HRA 1982 01 21AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Thursday, January 21, 1982 Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive City Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of December 3 and December 17, 1981 Meetings. 3. Continue Discussion of Proposed Special Assessment Reduction Program for Business Park Lands. 4. Downtown Project Land Acquisition Status Report: Parcel #26. 5. Discuss Accounting System for HRA Funds. 6. Adopt Resolution #82 -1 Confirming Past Expenditures of Tax Increment Revenues. 7. Approval of Bills. 8. Old Business. 9. New Business. :30 p.m. 10. Adjournment. Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Special Meeting r December 3, 1981 Minutes Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Gullickson. Present were Commissioners Gullickson, Bohn, Horn, and Russell. Absent was Commissioner Whitehill. Executive Director Scott Martin; Attorney Russ Larson, and City Manager Don Ashworth were also present. Whitehill arrived at 8:15 p.m. ' Approval of Minutes Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the minutes of the September 10 and October 6, 1981 meetings as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Carver County Joint Cooperation Agreement Bohn moved, seconded by Russell, to adopt Resolution #81 -7 approving the Joint Cooperation Agreement with Carver County for participation in the 1980 Community Development Block Grant Program under Grant #B- 80 -DS -72 -0010 and authorizing the Chairman and Executive Director of the HRA to execute the agreement on behalf of the HRA. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Approval of 1982 Administrative Operating Budget Don Ashworth, City Manager, presented a brief overview of the HRA's 1982 Administrative Operating Budget, as adopted by the City Council on October 13, 1981. Gullickson requested that the Downtown Project Construction Budget be available for review at the next regular meeting. Martin explained _ that the construction budget consists of the expenditure budget approved with the first bond issue, but agreed to provide up to date report on the fund status at the next meeting. The Commissioners also discussed the necessity of establishing a separate accounting system for HRA revenues and expenditures that would provide for approval of bills by the HRA rather than the City Council. Martin was directed to request a legal opinion from the Attorney concerning legal requirements for HRA accounting of tax increment revenues.` Russell moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the 1982 HRA Adminis- trative Operating Budget as presented, contingent upon presentation of an up to date status report on the Downtown Project Construction Budget at the next regular meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. l \I HRA Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 2 Havlik Property Purchase Option Agreement (Parcel #3,0) CRuss Larson, Attorney, reviewed the contents of the Purchase Option Agreement and Memorandum of Option Agreement offered to and accepted by John and Loretta Havlik dated December 3, 1981 for purchase of the Havlik Mobil Station property. Commissioner Whitehill arrived at this point in the meeting. Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the purchase option agreement and the Memorandum of Option Agreement as executed by the Havliks, and to authorize and direct the Chairman and Executive Director to execute both agreements on behalf of .the HRA. The attorney was also ordered to immediately file the Memorandum of Option Agreement in the office of the County Recorder. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Huber Property Acquisition (Parcel #26) Larson presented a status report on his negotiations with John Huber for acquisition of his vacant property identified as Parcel #26. He pointed out that an error had been made in the appraisal of this property, which consisted of including existing public street right -of- way in the property's land area computations. He concluded that the "saleable" portion of the property consists of only 88,000 square feet, and not the 99,590 square feet reported in the appraisal report. As a result of this error, negotiations for acquisition of the property have become confused and no progress has been made to acquire the property in the immediate future. He recommended that authority be given to him to have the property reappraised and to commence eminent domain proceedings for acquisition if the property owner does not accept an offer equal to the newly appraised value. Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to authorize reappraisal of the Huber property and to continue acquisition negotiations following receipt of the new appraisal. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Riviera Property Acquisition /Relocation (Parcel #31) Larson presented a status report on the Riviera property acquisition/ relocation negotiations. At issue was the amount of monthly rent to be paid by the Riviera if occupancy of the property continues beyond the date of acquisition by the HRA, and the amount to be paid for extensions to the original option period. The Commissioners agreed that monthly rent following HRA acquisition should be set at 1 /12th of the annual real estate taxes exclusive of special assessments, on the property payable in the year of closing. The Commissioners also agreed to accept a provision in the purchase HRA Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 3 option agreement which provides for a $5,000 payment`by the HRA for each quarterly option term extension, subject to the requirement that option extension money paid shall be deducted from the total purchase price upon HRA acquisition. BRA Acquisition /Rental Polic Horn moved, seconded by Whitehill, to extablish a formal HRA property acquisition policy that provides for a uniform rental payment to the HRA by businesses occupying properties following final HRA property _ property acquisition which is equal to one - twelfth (1 /12th) of the annual real estate taxes, exclusive of special assessments, on the property payable in the year of closing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Downtown Redevelopment Project Status Report Martin updated the Commissioners on the current status of activities concerning the Downtown Redevelopment Project. He reported that Red Owl stores had not yet completed their market analysis study, but that completion of the study was imminent. He also reported that Kraus - Anderson was interested in possibly constructing their mandatory building improvements in two phases rather than all at once, due to the recessionary economy. Any decision by Kraus - Anderson relative to project phasing would not be made until the supermarket issue is resolved. Martin also reported that project field survey work has commenced, and is presently more than one -half (') completed. Completion of this work is anticipated within two (2) weeks, weather permitting. Traffic Analysis Study - Highway 5 Intersections Martin reported that completion of the HRA's intersection study for - Highway 5 intersections in the area of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park was temporarily delayed while Minnetonka, Inc. prepared an Environ- mental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and traffic study, which is required as part of their plan review requirements prior to receiving city approval. The results of the Minnetonka, Inc. traffic analysis will be incorporated in the HRA's overall intersection study. No completion date for the study is known at this time. Martin also reported that the State Department of Transportation has determined that traffic signals are warranted for the intersection of Highway 5 and Powers Boulevard (Co. Rd. 17) based on current traffic volumes. 141 _: C C HRA Minutes December 3, 1981 Page 4 ius- Anderson /Bloombe ent Acrr'eement Whitehill moved, seconded by Russell, to adopt Resolutions #81 -5 and #81 -6, which clarify the expiration dates of each Redevelopment Agreement by establishing May 27, 1982 as the expiration date of each. All voted in favor and the motion carried. West 79th Street Realignment Study The results of the West 79th Street realignment study, by BRW, Inc., were reviewed by the HRA. No action was to review the consultant's findings and recommendations the study for future reference. Adjournment as prepared taken, except and to file Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. I Chanhassen Housing Regular Meeting December 17, 1981 Minutes Call to Order and Redevelopment Authority The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m.. by Chairman Gullickson. Present were Commissioners Gullickson, Horn, and Bohn. Absent were Russell and Whitehill. Also present were Executive Director Scott Martin, Attorneys Russ Larson and Craig Mertz. Approval of Minutes Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to table action.on the December 3, 1981 _ minutes until the next regular meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Riviera Purchase Option Agreement (Parcel #31) Russ Larson presented an overview of the terms included in the Purchase Option Agreement for acquisition of the Riviera property, as executed by the owners. Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the Purchase Option Agreement and Memorandum of Option Agreement for the Riviera property as presented, and to authorize and direct the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the agreement on behalf of the HRA. The.Executive Director was also directed to pay the option money to the Riviera owners, and the Attorney was ordered to immediately file the Memorandum of Option Agreement in the Office of the County Recorder. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Special Assessment Reduction Program Martin presented a historical review of past HRA actions concerning - methods available to the HRA to induce development within the Business Park and adjacent industrial lands. Craig Mertz reviewed an outline of a proposal to reduce outstanding special assessments within the area served by City Public Improvement Project #78 -3 based on the value of new construction on a- lot -by -lot basis. Seven percent (7%) of the cost of new on -site private improvements excluding land cost would be used to compute the amount of each specific assessment reduction. The Commissioners expressed concern that such a program may not result in more rapid development of Business Park lands if the overall land costs to developers remained at current levels. _ Martin was directed to invite representatives from Rauenhorst Corporation and Instant Web, Inc. to the next meeting to discuss this program with the Commissioners in greater detail and to resolve concerns about the effectiveness of the program. HRA Insurance Coverage Larson reviewed recommendations for insurance coverage for the HRA. Presently, no separate coverage exists for HRA officials or property. Chanhassen HRA Minutes December 17, 1981 Page -2- Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to instruct the Attorney to secure all recommended insurance coverage for the HRA immediatg3y..._,_All voted in favor and the motion carried. HRA Fund Status Reports Martin presented Fund Status Reports for the HRA Fund #460 and #604, along with a recommended Revised Budget for #604. The Commissioners reviewed the reports, but felt that it was, unnecessary to revise the budget at this time. HRA Accounting Requirements Craig Mertz presented a letter (dated December 17, 1981) outlining legal requirements for HRA fund accounting. The Commissioners preferred the establishment of a separate accounting system for HRA funds, rather than contracting with the City under a Joint Powers Agreement to provide the HRA with this service within the City's accounting system. Martin recommended delaying any action on this matter until the City Manager was consulted concerning the two available options. The Commissioners agreed with this recommen- dation, but directed Martin to prepare a list of past disbursements/ expenditures of the HRA since the date of first receipt of tax increment revenues. This list should show the dates, check numbers, amount, and names of payees. The HRA will act on this expenditure list by resolution at the next regular meeting. Approval of Bills Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills for November, 1981 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Adjournment Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 3 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA S5317 ,u� • (61 2) 937 -1900 STAFF REPORT TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: January 15, 1982 RE: Special Assessment Reduction Program As directed at your meeting of December 17, 1981, I have invited representatives from Rauenhorst Corporation and Instant Web, Inc. to the meeting of January 21, 1982 inn order to discuss the proposed Special Assessment Reduction Program for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park and Park Two lands. Representatives from Fluoroware, Inc. and DayCo Concrete Company will also likely be in attendance to observe the discussion of this item and present their positions concerning their eligibility for any program established by the HRA to induce development within the Project Area. Attached are several copies of correspondence related to this item, as well as a copy of the same materials presented by,the Attorney at your last meeting which provide for program implementation. Depending on what action, if any, you take in regards to this program on January 21, 1982, modifications will likely be required in various legal documents before any final action can be taken by the HRA. Enc. .r t5 _ • LARSON & MERTZ • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST RUSSEUL H. LARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE CRAIG M. MERTZ (612) 333 -1511 OF COUNSEL December 8, 1981 HARVEY E. SKAAR MARK C. MCCULLOUGH „y ::- zASSEN Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority !`ii c/o Scott A. Martin Executive Director QEC 0 9 1981 Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 v!-NT DEPT Re: The Reduction of City Project 78 -3 Assessments As A Redevelopment Cost Dear Scott: The HRA has long discussed the possibility of paying a portion of the Public Improvements Project 78 -3 assessments as a method of stimulating the development of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park and the properties abutting the Business Park. Initially the proposed program would haved entailed the discretionary award of tax increment monies on a case -by -case basis, with actual payment being accomplished by means of a HRA purchase of parcels and - an immediate resale of such parcels at a "written down" price. The discretionary aspect of the proposed program caused the City's bond counsel to express serious reservations regarding the program In addition, numerous practical problems arose from bond counsel's stated requirement that assessment reductions could only be accomplished in the form of a land purchase and resale. Recently, you have advised me that because of the format of the proposed overlay zoning ordinance for the Downtown Project, it would no longer be necessary for the assessment reduction program to be -• discretionary in nature. On November 10, 1981, a breakthrough was achieved with Mr. Kennedy, the City's bond counsel. Mr. Kennedy reversed his previous position on the manner of payment of assessment reductions. Mr. Kennedy, agreed that he would no longer object to the concept of making'direct payments from the HRA treasury to the City treasury in reduction of the Project 78 -3 assessments. Mr. Kennedy's consent to a direct payment program was necessary because the City can issue further bonds in support of the Downtown Project only if it has received the approving opinion of bond counsel. Scott A. Martin December 8, 1981 Page Two Mr. Kennedy's approval of a direct payment program for the reduction of Project 78 -3 assessments was conditioned upon: 1. Adoption of certain modifications to the HRA Plan, and 2. City Council approval of those modifications, and 3. Preparation of a form of assessment agreement to be signed by developers who wish to participate in the assessment reduction program. In an attempt to implement the program as discussed with Mr. Kennedy, we have prepared the following documents for your consideration: a. The proposed text of Modification No. 5 to the HRA Plan; b. A form of H.R.A. resolution approving Modification No. 5; C. A form of City Council resolution approving Modification No. 5; d. A form of HRA resolution approving a form of assessment agreement to be signed by program participants; e. The text of the proposed form of assessment agreement to be signed by program participants; f. A form of HRA resolution approving the retroactive participation of Fluoroware, Inc. in the program. Document "E" needs the most explanation. In Section 2.2(c) the redeveloper agrees to build certain improvements at a stated cost. In Section 3.1 the HRA agress to make an assessment reduction payment upon completion of those improvements. The amount of the assessment reduction payments is equal to 7% of the value of those improvements measured upon completion.(See Section 3.2) In the event that the HRA experiences cash flow problems it can postpone assessment reduction payments without incurring any obligation to pay interest during the postponement. (See Section 3.3) The assessment reduction payment program ends in 1987. (See Section 3.4) In document "B" the HRA reserves the right to extend the program for further periods of time. Scott A. Martin December 8, 1981 Page Three The redeveloper agrees that it will not seek reductions in real estate taxes below the amount of taxes which will be payable in the first year that the new construction is fully taxable. (See Article V of the Assessment Agreement) . The redeveloper forfeits his r the completed improvements are contemplated or b) if he fails the 5 year life of the program bankruptcy. (See Sections 6.1 Lghtsunder the agreement a) if less expensive than originally to complete the improvements within or c) if the redeveloper goes into and 6.2) The weak element in the program, as described in the enclosed documents, is the assumption that the county assessor will be cooperative and assess the completed improvements at a value at least as great as the value upon which the 7% payment was made. The assessor is not a party to the assessment agreement and cannot be compeled to abide by its terms In the case of the agreements with Kraus - Anderson and Bloomberg, this particular problem is disposed of by requiring the redeveloper to guarantee the HRA's revenue shortfalls and by requiring the redeveloper to file a letter of credit. We have attempted to ameliorate the problem in these documents by stating in Section 6.1 that completion of the improvements at less than the promised cost works a forfeiture of the redeveoper's right to an assessment reduction payment. If you have any questions, pelase call. Very truly yours, CRAIG M. MERTZ Assistant Chanhassen City Attorney CMM:ner enc OUTLINI JF PROPOSED 7% INCENTIVE Iri961UTNWA h 010.4 1L /14/251 A. HRA by Resolution Adopts Plan Modification No. 5. B. City Council by Resolution Adopts Plan Modification No. 5. C. HRA Approves Standard Form "Assessment Agreement" to be Signed By All Program Participants. D. HRA Decides Whether Program Retroactively Includes Fluoroware. II. ELIGIBILITY Any Redeveloper of a lot which is subject to assessments for City Project 78 -3. Redeveloper required to sign an "assessment agreement" with the HRA.(The word "assessment" refers to the fact that the agreement affects the value at which the property will 'be assessed for real estate tax purposes). III. CONTENTS OF THE ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT A. Redeveloper agrees to construct certain "minimum improvements" at a specified dollar cost.(52.02(c)) B. Upon completion of the minimum improvements HRA agrees to pay a portion of the Project 78 -3 assessments on that lot. ( §3.1) C. Amount of the HRA payment is 7% of the value of the completed improvements excluding land value. (§3.2) IN E. F (1) Should the Redeveloper landscaping? (2) Payment cannot exceed assessments which are minimum improvements. Timing of the HRA payments. also receive 7% of the value of amount of the Project 78 -3 unpaid upon completion of the (1) Documents as drafted contemplate a lump sum settlement with the City Treasurer upon completion of the minimum improvements. Cash flow problems are ameliorated by reservation of a power to postpone program payments to future years. (2) Alternative position - HRA assumes responsibility for payment of the individual installments of assessments until such time as the total dollar amount of the installments equals the amount of the promised special assessment reduction. Events Causing Forfeiture of Right to Participate in the Program. (1) Failure to complete minimum improvements before end of program in 1987.( §3.4) (2) Failure to complete minimum improvements at a cost equal to or exceeding the promised cost. ( §6.1) (3) Bankruptcy of Redeveloper. ( 56.1) (4) Failure to keep real estate taxes current( ?) How Are Redevelopers Obligations Secured? (1) 7% payment is based upon values upon completion ( 53.2) (2) Redeveloper agrees that it will not seek real estate tax reductions or tax abatements.( 55.1) MODIFICATION NO. 5 TO CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND PLAN Pursuant to Section 1, G, of the Chanhassen Redevelopment Plan, dated October 28, 1977, as amended heretofore, said plan is hereby further modified as follows: Subsection A (Project Expenditures) of Section V (Financial Plan) of the Amended Plan Booklet (February, 1980, Revised March 20, 1980) is amended to read as follows: A. PROJECT EXPENDITURES Project Expenditures include all estimated public costs for assembling and clearing land and constructing public improvements. They are presented in two groups. r (1) The first group - short -term expenditures - is presented in Table 4 and consists of all costs associated _ with Phase I and Phase II developments in the CBD area as well as all public costs for developing Phase I of the Business Park and abutting real property (the area between State Highway No. 5 and the railroad tracks to the south of it) . I The City of Chanhassen acting in cooperation with the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority installed streets, curbs, gutters, watermains, sanitary sewer mains, and storm water facilities in the westerly portion of the Business Park and abutting real estate as City Improvement Project 78 -3. The City carried out the construction of said improvements under the authority of Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes. On September 8, 1980, the Chanhassen City Council adopted an assessment roll levying special assessments against the benefited land in the Project 78 -3 area. Prior to the completion of Project 78 -3 the Project 78 -3 area was a "blighted" area and a "deteriorated" area as defined in the Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Act (Chapter 462 Minnesota Statutes). Under an assessment reduction program to be established by resolution of the Chanhassen HRA a portion of the Tax Increment Proceeds will be paid to either the redeveloper of individual parcels of land, or Chanhassen City Treasurer or the Carver County Auditor as a credit on a parcel by parcel basis against the Project 78 -3 assessments. The amount of each such reduction shall be computed according to a uniform formula which takes into account the value of private improvements which various redevelopers contract to construct within the Project 78 -3 area. No such assessment reduction payments shall be made unless the redeveloper of any such parcel enters into an.assessment agreement with the BRA specifying the nature of the private improvements to be constructed and stipulating a minimum value of said improvements for tax assessment purposes upon completion of the improvements. Because the Project 78 -3 area is a scenic, rolling lakefront site, the cost of Project 78 -3 was high compared to more typical grid - patterned flat industrial parks in other communities. Accordingly, land costs in the Project 78 -3 area are not competitive with land costs in other communities. The Project 78 -3 area will continue to lie stagnant and unproductive unless some portion of the Project 78 -3 costs can be absorbed through the tax increment process. Unless an assessment reduction program, as described above, is established and implemented, as part of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment. Project, the entire Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project will not be feasible. (2) The second group - long -term expenditures - is presented in Table 5 and consists of all costs for developing the remainder of the Business Park area. These costs would be incurred only if additional future development of the Business Park and the abutting real estate occurs. Dated: November 1981. Approved As To Form Executive Director -2- �,I HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Dated: Resolution No. Motion by Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAN MODIFICATION NO. 5 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. 1.01. The Chanhassen City Council and this Authority have approved a redevelopment project to be undertaken by the Authority, designated as the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project (the "Project "), and a Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan "), for the Project. 1.02. Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.525(Subd. 6) F empowers this Authority to make minor changes in the Plan under certain limited circumstance which do not require approval by the governing body of the municipality within which the project is located. 1.03. Modification No. 5 dated , 19 , has been presented to the Authority for its consideration and approval. 1.04. Modification No. 5, if adopted, would implement the program of expenditures in the area of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park as described in Table 4 ( "Project Expenditures Short -Term Costs ") of the "Amended Plan Drafted February, 1980, Revised _ March 20, 1980" booklet which was approved as Modification No. 3 to the Plan on March 20, 1980. SECTION 2 FINDINGS AND APPROVAL. 2.01. The Authority hereby finds that the approval of Modification No. 5, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A, would not have the effect of substantially altering or affecting the general land uses established in the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan and Project. 2.02. The Authority hereby approves said Modification No. 5 to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan and Project. 2.03. The Authority hereby finds that but for the approval of said Modification No. 5 and the assessment reduction program described in said Modification No. 5 the land in the Chanhassen Improvement Project 78 -3 area will continue to lie stagnant, underutilized, and unproductive. 2.04. The Authority hereby finds that the entire Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project will not be feasible unless the assessment reduction program described in Modification No. 5 is established and implemented. 2.05. The findings made by the Authority in its Resolu- tion dated November 29, 1977, approving the Plan and in its Resolution dated December 18, 1978 approving Modification No. 1 to the Plan, and in its Resolution dated March 20, 1980, approving Modification No. 3 to the Plan are hereby re- confirmed. 2.06. The Authority hereby finds that the costs of implementing the assessment reduction program described in Modification No. 5 a) are expenditures necessary to carry out the purpose of the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, b) are expenditures necessary to prepare the Project 78 -3 area for private redevelopment and improvement, and c) are a proper part of the public redevelopment cost of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project. SECTION 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF MODIFICATION NO.,5 3.01. No assessment reduction payment shall be made or authorized unless the following conditions have been met: a) The payment is made pursuant to the terms of an assessment agreement between the redeveloper (and owner) of the parcel of land to be redeveloped (the "Redevelopment Property ") and the Authority; b) Said assessment agreement provides that such redeveloper is obligated to complete certain private improvements upon the Redevelopment Property in accordance with plans and specifications which are in conformance with the ordinances and regulations of the City of Chanhassen; c) Said assessment agreement provides that the amount of the assessment reduction payment shall be a percentage of the value of the private improvements for real estate tax assessment purposes, and that the redeveloper and owner of said parcel, their heirs, successors and assigns, shall not seek any reduction in the annual real estate taxes paid in respect of the Redevelopment Property below the amount of such taxes which are payable in the calendar year next following the calendar year in which said private improvements are completed. -2- 3.02. The amount of any assessment reduction payment made pursuant to Modification No. 5 in connection with any parcel of land shall not exceed the lesser of the following amounts: a) The sum of the principal balance of the Project 78 -3 assessments levied against said parcel (and accrued interest thereon computed in accordance with Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes) outstanding against the Redevelopment Property at the time of the completion of the agreed private improvements; b) Seven percent of the Assessor's value of the agreed private improvements measured upon completion not including the value of landscaping, parking, and utility improvements constructed upon the Redevelopment Property. 3.03. In the case of Project 78 -3 assessments which have already been certified to the Carver County Auditor in connection with any parcel of land,any assessment reduction payments shall be made directly to the Carver County Auditor as a credit against the outstanding Project 78 -3 assessments (and accrued interest thereon) levied against said parcel. i In the case of Project 78 -3 assessments which have not been certified to the Carver County Auditor in connection with said parcel of land, any assessment reduction payment shall be made directly to the Chanhassen City Treasurer as a credit against the Project 78 -3 assessments (and accrued interest thereon) which would be certified to the Carver County Auditor r for collection in future tax years. 3.04. In-the event that the redeveloper of any parcel r of land subject to an assessment agreement, shall have paid in full the Project 78 -3 assessments (and accrued interest thereon) subsequent to the date of execution of such assessment agreement, then the assessment reduction payment shall be made directly to the redeveloper of such parcel. i 3.05. The obligation of the Authority to make assessment reduction payments pursuant to Modification No. 5 shall be subordinated to the obligation of the Authority to make payments on the Bonds issued either by the Authority or by the City of Chanhassen in support of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project. 3.06. Any amounts to be paid pursuant to the above described assessment reduction program shall be paid only from tax increments received by the Authority pursuant to Section 462.585 of Minnesota Statutes in connection with the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project. -3- 3.07. In the event that the Authority determines that the tax increment generated by the Downtown Redevelopment Project is insufficient to pay: a) payments of principal, premium (if any) and interest which will be due in any given calendar year on the Bonds, and b) assessment reduction payments which will be due in that same calendar year according to the terms of any assessment agreements entered into pursuant to Modification No. S, then the Authority's obligation to make such assessment reduction payments shall abate until such time that the Authority determines that such tax increment is sufficient to pay both such types of payments. Any assessment reduction payments so abated shall not bear interest during the period of such abatement. In the event that such tax increment is sufficient to pay a) all payments of principal,interest, premium (if any) and interest on the Bonds and b) a portion (but not all) of the above described assessment reduction payments, then such tax increment shall be applied as follows: First to satisfy the principal, premium (if any) and interest due in that calendar year; Second to satisfy assessment reductions owing under assessment reduction agreements chronologically (according to the date of execution of the assessment agreements by the Authority) with tax increment being applied to the satisfaction of payment due under the most senior of such assessment agreements. For purposes of this resolution, the term "Bonds" means obligations issued either by the Authority or the City of Chanhassen to finance the costs of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project, including but not limited to the costs of Chanhassen Improvement Project 78 -3 and the costs of the assessment reduction program which is described in Modification No. S. 3.08. The above described assessment reduction program shall terminate on , 1987, with no further assessment reduction payments to be made on or after that date, notwithstanding any language in any assessment agreement to the contrary. The Authority, however, reserves the right to extend the assessment reduction program for additional periods of time beyond the , 1987 expiration date. Passed and adopted this day of , 19 , by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Chairman -4- Attest: Executive Director Yes r i i r No -5- Absent Exhibit A To Be Supplied (A copy of Modification No. S) CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Dated: Resolution No. Motion by Councilmember Seconded by Councilmember RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT REDUCTION PROGRAM FOR DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the plan of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project (hereinafter the "Plan "); and WHEREAS, said Plan contemplated that the Authority would pay a portion of the costs incurred by the City in connection with the installation of utilities south of State Highway No. 5 as a part of Public Improvement Project No. 78 -3; and WIiEREAS, the Authority has transmitted to the City a copy of the Authority's Resolution No. dated 19 adopting Modification No. 5 to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan; and r WHEREAS, by said resolution the Authority has implemented a program whereby the City would be reimbursed for those costs of Project 78 -3 which were assessed pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes but which remain unpaid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Chanhassen City Council as follows: 1. Modification No. 5 to the Downtown Redevelopment Plan as described in the Authority's Resolution No. dated , 19 , (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. 2. The City Council hereby finds that the approval of said Modification No. 5 would not have the effect of substantially altering, or affecting the general land uses established in the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan and Project. 3. The City Council hereby finds that but for the approval of said Modification No. 5 and the assessment reduction program described in said Modification No. 5 the land in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park will continue to be stagnant, underutilized, and unproductive. 4. The City Council hereby finds that the entire Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project will not be feasible unless the assessment reduction program described in Modification No. 5 is established and implemented. 5. The City Council hereby finds that the costs of implementing the assessment reduction program described in Modification No. 5 a) are expenditures necessary to carry out the purposes of the Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Act, b) are expenditures necessary to prepare the Project 78 -3 assessment area for private development and improvement and c) are a proper part of,the public redevelopment cost of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project. 6. The findings made by the City Council in its Resolution dated December 19, 1977, approving the Plan, and its Resolution dated December 18, 1978, approving Modification No. 1 to the Plan, and its Resolution dated May 27, 1980, approving Modification No. 3 to the Plan are hereby reconfirmed. Adopted this day of 1, 198 Attest: City Clerk Manager Yes —2- Absent Exhibit A To Be Supplied (Copy of HRA Resolution Adopting Modification No. 5) r- r r 1 Ir �I ,1 r r 1 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTIiORITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION APPROVING FORM OF ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Dated: Resolution No. Motion by Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner WIiEREAS, the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority has approved Modification No. 5 to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, said Modification No. 5 contemplated the preparation of a form of assessment agreement between the Authority and private redevelopers who wish to participate in the assessment reduction program described in Modification No. 5; and WHEREAS, the proposed form of such agreement has been presented to the Authority for its review; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority as follows: 1. The form of assessment agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as ExhilQit A, is hereby approved. 2. The Executive Director and Chairman of the Authority, however, are not authorized to execute any such assessment agreement with any redeveloper or land owner unless specifically authorized to do so by a further resolution of the Authority. Passed and adopted this day of 19 , by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. airman Attest: Executive Director Yes No Absent r ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made on or as of the day of 19 , by and between The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, a public body corporate and politic (the "Agency "), established pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1947, Chapter 487, as amended, being Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411- 462.711 (the "Act "), and (the "Redeveloper "). r WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Agency was created pursuant to the Act and was authorized to transact business and exercise its powers by a resolution of the City Council of the City of Chanhassen (the "City "); and r WHEREAS, in furtherance of the objectives of the Act, the Agency has undertaken a program for the clearance and reconstruction or rehabilitation of blighted, deteriorated, _ deteriorating, vacant, unused, underused or inappropriately used areas of the City, and in this connection is engaged in carrying out a redevelopment project known as the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project (the "Project "), in an area (the "Project Area "), located in the City; and WHEREAS, as of the date of this Agreement there has r been prepared and approved by the Agency and the City a redevelopment plan for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Agency requested the County of Carver (the "County ") to certify the current assessed value of the real property within the Project Area pursuant to Section 462.585 of the Act thereby establishing the Project as a tax increment financing district; and WHEREAS, the major objectives of the Redevelopment Plan are to: acquire for rehabilitation economically or . i functionally obsolete or underutilized buildings and land; provide a redevelopment site of a character that will encourage future development of the area and improve sources of public r revenue; elimiate blighting influences which impede potential development within the aforementioned redevelopment project; provide maximum opportunity for redevelopment by private enterprise, ( consistent with the needs of the City as a whole; encourage private rehabilitation of structures within the redevelopment project; and r i I r WHEREAS, in order to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan and particularly to make the land in the Project Area available for redevelopment by private enterprise for and in accordance with the uses specified in the Redevelop- ment Plan, the Agency has determined to provide substantial aid and assistance to the Project through the sale of bonds to finance the public costs of the redevelopment of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the Agency believes that the redevelopment of a portion of the Project Area pursuant to this Agreement, and fulfillment generally of the Agreement, are in the vital and best interests of the City and the health, safety, morals, and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of the applicable State and local laws and requirements under which the Project has been undertaken and is being assisted: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Section 1.1 Definitions. In this Agreement, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: "Act" means the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 et seq.., as amended. "Agency" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen. "Agreement" means this Agreement, as the same may be from time to time modified, amended, or supplemented. "Assessment Agreement" means any agreement substantially similar to this agreement providing for payment by the Agency of Project 78 -3 assessments from the tax increments received by the Agency in connection with the Project. "Assessment Reduction Payments" means payments made by the Authority to either the City or to the County's auditor, as a credit against Project 78 -3 assessments, pursuant to Article IV of this Agreement or pursuant to agreements similar to this Agreement withother redevelopers of land in the Project Area. "Market Value" or "Market Valuation" means the estimated fair market value of real property as determined by the assessor in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.11 (or as finally adjusted by any assessor, board of equalization, commis- sioner of revenue, or any court). -2- "Assessed Value" or "Assessed value of real property as determined by accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sec finally adjusted by any assessor, board commissioner of revenue, or any court) property tax is imposed. Valuation" means the the assessor in Lion 273.13 (or as of equalization, against which the real "Assessor" means the Carver County Assessor or a City Assessor having the powers of the Carver County Assessor. "Bonds" means the general obligation bonds or 7 obligations issued by the City or the Agency to finance the costs of the Project including but not limited to the Assessment Reduction Payments made by the Authority pursuant to Modification No. 5 to the Plan. The term "Bonds" shall also include any general obligation bonds or obligations issued to refund any Bonds. r "Certificate of Completion" means the certification provided to the Redeveloper, or the purchaser of any part, r parcel or unit of the Redevelopment Property, pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Agreement. "City" means the City of Chanhassen. "Construction Plans" means the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents on the construction work to be r performed by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property which (a) shall be at least as detailed as the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents which are submitted to the building �— inspector of the City, and (b) shall include at least the j following for each building: (1) site plan, (2) foundation plan; (3) basement plan; (4) floor plan for each floor; (5) cross sections of each (length and width); (6) elevations (all sides); (7) landscape plan. "County" means the County of Carver. "Critical Areas Act of 1973" means the statutes located in Minnesota Statutes, Section 116G.01 et seq., as amended. "Event of Default" means an action by the Redeveloper listed in Article VI of this Agreement. "Maturity Date" means the date when the principal of, premium (if any), and interest on the Bonds are paid in full. "Minimum Improvements" menas those improvements which are more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. r -3- "Minnesota Environmental Policy Act" means the statutes located at Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116D.01 et seq., as amended. "National Environmental Policy Act" means the federal law located at 42 U.S.C. §§4331 et seq., as amended. "Plan" means the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Plan as described in the "Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project Amended Plan, February, 1980, Revised March 20, 1980" booklet, as further amended from time to time by the Agency. "Project" means the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project as described in the "Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project Amended Plan, February 1980, Revised March 20, 1980" booklet, as further amended from time to time by the Agency. "Project Area" means the real property located within the boundaries of the entire redevelopment district as described in Figure 1 contained in the "Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project Amended Plan, February 1980, Revised March 20, 1980" booklet. "Project 78 -3 Assessments" means the costs of City of Chanhassen Improvement Project 78 -3 which were specially assessed against benefited real property pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes. "Real Estate Taxes" means ad valorem taxes on real property pursuant.to Chapter 273 of Minnesota Statutes and not including any special assessments levied pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes. "Redeveloper" means or its successors and assigns. "Redevelopment Property" means the real property which is more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. "Redevelopment Plan" means Plan. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Official" means any City or County assessor, county auditor, City, County or State board of equalization, the commissioner of revenue of the State, or any state or federal district court, the tax court of the State, or the State Supreme Court. -4- 7 I, I r (` ARTICLE II. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 2.1 Representations by the Agency. The Agency makes the owing representations as the basis for the undertaking on its part herein contained: (a) The Agency is a housing and redevelopment authority duly organized and existing under the laws of the State. (b) The Project is a "redevelopment project" within the meaning of the Act and was created, adopted and approved in accordance with the terms of the Act. (c) The Project is a "tax increment district" created, adopted, certified and approved pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.585. (d) The Agency has established the Project Area as a "tax increment district" and has requested that the County auditor of the County certify the Assessed Valuation of all taxable real property in the Project Area pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.585. (e) The activities of the Agency are undertaken for the purpose of removing, preventing or reducing blight, blighting factors, or the causes of blight, and for the purposes of eliminating or preventing the development or spread of deteriorated or deteriorating areas. (f) To finance the cost of the activities to be undertaken by the Agency, the Agency proposes to use the proceeds of Bonds issued either by the City or the Agency and to pledge tax increment generated by the Project Area to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds. Section 2.2 Representations and Warranties by the Redeveloper. The Redeveloper represents and warrants that: (a) The Redeveloper is a corporation duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, is not in violation of any provisions of its certificate of incorporation, its by -laws, or the laws of the,State of Minnesota, has power to enter into this Agreement and has duly authorized the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by proper corporate action. (b) The Redeveloper will construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Plan and all local, state and federal laws and regulations (including, but not limited to, environmental, zoning, building code and public health laws and regulations). -5- (c) The Minimum Improvements constitute a permitted use under the zoning ordinance of the City, a permitted use under the Plan and the Act and will be constructed at a cost at least Dollars ($ ) not including the Redeveloper's cost of acquisition of the Redevelopment Property and not including the cost of landscaping improvements, parking improvements, and utility improvements constructed (or to be constructed) upon the Redevelopment Property. (d) At such time or times as may be required by law, the Redeveloper will'have complied with all local, state and federal environmental laws and regulations, will have obtained any and all necessary environmental reviews, licenses or clearances under (and will be in compliance with the requirements of ) the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act, and the Critical Areas Act of 1973; as to the Redevelopment Property that Redeveloper has received no notice or communication from any local, state or federal official that the activities of the Redeveloper in the Project Area may be or will be in violation of any environmental law or regulation (other than those notices or communications of which the Agency is aware). The Redeveloper is aware of no facts the existence of which would cause it to be in violation of any local, state or federal environmental law, regulation or review procedure or which would give any person a valid claim under the Minnesota Environmental Rights Act. (e) The Redeveloper will use its best efforts to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with all existing local, state or federal energy- conservation laws or regulations. (f) The Redeveloper will obtain, in a timely manner, all required permits, licenses and approvals, and will meet, in a timely manner, all requirements of all local, state and federal laws and regulations which must be obtained or met before the Minimum Improvements may be lawfully constructed. ARTICLE III. ASSESSMENT REDUCITON PAYMENTS Section 3.1 obligation of Agency to Make Assessment Reduction Payments. ents. Upon completion of the Minimum Improvements and issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the Agency, from the tax increment generated by the Proejct shall make a payment (in the manner and in the amount provided hereinafter) in reduction of the Project 78 -3 assessments which have been levied against the Redevelopment Property. In the case of Project 78 -3 assessments which have then already been certified to the County's auditor for collection with real estate taxes, said assessment reduction payment shall be made directly to the County's auditor in full or partial satisfaction, as the case may be, of said Project 78 -3 assessments. W In the case of Project 78 -3 assessments which have not then been certified to the County's auditor for collection with real estate taxes, said assessment reduction ` payment shall be made to the City's treasurer in full or partial satisfaction, as the case may be, of said Project 78 -3 assessments. In the event that the Redeveloper has then already fully paid the Project 78 -3 assessment which have been levied against the Redevelopment Property, said assessment reduction payment shall be made directly to the Redeveloper or his designated successors and assigns. Section 3.2 Amount of Assessment Reduction Payment. The amount of any assessment reduction payment made pursuant to this Agreement shall be equal to the lesser of the following amounts: (a) the sum of the principal balance of the Project 78 -3 assessments levied against the Redevelopment Property, together with accrued interest thereon, both principal and interest being computed as of the date of completion of the Minimum Improvements; or i (b) seven percent (7 %) of the value Minimum Improve- ments, which shall be the Assessor's Market Value of the Redevelopment Property measured upon completion of the Minimum Improvements not in- cludingthe value (as determined by the Assessor) of the underlying real estate, and not including the value (as determined by the Assessor) of the landscaping, parking and utility improvements constructed upon the Redevelopment Property. Section 3.3 Obligation to Make Assessment Reduction Payments r Subordinated to Other Obligations. Any assessment reduction payments which the Agency is obligated to make pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid only from the tax increments received (� by the Agency in connection with the Project. In the event that the Agency determines that such r tax increment is insufficient to make both { (a) payments of principal,premium (if any) and interest which will be due in any given calendar year on the Bonds, and (b) all assessment reduction payments due the Redeveloper or other persons who have joined in assessment agreements with the Agency similar to this assessment agreement then (Section 3.1 of this Agreement notwithstanding) the Agency's obligation to make assessment reduction payments to the Redeveloper -7- shall abate until such time as the Agency determines that such tax increment is sufficient to make both such types of payments. Any assessment reduction payments so abated shall not bear interest during the period of such abatement. In the event that the Agency determines such tax increment is sufficient to make all of the above described payments on the Bonds but only a portion of the assessment reduction payments due under the various outstanding assessment agreements, including this Agreement, then such tax increment shall be applied as following: First, to satisfy the principal, premium (if any) and interest due in that calendar year on the Bonds, and Next, to satisfy assessment reduction payments owing under all then outstanding assessment agreements, said payments to be made on the basis of seniority (according to the date of execution, by the Agency, of each such assessment agreement), with such tax increment being applied to the satisfaction of payments due under the most senior of such assessment agreements. Section 3.4 Termination of Entitlement to Pa ment. Notwith- stan ing any language in this Agreement to the contrary, the obligation of the Agency to make any assessment reduction payment to the Redeveloper (or his successors and assigns) shall become null and void on . 1987, unless the Redeveloper has obtained a Certificate of Completion on or before said date. ARTICLE IV. CONSTRUCTION OF MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS Section 4.1 Construction of Minimum Improvements. The Redeveloper agrees that it will construct the Minimum Improvements on the Redevelopment Property and at all times prior to Maturity Date will not cause a reduction in the real estate taxes paid in respect of the Redevelopment Property through: (a) willful destruction of the Minimum Improvements or any part thereof, and /or (b) willful refusal to reconstruct the Minimum Improvements if or damaged or destroyed property. Section 4.2 Certificate of Completion. (a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement the Agency, upon the written application of the Redeveloper, will furnish the Redeveloper with an appropriate instrument so certi- fying. Such certification by the Agency shall be a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of the agreements and covenants in this Agreement to construct the Minimum Improvements. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any of the Redeveloper's obligations to any holder of a mortgage _ or to any insurer of a mortgage, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. (b) If the Agency shall refuse or fail to provide any certification in "accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.2 of this Agreement, the Agency shall, within thirty (30) days after written request by the Redeveloper, provide the Redeveloper with a written statement, indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Redeveloper has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, or is otherwise in default, and what measures or acts it will be necessary, in the opinion of the Agency, for the Redeveloper to take or perform in order to obtain such certification. (c) The construction of the Minimum Improvements shall be deemed to be completed when such Minimum Improvements are substantially completed. ARTICLE V. REAL ESTATE TAXES Section 5.1 Real Estate Taxes. The Redeveloper agress that, subsequent to completion of the Minimum Improvements and prior to the Maturity Date, it will not cause a reduction in the annual real estate taxes paid in respect of the Redevelopment Property below the amount of such taxes payable in the calendar year next following the calendar year in which the Redeveloper obtains the Certificate of Completion, and that it will not I seek a reduction in the assessed value of the Minimum Improvements I below the value determined by the Assessor pursuant to Section 3.2 of this Agreement: (1) By seeking administrative review or judicial review of the applicability of any tax statute determined by any Tax r Official to be applicable to the Project or the Redeveloper or i raising the inapplicability of any such tax statute as a defense in any proceedings, including delinquent tax proceedings; (2) by seeking administrative review or judicial review of the constitutionality of any tax statute determined by any Tax Official to be applicable to the Project or the Redeveloper or raising the unconstitutionality of any such tax statute as a r defense in any proceedings, including delinquent tax proceedings; r r i I (3) by willful destruction of the Redevelopment Property or any part thereof; (4) by willful refusal to reconstruct damaged or destroyed property; (5) by requesting the Assessor to reduce the Market Value or Assessed Value of all or any portion of the Redevelopment Property; (6) by petitioning the board of equalization of the City or the board of equalization of the County to reduce the Market Value or Assessed Value of all or any portion of the Redevelopment Property; (7) by petitioning the board of equalization of the State or the commissioner of revenue of the State to reduce the Market Value or Assessed Value of all or any portion of the Redevelopment Property; (8) by maintaining an action in the District Court of the State or the Tax Court of the State pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 278, seeking a reduction in the Market Value or Assessed Value of the Redevelopment Property; (9) by applying to the commissioner of revenue of the State requesting an abatement of real property taxes pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 270; and (10) by maintaining any other proceedings, whether administrative, legal or equitable, with any administrative body within the City, the County, or the State or with any court of the State or the federal government. The Redeveloper shall not, prior to the Maturity Date, apply for a deferral of property tax on the Redevelopment Property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.86. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the discretion of the Assessor to assign to the Redevelopment Property a Market Value to the Redevelopment Property in excess of the Minimum Market Value established pursuant to Article V of this Agreement. ARTICLE VI. EVENTS OF DEFAULT Section 6.1 Events of Default Defined. The following shall be E ents —of Default' under this Agreement and the term "Event of Default" shall mean,whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the context otherwise provides), any one or more of the following events (and the term "default" shall mean any event which would with the passage of time or giving of notice, or both, be an "Event of Default" hereunder): (a) Failure of the Redeveloper to complete the Minimum Improvementsat a cost equal to or exceeding the amount specified in i1c of Section 2.2 of this Agreement. (b) Failure of the Redeveloper to complete the Minimum Improvements on or before the date stated in Section 3.4 of this Agreement. (c) Failure by the Redeveloper to observe and perform any covenant, condition, obligation or on its part to be observed or performed hereunder, within thirty (30) days after written -10- _ notice to the Redeveloper specifying such failure and requesting that it be remedied (or within such other period as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement); or if the failure is by its nature incurable within such thirty (30) days, failure by the Redeveloper to furnish to the Agency satisfactory assurances that the Redeveloper can and will cure such failure or failures within reasonable time. (d) If the Redeveloper shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall file a petition in bankruptcy or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the l Redevelopment Property. (e) If the Redeveloper shall file a petition or r answer seeking reorganization.or arrangement under the federal bankruptcy laws. (f) If the Redeveloper, on a petition in bankruptcy filed against it, be adjudicated a bankrupt, or a court of competent jurisdiction shall enter an order or decree appointing, without the consent of the Redeveloper, a receiver of the Redeveloper or of the whole or substantially all of its property, or approve a petition filed against the Redeveloper - seeking reorganization or arrangement of the Redeveloper under the federal bankruptcy laws, and such adjudication, order or decree shall not be vacated or set aside or stayed within sixty (60) days from the date of entry thereof. Section 6.2 Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 9.1 of this Agreement occurs, the Agency may make any one or more of the following actions: r (a) Cancel and rescind this Agreement. l (b) Withhold the Certificate of Completion. r (c) Cancel any pending Assessment Reduction Payments due under the terms of this Agreement, causing a forfeiture of such payments in favor of the Agency. (d) Take whatever action at law or in equity may r appear necessary or desirable to the Agency to collect from the Redeveloper full reimbursement for any Assessment Reduction Payments previously made pursuant to this Agreement. r Section 6.3 No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the Agency is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statutes. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the Agency to exercise any remedy reserved to it, it shall not be necessary to give notice. Section 6.4 No Additional Waiver Implied by One Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this Agreement should be breached by either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach hereunder. ARTICLE VII. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Section 7.1 Conflict of Interest; Agency Representatives Not In ivi ually Liable. No member, official or employee of the Agency shal have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in the Agreement, nor shall any such member, official, or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is, directly or indirectly interested. No member, official, or employee of the Agency shal be personally liable to the Redeveloper or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Agency or for any Assessment Reduction Payments which may become due under the terms of this Agreement. Section 7.2 Duty of Agency to Act Reasonably. Wherever this Agreement requires the Agency to approve any action of the Redeveloper, it is understood and agreed that the Agency will not unreasonably withhold or delay such approval. Section 7.3 Titles of Articles and Sections. Any titles of the several parts, Articles, and Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions. Section 7.4 Notices and Demands. Except as otherwise expre -- shy provided in this Agreement, a notice, demand, or other communication under this Agreement by either party to the other shall be sufficiently given or delivered if it is dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally and -12- sr I F r l I■ (a) in the case of the Redeveloper, is addressed d to or delivered personally to the Redeveloper at (b) in the case of the Agency is addressed to or delivered personally to the Agency at Chanhassen City Hall or at such other address with respect to either such party as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the other as provided in this Section. Section 7.5 Counterparts. This Agreement is executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 7.6 oror iling of Registrar of to any subse, Property, or and shall be Notice to Subsequent Purchasers. The recording this Agreement with the County Recorder or County Titles shall constitute notice of this Agreement 3uent purchaser or encumbrancer of the Redevelopment any part thereof, whether voluntary or involuntary, binding upon them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Agency has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be hereunto duly affixed, and the Redeveloper has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its corporate seal to be hereunto duly affixed, on or as of the date first above written. THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN By its And its 0 And i -13- Name of Redeveloper) STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 by and - — of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Notary Public County: My Commission Expires: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 r by and the and of a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public County: My Commission Expires: -14- EXHIBIT A "SPECIMEN ONLY" "Minimum Improvements" means a 20,000 square T foot office building constructed of tilt -up concrete panels and masonry. f i r r i i EXIiIBIT B "SPECIMEN ONLY" Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, according to the map or plat thereof, on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, in and for Carver County, Minnesota. Comments On Assessment Agreement P. 1 Name of Redeveloper must be supplied: P. ? Name of Redeveloper must be supplied. P. orcpaor�n2.2 must be revised if Redeveloper is an individual P. 4 Estimated construction cost must be supplied. P. 8 Expiration date for assessment reduction program must be supplied. P. 13 Redeveloper's address must be supplied. IIOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATION OF FLUOROWARE, INC. IN ASSESSMENT REDUCTION PROGRAM Dated: Resolution No. Motion By Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner WHEREAS, Fluoroware, Inc. (Fluoroware), the owner and developer of Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Carver County, Minnesota (the "Subject Property ") appeared before the Authority on March 20, 1980, and June 5, 1980, and requested that the Authority assist Fluoroware in its development of the Subject Property by utilizing a portion of tax increments received by the Authority pursuant to Section 462.585 of Minnesota Statutes to pay a portion of the costs of City of Chanhassen Project 78 -3 which was assessed against benefited properties including the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the Authority on June 5, 1980 approved such assistance to Fluoroware in the form of a purchase of the Subject Property and a subsequent resale of the Subject Property at a reduced price; and WHEREAS, the above - described action of June 5, 1980, was contingent upon the Authority's bond counsel issuing an approving opinion for such assistance to Fluoroware; and WHEREAS, Fluoroware, relying on the Authority's action of June 5, 1980, proceeded to complete its development of the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the Authority by its Resolution No. dated , 19 , adopted Modification No. 5 to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project, thereby instituting a comprehensive program for the reduction of the Project 78 -3 assessments on all land in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park including the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the assessment reduction program described in said Modification No. 5 is similar in substance to the form of assistance to Fluoroware which was contemplated by the Authority in its action of June 5, 1980; r c r F NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority, as follows: 1. The participation of Fluoroware in the assessment reduction program for the City of Chanhassen Public Improvement Project 78 -3 area is hereby approved retroactively provided that Fluoroware execute an assessment agreement with the Authority in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. 2. The Chairman and Executive Director of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the Authority. Passed and adopted this day of 19 by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Attest: Executive Director r- Yes I■ I■ ! I ! r r I! l Ime Chairman -2- Absent r c Exhibit A To Be Supplied Copy of Approved Assessment Agreement) CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 r January 7, 1982 Mr. Jerome Carlson - Instant Web, Inc. _ 570 W. 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Special Assessment Reduction Program for Park Two and Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Dear Jerome: Enclosed for your review is a copy of the materials to be discussed by the Chanhassen HRA on January 21, 1982 pertaining to the proposed 7% Special Assessment Reduction Program for Park Two and Chanhassen Lakes Business Park properties. As we discussed, the HRA would like an opportunity to discuss the — impact of such a program with you prior to taking any final action on this proposal. I -would suggest that you direct your attention to the proposed "Assessment Agreement ", which establishes the basic terms of the program and would be required between the HRA and the developer of each lot included in the program. If you have any specific comments or recommendations concerning the enclosed materials, I would appreciate receiving such in writing by January 14, 1982, so that they might be forwarded to the HRA in advance of their meeting of January.21, 1982. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, A. M Sco t A. Martin Executive Director SAM : nh Enc. V. DUNKLEY AND BENNETT Mr. Scot Martin Executive Director Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Chanhassen City Hall Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Fluoroware, Inc.: Assessment on Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Property Dear Mr. Martin: Attorney Craig Mertz advises that the entire issue of the means by which the City of Chanhassen will grant credits against special assessments in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park is to be discussed at a HRA meeting at Chanhassen City 7- Hall on January 21, 1982. Mr. Mertz suggested that I drop i you this note requesting that I be provided with an agenda so that I know the exact time and location of the meeting which I will certainly want to attend on behalf of Fluoroware, Inc. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Happy New Year! f, V y truly yours, Yay L. Bennett JLB:cam CITY OF CHANHASSEN RE CEC�o1981 COMMATY DEYELOW -7.11T DEPT. l LAW OFFICES 1750 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST _ PILLSBURY CENTER 200 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 Tml HDNE: (612) 339 -1290 JAY L. BENNETT WILLIAM M. DUNKLEY THOMAS D. CREIGHTON December 29, 1981 Mr. Scot Martin Executive Director Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Chanhassen City Hall Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Fluoroware, Inc.: Assessment on Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Property Dear Mr. Martin: Attorney Craig Mertz advises that the entire issue of the means by which the City of Chanhassen will grant credits against special assessments in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park is to be discussed at a HRA meeting at Chanhassen City 7- Hall on January 21, 1982. Mr. Mertz suggested that I drop i you this note requesting that I be provided with an agenda so that I know the exact time and location of the meeting which I will certainly want to attend on behalf of Fluoroware, Inc. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Happy New Year! f, V y truly yours, Yay L. Bennett JLB:cam CITY OF CHANHASSEN RE CEC�o1981 COMMATY DEYELOW -7.11T DEPT. l J Concrete Company CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 1340 PARK ROAD • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 PHONE: 474.5246 January 11, 1982 City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MM. 55317 Attention: H R A Members Dear Members: It is my understanding in talking to Mr. Scott Martin that the Special Assesment Reduction Program is still pending. If the program is adopted I understand that there may be a legal problem as to the eligibility of people having built 'before the program. I am confident that every consideration will be given to myself and Fluroware. I would appreciate it if any new information would be forwarded to me as it has been some _ months since I worked with Mr. Don Ashworth and attended the H R A meeting on this matter. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you. Sincerely, �Q �.� A-0-c4 J:, David W. Brockphaler, President Day Co Concrete Company DWB:kk 1 !lop l ^. \�,i{ :QTY Y. ,G ,.,L:::, �,_,lL1 rIPMI "_.;TvEPr. CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY .690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 STAFF REPORT TO: Chanhassen HRA IpA' FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director �f1� DATE: January 15, 1982 RE: Status of Huber Property Acquisition (Parcel #26) As directed at your meeting of December 3,1 981, staff has ordered and subsequently received a new appraisal for the Huber Property. You will recall that Russ Larson discovered an error in our initial appraisal that involved the inclusion of street sights -of -way in the property legal description. The new appraisal estimates the current market value of this property to be $154,000 or $1.75 per square foot. This figure compares with an initial appraised value of $185,000 or $1.85 per square foot. The higher figure was computed using the erroneous figure of 99,590 square feet,for the area of this parcel (which includes street rights -o£ -way), rather than using the correct land area of 88,000 square feet, which represents the "saleable" portion of the property. Russ Larson will be prepared to give you a full update on the status of his negotiations with Mr. Huber at your next meeting. n CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 STAFF REPORT TO: Chanhassen HRA FROM: Scott A. Martins, Executive Director DATE: January 15, 1982 RE: HRA Accounting System As you recall from our meeting of December 17, 1981, the HRA was provided with two available options for future accounting of HRA funds. The first option, preferred by the Commissioners present at that meeting, provided for the establishment of an HRA accounting system that is separate and distinct from the City's system. The second option provided for the HRA to continue to utilize the City accounting system under a Joint Powers Agreement with the City Council that would authorize the City Treasurer to handle all HRA funds. According to the opinion of the City Attorney, the HRA must authorize the expenditure of all HRA funds, regardless of which accounting system option the HRA chooses. I have explored this matter further with the City Manager since your last meeting, and we have both concluded that utilization of the City's accounting system under a joint powers agreement is the best method available to us. Use of the City's system will enable us to obtain computerized reports — for BRA funds at a nominal cost compared with the cost of contracting with a separate firm to produce similar reports. The City's system also provides us with existing personnel who are familiar with required accounting practices in general and with HRA fund accounting in P particular. This option also avoids numerous bookkeeping problems for the City Treasurer in preparing payroll checks for personnel funded in part by the HRA. (A list of affected personnel is attached for your information.) Under this recommended system, the HRA will be provided with a monthly listing of current HRA accounts payable which you will be asked to review and approve. Following your approval, the City Treasurer will be directed to pay approved bills. City checks will continue to be utilized for this purpose in order to simplify matters, but the signa- ture of the Executive Director will also be required in order to disburse HRA funds. Based on past expenditures and anticipated future expenses, the monthly accounts payable should not.include more than six or seven vendors. Channassen HRA January 15, 1982 Page 2 If the HRA agrees with the recommendation to utilize the City's accounting system, the attorney should be instructed to prepare the necessary joint powers agreement to formalize this approach in time for final action at your next regular meeting of February 18, 1982. Attachments 1. Letter from Attorney re: HRA Accounting Requirements (Dtd.12 /17/81) 2. List of City Staff funded in part by HRA. r Ir I I I LAR90N & MERTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST RUSSELL H. LARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MIP;NE50TA 55402 TELEPHONE CRAIG M. MERTZ (6121 333 - 1511 OF COUNSEL December 17, 1981 HARVEY E. SKAAR MARK C. MCCULLOUGH _ Scott A. Martin Executive Director Chanhassen HRA Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Re: HRA Accounting Requirements Dear Scott: We have received your letter dated December 7, 1981 requesting an opinion concerning the handling of HRA money. For the first six years of the HRA's existence, the HRA had no money, other than money advanced to the HRA by the City Council from the City's budget. These monies were deposited in the City's checkbook. The HRA's creditors were then paid by City checks which were issued upon approval of the City Council. Now the situation has changed. The BRA has an independent source of revenue, namely the tax increments. These tax increments have been deposited in the City's bank account, but in a fund (or subaccount) which is in the HRA's name. The HRA is a separate governmental entity. It alone is authorized to expend its money, which would include tax increments, proceeds from land sales, and revenue from HRA -owned enterprises. The State Auditor's Office, which has the audit responsibility for HRAs, requires that HRAs keep books and records in the same manner as City books and records are kept. Ideally the HRA should keep its own accounting system, separate and distinct from the City's system. The present arrangement was proper in the years before the first tax increment was received. If the HRA wishes to continue to utilize the City accounting system, the HRA and the City Council should sign a joint powers agreement authorizing the City Treasurer to handle the HRA's money. CITY OF CHANHASSEN LJEG 171981 COMMU JY DEUELOPIM -AT DEPT, Scott A. Martin December 17, 1981 Page Two Regardless of whether the HRA decides to continue to utilize the City accounting system or establish a separate accounting system, it is the HRA's board, not the City Council, which must authorize expenditure of funds in general and the issuance of specific checks in particular. Technically the City Council has no authority to order the expenditure of tax increment funds. If the HRA wishes to regularize past expenditures it should ask the City Treasurer to make a list of past disbursements showing the dates, check numbers, amounts, and names of payees. The HRA should then meet as a board and after examining the Treasurer's list, pass a resolution confirming the past expenditures. If the HRA does decide to establish a separate accounting system, the HRA checks would be signed by the member of the board who is Secretary- Treasurer and also by the Executive Director. If you have any questions, pelase call. Very truly yours, CRAIG M. MERTZ Assistant Chanhassen City Attorney CMM:ner P. S. The City Treasurer's list of checks can be limited to dis- bursements made since the first tax increment was received. /CMM December 7, 1981 Mr. Russell Larson Larson and Mertz 1900 First Bank Place West Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Request for Legal Opinion Concerning HRA Accounting Requirements Dear Russ: As you know, the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority has expressed an interest in having greater input in budgetary and accounting operations which pertain to their activities. Specifically, the HRA feels that all invoices received by the City which are related to HRA activities and funded by HRA monies should be approved by the HRA rather than the City Council, as is presently done. As a result of this concern by the HRA, I have been directed to ask you for your written legal opinion concerning statutory requirements for HRA accounting and finance operations. My questions, therefore, are as follows: What are the current statutory requirements for accounting of HRA funds? Are HRA's required to maintain their own accounting system which is separate and distinct from the City system? Are the requirements the same when tax increment revenues are used to fund HRA operations and redevelopment projects? Does the City Council have authority to approve or not approve bills and invoices involving expenditures which were authorized by and are the obligation of the HRA? Does the City or HRA need to take any specific action to retroactively ilegitimize past accounting practices in order to comply with State Laws? Your response to these questions would be appreciated by December 17, 1981 if possible.. Please contact me immediately if you have any questions or if you will be unable to meet the above deadline. Sincerely, to M Sc tt Martin Executive Director Chanhassen HRA r SAM:nh cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager r January 15, 1982 r 1982 CITY STAFF SALARIES AND BENEFITS PARTIALLY FUNDED BY CHANHASSEN HRA (As Per Adopted 1982 Operating Budget) PERCENT NAME OF STAFF MEMBER POSITION TITLE HRA FUNDED Scott Martin HRA Executive Director/ Community Development Dir. 75% Nancy Herfert Administrative Aide 25% Rebecca Foreman Planning Secretary 25% Don Ashworth City Manager 12'x% Kay Klingelhutz City Treasurer 10% Mary Jean Meuwissen Senior Account Clerk 10% CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ' ® t 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 r STAFF REPORT TO: Chanhassen HRA 1 FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive DirectorIiU` I DATE: January 15, 1982 RE: Approval of Past Tax Increment Expenditures As directed at your meeting of December 17, 1981, I have prepared the attached list of past disbursements /expenditures of HRA Tax Increment funds (dated January 6, 1982) which includes all disbursements since yeceipt of initial tax increment revenues in 1977. I have also prepared the attached Resolution #82-1 for your consideration at the meeting of January 21, 1982. Approval of this resolution is recommended in order to regularize past expenditures of the HRA in accordance with state law. ti CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION DATE: January 21, 1982 RESOLUTION NO: 82 -1 r MOTION BY COMMISSIONER: SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER: RESOLUTION APPROVING PAST DISBURSEMENTS /EXPENDITURES OF ALL TAX INCREMENT REVENUES RECEIVED BY CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority has received Tax Increment Revenues from the establishment of-the Downtown Redevelopment Project Tax Increment District since 1977, and, WHEREAS, said Authority has not routinely approved all past disbursements of Tax Increment funds (since such funds first became available to the Authority, and _ WHEREAS, said Authority wishes to regularize past expenditures of tax increment funds in accordance with the Minnesota Housing Redevelopment Authority Act and Tax Increment Financing Act, and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of said Authority has prepared a complete listing of all past disbursements /expenditures of HRA Tax Increment Funds since first receipt of said funds, and WHEREAS, said Authority has examined said list of Tax Increment disbursements and has determined that all such disbursements are proper and in order; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority hereby approves and confirms the past disbursements /expenditures of HRA Tax Increment funds as listed on the attached expenditure report for years 1977 through 1981, consisting of fifteen (15) pages showing the dates, check numbers, amounts, and the names of payees, and dated "prepared January 6, 1982 ". Passed and adopted this 21st day of January, 1982, by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority. ATTEST: Executive Director Chairman YES NO ABSENT CITY OF CHANNASSEN S U B- L'E.0 G E R R E P O R T EXPENOITURES PERIOD ENOENG 11 -30 � W+GE 267 r 460 H.R.A. ;1-- DEPT -- ACCT -PRO 0- iN0E1� -"V EX00T;CHStK -POI JE`0A7E - - "OE SC RI Pt ION-( 8UDG5 T1 A- W- 0 -U -Nr- - AH "OUNT =TO= DATE -N­ L -A N-C-E- 150 j 4013 DOWNTOWN •SDEV. DISTRICT SALARIES + WAGES. PEG. 12.000.01 .0, 12,00'.0'. 150- 491 "` - - -' -- 00"335_- C 1997C-"-012537 02- 27 -81 -- SCOTT "MARTIN - " "-- 1647:92 164.92 11.!135.i9- �.�:� 150 4010 0001:8 019970 512565 '03 -13 -81 SCOTT MARTIN 519.41 675.33 11,324.67 151 4017 003242 C1997C 012592 03 -31-81 SCOTT MARTIN SSC.41 1,185.74 1].814, ?6 -- 150 - 4.10-'- COG134`7199T9- 012629'-- EL -15 -AS SCOTT MAR T IN 51 ^,4�� ",696.15 3'3. 85" 150 401^ 000242 019970 .012660 04 -37 -81 SCOTT MARTIN 510.41. .2.2[6.56 91797.44 ,`' 159 401.____0001.3 019970 012707 - ` 05 -15 -Si SCOTT MARTIN 510_.41 2,716.97 9,283.03 150 4010 9 ^. 23f.0 - 019973 -012743-05-29-81 -SCOTT MAR TIN 51.'•;41- 3,227:38 9,772.62 -- s 150 4017 000129 C1997+ C12786 06 -15 -61 SCOTT MARTIN 510.41 3.737 -.79 8.2 ^2.21 i 150_ 4010 000303 319977. 012823 06 -30 -81 SC6TT MARTIN 510.41 4.248.21 7,751.8^ _ 150 4118-. .- 000112 -- 019970 12970' 07= 15= 81'50OTi M 151 4010 00O294 019970 1 p RTIN. 510.41 4:758.67- 7;241.39 s - 012909 ''07 -381 SCOTT MARTIN - "! 150 401^ ! 0001.T t19970- 012954 '..' "DA -14 -ei SCOTT MAR TS 510.41 5,269.02 6.73'0.98 510.41 5y779.43 6.22).57 1.50 411; - "_O 33 265 - 019970 - 012990 `C8= 31 " =81- SCOTT: MARTT_N 510.41�6� 289 _8G 5 ",710.16- �' 150 471.+1 030108 C19970 013033 09- 15 -81, SCOTT MARTIN 510.41 6,707,25 5,190,75 150 4010 030266 0.19970 013769 09 -39-81 SCOTT. MARTIN - 519.41 7.310.65 7 4,6 ?9.34 159- 411-- 000111 X39970-- G13112 ':,.1.0 =15 =81 -$COT T- MAP,TIN - 5111;41 c,17 A.93� 157 4010 000259 019970 ': 013143 10 -30 -81 SCOTT MARTIN '516.41 8,331.4A 3,6EP.52 -,' 150 4010 COC193 619970_;013182 "` .11 -13 -81 SCOTT MARTIN - -' "" 519.41 8.841.89 T q � ..150 4010 000319 U19970`01322y --' -11 =347 -81 SCO'T MARTIN 139.80 !.981.6? 3.018.31 „ tl 153 4030 000325 619970. 613225 11-30-81 SCOTT MARTIN 510.41 9,492,10 2,507.9^ • -550- 4010- pOANTONN�REOEV: OIbTR2OT- SALARIES i'1iA6ESs REG: •TOTALS" - 12:000: -470 -9; 492 -i0': + q;yq f0 ., r- 2507.90 -a _ __150_ 4039 DOWNTOWN RED_EV. DISTRICT : I CONTRIS., RETIRE. 1,400.00., - _ ,00 150 -4030 -- CO0336 031006'- 012541 82 -2T -81 $TATS TR EASUPEfi -- 51 5 -1 347.45 15C 403 ^_ 000337 0318G8 C12541 C2 -27 -81 STATE TREA$U F,ER £ 4b 42,4A +- 9. ;1 T ,, .__..150 4030 CL0272 031000. 012602 C3 -31 -81 STATE TREASURER 56.14 107.69 1.292.31 150 4730 - 00O287 631 E TREASURER - -- -- 150 4030 67.89 -C 75.58 - 1,224.42 i 00037y 031D30 012686 04 -30 -BS STATE TREASURER - 56.14 '231.72. 1,16 q, 2q 150 4030 000399' 031900 " 012687 "C4 -39 -81 S1AT ET4.EASURER - 67.89 299,61 1.10.39 150 �-4C30- - -� "GC ^374 C31301-012758 85 =29X81 STATE_T EA$URE2 56.14 355.7" 1044.25 _" f.4 150 4+� 7C 330365 021000 612943 . C6 -30 -81 STATE TREASURER 56.14 411.99 9.AE.11 150 4b 3" C00004_031000 012747 000604 C6 -30 -81 STATE__ TREASURER 67.89 479.78 ;g 2!'.22 _ :m 150 4030 047385 631004- 012933 - �7 =31 -81 STATE TR F_ASURE2 56.14 - 535.92 .'864, Z .i 150 4030 000401. C31000 012934 07 -31 -81 STATE TREASURER 3,81 67.89 6C 795.19 150 _403; 000055_ 031008 012846 090705 07 -31 -81 STATE _TREASURER '.'67.89 - 671_.77 726.3: n 150 4030- CS936^ 031308'- 013704 Oe -3f -81 STATE T2- cASURER -- 56.14 727.8♦ 672.16 y hi 150 4637 000376 031700 013')09 C8-31 -B1 STATE TREASURER 67.89 795.73 6C4.27 150 _403^, 090335_C31000 013186 09 -31 -81 STATE_ TREASURER 56.14 851.87 548,13 I 350- y030 L90385 D319G0- 013799 f9 -37 -81 STATE T4 EASU. E:, 67.89 91 ° it ..76 40',24 151 4037 GU0344 331100 013158 17 -30 -81 STATE TREASURER 1 150 4030 LC036J 031000 613159 10 -30 -81 STATE TF,E45URER 56.14 975.92 424,17 67.89 1.743.79 356.21__ i 157 4030 ­_090395-C31200-613239 it-30-8i-STATE T ?. EASU :ER - 63,84 1,1[7.63 292.37 157 4r3^. 000447 031000 013244 11 -30 -81 STATE TREASURER 77.18 1.164.81 215,19 • 150 4039 --- DOWNTOWN kEOEV. OISTRICY CONTRIB. ;- RETIRE. _i TOTALS 1.400.00• -- 1'184.81 • 1'184.81 215.19 159 4040 DOWNTOWN P.SOEV. DISTRICT CONTRIB.♦ INS. _ 500. 0C _ .09 511.01 _ 153 4040 - - -" 000303- -C35675 0126Cp 03 -31 -11 WISCONSIN °NPLOYE4S GRP 21.62 21.62 479.38 1, i. CITY OF CHANHp SSEN S U B- L E D G E R R E P O R T EXPENDITURES PERI00 ENDING 11 -30 -81 PAGE 268 €" 46'1 M.R.A. DEFT ACCT PROG INDEX- VENDOrrt CHECK PO�JE -- DATE DESCRIPTION'-- iBUDGETI A M 0 A l A N C E 1.1 js; I 150 4040 -4043 300318 037299 912605 03 -31 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 6.60 28.22 473.71 + y 150- _ �- ;:03 ;6- 035575 `012674 04 =3D -81 -- WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS -GRp - 21:62' - ---- _ _ 49 -84 � 450.16 15G 4040 CCO!21 OC7299 OIZ675 04 -30-91 C ^OWN LIFE INSU:.ANC °_ CO 6.6C •6.44 44 ?.56 jj "- 150 494lo 009175 635675 012723 -- - - - --" -- (15-26-61 WISCONSIN .= MPLOYEPS GRP 21.62 7 +.C6 421.94 „- 150 4040 OC1195 C67299__ 012724 05 -26 -81 - " -C FONN LIFE INSU'.AHCE CO ---- -� " - -" 6.63 84.6E - Ij ' 159 4840 O?J329 03140: 912747 05 -29 -91 STATE TSEASU c'F 67.99 152,55 ' 347.45 153 4C 4C 000346 CG7299 312754 05- 29 -81_ CROWN LIFE INSUi ANCF CO_ 6.60 159.15 34 ?.85___ �„ 158 4040 _ - C'J 0!5 S` 027 312505 -005UJ 5- 05 -31 -81 299 - CFGNN LIFE INSU >.A ?ICS CO - _- 6.69CR 152.55 - 347.45 •' .. z 150 4040 009187 635675 012901 C6 -24 -81 WISCONSIN c- MFLOYE -S GRP 21.62 174,37 - 325.43 "I " ba 159 4040 CCC382 6'.7299 312845 06 -30 -81 CROWN LIFE INSUiANC_ CO 6.63 18 ".77 319.23 150 -'4G 4C-- "---- "039398- 0313C'u -3124 46 CG -3G -81- -STAY ETREASURE= - - - - -- -'67.89 248.6fi -- 251.34 159 4048 02.0005 03130: 012747 000604 06 -39 -81 ST t E TREASURER 67.89CR 180.77 319.23 - 150__4046 000202 035675 012994 'CJC367 - 07- 24- BLNISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRP 232.39 297.61 159 4040-- 1:7299 012931 87 -31 -81 __ CROWN LIFE INSURANCE__ CO _21.52 __ 6.60 208.4? 291 150 4040 CIC056 631JGJ 012946 000705 07 -31 -81 STATE TREASUREK 67.89CR - 141.19 358.9- fiy -- 159 4040 -- CU0326 0G7299 013806 -.08-31-8f- C8 -31 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 6.60 147,76 352.3' �1 s 150 4040----- tC0343- :C.3567F- 613007 ,. WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRPT- -21.62 _.C! I.1 150 4740 D00353 035675 C13JBB -: :. 09 -30 -81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYER S GRP - '- 190.94 3G 9. G6 .158 -- 4040 003369 0:7299 813089 09 -30 -81 .CROWN LIFE INSU.>,ANOE CO ..21.02 - 6.60 '.. - 197.54 3 02.46 'e. '- 15C "4043 - 003307--- 035675- '0131 5 2-- 38= 29- 8 1- FISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRP 21:62- `33�1E�ES64 r" F' 1 155 4040 000323 OC7299 013153 10 -29 -BS CROWN LIFE INSUSA :CE CO - 6.60 225.76 274.24 r� 150 -- 4045 030411 067299 013240 "- -013241 SS -30 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 6.611 232.36 257.64 }� 150 4042- 3!C429- 035675- _'11- 30 -BS- WISCONSIN - EMPLOYERS "GRa 21:62 .25398 24E.IZ- - ' + 150 4040 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT CONTRIB.. INBY +TOTALS° 500.000- - _ 253.98 +� ----- 253.98+ 246.32 + ---- i,. .I.i 'y 153 4050 DOWNTOWN P.EOEV. DISTRICT. NORKM.ENS COMP. 2C 0.OJ .0^ 237.0, ifl 150 4050 CCO071 DOO800 016967 08- 17- 81_D_OLLIFF INSURANCE INC 134.95 134.05 E5.95 ', .I • 150. 4050 DOWNTOWN.REOEV. DISTRICT WORKMENS COMP. _ +TOTALS• 200.00• f-1- - -�153 - -411- 0 0 WNT0 NM" %EO EV: -OIS T =.ICY- SUFPCIES_" FFICE - -' -" - 450 -:07- 0 _4510u 153 4130 000097 012194 016549 06 -15 -81 GENERAL OFFICE PROOUCTS 12.21 12.21 4:7.79 t--- ISO 4110 CO018 012194 C16533 000604 06 -30 -81 GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS 18.42 31.63 419.37 -153 -, 4110 - "- 300786- L1219 4- 0 167 57--- 0 7- 20' =81 -GENE fAL- OFFICE- PROOUC7S -- .29.33 -- -59.96 39�. 04 :{ 150 4110 300316 073686 016950 '09 -21 -81 WALTER. S BOOTH CO 26.44 86.40 36...60 f - ' -+ --150 -- 4116- DONNTOHN "REDEV- DISTRICT- SllPPCIES -. - OFFICE - - - +TOTALS + 0:00 +`86-.4 7:60 -+ - 150 - -- 415C - DOWNTOWN PEOEV. DISTRICT MAINTENANCE -' - -- MATERIALS " .09 .00 .0' - ISO 4150 000076 - 03iB0C - -- 017117-2- "- ' "---- 1Q' -19 =81 FRONTIER " LUMBER' - -— - -- - gT.32_ 8'J,,''22C2 ' + 150. 4150 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT' MAINTENANCE MATERIALS *TOTALS* .00+ -67.22 : 87.22 + -+ ,- �ip7.22CR+ li 153 4300 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT FEES, SERVICE i - -- 150 - 4300 - 090053 005800 016403 -- -� - 04 -20 -81 CARSOII SEN FAMILY 14.20 IB.00 18. 0CCR :` 150 4300 009124 -- 018400 - 616663'- - _ - 06- 15 -81 - -L ARSON- 6 -HERTZ ��- -- �---- 1354:24372.24 24C , _.. r� , � A Y Cllr OF GrwNHAS�`_N S U e- L E u o t k t' E P O rc- EXPENOI IURES rtWi00 LNI /HG SS -lC -8l 'Ar.m C :9 IA CITY OF CHANHASSEN S U 8 - L E0 G E R R E P OR T EXPENDITURES PERIOD ENDING 11-30-at PAGE 269 v - jj:t 460 H.R.A. ,j--DEPT___ACCT PRO G-1 NO EX-V E40OFF-CHEE C K--PO7JE-D ATE -- DE SCRI PTION - -(BUDGET)-A-M-O-U-.-K-T-XWOUNT-TO=OATE--CA� A 4 C-E-- 150 4310 000130 ciatloo 016896 08-17-81 LARSON 4 HERTZ 541.90 1,914.14 1,914.1409 • 150 4300 DOWNTOWN REOEV. DISTRICT FEES, SERVICE ►TOTALS* .00* 19914.14 1,914.14 • 19914.14CR• 159 43!1 --DONNTCWN- IFUEV_._ DI STRICT­ FEESj-00NSULlINq------- -2300 0. a 1. v 150 4391 vcoj0_8 002399 016609 E6 -15-81 B R W INC 1,228.13 1.228.13 21,771.17 154 4311 C00198 029900 016692 C6 -15 -81 SCHOELL t MADSEN 1'198.35 2,426.48 20,573.52 -153. 4311 C039-OC 2399 _Di63i8__0l06A5_C6-35-8i ­8 P W ig,514.39- I 15J 4391 000142 OC2399 316499 00005 C6-39-81 8 .4 W INC 1l900.50 5.38E.11 17,613.89 ISO 000047 CO2399 01611e 000606 06-30-81 8 R H INC -LARS ON- HERTZ 450.05 5.836.11 17,163.89 150 4311 COCOSS 018400 016351 000606 .06-30-81 LARSON # HERTZ 11981.65 91503.76 13,396.94 151 4311 POCC51 01846C ' 016435 010606 06 -30 -81 LARSON + MEPTZ I'519.65 11,122.71 11'87'.29 151- 4311 VON KLUG +-ASSOCZAIES 31.35 11,154.51 -11,545.49- 150 4301 G70;64 0L,2399 016488 000606 C6-30-81 B R H INC 1,05-i.75 12,205.26 13.79..74 15E 4331 000966 618400 016549 000606 06-30-81 LARSOM 4 MEITZ 1'539".75 11,715.31 9,2E4.99 - -- -151 -4301 000352 - 007240 - 316745 -. . 07- 20- 81`COOK OINATE O- HAMAGENSRT 385:73 --7---14-I'T_.747-_s.899 26-- 150 430I CV0956 OC900%1 016748 0 ?- 20- 8 1 DORSEY WINDHOFST ETAL 259:89 14:3E%63 8'539:37 152 4301 0e0117 018402 016777 -00O2C 07-20-81 LARSON + MERTZ _INC___490 752.00 15,112.63 718811.37 ISE— 4331 Z­t BUSS ELL SMITH ASSOC 01-15-919 63-1.487.37- 159 4301 tOQZ36 GdqlCG 316748 008704 07-31-81 00:1SEY WINDHORST ETAL 259:89CP 15:252:74 7,747 26 150 43=1 010705 002399 016543 P8-17-81 E R W INC 594.25 15.845.99 7.t53: I 150 4331 000011 002399 016952 09-21-81 B R W INC 231:25 16:455:24 6,541.76 ISO 4301 630099 018409' 017118 ---CtZ988- 15-19-81 LARSON + MERTZ 36.25 16,494.49 6,5.-5-51 ISC 4371 Ci8430--017214-�il;,i6-61-LARSON 26.90 16.621.39 6,37 ?.61 40 150 4301 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT FEES* CONSULTING .*TOTALS* 23,090.00* 16,621.39 .s 16,621.39 • 6,373.61 150 4310 DOWNTOWN FEDEV. DISTRICT TELEPHONE 350.03 -01 35: .00 --- 153 -ISO- 431l­ 000179 025180 012891 __U:O3II__D25i0C-_Di30 . 07-23-51 NORTHWESTERN BELL' 26.54 26.54 323:46 05-08= 31-81_ NORTHWESTERN BELL-7--28 28 54 :82 295.18 150 4310 007I56 025100 013147 09-22-51 NORTHWESTERN SELL 577 525.16 292.63 150 431-^ Ot0299 025100 013152 10-26-81 NORT H W ES TERM BELL _ e2.53 26747 150 43 10 0 -1,0 4 6 5--V 25 10 t- IFA2 46­_________I­i= 3 V-Si-NORT HWESTERN--BEL -25.00 242.47 150 4310 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT TELEPHONE .*TOTALS* 350.00* 107.93 101.53 • 242:47 159 4321 DOWNTOWN PEDEV. DISTRICT UTILITIES .03 CC 150 4320 003329 024900 012916 07-28-81 NORTHERN STATES POWER GO 42.69 42.69 150- -4320 CPJ145- 524900 STATES ISO 4329 tC0145 P24900 013125 10-21 -81 NO-ITHERN STATES POWER GO 26.0 11 ?.91 112.91C- 150 4320 6C1251 021350 013148 15 -26-Bi HINNEGA3CO 3.92 116.83 'ii:.83CR 150 4320 C 0357 C2490,-613232 11-25-81- N R O-THEN STATES --PCW��k--C67-28.59--i45.42-.,145.42CR 150 4320 C00455 021-750 713245 11-30-81 HINNEGA3CO 12-53 158.25 158.25cq 150 4320- DOWNTOWN-REDEV Ej 4& If& C7 ev ti CITY OF CHANHASSEN S U B- L E D G E R R E P O F. T EXPENDITURES PERIOD ENDING 11 -30 -81 PAGE 270 460 H.R.A. n ' �' DEPT ACCT PROG INDEX - VENDOR" -GHE CK -PDTJ- DATE "' -' DESCRIPTIONS BUOGETI A !�O U N T AITOTIFT= TO =DAi'E 8 A L A -N C E 150_ 4340 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 3,3CO.01 .0; 3,30 ?.0^ 1 150 -4340- _ - 010023 61480., 016770 - 07 -20 -81 CAQVER COUNTY HE2AL0 2i�.5 -8.54 3.271.46 °5.14 151 4340 C °0118 0:4806 017182 1' -19 -81 CANER COU7ITY HERALD 16.32 44.86 3s2 q J 1 150 4340 00J117 121310 00122 11-19-81 MINNEAPOLIS STARST,�IBUNE 171.18 21E.04 3, 83.96 g. i l�: • ISO 4340 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT PRINTING AND PUBLISNING -TOTALS* 3,300.00+ 216.04 .4 216.04 + 3,083.96 • i.; ,� 1 150 4370'- CCWNTOWN "F:EOEV. CISTRZCT- TRAVEL -a- TRAINING 60 0. .OG 604. 0'J I,'+ 157 4370 000003 023660 612611 C40604 66 -30 -81 NAIOP 10.00 19.39 59..:,0 15C 437 -^ O60C11 C77766 616296 00-3604 C6-3,8t DUN STEGER 67.92 531.0; 157 __ 4370 ____ _ _______________57.00 ' �000138� " "C 19978- "016704 - -��- - 07- 2G -81 -- "SCOTT MARTIN � 19.60 �8E.6i��513.49 _ ....._ 6•150 4370. DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT TRAVEL -• TRAINING - *TOTALS* 600.00• 86.60 ,+ '86.60 + 513.40 •�' - j`L_� 150 4703 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT OFFICE EQUIPTMENT 1.490.07 .01 1,405.0 " - F''i •'' �` 150 47'3 COC716 OC4300 016727 07 -20 -81 BUSINESS FURNITURE , 19646.42 1,646.42 246.420 (; -- 150 -- 4703 - - - -- " -C 00018- �C4300 - 016853- -'- `08- 17- 81- '- BUSIN =ST -FURNITURE ------ - - 349726 17999 -6g -- 595:680 ' .- I, + 150 4703 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT OFFICE EQUIPTMENT ? *TOTALS* 1,400.00*- 1,995.68 +' 1,995.68 -•' 595.68CR+ il l� f rj 150 4761 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTPICT LEGAL • FISCAL .00 .00 .00 [.q -, Gry�- 150 4761 000007 :77760 012971 001103 11 -38 -81 MICHAEL SORENSON 2,500.09 - 2150B.0^- 2.56C.C:Cp -150- -4761 - ---- 000013- 6777fi401305J- 801103 "- i1 =30 =81 _MICHAF.L'-SO ?ENSON -, - --- 225000ZS; D-0 x-00' -25:00 C: f: Ca -? • 150 4761 DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT LEGAL -• FISCAL *TOTALS* .004 '' 25,000.00 • 259000.00 t+ 25,006.0 ^_CR• � 150 IN- ACTIVE ACCOUNTS DOWNTOWN REDEV. DISTRICT' 50,250.00 = ..r ca ' -� 4• 150 --- - DOWNTOWN" REDEV -- OISTAICT` w- DEPARTMENT- TOTALS` + + -- 93, 450. 00• -- 5Ts338 :S9'•�TiT,730:19- •- Jb:111. 81 �� , IJ G 1 I 1.i i r CITY OF CH.I i:w -.__ .' .... .. _ - U ., �. E . � .. P .. ,- P 1 _ f� _v it CF�NHA' -�S U . -,L ,E^ .1 E R -j E r---1 T -'(PEN " °,ES - e °�I00 C .=� 461 H.R.A. OEpT -ACCT PROD INDEX-- VEN70R CIiECIC -PO %D AT E DESCRIPTION 10092E TI A M O U N T AMOUNT -TO -GATE B A L A N C E I.r� �' 7 J 155 _ 4010 HCU_SING ♦ RE_ -' DEV. RUTH. SALARIES + 012433 Y _ WAGES, REG. 01 -15 -81 NANCY � HERFERT - .OJ 9,207.03 8,783. -16 I� 416.8 -- �35.P4 155 155 4010 _ 4010 000107. L01172 01411 014110 012447 01 -30 -81 NANCY HE.'.FE,:T 441,36 858.2•: 8, 341.8' 155 4010 C -:063 G1411C 02 -13 -81 NANCY HERFERT _ -� -- 392.32 -� 1,251.52 ___7 r 949.48 '�- 155 4019 - - - - -- C9 ?233-- _012486 01411'4 012522 02 -27 -81 -'NANCY HERFFR T " - - 30 -r E 1,630,58 7,569.42 155 4019 00-1262 014113 C12557 C3 -13 -81 NANCY HERFERT 392.32 2,:22.90 7,177.17 = 155 4019 JC3196 014110 03 -31 -81 NANCY HERFU T _ 49'.4, 2.513.30 6, ee6.7 i___ 155 - 40 iC- _ - 0087.58 01411G- _012584 012623 0415 -81 NANCY HE RFEFT 392.32 2.905.62 6,294.38 li' 155 4010 CGC196 014112 012652 C4 -30-81 NANCY HE ?FEPT 441.36" 3,34E.98 5,857.:2 "5,399.21 _ 155 4012 001126 G1411C 012711 05 -15 -81 NANCY HE<FF9.T __ _ 462.81 - 3.509.79 155 -4010- _094254 614110- _D12735 C5 =29 -81 _ NANCY HERFERT" 383.12 4,192.91 5, OC7.09 t!'. r' 155 4010 014110 012778 0b -15 -81 NANCY HERFERT 453.62 4.646.53 4.553.47 ; i 155 .000082 0;0257 014316 012812 -06 -30-81 NANCY HERFERT _ 438.29 5.384.82 4.115,15 3.77.544 T ' -- 155 _4010 401L--- 00086b- ".Y411C- 01236 -- 07'15 -81 NANCY HER FERT 497,64 5s492.46 155 4010 000312 014110 "012912 07 -31 -81 NANCY HERF =RT 490.40 5,982.86 3:217,14 155 4010 C14110 912946 08 -14 -81 HERFEP.T ., 380.06 61362.92 2:837.08 e 7 ;-- --155 4010 - ____000061 0'40219 - 9141!J- 012982 98- 31 -81-� _NANCY NANCY "HF.RFE2 T-" 435.23 5 798.15 2.4:1.85 i tt /'•1;7 - 155 4316. 0u '40062 .014110 613022 09-15-81 NANCY HE2FE',T 392.32 7,190.47 2,0. 9.53 155 4917 0OC289 G1411G 013373 ,. '- 09- 30 -81' MANGY HER FEPT 386.06 - _ 7,570.53 .. _. 1,629.47 1554012 0003 o3 -'u 14 11 0- 0 1 31 0 3 " - 3615 =81 -NANO Y�HER F"F.T - 441.363.J11. 871 SrIB8.11 155 4C 10 000213 C14118 013135 1G -37 -81 NANCY HERFERT 441.3E E.453.25 746.75 1., 155 155 4210 000127 014110 013187 - 11 -13 -81 NANCY HFRF'RT e,8E2.35 317.65 ri i.� -4010 070233 - 014110- D13208 - : -. 11- 30-= 81`NANCY HERFERT _429.10 131.8^ 155 4010 000239 014119' 013209 .' 11 -30 -81 NANCY HERFERT 437.24 9,505.44 305. 44CP 1 155` 4010-- HOUSIN�s "- REDEV.- AUTW.- SALAPIES"z- WAGES ;-REG.; - 'TOTALS + - 9:200:00• 9:505144- - �1s505:44'�- 305. -44CR• L1 n Ji 155 4030 HOUSING + EEOEV. AUTH. CONTRIB., RETIRE. - 1s100.80 11169.V G1 o 155 - 4030 - 000231 "-" 031190--` DSZri58------- 01- 30-= 8I- STATE""L2EAaURER + 155 4030 000275 631000' 012465 01 -30-81 STATE TREASURER ,. ,_ 57.08 194.28 995.72 J:. 155 4C 3C 009318 931000 '012538 •.- 02 -27 -81 'STATE TREASUR °R -. _51.36 155.64 944.36 -r 155 4032 000273- 931000- 012502 03 -31 =81 $TA7E TR EA SURai 48.58 234.22 895.78 L 155 4C 30 020288 031000.' 012603 03 -31 -81 STATE TREASURER 58.71 262,93 837. C7 155 4030 - 202375 031000 012686 04 -39 -81 STATE_TREASUF t 45.85 308.78 791.22___ aI -' -' 155 403C-"` "CC0391 031060- 012687 " _ - C4 -30 -81 �ST ATE TREASURER 55.43 _ 364.21 "'375.18 ?35.79 - •: ol. qj 155 4030 OC9919 031600 012538 .000403. 04 -30 -81 STATE TP. EASURER 19.97 �' - 724.82 t; 155 4030 606375 631000 '012758 05 -29 -81 STATE TREASURER 46 52 i 421,70 67A -3" - 155 4030--- CCC36fi - 231602- 0128-43-- 05 =39 -81 STATE TREASURER 49 05470.75 o29 Z5 a`f'y 155 4530 C00006 031000 012747 000604.06 -30 -81 STATE TREASURER 56.24 526.99 - ^73.71 ,�q J 155 4630 600386 6.1090. 012933 07 -31 -81 __STATE TREASURER - 49.39 576.38 523.62 a 155 - '_4039'- 0D04D2 - 031006 012934 07 -31 -81 STATE�IREASURER 155 4030 t00057 C3!O0D 212846 000705 07 -31 -81 STATE TREASURER - 59.30 '. 695.39 -. 404.61 i :� •;.j 155 4930 00.361 - 03100:3 013008' 08 -31-81 _STATE c TREASUF,E, _ 44.84 - 740.23 _ 359.77 _ 4C30 C50377 031000 - 913009 08 =31 =81 STATE TREASU F.ER 54.24 794.47 r P 155 4030 OCC336 031603 013986 09- 30 -81' STATE TREASURER 42.48 83E.95 213,75 _...�__ 155 4030__ 005386 013390 09-30 -81_ STATE_TP,EASURE: - 51,35 888._3: 211.7E 155 4030 - 003345 _031000 031000 013158 10-30 -81 STATE Tn EASU�:EP. _ 48.57 936.871 - 163.13 ' 1 155 4030 060361 031000 _ C13159 - 16-39 -81 STATE TREASURER - 58.71 995.5 P.1� 10+.42 155 4030 000396 031000 013239 - - - 11 -3C -81 STATE TREASUPE^. - 57.87 1,053.45 _46.55 � t , 1 _ f� • • • • • w I L Y U � c u u c N ,t :< F:XPE• iOI S ' TUZ_ � PSkTOO ENDING 11 -30 -81 FAG_ 273 , - - -_ -" 1. 460 H.R.A. 155 4040 000311 0'7299 6 ' -DEPT- a -ACC T_PROG -INDEX - -V ENOOk' tHEE CK -PbTJc OATE -' - -" DESCRIPT TON --- `tBUDG -T1-' K-H ' 0_- U_N- T- AHOUIJTTO= DATF_'- 3- -A-L -A N C E ' 155 4030 CC0448 031000 013244 11 -30 -81 STATE TREASURER 69.98 1,123.43 23.43P' �' + . R.''j • 155 4030 HOUSING ♦ REOEV. AUTH. CONTRIB., RETIRE. *TOTALS* 1,100.00` 1,123.43 • 1,123.47 • 23.43CR+ • • • • • w 155 4040 NOUSLAG - ,RECEV, AUTH.- COWTRIB.r INS: -_- '- - -" -_1 000:07----- - - -_ -" 1. , 155 4040 000311 0'7299 012472 01 -28 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 4.51 4.51 995,49 155 4C4O_ ...4048. _- OC 029'1 035675_012466 GS -29-81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRP 'CROWN 67,93 72,44 927.56 155 000353- CC7299 012543 02- 27 -B1- LIF= -INSUAANC= CO 4.87 77.31 922.69 - - -! � A ,d. 155 4046 002367 C07299 012544 6227 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 4.51 81.82 938.13 r - - -- 155 4043 OC9392 ��- �Ci0304- 035675 012545 - -'C 02 -27 -81 _ WISCONSIN EMPLOYEES G,P 69.73 z 151.5.. 848.47 !„ 155 4040---- 035675 12604 C3 -31 -81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYEES GRP -�- 79.72 231.25 ���768.75 - >s ;� 155 4040 000319 C'7299 C126G5 03 -31 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCZ- CO 4.07 236.12 763.88 155 404C - 000307 " "CLC322 035675 012674 - 04 -30 -81 WISCONSIN EMFLOYERS GRP 79.72 315.84 634.16 155 4840_-- ;,.7299 012675 4= 39 -81- -CROWN LIFE- rNSU9.ANCF CO-- - - - - -" "4;87 320,7L 679.29 � '4!{_ 155 4040 CC0176 035675 012723 05 -26 -81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRP 79.72 407.43 599.57 r0 . _.� 155 _ 4040___09C191 __ 647299 712724 05 -26 -81 LIFE INSURANCE CO 4,87 405.3? =.70 -! 155 4040 00823C 03160,;.- 712747 . 05 =29 =81 _CROWN STATE TkEASU3E: -- -5fi. ?4 4ES.54 _59 53 d. 46 rd a . 155 4040 000347 - OC7299 012750 - 05 -29 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO -- 4.87 466,41 533.59 F. 155 _4040 007056 C07299 012605 605005_ C5 -31 -81 CROWN LIF -c INSURANCE CO 4.97CR - 539.46 i4± 155 4040 GCC1dS L35675-3123B1 -06- 2481 WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GR? .461.54 - - -79:72 �- 545. -26 454.74 ^l a _j 155 4040 CIC353 CC7299 312345 06 -30 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 4.87 546.13 453.97 '- ^- 155 -- 4040 000399 --0C 03100C -'G C12346 06 -30 -81 STATE TREASURER 59.30 '605.43 394.57 i .j 155 4040 7907 31000- 0127 47- OL'➢bb ,>-- C5 -37 -81 -STATE TREASUd E9 '- -- 56.24CR 549.19 450.81 -'! • " 155 4040 O'u02C3 035675 012894; 07 -24 -81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRP . 79.72 626.91 371,09 11_1 55 4040 -4047 - CE0368 -- 0:7299 712931 - 07 -31 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO -- 4.87 - 633.78 366.22 - ',� 155 040058 031750" 012846- 110-070 5- 2t =31 =81 STATE-- TREASURS ------ - 54 :3 0 010- 5 7 4.48 425.52 - -T -> 1 155 4040 090327 007299 013006 09- 31 -81. CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 4.87 579.35 42-'.65 17 -_. 155 4040 -43 - 000344. - -� -�O 635675 013707 - 08 -31 -81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS GRP 79.72 659.07 34 ".93 155 4C- 00354 e3i 675 013788 - '- C9- 3O- BS-- HISf,ONSIN E MPLOYESSGRP 79.72 73d :79 261, 21 _ 155 4040' 070372 CC7299 013089 09-30- 1 8 - CROWN LIFE INSURANCE. CO. 4,B7 '743.66 25E.3 4 ,7 155_ 4C43 __ 000308 _C35675 013152 - IJ -29 -81 EMPLOYERS GRP 79.72 823.3A 176.52 (.j 155 404 c' 830324- Ii7299 X13153 1u =29 =81 _WISCON_SIN CROWN LIFE INSU; A NCc CO 4.87 828.25 171.79 t�l a f 155 4940 CC0412 007299 013240 11 -30 -81 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO 4.87 833.12 166.88„ 155 4040 063429 C35675 013241 li -30 -81 WISCONSIN EMPLOYEE S GRP 79.72. - -- - 912.84' 1 _' • 155 4040 HOUSING a 6EOEV. AUTH.. CONTRIB., INS. *TOTALS* 1,000A2•. 912.8 4 . • ;.- • - 87.16 + �� .....912.84 � 155 _ 405E .Y - - -� HOUSING 1i'EDEV AUTH. WORk MEH5�4`OMr. -� - - -- -9- a 155 4050 OCCO72 OC8800 716868 08 -17 -81 DCLLIFF INSURANCE INC* 12.60 .Oy 12.60 2] 7.4' { • 155 - 4050 - HOUSING + REDEV. AUTH.-- WORKNEFS- CDMP:` - -'- •TOTALS•' - t0.70•.. 12�fi0 f�.60 "- �:q0 7 ( :. ; - ___ 4110 _HOUSING ♦ F'EDEV AUTH_. SU_P_PLIES, ^832 - OFFICE 150._00_ - - .09 155 4110 00 G'a780 c 016132. 005004 ➢5 =31=x. DALS CIF FICA PRODUCTS 2.7575 .!. 47.25 1 f'4 - 155 4116 OC 0042 007803 016516 005004 05 -31 -81 DALES OFFICE FGODUCTS 11.65 14.45 '135.6'., •• "'j _ 155 _4119 -- C00946 - OL6100 916859 -." OB -17 -81 CHANHASSEN PHA -ZMACY 3.00. 17.46 � � 132,60 ;-I s L,; 155 4110 600117 012194 016879 - C"- =17 -81 - GENFRA OFFICE PRO UCiS _ L O 27.8fi 4�,- 26- X1...74 155_ 4110 OG3183 026672 016915 68 -17 -81 THE PHOTO FACTORY - 10.40 55.66 -, II 94.34 - • • • • • w ---I ____lS U __l L 'E J E F, E T IR ��PEN.L i ES' FJI00 ENDING li-30-al PAGE 272 469 H A 'T-DEOT-ACCf-PROC-INDEX----V-eNool� Cht CX ' _'_)v07jf_DATV___DESCqIF T 4 A N 0 U A L-A N C E_ 155., 155 4010 HOUSING ♦ REDEV. AUTH. SALARIES 4010-' + WAGES, REG. 9,200.05 iIh CD0I_Q7__CI4iI;_ GiZ4_33 NANCY _H'RFE;CT­__ 9.207.07_ 155 4010 C04172 G 14lili C12447 CI-30-81 NANCY H�7 FERT 416.84 416.94 8.783.16 155 40jo EIC^63 :34110_012486__ 02-t3-8i NA4C Y HiZ �'iFERT 441.36 858.2,' 155 I55 4010 0OC233 C 14510 012522 02- 27- 81- t 'NANCY HE-�FFRT 392.32 383-4E--1 1:253-52 ___7,943.48 i 401C 000062 014113 C12557 03-13-81 NANCY HERFEPT 63C.58 7,569.1.2 - - - 155 195 4010 -' JC2196 014110 012584 _0 03-31-Bi NANCY HER M; T 392.32 491.4C 2,322.90 7,177.1" 5T " , 4010 o c a - 5 8- 0 14 1I G 12 6 2 3 4HEkFE�T 2I513.30 6,6 e6.73 i i t 155 155 4010 4012 C0�196 614IIC G1265Z C4-30-81 NANCY HE%FEPT :_.38 44136 ,905:6 6_2 1- f 'i j . ---155 C01126 G14112 012711 05-15-81 H E qFERT 3,34e9e 5.853.:2 155 40 10' 4010 0 n J 2 5 4- G 14 11 C __D 12 7 3 5 -462.61 _NANCY 4 RERT 363-12 3.809.79 5,391.21 038082 014liO . 012778 06-15-81 NANCY HERFSRT 155 -1 55 4010 40 'C--- VC257 0141LO 012812 06-30-Bi NANCY HERFEPT 453-62 438.29 4,646.53 4 15 5 J. 4 7 "t BM6_6`14 W-70i26 62_ ur-15-01 NANCY- HERFEPT 4�7 5,J84.82 4,115.1a 'j. 11' 155 40tO 000312 V14110 - G12912 07-31-81 NANCY HERFFFIT - 7- r-1 ; 155 4010 CO DC6 I 014110 012946 08-14-81 NANCY HERFFRT 49G:40 5,982.86 3,2 7' 1 t4 V4 159 4C10 0219'- 214110- 012982 8�3j -ai-NANCY 7__'-__435.23--77--ra;-,q8 *HERF- EIT 380.06 6,362.92 2,837.:-8 155 4,'1'6 1�0062 514tiO 013922 09-15-Si NANCY HERFER T - -15 -2, 4' 1.95- 155 4918 - -4010 OUC289 014110, 013173 09-30 -81' -NANCY HERFEF,T 392.32 7,190.47 2,0C9.53 F"!! F" 155 Q00363_014Iiff__Vi3it[3 j0- 1581-NANCY-HE4FE'RT 380., -441 71570.53 11629.47 4 -i 155 40I0 003213 014110 013135 NANCY HIRFFPT 2" _j ljS _155 410 _40iG�000233 C0,3127 014110 _0141lO__013208 013187 11-13-81 NANCY HNFTRT 441:36 e,4E3.25 746.75 1-1 t' ji=33-6i-NA `NANCY HERFERT----I85.85--7-g7- 429.10 e0B2.35 317.65 L-1 2; 155 4210 000239 F,14110 0132a9 -30-81 NANCY HER 131.80 '5' --4010--HC)(JSINCJ�--REt)EV.--AUTRT---SArAR-rE 437.24 9,505:44' 305.44CR P1, 155' --*T0TALS* _9_�2 99- -O+CW-9i5DS.-44---*-----g-;30$--.V4--v------305 ", v ' _44CP4_i' V. I- 155 - 155 4C36 HOUSING -4330- # FEDEV. AUTH. CONTRIS., RETIRE. IVIC0.8i !.;,. ;-I �l 155 000231--0317U C­-jj'Z45a____ 01�36�6r_S TATF�TREAgUP.Ek- F.j 4030 CC�275 07iCDO 012465 1 01-30-81 STATE TREASKER 3.)52.8: 155 - 4030 -403 --GC3318 031360 ' 012538 02-27-81 STATE TREASURER 57-08 104.28 995.72 .4'11 155 0- 00O273-03iOOiY-Cl26O2�03-�3i- 81-STATE-T��EASUi 51.36 155.64 944.36 .j [4 155 155 4030 4030 000286 021000 0126e3 03-31-91 STATE TREASURER 58:71 274 22 - 155 - -4030 006375 031000 012686 04-30-81 STATE TREASUP.E;k 262.93 837-17 155 4C30 C 0 0 391- 031 OC 9__6i26 87-04�-30�8i STAT E'TREASURER-_ 45.85 55.43_____7�364.21 308.73 _-Z 791.22 41 010919 031000 012536 200403 04-30-81 STATE TREASURER 3 5 __155 lo 155 4030 413E---CGC366---E3lDOg--CI2343--06�-3o-8f-STATE-TREASUREk---- V9375 931000 012758 1 35-29-81 STATE TREASURER la.97 46.52 375.18 421.70 .724.52 �_u 155 4930 C00005 031000 0 12747 L 00 060 4 0 6-33 - 81 STATE 49. 0 678 39 6n : ? i 155 4039 000346 031000 012933 . 07-31-81 TREASURER STATE TREASURER 56.24 526.99 155 1 3p 0 0 04 0 2-0 310 C C-9 129 34 07- 31-81- STATE- TREASUREN'___---_49.39 576.33 523A2 155 403C 000057 03iM 012346 000705 07-31-81 STATE TREASURER 59- 7i6 36.09- 4E3.91 155 5 4030 _4C3G ---Cc DC'361 0 31000 CJ330a 08-31-81 STATE V�PASUF�ER 59.30 44.54 695.39 K4. 61 li 155 4C30 0,377-031000 oca336 F-0 031200 i3a 0 !-- 013186 CO-31-8i-STATE -TREASUFE.P.-,-54 . 2C_7q4-.tq-3:-.53 749.23 359.77 - as 155 4C3,C Mj3e6 03140a 013390 09:31-81 09 30-81 STA7E TREASUK_R STATE TREASU+:ZE7 42:48 836.95 2 ?F3 35 1 55 4030 C93345--03'300 - L113i5!___l9-30-8I_STATE TREAM�EP_�--­�o8.57-936.87 51.35 ___f63.13 211:74 �.j 155 4030 001261 631000 C13159 11-39-81 STATE TREASURER 58.71 4030_____QC0396 031GOO 013239 11-3C-81 STATE TREASUPER 995.5e iV4.42 1.653.49 �:.:�{%+D1�i 1' eA• idSr.. l..rr. � !r +, xR.y`Cia.�:. e.a P. rr...,:1. ., : : T.+ „�'� _ .. ^. _.,�� �.." ur.+•+iLrwi.,1Lf4Vn�'4`i.. .��. ,�ir/A 1 .., Y . :.. J•♦ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN S U B- L E 0 G E R R E P O R T EXPE!IDITUIES PERIOD ENDING 11 -30 -81 V 460 H.R.A. PAGE 275 DEPT- ACCT': FROG- ZNOE % -VENQO - CHe`CIC---- POTJE- DATE -- DESCRIPTION- "- I9UDG =T1 -A-fl-O-p-NTIIRDUAT=75-l1ATr- BBC- A-"F��- i� 158 4310 MIST PRESERVATION DIST TELEPHONE 400.0'7 ti 158 4310 -- "000256 - "02510 G -- 012463 -- '- p1 =28 -81 - NOR ?HWESTERN " BELL " -' "- 29 -82 29.82 -" 158 4310 CGC279 025100 012531 02 -25 -81 NORTHWESTERN BEL L 29.53 59.35 37 d. 18 34',65 158 " 431: - 009123 025101. 012572 03 -23 -81 NORTHWESTERN O=IL ` - -- 29.53 BA.AA 311.12 �• 159 4330 [00133- 025i09 012639 "C4 -21 -81 IIORTHWEST -cPN -B -ELL " - -29.53 118.41 - 2A1.59 " 159 4310 000147 025100 912721 - 05 -25 -81 NORTHWESTERN RFLL 77.50 195.91 274. "•9 158 4310, 000168 025100 012797 06 -23 -81 NORTHWESTERN BELL 56.61 252.52 147,43 '. • 158 4310 MIST PRESERVATION DIST TELEPHONE +TOTALS+ 400.00+ " 252.52 + 252.52 + 147.48 i. _._ SSB- 4320- T{ISTFRESErVATIO N- 'OIS ? "- UTILZTIEo" " "T- O,l - ' - -- -00 158 153 432C 4320 000241 024900 012460 " 01-28 -81 NORTHERN STATES POW ?P. CO -.- - - 160.36 160,36 4 80_:07 _ 4, 339. ES 158. 4320 _ [00294. 024900 012536 - 02 -25 -81 __NORTH2RH STATES POWER CO_ -- GC%3fi C2490d- "POW 121.49 281.85 4,510.15 158 012574 03 -27 -81 flOPTHERN STATES -4R C0 "_ 000269 CE4900 012666 -- -95.47 377.32 - 4,422.68` "`'•r 158 .4320 4320 04 -30 -81 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO 000157 024900 1112722 05 -26 -81 NO.7TH°_RH STATES POWc2_CD___ 58.64 435.96' 4.364.74 ' �'� � _. 158 4320 - 000157�2490J- C1279b •. � C6 =18 -81 NO�?T H =.F.N STATES POWER CO 42.93 --'S. "6 478.89 483.95 4,321.11 � 158 4320 030339 C24900 '012916 07 -28 -81 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO - 3.48 4 ?7.43 4, 316. 35 . 158 " 4320 - -- 000146 _024900 012968 T,8- 20 -81. NORTHERN STASES POWER CO 3, ?5 49!'.48 4.312.57 Zi 158 4320 000146 024900 013125 10 -21 -81 7H9RN STATES POWER "GO- - - -` -- 2.i2 492.0 -- -- 4.399.5? j./ �•.i 153 4320 0 ^0358 024900 - 013232 11-25 -81 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO 12.32 504.92 4, 3.7.4C- 4i 4.295.98 "+ ISO— 4320 -' -HIST- PRESERVATION -DIST- UTILITIES -- +TOTALS + -4 800:003 3 ➢4:12 -'+- 50492 -'� -L- ,295.08 158 - 470? -4702- MIST FRESE VATION DIST - BUILDINGS ✓ STRUCTURES 5,_000_.00 - 1,8 C00039 017756- -16140 ELECTRICINC' - ,00 - ' " " " - - " - "- 151. 5. C0;. 07 4 849.07 v ,.. y 158 4702 000041 03030[ 016167 000404 04 -30 -81 SOUTHWEST PLUMBING 3.885.00 4.0036. 36000 0 964.03 - �' -• -158 "-4702 -HIST PRESERVATION Dlgf - DUILOINGSTSTRUCTURES -*TOTALS* 00 +.' 4.036.00 +- 964.. 0D Y� 4.036.00 '.+ 158 IN- ACTIVE ACCOUNTS ,.:.HIST PRESERVATION DIST ' 1.400.00 • +158 HIST PRESERVATION DIST DEPARTMENT TOTALS f+ 11.600.00+ 4,793.44 4.79J.44 'j i 6.306.56 -i FUND- 1'OTAL5 -s4- � � - 117a820.00�'- 74x200.2 ; + . 7i�200.2� +- �3s619e 70 • ' -: t V v J y IJ E;: i'�rtW".t'9p0i'R�RIIIR xi n __..__ r d J J J d J CITY OF CHANHASSEN S U B- L E 0 G E R R E P O R T FKPEN DI TURES PERIOD ENDING 11 -30 -81 PAGE 309 b • 604 8G -3 RING RD PUB IMP t� 0'c PT ACCT PROG IND_% V =NOOF. CHECK POrJE- DATE -_- "DESCRIPTION --I BUDGET A N -O -U MT-- AMOUNT= T0=06TE___W A L A N "C E 4300 •+++• +•s• +••• " " - - -- + +••••+a• +♦ FEES, SERVICE '.00 0. 169 4331_ CC0:17- 0323997016318_ _ "- 03- 16- 81- 8 -F. -W INC- - - -- - -- -- 606:32 6 -05:32 -- 6 ?5.32CH • 4300 C3CC45 0-7243 016334 - 03 -16 -Bi COORDINATED MANAGEMENT 155.40 761.72 - 761.720? { �y - 4363 - - - -- "-- 000122 `000127-- u18400 016435 04 -20 -81 LARSON +cM.EP.TZF. 1.339.56- 1 4300 0184AG - 016663 06- 15- 81- _ _ LARSON + -PERT t. x,251.37 -- 2,281.370' • 433C OCE15C 019400 016667 - 06 -15 -81 LONG FP.OEHLING AND ASSOC - 294.00 2,913.9? 2.91 ?, 93CP ar _ 4307 - 000013 - 034369 - 016375 000604 C6 -30 -81 r VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 315.00 3.229_.93 3,228.93CR !f 430E 00 0015 0 02399 91649 0- 00 760 4- G6- 3C -81 -'8 R H INC- 394.48 _ 3,619.41 3,619.41CR • .. 4300 C00O28 027240 016130 000605 06 -3C -81 COORDINATED MANAGEMENT 60''..90 4,219.41 - 4,2 1.3. 41 CD " _ 431C - 0CG031 625900 016157 000605 06 -30 -81 PATCHIN APoRAISALS ?MC 300.00 - 4.519.41 4,F19.41CR X4306. EOOG33- 029930 "D16166 - 000605- 06- 30 -8f -RUSSELL "SMITH ASSOC -INC 60 119 ": 4i 5,119.4104 „ +_ • 4373 000035 034360:- 616174"- 000605 - 06 -30 -81 VON KLUG , ASSOCIATES 345.10- 5,4E4.51 5,464.51CR -__ - 4300 -" -- "4377-- 000:37 "G0004i- 007240 -. gi6233 -. : 000605 - .-- C6 -30 -81 COORDINATED MANAGEMENT ' '46-1.90 5.925.41 -.. 5,925. t� CC724r 616438 000605- 06= 3C -81 - -C 00402 NA TED - HANA GENE N7. 155.40 6-eAr- - :81 6.28'.816° T�.I • 4300 000045 - 007240" 016513 000605 06 -39 -81 COORDINATED MANAGEMENT- 155.40 6,236.21 6,23r.---. - 4309 -- 000050 - G18490 - 016142 000606 06 -30 -81 LARSON 0 HERTZ 8,805.50 15,641.71 15. C41. 7100 F� 4390' - 000054- 019400 415256'000608- G6- 30 -ei- LARSON +- MERT2 -_ 1785:30 fE�827 -91 16r837.31C�~ • 43C ^_ 000056 D.02399 016318 OC9606 06- 30 -41. 8 R H INC - 26,828.44 42,653.45 43.655.4500 _- 4300- .000067 "OC 018400 - 016549 000606 1!6 -30 -81 LARSON + HERTZ - 1,509.75 45ri E5.20 45,1E 5. 2 ?CR ll' - 4330' 3071- 001700 D16224 _000607- 56 -39 -81 - CAPVER'COUNTY- ABSTRACT `- 42:75 65,207;95 -45. 2:7.95 C4 -y 4300 000073 002399 - 016318 000607" 05,"30 -81 B R H INC 3,623.20 48,431.15 49s831.19C4^ t 4300 - ^.' 000710 OC2399 -1] 016721 07 -20-81 8 0 W INC' 4,754.38 53.585.53 53.585.53Ci 433 p0011i: uu 17194 - 16773' p7 -20 -81 - KCHLRUSCH_A BSTRACT_A ND--- '- 7235 -.07 6�TA21 :53FC, -92 ^..5300 'r•� 0 4300 000112 017190 016773 - 07 -20 -81 KCHLRUSCH ABSTRACT AND 757.50 61,578.03 E1,578.03CR ^I" r -- _ 433C - .0'0121 013400 C16777 _ 07-20 -81 LARSON + MERTZ RUSSELL- SMITH'- ASSOC-INC - 19254.25 -" 407.CC' 62,8.32.28 52,832.280+430: -' -63 - p 4300 0003F7 052399 016343- 08 -17 -81 8 R W INC 39471.50 X272;29 66,7C3.76 63,232. 7AC4�tr' 6617-3.78CP _ 4301 - - -- - - - - 007050 - 027240 - ---- 016862 08 -17 -81 COORDINATED MANAGEMENT 185.47 66.889.25 66,889.25r ;! 4300- rC0134-918403 016496--- 68- 17- 81 -LARS ON + "MERTZ - -'-`-- - - 811:79 67.7 Gi. -C4 67,701 -•:400 �•� -. p ,; 4300 C0 ^.213 634360 016931. OB -17 -81 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 385,03 68,086.74 68, 8E.C4C4'� r; 4370 - -- 4300 " - - - -- JG 0313 '00095 + - 062399 ' 0`724 016952 ,'�09 016979 -21 -81 09- Z1 -81- B R M INC -. COORDINATED MANAGEMENT - 10520.10 - -94 :8G 69,606.14 69.70 69.6S5.14C0 r; p 4300 000068 010350 016993 09 -21 -61 FINANCIAL COMMUNICATIONS 32.58 ^.94 69,733.52 69r7C .9402 69,737 52CR 4307 --"0 000112 -0 017196 017010 09 -21 -81 KCHLRUSCH ABSTRACT AND 137.50 69,871.02 59. R 871.12r r 4307 0 011 9 18 4 0 C- 017013 09- 21= 81 " - "L AASON . - NET2 - 701.25 70.572.27 7 7 .572.2700 ��! p 4370 090154 023306 .017025 C9 -21 -81 MOOCYS INVESTORS SERVICE 1,597.99 - 72,772.27 72,0'2.2704 r`I, 4300 007006 - - OG2399 017073 10 -19 -81 B R H INC -__ -- - 73.57 ?. 45CP ' _y 4309 000052 067240 017096 1C- 19 -81- _ CO0r OINATEO MAIAGEMENT- _1_,541.18 - -- -48.00- _73,573.45 73 62..45 73,621.45CC ;i ' p 4300 CV0095 616475 017115 10 -19 -81 JUPAN + MOOOY INC 17,912.50 91.533.95 91,533.9500 1 "� - 4370 -- �- 010096 G1719" 017116 13 -19 -81 KCHLRUSCH ABSTRACT AND 2,017.70 93.543.95 93.543.95CR 4300 000175 618407 017118 SG -19 -81 LARc ON , MER .Z'96.94295.9n,942. - p 4300 C00004 012399 017165 11 -16 -81 B R W INC 2,023.58 98.9E6..53 98,966.530 Y 4339 SEES_ 000036 GC7240 017184 11- 16 -81__ COORDINATED MANAGEMENT 48.80 99,014.53 99,714.53CP. rim 4307 OCJ083 C1719% 017210 11 -16 -01 ___ KCHLRUSCH ABSTRACT ANDS -_- 452.50 - 99.4E7.03- - "99.467. P3CR� - -r" .4300 - 000792 018406 017214 11 -16 -81 LARSON r HERTZ 1.538,10 103.005.13 101.005. 13CR,. 'y' c • 4300 '- • + + +• ►•y +• ► + +s• +++• +sws -fEESs SERVICE - - - - - -- +TOTALS +----- �.10•T- -101, 005. 11? +-101�005.-SJ- +�101:005.13CR+ _ r.,• •,.f 4347 +•• +• " - " -- + +• + + + + *• + +• + + +•s• +- PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ,00 .07 4347 060025- Otl4B0% 016730 ----- D7- 20 -81- CARVER- COUNTY - HERALD -- - 21.07 21 - :07 .17 21.�7CR r , r;," a .!1 r' I J n r, c i i i l J 1 A J J J SCItY�or CHANHASSEN ry' S U, a L D G E R R E P 0 R 7 I•EXPENDITURES PERIOD ENDING 11 -30 -81 PAGE 310 a !� 604 80- 3 " RING 'RD PUB IMP DEPT - ACCT- -PROG— INDEX-- VENDOii CH_CK— PD73E— DATE - " - -, DESCRIPTION -- -(B UDG ^_T1'--- G-M- 0- 0- N- T- 7lM0UAT =70 =DATE -mil -L A N C-E__ 4348 000062 01,1350.'016753 07 -20 -81 FINANCIAL COMMUIIICAtIONS 31.27 52.34 52.3402 -- -' -�4340 600024- -OG4800 T01685i .• OB- 17-81 - -CARVER COUNTY HERALD' " -` 34.33 "86.67 86.67C°, ` 4340 000143 C26905 017136 10 -19 -81 POUCHER PRINTING AND 868.20 954.87 954.87CP. •--- 4340- ••v +v+ +rr+++4r+++4+ss+++- PRINTING - AND - PUBLISHING_.+ TOTALS + 954:8T7T 954:87— w954.87CR +� 4701 + ; + ++rsssx.,+sr +s +srs+•x LAND-PURCHASE + IMP - .00 4701 - --- -COaOC 3L 7777x— ➢13092 10- 0781- TITLE- INSURANGZ COMPANY _3-,iC0;00C-:OO— T,1O5;7 ➢T. aa- 3,SaC.oCq.000? 4701 000004 077 2290 913093 SO -07 -81 INSi ANT NE9 INC 362,673.00. 3,482,673.00 3.482,673.0PrR •'" - "' 4701- T*****si+++r+++s +rss ;*:++--LAND- PURCHASE"t - IHP —' *TOTALS + -- .00 +- '31482 s 673.007_"j_482_#67II_.007 -+ 3�482,673.000R+- 4761> ♦ ++ LEGAL ,& FISCAL" .00 .0,7 00 ' "- -- "'+762`---- `OOODd9 - 318401 - ➢16353 0736 =B1— [ARSON +' -HERT 2222- 1�98i:7,5�.�1d�6S 1:981 -.65CF- • 4761 LEGAL ► FISCAL' - *TOTALS*. .00+ 1,981.65 .+ 11981.65 ,+ 1,981.65CRr •604 a. 80-3 RING RD PUB IMP 'T+ FUND -. TOTALS s + -" .00 +, :.39586,614.65 ".• 3,5869614.65 ++ 3,586,614.65CR+ .!1 r' I J n r, c i i i l J 1 A J J J u CITY OF CHANHASSEN S U B- L E D G E R R• E P O R T EXPENDITURES PERIOD ENDING 12 -31 -80 PAGE 313 i 604 80 -3 RING RD PUB IMP DEFT ACCT PPOG INDEX VENDOR CHECK PO /JE DATE DESCPIPTION (BUDGET) A M O U N T AMOUNT -TO -DATE 8 A L A N C E 4307 +•+s+s +s ++s+ ++s+ss++ +. FEES, SERVICE .00 .. .00 .OD .. . 4300 _ss 000909 002399 015544 08 -18 -80 6 R W INC 6,948.50 6,948.50 6068.5000 4300 000207 034367 015723 09-22-80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 371,30 7,319.80 7,319.87CP, � 4300 019407 008157 001218 12 -31 -89 LARSON + MERTZ .. 465.30 -_. __.. 71785.10. 7.785.10C9 _ 4300 C05049 OE2399 CO8191 001218 12 -31 -80 B R W INC 7,925.63 15.610.73 15,ESC.73CR 4300 ' 000951 034360 008243 091218 12 -31 -80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 1,306.64 16,917.37 16,917. 37CP e 4304 ',f C00153 018400 008284 001218 12 -31-80 - LARSON + MERTZ ... _. _ $99.25 17.816.E2 17,B1E.62CR »" 4370 OC9055 034360 OD8316 001218 12 -31 -80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES .. 127.50 17.944.12 17.944.12CP 4300' 000057 002399 008327 001218 12 -31 -80 D R W INC 3,098.00 21.042.12 21,142.12CR a 4300- 000359 067240 008337 001218 12 -31 -80 COOFCINATEO MANAGEMENT _. .. 593.33._._._. _ 21.635,45.. .._. 21,E35.45CR... 4300 000061 018400 008353 001218 12 -31-80 - LARSOT: -+ MERTZ 1,089.0 ^' 22,724.45 22,724. 4504 - 4300 C00063 013500 008354 :001218 12 -31 -80 - LASALLE RURPE.:T + ASSOC 5,200.00 27,924.45 27,924.45CR Ss' 4300,., - _...000065 034360 _008394 001218 12 -31 -80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 360.20 . .. 2-.284.65 ..._. 28.284.65CR • -4300 000067 OC7240 011777' 001218 12 -31 -80 COORDINATED MANAGEMENT 630.83 28,965.48 25,965.48CR „ •. 4300 DC0069 018400 015337 001218 12 -31 -80 LARSON + MERTZ 1,062.60 301923,08 39,028.93Ci a '• 4300 CCO071 015425 OC1218 12 -31 -80 VO4 KLUG + ASSOCIATES 195.00: 30,223.98 _.. 30.223.08CR -I .._...... __ 4300 090073 .,034360 018400 .. 715489 001218 12 -31 -80 LARSON + CERTZ 592.98 30.816,06 30,91 E.35GR , ,. 4360 CC9075 034360 015532 001218 12 -31 -80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 397.60 31,213.66 31,211.66CR .4 4300 000078 007240 ,015560 001216 12-31-80 COORDINATEO MANAGEMENT 78.67 31,292.26._. 31.292.26CR 4310 CO5079 007240 015560 001219 12 -31 -80 COOPOINATEO MANAGEMENT 157.20 31.449.4E 31.449.46CF .. 4300 000081 019400 015579 001218 12 -31 -80 LARSON + HERTZ 1,617.75 33.060.21 33,060.21CR 9 '• 4309 000083 029930 015511 001218 12- 31 -80, RUSSELL SMITH ASSOC INC __. .. _. 33,560.21 ___... .T3,569.21CR __ _ 4300 060085 034360 015621 071218 12 -31 -80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 52.50 33.612.71 33,E12.71CR V 43C9 000187 OG2399 915634 001216 12 -31 -80 8 R W INC 3,541.24 37,153.95 37.153. 95CR i q' ` 4300 000089 OE7240 015653 OC1218 12- 31 -80' COORDINATEO MANAGEMENT'_.. 76.20 _. 37,23C.15CR .. - 4300 000092 025900 015703 001218 12 -31 -80 PATCHIN APPRAISALS INC 31695.00- 4^.,925.15 - 43,925.15CR- . - 4300 000093 CE5900 015703 001218 12 -31 -80 PATCHIN APPRAISALS INC 192.50 - 41,117.65CR y 4309 - 090096 029930 015715 031218 12 -31 -80 RUSSELL SMITH ASSOC INC _... _.. ..... 750.00 .._._ _41,117.65 .41,967.65..._._._ 1. 41,857.65CR _.._.' 4300 _ 000097 029930 015715 001218 12-31 -BO F,U SSELL SMITH ASSOC INC 750.00. ". 42.617,65 42.617, 65 C'R y'i 4300 C00099 .018400 015777 001213 12 -31 -80 LARSON + PERTZ 670.90 43.287.65 43,287.65CR d- 4300 000101 025900 015799 001218 12 -31 -89 PATCHIN APPRAISALS INC .. _10,256.50 ..... 53,544.15 53, 544. 15CR 4309 OCO194 C29930 015311 001218 12 -31 -80 RUSSELL SMITH ASSOC INC 1,600.00, 55.144.15 55,144.15CR :�- - 4306 000105 029930 015811 001219 12 -31 -80 RUSSELL SMITH ASSOC INC 1,6C0.G0 56.744.15 5E, 7440 15CR ••. " 4300 000107 034360 015817 001216 12 -31 -83 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 3,755.57 _.. _.. 60.499.72 ...._- 6C.499.72CR • 4307 000199 002399 015861 001218 12 -31 -80 B R N INC 4,734.72 65,234.44 65,,234. 44CR 4300 GCG111 013400 015978 001218 12 -31 -80 LARSON + MERTZ 1,389.50 .6E.623.94 '66,623.94CR'- - •l• 4300 000113 D18960 0 159 10 001218 12.31 -80 LEFEVERE LEFLER PFA-,SON; 412.50 67,135.44 E7,03E.44CR • 4300 000115 025900 015932 001218 12 -31 -80 PATCHIN APPRAISALS INC- 1,997.50 69,033.94 69,.C33.94CR 4300 000117 029930 015943 001218 12 -31 -80 RUSSELL SMITH ASSOC INC 1,700.00 70.733.94 701733.94;4 a 430C 009120 002399 015993 0 ^.1218 12 -31 -80 B R W INC _,. 3,341,36 _ 74075.24 .. 74,075.24CR. _ 430, 000121 OC2399 015393 001218 12 -31 -80 B R W INC 35,879.11 199,954.35 109.954. 3' CR - 4310 003123 018400 016041 051218 12-31 -80 LARSON + MERTZ 7,610.70 117,SE5.05 117,5E5.0 CR g 4300 000125 018500 016342 001218 12 -31 -80 LASALLE PUPPET;' + ASSOC. 14,92.5.00 132.497.05 132,49•T.P CR 4300 000127 025900 016766 001218 12-31 -80 PATCHIN APPRAISALS INC 2E7.01 132,750.05 132,759. CR ` 4300 CC3129 023930 016089 071218 12 -31 -80 RUSSELL SMITH ASSOC INC 5GO.00 133,250.05 133,250. SCR - . 4300 000131 034360 016091 001218 12 -31 -80 VON KLUG + ASSOCIATES 13,133.30 _. 146,383.35 146,383. ;CR. er �'. •• 4300 .••'•• +•••• + + + + +• +••••T'• FEES, SERVICE •TOTAL$+ .00• 146,381.35 '.+ 146,383.35 • 146,383. iCR• 4J 4C •••••sa ++. +.,s.,s +s +++, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING .00 .i' !h 4340 000026 004800 016003 12 -22 -80 CARVER COUNTY HERALD 85.92 85.92 85. 2CR ,o 604 80 -3 RING RD PUB IMP r DEPT ACCT'PROG INDEX VENDOR CHECK PO /JE DATE DESCRIPTION (BUDGET) A M O U N T AMOUNT -70 —GATE B A L A N C E ' • _ 1 4340 m +sa+eaa+ss + +s++s++s++ +s PRINTING AND PUBLISHING *TOTALS* .00+ 85.92 + 85.92 + 85.92CR+ 1 •604 .. .80 -3 RING RD PUB IMP. FUND TOTALS •• .00+ 1469469.27 -.• ,146,469.27 -° 146s469.27CR+ 1 I 1 Ir 1 II �J I `I II 1 .r/ I'll �1 r V I w I . ✓ I I d V 1 ref 1 I� I { V v d v '...�R#0 a(�1iuG+;✓kilt "rt+, v= <f6'i 1 r; «W'+r Rwtnr d, +6 •�I' '! f%. kR: YV- nri' �`: �n:: rvvl.. w-.,- w, ICP�M- .,...'„�IM�- ,�..i.Mu.�..� 17 �M4`' 1 x MS'.,' 1{ tr! lLPv) Ww%; �R' M154fFkk +,+U+i•FY.+I�"k:40�i:79iN air ekr #460 HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 9562.50 CHECK # DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION A21OUNT r 6131 2 -20 -78 B.R.W. Consultants 472.50 j 1448 1 -17 -77 Larson, Russell Legal 35.00 1716 2 -28 -77 Carver County Herald Publication 32.81 1645. 2 -28 -77 Larson, Russell Legal 145.60 1709 2 -28 -77 Streeter - Andrus Appraisal 75.00 1710 2 -28 -77 Klingelhutz- Cravens Appraisal 65.00 I I 1793 3 -21 -77 Larson, Russell Legal 52.50 2024 5 -16 -77 Larson, Russell Legal 182.15 i 2960 11 -21 -77 B.R.W. Consultants 2089.50 2944 11 -22 -77 Waibel, Robert Misc. 3.90 6031 12 -19 -77 Larson & Mertz Legal 147.00 6003 12 -19 -77 B.R.W. Consultants 4773.38 6057 12 -29 -77 B.R.W. Consultants 1825.34 r 6061 12 -29 -77 Carver County Herald Publication 37.28 6061 12 -29 -77 Carver County Herald Publication 98.04 9562.50 6115 1 -16 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 292.25 6131 2 -20 -78 B.R.W. Consultants 472.50 6159 2 -20 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 131.50 6315 6396 4 -17 -78 5 -15 -78 B.R.W. B.R.W. Consultants Consultants 671.25 4244.34 6431 5 -15 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 112.00 6515 6 -19 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 161.00 3593 7 -17 -78 B.R.W. Consultants 90.99 I I 6563 7 -17 -78 B.R.W. Consultants 1064.46 6598 7 -17 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 45.50 r 6620 7 -17 -78 Schoell & Madson Engineering 1588.50 6666 8 -21 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 287.00 6658 8 -21 -78 Finside Office Supply - 200.00 6685 6689 8 -21 -78 8 -21 -78 Pro-Color Schoell & Madson Supplies Engineering 536.85 110.00 6756 9 -18 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 229.25 6715 9 -18 -78 Artcraft Press Supplies 1143.88 6830 10 -16 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 49.50 7020 12 -18 -78 B.R.W. Consultants 1159.50 7054 12 -18 -78 Larson & Mertz Legal 271.25 (' l 12861.52 7098 1 -15-79 Carver County Herald Publication 56.75 7116 7199 1 -15 -79 2 -28 -79 Larson & Alertz Larson & Mertz Legal 1179.50 Legal 18,.00 7223 2 -28 -79 Schoell Madson & adson Engineering 54.00 10579 3 -15 -79 B.R.W. Consultants 838.50 7259 3 -19 -79 Carver County Herald Publication 21.93 7284 3 -19 -79 Larson & Mertz Legal 183.00 7355 4 -16 -79 Larson & Mertz Legal 417.00 7417 5 -21 -79 Dixon & Associates Appraisal 150.00 7417 5 -21 -79 Dixon & Associates Appraisal 200.00 7427 - 5 -21 -79 Klingelhutz- Cravens - Appraisal 300.00 F7427 I F 7428 5 -21 -79 5 -21 -79 Klingelhutz- Cravens Larson & Mertz Appraisal Legal 200.00 876.00 10826 6 -18 -79 Pro-Color Supplies 175.00 page 2 CHECK # DATE VLNDOR DESCRIPTION MOUNT "7488 6 -18 -79 Carver County Herald Publication 54.97 7513 6 -18 -79 Larson & Mertz Legal 375.00 7601 7 -16 -79 Prairie Offset Printing Printing 20.751 7602 7 -16 -79 Pro-Color Supplies 238.00 7660 8 -20 -79 Larson & Mertz Legal 1287.00 7683 8 -20 -79 Pro-Color Supplies 128.00 7740 9 -17 -79 Larson & Mertz Legal 867.00 8019 12 -17 -79 Larson & Mertz Legal 448.50 11424 1 -09 -80 State Bank of Chanhassen Purchase Land 18.00 16609 6 -15 -81 B.R.W. for Holiday Station 7500.00 8061 1 -21 -80 B. R. Consultants 2839.25 8095 1 -21 -80 Larson & Martz, Legal 147.00 11523 2 -18 -80 Coordinated Management Timesharing 453.76 8157 2 -18 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 465.30 8264 4 -21 -80 Carver County Herald Publication 19.71 8284 4 -21 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 899.25 8333 5 -19 -80 Carver County Herald Publication 20.51 15387 6 -16 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 1062.60 15489 7 -21 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 592.98 8218 7 -31 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 2405.70 15544 8 -18 -80 B.R.W. Consultants 4305.63 15579 8 -18 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 1610.75 15683 9 -22 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 310.00 15723 9 -22 -80 Von Klug & Associates Appraisal 371.30 15777 10 -20 -80 L- rson & Mertz Legal 670.00 15908 11 -17 -80 Larson & Mertz Legal 1389.50 16041 12 -22 -80 Larson & Mertz Photocopies 258.27 $25321.51 16403 4 -20 -81 Chanhassen Family Clinic Physical 18.00 16609 6 -15 -81 B.R.W. Consultant 1228.13 16649 6 -15 -81 General Office Products Supplies 12.21 16663 6 =15 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 1354.24 16692 6 -15 -81 Schoell & Madson Engineering 1198.35 12611 6 -30 -81 N.A.I.O.P. Travel & Training 10.00 16110 6 -30 -81 B.R.W. Consultants 450.00 16256 6 -30 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 1785.30 16296 6 -30 -81 Don Steger Travel & Training 57.00 16318 6 -30 -81 B.R.W. Consultants 1059.13 16351 6 -30 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 1981.65 16435 6 -30 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 1519.65 16470 6 -30 -81 Von Ktug & Associates Appraisal 31.80 16488 6 -30 -81 B.R.W. Consultants 1050.75 16490 6 -30 -81 B.R.W. Consultants 1900.50 16530 6 -30 -81 General Office Products Supplies 18.42 16549 6 -30 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 1509.75 16727 7 -20 -81 Business Furniture Office EgnAp. 1646.42 16730 7- 20 -81- Carver County Herald Publication 28.54 16745 7 -20 -81 Coordinated Management Timesharing 385.73 16757 7 -20 -81 General Office Products Supplies 29.33 16777 7 -20 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 752.00 16814 7 -20 -81 Russell smith Assoc. Appraisal 400.00 16784 7 -20 -81 Scott Martin Travel & Training 19.60 page 3 _ C= # DATE VETDOR DESCRIPTION AMUNT 12891 7 -23 -81 Northwestern Bell Telephone 26.54 12916 7 -28 -81 N.S.P. . Utilities 42.69 16843 8 -17 -81 B.R.W. Consultants 594.25 16853 8 -17 -81 Business Furniture Office Equip. 349.26 f-° 16884 8 -17 -81 Iiolrces & Graven Legal 380.00 16896 8 -17 -31 Larson & Mertz Legal 541.90 12968 8 -20 -81 N.S.P: " ". Utilities 44.15 13005 16952 8 -31 -81 9 -21 -81 Northwestern Bell B.R.W. Telephone Consultants 28.28 231.25 16955 9 -21 -81 Walter's Booth Co. Supplies 26.44 13047 9 -22 -31 Northwestern Bell Telephone 2.55 r 17082 10 -19 -81 Carver County Herald Publication 16.32 17102 10 -19 -81 Frontier Lumber Paint & Supp. 87.22 17112 10 -19 -81 Mpls. Star & Tribune Publication 171.18 F -17118 10 -19 -81 Larson & Mertz Legal 36.25 13125 10 -21 -81 N.S.P. Utilities 26.07 13148 10 -26 -31 mi negasco Gas 3.92 13150 17214 10 -26 -81 11 -16 -31 Northwestern Bell Larson & Mertz Telephone Legal 25.16 126.90 13232 11 -25 -81 N.S.P. Utilities 28.59 12971 11 -30 -81 Michael Sorenson Property 2500.00 13050 11 -30 -81 Michael Sorenson Property 22500.00 13245 11 -30 -81 Minnegasco Gas 12.83 13246 11 -30 -81 Northwestern Bell Telephone 25.00 �- $46273.25 F I r- r I F I IF ,`V, , . . iassen )onald sry 4, Four City Council W. Ashworth 1982 - General Legal 12/1 work on resolution adopting 7% incentive program and work on form of assessment agreement; meet w /SAM to give progress report on drafting documents for 7% incentive; 12/2 work on assessment reduction agreement (7'o program); meet w /SAM re assessment agreements (7% program); 12/3 telcon Dan Hoffman of Dolliff Insurance Agency re HRA insurance requirements; 12/4 work on documents for 7% incentive program; 12/7 telcon Dan Hoffman of Dolliff re insurance coverages for HRA; 12/8 review Hoffman corres re HRA insurance and report to SAM re same; proof outgoing typing re HRA 7% incentive; research re what action HRA must take in approving the manner in which the city has paid expenses in the past; 12/9 review public officials' liability coverage application and forward same to SAM; meet w /SAM re 78 incentive program and telcon from Ed Dunn re status of same; 12/11 telcon from SAM re forwarding 7% incentive materials to Sellergren and dictate instructions re same; 12/14 draft outline of 7% incentive program for presentation to HRA; meet w /DWA and SAM re 7% incentive program; 12/15 telcon from Dave Sellergren re 7% incentive program; research in Chapter 462 and telcon w /State's Urban Affairs office re accounting practices for HRA funds; telcon w /State Auditor's office re accounting standards applicable to HRA; 12/16 attempt to call State Auditor's office-re approved accounting methods and work on written report to SAM; 12/17 attend regular HRA meeting; telcon w/ Sellergren re document prepared for the program and telcon w /SAM re same; dictate report to SAM and telcon w /State Auditor's office; telcon w /SAM re same; telcon w /State Auditor's office re accounting practices; 12/29 forward 78 incentive materials to Fluoroware attorney and telcon w /attorney re same; 12/30 review of completed application form and rr�� financial report, corres to insurance agent requesting insurance p.1�,/l�Y��- coverages for HRA: vv) \ Senior Professional Time: Paralegal Time: 4 HRA - Havlik Acquisition 20.5 hrs. $1,353.00 1.0 hrs. 25.00 12/1 telcons w /atty Hassel and SAM re Havlik option agreement; revise same per conf; 12/2 draft memorandum of option for recording purposes, telcons JH re option terms, instructions to KE re copy preparation; 12/30 corres to Schneider Agency re insurance coverage for Havlik property: boo " Senior Professional Time: ., 2.9 hrs 191.40 4 HRA - Riviera Acquisition - 12/2 telcons Lou and Tom Krueger and atty Jaspers re option terms; 12/3 preparation of confidential negotiation report re Riviera for HRA members; attend HRA meeting re option approval; 12/4 telcons Tom Krueger re option, prepare option agreement per HRA authorization of 12/31/81 and TK's approval; 12/7 prepare copies of option agreement 'hanhassen City Council c/o Donald W. Ashworth January 4, 1982 Page Five Is HRA - Riviera contd. � and exhibits; 12/9 conf w /Tom Krueger re option agreement, rental, relocation, re- appraisal, and relocating within TID #1: Senior Professional Time: 4.7 hrs. $ 310.20�p11t )—HRA - Huber Acquisition 12/3 attend HRA meeting re valuation of property and negotiation authority; 12/8 send appraisal and prepare appraisal materials to - Sybe Nagell for appraisal work; 12/9 review Kelly letter re acquisi- tion price, review file notes, draft response thereto w /copy to SAM: b Senior Professional Time: 1.6 hrs. 105.60 r w . RUSSELL H. LARSON CRAIG M. MERTZ OF COUNSEL — HARVEY E. SNAAR MARK C, MCCULLOUGH Scott A. Martin Executive Director Chanhassen HRA Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Scott: LARSON & Nxiz= ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 January 5, 1981 TELEPHONE (GIB) 333-1511 Enclosed you will find a statement for services which we were. received from the LeFevere, Lefler law office. The.+ first, second, fourth and fifth item on this billing statement represent occasions on which this office sought expert advice from the LeFevere office. We feel that this office should pay those charges as a cost of doing business. Accordingly, we enclose our check in the amount of $130.00, payable to the Chanhassen HRA. The balance of the charges on the statement represent legal work done for the municipality by the LeFevere office in its capacity as bond counsel for the City of Chanhassen. We feel that those charges are a proper cost of the downtown redevelopment project. We recommend their payment. CMM:ner enc LARSON & MERTZ " ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW 1900 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. _ 55402 Very truly yours, C? - 2�L W4--- �CRAIG M. MERTZ Assistant Chanhassen City Attorney 3088 January 5 82 17'2 19— 910 �.\T TIIIi o1j ansleoF Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority i $ _130.00 One Hundred Thirty and no/ 100------------------------ ------ --- -- ---- T1nI i .IUc qJ0First Bank Minneapolis Mwn Fnl Bank Spam Mi. ace National Bank OI Minneapolis F= Bank Pl I Y LeFevere 1nLaw M FoR Office Statement dated 1:09 1'('110000221: 602 323r. r 4m 11 2 00 308811 i LAW OFFICES` LEFEVERE,'LEFLER, KENNEDY, O'BRIEN 6 DRAWZ A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 2000 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST TELEPHONE r _ (6121 333 -0543 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 ` Mr. Craig TELEPHONE (612) 3330540 Mertz Assistant City Attorney City of Chanhassen December 14, 1981 1900 First Bank Place West Minneapolis, MN 55402 FOR PROFCS410NAL SC-VICES RENOERCO r I I For legal services rendered in connection with consulation with City Attorney on various matters involving tax increment financing including the following: s 2/9/81- Office conference with C. Mertz; I� —4/8 Telephone conference with Larsen re IDR's policy; copy of Burnsville guidelines; 5/1 s6s, Telephone conference with C. Mertz re maintenance assessment; study law; office conference; 6/10 3i -i° Telephone conference with R. Larsen re strategy in ' condemnation; —6/11 Telephone conference with C. Mertz; 9/22 /&,z-,'Telephone conference with Sellegren re methods of financing; 10 /1 bi.c; Conference with Larsen, Mertz, Ashworth, et al. re tax increment problems; 11/1061 Office conference with C. Mertz re assessment program; 12/8 Telephone conference with C. Mertz re assessment program. (� AMOUNT DUE: $3900.00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN jAN u 9$2 CON "MU ' Y GEVELnov -:JT DL °T. i I I declare under pecat +,;es Cl! laiv that thl�: accourt, claim or d;,I iand is lu;t and cor- rf3ct and that no part cl it has been paid. Signature of Claimant Y t 4co_x'50 -4301 City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE 3a05 0 1 DATE: November 30, 1981 JOB NO: 62 -8020, 6 -8110 62 -8109, 62 -8119 40 -8107 RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement 9 Per Diem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 n G.Jseiod of October and November, 1981 Yc Coordination and project review with utilities companies, MN /DOT and County. Provide assistance to title insurance services for land acquisition process, analysis of 79th Street relocation, and continuation of EAW. Classification Fours Principal 8.00 Sr. Associate 6.00 'i Associate 26.00 Professional II 24.50 Technician 25.25 MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE 3a05 0 1 DATE: November 30, 1981 JOB NO: 62 -8020, 6 -8110 62 -8109, 62 -8119 40 -8107 RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement 9 Per Diem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 n G.Jseiod of October and November, 1981 Yc Coordination and project review with utilities companies, MN /DOT and County. Provide assistance to title insurance services for land acquisition process, analysis of 79th Street relocation, and continuation of EAW. Classification Fours Principal 8.00 Sr. Associate 6.00 'i Associate 26.00 Professional II 24.50 Technician 25.25 Salary Cost - $3,532.96 Fee - $3,532.96 x 2.0 = $7,065.92 7 065.92 �3CITY OF 14ANHASSEN MMIi,..T'l • E'vEl"I" T , iJ' -n M._1 DEPT BATHER, RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JAWS, GARDNER, INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVE. S.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 PHONE 612 / 379-7878 r MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 �i ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin y' r� INVOICE DATE: November 30, 1981 JOB NO: 18 -8102 a RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement Per Diem Services - Phase 2 Work Task 2.1 (Letter of Authorization 10/21/81) I� i Period of October and November. 1981 iF Preliminary surveys for base maps. Classification Hours Principal 6.50 Sr. Professional 12.25 Professional 1 11.50 Sr. Technician 1.50 3 -Man Field Party 12.00 2 -Man Field Party 20.00 Salary Cost - $1,743.91 Fee - $1,743.91 x 2.0 = $3,487.82 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $3,487.82 CITY OF CHANHASSEN COMMUt ;rf "E:7ELOPPd_ 7 DEPT. 1zIm Igl # a6 -tsll� BATHER. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD, JARVIS. GARDNER, INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVE, S.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 PHONE 612 1 379 -7878 i Kam. ,aivJICu COORDINATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC. 8401 WAYZATA BLVD, SUITE 300 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55426 CT11 Lhi oASK. P.C. U7 ? 07 CH "!, 4 0317 STA1049 DATES ST0 , .GG INFAL T SI AK n.: `r PP_ IE Cl INN 13 . 5! NON —RML COLN 900 PRI"% Cr u .111) NOI-PHI! CPU .00 STAND&D THIESDAGI`iG US GP.. C.ONPECT USER PR:.KK STS 004 PRIVE "Go —Pa - --- - --- --- - - - ---- -- --- --- --- 300 STCOAV 29 TOTAL M 29 C, .^ 100 S'r L ., G H 0 TOTAL ST& RAND 29 INVICIM MOM M 528F _: DA1 JIMARYIr 199 USAGE FO" DECEMEF 1991 MET io DAYS .r CRUS PRIME NUN —PP. TOTAL - -- -- -- --- 0 0 17.40 .00 0 0 17.40 TCTAL DUE 17.40 A 1-1/1 P U 7ONTH CAR YI; G CiIWE SILL AUTVATICALLV ` �(�p LE ALL' D TC ACCOUNTS RECEIV KE MEP 30 DAYS OLD. t(OTW� WE APP.,.CIAT� YOUR CtOOPERATION. V' iVED JAN 03 GI7Y OF CHANHASSt1�