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:FM Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTINGSKIDDING NOT SPECIFIEDWEATHER- Weather Cond 2:SLEET, HAIL, OR FREEZING First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:INTERSECTION-RELATED Diagram Location:OTHER Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(005+00.214) 042510286 Severity:INJURY - POSSIBLE INJURY Type of Crash:OTHER TYPE OF COLLISION Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:03 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:WEST Veh Action:VEHICLE - STOPPED IN Configuration:PASSENGER CAR Driver Age:017 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 06/29/2004 1826 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 WEST VEHICLE - STOPPED IN PASSENGER CAR 021 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 WEST VEHICLE - STOPPED IN VAN OR MINIVAN 016 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Driver Gender:MMF Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR OTHEROTHER NOT SPECIFIEDNOT SPECIFIEDOTHER Weather Cond 2:CLEAR First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:T-INTERSECTION Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(005+00.233) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 12Page:of Crash Detail Report Report Version 1.1 May 2007 CSAH 18 & Audubon Rd No 061990264 Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Number of Vehicles:02 Unit 1 Init Trav Dir:EAST Veh Action:VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT Configuration:SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE Driver Age:038 Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR 07/18/2006 1200 County:Carver City:CHANHASSEN Unit 2 EAST VEHICLE - STOPPED IN PASSENGER CAR 047 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Unit 3 - - - - Driver Gender:FF Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELYNO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING NOT SPECIFIEDNOT SPECIFIED- Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED First Harmul Event:ON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:50 Relation to Junction:T-INTERSECTION Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:SHERIFF Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT 04Sys: 10000018Route:(005+00.214) Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.08/10/2007 22Page:of Appendix F: BWSR Safety Justification Information • January 2013 Follow-up Safety information in Response to TEP Comments Supplemental Information for the WCA/ Corps Joint Permit Application Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) - Phase 3 January 2013 TEP Follow-up Information BWSR Safety Justification The following information addresses the comments received during the TEP meeting held in January 2013, regarding the calculation of wetland impacts for Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) mitigation (safety related) versus the wetland impacts resulting from the proposed trail and roadway improvements related to future capacity. Safety-Related Wetland Impacts and Non Safety-Related Trail Impacts Typically, wetland impacts resulting from safety-related roadway improvements are mitigated through the BWSR Road Replacement Program. Those wetland impacts that result from improvements to address future roadway capacity or recreational trails are not mitigated through the BWSR Road Replacement program; rather, they are often mitigated through the purchase of credits from existing suitable wetland banks or on-site mitigation. In order to separate wetland impacts into relevant categories such as safety, capacity, and, trail- related, SRF created a hypothetical depiction of the subject roadway that would be recommended to address safety related issues, based on estimated 2014 traffic volumes. Based upon previous 2010 traffic counts, historical data and a straight-line estimation method, we estimate the 2014 volumes on CSAH 18 as follows: • West Segment (CSAH 15 to Audubon Road North) – 13,000 ADT • East Segment (Audubon Road North to CSAH 17) – 10,800 ADT Refer to revised Figures 3A-3C in Appendix C. Figures 3A-3C show the revised construction limits for the proposed roadway improvements and a hypothetical minimum build road configuration within those construction limits. Based upon the estimated 2014 traffic volumes, the hypothetical minimum build roadway would consist of a 2-lane (1 lane eastbound and 1 lane westbound) rural section with no median and dedicated left and right turn lanes at the Audubon Road North / CSAH 18 intersection. Refer to Figure 4 in Appendix C for comparison of the hypothetical versus proposed typical sections. The proposed roadway is a 4-lane (2 lanes eastbound and 2 lanes westbound) urban section with a median and dedicated left and right turn lanes. The hypothetical roadway configuration does not include a recreational trail whereas the proposed roadway improvements include a recreational trail. The design of both the minimum build and proposed roadway section, as described above, follow the minimum design standards set forth by Minnesota Rules 8820.9936 URBAN, 8820.9926 RURAL, 8820.9995 BIKEWAY STANDARDS and State Aid requirements. Wetland impacts resulting from the minimum build configuration not associated with trails or capacity improvements would be considered safety impacts to be mitigated through BWSR Program. Wetland impacts outside of the minimum build estimated construction limits resulting from the proposed roadway improvements would be considered non safety-related impacts. Table 1 and 2 below summarize the wetland impacts resulting from the minimum safety-related improvements, the proposed wetland impacts beyond the minimum safety-related improvements and proposed mitigation strategies for each wetland identified along this project. Table 1: Summary of Wetland Impact Areas Related to Safety, Non-Safety, and Temporary Improvements Wetland ID Safety-Related Wetland Impacts (acre) Non Safety-Related Wetland Impacts [Outside Safety Improvements] (acre) Temporary Wetland Impacts (acre) W-1A 0.00 0.02 0.01 W1-B 0.06 0.00 0.00 W-2 0.09 0.71 0.06 W-14 0.05 0.81 0.09 W-19 0.00 0.01 0.00 Bluff Creek 0.13 0.00 0.00 Total Wetland Impacts (ac) Safety-Related: 0.33 acres Non Safety-Related: 1.55 acres Temporary: 0.16 acres Table 2: Summary of Proposed Wetland Mitigation for Each Wetland Impact within Project Area Wetland ID Safety-related Wetland Impacts (acre) Required Mitigation (2:1) from BWSR Road Replacement Program (acre) Non Safety-Related Wetland Impacts Outside Safety Improvements (acre) Required Mitigation (2:1) from Private Wetland Bank Credit Purchase (acre) W-1A 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 W1-B 0.06 0.12 0.00 Self-mitigating ditch(1) W-2 0.09 0.18 0.71 1.42 W-14 0.05 0.1 0.81 1.62 W-19 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 Bluff Creek 0.13 0.26 0.00 0.00 Total Wetland Impacts (acre) Safety-Related: 0.33 acres 0.66 acres Non Safety-Related: 1.55 acres 3.10 acres (1) This existing wetland ditch meets the three parameters of wetlands. The proposed roadway improvement will re-establish a similar ditch that will be re-seeded with an appropriate wetland seed mix. Appendix G: CRU Letter Minnesota Office of E Mail Stop 6 395 John Ir St. Paul, MN April 19, 20 Cynthia Wa SRF Consu One Carlson Minneapoli Re: S.P T11 Dear Ms. W We have re responsibili amended (3 Agreement Carver Cou (Audubon R currently a divided fou divided fou roadway. W ped/bike tra be needed f The project the project c indirect effe from the pro resources w archaeologi construction and are not The finding currently pr information Sincerely, Elizabeth J. State Progra Cultural Re cc: Tere MnD Department nvironmenta 20 reland Boulev N 55155-189 012 arzecha ulting Group, n Parkway N is, MN 55447 P. 010-618-01 16N R28W S Warzecha: viewed the ab ities for comp 36 CFR 800), between the unty plans to r Rd. South) an rural, undivid ur-lane section ur-lane section Work will inc ail along the n for the project t area of poten construction l ects includes oject by vege within the APE ical resources n. The archit eligible for th g of this office roposed. If th n and we will . Abel ams Adminis esources Unit esa Martin, MnD DOT CRU Proje t of Transpor al Services vard 99 Inc. orth, Suite 15 7-4443 3 (CSAH 18 ects. 22 & 23 bove-referenc pliance with S and as per th FHWA and th reconstruct a nd CSAH 17 ( ded two-lane n. West of CS n. There will lude the wide north side of C t. ntial effect (A limits, includ the first tier o etation, topogr E. The APE h s due to distur tecture/history he National R e is that there he project sco conduct an a trator Coordi DOT CRU ect File rtation 50 reconstructio 3, Chanhassen ced undertakin Section 106 of he terms of the he Minnesota segment of C (Powers Blvd section. Reco SAH 15, CSA be minor hor ening of traffi CSAH 18. N APE) for direc ding temporary of properties a raphy or othe has low poten rbance caused y properties w Register of Hi will be no hi ope changes, p dditional revi nator on, CSAH 15 n, Carver Cou ng pursuant t f the Nationa e 2005 Sectio a State Histor CSAH 18 (Lym d.) in Chanhas onstruction w AH 18 has alr rizontal and v ic lanes and c Narrow strips o ct effects to cu y and perman adjacent to th er features. T ntial for conta d by previous within the AP istoric Places. istoric prope please provid iew. Office T Fa to CSAH 17) unty to our FHWA al Historic Pre on 106 Progra ric Preservatio man Blvd.) b ssen. The roa will upgrade th ready been up vertical adjust construction o of additional ultural resour nent easement he project that There are no k aining uniden s roadway and E are less tha . erties affecte e our office w Tel: (651) 366 ax: (651) 366 ) A-delegated eservation Ac ammatic on Office. etween CSAH adway here is he roadway to pgraded to a tments to the of a two-way right of way w rces is defined ts. The APE t are not scree known cultura ntified intact d utilities an 50 years of d by the proje with the revise 6-3604 -3603 ct, as H 15 s o a will d by for ened al f age ect as ed Appendix H: Draft BWSR Withdrawal Form Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits from the Minnesota Wetland Bank BWSR Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form Rev 10/3/2013 Page 1 of 2 2. Wetland Impact Information To be completed for the project with wetland impacts that this withdrawal is intended to replace. Project Name: CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Phase 3 Wetland Impact Size (acres): 1.5500 County of Impact: Carver Replacement Ratio: 2:1 Impact Major Watershed #: 33 Total Replacement Required (acres): 3.1000 Impact Bank Service Area: 9 LGU File # (if applicable): U.S. Army Corps Permit # (if applicable): Comments: By signature below, the proposed user of credits attests that he/she owns or has purchased the credits identified in this application and has received approval from the applicable regulatory authority(ies). Credit User Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________ 3. Regulatory Approval/Authorization By signature below, the identified agency and authorized representative hereby certify that they have: a) verified that the subject wetland credits are deposited in the account of the owner/seller, b) approved a wetland replacement plan or similar agreement under their jurisdiction, and c) approve the proposed use of the wetland bank credits described herein. WCA LGU/Agency: E-mail address*: LGU Representative: Signature: Date: __________ (for NRCS, USACE, etc. if applicable) Agency Name/Location: E-mail address*: Representative: Signature: Date: __________ 1. Credit User To be completed by the person or entity proposing to use the wetland credits. Name: Lyndon Robjent, P.E. Organization (if applicable): Carver County Public Works Department Street Address: 11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1, Cologne, MN 55322 City, State, Zip: Cologne, MN 55322 Phone: 952-466-5200 E-Mail Address: CarverCountyPW@co.carver.mn.us *Confirmation will be e-mailed when transaction is complete. This space is for BWSR use only Debit Date: Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits from the Minnesota Wetland Bank BWSR Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form Rev 10/3/2013 Page 2 of 2 4. Withdrawal Information To be completed by seller of credits (account holder). Bank Service Area: 9 Account Number: 1392 County: Carver Credit Subgroup Letter Plant Community Type Cost per Credit (acre) Number of Credits to be Withdrawn (acre) (acre=ft2/43560) Cost of Purchased Credits (cost per credit x number of credits) C Flow-through $38322.80 3.1000 $118800.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL 3.1000 $118800.68 Table: www.bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/2013_Fee_Schedule.pdf Enter County Fee from Table (county of seller’s bank) 6.5% of sale price 2,628 Transaction Fee (choose either amount) Above TOTAL x County Fee $ 0.00 $7,722.04 Attach check payable to Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. By signature below I seller and holder of the aforementioned account in the State of Minnesota Wetland Mitigation Bank certify that: 1) The credits described in this application have been sold to the credit user or will be used for my own project; 2) I have received payment in full from the buyer (if applicable); 3) The credits described in this application have not been sold or used in any way to mitigate wetland losses other than for the project and location identified in the wetland impact information block on the previous page; 4) The credits described in this application should be withdrawn from my account; and 5) I will not have a negative balance of credits after the subject credits are debited from my account Seller Name (print): Seller Signature: Date: ____________ Seller e-mail*: 1. The account holder of the credits is responsible for submittal of this form, containing signatures, to the BWSR Wetland Bank Administrator so the affected account can be properly debited. 2. No impacts to any wetland or other water resource may commence until the credits have been debited and a copy of this form with stamped debit date has been received by the regulatory authority(ies), the account holder, and the credit user. When this form is completed and all required signatures are obtained, send with the fee check to: Wetland Bank Administration Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road North Saint Paul, MN 55155