HRA 1983 12 15AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1983 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Oath of Office - Commissioner Charles Robbins. 3. Approve Minutes of October 20, 1983 meeting. 4. Public Hearing: Proposed Sale of Property r located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard. 5. Preliminary Report: Downtown Project Market Study. (James B. McComb & Associates) 6. Downtown Project: Presentation by Prospective Developer. (Historical Development Corp.) 7. Status Report on Community Recreational Facilities Committee Work Program.' 8. Approve Lease Extensions for Tenants in Old Instant Web Building: a. Animal Fair, Inc. b. Britt Corporation c. Quality Temp, Inc. 9. Amend Resolution #83 -5 Clarifying BRA Fund Transfers required for Bonded Debt Service. 10. Adopt Resolution #83 -7 Authorizing the Carver County Housing and Redevelopment Authority to provide local Administrative Services for the Existing Section 8 Rent Assistance Program. 11. Change next Regular Meeting Date from January 19 to January 26, 1984. 12. Old Business. 13. New Business. 14. Approval of Bills. 10:30 p.m. 15. Adjournment. 2. CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment, Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director i DATE: December 8, 1983 �'•\ SUBJ: Mayor Hamilton's Appointment to HRA. On December 5, 1983, the City Council unanimously approved Mayor Hamilton's appointment of Charles Robbins, 7430 Longview Circle, to the HRA to fill the unexpired term of Tim Russell. Mr. Robbins will be sworn in as HRA Commissioner on December 15, 1983. His term runs through May 31, 1987. 3. Minutes Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Regular Meeting October 20, 1983 - Call to Order Vice- Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present were Commissioners Bohn, Horn, and Swenson. Whitehill arrived shortly after the meeting had begun. No one was absent. Executive Director Martin was also present. Approval of Minutes Bohn moved, seconded by Swenson, to approve the minutes of the September 15, 1983 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. _ Commissioner Whitehill arrived at this point in the meeting. Downtown Project Market Study Proposals John Worral, Vice - President of Brauer and Associates Ltd. and Richard Sollie, Senior Associate of James B. McComb & Associates, each presented their respective proposals to prepare a broad- based Market Study for Downtown Chanhassen. Brauer and Associates proposed to conduct the study for a fee not to exceed $1V_,000; James B. .McComb & Associates proposed a fee of $9,100; and a third bidder, Bordner Consultants, proposed to complete the study for a fee of $27,850. Martin advised the Board that Bordner Consultants was not invited to present their proposal to the Board because their proposed fee was nearly three times the amount budgeted for the study. Following the presentation and discussion by the Board of each proposal, Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to select the con - sulting firm of James B. McComb and Associates to prepare a Downtown Redevelopment Project Retail /Office Market Study, according to the specifications outlined in the project RFP and the Consultant's Proposal dated October 10, 1983, and to authorize the Executive Director to prepare and execute a Professional Services Contract with James B. McComb and Associates on behalf of the HRA. Commissioner Swenson said that she preferred Brauer and Associates because their proposed work program provided for more involvement of the Board during the course of the Market Study and because Brauer's approach to the study seemed to be more flexible. Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to amend his motion to include a requirement that James B. McComb and Associates provide the Board with two brief (one hour or less) status reports during the course of the study (at no additional cost to the HRA) following the completion of each of the first two elements of their work program. BRA Minutes October 20, 1983 Page 2 Voting in favor of the motion,as amended, to contract with James B. McComb and Associates at a cost not to exceed $9,100 was Horn, Bohn, and Whitehill. Swenson voted nay. The motion carried. Mortgage Revenue Bond Program - Set Public Hearing Date Horn moved, seconded by Whitehill, adoption of Resolution #83 -6 setting a public hearing date of November 17, 1983 on the pro- posed Housing Plan and Program required for the Proposed 1984 Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. All voted in favor and the motion carried. t Web Building Leases: Minnetonka Tubs & Stoves /Dave Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to approve two proposed leases with Minnetonka Tubs & Stoves and Dave Halverson for rental of storage space in the Old Instant Web Building, as presented, and to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute said leases on behalf of the HRA. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Purchase Offer for HRA Prooertv Located at 7901 Great Plains Blvd. (Parcel #8) Martin advised the Board of an offer from Gary Brown, 1831 Koehnen Circle, Chanhassen, to purchase the HRA -owned property located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard for $22,000. Mr. Brown's offer included a request for redevelopment assistance from the HRA so that his proposal to construct a self - service car wash on the property would be economically feasible. The HRA reviewed a preliminary site development plan for the pro- posed car wash project'and the Statement of Estimated Development Costs prepared by City Staff for the project. Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to direct the Executive Director to enter into negotiations with Mr. Brown for sale of the subject property (Downtown Project Parcel #8) at the appraised value of $22,000, less the value of any property r- tained by the Authoritg for future roadway, utility and boule- vard improvements along Great Plains Boulevard, and less seven percent (7%) of the fair market value of all improvements constructed on the property. Sale of the property is also con- tingent upon the developer revising his development plan to pro- vide for additional landscaping and berm screening within the yard adjoining Great Plains Boulevard, and to provide for a brick facade along the entire west wall of the building. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Whitehill recommended that the Planning Commission and Mr. Brown consider a reverse traffic flow for the proposed project in order r I- I i HRA Minutes October 20, 1983 Page 3 to reduce the potential for left -turn stacking problems on south- bound Great Plains Boulevard and to provide for more direct access to the car wash from the adjoining service station. Old Business Martin reported that the repair /restoration work in the old Instant Web Building will be completed next week. Martin also reported that the Mayor and City Council had not yet appointed a new Commissioner to the Board to fill the vacancy left following Tim Russell's resignation. He thought that the appointment would probably be made prior to the HRA's November 17, 1983 meeting. Approval of Bills Swenson moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills for October, 1983, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Adjournment Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 P.M. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ® CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY In 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA SS317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director 4. DATE: December 9, 1983 SUBJ: Proposed Sale of HRA Property Located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard. On October 20, 1983, the HRA was approached by Gary Brown con- cerning his interest in buying all or a portion of the HRA's pro- perty located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard for the purpose of developing a self- service car wash facility. The Board directed me to pursue negotiations with Mr. Brown for sale of this pro- perty, with the sale price to be determined from the previous HRA appraisal, less the value of any land to be retained by the - Authority, and less seven percent (7 %) of the fair market value of all private improvements constructed on the property. (See attached HRA minutes of October 20, 1983.) Since October, Mr. Brown has revised his proposed development plan to provide for the future improvement of Great Plains Boulevard in conjunction with the Downtown Redevelopment Project. His revised plan also provides for substantial landscaping and a brick facade on the building along the Great Plains Boulevard side of the project. These revisions are all consistent with the requirements spelled out by the Board as a condition of the pro- posed sale. On December 5, 1983, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed car wash facility, as presented in the revised site development plan, subject to relocation of the building an additional 5 feet from the easterly property line. A - copy of the approved development plan is attached, for your reference. Prior to the sale of any HRA property, State Law requires that the Authority hold a Public Hearing. A copy of the public hearing notice for the proposed sale is also attached for your reference. I recommend approval of a Resolution approving the sale of the property to Gary Brown subject to the following terms: 1. Appraised Value - $18,535 (8,661 sq.ft. x $2.14 /ft. = $18,535) less 7% incentive $ 2,100 (78 x $30,000 (est.const.cost) = $2,100) Sale price $16,435 Terms - Cash at closing. x Memorandum December 9, 1983 Page 2 2. Buyer must enter into redevelopment agreement with HRA for conditional sale of property; guaranteeing construction of project at min. value of $30,000; and project completion by September 1, 1984. 3. Buyer to reimburse HRA $200 (for surveying costs above and beyond boundary survey cost). 4. All normal city development charges and permit fees to be paid in full by developer (see attached estimated costs). If the Board approves the sale of the property, all legal doc- ments will be prepared by HRA Legal Counsel. All closing costs will be distributed between buyer and seller as per typical real estate transaction. ttachments 1. Notice of Public Hearing. 2. Plat of Survey - HRA Property. 3. Brown's Car Wash Site Plan. 4. Revised statement of Estimated Fees and Development Charges. 5. HRA Minutes October 20, 1983. 6. Memorandum from Scott A. Martin to HRA dated October 14, 1983. Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Notice of Public Hearing r-- Notice is hereby `given that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota ( "the Authority ") will hold a ublic hear in n Th rs a December 15, 1983 at 7:30 p.m; -in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hal , Cou ter Drive, C an assen, Minnesota. The purpose of this public hearing is to consider the sale of a portion of the following described real property (located at 7901 Creat Plana Boulevard, Chanhassen) to Gary Brown, 1831 Koehnen Circle, Excelsior, Minnesota, 5331, in accordance with the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project Plan, as adopted by the City. Council on December 19, 1977 and as amended heretofore: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 116, Range 23, West of 5th principal meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said distant Quarter of Northeast Quarter, stant611 .91feetSoutherlyfrom the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter; thence Southerly along said West line a distance of 110.79 feet; thence Easterly at a right angle to said West line a distance of 146.00 feet; thence Northerly parallel with the West line a distance of 122.68 feet; thence Westerly along a non - tangential curve concave to the North having a radius of 2059.86 feet and a central angle of 4 degrees 04 minutes 31 seconds a distance of 146.51 feet to the point of beginning. The Authority proposes to sell approximately 8,661 square feet of the above described property at a cost of $18,535. Sale of this property will be contingent upon the private development of a self- service car wash facility by the buyer. No other bids or offers for this property will be considered by the Authority during the Public Hearing. I All interested persons are invited to attend this hearing and express their opinions concerning this proposal. Written com- ments may be submitted prior to the hearing date to Scott Martin, HRA Executive Director, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen (Phone # 937- 1900). r Published this 30th day of November, 1983 by order of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority. r j- AAA . ZLM Scott A. Martin, Executive Director r- r • l r r NW Car of NW Y*, NEYF. See. 13, T //6, R23 t a 918.7/1 I � Ib a 2 �S \ k w tr n o '- v �o Ob .b i 33 � 955,14 i I n N L Q nn I I� i PLOWS /{.205986 7 / TO 4,4004'3/" J F/, 96/ 04 OA Vry I 0 s3 �v SAM I I " �oo oa I h� /Av t �I �i i N�N ea" Pt 75.33 St plc vsse1 \�♦ Off a i a 3 ' c M �y 3 N o 4 C v PVCW8" — To bE 561D Fbk bEV6LrCt - %ta/ Arca • /69/6 {Y' 1 J I rx E 1 f T.O. C. 959. B7 t (40.75' I f '- 00.51 - `� 0.20 7 .78'i 059 � H %o. e6 . DIR. OICN BD. , 'IG25)�• Z 940 50D MC?UNa Ld I-^° - :-CANADA Z5 I bLOPE R1 D CHERRY .x 2'/z S.15, E IAN FS(24.5')� -- — -- A(31.5' 1 959 1=W b 1T 5 u r. Fri —_� Ca" CO?IC CURB —r 955 NIGHT /LIGHT \� ONC CURE r PLUSH WITH (958.0) 5.0) GRADE ftvf BIDE So 13 L DAY 1 6AY #2 T BAY #3 .St ie4MftL 1A�iST T 1 1p 66 4 SsoE RD ' AqC. F / � H Ic �+ SETS CONC U'LK fiNCL05�URECC,C• FOR RUBBISH \ (95a.o) (958.0 GATE I4.0') (80 ) (50,0') Nn- (- NIGHT 1 LIGHT n .IAN _ i� 2-CANADA RGD CNEPRY CNU-W 131T. bURFACF- / I 2Y' 6.g. VACUUM �/ 1— LIJGAT Orj KAN ER CLEANER LOC. / LINE PARALLSL R(20.' / wITH W LINE -10 - NWY4,NEY4 . A V 0 J 1 2-CANADA • RrD cwQRY 6. '954.00 fin{} ^''µ1 955.31' 1` C.AR WASH SLDC. - SCALE: 1/8+ -1 -0 WEST ELT -VAT IDN LIGHT GROWN, CONS bRLAK-OFF 5L-OCK EL.E. VAT IO GAR. 4x$ 514N 6OAAC GROWN BRICK 4 .. n .PAES.'jODIUM : E NIGHT...LICHT DARES GROWN -CONC. BREAK-Off, BLOCK .._ �. $X IT ONLY E SWALE C AT NoT NORTH -PV• WILL 6E' Ru661SH ` .F1 TI-IF. bAME ACCEPT' -NO ENCLOSURE UTII -ITY DOOR OR RU681SN SNCLObURE' STP.EL UTILITY PA F BENT : - -- l V _ ROOM POOR C.AR WASH SLDC. - SCALE: 1/8+ -1 -0 WEST ELT -VAT IDN LIGHT GROWN, CONS bRLAK-OFF 5L-OCK EL.E. VAT IO GAR. 4x$ 514N 6OAAC GROWN BRICK 4 .. P'• 1 V 3 1 W �I �I I ul Imo; �I .z: n tC ' VL ���•c.� a Iw ' 0. CL cL I W xQ b���F � W2." ^`.d£i' `�tYAY �•11•.V .1 �•�•��- ��•�����J •. 1 �1 101 /-�MH 1 1 5 >0 CC'ULTER �R ^'Fr C HAN hA S Sc71, YN :oa:i (612) 937-_'M =" S8R e; =d 10 D83 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ESCROW ACCT. * ** �- :address �Y nALL ° City Tel. No. j3 % -('(n :- Name G STATE SURTAX IS.� `-' ppMWN ._,. /Y1l Address �DJI KQEW N t,,,(9CL6 SEWER HOOK -UP PERMIT City E)(e tOK Tel No.9 -iV._VJ :.d aro�s Suod. !ot_31 k -_ Section S; _ Parcel No. Res. Comm. X Ind. _ New-x Alteration AQ,d ilt;on Repair Est. Bldg. Valuation 7A'C..-iJ Kind of Construction ow � 3 No. of Stories I +t%urt Area I hereby acknowledge that I have read this Total Floor Sq. Ft. document and have provided the information No. of SAC Units to the City of Chanhassen upon which the Est. Project Completion Date estimated City fees and related charges have been determined. I understand that - all such fees and charges are subject to change and are identified on this form for _ informational purposes only. Signature of _ Aoolicant DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE PERMITS Ai40 FEES REQUIRED* ST. AlTT. DEVEL_OPFIENT CH RGES* EST'. i DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FEE ** DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ESCROW ACCT. * ** �- BUILDING PERMIT FEE 183.0° PLAN CHECK FEE STATE SURTAX IS.� PLUMBING PERMIT 45 58 SEWER HOOK -UP PERMIT WATER HOOK -UP PERMIT ID•� \ WATER METER(3" CbMfWAQnl PRI':ATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL P/ERMIT PRIVATE WELL PERMIT —^ SIGN PERMIT *All fees and relatedecR ges arr pa upon application for a building permit unless otherwise noted. * *Fee shown represents sum of all application fees collected at various planning review phases. ** *Escrow account established at time of initial application for development plan review in order to cover estimated City costs for consultive services (legal & engineering) related to application.. Balance remaining at completion of project is refunded to applicant. i CITY PARK CHARGE"(1f03Sper ac� unit r2.. Q. METRO SEWER AVAILABILITY CH�F�. -og SANITARY SEWER TRUNK CHARG SANITARY SEWER LATERAL CHA E WATER TRUNK CHARGE* �5��� WATER LATERAL CHARGE STORM SEWER CHARGE STREET, CURB & GUTTER' CHARGElii �-.. LETTER OFICREDIT Req'd. x Not Req'd. (Amount based on cost of public improveau related to project and private exterior on -site improvements required in plan approval.) Kt THE COST ESTIMATES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE PROVIDED FOR GENERAL INFORMAT IOPI.4L PURPOSES ONLY AS A SERVICE TO THE APPLICANT. ACTUAL COSTS MAY VARY DUE TO CHANGES IN DEVELOPMENT PLANS, INCREASE IN CITY AND METRO FEE STRUCTURES, AND INCREASES IN CONSTRUCTION COSTS. THE APPLICANT IS ENCOURAGED TO REQUEST AN UPDATE OF THESE ESTIMATED COSTS IF THERE ARE SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE PLANS UPON 14HICH THESE COSTS ARE BASED, OR IF A SIGNIFICAiNT AMOUNT OF TIME HAS LAPSED SINCE THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED. THE COST ESTIMATES PROVIDED IN T IS FORM WERE ETERMINED BY CITY STAFF, WITH GENERAL STAFF COOROINATION PROVIDED BY: nn 1� %NAME TIT Focn Wo. 81 -13 Fee Disclosure 11/6/81 DATE: QHRA inute s er 20, 1983 Voting in favor of the motion, as amended, to contract with James B. McComb and Associates at a cost not to exceed $9,100 was Horn, Bohn, and Whitehill. Swenson voted nay. The motion carried. Mortgage Revenue Bond Program - Set Public Hearing Date Horn moved, seconded by Whitehill, adoption of Resolution #83 -6 setting a public hearing date of November 17, 1983 on the pro - posed Housing Plan and Program required for the Proposed 1984 l Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Old Instant Web Building Leases: Minnetonka Tubs & Stoves /Dave Halverson iWhitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to approve two proposed leases with Minnetonka Tubs & Stoves and Dave Halverson for rental of storage space in the Old Instant Web Building, as presented, and to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute said leases on behalf of the HRA. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ir Purchase Offer for HRA Property Located at 7901 Great Plains �_- i Martin advised the Board of an offer from Gary Brown, 1831 Koehnen Circle, Chanhassen, to purchase the HRA -owned property located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard for $22,000. Mr. Brown's offer included a request for redevelopment assistance from the HRA so that his proposal to construct a self- service car wash on the property would be economically feasible. The HRA reviewed a preliminary site development plan for the pro- posed car wash project and the Statement of Estimated Development Costs prepared by City Staff for the project. Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to direct the Executive Director to enter into negotiations with Mr. Brown for sale of the subject property (Downtown Project Parcel #8) at the appraised value of $22,000, less the value of any property retained by the Authority for future roadway, utility and boule- vard improvements along Great Plains Boulevard, and less seven percent (7%) of the fair market value of all improvements constructed on the property. Sale of the property is also con- tingent upon the developer revising his development plan to pro- vide for additional landscaping and berm screening within the yard adjoining Great Plains Boulevard, and to provide for a brick facade along the entire west wall of the building. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Whitehill recommended that the Planning Commission and Mr. Brown consider a reverse traffic flow for the proposed project in order ORBIT i HRA Minutes October 20, 1983 Page 3 to reduce the potential for left -turn stacking problems on south- bound Great Plains Boulevard and to provide for more direct access to the car wash from the adjoining service station. Old Business Martin reported that the repair /restoration work in the old Instant Web Building will be completed next week. Martin also reported that the Mayor and City Council had not yet appointed a new Commissioner to the Board to fill the vacancy left following Tim Russell's resignation. He thought that the appointment would probably be made prior to the HRA's November 17, 1983 meeting. Approval of Bills Swenson moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills for October, 1983, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Adjournment Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 P.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. n CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 U(612) 937.1900 MEMORANDUM TG: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority r FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: October 14, 1983 �J ` SUBJ: Offer to Purchase HRA Property Located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard. Attached is a letter from Gary Brown (of Brown's Standard) offering to purchase the HRA property located adjacent to his service station on the north side. Mr. Brown's offer includes a request that the HRA offset certain development costs for this site (see attached). As you may recall, the HRA acquired this property in September, 1981 from Mike Sorenson at a total price of $25,000. An appraisal made in June, 1981 established an appraised value of $22,000. The $3,000 difference between the appraised value and actual j purchase price was authorized by the HRA to compensate Mr. Sorenson for development costs he had incurred during attempts to r gain City approval to construct a liquor store on the property. The subject property contains 9,450 square feet and was acquired _ primarily to provide for future roadway /boulevard improvements on Great Plains Boulevard (in conjunction with the Ring Road Improvement Project), and to minimize traffic circulation conflicts in the vicinity if a high traffic generator (such as a liquor store) was constructed on the site. My initial reaction is that the HRA should consider Mr. Brown's r purchase offer and attempt to negotiate an acceptable deal with him that would provide for improvements to both his service sta- tion property and the HRA site, while providing the City with landscaped boulevard improvements of the type envisioned in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. j Mr. Brown has been invited to discuss his offer with you during r your meeting of October 20, 1983. i At this point in time, Mr. Brown and I need to know whether or not you are interested in selling the property, and if so, whether a self- service car wash is an acceptable use for this site. (A preliminary site plan for the car wash will be AN October 14, 1983 Page 2 available for your review during the meeting. This use is a per- mitted use (by Conditional Use Permit) under the current City Zoning Ordinance, and would also conform with the proposed revised Zoning Ordinance insofar as the proposed use is concerned.) No formal action should be taken on October 20th. I am only seeking your reaction to this proposal and some direction as to whether you wish to pursue negotiations with Mr. Brown. Attachments 1. Letter from Gary Brown dated October 13, 1983 2. Sketch of property and vicinity. 3. Statement of Estimated Development Charges. r Gary Brown Oct. 13, 1983 1831 Koehnen Circle Excelsior, Minn. 55331 Chanhassen HRA Attn; Scott Martin r i Dear Mr. Martin; r I I would like to make an offer on the city owned lot L L next to my service station, for the purpose of building a three bay self serve Car Wash. My offer on this land would 7 be $22,000.00. The fact of the $18,781.00 in permits, in which we would need to build this building makes it almost impossible. I would like the HRA to consider helping me to offset some of these charges in the price of the land. r Over the years, I have tried to run a clean operation, in keeping lawns cut and trash concealed, this lot is an eye I7 sore to the community! I in turn could make this a beautiful lay out. r I look foreward to your reply. r incerely • va', - Gary Brown 'r CU OF OIANNASSEN OCT 13 i r + COMMUNR DEVELOPMENT DEPI 4 t5 t 0 /... / 40 u / i 1gm 5r 9A'tso Si•. � 36,000 S.Y• c 02 0.2Y7 AG, j OK O.82b ftC. . ParceLA. "- Parpet B.. K6 AMR) Vl4c�t T— I �. ti. r t ' Parcel C y �� �Exxsn►JG r S�PVICE SiR l w) �X 1 ST Ilia! 10/«-(,51 / s WTI o ,o grew, i�c. S. CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 101 -'690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director �ItAl1A DATE: December 8, 1983 W'�� SUBJ: Downtown Project Market Study Status Report. As required under the terms of our Professional Services Agreement with James B. McComb and Associates, a representative of their firm will be at the December 15th meeting to present a brief (one hour or less) status report on their work to date in analyzing the Downtown Chanhassen office and retail market. According to Richard Sollie, Project Manager, their study is progressing on schedule. Preliminary findings will likely be presented next week, with presentation of their final report scheduled for our January meeting. Mr. Sollie said that he would welcome any questions or comments you may have during the course of his presentation. t0 ® CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: December 9, 1983 SUBJ: Presentation by Historical Development Corp. /JLH Associates Concerning Interest as Developer for Downtown Project. Representatives of the above referenced development companies have recently expressed a strong interest in developing the Downtown Project, and have submitted the attached letter for your consideration. I have invited Mr. Howard and 1983 meeting to discuss their directly with you. They have a 120 day period of exclusive within the Downtown Core Area approval. Mr. Henning to the December 15, interest in the Downtown Project indicated that they will be seeking development negotiation rights effective immediately upon HRA I have met with these gentlemen several times during the last three months and know that they have taken a close look at our proposed Downtown Redevelopment Project and are familiar with the goals and objectives of the City. " Their proposed concept plan for Downtown (attached) is generally consistent with our Adopted Redevelopment Plan, and their outlook towards -the feasibility of the Downtown Project is more opti- mistic than we have heard in quite some time from the development community. Although they are confident in their ability to deliver a full service supermarket to Downtown Chanhassen they did ask me to clarify a statement made in their letter of December 9, 1983. They have no written lease or other committment from any super - market concern at this time, but believe they can obtain such within the next 120 days. _ The Developer's request for a period of exclusive negotiation rights for the Downtown Project may be somewhat premature given the status of our Downtown Market Study and the limited infor- mation supplied to us by the Developers. However, if the HRA is comfortable with their preliminary proposal following next week's presentation, I see no problem with granting their request sub- ject to the submission of a complete professional resume of all principles involved and their entering into a brief written Memorandum December 9, 1983 Page 2 agreement with the HRA which spells out the specific period of exclusive negotiation rights and which retains the ability of the City and /or HRA to proceed with adaptive reuse of all or a por- tion of the old Instant Web building for any public purpose. This agreement should be drafted by HRA Legal Counsel in order to insure that the Authority is adequately protected against future claims by JLH Associates or other prospective developers. A resolution is required to approve such an agreement. Attachments 1. Letter from JLH Associates dated December 9, 1983. 2. Proposed Preliminary Concept Plan - Downtown Redevelopment Project. l r December 9, 1983 Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Chanhassen Downtown Development Project Dear HRA Members: JLH Associates 12206 County Road 15 Plymouth, MN 55441 On behalf of myself and my partners, I would like to express our interest in developing the project. We feel the project is feasible and should be phased over a three to five year period. This is very short notice to get a complete program together so we are at this time going to try and tell you what we are doing and what we think can happen in a brief letter along with some plans. After working on this project for a few months, we are very confident that it will all come together. At this time, we have preliminary agreements with sufficient tenants to occupy 50,000 square feet of the Instant Web building, and enough tenants ` to build approximately 20,000 square feet of new retail space. We have a major super market tenant that will take up to 25,000 square feet of space, Area D on the site plan. We are now in detailed conversation with a hotel owner and will have details available in 30 days. We would design a center that would be compatible with the present buildings to the east, and as far as the Instant Web building is concerned, we will raise the land around the building, reface the exterior walls, replace damaged roof and wall materials. We feel that portions of the wood frame area can be reused for new stores. Briefly, JLH Associates has been involved in the development of commercial structures in the Twin City area since 1965, and we will provide detailed information as a part of our credibility package in 30 days or less. We would ask for special meeting in the first part of January as we have to commit the bowling alley owner by the 17th of January. They would Chanhassen HRA December 9, 1983 Page 2 want construction to commence not later than the 1st of April so they could open by August. Several other tenants have similar demands. As per the site plan, it would be our intent to provide Area A for temporary office /warehouse use, Area B for the bowling alley, Area C future rental. We have retained Reese Design, Inc. with their experience in the design of retail sales buildings. They will have their staff of architects, planners, engineers and landscape architects provide full services within our time frame. Frank Reese is a long time resident of Chanhassen and will put his best efforts forward on this project. We have spoken to several businesses here in the downtown area and they have assured us of their support for this project. We are working with several of the businesses that have to be relocated to help them with that transition. We want to express our cooperation in working with the HRA and the City to see that this project goes ahead. This will require close cooperation and we will be available to meet on short notice to keep this project moving. Sincerely, Po H Vn ning JH:jm Enclosure Bill Howard CITY Of CHANHASSEN plrc=i A-0 DEC 9 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEF CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 1612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director AW DATE: December 8, 1983 SUBJ: Status Report from Community Recreational Facilities Committee City Manager, Don Ashworth has requested an opportunity to pre- sent a brief status report to you next week concerning the progress made to date by the Community Recreational Facilities Committee in their study of the potential for public reuse of the old Instant Web Building. The Committee has met seven times since the end of August and is nearing the completion of their initial goal of determining com- munity recreational needs and how these needs could best be fulfilled through adaptive reuse of the old Instant Web Building. I have included the attached news article from the December 7, 1983 Carver County Herald to give you some preliminary background on recent Committee discussions concerning reuse of this building for public recreational purposes. i 1 i i i :3 a i r l 1 r u S e n a e e cX4tVEK CO. Committees outline pla'n's " 1 for Chan Community Center By Julie Gay Chanhassen's plans for a community requirements, according to Ashworth, the HRA will have to complete an en- recreation center advanced one more vironmental assessment worksheet. step last week with committee agree- ment on a preliminary building plan. . That has not been started. The approved preliminary plan will However, the building facilities com- now be further developed by consulting mittee, the group appointed by the City Council to develop plans, disagrees with engineers; according to Niemeyer. . Last week preliminary costs for the an already approved program to plan also had been developed by Ryan. However, the committee was reluctant demolish part of the site. The building facilities committee last to make those estimates public until final week agreed on a three-phase plan to plans were developed and the city could create a community center in the old In- stant Web Building now owned by the estimte operating costs. Niemeyer told his committee the city Housing and Redevelopment Authority council will receive an interim report on (HRA) The three -phase plan involves renova- the project before January 1. Following city council review, the tion of the current structure for a bowling committee will be holding a series of center, addition of a second story on the neighborhood meetings as part of a pro- south side and, in the final phase, con - gram to get residents'input, according to struction of a swimming pool and a large Niemeyer. :The preliminary plan shows proposed gym Also in last Wednesday's session, Jim bowling center and adjoining lounge, cof- Jones, community services director for feeshop and nursery (for parents with uie Minnetonka School District, told the committee a YMCA will not be moving children) on the north side of the renovated structure. A second story into the West Minnetonka Junior High Schoon on Minnesota Highway 41. He would be added on the south side. - The first floor on the south side would was following up earlier conversations with the committee where he said include racquetball courts, rollerskating area and fitness rooms. The second floor negotiations were underway to have a would have office space, meeting rooms 'YMCA use the school. and a track. , e t 0 Y e r r ZZ At the evening sesion, committee Chairman Mike Niemeyer and member Bill Ryan disagreed with the HRA and ci- ty council approved plans to demolish a wooden portion of the building. Ryan, who is an engineer, and Niemeyer, a professional architect, said that although the section scheduled for demolition needs a new roof and other in -. terior work, the area might readily serve. as an immediate exercise space in the proposed center, -.Ryan and Niemeyer's evaluation - "dismayed" committee member Pat Swenson who is both a councilperson and HRA commissioner. She indicated the council had not thought there was a use for the part of the building under discus- sion. Ryan said the portion of the structure that had been scheduleto be demolished might not be suitable for potentioal business development needs but he thought it could be used to the communi- ty purpose. Although the city council and HRA have approved demolition plans, no bids . or contracts have been sought. City Manager Don Ashworth said that federal community block grant funds �r v. 6 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: December 8, 1983 SUBJ: Extension of Leases in Old Instant Web Building The leases of the three (3) tenants in the "Animal Fair Section" of the old Instant Web Building are scheduled to expire on December 31, 1983. All three tenants have expressed a desire to extend their lease beyond the expiration date. Although this section of the building is scheduled for demolition sometime next spring, it is very unlikely that demolition could actually be accomplished before April 30, 1984. Funding for the demolition costs has been appropriated by the City Council from Community Development Block Grant funds. However, I have been notifed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that no demolition funds will be released to the City until an Environmental Assessment Worksheet has been completed by the City and HUD has given the Downtown Project an environmental clearance. In addition to the 60 -90 days required for the environmental review process, another 60 -90 days will likely be required to obtain contractor's bids for the building demolition. Therefore, I recommend approval of the following lease extensions through April 30, 1984, subject to continuation of the same terms and vcnditiors for each respective lease: 1. Animal Fair, Inc. - 2,000 sq. ft. @ $750 per month plus heat. 2. Britt Corporation - 400 sq. ft. @ $150 per month. 3. Quality Temp, Inc. - 200 sq. feet @ $100 per month. � ,yp.a:... •.reii a'L. ..e'x�,ti1g64 -L'W' N.Z, �- .!� - CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • F.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment` Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive DirectorRR^ DATE: December 8, 1983 SUBJ: Amendment to HRA Resolution #83 -5 Attached is a letter received from DeLaHunt Voto and Company, HRA Auditors (dated 11/1/83) clarifying the fund transfers required for HRA bonded debt in accordance with Exhibit 3 of the recently adopted Tax Increment Financing Plan. Upon the closing of the 1983 Refunding Bond Issue, the auditors determined the actual amount of the fund transfers necessary to meet statutory debt service requirements. These amounts should be incorporated into HRA Resolution #83 -5 according to the audi- tors. A motion to amend Resolution #83 -5 to be consistent with the actual amounts presented in the Auditor's letter of November 1, 1983 is recommended. Attachments 1. Letter from Robert Tautges, DeLaHunt Voto & Co., dated November 1, 1983. 2. Exhibit 3 from Tax Increment Financing Plan. 3. HRA Resolution #83 -5. DELAHUNT VOTO & CO., LTD. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, Birch Lake Professional Building • 1310 E. Hwy. 96 • White Bear Lake, MN 55110 s Phone 426 -3263 November 1, 1983 Mr. Scott Martin Executive Director Chanhassen HRA 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Scott: RONALD J. DELAHUNT, RETIRED ROBERT 1. VOTO, CPA TIMOTHY E. REARDON, CPA ROBERT G. TAUTGES, CPA CITY OF CHANHASSEN NOV 4 1983 C .IANIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DES'. Pursuant to our discussion, this letter is to clarify the transfers required for bonded debt per Exhibit 3 of the August, 1983 "Tax Increment Financing Plan." Estimated transfers to the debt service funds per that report were as follows: Transfer from Ring Rd. (604) $157,000 Transfer from Tax Increment (460) 644,619 Total 801,619 These amounts were subject to final adjustment for such transactions as interest. Additionally, for fund accounting purposes, two tax increment debt funds will appear on the records of the City. One is the refunded issue ($4,715,000 T.I. Bonds of 1981 - fund 306). The other is the refunding issue ($5,184,000 T.I. Bonds of 1983 - fund 309). The transfers, therefore, are to be split between the two debt funds as follows: TO TO FUND 306 FUND 309 TOTAL Transfer from Ring Rd. (604) $157,750.46 $ $157,750.46 Transfer from Tax Increment (460) 404,914.95 244,772.00 649,686.95 Totals $562,665.41 $244,772.00 $807,437.41 The amounts calculated by Kay will close out fund 306. The amount transferred to 309 will create a balance sufficient to cover the February, 1984 debt service payment plus a 58 reserve, which is consistent with Exhibit 3 of the Tax Increment Plan dated August, 1983. MEMBERS OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS • PRIVATE COMPANIES PRACTICE SECTION MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION • MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICIALS Mr. Scott Martin r - Chanhassen HRA Page 2 November 1, 1983 We recommend that the BRA Board of Commissioners am�, - �83-5 to be consistent with the actual amounts presented above. If you have questions or require clarification, please advise. Sincerely, DE LA HUNT VOTO & CO., LTD Robert G. Tautges, CPA RGT:crl CC: Kay Klingehutz Correspondence File CITY OF CHANI=NVH, $ 233,116 11,656 $ 242,048 12,102 $ 244,857 12,243 $ 256,540 12,827 $ 271,199 13,560 $ 328,833 16,442 $ 340,168 17,008 $ 353,579 17,679 Total CITY OF CRANIIADSAN, MINNESOTA 5 254,150 1 257,100 MINNESO'A $ 284,759 $ 345,275 $ 357,176 $ 371,258 TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 41 (CARVER COUNTY) - Exninit 3 Page 1 of 2 $4,715 $5.18 620,60 DOFF. OBLIGATION ADVANCE REFUNDING 198 TAX INCREMENT BONDS OF 1901/198] AX DEBT SENVICE FUND ACTUAL /PROJECTED REVENUE /TRANSFERS IN, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE g 1981 through 1999 Actual Projected 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ -0- $ 725,733 $ 229,369 $ 244,772 5 254,150 $ 2_-71100 $ 269,367 $ 284,759 $ 345,275 $ 357,176 ACTUAL /PROJECTED REVENUE /TRANSFERS IN: Bond Proceeds 667,356 Interest Earnings 58,377 61,778 - Transfer of Residual Bond Proceeds - Ring Road Construction (604) 157,000 Cash Transfers: y,. -2,929 533,521 601,838 665,342 693,843 - Tax Increment Proceeds 644,619 F�. 477,683 483.445 5: Total Cash Available 725,733 787,511 1,030,988 722,455 737,595 _1 -9,029 802,888 886,597 1,010,617 1,051,019 ACTUAL /PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: Debt Service Payments: February 1st 279,000 232,958 241,883 2'1,683 256,358 271,008 328,633 339,950 August let 558,000 279,000, 235,032 238,282 21.':,632 261,407 269,932 324,407 339,382 Amount Required To Fund Escrow 227,916 142 300 315 330 347 364 382 401 421 Paying Agent Fees - Total Expenditures -0- 558,142 786,216 468,305 460,495 490,662 518,129 541,322 653,441 679,761 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 725,733 $ 229,369 $ 244,772 $ 254,150 $ 257,100 $ 269,367 $ 284,759 $ 345,275 $ 357,176 $ 371,25B ENDING FUND BALANCE CONSISTS OF: February let Payments 5% Statutory Reserve $ 233,116 11,656 $ 242,048 12,102 $ 244,857 12,243 $ 256,540 12,827 $ 271,199 13,560 $ 328,833 16,442 $ 340,168 17,008 $ 353,579 17,679 Total $ 244,772 5 254,150 1 257,100 $ 269,367 $ 284,759 $ 345,275 $ 357,176 $ 371,258 UNAUDITED - SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPILATION REPORT The accompanying Summary of Significant Projection Assumptions is an integral part of this Schedule. (Latest Update - 8/83) * EsTM(-�Pxu) °fi kA psF� ^-ly .-_- .-------- 7--J ---71 J l ^- J l � 1 '�- CI^ CIIANF- -`i, TAX INCREMENT DIETRICT M1 (CARVER COUNTY) I Exht t ) Page 2 bY of 2 $4 715 000/$5 1B4 620 60 GENERAL OBLIGATION ADVANCE REFUNDING TAX INCREMEN? BONDS OF 1981/1983 DEBT SERVICE FUND ACTUAL /PROJECTED REVENUE/TRANSFERS IN, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE 1981 through 1999 I Grand Total $ 667,356 120,155 157,000 11,239,240 $12,183,759 $ 5,733,804 6,214,165 227,916 7,874 $12,183,759 Projected 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1991 1992 387,723 1993 $ 411,791 1994 $ 436,018 $ 446,532 $ 467,546 $ 988,561 $ 504,327 5 205,093 BECTAMING FUND BALANCE 5 371,258 $ ACTUAL /PROJECTED REVENUE/ TRANSt'ERS IN. Bond Proceeds Interest Earnings Transfer of Residual Bond Proceeds - Ring Road Construction (604) Caeh Transfers: 759,257 802,B38 836,025 8]1,551 911,579 941,358 661,388 12U,560 Tax Increment Proceeds Available 731,472 1,102,730 1,146,980 1,214,629 1,272,043 Wk 1,318,083 1,379,125 1,429,919 1,165,715 325,653 Total Cash ACTUAL /PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: Uubt Service Payments: 391,937 415,000 425,000 445,000 465,000 480,000 195,000 !'ebreary 1st 353,358 369,028 425,000 445,000 460,000 480,000 130,000 August let 361,207 365,697 386,187 41D,000 A!nounte Required To Fund Escrow A 537 564 592 622 653 Paying Agent Fees 442 464 487 511 Total Expenditures 715,007 735,169 778,611 825,511 850,537 890,564 925,592 960,622 325,653 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 387,723 $ 411,791 L436,018 $ 446,532 $ 467,546 5 488,561 $ 504,327 $ 205,093 $ -0- ENDING FUND BALANCE CONSISTS OF: $ 445,282 $ 465,296 $ 480,311 $ 195,327 February 1st Payments $ 369,260 $ 392,181 $'415,255 $ 425,269 22,264 23,265 24,016 9,766 5) Statutory Reserve 18,463 19,610 20,763 21,263 $ 4fi 7,546 $ 488,561 $ 504,327 5 205,093 $ -0- Total S 387,723 $ 411,791 $ 436,018 $ 446,532 Iwo UNAUDITED - SEE ACCOUNTANTS COMPILATION REPORT The accompanying Summary of Significant Projection Assumptions is an integral part of this Schedule. (Latest Update - 8/83) I Grand Total $ 667,356 120,155 157,000 11,239,240 $12,183,759 $ 5,733,804 6,214,165 227,916 7,874 $12,183,759 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION DATED: September 15, 1983 RESOLUTION NO.: 83 -5 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER: Bohn SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER: Russell RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CLOSING OF HRA FUND #604 AND APPROVING A TRANSFER BETWEEN HRA FUNDS. WHEREAS, the HRA Auditor has prepared the "Tax Increment Financing Plan" (dated August, 196.ai _-_. Tax Increment District #1; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners has adopted said Plan upon the recommendation of the HRA Auditor and Executive Director; and WHEREAS, implementation of said Financing Plan requires the authorization of the HRA for the closing of an HRA fund and an interfund transfer between two other HRA funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority that Fund #604 (Ring Road Construction Fund) shall be closed by the Treasurer effective immediately and any fund balance shall be transfered to Fund #306 (Tax Increment Debt Service Fund); and, that a transfer of approximately $644,619 from the Tax Increment #1 Fund ( #460) to the Tax Increment Debt Service Fund ( #306) is hereby authorized in accordance with the adopted Tax Increment Financing Plan. Adopted this 15th day of September, 1983. Clark Horn, Vice- Chairman ATTEST: AA 0 - K Scott A. Martin, Executive Director Yes Horn Bohn Russell No Absent None Whitehill Swenson CHANHASSEN HOUSING 86 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ■��• (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director A�l�� DATE: December 8, 1983 �S"Y 1 SUBJ: Resolution #83 -7 Authorizing the Carver County HRA to Administer the Existing Section 8 Rent Assistance Program in Chanhassen. The Carver County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has sub- mitted the attached request (letter dated 11/8/83) for authoriza- tion from the Chanhassen HRA and City Council to take over local administration of the Section 8 Existing Rent Assistance Program. This program is currently administered by the Metro HRA in St. Paul. I have reviewed this request with the Executive Director of the Carver County HRA and with Metro HRA staff, and believe that a more locally administered program will provide better service and improved efficiency compared with the St. Paul based program. The Metro HRA has no objections to giving up their involvement in this program in Carver County as long as the Carver County HRA demonstrates the ability to properly administer the program. I recommend adoption of HRA Resolution #83 -7 (attached), as pre- sented. Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Carver County P.O. Box 147 Carver, MN 55315 (612) 448 -5353 Mr. Scott Martin Chanhassen HRA 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Martin: Iwo District 1 - James Sulerud District 2 Duane Schumacher District 3 Brant Ball Chairman District 4 Norman Paul Vice Chairman District 5 - Robert Borak Sea/Treas. Exec. Ch. - Scott Knudson November 8, 1983 CITY OF CHANHASSEN NOV,'. } As I informed you during our recent telephone conversation, the HRA is prepared to take over local administration of the Section 8 Existing Rent Assistance program for the Cities of Carver County. After researching the matter, the HRA has concluded that its involvement could be beneficial to the residents of Carver County. Initial response from most of the participating cities and the Metro HRA has been positive. The HRA has not yet signed a contract with Metro HRA stipulating the specific requirements and responsibilities of the HRA. Once signed, this agreement will guarantee the cities a specific level of service. The HRA is prepared to go beyond this to meet the individual needs of the cities. I intend to meet with staff members of each city to identify your expectations for delivery of local administrative services. The major benefits that the HRA identifies from its participation in the program are as follows: 1. The HRA can coordinate and centralize administration of the program in Carver County. Currently, each of the cities involved in the program provides the administrative services with existing city staff or contracted staff time. In some cities, city staff members provide the program for as few as one household. HRA involvement would allow all the administrative services in all of the cities to be performed by a single staff person while establishing a single agency as the program contact county -wide. 2. The HRA would get more cities and Carver County residents involved in the program. Metro HRA has never attempted to get the smaller cities in the County involved in the program. As a result, the residents of these cities cannot be served by the program. The HRA would attempt to get all cities in the County involved in the program, increasing the number of households that could be served by the program. An Agency Created to Plan, Develop and Administer Equal Opportunity Housing for Carver County r _ 3• The HRA intends to develop expertise in running the program locally in order to eventually gain total control of the program in Carver County. Under the present system with Metro HRA in control, Carver County residents split Metro HRA's rent assistance allocation with residents of over 65 communities in five counties. If the HRA could gain total control of the program in Carver County, we could apply for an allocation of rent assistance money specifically for use within the County. Before Metro HRA will ever give up control of the program, the Carver County HRA must be able to demonstrate the ability to run the program for the County. These are the reasons the HRA has decided to provide local administra- tion services for the Cities of Carver County. If your city is interested in working with the HRA, your City BRA and your City Council will need to pass resolutions authorizing HRA involvement (samples enclosed). I would be happy to meet with you, your Council or your HRA Board to discuss any questions or concerns about the program. The approximate timetable is for the HRA to assume local administra- tion of the program by February 1, 1984. If you have any questions, please call me at 448 -5353• Sincerely, Scott L. Knudson Executive Director r• SLK:ba Encl. r r l DATE: MOTION BY CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. #83- SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CARVER COUNTY BRA TO PROVIDE LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE EXISTING SECTION 8 RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota has a public body corporate and politic known as the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority, having all the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of the municipal housing and redevelopment authority act, Minnesota Statutes, 462.411 to 462.711, and WHEREAS, the County of Carver, Minnesota has a public body cor- porate and politic, known as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Carver County, having all of the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of the municipal housing and redevelopment authority act, Minnesota Statutes, 462.411 to 462.711, and WHEREAS, the Laws of Minnesota, 1980, Chapter 482, Subd. 2. states that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Carver County shall not exercise jurisdiction in any municipality where a municipal housing and redevelopment authority is established without a request from the municipal housing and redevelopment authority, and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Carver County is prepared to provide the local administrative needs for the Section 8 Existing Rent Assistance Program in the City of Chanhassen; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority requests that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Carver County provide the local administrative needs for the Section 8 Existing Rent Assistance Program in and for the City of Chanhassen. Adopted this 15th day of December, 1983. ATTEST Scott A. Martin, Executive Director Clifford Whitehill, Chairman YES NO ABSENT IL CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (61 2) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: December 8, 1983 _ SUBJ: January Meeting Date. Next month's regular meeting date is January 19, 1984. However, - I am registered to attend the annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials in New Ulm on January 18 -20. r Consequently, I recommend that our next regular meeting be rescheduled for Thursday, January 26 1984. j- A motion is required to formalize this proposed change in our f meeting schedule. I r f CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 11 -21 -83 PAGE 1 CHECK N A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E j 015021 2,645.17 CARVER COUNTY TREASURER REMITT TO OTHER AGENCIES 1 2,645.17 NECESSARY EXPENDITURES SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 11 -21 -83 PAGE 2 ` CHECK M A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E ` 019465 399.94 B R W INC FEES, SERVICE 019466 1,912.50 DELAHUNT VOTO + CO LTD. FEES, SERVICE 019467 2,382.5'5 HOLMES + GRAVEN FEES, SERVICE 019468 19.50 SW SUBURBAN PUBLISHING PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 019469 1,107.20 CENTRAIRE INC REP. + MAINT.,BLOG + GND 019470 78,909.60 GIERTSEN COMPANY REP. + MAINT.,8LDG + GND 6 84,731.19 CHECKS WRITTEN - TOTAL OF 7 CHECKS TOTAL 87,376.36 V t HRA payment in lieu of real estate taxes in,'i# 1ri T 1 Z l l J J J J J J Y. ml� ��• ® CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Kay Klingelhutz, City Treasurer FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: December 6, 1983 SUBJ: Special Assessment Reduction Program Reimbursements. Under the terms of the Assessment Agreements between the Chanhassen HRA and United Mailing, Inc. and Alscor Joint Venture No. II (for Chanhassen Business Center), the HRA is required to reimburse both developers for special assessment payments made by each developer during the course of their building construction. Both payments are due this month, so checks should be drawn for each developer in the following amount for HRA approval on December 15, 1983. United Mailing, Inc. $51,756.76 Alscor Joint Venture No. II - $15,578.84 Both checks should be coded to Fund #460 -4804. - Thank you for your continued cooperation. SAM:v CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 12 -19 -83 PAGE 1 CHECK i A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E 019564 15,578.84 ALSCOR JOINT VENTURE M2 SPL ASSESSMENT PAYMENTS 019565 1,458.21 B R W INC FEES, SERVICE 019566 372.71 FLYING CLOUD OIL CO UTILITIES 019567 66.30 LARRYS ELECTRIC REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 019568 51,756.76 UNITED MAILING, INC. AND, JULIUS C. SMITH TRUST ACCOUNT SPL ASSESSMENT PAYMENTS - 019594 2.79 GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES, OFFICE 019610 14.99 MERLIN'S HARDWARE HANK SUPPLIES, OFFICE 019632 40.90 SW SUBURBAN PUBLISHING - 8 69,291.50 CHECKS WRITTEN TOTAL OF 8 CHECKS TOTAL 69,291.50 r GIERTSE T COMPADlY INVOICE r 535 -3212 MAIL CHECKS TO: 5147 WINNETKA AVE. NO. MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55428 r C/O Scott Martin - Executive Driector SOLD To: Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Street TERMS NET -I •-- - - - - -- Chanhassen Minnesota 55317 -- - - - - -- --OUR No. DV 2704 DATE October 31, 1983 Repairs to Instant Web building j *Net Contract Amount* I r r $78,909.60 p .K. ll/3 83 -45' 16 CITY Or CHANHASSEN RECEIVED NOV 3 1983 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEF HOLMES & GRAVEN CHART ERED 070 Pillsbury Center. Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402 Telephone 6121338 -1177 OCTOBER 21. 1983 CHANHASSEN HRq C/O SCOTT MARTIN PO BOX 147 CHANH.ASSEN♦ 'r1N 55317 Invoice #831066 CH130 3 LISTING AGREEMENT FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FROM SEPTEMBER 8, 1983 THRU SEPTEMBER 15# 1983 AS FOLLOWS: 9/08/33 INTRAOFFICE CONFERENCE RE LISTING AGREEMENT. 9/14/33 REVIEW AGREEMENT, 9/15/33 PHONE CALL SCOTT RE LISTING. JSH TOTAL SERVICES: 31$7.50 0 -(. -pW O/Y,�33 �6- 43n CITY OF CHANHASSEN ±CT 2 61983 COrgju -jiITY DUELOPI"ENT DEPT HOLMES & GRAVEN CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center, Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402 Telephone 612,338 -1177 Invoice #831064 OCT'JeER 21P 1983 CH130 1 CHANHASSEN HRA GENERAL C/0 SCOTT MARTIN PO F30X 147 CHANHASSENP NN 55317 FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FROM SEPTEMBER 8, 1983 THRU SEPTEMBER 1.2i 1983 AS FOLLOWS; RESEARCH l ON H RA AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE A REAL ESTATE LISTING CONTRACT, 9/08/33 PHONE CALL HOLMES RE LISTING AGREEMENT; CONFERENCE MARY JO SRENDEN RE AUTHORITY UNDER CHAPTER 462; DRAFT Fr REVISE LISTING AGREEMENT, j 9/U9/83 REVISIONS TO LISTING AGREEMENT. I 9/12/33 FIVAL PROOF OF LISTING AGREEMENT I JSH TOTAL SERVICES; CITY OF CHANHASSEN R;- GEi \lED OCT 261983 COMMUNITY - _ E 5523,00 O.K. l 83 X460 -43M HOLMES & GRAVEN CHARTERED 470 Pillsbun' Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telcphone 612.338 -1177 OCTOBER 21,p 1983 CHANHASSEN HRA C/O SCOTT MARTIN PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN. Mh 55317 Invoice $831065 CH130 2 ACCOUNTING / CITY AND HRA AGREEMENT FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FROM AUGUST 1i 1983 THRU SEPTEMBER 8i 1983 AS FOLLOWS; 8/01183 MEETING WITH CITY AND HRA 8/u1/33 INTRAOFFICE CONFERENCE WITH SCOTT FiANGER• CPA 8/11/83 REVIEW ASSESSMENT REDUCTION 6/12/83 REVIEW AGREEMENT; RESEARCH 3/12/83 DRAFT , AGREEMNNT 3 LETTER TO CITY COUNCIL; REVIEW; REVISE; SANE 8/15/83 DRAFTING; INTRAOFFICE CONFERENC:; RESEARCH 3/15/83 REVIEWW; LETTER; TO CITY COUNCIL 8/15/83 PROOFING 6/16/83 RESEARCH; DRAFT 8/16/E3 INTRAOFFICE CONFERENCE; REVISIONS TO AGREEMENT ti LETTER 8/16/83 PROOF. 9/C8/83 REDRAFT. TOTAL SERVICES: FOR ALL DISBURSEMENTS AS FOLLOWS; 8116/63 ACTION MESSENGER DELIVERY 16.20 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS: 16.20 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: TOTAL SERVICES AND DISBURSEMENTS: CITY Or CHANHASSEN OCT 261983 COr,,IMUINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT JSH S1.655.75 516.20 J Q.K. IAAA.\- tvv- �4b0— 43s� I r r� I I F ��� MINNEAPOLIS • CHEYENNE • DENVER • BRECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE DATE: October 31, 1983 JOB NO: 18 -8101 RE: Surveying Services provided in conjunction with the sale of property on east side of TH 101 (Car Wash Site), as per project agreement. Period of October 1983, Per Diem Services Classification Hours Principal 5.00 Salary Cost $153.72 $153.72 x 2.0 K. t1J 22f $3 #460— 43�a CITY OF CHANHASSEi! Iov 161983 _ BENNETT. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS. GARONER. INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55014 . PHONE 612/3)9 -]878 - ±j, 1� I I z 1" )v MINNEAPOLIS • CHEYENNE • DENVER • BRECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE DATE: October 31, 1983 JOB NO: 62 -8214 RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement Per Diem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 • Meetings with staff and council /committee - on -going consultation • Meetings with Carver County staff regarding tax parcels o Preparation of revised tax parcel map Period of October, 1983 Classification Hours Associate 10.00 Sr. Technician 23.50 Technician 2.00 Salary Cost - $ 556.95 Fee - $ 556.95 x 2.0 = Graphic Supplies $1,113.90 36.87 6T. �amk CITY OF CH+{i +lHASSt+I "�✓� i BENNETT, RINGROSE. wOLSFELD. JARVIS. GARDNER. INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55414 • PHONE 612/379 -7878 Phone 941.1044 I TO: CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO Animal Fair FOR: 581 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIVING INVOICE OUANTITY - - DESCRIPTION Installed new oil burner in space for Animal Fair. Checked operation. Also installed new pilot assembly in fireplace room. TOTAL DUE...; NOV 1 1983 E CITY OF CHANHASScl4 PRICE I AMOUNT .......Q.$ 660100 D.(, 40-4-0-:3,10 ® CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 October 31, 1983 Mr. Dick Stolz Carver County Auditor Carver County Courthouse 600 East Fourth Street Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Old Instant Web Building. .Dear Mr. Stolz: Enclosed for your files are copies of four (4) leases approved by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the rental of space by private businesses in the Old Instant Web Building in downtown Chanhassen. As you know, state law requires that thirty percent (30 %) of rents collected by the HRA shall be paid to the County in lieu of real estate taxes for redistribution to all taxing jurisdictions in the County. A check in the amount of $2,645.17, which repre- sents the HRA's second half (1983) payment, has been forwarded to the County Treasurer. This payment equals 30% of gross rents received for the period of June 1, 1983 through October 31, 1983. As additional leases are a r-- your office. PProved, copies will be forwarded to Please do not hesitate to contact me if � you have any questions concerning the enclosed. As always, your cooperation and assistance is most appreciated. Sincerely, Scott A. Martin Executive Director SAM:v r- Enclosures l cc: i Craig Zinter, County Assessor Donald Dahlk Co my Treasurer Office of County Assessor CRAIG ZINTER 448 -3435 Ext. 230 October 31, 1983 COUNTY Of CAM"'D Scott Martin 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Real Estate Taxes, Old Instant Web Building Dear Scott: CARVER COUNTY COURTHOU. 600 EAST 4TH STREET CHASKA. MINNESOTA 55318 -21k As we discussed, the old instant web building is a taxable property based on the portion that the HRA leases. Under most situations this creates no problem in that a market value is assigned to the property and taxes are generated accordingly. This property is a bit unique in that a small portion of the area is being leased by a number of tennants. Although it is physically possible to value the property under these circumstances, it is not practical. As a result it is concluded that it best serves the interests of all parties affected to continue the policy whereby the HRA pays thirty percent (30 %) of the rents collected to the County in lieu of real estate taxes. It is assumed that this arrangement is acceptable to the HRA and that unless written notice is received to the contrary within thirty (30) days the in lieu of tax procedure will continue. Craig cc: uiy, i 1,e/r , County Auditor. Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF CHANHASSEN p=GEiVED fJOV 2 W Do M %imu"ITY DEVELOMENT t I S M SEC CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 November 3, 1983 Mr. Dick Stolz Carver County Auditor r Carver County Courthouse 600 East Fourth Street Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Chanhassen Tax Increment District Parcel Listing. Dear Dick: As you know, during the past several months we have been ana- lyzing the list of parcels included in Chanhassen Tax Increment — District #1 according to official Carver County records.) This analysis was initiated in an attempt to verify that both City and County records are consistent with the City's adopted Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment District certifications. Our analysis has identified several discrepancies between the County's tax parcel listing and the City's Certified Tax r Increment District. In order to correct these discrepancies, the following adjustments should be made to the official Carver County records for Chanhassen Tax Increment District #1 in time to be included with 1984 tax parables: 1. Delete parcel 25- 0123300. (This is a residential pro - perty which lies outside of the district.) 2. Add the following parcels to the County's "parcel listing: 25- 0131700, 25- 0132100, 25- 0132400, 25- 0136500, and 25- 0122000. (These parcels are all located within the certified District boundaries.) We are currently preparing an updated tax parcel base map for the Chanhassen Tax Increment District. A copy of this map will be provided to you for your future reference when completed. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning these tax parcel adjustments. The cooperation and assistance provided by you and your staff has been most appreciated. Sincerely, r Scott A. Ma in Executive Director ' s CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY i .,-v; 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 2 (61 2) 937-1900 December 2, 1983 Mr. Dick Stolz Carver County Auditor Carver County Courthouse 600 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Chanhassen Tax Increment District Legal Description. Dear Dick: During our recent review of Chanhassen Tax Increment District #1 records, we discovered a minor error in the legal descrip- tion of the district boundary for that portion of the district lying north of TH 5. Enclosed for your file is a ?esc -;p +ion for the northerly section of Chanhassen Tax Increment District #1. The legal description which you have on file for that portion of the district lying south of Highway 5 is correct. Please revise your records in accordance with the enclosed corrected legal description. If you have any questions concern- ing this matter, please contact me. Your continued cooperation is most appreciated. Sincerely, JAS. m Scott A. Martin Executive Director SAM :v Enclosure