HRA 1983 02 17AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, February 17, 1983 Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive City Council Chambers 7.Q0 p.m. 7:30 pm 1. Call to order. 2. Approve Minutes of November 18, 1982 meeting 3. Presentation of supermarket study: Retail Systems, Inc. 4. Review status of old Instant Web Building: a) Status report on Adaptive Reuse Study: BRW, Inc. b) Consider alternatives for insurance settlement related to roof damage /award contract for build- ing repair. c) Authorize insurance coverage renewal for Instant Web property and general liability. d) Approve six month lease with Animal Fair, Inc. e) Approve lease with Halverson Supplies, Inc. 5. Authorize extension of Downtown Project Purchase Option Agreements: i a) Chanhassen Tire and Auto (Havlik Property) b) Riviera Supper Club (Krueger Property) 6. Consider Proposed Activities to be funded by Year IX Community Development Block Grant funds. 7. Resolution #83 -1 approving agreement with Carver County for partial funding of costs for design and installation of upgraded Railroad Crossing at W. 78th Street (formalize previous approval). 8. Approval of bills. 9. Old business: a) Award bid for Instant Web Building Energy Conservation/ Weatherization improvements (formalize previous approval). b) Discuss Housing Needs Survey. 10. New business 10:30 pm 11. Adjournment i CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY '-, 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA SS317 U(612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM< TO: Chanhassen.Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: February 11,1983` SUBJ: Joint Meeting with City Council Due to the nature and significance of the Agenda items for next r Thursday's regular HRA meeting, I have invited the Mayor and City Council to this meeting. I believe it is of utmost importance that some decision be made concerning the short -term future of the old Instant Web Building, especially insofar as the damaged roof and sprinkler system is concerned. Hopefully, an agreement can be reached next Thursday as to what course of action the Council and HRA wish to take in regards to this matter. i i ;�' X71 )� � .kr• �a, Minutes I Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Regular Meeting FNovember 18, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bill Gullickson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners Gullickson, Bohn, Whitehill, Horn, and Russell. Executive Director Scott Martin was also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, approval of the minutes of the August 19, 1982 meeting, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. r The Commissioners also noted the minutes of the Special Joint meeting with the City Council held on October 7, 1982. POSITION PAPER ON STATUS OF DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Russell moved, seconded by Whitehill, to formally endorse the Downtown Project Steering Committee's "Position Paper.on the Status of the Downtown Redevelopment Project" (dated November 2, 1982), as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Commissioners also noted BRW's evaluation of the revised Kraus- Anderson Development Proposal (dated October 28, 1982), which was reviewed by the Downtown Project Steering Committee - prior to preparation of the Position Paper. 7 EXTENSION OF PURCHASE OPTION AGREEMENTS FOR CHANHASSEN TIRE AND AUTO D RIVIERA SUPPER CLUB PROPERTIES Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to extend the purchase option agreements for the Chanhassen Tire and Auto (Havlik) and Riviera Supper Club (Krueger) properties for a three (3) month period (December 1, 1982 - March 1, 1983), in accordance with Section 3.1(a) of each agreement. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REIMBURSEMENT OF RIVIERA APPRAISAL COSTS r Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to authorize the Statutory reimbursement of $300 (Three - Hundred Dollars) to the Riviera Supper Club for costs associated with the Real Estate Appraisal (dated September 12, 1980) prepared on their behalf by O. J. Janski and Associates, Inc. All voted in favor and the motion carried. r HRA Minutes November 18, 1982 Page 2 AUTHORIZE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR ADAPTIVE -REUSE OF INSTANT WEB BUILDING _ Whitehill summarized his impressions of-the Instant Web Building following the Steering Committee's tour of November 2, 1982. Russell moved, seconded by Horn, to accept BRW's professional services proposal (dated "Received October 28, 1982 ") for pre - preparation of a Feasibility Study for the Adaptive -Reuse of the Instant Web Building, as recommended by the Downtown Project Steering Committee, with funding to be allocated from the Downtown Project Improvement Fund. All voted in favor and the motion carried. AUTHORIZE MARKET ANALYSIS STUDY TO DETERMINE SUPERMARKET POTENTIAL Mr. Elliott Olson, President of Retail Systems, Inc. reviewed their proposal to conduct a Market Analysis Study to determine the potential for a full -line supermarket in the Downtown Project Area. Russell moved, seconded by Bohn, to authorize the preparation of a market analysis study by Retail Systems, Inc., as outlined in their proposal dated "Received November 15, 1982 ", and to authorize the Executive Director to execute a professional ser- vices agreement with Retail Systems, Inc. on behalf of the HRA. Funding for this study shall be allocated from the Downtown Project Improvement Fund. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR HRA ACQUISITION OF GUY PETERSEN PROPERTY (PARCEL #1) Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to take no action towards acquisition of the Guy Petersen property (Parcel #1), as requested by the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, since acquisition would be premature and limited redevelopment funds are needed for Phase One acquisitions in the Downtown Core Area. All voted in favor and the motion carried. STATUS REPORT ON TRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE Martin presented a brief overview of recent efforts by the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Task Force to have Highway 5 upgraded to four -lane divided arterial standards from I -494 to Highway 41. He explained that Mayor Hamilton has requested $500 in HRA funds to assist the Task Force in their efforts to gain funding approvals for upgrading Highway 5. I HRA Minutes - November 18, 1982 Page 3 Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to appropriate $500 (Five- Hundred Dollars) from Fund #460 to the Chamber's Transportation Task Force, since the need for major improvements to Highway 5 is identified in the Adopted Redevelopment Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills from September, October, and November, 1982, as presented, including the invoices from BRW, Inc. (No. 32125) and Coordinated Management Systems, Inc. (No. 6423) which were distributed at tonight's meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Martin reported that he has contacted two real estate pro- fessionals concerning current market leasing rates for office, warehouse, and manufacturing facilities in an effort to determine the short -term leasibility of the Instant Web Building as of the first of the year. An average rental rate of $2.00 per square - foot for warehouse space was quoted for the Southwest Suburban Area. Both agents also advised him that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to lease office space for a period of less than three (3) years, and probably even for a term of up to five (5) years. Martin recommended negotiating with Minnetonka, Inc., since they r have expressed an interest in leasing up to 40,000 square feet of warehouse space for raw materials storage. The Commissioners directed Martin to negotiate with Minnetonka, Inc. for a lease with a 6 month (maximum) cancellation clause. Martin reported that he has recently begun to explore the con - cept of developing a district heating system within the Downtown Project Area that would be fueled by the incineration of solid waste (garbage). Gullickson cautioned the HRA to move slowly in this area, as there are as many horror stories about efforts that have failed as there are successful projects. More information concerning this idea will be presented to the Downtown Project T Steering Committee and HRA in the future. ADJOURNMENT Horn moved, seconded by Russell, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 7 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ' ®t 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 1612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: February 10, 1983 SUBJ. Retail Systems, Inc. Supermarket Study Enclosed for your review is a copy of the recently completed "study,of the potential for a supermarket in downtown Chanhassen ", prepared by Retail. Systems, Inc. Rather than attempt to highlight specific elements or findings in the study here, I have arranged for a formal presentation of the study by Retail Systems at your meeting next Thursday. I would encourage you to read the study prior to the meeting and come prepared to ask questions of the market analysts. Details of the study were presented to the Downtown Project Steering Committee and staff last week. This session resulted in our request that the market also be tested for a 15,000 sq.ft. supermarket having a service- oriented image. Retail Systems will present the results of this effort to the Committee next Tuesday, and copies of any additional materials will be distributed to you at the HRA meeting. Please feel free to call me if you have questions concerning the study in advance of next Thursday's meeting. 3 r- i CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Im690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 ii (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director App�/� DATE: February 10, 1983 SUBJ: Status Report on Study for Adaptive Reuse of old Instant Web Building: BRW, Inc. Completion of BRW's feasibility study for adaptive reuse of the old Instant Web building has been delayed due to the late receipt of the Supermarket Study prepared by Retail Systems, Inc. As you know, the recommended size of a supermarket is a critical element in the adaptive reuse study.. However, BRW has completed major elements of this study, and will present a status report and their preliminary findings to you at your meeting next Thursday. _ This presentation and discussion will precede your consideration of alternative measures which could be taken in regards to our insurance settlement for damage to the building's roof. Nx: 44 4b CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM c TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director nNwe DATE: February 11, 1983 RE: Insurance Claim for Repair of Damage to Old Instant Web r Building I have finally received two (2) bids for restoration of the areas damaged in the old Instant Web Building as a result of the December 28, 1982 snowstorm. Both bidders were asked to split their bids into two separate categories: 1) work needed to repair the roof damage and restore the sprinkler system; and 2) restora- tion of the interior damage. A summary of each bid follows: Roof /Sprinkler System Repair Interior Restoration Total Bid Kraus- Anderson Building Company $77,265 19,544 $96,809 Giertsen Company $60,161.05 18,668.84 $78,829.89 Both bids are currently being reviewed by the Insurance Adjuster. Present insurance coverage is on a Replacement Cost basis, less $500 deductible. If we choose not to fully restore the building to its previous condition the insurance settlement will be calculated on a depreciated "Actual Cash Value" basis. The Adjuster estimates that the insurance company will apply a 15% to 20% depreciation factor if other than full restoration is chosen. Recommendation I recommend that only that work necessary to rebuild the roof systems and restore the sprinkler system to the entire building be authorized by the HRA at this time. Interior restoration would likely be a waste of money, since the damaged office area is unleasable unless we would accept a 3 -5 year commitment. I do not believe we should tie -up this building for any period longer than one year, and even then we should require a maximum termination provision of not more than six (6) months, w6, Memorandum - IW Insurance Claim February 11, 1983 Page 2 I also recommend keeping the building systems active until such time as a final decision is made on the long term future of the building (see BRW, Inc. memorandum dated January 25, 1983). Attachments 1. Kraus - Anderson Bid. 2. Giertsen Company Bid. 3. BRW, Inc. Memborandums dated January 4, January 19 and January 25. 4. Letter from Dolliff, Inc. Insurance dated February 2, 1983. G' r 1 January 21, 1983 :a Mr. Scott Martin Planner /HRA Executive Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Subject: city of Chanhassen HRA r Dear Scott: We propose to furnish all labor, material, compensation, all public liability insurance and all state, federal and local taxes, including sales tax, to rebuild areas damaged during the storm which occurred December 28, 1982 per your verbal instructions, letter from John H. Dahlmeier of BRW dated January 19, 1983 and our site visit with you and Erling Jaeger on January 4th. We propose tD do this work for a total cost of NINETY SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINE DOLLARS ($96,809.00). We have separated the areas involved into two parts. Area 1 consists of the roof cave -on over the warehouse area. Area 2 consists of the roof cave -in over the office area. Our quotation includes the following work as it relates to each area. Area 1 - Wood Roof Cave -in Over Warehouse Area 1. General Conditions $ 2,311. 2. Demolition 3,286. 3., Carpentry 6,733. 4. Roofing and Sheet Metal 2,888• 5. Electrical 1,400. 6. Sprinkler 2,757. 19,375. 10% Overhead 1,937• 21,312. r 5% Profit 1,066. Total $ 22,378. Area 2 - Metal Roof Cave -in Over Office Area 1. General Conditions $ 7,380. 2. Shoring 635. 3. Demolition 10,344. 4. Masonry 1,544. 5. Structural Steel 975• f, ,ore �t CONTRACTORS r atrt� ` 2500 MINNEHAHA AVENUE • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55404 • (612) 721 -7581 Division of Kraus - Anderson Construction Company Mr. Scott Martin January 21, 1983 Page -2- 6. Steel Erection 7. Roofing and Sheet Metal 8. Carpentry 9. Millwork 10. Acoustical 11. Resilient Floor and Base 12. Carpet (Allowance @ E10 1s.y 13. Painting and Taping 14. Ceramic Tile 15. Plumbing 1'0. HVAC 17. Sprinkler 18. Electrical 10% Overhead 5% Profit Total 177 yds.) $ 512. 4,500. 7,671. 2,965. 3,234. 3,242. 1,770. 6,303. 1,144. 450. 3,500. 4,663. 3,611. 64,443. 6,444. 70,887. 3,544. $ 74,431. Clarifications 1. Our quotation does not include the cost of temporary work performed per your direction to secure the building the day after the storm. 2. We have not included any work in areas other than the wood roof cave -in over the warehouse area and the metal roof cave -in over the office area. 3. As a result of the storm, there may be damages not visible to us at this time. Should any additional work become necessary, it will be brought to your attention and added to our contract on a Change Order basis. 4. The cost of a Performance Bond, if required, will be paid for by the Owner. If any additional information is required, please call me. Very truly yours, KRAUS - ANDERSON BUILDING COMPANY i � r Harlan Opheim Project Manager HO:jl CITY OF CHANHASSEN PV'°"EIVED �S'. E . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. XR,AUS- ANDERSON BUILDING COMPANY 7 January 21, 1983 Mr. Scott Martin Planner /HRA Executive Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Subject: City of Chanhassen HRA Dear Scott: Per your request we are submitting our quotation to make the necessary repairs to the metal roof over the office area and make the facility water -tight thereby deleting the following items: 1. General Conditions Deduct $ 446. 2. Millwork Deduct 2,965. 3. Acoustical Deduct 3,234. T 4. Resilient Floor and Base Deduct 3,242. 5. Carpeting (Allowance) Deduct 1,770. 6. Painting and Taping Deduct 6,303. - 7. Ceramic Tile Deduct 1,144. 8. Plumbing Deduct 450. Total Deduct $ 19,544. 7 If it is not necessary to remove the existing HVAC unit and replace it, there would be an additional deduct of $3,500 for a total deduct of $19,544. We will not know the extent of this work until the roof repairs have been started. If you have any questions, please call me. _ Very truly yours, KRAUS- ANDERSON BUILDING COMPANY / r �L ek, ' 1 L — Harlan Opheim Project Manager CITY OF CHANHASSEN P VCCEIV I-D JAN 251983 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPI. HO:jl � e CONTRACTORS h �n�� 2500 MINNEHAHA AVENUE • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55404 • (612) 721 -7581 .... Division of Kraus - Anderson Construction Company February 1, 1983 City of Chanhassen Administrative Office 690 Coulter St. Chanhassen, Mn. Attention: Scott Martin Dear Sir: GIERTSEN COMPANY 5147 WINNETKA AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55428 re: City of Chanhassen Instant Web Building PHONE: (61 2) 535-3212 In accordance with your request, we have made a careful examination of the subject property for the purpose of estimating the cost of restoration. A detail description of the work to be done is attached. As stated on the last page of this list the total cost of the project will be $78,829.89. The price of this estimate will be held for 30 days from the date of this letter. If after that time an agreement has not been reached for Giertsen Company to do the work, then Giertsen Company has the option to adjust the price for increases in labor, material or project scope. Should you desire further clarification regarding this estimate, we shall be pleased to meet with you. Respectfully submitted, GIERTSEN COMPANY Denton Vars REC[Z1W -L17 FEB 4 1983 CITY OF CHANHASSDI PLANNING TRANSPORTATION IF 11 "A - ENGINEERING + :.� ARCHITECTURE -J BENNETT, RINGROSE. WOLSFELD, JARVIS. GARDNER. INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE MINNEAPOLIS. MN 66410 PHONE 61213794818 January 4, 1983 To: Scott Martin, City of Chanhassen Re: INSTANT WEB BUILDING SITE VISIT - December 30, 1982 Survey of Structural Damage From Snowstorm Present: Thomas Hoskens - BRW, Inc. �,�/ l Thomas Carroll - BRW, Inc. -, George Donally - City of Chanhassen 1. Remedial Measures To Prevent Further Damage 1.1 In Collapsed Metal Area: Snow and water should be removed from the collapsed roof section. Keep people out of area until the pressure has been relieved and the roof structure has been stabilized. The broken parapet wall should be stabilized so it won't collapse in on the building. 1.2 In Collapsed Metal Area: Build a temporary roof over collapsed metal roof area to prevent further snow or water from entering the building. 1.3 In Collapsed Wood Area: Investigate to see if area can be drained, if not, build a temporary roof over the area to prevent further snow or water accumulation. 1.4 Entrance From Original Building to Addition #1: As temporary measure, support south end of door header holding roof beam with 2 - 2 x 10's. 2. Long Term Measures r- 2.1 Investigate the bearing capacity of the metal roof to support normal loading. i 2.2 Investigate the actual capacity of the door header holding the beam at the entrance from the original building to Addition #1. (Item 1.4 above.) CITY Of CHANHASSEN ,IAN o- 1 233 MINNEAPOLIS DENVER CHEYENICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENiPI)EPT SENNETT. RINGROSE, WOLSPELD. JARVIS, GARDNER. INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 January 19, 1983 To: Scott Martin, City of Chanhassen Re: Instant Web Building Clarification of Repair Work from Snowstorm Present: Thomas Hoskens, BRW John Dahlmeier, BRW Scott Martin, City of Chanhassen Denton Vars, Giertsen Construction Erling Jaeger, K.A. Building Co. PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE PHONE 612/379 -7878 CITY OF CHANHASSEN JAN 21 3 rOMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT 1. Outline of work to be completed from the damage caused by the snowstorm of December 27 -28, 1982. The work to be completed should bring the building back to the pre - snowfall condition. 1.1 Remove all damaged material and clean up areas affected. 1.2 In collapsed wood area: Repair the collapsed wood roof with the temporary new roof. Use 2 x 12's @ 8" o.c. or 2 x 14's @ 1211 o.c. #2 Douglas Fir. Use (1/2 ") plywood sheathing with 4 -ply built up roof over. At block wall (south) chissel out block for new joists or use angle to rest joists on. Build a new stud wall to support roof inside the old wall at the north side. If using joist hangers use 800# load. 11.3 In collapsed metal area: MINNEAPOLIS Build a new roof using 2 x 12's @ 12" o.c.; #2 grade Douglas Fir. This is supported by a new steel "I" beam W16 x 26 or W14 x 30. The beam connects to an existing beam at one end and rests on masonry bearing at the other end. The means of connection and the moving of surrounding pipes is at the option of the contractor. A 4 -ply built up roof and 1/2" plywood sheathing is required. DENVER CHEYENNE PHOENIX I r Mr. Scott Martin January 19, 1983 Page Two A As an alternate, investigate rplacing Behlen metal roof with the same system. 1.4 Restore sprinkler, electrical, HVAC and plumbing to existing condition. 1.5 Estimate as a separate item all interior finishes to be replaced. f 1.6 At entrance from original building to Addition #1, shore up door header with 2 - 2 x 10's each side. 2. BRW will review final design and shop drawings. They will provide t further design data as required. cc: Denton Vars, Giertsen Construction r Erling Jaeger, K.A. Building Co. l Mark Swenson, BRW F l I I i I I PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE - MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 • PHONE 6121379 -7878 January 25, 1983 TO: Scott Martin, City of Chanhassen FROM: Thomas Hoskens 4 RE: Instant Web Building The City of Chanhassen has requested BRW to provide information about two alter- native scenerios for the Instant Web Building. The first is a preliminary cost estimate for total demolition of the building. And the second, what are the ramifications of shutting off all the heat in the building for several years. 1. The cost estimate is a "ball park" figure and includes demolition and remo- val of all debris, including footings and foundations, The Instant Web Building has three distinct structural systems. For demolition purposes we will evaluate each part separately. We have consulted with national and local experts and our ball park estimate is as follows. Wood Frame 391,900 cu.ft, x .12 $ 47,000 Concrete Block 760,800 cu.ft, x .06 $ 45,650 Tilt -up panel structure 513,700 cu.ft, x .10 $ 51,370 TOTAL $ 144,020 2. The ramifications for shutting off the heat in the Instant Web Building are as follows: 2.1 Shutting off the heat will allow the building to freeze in winter. There is a strong possibility that the freezing will cause heaving of interior footings and slabs. The heaving could damage the entire structural system including the roof structure. The extent of heaving would depend on the type of soil and water content beneath the building. CITY OF CHANHASSEN prrr,FIV ED JAN2693 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER Ljr7_J3jR1) BENNETT. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS, GARDNER, INC. PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE - MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 • PHONE 6121379 -7878 January 25, 1983 TO: Scott Martin, City of Chanhassen FROM: Thomas Hoskens 4 RE: Instant Web Building The City of Chanhassen has requested BRW to provide information about two alter- native scenerios for the Instant Web Building. The first is a preliminary cost estimate for total demolition of the building. And the second, what are the ramifications of shutting off all the heat in the building for several years. 1. The cost estimate is a "ball park" figure and includes demolition and remo- val of all debris, including footings and foundations, The Instant Web Building has three distinct structural systems. For demolition purposes we will evaluate each part separately. We have consulted with national and local experts and our ball park estimate is as follows. Wood Frame 391,900 cu.ft, x .12 $ 47,000 Concrete Block 760,800 cu.ft, x .06 $ 45,650 Tilt -up panel structure 513,700 cu.ft, x .10 $ 51,370 TOTAL $ 144,020 2. The ramifications for shutting off the heat in the Instant Web Building are as follows: 2.1 Shutting off the heat will allow the building to freeze in winter. There is a strong possibility that the freezing will cause heaving of interior footings and slabs. The heaving could damage the entire structural system including the roof structure. The extent of heaving would depend on the type of soil and water content beneath the building. CITY OF CHANHASSEN prrr,FIV ED JAN2693 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER r` I , January 25, 1983 Scott Martin Instant Web Building ` Page 2 I1 2.2 There is a problem of differential expansion of all piping systems. This could cause problems in roof drain as well as all plumbing. 2.3 In general all plumbing and gas piping drip pockets would have to be drained. All floor drains or traps would have to be plugged or anti freeze added. It is our recommendation that the Instant Web Building not be allowed to reach temperatures that would cause heaving and differential movements. If you have any other questions either on the demolition estimate or the heat shut -off, please call. cc: Mark Swenson TH:jh DOLLIFF, INC./ INSURANCE 2500 DAIN TOWER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612 338 -7021 February 2, 1983 Mr. Scott Martin City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Instant Webb Building Dear Scott: I'm writing to confirm our phone conversation today regarding alternate quotes. However, let me first confirm that our original property and liability quote of $3,529 remains firm. The alternate figures that we discussed today contemplated the building being completely vacant and shut down -- sprinklers off. Mission Insur- ance Company quoted the same property coverage as my original..quote;-- but with a $5,000 deductible, for $23,860 annual premium. —They provided an optional quote with a $25,000 deductible for $19,088. They would be willing to pro rate either of these premiums for a period of less than one year, but not less than sixty days. Also, neither of these figures includes liability coverage. Continental is willing to provide the liability separately for $927. Again, the coverage is the same as their original proposal. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible, Scott, so that I can get the coverage bound in time for your 2 -19 -83 expiration. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Daniel A�ffman DAH /ddl Established 1929 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RFCF —IVF— D FEB 04 93 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMc,dT CI '7 n u CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (61 2) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director 1K DATE: February 11, 1983 RE: Renewal of Insurance Coverage for Old Instant Web Building r The current insurance policy covering the old Instant Web building for damage to the structure and for bodily injury and property damage liability expires on February 19, 1983. As required by state law, I have received quotations from two (2) insurance companies for coverage in amounts consistent with levels of coverage maintained on all other city -owned buildings. I am still attempting to obtain quotes for both "Replacement Cost Coverage" and "Actual Cash Value" coverage, so I am not r prepared to make a specific recommendation at this time.as . -. to which company should be selected to insure this property. However, I am confident that such will be available for your consideration during next Thursday's meeting. Attached for your review are the quotes received to date from Dolliff, Inc. Insurance Agency and J.A. Price Agency. Dolliff currently carries all city and BRA coverages, except for the Instant Web'Building, which is insured through the Price Agency. In reviewing these two proposals, you should note that the limit of property coverage is substantially different. This is due to the fact that Dolliff's quote is for "replacement cost" coverage, while Price has quoted coverage on an "actual cash value" basis. Both proposals are based upon the assumption that the building will be at least partially occupied by a tenant of the HRA and that the building's sprinkler system will be fully operational during the policy period. However, it is impossible to compare "apples to apples" with the proposals submitted thus far. Again, this inconsistency will be rectified prior to next week's meeting. Attachments 1. Dolliff, Inc. Insurance Quote dated "Received December 27, 1982 ". 2. J.A. Price Agency Proposal dated "Received February 11, 1983 ". I 1 DOLLIFF, INC./ INSURANCE 2500 DAIN TOWER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612 338 -7021 December 23, 1982 Mr. Scott Martin HRA Executive Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Property and Liability Insurance Quote Instant Web Building Dear Scott: CITY Of CHANHASSEN DEC 2 71962 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Attached is the quote as you requested. I thought I might add a few explanatory notes here. First, I'd like to explain how we arrived at the building limit of $2,386,000. When you and I first discussed what limit I should quote, you said that the limit on the present policy was $3,080,000; but that that seemed too high to you. At that point I offered to do a ballpark valuation in our office using the "Marshall Valuation Service ". Then we gathered all the construction and dimension details that you had available to you, along with a diagram, and proceeded with that valuation. Our Marshall Valuation Service worksheets showed an estimated total replacement cost of $2,650,950. To be consistent with the property coverage that we currently . write for the City, we are proposing to write this building with a 90% coinsurance clause at $2,386,000. Continental Insurance Company has accepted our valuation and will issue the policy with an "agreed amount clause ", which eliminates any possibility of a coinsurance penalty in the event of a loss. In short we will pay 100% of an insured loss over the deductible subject to the limit. If you are uncertain about the limits, then the HRA should consider a professional appraisal. r The other point that I'd like to make is that the $300,000 Combined Single Limit of liability that we've proposed is consistent with the liability coverage carried by the City. Higher limits and Umbrella Liability are available. Russ Larson is familiar with this point; you may want to discuss it with him. Please call me if you have any questions. I Sincerely, k, / / Daniel A. Hoffman DAH /ddl Established 1929 r /j DOLLIFF, INC./ INSURANCE 2500 DAIN TOWER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612 338 -7021 Established 1929 CfTTy OFCHANHASSEN oFc,2'ig82 CO ^AMU !fTy DEVELOPMENT DEFT CITY OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Presented By: Quoting Through: February 23, 1983 Daniel A. Hoffman Continental Insurance Company i PROPERTY Coverage: Limit: i Building $2,386,000 Location Covered: 571 West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota Perils Insured Against: All Risks of Direct Physical Loss (subject -to -form) Deductible: $500 Per Occurrence Coinsurance: None - Agreed Amount Valuation: *Replacement Cost Total Annual Property Premium $2,773.00 (� n C GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE: Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability Coverage Includes: LIMIT: $300,000 per Occurrence $300,000 Annual Aggregate Combined Single Limit Comprehensive Form Premises and Operations Products and Completed Operations Independent Contractors Host Liquor Liability Employees as Additional Insureds Premises Medical Payments ($1,000 Each Person) Personal Injury Protection Advertising Injury Liability Contractual Liability Broad Form Property Damage Broad Form CGL Endorsement TOTAL ANNUAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMIUM: $756.00 ..rte i F FCOST SUMMARY Property $2,773.00 (� General Liability 756.00 TOTAL $3,529.00 I I V 1 I f f l Ir l THIS INSURANCE PROPOSAL IS AN OUTLINE ONLY. REFERENCE MUST BE MADE TO THE INSURANCE POLICIES WHICH CONTAIN THE FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF COVERAGE. NOTHING CONTAINED WITHIN THIS PROPOSAL AMENDS OR ALTERS THE INSURANCE POLICIES IN ANY WAY. N r 1 * fY RENEWAL INSURANCE PROPOSALS HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRESENTED BY JOHN H. KIESOW, CPCU J. A. PRICE AGENCY 1 100 WEST FRANKLIN AVE. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55404 IIIW:OMP ®l OFNT PHONE 870 - 7811 , ° -,.... CITY OF CHANHASSEN Qvr<'FIVED AAA FEB 11 S3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT GENERAL The insurance package presently covering the HRA property located at 571 -581 West .78th Street in Chanhassen covers the building on a replacement cost basis. A replacement cost policy contemplates adjusting a casualty loss on a new for old basis. In other words, the cost to replace without allowance for depreciation. If an insured chooses not to replace, any loss is adjusted on an actual cash value (depreciated) basis. Because of the fact that it is highly question- able that the HRA would actually opt for replacement in the case of destruction, it does not make good sense to pay for a replacement cost limit when you may only be able to recover on an actual cash value basis. For the reasons outlined above, I am proposing that the building be insured on an actual cash value basis in the amount of $1,850,000. The quote for this coverage approach contemplates the maintenance of the sprinkler system and the continuance of at least partial occupancy. PROPERTY COVERAGES E ;�A CAS1tALT 5���b� BUILDING. *Actual Cash Value No Coinsurance All Risk Form $ 1,000 Deductible CONTENTS None RENTS COVERAGE None LIABILITY COVERAGES $ 11850,000 Bodily Injury &Property Damage Combined Single Limit $ 1,000,000 Coverage Includes: - Personal Injury - Blanket Contractual - Products - Medical Payments - Broad Form Property Damage - Employees as Insureds - Host Liquor Liability - Non -Owned Watercraft TOTAL ANNUAL COST $ 2,673. lz=�— 7 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY X 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 Y�YR'1� M'�MN{V#AY1 y�gkyaYq°i v .. ✓ 5, - ,.. MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin DATE: February 17, 1983 RE: Old Instant Web Building Insurance Coverage I have obtained the following quotes for annual premium costs for Property and General Liability Coverage for the old Instant Web Building: REPLACEMENT COST COVERAGE - Insured Limit (Building): $2,386,000 — Deductible: $1,000 - J.A. Price $ 500 -. Dolliff Combined Annual Premium: $3,575 - J.A. Price $3,529 - Dolliff ACTUAL CASH VALUE COVERAGE Insured Limit (Building): $1,850,000 Deductible: $1,000 (both companies) - Combined Annual Premium: $2,673 - J.A. Price $3,183 Dolliff *Note: The above quotes are based upon the assumption that the building will be partially occupied and that the building's sprinkler system will be restored to full operation. J.A. Price Agency is quoting through AETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and Dolliff, Inc. through CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Premium costs increase dramatically if the building is unoccupied and /or the sprinkler system is non - operational. For example, Dolliff, Inc. quoted the following annual premiums for each of these t* circumstances: Memorandum - IW Insurance February 17, 1983 Page 2 Building Vacant /Sprinklers Operational Annual Combined Premium - $10,177 Building Vacant /Sprinklers Non- Operational Annual Combined Premium - $24,787 ($5,000 deductible) - $20,015 ($25,000 deductible) Recommendation I recommend acceptance of the bid from Dolliff, Inc. for Replacement Cost Coverage at combined property and general liabil- ity annual premium of $3,529. This represents not only the lowest bid received, but will also give us the greatest amount of protection for the premium dollar. Dolliff, Inc. is also pre- ferred since they presently carry all other insurance for the City and HRA. 4 *4 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ®u, (612) 937 -1900 j MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director 09 _ DATE: February 11, 1983 RE: Proposed Leases for Old Instant Web Building Submitted for your approval are the two (2) attached leases for rental of space in the old Instant Web Building. A summary of significant lease provisions for each tenant follows: Animal Fair, Inc. Term: 6 months (January 1, 1983 - June 30, 1983) 60 day notice required by either party to terminate lease. Use: Factory Outlet Store /Offices. Amount of Space: 2,000 sq. ft. (area currently occupied by Animal Fair). Rent: $750 /month ($4.50 /sq. ft.) Tenant pays for fuel oil heat, telephone service and trash removal; rent includes all other utilities, taxes, building insurance, maintenance, etc. Halverson Supplies, Inc. Term: 12 months (March 1, 1983 - February 29, 1984). 90 day notice required by either party to terminate lease. Use: Warehouse storage /offices (plastic film products distribution). Amount of Space: 4,000 sq. ft. (see floor plan for location). Rent: $666.66 /month ($2:00 /sq. ft.) Tenant pays for telephone service and trash removal; rent includes all other utilities, taxes, building insurance, maintenance, etc. Recommendation r Approval of both leases is recommended. Occupancy of this building has a significant influence on building insurance rates, primarily due to added security, and also provides the HRA with some additional income (30% of all rental income must be paid to the County in j lieu of real estate taxes, so our net income is reduced accordingly). Although Animal Fair plans to move out at the end of June, Halverson Supplies, Inc. will be a new business in Chanhassen which may - decide to expand in the future and locate here permanently (in the Business Park), L E A S E THIS LEASE, made in duplicate at Chanhassen, Minnesota as of January 2, 1983, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, a Public"Body Corporate and Politic, hereinafter designated and referred to as "Lessor'-, -;_7 and ANIMAL FAIR, INC., a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter designated and referred to as "Tenant". W I T N E S S E T H - - - - - - - - - - That said Lessor, in consideration of the rents and cove - - -.. nants hereinafter mentioned to be paid and performed by said Tenant, does hereby demise, lease, and let unto the said Tenant, and the said Tenant does hereby hire and take from the said Lessor, the fol- lowing described premises situated in the City of Chanhassen, County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to-wit; A display area, offices and warehouse spaced located in a building on the premises, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" incor- -T porated herein and made a part hereof, and consisting of an agreed upon total footage of 2000 feet of floor space. Further, this lease shall also include front access to the building and use of a parking lot used in connection therewith and located adjacent thereto. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises for the term of six (6) months, commencing on the first day of January 1983, and terminating on June 30, 1983, to be used for the following purposes and no other: 1. Storage, displaying and selling of stuffed animals, dolls and toys, including, but not limited to, -use as a factory outlet store. 2. Storage and displaying of other articles or products permitted by applicable zoning ordi- nances except where such storage and display would be unsightly or produce noxious or of- _ fensive odors or air pollution. 3• General offices. 4. Other uses necessary and incidental to the _ ,... foregoing enumerated uses and any other law- __ , -. - ful uses which would not be detrimental to or competitive with the Lessor or other tenants of said Lessor. RENT The Tenant undertakes and agrees to pay to the Lessor as rent for the premises herein described and the Lessor undertakes and agrees to accept from the Tenant therefor rent in accordance with the following schedule, to -wit: Annual Monthly Months and Years Per Square Foot Base Rental 6 months - January 1, 1983 2,000 square feet $750.00 through June 30, 1983 @ $4.50 sq. ft. Said Rent shall be paid in monthly installments in the amount as set forth above, the first of which installments shall be due January 1, 1983, with succeeding installments to be due thereafter on the first day of each and every month during the term of the lease. Said rent includes real estate taxes, building insurance, water, electricity, air conditioning, snow plowing and removal, lawn care and major building maintenance. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the duration of this lease, prescribed herein on page 1, the parties agree that the lease may be terminated at an earlier date under the following conditions: a. Lessor may terminate this lease upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Tenant, pursuant to the notice provisions of paragraph 15 herein. b. Tenant may terminate this lease upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Lessor, pursuant to the notice provisions of paragraph 15 herein, if Tenant in good faith intends to operate a factory outlet store at an alternate location, or cease operation Of a factory outlet store in the the leased premises. C. In the event that either Tenant or Lessor terminates this lease pursuant to paragraph "a" or "b" above, this lease shall become null and void and of no further force and effect on the termination date. Thereafter Tenant and Lessor shall have no obligations under the lease, except that Tenant shall be obligated to pay rent through the termination date. 2. Tenant shall, except as herein otherwise provided, at its sole cost, keep and maintain the interior of said premises in good and sanitary order and condition, and shall perform minor upkeep such as light bulb replacement and painting of interior walls and glass breakage repairs. The Lessor shall, at its sole cost, make all necessary repairs and maintenance to said premises and appurtenances and every part thereof except as Tenant is to make pursuant to this paragraph 2. - 2 - i 3• Tenant shall not use, or .permit said premises, or any part thereof, to be used for any purpose or purposes other than the purpose or purposes for which said premises are hereby leased; and no use shall be made or permitted to be made of said premises, nor acts done which will increase the existing rate for insurance upon the building in _aOich said premises may be located, or cause a can- cellation of any insurance policy covering said buildling, or any part thereof, nor shall Tenant sell, or permit to be kept, used or sold, in or about said premises, any article which may be prohibited by standard form fire insurance policies. 4. Tenant shall not commit, or suffer to be committed, any waste upon said premises or any nuisance thereon. Tenant shall not make, or suffer to be made, any alterations of the said premises, or any part thereof, without. the written consent of the Lessor first had and obtained, and any additions to, or alterations of, said premises, except furniture and trade fixtures, shall become at once a part of the realty and belong to the Lessor. The Tenant may, without the consent of the Lessor, change or rearrange the movable partitions in said premises when deemed necessary by said Tenant. The Tenant will preserve and hold the Lessor and said premises forever free and clear from liens for labor and material furnished in connection with said upkeep, improvements or alterations. 5. Tenant shall not willfully violate the requirements of any municipal, county, state or federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the use of said premises and shall observe in said use all applicable municipal and county or- dinances and state and federal statutes now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 6. Tenant, as a material part of the consideration to be rendered- to Lessor, hereby waives all claims against Lessor for damages to goods, wares and merchandise in, upon or about said premises, and for injuries to persons in or about said premises aris- ing at any time from any cause, except negligence of Lessor, its agents, servants or employees, and Tenant will hold Lessor exempt and harmless from any claims for damages or injuury to any person or to the goods, wares and merchandise of any person, proximately caused by Tenant's use of the demised premises or by the failure of Tenant to keep the premises in good condition and repair as herein provided. -3- 7. Tenant shall keen in full force and effect at its expense a policy or policies of public liability insurance with respect to the leased premises and the business of the Tenant and any sub - tenant on terms approved in writing by Lessor, in which both Tenant and Lessor shall be adequately covered under reasonable limits of liability of not less than $500,000.00 for injury or death to any one person .cam. and $1,000,000.00 for injury or death to more than one person and $100,000.00 with respect to damage to property. Tenant shall furnish Lessor with certificates or other acceptable evidence teat such in- surance is in effect. 8. By entry hereunder, Tenant accepts the premises as being in good and sanitary order, condition and repair and agrees on the last day of said term, or the sooner termination of this lease, to surrender unto Lessor all and singular said premises, broom clean, with said appurtenances in the same condition as when received, reasonable use and wear thereof, including repairs not made which the elements or unavoidable casualty excepted, and remove all of Tenant's signs from said premises, Tenant shall not erect, or permit to be erected on said premises, any signs on the exterior of the pre- mises or building without the written consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonable withheld, nor shall Tenant premit any materials to be stored outside of the building on said premises. 9. Lessor shall pay for water, gas, light and power supplied to said premises. Lessor further agrees to properly care for and maintain the parking lot and lawn area. Tenant shall pay for telephon service, heat and all other liabilities and service, supplied to said premises. 10. Tenant shall permit Lessor and its agents to enter into and upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the same or for the purpose of maintaining the building in which said premises are situated, or for the purpose of making repairs, alterations or additions to any other portion of said build- ing, including the erection and maintenance of such scaffolding, canopies, fences and props as may be required, or for the purpose of posting notices of nonliability for alterations, additions or repairs without any rebate or rent and without any liability to Tenant for any loss of occupation or quiet enjoyment of the premises thereby occasioned; and the Lessor shall make any such additions, alterations - 4 - -- or repairs in a diligent manner, and, in so doing, shall not inter- fere with the business operations of Tenant on said premises. _P 11. Tenant shall not assign this lease or any interest therein, and shall not sublet said premises or any part thereof, or any right -'( or privilege appurtenant thereto, or suffer any other person'.( the agents and servants of Tenant excepted) to occupy or use said pre- - - - -' � mises or any portion thereof. - '- 12. Either (a) the appointment of a receiver to take possession or all or substantially all of the assets of Tenant, or (b) a general - `- assignment by Tenant for the benefit of creditors, or (c) bankruptcy - - action shall, If any such appointment, assignment or action continue - - for a period of thirty (30) days, constitute a breach of this lease by Tenant. -- -. - 13. And if said monthly payments, 'or any of them, whether - the same be demanded or not, are not paid when they become due; '- - or if said leased premises shall be appropriated to or used for any '"" - "` -- - -- other purpose or use than is hereinbefore specified, or any damage - ; or waste shall be made thereon; or if any part of said premises shall be sublet or this lease be assigned without the written consent of said Lessor or without such acknowledgement as above provided; or - -. - if any term, condition or covenant of this lease on the part of said Tenant to be by said Tenant kept or performed, shall be violated or _ neglected, then and in either of said cases the said Tenant does hereby authorize and fully empower said Lessor or Lessor's agent to cancel and annul this lease at once and to re -enter and take posses - - Sion of said premises immediately, and by force if necessary, without - - - any previous notice of intention to re- enter, and remove all persons -. - —� and their property therefrom, and to use such force and assistance - -_ in effecting and perfecting such removal as said Lessor " may deem „advisable to recover at once full and exclusive possession ,- - _ -- -' of all said demised premises, whether in possession of said Tenant or of third persons, or vacant; or said Lessor or Lessor's agent may at their option at any time after such default or violation of condi- tion or covenants, re -enter and take possession of said premises -- without such re- entering working a forfeiture of the rents to be paid and the covenants to be kept by said Tenant for the full term of this lease. 14. It is agreed that there is to be no enforceable default against the Tenant or the exercise of any option or right granted to - _ the Lessor under any provision of the lease in the event of a default or omission by Tenant according to the law, unless notice of such default or omission by Tenant shall have been given by the Lessor to the Tenant by registered mail, in said notice specifying the de- fault or omission complained of, and the Tenant shall have had ten (10) days after the actual receipt of such notice to comply with or remedy such default or omission, or if the said default or omission complained of shall be of such a nature that the same cannot be completely remedied or cured within such ten (10) day period, then _ such default shall not be an enforceable default against the Tenant _ - if the Tenant shall have commenced to remedy such default within - such ten (10) day period, and shall, with reasonable diligence and in good faith, proceed to cure the default complained of. - - 15. All notices to be given to Lessor or Tenant hereunder - shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be given personally in writ- ing or by depositing the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, registered mail and addressed to Lessor or Tenant at - Chanhassen, Minnesota, or at such other new address as the parties from time to time may designate in writing. 16. The waiver by Lessor of any breach of any term, covenant, - or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of - such term, covenant, or condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. - - 17. In case the buildings on said demised premises shall, - without any fault or neglect on the part of said Tenant or of said Tenant's servants or employees, be destroyed, or be so injured by the elements or any cause as to be untenantable and unfit for occu- pancy, then the liability of said Tenant for the rent of said premises -'" - thereafter, and all right to the possession thereof, shall at once cease. tj -6_ r \ ~` 18. Tenant will, upon demand by Lessor, execute such instru- ments as nay be required at any time, and, fran time to time, to subor- dinate the rights and interests of the Tenant under this lease to the lien - - of any mortgage at any time placed on the land of which the demise] premises .. are a part; provided,- Winwever, that such subordination shall not affect Tenant's right to possession, use and occupancy of the demised premises -, so rlong as Tenant shall not be in default under any of the terms or conditions ` - ::x x -'" 'of this lease. �" _ Il 19. Lessor and Tenant hereby agree that neither shall be liable to the other for loss arising out of damage to or destruction of the - - - - -- - - demised premises, or the contents thereof, when such loss is caused by any r of the perils included within a standard form of fire and extended coverage _ and sprinkler leakage insurance. This agreement shall be binding whether r _ or not such damage or destruction be caused by the negligence of either - Lessor or Tenant, or their agents, servants or enployees, except to the extent that such loss is caused by gross negligence of either the Lessor, .. _ -.. -.-. _ .... Tenant, or their agents, servants or employees. .-- 20. The Tenant agrees that, upon demand by Lessor, it will execute a memorandum lease for recording purposes only. AND IT IS MUTUALLY AGRF;ED that all the covenants, terms and _ conditions of this lease shall be extended to, apply to and firmly bind the - - - successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto as fully as the " respective parties are themselves bound, but this provision shall not authorize the assignment or underletting of this lease contrary to the pro- visions hereinbefore contained. - - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said parties have signed, sealed and executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. a, ,.,.. ..- ..._ ..... _- .._ . -- The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Animal Fair, Inc. By By_ - Its Chairman Its Chief Executive Officer By Bi' - -- '- Its Executive Director Its President .. .,. -: ... ... .... Lessor Tenant as "i2§ - sn"y..'n -aka STATE OF MLNNESOTA ) ) as COUNTY OF The foregoing instruments were acknowledged before m a Notary Public, this day Of _, 1983, by and Of ANIMAL FAIR, INC., a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) as COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, this day of , 1983, by William G. Gullickson, Chairman and Scott A. Martin, Executive Director of the Housing and RedeVelOPMent Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, Carver County, on behalf of the city. Notary Public l EXHIBIT A The Northerly (Nly) Five Hundred (500) Feet of the Westerly ('Wly) One Hundred Eighty (180) Feet of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 14) of Section 13 (13), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -three (23). And The Northerly (Nly) Five Hundred (500) Feet of the Easterly (Ely) Two Hundred Twenty (220) Feet of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Thirteen .(13:; Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -three (23), all in Carver County, Minnesota, subject to public roads, if any. Said lands being also described as follows, to -wit: Commending at the Northwest (NW) corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township One Hundred Sixteen North (116N), Range Twenty -three West (23W), Carver County, Minnesota; proceeding thence East (E) along the North (N) line of said Northeast Quart4er (NE1 /4) of the North- west Quarter (NWL /4) of Section Thirteen (13), One Hundred Eighty (180) feet to a point; proceeding thence Southerly (Sly) on a line parallel to the Westerly (Wly) line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) Five Hundred (500) Feet to a point; proceeding thence Westerly (Wly) on a line parallel with the Northerly (Nly) line of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Thirteen (13) Four Hundred (400) Feet to a point; proceeding thence Northerly (Nly) on a line parallel with the Westerly (Wly) line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 14) of Section Thirteen (13) Five Hundred (500) Feet to a point on the North (N) line of the Northwest Quarter (NWl /4) of said Section Thirteen (13); proceeding thence Easterly -(Ely) Two Hundred Twenty (220) Feet to the Northwest (NW) corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Thirteen (13), all of said lands being located in the North Half (NI/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NWl /4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township One Hundred Sixteen North (116N), Range Twenty -three West (23W), Carver County, Minnesota. Subject to existing highways and highway easements of record. , EXHI3IT "A" 10 THAT LEASE DATED JANUARY 2, 1983 ]BETWEEN THE CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND ANIKkL FAIR, INC. S.'lf r ,mss r eaY1 t LEASE THIS LEASE, made in duplicate at Chanhassen, Minnesota as of February 17, 1983, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, a:iiUblic Body Corporate and Politic, hereinafter designated and referred to as "Lessor ", and Halverson Supplies, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter designated and referred to as "Tenant ". W I T N E S S E T H That said Lessor, in consideration of the rents and cove- nants hereinafter mentioned to be paid and performed by said Tenant, does hereby demise, lease, and let unto the said Tenant, and the said Tenant does hereby hire and take from the Lessor, the following described premises situated in the City of Chanhassen, County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to -wit: Office and warehouse storage space located in the rear of a building on the premises, more particularly described in Exhibit A" and shown in Exhibit "B ", incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and consisting of an agreed upon total footage of 4000 feet of floor space. Further, this lease shall also include side access to the building through the service door in the southern most enclosed loading dock and use of said loading dock and parking lot used in connection therewith and located adjacent thereto. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises for the term of twelve (12) months, commencing on the first day of March 1983, and terminating on February 29, 1984, to be used for the following purposes and no other: 1. Storage of pelletized building materials consisting of construction film and plastic sheets, and plastic trash can liners. 2. Storage of other materials or products permitted by applicable zoning ordinances, except where such storage would be unsightly or produce noxious or offensive odors or air pollution. 3. General offices. 4. Other uses necessary and incidental to the fore- going enumerated uses and any other lawful uses which would not be detrimental to or competitive with the Lessor or other tenants of said Lessor. r eaY1 kWY4t.Y.`»mae.in°.y..7 LEASE THIS LEASE, made in duplicate at Chanhassen, Minnesota as of February 17, 1983, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, a:iiUblic Body Corporate and Politic, hereinafter designated and referred to as "Lessor ", and Halverson Supplies, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter designated and referred to as "Tenant ". W I T N E S S E T H That said Lessor, in consideration of the rents and cove- nants hereinafter mentioned to be paid and performed by said Tenant, does hereby demise, lease, and let unto the said Tenant, and the said Tenant does hereby hire and take from the Lessor, the following described premises situated in the City of Chanhassen, County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to -wit: Office and warehouse storage space located in the rear of a building on the premises, more particularly described in Exhibit A" and shown in Exhibit "B ", incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and consisting of an agreed upon total footage of 4000 feet of floor space. Further, this lease shall also include side access to the building through the service door in the southern most enclosed loading dock and use of said loading dock and parking lot used in connection therewith and located adjacent thereto. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises for the term of twelve (12) months, commencing on the first day of March 1983, and terminating on February 29, 1984, to be used for the following purposes and no other: 1. Storage of pelletized building materials consisting of construction film and plastic sheets, and plastic trash can liners. 2. Storage of other materials or products permitted by applicable zoning ordinances, except where such storage would be unsightly or produce noxious or offensive odors or air pollution. 3. General offices. 4. Other uses necessary and incidental to the fore- going enumerated uses and any other lawful uses which would not be detrimental to or competitive with the Lessor or other tenants of said Lessor. RENT =' -- The Tenant undertakes and agrees to pay to the Lessor as rent for the premises herein described and the Lessor undertakes and agrees to accept from the Tenant therefor rent in accordance with the following schedule, to -wit: - Annual Monthly Months and Years Per Square Foot Base Rental _...:.:.; 12 months - March 1, 1983 4,000 square feet - $666.66 '.. through February 29, 1984 @ $2.00 sq. ft. _ Said Rent shall be paid in monthly installments in the amount -< - as set forth above, the first of which installments shall be due - - March 1, 1983, with succeeding installments to be due thereafter on _ the first day of each and every month during the term of the lease. ' Said rent includes real estate taxes, building insurance, heat, water, electricity, air conditioning, snow plowing and removal, lawn care and major building maintenance. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED between the parties as follows: •- ° -- -- 1. Notwithstanding the duration of this lease, prescribed - - - herein on page 1, the parties agree that the lease may be ter - minated at an earlier date under the following conditions: a) Lessor may terminate this lease upon ninety (90) days written notice to the Tenant, pursuant to the -- -- - __ _ - notice provisions of paragraph 15 herein. b) Tenant may terminate this lease upon ninety (90) days written notice to the Lessor, pursuant to the notice provisions of paragraph 15 herein. c) In the event that either Tenant or Lessor terminates _ m. - -- this lease pursuant to paragraph "a" or "b" above, - this lease shall become null and void and of no further force and effect on the termination date. Thereafter Tenant and Lessor shall have no obligations under the lease, except that Tenant shall be obligated to pay rent through the termination date. ,. ._.. 2. Tenant shall, except as herein otherwise provided, at its =.; sole cost, keep and maintain the interior of said premises in good and sanitary order and condition, and shall perform minor upkeep such as light bulb replacement and painting of interior walls and - glass breakage repairs. The Lessor shall, at its sole cost, make all necessary repairs -' -. and maintenance to said premises and appurtenances and every part - thereof except as Tenant is to make pursuant to this paragraph 2. Oftz _ 2 _ • 4: 3. Tenant shall not use, or permit said premises, or any part thereof, to be used for any purpose or purposes other than the purpose or purposes for which said premises are hereby leased; and no use shall be made or permitted to be made of said premises, nor acts done which will increase the existing rate for insurance - upon the building Aich said premises may be located, or cause a cancellation of an insurance Y policy covering said building, or _ any part thereof, nor shall Tenant sell, or permit to be kept, used or sold, in or about said premises, any article which may be - -- prohibited by standard form fire insurance policies. 4. Tenant shall not commit, or suffer to be committed, any waste - -- _ upon said premises or any nuisance thereon. Tenant shall not make, or suffer to be made, any alterations of the said premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of the Lessor, first had and i - -. obtained, and any additions to, or alterations of, said premises except '—' - - - furniture and trade fixtures, shall become at once a part of the realty and belong to the Lessor. The Tenant will preserve and hold the Lessor - ,---.f _ and said premises forever free and clear from liens for labor and material furnished in connection with said upkeep, improvements or - alterations. - - 5. Tenant shall not willfully violate the requirements of any ._ municipal, county, state or federal authorities now in force, or which - -- may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the use of said premises and ._ shall observe in said use all applicable municipal and county ordinances r and state and federal statutes now in force or which may hereafter be in force. _ 6. Tenant, as a material part of the consideration to be rendered to Lessor, hereby waives all claims against Lessor for damages to goods, wares and merchandise in, upon or about said premises, and for injuries _ to persons in or about said premises arising at any time from any cause, "` -- - except negligence of Lessor, its agents, servants or employees, and - _ Tenant will hold Lessor exempt and harmless from any claims for damages or injury to any person or to the goods, wares and merchandise of any -. person, proximately caused by Tenant's use of the demised premises or - by the failure of Tenant to keep the premises in good condition and - repair as herein provided. �. 4+ - 7. Tenant shall keep in full force and effect at its expense a .policy or policies of public liability insurance with respect to the leased premises and the business of the Tenant and any sub - tenant , on terms approved in writing by Lessor, in which both Tenant and Lessor shall be adequately covered under reasonable limits of liability of not less than $500,000.00 for injury or death to any one person and $1,000,000.00 for injury or death to more than one person and - $100,000.00 with respect to damage to property. Tenant shall furnish - - Lessor with certificates or other acceptable evidence that such insurance is in effect. 8. By entry hereunder, Tenant accepts the premises as being in good and sanitary order, condition and repair and agrees on the last day of said term, or the sooner termination of this lease, to - -- -. surrender unto Lessor all and singular said premises, broom clean, ' with said appurtenances in the same condition as when received, -� reasonable use and wear thereof, including repairs not made which -- - - - -- -- the elements or unavoidable casualty excepted, and remove all of Tenant's signs from said premises. Tenant shall not erect, or permit _.. - to be erected on said premises, any signs on the exterior of the pre- . mises or building without the written consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonable withheld, nor shall Tenant permit -" - - -- any materials to be stored outside of the building on said premises. 9. Lessor shall pay for water, gas, heat, light and power - - supplied to said pp premises. Lessor further agrees to properly care for and maintain the parking lot and lawn area. Tenant shall pay for telephone service, trash removal, and all other liabilities and service supplied to said premises. 10. Tenant shall permit Lessor and its agents to enter into — - - -- and upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the same or for the purpose of maintaining the building — in which said premises are situated, or for the purpose of making repairs, alterations or additions to any other portion of said - building, including the erection and maintenance of such scaffolding, - - canopies, fences and props as may be required, or for the purpose of . - - posting notices of nonliability for alterations, additions or repairs, - - -- without any rebate or rent and without any liability to Tenant for any loss of occupation or quiet enjoyment of the premises thereby -`- -: occasioned; and the Lessor shall make any such additions, alterations 4 - or repairs in a diligent manner, and, in so doing, shall not inter- fere with the business operations of 'Tenant on said premises. 11. Tenant shall not assign this lease or any interest therein, and shall not sublet said premises or any part thereof, or any right or privilege appurtenant thereto, or suffer any other person (the agents and servants of Tenant excepted) to occupy or use said pre- mises or any portion thereof. 12. Either (a) the appointment of a receiver to take possession or all or substantially all op the assets of Tenant, or (b) a general assignment by Tenant for the benefit of creditors, or (c) bankruptcy action shall, if any such appointment, assignment or action continue for a period of thirty (30) days, constitute a breach of this lease by Tenant. 13. And if said monthly payments, or any of them, whether the same be demanded or not, are not paid when they become due; or if said leased premises shall be appropriated to or used for any other purpose or use than is hereinbefore specified, or any damage or waste shall be made thereon; or if any part of said premises shall be sublet or this lease be assigned without the written consent of said Lessor or without such acknowledgement as above provided; or if any term, condition or covenant of this lease on the part of said Tenant to be by said Tenant kept or performed, shall be violated or neglected, then and in either of said cases the said Tenant does hereby authorize and fully empower said Lessor or Lessor's agent to cancel and annul this lease at once and to re -enter and take possession of said premises immediately, and by force if necessary, without any previous notice of intention to re- enter, and remove all persons and their property therefrom, and to use such force and assistance in effecting and perfecting such removal as said Lessor may deem advisable to recover at once full and exclusive possession of all said demised premises, whether in possession of said Tenant or of third persons, or vacant; or said Lessor or Lessor's agent may at their option at any time after such default or violation of condition or covenants, re -enter and take possession of said premises without such re- entering working a forfeiture of the rents to be paid and the covenants to be kept by said Tenant for the full term of this lease. cm� 14. It is agreed that there is to be no enforceable default against the Tenant or the exercise of any option or right granted to the Lessor under any provision of the lease in the event of a default or omission by Tenant according to the law, unless notice of such default or omission by Tenant shall have been given by the` ?Lessor to the Tenant by registered mail, in said notice specifying the default or omission complained of, and the Tenant shall have had ten (10) days after the actual receipt of such notice to comply with or remedy such default or omission, or if the said default or omission complained of shall be of such a nature that the same cannot be completely remedied or cured within such ten (10) day period, then such default shall not be an enforceable default against the Tenant if the Tenant shall have commenced to remedy such default within such ten (10) day period, and shall, with reasonable diligence and in-good faith, proceed to cure the default complained of. 15. All notices to be given to Lessor or Tenant hereunder shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be given personally in writing or by depositing the same in the United states mail, postage prepaid, registered mail and addressed to Lessor or Tenant at Chanhassen, Minnesota, or at such other new address as the parties from time to time may designate in writing. 16. The waiver by Lessor of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. 17. In case the buildings on said demised premises shall, without any fault or neglect on the part of said Tenant or of said Tenant's servants or employees, be destroyed, or be so injured by the elements or any cause as to be untenantable and unfit for occupancy, then the liability of said Tenant for the rent of said premises thereafter, and all right to the possession thereof, shall at once cease. - 6 - r 18. Tenant will, upon demand by Lessor, execute such instru- ments as may be required at any time, and, from time to time, to subor- dinate the rights and interests of the Tenant under this lease to the lien of any mortgage at any time placed . on the land of which the demised premises are a part; provided, .krgwever, that such subordination shall not affect Tenant's right to possession, use and occupancy of the demised premises, .so long as Tenant shall not be in default under any of the terms or conditions of this lease. 19. Lessor and Tenant hereby agree that neither shall be liable to the other for loss arising out of damage to or destruction of the demised premises, or the contents thereof, when such loss is caused by any of the perils included within a standard form of fire and extended coverage and sprinkler leakage insurance. This agreement shall be binding whether or not such damage or destruction be causg4 by the negligence of either Lessor or Tenant, or their agents, servants or employees, except to the extent that such loss is caused by gross negligence of either the Lessor, Tenant, or their agents, servants or employees. 20. The Tenant agrees that, upon demand by Lessor, it will execute a memorandum lease for recording purposes only. AND IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that all the covenants, terms and conditions of this lease shall be extended to, apply to and firmly bind the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto as fully as the respective parties are themselves bound, but this provision shall not authorize the assignment or underletting of this lease contrary to the pro- visions hereinbefore contained. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said parties have signed, sealed and executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Halverson Supplies, Inc. By By Its Chairman Its President By Its Executive Director Lessor -7- Tenant t r 18. Tenant will, upon demand by Lessor, execute such instru- ments as may be required at any time, and, from time to time, to subor- dinate the rights and interests of the Tenant under this lease to the lien of any mortgage at any time placed . on the land of which the demised premises are a part; provided, .krgwever, that such subordination shall not affect Tenant's right to possession, use and occupancy of the demised premises, .so long as Tenant shall not be in default under any of the terms or conditions of this lease. 19. Lessor and Tenant hereby agree that neither shall be liable to the other for loss arising out of damage to or destruction of the demised premises, or the contents thereof, when such loss is caused by any of the perils included within a standard form of fire and extended coverage and sprinkler leakage insurance. This agreement shall be binding whether or not such damage or destruction be causg4 by the negligence of either Lessor or Tenant, or their agents, servants or employees, except to the extent that such loss is caused by gross negligence of either the Lessor, Tenant, or their agents, servants or employees. 20. The Tenant agrees that, upon demand by Lessor, it will execute a memorandum lease for recording purposes only. AND IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that all the covenants, terms and conditions of this lease shall be extended to, apply to and firmly bind the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto as fully as the respective parties are themselves bound, but this provision shall not authorize the assignment or underletting of this lease contrary to the pro- visions hereinbefore contained. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said parties have signed, sealed and executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Halverson Supplies, Inc. By By Its Chairman Its President By Its Executive Director Lessor -7- Tenant STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instruments were acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, this _ daQ of , 1983, by and Of HALVERSON SUPPLIES, INC., a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrunant was acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, this day of 1983, by William G. Gullickson, Chairman and Scott A. Martin, Executive Director of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, Carver County, on behalf of the City. _R_ Notary Public r EXHIBIT .A The Northerly (Nly) Five Hundred (500) Feet of the 'Westerly (Wly) One Hundred Eighty (180) Feet of the Northeast Quarter (N614) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section 13 (13), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty-three (23), And The Northerly (Nly) Five Hundred (500) Feet of the Easterly (Ely) Two Hundred Twenty (220) Feet of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of Section Thirteen (13% Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -three (23), all in Carver County, Minnesota, subject to public roads, if any. Said lands being also described as follows, to -wit: Commending at the Northwest (NW) corner of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township One Hundred Sixteen North (116N), Range Twenty -three West (23W), Carver County, Minnesota; proceeding thence East (E) along the North (N) line of said Northeast Quart4er (NE1 /4) of the North- west Quarter (NWI /4) of Section Thirteen (13), One Hundred Eighty (150) feet to a point; proceeding thence Southerly (Sly) on a line parallel to the Westerly (Wly) line...9f said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) Five Hundred (500) Feet to a point; proceeding thence Westerly (Wly) on a line parallel with the Northerly. (Nly) line of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Thirteen (13) Four Hundred (400) Feet to a point; proceeding thence Northerly (Nly). on a line parallel with the Westerly (Wly) line of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of Section Thirteen (13) Five Hundred (500) Feet to a point on the North (N) line of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of said Section Thirteen (13); proceeding thence Easterly •(Ely) Two Hundred Twenty (220) Feet to the Northwest (NW) corner of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of Section Thirteen (13), all of said lands being located in the North Half (NI /2) of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township One Hundred Sixteen North (116N), Range Twenty -three West (23W), Carver County, Minnesota. Subject to existing highways and highway easements of record. , EXHIBIT "A" TO THAT LEASE DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1983 BETWEEN THE CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND HALVERSON SUPPLIES, INC. LF ra Ll /-Z l D3Q ■ ■ T CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ,u� • (61 2) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and RMdevelopment Authority r FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director lw DATE: February 10, 1983 NNNWY'1 SUBJ: Purchase Option Agreements for Chanhassen Tire and Auto and Riviera Supper Club properties r The current options for the acquisition of the above properties expire on March 1, 1983. Extension of the Riviera option to June 1, 1983 will require a payment of $5,000, and a like extension of the Havlik option requires a $500 payment. I Approval of both option extensions is recommended, based upon the positions outlined in the Downtown Project Steering Committee's Position Paper dated November 2, 1982. r- i 1 r' 1 r , .. .t3' Tar �: y -. 'b ,1 .• . ♦ .. +.v 3bar.viw. A' ua+ cX� ..sai9.$�s{jrl�'a$,::�ES1.vl4A; yes- R_44Yrwr'...:w.er :s•[As,� 2. 5 a -, I I I 4 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY In 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 1612)937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director 14AP DATE: February 11, 1983 SUBJ: Proposed Activities to be funded by Year IX Community,., Development Block Grant funds. The City of Chanhassen is preparing to enter its third year as a participant in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Program activities to be funded during the upcoming grant period (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) must be determined within the next month. Current status report on activities funded during the first two years of our participation in this CDBG Program is attached for r your reference. Of special significance to the BRA are the funds I set aside for Senior Citizen Housing Site Acquisition during each of the last two years, and the funds encumbered for completing a Housing Needs Study. As you can see, a total of $66,417 has been I earmarked for housing site acquisition, and another $2,600 for the housing study (which is presently underway). Federal regulations concerning allowable uses of CDBG funds have been revised considerably within the last year. For the first time, Downtown Redevelopment Project activities are eligible -„ activities under the program. With this -in mind, the input of the HRA is essential in assisting the City Council in determining which activities should be funded during the.Year IX: Our CDBG planning allocation for Year IX is $41,832. The City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on March 7, 1983 for the purpose of obtaining citizen input on local housing and community development needs, and to decide which activities will be funded during the next grant period. A copy of the public hearing notice is attached for your reference. Recommendation I recommend that Year IX CDBG funds be allocated in the following manner: Senior Citizen Housing Site Acquisition $40,000 Program Administration $ 1,832 HRA Year IX CDBG Funds February 11, 1983 Page 2 This recommendation is consistent with previous funding allocations made by the City Council, and assumes that the Housing Needs Study will show a real need for government assisted housing for the elderly. This study should be completed by April 1, 1983. If the results of this study supports the acquisition of a site, the City will be required to take immediate steps to acquire a suitable site, or.we will be required to return unexpended funds to Hennepin County.' Federal Regulations require the expenditure of CDBG funds within three years of initial funding, which means that all funds allocated to housing site acquisition must be expended within the next year. In addition, federal regulations require the utilitzation of the acquired site by an eligible housing project within 3 years of acquisition. On the other hand, if our housing study results do not support a senior citizen project, I would recommend that our program be amended to shift all available funds from senior citizen housing site acquisition to the "Downtown Redevelopment Project Land Acquisition ". More specifically, I recommend that $106,417 (representing combined housing site acquisition funds from the 3 program years) be used in conjunction with Downtown Project funds for early acquisition of the vacant property lying south of the Post Office which is owned by John Huber (Parcel #26). This alternative has the unqualified support of Urban Hennepin County, since our Redevelopment Project qualifies under the revised Federal Regulations and because the use of CDBG funds for acquisition of a separate site (which has already been identified for public acquisition) is the simplest, most straight- forward use of program funds from an administrative standpoint. I will be prepared to address other potential uses of Year IX CDBG funds with you next Thursday, if you so desire. The HRA should pass a motion recommending which specific activities you feel should be funded during the Year IX by the City Council. Attachments 1. Project status report as of Jnauary 31, 1983. 2. City Council Notice of Public Hearing. 3. Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program "Statement of Objectives ": PLANNING AREA IV - PROJECT STATUS REPORT January 31, 1983 Colmiunit CIIAMIIASSEN Year Appl # Proj # Activity VII 58 014 SITE ACQ /SGL FAM & ELDERLY VII 759 ADMINISTRATION VII 919 COMP PLAN IMPL VIII 021 SENIOR HOUSING SITE /ACQ VIII 709 HSG NEEDS STUDY /PLANNING VIII 71.0 COMP PLAN IMPL/PLANNING 2600 31299 Subtotal I -V 000 BALANCE YEARS I - V 2600 0 TOTAL CE 5000 5000 0 5,000 Drawdown 000w,.. ERS Encumbered Budget Expended Balance AR 0 35118 0 35,118 EX 1000 1000 595 405 EX 7800 7800 1357 .6,443 AR CE 2600 31299 0 31,299 J 2600 0 2,600 CE 5000 5000 0 5,000 16,400 82,817 1,952 80,865 0 0 0 0 16,400 82,817 1,452 80,865 2% rrJ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CHANHASSEN Notice is hereby given that Hennepin County and the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, are _ sponsoring a public hearing on MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1983 at ' 7:30 p.m., at CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE, in the CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS to obtain the views of citizens on local and Urban County housing and community development needs and to provide citizens with the opportunity to comme.it on the Urban Hennepin County Statement of Objectives /1982 and the City of Chanhassen's Block Grant planning allocation of $41,832. The City Of Chanhassen is proposing to fund one or more of the following activities with Year IX Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds starting July 1, 1983. (Actual budget figure is subject to modification based upon local citizen input.) Activity Budget 1. Senior Citizens Housing Site $40,000* Acquisition 2. Downtown Redevelopment Project: a) Land Acquisition $40,000* b) Demolition /Site Preparation $40,000* 3. Program Administration $ 1,832 *only one of these proposed activities could be fully funded by Year IX CDBG monies is For additional information on proposed activities, level of funding and program objectives contact Scott A. Martin at Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive (phone 937- 1900). The public hearing is being held in accord with the Urban Hennepin County Joint Cooperation Agreement pursuant to M.S., 471.59. All interested persons are encouraged to attend this public hearing or submit written comments with respect to the program prior to the hearing date. Published this 23rd day of February, 1983 by Order of the Chanhassen City Council. Scott A. Martin Community Development Director STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM /1932 Introduction ,.' Tne 198 amendments to the Housing aYc Community Development Act of 1971 made significant changes to the COBG program. The amended Act elimina- ted the requirement for a formal application and considerably eased HUD's responsibilities for review and approval of the application re- placement - - - a statement of local objectives, a projected use of funds, and certification assuring proper administration and implementa- tion. This Urban Hennepin County Statement of Objectives has been de- 1 veloped in order to provide the guidance necessary for planning and im- plementing the Year VIII Urban Hennepin County CDBG program in a manner r which meets National objectives. l These changes place almost the entire responsibility on the Urban County I or ensuring that each activity to be carried out with CDBG funds is clearly eligible and meets the National objectives of the Housing and Community Development Act, as amended. The National objectives remain essentially unchanged, i.e., developing viable urban communities by pro - viding decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanded econo- mic opportunities principally for low and moderate income persons; aiding in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or meeting other community development needs having a particular urgency. r The Community Development Block Grant program may provide funds to address a wide range of housing and community development needs. In Urban Hennepin County a major need is for decent housing affordable, to l low and moderate income persons. Consistent with this Urban County need and National objectives, activities which serve to expand affordable nousing opportunities and maintain the existing housing stock for low and moderate income persons will continue to be a program priority. This priority is detailed under Housing Objectives. A parallel priority is assioned other CDBG activities which directly benefit low and moder- ate income persons, i.e., special assessment grants, weatherization grants, and mousing rehabilitation grants and /or loans. The considerable degree to whicn the needs of low and moderate income persons has been addressed in the preceding seven program years has succeeded in moderating the demands for activities expressly designed for this segment of the Urban County. It is therefore appropriate to I` expect a somewhat increased programming of activities in the area of elimination and prevention of slums and blight and economic development. The Statement of Objectives has been divided into CDBG program sub- headings. Under each sub - neading are specific objectives and procedural statements supporting now the objectives can be achieved. r F Program .Administration Objective: Develop and implement a Housing and Community Development program wnicn addresses Urban County community Development objectives and meets local needs and priorities in a timely and efficient manner. Objective: Provide each participating community flexibility in the development of local programs to address Urban County and local needs. f` Objective: Empnasize activities which provide for a balanced program of community improvements benefitting low and moderate income persons and eliminating slums and blignt. Objective: Use Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds in such a manner as to generate program income whenever possible. Objective: Provide opportunities for citizen involvement in the formu- lation, implementation and evaluation of the Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program. Objective: Support activities which serve to improve local housing and Community Development planning and management capacities. Procedural Statements: �• Programmed activities must be implemented within two years from the start of the program year in wnicn they were funded. • Maintain thorough and detailed files on the process of program de- velopment and activity implementation to meet program requirements and prepare for quarterly monitoring visit's. • inform citizens of funding levels, program objectives and eligible activities. • Plan to implement activities which can return funds to the program through maximizing the use of loans and repayment agreements. Neianborhood Revitalization Objective: Maintain and preserve viable neighborhoods and neignbornood service centers through a program of concentrated community development activities. Procedural Statements: • Target CDBG funds for use in conjunction with other available Federal, State and Local resources for a combination of nousing and community development activities in identified neighborhoods. • Identify neignoorhoods geographically and /or statistically con - sistent with local plans. • Upgrade identified neignbornood consistent with locally adopted plans. ,— • Neighborhoods identified for revitalization using C93UG funds should be primarily residential including, if appropriate, neigh- ::.,.; bornood commercial facilities. 'I • Demonstrate that component activities are supportive of improve- ( ments to the neighborhood housing stock and /or commercial service facilities. Housing Objective: Direct housing resources to those sectors of the housing market that provide the greatest benefit to lower income persons. Objective: Encourage the provision of rental assistance to newly con- structed and existing rental units, housing rehabilitation assistance and expansion of homeownership opportunities in the Housing Assistance Plan (HAP). New Construction Objective: Facilitate the development of new housing, including, but not limited to, site acquisition, public improvements, assistance with front -end costs and multi - community pro- ( jects. Procedural Statements: • Acquire sites prior to development consistent with priorities established in the HAP. • Establish multi - community housing development projects when possible. • Utilize all available approaches to financing housing develop- ment. Existing Rental Objective: Continue maximum utilization of the Section 8 existing program as a supplementary resource. Procedural Statement: • Participate in the existing rental assistance program. r • Explore utilization of the Section 3 Moderate Renab Program. I Housino Rehabilitation Objective: Provide housing rehabilitation assistance to income eligible housenolds in all sub - grantee communities. Procedural Statements: s Offer a variety of mousing rehabilitation assistance fqr possible implementation in „CA program Year VIII. • Follow uniform Urban County Procedural Guidelines including applicant income and asset eligibility requirements and client assistance levels. • Utilize the MHF,A housing rehabilitation program as a supplemen- tary resource. Public Facilities and Improvements Objective: Maintain existing public improvements and facilities and assist the development of new facilities and improve- ments. Objective: Place emphasis on direct benefit activities for low and moderate income persons. Objective: Coordinate the development of senior centers in locations suitable for the provision of other elderly services. Procedural Statement: �• Target the provision of public improvements to areas desig- nated for revitalization and new development. Handicapped Imorovements Objective: Help assure that program, facilities and housing are accessible to handicapped persons. Objective: Assure that each accessibility improvement meets a parti- cular need, removes a specific barrier and represents a defined priority in the community. Procedural Statement: • Develop a handicapped accessibility plan for such improvements which identifies the barrier(s) to be removed, establishes the needs and priorities, explains now mobility and accessibility will be improved and lists the facilities and programs to benefit from such action. Plan should identify non- construc- tion options for removing barriers. Economic Development Objective: Undertake activities appropriate to improving economic conditions in deteriorated and deteriorating areas. Objective: Provide additional permanent, private sector jobs avail- able to low and moderate income persons. Procedural Statements: �r • Provide assistance to private- for - profit developments in such a manner as to generate program income whenever possible. • Economic development activities must have evidence of commit- ments or interest by developers and provide for new or ex- panded employment opportunities and /or the elimination of l existing blighting influences in the community. • Economic development activities should be identified in a plan adopted by a local governing body, including but not limited to, comprehensive plan, redevelopment plan or economic development plan. Energy Objective: The administration of the UHC CDBG program should be sensi- tive whenever possible'to energy conservation issues through the development of energy use strategies. Objective: Assign as a priority assistance to low and moderate income homeowners for weatherization improvements. Procedural Statement: • When energy use strategies are prepared they should emphasize local needs and include items such as those listed under eligible activities in Section 105(a)(16) of the Housing and Community Development Act as amended in 1931. Public Services I Objective: Support the funding of public services to the extent they r are consistent with CDBG regulations and the program needs of participating communities. Objective: CDBG funding for public services should directly benefit low and moderate income persons. Procedural Statements: • Limit the expenditure of CDBG funds for public services to no more than ten percent (10 %) of the planning allocation of the UHC sub- grantee choosing to fund public services. • CDBG funding of public services must be for new or increased r levels of service. t CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY d ®' 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 -u• 1612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority TFROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: February 10, 1983 SUBJ: Agreement with Carver County for Partial Funding of Railraod Crossing Improvements As you may recall, the City Engineer requested that the HRA provide approximately $4,000 towards the cost of road surface improvements at the railroad crossing on West 78th Street near "Apple Valley Redi - Mix ". This funding is to be used in con- junction with County and Federal funds which have been earmarked for installation of improved railroad crossing signals under the Federal Safety Program (see attached correspondence). A telephone poll of HRA Commissioners was conducted on December 14, 1982 in order to determine whether the HRA would be willing 7 to provide funds for this project. A majority of the HRA approved the funding request as a result of the telephone poll, but adoption of a resolution approving an agreement with Carver County for partial HRA funding of the project is required to formalize your previous action. Recommendation Approval of the attached agreement with Carver County is recommended. HRA action should be in the form of a resolution. _ Attachments 1. Proposed Agreement with Carver County. 2. Memorandum from City Engineer dated December 2, 1982. 3. Letter from County Engineer dated November 30, 1982. ff �J+• y> s 'S' F "y' .ri ��N 1 ea V4 �``�5Y�y Mr !rr'�kZ"' �,., i. �ewFi •C� fy t� I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 19_, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, a public body corporate and politic, party of the first part, hereinafter known as the HRA, and the County of Carver, Minnesota, a municipal cor- poration, party of the second part, hereinafter known as the County. Witnesseth, That the parties to this Agreement, pursuant to M.S.A. 162.17, Subd. 2, Laws of 1959 c. 500, each in con- sideration of the agreements on the part of the other herein contained, do hereby agree, HRA for itself, and the County of Carver for itself, as follows: This Agreement shall apply only to the improvement of the following described County State Aid Highway in the City of Chanhassen: CSAH #16 at the intersection of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company. The proposed improvement includes construction of gate type railroad crossing signals and installation of a rubber type crossing material at the aforementioned intersection of CSAH #16. The purpose of the project is to upgrade the signal lights to improve safety and crossing rideability. The project is to be divided into two separate parts. Federal Funds administered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be utilized to reimburse 908 of the actual cost of each part. PART A: Design and installation of the Gate Type Railroad Signals. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $48,100 Reimbursable with Federal Funds (908): $43,290 Local Portion of the Actual Cost (108): $4,810 PART B: Design and Installation of the Rubber Type Crossing. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $40,000 Reimbursable with Federal Funds (908): $36,000 Local Portion of the Actual Cost (108): $4,000 f Page 2 The County agrees to finance the following items involved in said improvement: 1. Ten perce8ft (108) of the actual cost for design and installation of the gate type railroad signals, PART A. The BRA agrees to finance the following items involved in said improvement: 1. Ten percent (108) of the actual cost for design and installation of the rubber type crossing, PART B. The County agrees to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the purpose of imple- menting the improvement project and acquiring the Federal Fund Reimbursement. Terms of the County -Mn /DOT agreement shall sti- pulate that future maintenance of the signals and crossing shall be either the responsibility of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company or Carver County. The HRA shall not be responsible for any future maintenance of the signals or crossing. A copy of this agreement will be forwarded to the BRA upon execution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the said County of Carver have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINNESOTA, A PUBLIC BODY CORPORATE CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA AND POLITIC CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM r TO: Scott A. Martin, Community Development Director - FROM: William Monk, City Engineer DATE: December 2, 1982 SUBJ: R.R. Crossing on County Road 16 As noted in the attached letter from the Carver County Engineer, an opportunity has arisen that would allow for surface improvements at the R.R. crossing on West 78th Street (C.R. 17). Furthermore, r these improvements are available at a local cost participation level of 108 or an estimated $4,000. In rendering a recommendation on this matter, the following points must be considered: - review of the S.H. 101 Realignment Report as submitted by Schoell and Madson, Inc. and dated May, 1981 made it quite clear that project costs would not allow for construction to take place in the forseeable future (especially since this area is not within the Downtown District or T.I.D. No. 2). l -these improvements would go a long way towards enhancing one of the major approaches to downtown Chanhassen and allowing for future cooperation between Carver County and the City in further upgrading and safety improvements on C.R. 16 between S.H. 101 and T.H. 5. r -the impact of T.H. 5's widening (when it occurs) on this area is unknown and does introduce some risk on long term usage of the existing crossing. With all this in mind, I recommend authorizing the crossing sur- face improvements if the 10% local share can be funded by the HRA. The benefits seem to greatly outweigh the risk. Please note that if we are to proceed, I need to contact the County by the end of the year so time is of the essence. ­ I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (612) 448.3435 EXT. 255 COUNTY OF' CAQVEQ Mr. Bill Monk City Engineer City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 600 EAST FOURTH STREET CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 November 30, 1982 Re: Improvement of the Railroad /Highway Grade Crossing at CSAH 1116 (78th Street) Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Bill: We recently received a letter from the Railroad Administration Office of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Their letter indicated that the CSAH #16 railroad /highway grade crossing is eligible for improvement under the federal safety program. A copy of this letter is enclosed. As you are aware, signals are also being planned for this intersection. Carver County has entered into an agreement with the Milwaukee Railroad and the State of Minnesota for installation of the signals. The local cost which Carver County will fund amounts to approximately $4,800. Originally, we had not made application for the ourface improvement work. However, the Railroad Administration Office is focusing on improvements along the Milwaukee Railroad and this particular intersection, as well as another intersection on CSAH #10 west of Chaska, have been identified as eligible improvement sites. We have not budgeted for the requested 10% which is the local share. This letter is a reguaat of the Cit of t Chanhassen to consider funding -the local share of approximately 4,000 As indicated in the letter from Mn /DOT, they are requesting a response as soon as possible regarding whether funding for this project is possible. We would appreciate your review and response at your earliest possible time. Enclosed please find an example of the rubber type crossing which is being recommended for this crossing. I appreciate the time and attention you have given this letter. I shall look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter. Sincerely, Donald C. Wisniewski County Engineer DEC 1982 DCW: gdr Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity Employer Encl. CITY OF CHANHASSEN i r. r l r t1` \HNE�T4 bO � 20 Y rOF TRO`'6�0 Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 November 18, 1982 Yap Donald C. Wisniewski Carver County Highway Engineer County Courthouse Chaska, MN 55318 Phone 612- 296 -0363 Re: Review of Surface at Railroad Highway Grade Crossing - US /DOT No: 393 -282C CSAH 16 (78th St.) State No : 10 -03 -201 Chanhassen, Minnesota File No : F -667a Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company Dear Mr. Wisniewski: Per our recent field review of the above referenced grade crossing surface, we have found it to be eligible for improvement under our Federal program. The estimated cost is $40,000. Please give us your advice on the recommendation and on your willingness to assume 10% of the actual cost by signed resolution. Upon'receipt of your approval, the project will be submitted for Federal Highway Administration programming. Your earliest possible response is requested as the availability of these federal funds will expire soon. When federal approval is received, we will be able to inform you of the approximate scheduling of the improvement. Sincerely, Robert G. Swanson r Director, Railroad Administration By: Cher 1 A. Wolff An Equal Opportunity Employer -ACP-14 Appleton Fakes a Long Look at ParlAco. . . 291 Feet Long. a t Running diagonally across the heavily trafficked thoroughfare of Newberry Street, Appleton, Wisconsin on the C &NW track are 291 feet of smooth, safe, reliable PARKCO rubber grade crossing. This installation was a joint venture, with the city furnishing the PARKCO crossing and the C &NW preparing the track structure and in- stalling the PARKCO material. "Our most important require- ment in selecting a grade crossing system is the virtual elimination of maintenance problems," explained Tom Harp, City Engineer, Depart- ment of Public Works, Appleton, Wisconsin. "The elimination of spikes and lag bolts in the Parkco system did much to convince us that we could achieve this objective." Thomas L. Harp, P.E., City Engineer Tom also stressed the fact that "we were pleased with the method and speed with which this system went together. It took only two days to. install 291 track feet and busy Newberry Street was again open to traffic. We had done considerable research to determine that, in the long run, the Parkco system would be more economical... a prime factor in our final decision because Appleton purchased the crossing material for the project." Write Park Rubber Company for more detailed information on the Appleton installation and other loca- tions where there are PARKCO crossings you can inspect. See for yourself how a PARKCO system can be the answer to safe, smooth and economical grade crossings. Transportation Products Division Park Rubber Company 80 Genesee Street, Lake Zurich, 11L'6 7 (312)438.8222 L. _. l.. j P V is J CIF- -1SSEI 1 ---1 0 --1T 5 1 Y ^t E'__..IATE —14- 8 - -]AGE CHECK* A M 0 U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E "1 (j 018602 5,514.40 B R W INC FEES, SERVICED 018603 63.60 CJOROINATEU MANAGEMENT- FEES, SERVICE 018604 73,9.71 FLYING CLOUD OIL CO UTILITIES Fuel Oil, Old IW Bldg." ll 018605 72.50 LARSON + MERIZ FEES, SERVICE �I 018 EOE 1,995.00 WRASE BUILDERS INC - -- REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GNU '- Insulate Old IW Bldg. - 018 EO7 171.00 CENTRAIRE INC REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GNO Repairs to furnace Old IW Bldg. 018608 6,500.00 GARRISON ASSOCIATES REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GNO Remove snow from Roof Old IW Bldg. _ J � i 7 15, C56. 21 - - -- ....CHECKS WRITTEN. _ -T CT AL OF 7 CHECKS TOTAL 15,056.21 " ! J L. _. l.. j P V is J I CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E DA P�A1- 17-81 PAGE 1 CHECK • A_M_ 0_U_N T C L A I A A T P_ U R P 0 S E __M 014291 349.00 _ J A PRICE AGENCY INC :. INSURANCE. BUILDINGS �••�I'I 1 - 349.00 NECESSARY EXPENDITURES SINGE LAST COUNCIL MEETING L I I 1. CHANHASSEN H.R•A• A C C 0 U N T S P A Y A B L E DATE Di-t?-83 PAGE 2 CHECK• A H_ -0- U N T C L A I M A N T P U-R- P Os E 018536 1,554.46-8 R W...INC FEES, SERVICE 018537 502.43 FLYING CLOUD OIL CC UTILITIES 018 538 1,346.30 LARS dk-+-- HERTZ ------ -----FEES, .11 CONSULTING 3 3,403.19 CHECKS WRITTEN TOTAL OF 4 CHECKS TOTAL 3,752.19 1. CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C 0 0 0 N r S P A Y A 8 L E DATE 12-20 -82 PAGE 1 CHECK• A N 0 U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E ' i 500.00 JOHN M HAYLIK JR LAND - PURCHASE -• IMP -. Purchase Option Extension - 014190 014191 5.000. 00 ,-_ THOMAS J KRUEGER ..�_ .._ LAND- PURCHASE ♦ IMP._., -_- _ ..,,Purchase Option Extension 014192 300.00 THOMAS J KRUEGER LAND - PURCHASE t IMP Business Appraisal Reimbursement 014216 2.200.00 RETAIL SYSTEMS -INC -- &e1A14xU',MABJF,fxxRBNWUAY Down payment for market analysis study - 4 8,000.00.____ NECESSARY EXPENDITURES, SINCE LAST COUNCIL,MEETING, - I i r li LARSON & MERTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 FIRST SANK PLACE WEST RUSSELL H. LARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SS402 TELEPHONE CRAIG M. MERTZ (612) 333 -1511 Of COUNSEL January 31, 1983 HARVEY E. SKAAR MARK C. McCULLOUGH Chanhassen HRA c/o Scott A. Martin, Executive Director Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 To professional services rendered in January, 1983, as follows: HRA - General Legal 1/18/83: Review draft of Animal Fair lease of old Instant Web Building, make changes, report to SAM. Hours: 1.0 $72.50 O.K. I declare under penalties of perjury, that the above claim is just and correct and that no part thereof --has been paid. sp p DTTCCRT.T. T-T T.ADQnWT RHL:mep cc: All Council Members Jean Meuwissen Donald W. Ashworth Chanhassen City Attorney CITY OF CHANHASSEN RIPr.;r1VE0 FEB 11983 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEFT 1 r I r-- F F I i LARSON & MERTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST RUSSELL H. LARSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE CRAIG M. MERTZ (612) 333 -IS II OF COUNSEL C. HARVEY E. January 3, 1983 SKAAR MARK C. MCCULLOUGH Chanhassen HRA c/o Scott A. Martin, Executive Director Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 To professional services rendered in December, 1982, as follows: HRA - General Legal 12/3 Tax Increment Special Fund: finalize agreement for handling of tax increment monies; dictate letter to DWA re same (process included reviewing 1981 audit reports, DWA memo; pledge agreement w /HRA: joint powers agreement w /HRA, c.273 of MSA and c.462); 12/8 implementation agreement for handling of tax increment monies; 12/9 research and report to SAM on interim rental authority of HRA and public hearing requirement; telcons League, Atty Gen'l and others re authority; 12/20 IW 7% Assessment Agreement: conf w/ SAM re effect of late completion date for new building; 12/21 meet w /linter re value of new IW building -as of 1/2/83; and review IW's 7% agreement in light thereof; 12/22 conf w /SAM re effect of failure to complete new building by 112183: Hours: 7.1 =- HRA - Instant Web Building Acquisition and Management �— 12/1 remodeling of Web Building into Community Center: review of Holmes' opinion to verify that the stated assumptions upon which the opinion is based will not cause problems; 12/1 telcon Jerome Carlson re IW building lease termination and position of Animal Fair as tenant; telcon SAM re same; telcon Dan Hoffman of Dolliff re insurance coverage for building; 12/2 Tax Status of old IW building: review County Atty's memo re same; research in MSA, telcon w /SAM; prepare memo to SAM; 12/3 conf w /SAM re 1983 taxes thereon; 12/6 telcon w /SAM re 1983 taxable status of IW building and conf w /Co Atty Jean Shively re same; 12/7 attend meeting w /Jean Shively, Auditor Stolz and Assessor Zinter re status of payable '83 and '84 taxes on building; prep for said meeting and prep memo to SAM re same; 12/9 conf w /SAM and DWA re meeting w /Co. Atty on 12/7 and contact County to obtain materials on "30% of rents" statute which Carver County obtained from Hennepin County; 12/13 general review of insurance RECTNED JAN 41983 CITY DE CHANHASSM Chanhassen HRA c/o Scott A. :Martin January 3, 1983 Page Two IW Building - contd. coverage for IW building; telcons Dan Hoffman and J.A. Price Agency; 12/16 telcon SAM re Animal Fair and Minnetonka, Inc. lease terms; review of Preferred Products lease w /Minnetonka and IW /Animal Fair lease; written report to SAM; 12/21 telcons and corres to Title Insurance and Kohlrush Abstract re issuance of formal title policy; forward policy to SAM w /request for safekeeping: /f, 2q flours: 13.3 $877.8 04 -4Jb TOTAL: $1,346.3_ 0� ©K. I declare, under penalties of perjur t the above claim is just and correct and that no part ereof h s been paid. RUSSELL P. LARSON Chanhassen HRA Attornev RHL : ne r cc: All Council Members Jean Meuwissen Don W. Ashworth r 7 I I i RUSSELL H. LARSON CRAIG M. MERTZ 0" COUNSCL HARVEY E. SKAAR MARK C. MCCULLOUGH Scott A. Martin Executive Director Chanhassen HRA Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 LARSON & MERTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900 I'IRST BANK PLACE WEST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 December 6, 1982 e.K TELEPHONE (612) 333 -1511 To professional services rendered in November, 1982, as follows: HRA - General Legal 11 /1 report to SAM re renewal of options: Riviera and Havlik; 11/16 Riviera acquisition: review Janski appraisal, corres to SAM re Krueger appraisal bill; 11/30 return transcript to Kennedy (borrowed by Atty Holmes) re remodeling of Web building: Atty hours: 1.3 hours: $85.80 I declare, under penalties of perj just and correct and that no part RHL:ner cc: All Council Members Don W. Ashworth Jean Meuwissen 2 the above claim i-# -43� §� been paid. nfl �. is .a • LCIl \J V LY Chanhassen HRA Attorney CITY OF CHANHASSEN rr- <- FINED DEC 0 712 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT DETAIL. SYSTEMSS INC, 612 -553 -1833 3025 HARBOR LANE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55441 Mr. Scott Martin Planner /HRA Executive Director City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RSI NUMBER: COC661 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 401001 Down payment for market analysis study of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment District, Chanhassen, Minnesota INVOICE NO. 713 0 f INVOICE DATE Nov. 22, 1982 TERMS: On Receipt $2,200.00 O K• it fZ14V,vI�, CITY OF CHANH�SSEN Iquv 24 2 9UNITY DEVE -0 MENT DELI r MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER F Mr. Scott Martin HRA Exectuive Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Instant Web Feasibility Study INVOICE N 00 2 ;S' 2 DATE: December 31, 1982 JOB NO: 87 -8243 For Professional Services Performed during December 1982, including: o Mechanical /electrical tour and evaluation of the facility l o Architectural documentation of the floor plan walls, dimensions and jstructural bays of the facility o Preparation of an accurate floor plan o Research and analysis of Community Recreation Center Programmatic Requirements o Generation of Preliminary Development alternatives for adaptive reuse Classification Hours _ Rate Amount Sr. Associate 14.50 $60.00 $ 870.00 Professional II 82.50 35.00 2,887.50 Professional 1 7.00 25.00 175.00 Technician 2.50 20.00 50.00 Sub -Total $ 3,982.50 Expenses: Reproduction $ 9.22 Mechanical Consultant 647.64 $ 656.86 TOTAL BILLED TO DATE: $4,639.36 1 (11lgs RE%if JAN 17 1983 CITY. OF CHANHASSEN BATHER. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS, GARDNER. INC. 21129 UNIVERSITY AVE. S.E. MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55414 PHONE 6121379.7878 J�`:C7 L_ MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE DATE: December 31, 1982 JOB NO: 62 -8214 RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement Per Diem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 • Evaluation of K/A proposal and analysis of revised Phase I implementation program. • Meetings with staff and council /committee Period of December,1982. Classification Hours Principal 3.00 Associate 4.00 Salary Cost - $ 217.08 Fee - $ 217.08 x 2.0 = $ 434.16 O.K. 1:EC£ =•��� (jll�g3 JAN 17 1983 CITY OF CHANHASSENN� BATHER. RINGROSE, WOLSFELD, JARVIS. GARDNER. INC. 21129 UNIVERSITY AVE. S MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 PHONE 612) 3147818 r I- F i l 1 I j Ir I lr I 1 ,ter, MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE IN? U2NUS5 .v. DATE: November 30, 1982 JOB NO: 18 -8201, 62 -8020 62 -8214 RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement Per Diem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 • Evaluation of K/A proposal and analysis of revised Phase 1 implementation program. • Meetings with staff and council /committee Period of November,1982. Classification Hours Principal 9.00 Sr. Associate 5.00 Associate 12.00 Salary Cost - $ 777.23 Fee - $ 777.23 x 2.0 = $1,554.46 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,554.46 OX'. CITY OF CHANHASSEN IN P iVlti� DEC 161982 HKR COMMUINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT 604 BATHER. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD, JARVIS, GARDNER. INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVE. S.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 PHONE 612 1 3]9]878 FERTILIZING WEATHER STRIPPING SASH CORDS Invoice I Quantity Description Unit Price Total Price \ IS 4 - r- e ,2 J t r 1 E f i MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE DATE: December 31, 1982 JOB NO: 62 -8020, 40 -8107 RE: Consultation regarding roof of Instant Web Building. Billed under agreement for Redevelopment program Per Olem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 Period of December, 1982 Classification Hours Principal 2.50 Sr. Professional 3.00 Professional II 4,00 Salary Cost - $220.44 Fee - $220.44 x 2.0 = F1 $ 440.88 6t- JAN 17 1983 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BATHER. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS. GARDNER, INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVE. S.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 PHONE 612 1379-7878 TO City of Chanhassen ri� DATE Jan. 25, 1983 YOUR ORDER NO. - - - -- Quanti ty Description Amount According- to ar000sal d 562 Jan. 19, 1933 t1980 00 Add for insulation where roof ^.arts;, *all west pide 15 00 �!^� /� t 2` TOTAL BILLING $ 1995 !00 CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 101 ' ®t 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O, BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 '10: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelorment Authority _ FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director b DATE: February 11, 1983 SUBJ: Instant [fib Building Energy Conservation/[batherization Improvements As you know, a telephone poll of BRA CmMissioners conducted on January 20, 1983 authorized, me to accept the low contractor's bid for minimal energy conservation and weatherization improvements to the old Instant web Building. Three (3) contractors submitted bids for this work, which are sunanarized below as follows: Wrase Builders, Inc. - $1,980.00 Tomkay Builders, Inc. - $2,180.00 Raymond F. Schmi.eg $2,553.78 The lea bid by Wrase Builders, Inc. was accepted on January 20, 1983, and the work was completed on January 25, 1983. As you know, the whole purpose of having this work done as soon as passible was to save energy and keep our utility costs down as low as possible during the balance of this heating season. (As of this date, I have not yet received a gas bill from Minnegasco for January.) A floor plan showing the extent of the work performed is attached for your reference. Also attached are copies of each of the three bids. A motion awarding the bid to Wrase Builders, Inc. is recommended in order to formalize your previous approval. I-' r � f °f:'P: 4 pNEK1RDDoolLs 1957 - WE ip s *" : �P fi�5u111t6NJecHERDAo QJtce DBoKS(2E�l) JzN � yRo FR , ,.•, s ; R�}}� — ,� _ _. r _nom ! i ' ^K afl ° T 1 :: ✓;\ �.. "v, . �•,�� • !l.r. _..� --JJ�� !!' , � ,y �� �� - - 3 I r ' ,I-i� fr } I�it.4T �� uM, '.";• .. - .' Ltiu�u'apOni_.}pci{ . j ■ LKLI —_� C�t�eu , , � •trLSULt�'tE 2w DOws l I $ tipIsTygo. po M �sxDE loo Q , • �x RLL eoLy. C�p}"Y.TY[ -Ql, d j' :,ra, an a+• nn �M��.. ry([(K r '� � . r � .._,• . r „ 3A•ITS,– 6u 1111A) r ,,._- _�.k•- DUttt �Q•� � \' d � -. - - �Ri(�CJS6 Ff• OOEt�INis '"' "e•` -•- �' ` .so- - �� I�II�� °° �• ✓• ' n i •.�w'k' f � J$TItNY _ ,el a,•r+e, r;• —�� ..p .,{.� . .. �( <k'tl' •N _ le Yi6 n` ntt VY - .. Mi Si4NT WCb IIACION ! c;�Ux a' ,eN, ".qwL om i I — TOM FORM 3400 Q i i :f i LITHO IN U. C A. . ..... r \. ,n. ..�. � 4'[�.. x. _J..c:iLlr w:Ati.o.0 +.a •... ».. s.n .w.x.�.a:a.(...r ns.• _a... - �.cL.. �.a. v_... ..... cw.:� { a : Proposal Proposal No. _ FROM Sheet No. .a0'; �i °ru•r,n t)Crci�.� l Date Proposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At Name qit (,'l71nhA, en— ._Of -- )) 0)ult_t Driin - —. —_- tact 0]'.l_..I1 Lant '] + L Lytil�n -- - - -- Oly Ln 11lhn • City.__vn All 1, .cJl - r,.—. —_- -State _ -- State.__n• Date of - -- Telephone Number. Architect______ -- — We hereby propose to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of + firepiaca insulat_n� optali insalato fan with 6" £ibt r lA^ �ui) 11 the inside et d 2x4 wall 24 on center ar;und 7 _ rat , e doors _ In uin.te with ;.n fl-.1a;s and 6 mill nl Zn lilate 4 hot ^;: in cei in" at south end of buil.ni.n^ 2" blue foam T ul zt� 4 vi a')ors With 2" blue foa:.;, insulate "� 2 holes in cei l.i.nr* zt west end �f b ., with i'1 bLu_ foa•, in tlatr windrn,s And 1 d + „ 11 t t corn rot tluilrt +n +H 1 2 i ldoms wP t side and 2. w •t ndol , on east si e " ue am All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the, above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike dianner for the sum of One thcusard nine hundred eighty and 00100______ ______ Dollars 1319'80.00 1. with payments to be made as follows: _____________ On co^� lotion Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance upon above work. Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by Wrase Inc. . /BBuu�ilders, �n- Respectfully submiltedyl_� �.6�s•' '�Q Per Note — This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 10 days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. / � Accepted Signature 0, DateSignature TOM FORM 3400 Q i i :f i LITHO IN U. C A. . ..... r \. ,n. ..�. � 4'[�.. x. _J..c:iLlr w:Ati.o.0 +.a •... ».. s.n .w.x.�.a:a.(...r ns.• _a... - �.cL.. �.a. v_... ..... cw.:� { a r l i I Page ND. of Pages \ �C T®MKAY BUILDERS INC. Residential, Commercial & Remodeling P. 0. Box 101 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DAT STREET r JOB NAME CITY, STAT AND ZIP OD� / JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: ��7,(y¢.Q � •�Ll�- C�✓�ll�l JZ �IWTYn/ /(�/ /L�G�Er<:C•l:lJ..rG�/ �j��y. 7i 44e Bit f rapa9Q hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Payment to be made as follows: dollars ($ ). All material is guaranteed to be as specified All Work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifics % r Authorized t tioes inepNing antra costs will be executed only Upon Written orders. and will become an eats charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents Signature or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are mly covered by workmen's Compensatmn lnsnrance. Note: This proposal may be withtlrawn by us if not accepted within days. �d. tl'}iYt tP YThe above prices, specifcations onditions are satisfactory and are herby accepted. You are authorized Signat the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. \ Signature Date of Acceptance: / -/8 ,93 /s2o o� L .__,_ ;�; ,, '� !'f :, 96. n u CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 February 21, 1983 Dear Chanhassen Resident: The Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), in cooperation with the Chanhassen City Council, is conducting a city -wide survey of local housing needs in order to determine whether affordable housing for seniors and handicapped persons should be developed by the HRA in the near future. Your input is also very important in helping us determine how such housing should be designed to best meet the needs of the community. Please take a few minutes to reflect on your own housing situation and preferences and com- plete the following questionnaire. Thoughtful and frank responses about your future housing needs will be meaningful in our planning efforts, whether such housing might be a future source of housing for you personally, or for others in the community. Participating in this survey does not obligate you in any way. For your conveneience, the last page of this survey form contains a postage -paid address panel for return of your completed questionnaire to City Hall. Simply fold and tape the form where indicated, making sure the H RA address is on the outside. Please return your complete questionnaire to City Hall by February 28, 1983. If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact Scott Martin, HRA Director, at City Hall (937- 1900). Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you would like to have in senior and handicapped housing by participating in this survey. Sincerely, Bill Gullickson, Sr., Chairman Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority TAPE HERE Please fold and tape, with HRA prepaid address panel on the outside. NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL First Class Permit No. 14 Chanhassen, MN. Postage Will Be Paid By Addressee Chanhassen Housing & Redevelopment Authority 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attn: Scott Martin