HRA 1984 04 19X& AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1984 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve minutes of December 15, 1983 and January 26, 1984. 3. Downtown Redevelopment Project Status Report: a. JLH Associates b. West 79th Street /Ringroad Railroad Crossing C. Specialty Center Prospects 4. Request for Development Incentive Payment: Lots 1 and 2, Zamor Addition - Lawrence Zamor, Developer. _ 5. Approve Lease Extensions for Tenants in Old Instant Web Buildng. 6. Old Business. 7. New Business. l r 8. Approval of Bills. 9:00 P.M. 9. Adjournment. L .Minutes Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Regular Meeting December 15, 1983 Call to Order Vice - Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. - Present were Commissioners Bohn, Horn, Robbins, and Swenson. Whitehill arrived shortly after the meeting had begun. No one was absent. Executive Director Martin was also present. Oath of Office - Charles Robbins New Commissioner Charles Robbins took the Oath of Office of BRA Commissioner. Approval of Minutes Bohn moved, seconded by Swenson, to approve the minutes of the October 20, 1983 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Proposed Sale of HRA Property (Parcel #8) located at 7901 Gres Chairman Whitehill opened the Public Hearing for consideration of the purchase offer made by Gary Brown for BRA Parcel #8. Mr. - Brown's offer provided for purchase of the property at the HRA appraised value, less an amount equal to 78 of the value of the improvements he constructs on the property. His proposal is to build and operate a three -bay self- service car wash on the site. The City Council approved the project on December 5, 1983. Martin recommended approval of the sale to Brown for a cash price of $16,435, which includes the 78 development incentive. He further recommended that a redevelopment agreement be entered into between Brown and the HRA which spells out the specific . terms of the sale. Frank Kurvers, 7220 Chanhassen Road, was present and submitted a purchase offer to the Board for purchase of the property for $19,487. Mr. Kurvers' offer did not include a proposal for development of the property. Martin advised the Board that the Public Hearing notice provided that no other bids or offers for the property would be considered by the Board during the Public Hearing. Therefore, if the Board wanted to consider the Kurvers offer, the HRA Attorney recommends i^ that the Brown offer be rejected, and that the Board advertise the property for sale and /or redevelopment, open to anyone interested in the property. If the Board wishes to accept the Brown offer, the Attorney advised that the Board may do so without further public notice. Swenson moved, seconded by Whitehill, to close the Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Chanhassen HRA Minutes December 15, 1983 Page 2 Whitehill moved, seconded by Swenson, to approve Resolution #83 -8 accepting the purchase offer of Gary Brown for HRA Parcel #8, subject to the recommendations of the Executive Director dated December9, 1983, and authorizing the Executive Director to execute a Redevelopment Agreement to be prepared by the HRA Legal Counsel on behalf of the ERA. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Downtown Project Market Study - Preliminary Report Richard Sollie of James B. McComb & Associates presented a preli- minary report to the Board concerning the retail and office market study his firm is conducting for the Downtown Project area. Mr. Sollie distributed several tables and maps to the Board containing socio - economic data for the Downtown Chanhassen Trade Area. His preliminary findings include market support for 20,000 - 25,000 square feet of new convenience oriented retail space in Downtown Chanhassen by 1985, increasing to a total of 35,000 - 40,000 square feet by 1990. He also explained that a 60,000 - 70,000 square foot Specialty Center housing shops for antiques and arts and crafts produced by Minnesota Artists /Artisans could be developed by 1985. Office space needs appear to be in the 20,000 - 30,000 square foot range by 1985, with an additional 50,000 - 75,000 square feet of new office space needed by 1990. His study of the market potential for a downtown full- service supermarket is still underway, so no conclusions have been reached as yet. The Board briefly discussed the consultant's preliminary findings but took no action. The final study will be presented at the January, 1984 meeting. - Presentation by JLH Associates s Mr. Jack Henning and Mr. Bill Howard, representing JLH Associates and Historical Development Corporation respectively, were present to express their interest in developing the Downtown Project. Their proposal provides for phased construction over a three to five year period, with first phase construction including the renovation of approximately 50,000 square feet of the old Instant Web building, including a 24 lane Bowling Center and construction of 20,000 square feet of new retail space on the Instant Web site. They are also negotiating with a major supermarket tenant and hotel owner interested in the project area. The developers requested a 120 day period of exclusive negoti- ation rights within the Downtown Core Area so that financing and tenant committments could be arranged. Their proposal would allow for the phasing of planned Downtown public improvements and includes a tentative request for Industrial Revenue Bond financing for the project. Martin explained that the Board has received very limited infor- mation from the prospective developers, and felt that approval of exclusive negotiation rights at this time may be premature. -Chanhassen HRA Minutes February 22, 1984 Page 3 Whitehill asked the developers to submit more information con - cerning their development experience and more specific plans for their proposal. The Board took no action on the developer's request for a special meeting in early January and for exclusive negotiation rights within the Downtown Project Area. The Board suggested that the developers submit a comprehensive proposal for consideration by the Board during the January 26, 1984 meeting. Status Report on Community Recreational Facilities Committee Work Program Don Ashworth, City Manager, presented a brief status report on the progress made to date by the Community Recreational Facilities Committee in their study of the potential for public reuse of the old Instant Web Building. He explained that the Committee has been meeting regularly since the end of August, and reviewed several options for reuse of the building. The Committee has met with the parties interested in developing the Bowling Center with JLH Associates, and generally feel comfortable with such a use developed in conjunction with public recreational facilities. Ashworth said that the Committee will likely meet with the prospective Downtown Project Developers in January and make their recommendation to the Council as to whether the development of a public recreation center should be pursued. i The Board thanked the City Manager for the status report and asked that they be kept abreast of the Committee's future progress. Extension of Leases in old Instant Web Buildin Horn moved, seconded by Swenson, to approve a four -month exten- sion of leases with Animal Fair, Inc., Britt Corporation, and Quality Temp, Inc. for rental of space in the old Instant Web Building subject to continuation of the same terms and conditions for each respective lease. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Amendment to Resolution #83 -5 - HRA Fund Transfers Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the Auditor's recommended amendment to HRA Resolution #83 -5 clarifying the fund transfers required for HRA bonded debt in accordance with Exhibit 3 of the recently adopted Tax Increment Financing Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Chanhassen HRA Minutes December 15, 1983 Page 4 for Section 8 Rent Assistance Pro Horn moved, seconded by Whitehill, to approve Resolution #83 -7 authorizing the Carver County Housing and Redevelopment Authority to provide local administrative services for the Existing Section 8 Rent Assistance Program. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Set January Meeting Date Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to set the next regular meeting date for Thursday, January 26, 1984. All voted in favor and the motion carried. old Business Martin reported that approximately $4,400 in rental income has been received for seasonal RV storage (60 units) in the old Instant Web Building. New Business Approval of Austad Construction Company Lease in Old Instant Web Building Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the proposed three month lease with Austad Construction Company for rental of 500 square feet of storage space in the old Instant Web Building at a rate of $1.75 per square foot, and to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute said lease on behalf of the HRA. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Bids for Snow Removal from Old Instant Web Building Roof Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to authorize the Executive Director to obtain bids for the removal of snow and ice from the steel roof section of the old Instant Web Building and to accept the lowest qualified bid so that work could begin as soon as possible in order to prevent potential structural damage to the building and its contents. All voted in favor and the motion carried. roval of Bills Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills for November and December, 1983, as submitted. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Adjournment Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Minutes Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Regular Meeting January 26, 1984 Call to Order Vice- Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present were Commissioners Bohn, Swenson, Horn, and Robbins. Absent was Commissioner Whitehill. Executive Director Martin was also present, along with approximately forty (40) members of the general public. Downtown Redevelopment Project Proposal: JLH Associates /Historical Development Corporation Jack Henning, Bill Howard, and Charles Adamson of JLH Associates pre- sented their proposal for redevelopment of the old Instant Web pro - perty in the Downtown Project Area. Frank Reese, project architect, was also present to explain the concept plan prepared by his firm. The developers proposed to renovate all but approximately 22,000 sq.ft.of the old Instant Web building and asked that the BRA deed them the land and building necessary for their project. Their proposal also included plans for 20,000 sq.ft. of new construction in the front (north) side of the building for local retail /convenience shops, and an optional supermarket containing 15,000 sq.ft. Total project cost was estimated by the developer to be $2,750,000. JLH Associates further asked that the HRA acquire land for and develop parking facilities to the south and west of the building, and to par - ticipate in financing the cost of public improvements required to serve the project. Henning presented a plan for the overall Downtown Core Area (dated Received 1/23/84) which included a large area within which JLH Associates was requesting site control and exclusive nego- tiation rights for the next 120 day period. He stated that site control was critical if they were to be successful in arranging for project financing. Henning also pointed out that development of the proposed Bowling Center hinged upon a firm commitment from the BRA by March 1, 1984. This deadline is critical due to the requirement of the prospective bowling center owners /operators that fall bowling leagues be announced during March to assure a profitable operation next fall once the center is open. Commissioner Horn felt that the JLH plan was generally consistent with A the adopted Downtown Redevelopment Plan, and that JLH Associates should be given a 120 day period to negotiate a redevelopment agreement with the BRA and to arrange financing, since there were no other developers "beating down the door" to participate in the Downtown Project. Commissioner Swenson felt that the level of public financial assistance being requested by the developer was too much. Chanhassen HRA Minutes January 26, 1984 Page 2 Bill Howard of JLH Associates reiterated the importance of site control prior to their seeking firm financing and tenant commitments. Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn, to grant exclusive negotiation rights to JLH Associates for a period of 120 days (January 26, 1984 to May 25, 1984) for that portion of the Downtown Redevelopment Project Core Area identified on the JLH Associates Downtown Redevelopment Project Proposal Plan (dated "Received January 23, 1984) as the JLH Associates "Site Control Area ". All voted in favor and the motion carried. Downtown Project Market Stud - Final Report Richard Sollie of James B. McComb & Associates presented their fin- dings and conclusions from the retail and office market study con- ducted by his firm for the Downtown Chanhassen trade area. The study identified a market potential for an estimated 20,000 - 25,000 sq.ft. of new convenience retail floor area by 1985, plus another 15,000- 20,000 sq.ft. by 1990. Potential also exists for a 60,000- 70,000 sq.ft. Specialty Center by 1985 which has a theme centered around Minnesota Artists and Artisans and Antique Shops. Finally, the study findings concluded that 20,000- 30,000 sq.ft. of office space could be absorbed in the trade area by 1985, with the potential for an additional 50,000- 75,000 sq.ft. of office space by 1990. Mr. Sollie also pointed out their recommendation that a street connec- tion be considered between West 79th Street and the western sector of the Ringroad. This connection would strengthen the Central Business District retailing function in their opinion. The Board directed the Executive Director to pursue the idea of a new roadway linking West 79th Street with the Ring Road. The Board took no action on the Market Study, but thanked Mr. Sollie for a well prepared study. Approval of Bills - Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills for January, 1984, as submitted. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Adjournment Bohn moved, seconded by Robbins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 3. ® CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director* DATE: April 17, 1984 SUBJ: Status of Downtown Redevelopment Project Negotiations Since no progress has been made in Downtown Project negotiations with JLH Associates, I have invited Jack Henning and Bill Howard of JLH Associates to Thursday night's meeting to give you a first -hand progress report on their efforts and to answer any questions you may have. I have pursued the idea of a new roadway link -up between the Ringroad and West 79th Street with BRW traffic engineers and have further discussed our interest in a new railroad crossing with Milwaukee Road representatives. Attached for your review is a report on this proposal from BRW. I will brief you on my discussions with the railroad at the meeting. I will also update you during the meeting on my discussions with our market consultant (Jim McComb) concerning the identification of specialty center developers for the east end of the Downtown Project. Your questions or concerns regarding any of these issues would be most welcome. - J, PLANNING i'• ® TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE BENNETT, RINGROSE, WOLSFELD, JARVIS, GARDNER. INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 PHONE 612/379 -7878 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14, 1984 CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: Scott Martin R,rEl /rr,,E) HRA Executive Director Chanhassen, MN MAR 201994 FROM: Ar;js Pakalns, AIA, AICP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP' RE: 79th Street / Ringroad Linkage As per your request, following is our evaluation and recommendations regarding a linkage between 79th Street and the core area ringroai west of State Highway 101. The purpose of the linkage (Figure 1), as stated in the "Downtown Market Study" by James B. McComb & Associates (January, 1984), would be to strengthen the C8D retailing function 11 ... by providing direct access between the retail facilities on West 79th Street and the recommended convenience and service center" in the core area. The issues which you raised and which we are responding to are: is such a linkage physically feasible, how will it impact the traffic flow in the area, and where should the linkage be located? 1. Feasibility — The feasibility of constructing this linkage depends on three factors: acceptable grade elevations, availability of right -of -way, and the ability to get an at -grade railroad crossing. ... _.. The grade elevations of the southwest corner of the proposed ringroad, as Illustrated in Figure 11 of the "Preliminary Feasibility Study ,' and- Des ign Report," are virtually the same as the grade elevations . of the railroad tracks (approximately 956 feet) and therefore the construction aer�s;z -a the railroad tracks in this location should present no major problems. i. Right -of -way for locating the connection should be readily available since I the four parcels between 79th Street and the southwest corner of the I ringroad (shaded area in Figure 1) are undeveloped. r I 1 F r Y t The third factor, the need for an at -grade railroad crossing for the linkage, may be somewhat more complicated because two at -grade railroad crossings already exist in the core area at Highway 101 and at 78th.:ftt -reet. Also, because the ringroad will be located right next to the railroaa tracks•.,..':. there might be problems with safety, sight lines, and stacking disi3*! S. These issues need to be resolved first prior to the commencement of;Shy further planning or design of the linkage. " DAVID J. BENNETT DONALD W RINGROSE RICHARD P. WOLSFELD PETER E. JARVIS CRAIG A. AMUNDSEN DONALD E. HUNT MARK G. SWENSON JOHN B. McNAMARA MINNEAPOLIS DENVER LARY J. GARDNER t Yi;OMAS E CABROLI.,c ;ARNOLD J. ULLEVIG BRECKENRIDGE, PHOENIX Mr. Scott Martin March 14, 1984 Page 2 2. Impact on Area Traffic Circulation The key aspect, in terms of traffic circulation, is how the addition of the linkage will impact the traffic on 79th Street and especially its intersec- tion with Highway 101. Since 79th Street is expected to attract a lot of highway traffic and since its intersection with Highway 101 is very close (less than 250 feet) to the Highway 5 intersection, the danger exists of overloading the 79th Street intersection - especially the left -turn movement from northbound Highway 101 traffic into West 79th Street. To minimize congestion at this intersection the following two steps should be taken. First, a left -turn lane should be constructed at 79th Street as recommended in the memorandum from BRW, Inc., dated March 14, 1980, regarding the Highway 101 /S.E. Entrance (see attachment) and, second, all effort should be made to discourage through traffic on 79th Street. A linkage between 79th Street and the ringroad designed for smooth traffic flow, such as when lined up with the westerly leg of the ringroad; could provide a shortcut for people with destinations west of the core area and thus could encourage through traffic on 79th Street. A linkage designed to serve strictly as a connection between the two commercial areas and not to facilitate through traffic would have no appreciable negative impact on 79th Street traffic. A direct linkage between the two commercial areas could in fact help to alleviate congestion at the 79th Street intersection with Highway 101 by providing a second outlet from the 79th Street cul -de- sac and thus help to minimize traffic on Highway 101. In summary, the positive aspects of constructing a link between 79th Street and the ringroad would include the following: increased convenience to shoppers, reduced traffic on Highway 101, and potentially less congestion at the 79th Street /Highway 101 intersection. The negative side would be that some increase in traffic on 79th Street might occur due to a few people trying to use it as a shortcut. The positive features, in our estimation, would outweigh the negative one and therefore a linkage between 79th Street and the ringroad would be a net benefit to the overall area circulation system. 3. Location As was discussed above, the linkage should be located and designed to pro- vide a convenient interconnection between the two commercial areas but in a way that does not encourage through traffic. Two ways to accomplish this would be to make it discontinuous with the westerly leg of the ringroad and to offset It from any entrances to parking lots in the core area. Figure 2 illustrates the recommended corridor for locating the proposed linkage. This alignment would provide the necessary connection between the two commercial areas, it would permit an at -grade crossing at the railroad tracks, and it would discourage through traffic on West 79th Street. Enclosures: 3 -- .I u I F II N� I, r) \ ch lwl �� I I wN `4 `I + 1 ,n I ' � S 0 vl!•' i�� /rte I I s I� j^ O F Y 8 o � y T F� �3 4-aa g�l ILf_,fl� o I I s oK me k;u VV. . OD 70 TU ej,) i V C3. 4 II . S r II 1� 11 1 1 • 11 r �, it 1 •[ /'l �l � r 01 M14 hSu i r N 4�4xsi��i . LL. & (Ow / 4 4 (n: N LL. & (Ow / 4 " CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE - P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 - MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE: April 17, 1984 SUBJ: Request for Development Incentive Payment: Lots 1 and 2, Zamor Addition - Lawrence Zamor, Developer Mr, Lawrence Zamor, developer of the commercial property where the Holiday Service Station, Chanhassen Inn, and new Prairie House Restaurant (under construction) are located, has submitted the attached request for payment of a $7,500 "Development Incentive Payment" for construction of the aforementioned restaurant. This matter dates back to the period of August, 1978 - November, 1979 when plans were considered by the City and HRA for the Holiday Service Station and a previously proposed "Happy Chef" restaurant. In an effort to provide for a more suitable building setback and landscaped green space along Great Plains Blvd., the HRA negotiated a "Development Security Agreement" with Holiday Stationstores, Inc. and acquired a "perpetual conservation ease- ment" from Mr. Zamor. For these considerations, the HRA authorized a development incen- tive payment of $7,550 to Mr. Zamor on November 15, 1979. At this same time, the HRA allocated an additional $7,450 for a development incentive "if a substitute developer is found (for Lot 2) and approved by the Authority ". Mr. Zamor's current request is for payment of the development incentive allocated in 1979 for Lot 2 for a suitable "family style" restaurant. The Prairie House restaurant under construction on Lot 2 is indeed a "family style" restaurant according to Mr. Zamor. However, since nearly 4} years have lapsed since the HRA allo- cated monies towards a development incentive for a restaurant on this site, the HRA must act upon Mr. Zamor's current request before any public funds can -be paid to Mr. Zamor. Given the circumstances surrounding this matter, I have had the City Attorney review the file to determine whether or not the HRA has a legal obligation to make a secondary payment to Mr. Zamor at this time. A copy of his legal opinion, which states that no _ legal obligation exists, is attached for your reference. Chanhassen HRA April 17, 1984 Page 2 Also, since the written record of the Board's proceedings during the consideration of this matter in 1978 -1979 does not necessarily provide the Board with the full story, I have invited Don Ashworth (who was the HRA Director during that period) to attend Thursday night's meeting to answer your questions and pro- vide his perspective into the deliberations of 41 years ago. I have attached copies of pertinent materials concerning this matter for your reference, and will have a copy of the project plans available for your review during the meeting. Chanhassen 612 1 934.7373 MOT €L 531 West 79th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 March 26, 1984 Mr. Scott Martin City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Scott: Through the efforts of Don Ashworth in the Fall of 1979, the members of the HRA, City Council and I entered into a purchase and buy -back agreement which created for the City a conservation easement providing the City with a larger green area along the east side of 101 to enhance the entrance to the City. At the conclusion of the buy -back agreement the City owed me $15,000. When the construction of the Holiday Stationstore was completed on Lot 1 the City deposited $7000 into my account at the State Bank of Chanhassen. The remaining $7,500 was to be deposited into my account when a family -style restaurant was developed on Lot 2, Block 1. As you know, a Prairie House Restaurant is nearing completion on this lot. I request at this time that the $7,500 be deposited into my account. Sincerely, Lawrence N. Zamor Owner a -� npe / - j I r �9 w 7 -- s �i a o �a PQzKE DOUSE kstAUw � - Now-ED ATE ?A Y 1 lZ �3 �i CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (61 2) 937-1900 February 7,1984 Mr. _Lawrence N. Zamor -- Chanhassen Inn Motel 531 West 79th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Development Incentive for Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition. Dear Larry: ^1 have reviewed the records of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) as they pertain to your recent request for payment of a $7,500 Development Incentive for the Prairie House Restaurant presently under construc- tion on Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition. - According to our records, the HRA allocated $7,450 as a future development incentive for Lot 2 by resolution of the Board adopted on November 15, 1979. However, the Board's action was subject to future Board approval of a "substitute" developer for the restaurant. (As you know, Happy Chef Systems, Inc. was the original developer for this site, and the site plan approved by the HRA was for a Happy Chef Restaurant.) Since the Prairie House Restaurant project has not been reviewed or approved by the HRA, your request for payment of a development incentive must be considered by the Board before any payment can be made to you. Therefore, in order to proceed with your request, I must ask you to present a formal written request to the Board (delivered to my attention) at least two weeks prior to a regular Board meeting. Your request should include twelve (12) copies of the city approved site development plan for the Prairie House Restaurant project, including the landscaping plan. You may also wish to submit copies of any documents you have in support of your request. The next HRA meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 1, 1984. Future .,.meetings are likely to be held on March 29th and April 19th. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, ,.. - ^ � ✓ war � f X 4 SP�`F:; i "✓r:.. f" Yv F r ,•4 ;2.,r}�1»Scott A. Martin `sl` A.'$Siecutive Director LAW OFFICES GRANNIS, GRANNIS, CAMPBELL & FARRELL DAVIDL.GRANNIS 1874 -INN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION FORMERLY DAVID L. GRANNIS, JR. - 1910 -1980 GRANNIS & GRANNIS 403 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ESTABLISHED 1907 VANCE B. GRANNIS POST OFFICE BOX 57 VANCE B. GRANNIS. JR. 161 NORTH CONCORD EXCHANGE THOMAS J. CAMPBELL PATRICK A. FARRELL SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55075 DAVID L. GRANNIS. III ROGER N. KNUTSON 612 - 455 -1661 ROBERT R. KING. JR, THOMAS M. SCOTT January 31, 1984 GARY G. FUCHS MARY S. VUJOVICH Mr. Scott Martin City of Chanhassen Box 147, 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Holiday Stationstore Dear Scott: I have reviewed the HRA file in the above matter to determine if the HRA is obligated to "allocate" $7,450 to acquire a con- servation easement. The decision made on November 15, 1979 by the HRA to allocate funds did not create a contractual obli- gation. It had the same effect as if the HRA had budgeted a certain sum of money to do something. Just as it can amend its budget, the HRA can unallocate the funds. vl CITY OF CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEF r , asw -,?xK eh 3 PERPETUAL CONSl:1:VA1' ION I;AS•EMEN'.0 THIS INSTRUMENT, made this _.nth day of December 1979, by and between LAWRL'NCL' N. ZAMOR a-n-d PHYLLis D 'LAMOR, his wife, of the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota, parties of the first part, and the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation and a statutory city under the Laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, the parties of the first part, in consideration of one Dollar and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Warrant to said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a Perpetual Conservation Easement as that term is hereinafter defined over, under and across the premises described in Exhibit A (hereinafter the Subject Premises) attached hereto and made a part hereof. By the grant of the aforementioned Conservation Easement, the parties of the first part, for themselves and for their heirs, successors and assigns, subject the Subject Premises to the following restrictions for the benefit of the party of the second part in perpetuity: 1. No buildings, roads, driveways, signs, billboards, or structures of any kind, whether on, in, or above the ground, shall be placed or constructed or be allowed to remain upon the Subject Premises. The previous sentences notwith- standing, nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit or bar the parties of the first part, their heirs, successors and assigns from constructing and maintaining underground public utility service structures upon the Subject Premises. 2. No trash, waste, or unsightly or otfensive materials shall be placed on the Subject Premises. 3. - No living trees or living shrubs shall be destroyed upon or removed from the Subject Premises except as reasonably necessary to execute the development project approved by the Chanhassen City Council by its resolution dated May 14, 1979. 4. No loam, peat, gravel, soil, sand, rock, or other material substances shall be excavated or removed from the Subject Premises except to the extent reasonably necessary to the construction of underground public utility service structures and except as reasonably necessary to execute the development project approved by the Chanhassen City Council by its resolution dated May 14, 1979. 5. No activities detrimental to the preservation of the scenic beauty and the open condition of the Subject Premises shall be permitted upon the Subject Premises. The restrictions incorporated in the within Conservation Easement may be enforceable by.the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, by injunction or by any other legal means, and shall entitle the holder of the within Conservation Easement to enter upon the Subject kremises in a reasonable manner and at reasonable times to assure compliance with the intent of the within Conservation Easement. The within Conservation easement shall not be unenforceable against the parties of the first part, their heirs, successors and assigns, on account of any lack of privity of estate or contract or lack of benefit to particular land. c r��} 0'^ COUNTY RECORDER l}.•S`3 ,' L:ININESOTA I horcby cortlFy f`..�a C.`.^. ta^."tle Instrwmnt V�.5 filod fo� ! ^L'S::d C9 C'.'] oflic� On tho �/fpAY 01_ � 'La. "U, n/ tZ_'.0u't lock 'T``'r td.,,•;m.) y;= duly rocnrd- -.,I In book f•�. .••. ,. ... ,qty pith: s•c... I Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the rights of the party of the second part to utilize that portion of the Subject Premises, which is more particularly described in that certain easement deed dated October 17, 1977 and filed October 21, 1977 in the Office of the Carver County, Minnesota Recorder as document number 35184 at pages 475 and 476 of Book 136 of Deeds, for sign purposes. Lawrence N. Z or Phy V4 is D. Zam STATE OF MINNESOTA Ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this •D day of December , 1979 by Lawrence N. Zamor and Phyllis D. Zamor, hud sbanand wife. Notary Public °-- ,0 J 5 TERZICH THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY=• -''^: ROTARY Pustic-MIR NE50Tn LAASON & MERTZ �. xennerua cAnn Attorneys at Law hly�es, Aug- 20,19 1900 First National Bank Building r Minneapolis MN 55402 335 -9565 i EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX 1 )- r, RETURN 70: _ JOHN l.. LCE, JR. ATTORNCY P.O. UO %;:'0- F..`:J LIll O!t, W.N 55331 - _ LXIII BIT A That part of Lot 1, Block 1, ZAMOR ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence south- _ - westerly along the easterly line of said Lot 1 to the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence on an assumed bearing of North 85 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds West along the south line of _ said Lot 1 a distance of 25.76 feet; thence North 26 degrees 06 minutes 27 seconds Last a distance of 62.35 feet; thence North 5 degrees 59 minutes 42 seconds Last a distance of 103.41 feet - --'-�' =-• more or less along the to the north line of said Lot 1; thence easterly - w-o north line-of said Lot 1 to the point of beginning. 's J.J r 14 19 589033E CH.=490.68-.-- '115.84 .... 24 '1�; /281 G pj 10000 1. *30'29' CH. /0 03 o ob� 151�t 54 0� 85 �) '(0 N ro 0 C�) OF cm 04, oto 499; 9 9 23 49 xloo Z:l � A ZAMO 9 Abblow"-o I DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASE- MENTS ARE SHOWN THUS, 1 —7 1' t HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE DEVELOPMENT SECURITY AGREEMENT .11= . 1-1 -11J I7 %-IWI WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter the City), has received and approved from one Lawrence N. Zamor (hereinafter Zamor), an application to replat Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2 in Frontier Development Park, Carver County, Minnesota, as Lots 1, and 2 and 3, Block 1, Zamor Addition; and WHEREAS, the City has received a proposal from Holiday Stationstores, Inc. (hereinafter the Developer) to construct a combination automobile fuel station and retail convenience shopping facility (hereinafter the proposed development) upon Lot 1, Block 1, Zamor Addition (hereinafter the subject premises); and WHEREAS, the subject premises lie within the boundaries of the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment District established by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen, Minnesota (hereinafter the Authority) pursuant to Resolution No. 78 -01 dated December 18, 1978 and for which the City transmitted to the Carver County Auditor a request for tax increment certification prior to August 1, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Authority's Downtown Redevelopment Project Concept Plan calls for an aesthetically pleasing open'space gateway to the downtown area; and and WHEREAS, the subject premises form a part of said gateway area; WHEREAS, the City and the Authority have advised the developer that the proposed development would be approved only if a significant portion of the subject premises were to be developed so.as to have a park -like appearance; and WHEREAS, said condition has the effect of requiring the developer to expand the area of the above described development proposal to include additional land; and WHEREAS, the developer has advised the City and the Authority that such expansion of the development area would render the proposed development economically unfeasible; and WHEREAS, the Authority, pususant to an agreement dated �a S X979 , has purchased a portion of the subject premises for a price of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred dollars ($9,900.00) and has resold and reconveyed said portion of the subject premises to the developer's predecessor in title,for a price of Two Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($2,400.00); and -1- Rev. 11/8/79 CMM WHEREAS, said reconveyance was subject to a restriction running in favor of the Authority and limiting use to open space purposes; and WHEREAS, the Seven Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($7,500.00) difference between the said purchase price and said resale price constitutes a development-incentive paid to the developer's predecessor in title and in effect paid to the developer; and WHEREAS, the Authority has found that the payment of said incentive will have the effect of spurring the development of other stagnant and unproductive land in the Downtown Redevelopment District by creating an aesthetically pleasing open space gateway to the District at minimum public expense; and WHEREAS, the developer,'relying on the assurances of the Authority that said development incentive would be paid, has by a separate development contract with the City particularly described as "Holiday Stationstore Conditional Use Permit and Development Contract dated December 10, 1979 "(hereinafter the development contract); and has agree to carry out the proposed development according to the terms of said'development contract; and WHEREAS, §462.525 of Minnesota Statutes authorizes the Authority to require that the developer provide security guaranteeing fulfill- ment of its agreement with the Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, the Authority, in exercise of its powers pursuant to M.S. §462.411 et. . and other applicable state laws, and the developer, in consideration of the foregoing premises, agree as follows: 1. City Development Contract Incorporated. The aforementioned Development Contract is hereby referred to and adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this agreement. The developer covenants with the Authority to faithfully comply with the terms of siad Development Contract. Violation of and defaults in the terms of said Development Contract are deemed to be a breach of this agreement as if the terms and conditions of the Development Contract were fully set out in the Agreement with the Authority being substituted for -the City. 2. Performance Bond. For the purpose of a. assuring to the'Authority that the improvements to be constructed, installed and furnished by the developer as set forth in §2 of the Development Contract will be so constructed, installed and furnished as required by said Development Contract; and -2- I b. assuring to the Authority that the building described in §3 of the Development Contract is constructed as required by said Development Contract; and C. assuring to the Authority that the developer will fully comply with all of the other terms and provisions of the Development Contract; developer agrees to furnish to the Authority either (a) a cash deposit, or (b) a corporate surety bond approved by the Authority and naming the Authority as obligee thereunder, or (c) a letter of credit approved by the Authority; all of which shall be conditioned upon performance by the developer of the developer's obligations hereunder. Said ea-&h d d_or_Ietter— of— cred- itshall be in the amount of 3. Remedies Upon Default: a. Authority May Complete Work. If the Authority finds that the proposed development is not being carried out or maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, or there is a failure to pursue the work with diligence or to complete the work on time, the Authority, at its discretion, may notify the developer in writing of noncompliance. Unless the developer complies with the terms of this agreement within twenty (20) days from the date of such notice, the Authority may, in its discretion, take over the work and may.cause such work to be done, and the cost of such work shall be paid by the surety. The Authority may take possession of and utilize in completion of the work such materials, appliances and plants as may be on the subject premises and necessary for the work. b. Cash Deposit and Letter of Credit. In addition to the foregoing, the Authority may utilize any cash deposit made or letter of credit delivered hereunder, to collect, pay, or reimburse the Authority for the cost of completing any of the improvements described in §§ 2 and 3 of the Development Contract or for the cost of curing any default by the developer in the performance of the covenants and agreements contained herein. C. In addition to the foregoing, the Authority may institute any proper action or proceeding at law or at equity to prevent violation of this agreement or to abate violation of this agreement, or to prevent use and occupancy of the proposed building, or to recover the cost of curing any default by the developer in the performance of the convenants herein. -3- Rev. 11/19/79 CMM 4. Release of Performance Bond. The above described surety bond, cash deposit, or letter of credit, less any amounts retained as provided in 53 above, shall be released to the developer upon: a. completion and execution of that portion of the landscaping plan described in §8 of the Development Contract lying easterly of the easterly edge of the Lot 2, Block 1 parking lot, as depicted on the developers grade plan dated April 11, 1979 (revised May 1, 1979 and May 15, 1979), extended southerly to its intersection with State Highway 5, and b. Either the completion of the other improvements described in §2 and the building described in §3 of the Development Contract, or in lieu of such completion, receipt by the Authority of tax increments, as that term is utilized in §462.585 of Minnesota Statutes, exceeding the amount of the deposit surety bond, or letter of credit set forth in §2 above. 5. Developer's Landscaping Obligation. The developer obligates itself to perform that part of the landscaping referred to in 929 of the Development Contract at the time therein stated, and, following issuances of a building permit, the Developer obligate -s itself to carry out that portion of the landscaping plan described in §4 above. Except for that portion of the landscaping plan described in §4 above, neither the developer nor Zamor shall be obli- gated to carry out any other landscaping activities on Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition, until such time as Zamor, his successors, or assigns applies for and receives a building permit for construction upon said Lot. 2. 6. Consent to Reconveyance. The Authority hereby consents to the conveyance of Lot 1, Block 1 Zamor Addition from Zamor to the Developer, subject to the requirements of §462.525 (5) of Minnesota Statutes. 7. Severability. In the event any provisions of this agreement, including provisions incorporated by reference, shall be held invalid, illegal, or un- enforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall. not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. 8. Execution of Counterparts. This agreement may be simultaneously each of which shall be an original, but one and the same instrument. -4- executed in several counterparts, and all of which shall constitute 9. Construction. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on mkt^ -'-Y -_a this 10th day of December, 1979. THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HOLIDAY STA&S, INC. OF C /H,ASEN,i IN SOT1�' By l �1 A, C CHAIRMAN Y ATTEST: And is Executivb Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. �\ COUNTY OF CARVER ) On this /0 A day of 1979, before me, a notary public within and for said county, personally appeared W,.t� f- AI,LQQit,QPaaY. and Donald W. Ashworth, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the Chairman and Executive Director of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen,Minnesota named in the foregoing instrument, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said public body corpora- t' by authority of its Board of Commissioners, and said -WR,t2co�.,,,.,� & ta,d+•J and Donald W. Ashworth acknowledged said instrument to be the tree act and deed of said corporation. Noti6y Puillic KAREN J. ENGELH,' �i.p•r NOTARY PUBLIC- CARVER COU., : -., My Commission Expl,u o,': i i, -5- Rev. 11/8/79 CMM STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF AeK�'11" ) On this /0 7-',. day of De � e,,,� 4 e. 1979, before me, a notary publ�'c g wi th and for —said county, personally appeared D'Ra 4. L 'Ckr�— and 41tr_� /W H_ E.. -kf y—, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the and the y of Holiday Stationstores, Inc., the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; and said -4, 4,.rr��rv� acknowledged said instrument to be the free act an deed of said corporation. -6- Y `.,iFdppyiPt• - '� "oe .:nn. 25 e'J.91.giq�^ d?VCr1 JAC?dAq.;, p�,,h�'h I I I MINUTES �l CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOVEMBER 15, 1979 (- A meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was I held at Old St. Hubert's Church on November 15, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. The following Commissioners were present: Bohn, Gullickson, and Pryzmus. Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz, was also present. Absent was Clifford Whitehill. Mr. Mertz made a presentation reviewing the history of the Holiday Stationstores, Inc. development proposal including the Authority's actions of May 10 and 22, 1979, approving the Holiday /Happy Chef project, including approval of $15,000 development discount to be recouped by means of tax increment financing, and including the acquisition of a conservation easement on a portion of the subject property. Mr. Mertz informed the Commissioners of.correspondence received from Happy Chef Systems, Inc. electing to drop out of the project. Mr. Mertz further explained that Holiday Station- stores, Inc. had advised the City Council of Holiday's desire to proceed with its portion of the project notwithstanding Happy Chef's action. Mr. Mertz explained that Holiday must obtain approval from the Authority if it wishes to proceed with the project alone and that this approval would be in the nature of an alteration of the Authority's redevelopment plan for downtown Chanhassen. Commissioner Bohn moved the adoption of the following resolution. Whereas, the Authority hereby finds that there is a "necessity ", within the meaning of that term as set forth in §462.525 (6) of Minnesota Statutes, to alter the Authority's Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project plan as originally approved on November 29, 1977; said necessity being occasioned by the Authority's continuing desire to create a park -like gateway area at the intersection of Highways 5 and 101, and by the declination of Happy Chef Systems, Inc. to participate in said project; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that said Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project plan is hereby amended as follows: a.� $7,550.00 of the $15,000.00 development �•� incentive shall be allocated to Lawrence Zamor and Holiday Stationstores, Inc., as the developers of Lot 1, Block 1, Zamor Addition, Carver County, Minnesota b. That said development incentive shall be paid to said developers in the form of a partial purchase of said Lot 1 from said Mr. Zamor and a resale of said portion of Lot 1 to Mr. Zamor at a discount of $7,550; provided that said portion of Lot 1, upon resale,shall be subject to a conservation easement running in favor of either the Authority or the City of Chanhassen,or both. C. That the Executive Director and Chairman are hereby directed to proceed with attempting to locate a substitute "family style" restaurant developer for .Lot 2, Block 1, in said Zamor Addition, who would be willing to participate in the project on substantially the same terms as had been offered to Happy Chef Systens, Inc. 40V d. try That $7,450.00 of the $15,000.00 development incentive is hereby allocated to said Lot 2 if a substitute developer is found and appro e. That the Authority hereby finds that the foregoing changes do not have the effect of altering the exterior boundaries of said Downtown Redevelopment Project area, nor do they substantially alter the general land uses in said plan. Motion seconded by Pryzmus, ayes all. The Commission members then reviewed final drafts of the following documents: 1. Development Contract between the City of Chanhassen and Holiday Stationstores, Inc. (hereinafter Holiday), 2. Security Agreement between the Authority and Holiday, 3. Warranty Deed conveying the aforementioned portion of said Lot 1 to the Authority, 4. Quit Claim Deed reconveying said portion of Lot 1 to Mr. Zamor, 5. Conservation Easement Deed running from Mr. Zamor to the City of Chanhassen, and 6. Proposed promissory note running from the Authority, as debtor, to the City of Chanhassen, as creditor. Mr. Mertz indicated that the Developers were in agreement with the terms of the proposed security agreement,however, they wanted Section 5 reworded to clarify that their landscaping 4 1 obligation was limited to the landscaping described in the developers' Development_ Contract with the City. A Motion was made by Commissioner Bohn authorizing the Chairman and the Executive Director to execute said Security Agreement on behalf of the Authority, after Section 5 has been reworded as requested by Holiday. Motion seconded by r Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes .all. I Commissioner Bohn moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, that the Authority hereby finds and determines the estimated fair market value of the land described in the C aforementioned Quit Claim deed to be $9,950 based on the appraisals received into the Authority's record on May 22, 1979. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes all. resolCgmmoissioner Pryzmus moved the adoption of the following Resolnved, that the Executive Director and the Chairman are hereby authorized (a) to take all actions and execute all documents which they deem necessary to acquire fee title to 1 that portion of the aforementioned Lot 1 which is more specifically described in the aforementioned Warranty deed at a price of $9,950 and, (b) to resell said portion of Lot 1 to _ Lawrence Zamor by Quit Calim deed at a price of $2,400 provided that: 1) Holiday and said Mr. Zamor fully execute the afore- mentioned Security Agreement with the Authority and 2) execute a development contract with the City of Chanhassen as to said Lot 1, and 3) file with the Authority the performance bond provided for in said security agreement. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, ayes all. Commissioner Pryzmus moved the adoption of the following L resolution: Resolved, that the Executive Director and Chairman are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority a promissory note in the amount of $7,500.00, bearing simple interest 7 at the rate of 7% per annum, due and payable on January 1, 1983 and running in favor of the City of Chanhassen for the purpose of funding the Holiday development incentive. Motion seconded r by Commissioner Bohn, ayes all. Commissioner Pryzmus then informed the Commissioners of _ his resignation from his seat effective immediately. Meeting adjourned at 10 :30 P.M. Donald Ashworth Executive Director 1 � Council Meeting September 17_ 1979 -2- Csr; is Councilman Geving moved that the Council accept the Manager's recommendations dated BUt4C September 17, 1979, regarding the Carver Beach problem, eliminating the second iter.re, is which is the installation of no parking signs on one side of Lotus Trail. The of ch Manager be directed to send a forceful letter outlining the problem that is occurriiunbui in Carver Beach to the Carver County Sheriff. Starting with the summer season thi the Park and Recreation Commission advise the Council on the use of the Chanhassen p11 Park Permit Sticker for this area. The Council requests the Sheriff report back- an ea to the Council within 30 days as to what action has been taken. Motion seconded- pr( !e by Councilman Matthews. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Neveaux, CounciTmen Pearson, Geving, and Matthews'. No negative votes. Motion carried. Counc defi:n POPE DRAINAGE POND: Staff has made application to the Minnehaha Creek' Watershed Di!fal r for funding for this project. votes SIDE YARD SETB a four foot si 7610 Iroquois. VARIANCE - JAMES CONGDON, 7610 I and variance in order to constru UOIS: Mr. Congdon is requestiil9; a garage on his property at re! r As th 197 Councilman Matthews moved to approve the four foot side yard setback variance for James Congdon, Planning Case P -639. Motion.seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Neveaux, Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and Matthews. No negative votes. Motion carried. CONS EI the i Pea s =, 4. JOINT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION, SCOTT- CARVER ECONOMIC COUNCIL:Motio; RESOLUTION #79 -55: Councilman Pearson moved the adoption of a resolution to join iiNe% a. a joint community development application with Scott and Carver Counties. Resolutii seconded by Councilman Matthews. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor NeveaiCounc Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and Matthews. No negative votes. Motion carried, fol' o+ s 40MENOiie. i( DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT - HOLIDAY /HAPPY CHEF: John Lee and Lawrence Zamor were present. Amendments reques a are o a ow t e development contract to be amended showing Lawrence Zamor as the developer for the Happy Chef building. Happy Chefwos becnme the -leasee. and :bound_to all operational conditions once an occupancy permit Dor. As is issued. - Ci4 r Council members generally stated that if item 3 of the Manager's report dated September 17, 1979, were to be approved that such approval would negate the necessity for action on items 1 and 2. Should the developer need further clarification of items 1 and 2 he should submit such to the City Attorney for review prior to resubmission to the City Council. ncilman Pearson moved to approve item 3 in the City Manager's report of Septembei () 1 1979, and that the Council will divide the HRA increment in half with $7,500 �L to Lot 1, Block 1, Zamor Addition and in the future the additional $7,500 be applies to Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition. The landscaping is to be completed from the intersection of West 79th Street and Highway 101 to the east parking lot line of the Happy Chef restaurant site. Said landscaping to be installed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Neveaux, Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and Matthews. No negative votes. Motion carried. Councilman Matthews moved to table action on items 1 and 2 of the City Manager's report dated September 17, 1979. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Neveaux, Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and Matthews. No negative votes. Motion carried. f, i MEMORANDUM CITY OF 7610 LAREDO DRIVE*P.O. BOX 1470CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 474 -8885 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Manager, Don Ashworth DATE: September 17, 1979 SUBJ: Development Plan Amendment, Holiday /Happy Chef, Highways 5 and 101 To date, all approvals given by the City Council, i.e. rezoning, sub - division, tax increment incentives, etc. have been conditioned upon an "all or nothing concept ". Additionally, the approvals given to the developer have been specific in nature, i.e. Holiday and Happy Chef building in accordance with approvals given to each of them jointly and exclusively. As noted in Mr. Lee's letter, it now appears as though Happy Chef does not wish to proceed with their portion of the project (see tt attached letters). Mr. Lee is requesting three potential solutions which may benefit his client, Mr. Zamor, in developing the property: 1). Allowing the development contract to be amended showing Mr. Zamor as the developer for the Happy Chef building, This option would then bind Mr. Zamor to meeting all !� conditions of the development contract. The amendment would also -show that Happy Chef would become owner and bound to all operational conditions once an occupancy permit has been given. This option, ihn'Mr..Zamor's opinion, may pacify Happy Chef's belief that the City will change conditions during the construction (for which they would then become responsible for) and they would then proceed with the project. 2). In the alternative that Happy Chef would not proceed if the above amendment were agreed to by the City, Mr. Zamor is also requesting that the City conceptually approve another restaurant use if all other requirements are met. 'If the City Council were to agree to this request, such would have to be on the basis of conceptual use only as it is very doubtful that another restaurant _ use would have exactly the same setbacks, parking demands, architectural styles, signage, etc. These points should be noted in any, conceptual approval, if such were to be authorized by the Council. !T Mayor and Council -2- September 17, 1975 3). To allow the Holiday Station to proceed, Mr. Zamor is requesting that the City authorize City staff to sign necessary papers allowing for such. This office assumes, that if the council were to approve this request, that _ the Mayor and staff would be authorized to sign and allow the plat to be filed, collect any escrow monies outstanding and provide for one -half of the increment incentives ($7,500) to Holiday, sign the development contract for the Holiday Store and require landscaping and other improvements as were approved on that portion of the development. During discussion of this item, city councilmembers may have questions of either the City Attorney of this office. However, at the time of this writing, this office sees the issues presented by Mr. Lee, in behalf of Mr. Zamor - Holiday /Happy Chef to be solely policy decisions in regards to the intent of the city council in considering the approvalE previously given this project. ^' f � y fig 01' MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 220 EXCELSIOR. MINN. 55331 LAW OFFICES JOHN E. LEE,JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 17917 HIGHWAY 7 MINNETONKA. MINNESOTA September 11, 1979 7 Donald W. Ashworth Chanhassen City Manager P. 0. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 r Dear Don: 9, ✓, AREA CODE E12 ✓ TELEPHONE: 111 -5225 �I RESIDENCE: 473-1173 REC2 IVIED MUXAca c� .CHA.S74 w3 =4 M12AG - Re: Zamor - Holiday /Happy Chef Projects Our File 31 8- b -L Larry Zamor has been notified by letters from Richard L. Rice, Architect, dated 8/15/79 and Tom Frederick dated 9/4/79 that Happy Chef Systems, Inc. has abandoned their plan to operate a restaurant in Chanhassen pursuant to a lease agreement with Zamor. They stated that they were ready to proceed on 6/12/79 following HRA approval of the final landscaping plans. Since that time they reviewed a number of amendments for the terms of a Conditional Use Permit. They anticipated a short document incorporating the standards shown in the plans and specifications on file with the City. They object to the lengthy documents submitted which, to them, seem to contain indefinite guidelines and is open -ended in favor of the City. They particularly object to the requirement that Happy Chef must sign the permit and that the permit will contain provisions that they will be required to pay all permit related enforcement charges (legal fees) incurred by the City. They feel the latter provision does not encourage thoughtful consideration -- that they would be responsible for costs even if the City is wrong in bringing a petition before the City Council or a court action to cancel their operational permit- - that there are normal legal ways to enforce City regulations. It may be that Happy Chef will reconsider their decision if they are not required to sign the Conditional Use Permit - Security Agreement. Zamor's lease with Happy Chef provides that Zamor will build the restaurant and Happy Chef will take possession and operate the facility following completion of the construction project. Zamor is willing to sign the documents as developer with the understanding that Happy Chef will be issued an operat- tional permit following issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If this solution is still unsatisfactory to Happy Chef, then Zamor, the owner of the land, will have to look for and substitute another firm as the user of the land in place"of Happy Chef. Larry would like to avoid future lengthy proceedings before the City's commission: and council when a new owner /operator is found. He does not intend to apply for new of different uses for the property. Zamor needs Nk. A lw Donald W. Ashworth concept approval that upon operator who agrees to the be able to substitute the except for the substitution Chef, all other agreements crement, etc., will remain -2- September 11, 1979 location of another restaurant owner/ site that, in such event, Zamor will new owner /operator for Happy Chef; that,_ of the new owner /operator for Happy as to Conditional Use Permit, tax in- the same. Zamor met with Brad Steinman of Holiday yesterday. Holiday is ready to complete the sale /purchase of Lot 1. Brad states that Holiday intends to build their facility as soon as they receive approval of their request from the Federal Department of Energy in Washington. They need to complete the purchase and have the signed agreements with the City in their possession at the time they make application. At the time of application, they must own the property and literally have the building permits in their hand: We cannot complete the sale /purchase of the property to Holiday until the plat of Zamor Addition is approved, signed by the City, and filed. Therefore, Larry Zamor requests that this matter be placed on the Council's agenda for action by the Chanhassen City Council on Monday, 9/17/79, to -wit: 1. That, contingent upon Happy Chef's refusal to join in and /or proceed with the Development Contract/ Conditional Use Permit, Zamor's Development Plan with the City be amended by deleting the restaurant — facility from the Development Plan and that the same be further amended by a provision that Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Zamor Addition, be reserved for future de- velopment for commercial purposes. 2. That Larry Zamor receive concept approval as referred to in Paragraph 3 of this letter as to the substitute n of another restaurant owner /operator in place of Happy Chef. 3. That the City Council approve and authorize the immediate signing of the plat of " Zamor Addition" by the appropriate City officials so that the plat j can be filed at the Carver County Courthouse. 4. That, in the event Happy Chef elects to proceed, the Happy Chef Development Contract/ Conditional Use Permit be amended to provide that Zamor is the de- veloper of the project; that Zamor only will be required to sign the Development Contract/Conditional_ Use Permit; that upon completion of the project, the City issue to Happy Chef an operational permit for the use of the facility as a Happy Chef Restaurant; IF. i` IF IF IF :I if- 7 r F F F F Donald W. Ashworth JEL:CL -3- September 11, 1979 that the operational permit for the use and opera- tion of the facility as a Happy Chef Restaurant shall contain the conditions now set forth in proposed "HAPPY CHEF RESTAURANT" CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (rev. 7/31/79 CMM), Sections 12, 24 and 25, and such other conditions as may be re- quired by the Chanhassen City Ordinance for Conditional Use Permits only. cc: Larry Zamor Cordially yours, John E. Lee, Jr. R I C H A R D L A W R E N C E R I C E ARC1111EC1 P A R K P L A Z A • 5 0 0 S O U T H F R O N T S T R E E T • M A N K A T O, M I N N E S O T A s PH ON E 4 2 5- 3 15 August 1979 Larry Zamor Lawrence Land Company 6509 Walker Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 Re: Chanhassen Happy Chef Dear Mr. Zamor: In our original program to construct a restaurant in Chanhassen 1 we were proceeding on the basis of a C -3 zoning for the property under consideration,which was quite acceptable to us and the requirements therein were compatible with our operation. i After we had developed a plot plan for this site, we were informed the whole city was in the process of re- zoning under a master plan developed by the Housing Redevelopment Authority. Under this plan the site was designated as city "park." After many meetings a plot plan was developed to provide a land - scaped approach to the city in conjunction with our building site and compatible with this "park" concept. Our assumption during this process was that the zoning would remain as C -3. At the very end of these meeting sessions the city informed us that the zoning would also be changed from C -3 to C.B.D_ with a "conditional use permit" requirement. luSince then the city has written a Conditional Use Permit and Development Security Agreement outlining the requirements we would have to abide by and the costs inherent in this type of per - mit. We have looked these documents over and find they are much too restrictive and expensive for us to consider building in Chanhassen. As a result we must reluctantly abandon this project after incurring more in -house expense than we have ever experienced in over 50 separate building projects in seven different states_ Sincerely, Richard L. Rice RLR:ly cc: City of Chanhassen Happy Chef Systems; Inc. AUG 1,979 v� Cyq Zop � 14 1A SEN,_Ati�� MINUTES Regular Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting Tuesday, June 12, 19 79 A meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order on June 12, 1979. The following members were present: — Clifford Whitehill, Bill Gullickson, John Przymus and Mike Niemeyer. " Commission members accepted the Happy Chef /Holiday landscaping plan, with noted modifications,and it was signed by John Przymus. Three new candidates, T. J. Schoenecker, T. E. Droegemueller and James Bohn, were considered to fill the vacancy brought upon by the resignation of Tom Klingelhutz. A motion was made by John Przymus to select James R. Bohn. Mike Niemeyer seconded the motion. All in favor. City Manager, Don Ashworth was directed to bring the recommendation to the Citv Council for approval. In review of the Sorenson liquor store proposal for land north of Brown's station but south of the railroad tracks, discussion of the building and plan seem to generally fit the guide plan. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 7 �I r ; MINUTES CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MAY 22, 1979 A special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Gullickson. The following members were present: Bill Gullickson, Mike Niemeyer, and John Pry:zmus. Also present was Assistant City Attorney Craig Mertz. PUBLIC HEARING DISPOSAL OF HRA PROPERTY HAPPY CHEF /HOLIDAY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Chairman Gullickson called the public hearing to order at 7:40 P.M. with the following interested persons present: Larry Zamor, Jerry Jenson, Representing Holidy Station - stores, Inc. The Assistant City Attorney explained that the proposal in question consisted of the construction of a restaurant building and a retail store building on Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Frontier Development Park (which Lots are to be replatted as Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 1, Zamor Addition). State law allows an HRA to offer incentives for the purpose of channeling develop- ment activities into those areas of the city identified for redevelopment. As a part of the subject proposal, the Authority would acquire a portion of the subject property and resell it to the developer at a discount of $15,000. The Authority would also obtain a perr"ual open space tion or conservation easement over the easterly and southerly margin of the site. Commissioner Whitehill entered the meeting at 7:50 P.M. The Chairman received into the hearing record a copy of the published notice of public hearing, an appraisal report dated April 26, 1979, prepared by Dixon and Associates, appraisers, of Ale>andria, Minnesota; an appraisal report dated May 1, 1979, prepared by Klinglehutz - Kravens, Inc., realtors, o Midis, and a copy of the proposed option agreement between the Authority and Larry Zamor, owner of the subject property. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the option agreement would allow the Authority, upon exercise of the option agreement, to gain control of the project site, and then resell the property to a developer at a $15,000 discount. The Assistant City Attorney then explained that after the close of the public hearing, the Commissioners should take action as follows: a. to place an estimated market value on subject property; and b. to approve or disapprove the partial public acquisition of the subject property; and C. to approve or disapprove the resale of the subject property to a developer at a $15,000 discount. Thereupon, the Chairman opened the public hearing to comment from the floor. Mr. Zamor and Mr. Jensen expressed their interest in executing the project. At 9:00 P.M., Chairman made a final call for additional public comment;.and hearing none, a motion was made by Commissioner Pryzmus to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer, ayes all. Resolution No. Commissioner Whitehill moved the adoption of formal resolution amending the Housing and Redevelo- -ment Plan for Downtown Chanhassen, so as to provide for the public acquisition of a conservation easement area consisting of approximately 012,000 square feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Frontier Development Park, Carver County,Minnesota, consisting of said lots for the purpose of creating a landscaped and aesthetically pleasing open space gateway to the downtown district. Resolution se=cbd by Commissioner Niemeyer. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Gullickson, Pryzmus, i Whitehill and Niemeyer. Resolution No. Commissioner Pryzmus moved the adoption of a resolution that the Authority finds the estimated fair market value of said conservation easement area to be not less than $19,900, and directing the Chairman to take all steps necessary to acquire said conservation easement area at a price of not to exceed $19,900 or$9,950 per lot. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Whitehill. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Gullickson, Pryzmus, Whitehill, and Niemeyer. Motion carried. i Commissioner Whitehill moved to direct the Chairman and the Executive Director to investigate possible sources of borrowing of the $15,000 development discount for the Holiday/ Happy Chef project, and to report back to the full commission on the best available terms. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer, ayes all. ~ Then the Commissioners proceeded to review the landscaping plan for the Holiday proposal. Mr. Jensen stated that his company wanted to delete any tall trees or bushes as described in the landscaping plan reviewed by the Authority at its May 10, 1979 meeting. Mr. Jensen stated that his company was interested y in limiting plantings to Hughes or Andorra junipers. -2- r After discussion the consensus of-the Commissioners was that they were unwilling to amend the landscaping plan as approved on May 10, 1979, however Mr. Jensen was invited to submit a specific landscaping amendment proposal for presentation at the next meeting of the Authority; however, any such proposal must be in writing, must be detailed, and must be substantially similar to the previously approved landscaping plan. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the Authority would not entertain any such amendment request unless it was a joint submission of both Mr. Zamor and Holiday Stationstores, Inc. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes all. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the Authority schedule a special meeting for June 6, 1979 for purpose of further reviewing the Holiday landscaping matter and the financing alternatives as to funding the $15,000 development discount. Seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes all. The Commissioners then directed the Assistant City Attorney to write to John Lee, attorney for Mr. Zamor, reminding Mr. Zamor that any development agreement between the Authority and Mr. Zamor would contain the provision for the posting of cash, or other securities, sufficient to guarantee full execution of the Holiday development proposal, and completion of the retail building, and completion of the landscaping. a The Commissioners then proceeded to interview Mr. T. Schoenekr and Mr. T. Droegemueller for appointment to the vacancy created by the resignation of Commissioner Klinglehutz. No decision on the vacancy was reached,however, it was the consensus of opinion that further interviews should be held on June 6, 1979. Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Donald Ashworth Executive Director AINUTES _ Housing and Redevelopment Authority May 10, 1979 - Chanhassen City Hall A special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was held at City Hall on May 10, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Chairman Bill Gullickson, John Pryzmus, and Mike Niemeyer. Guests present included Larry Zamor, Jim Burdick, and Don Ashworth, City Manager. Absent was Clifford Whitehill. 1). Interview Candidates - The Commission interviewed Mr. James Bond. Two other candidates were noted as desiring to meet with the HRA but had a conflict in schedule. No decision was made,with interviews to reoccur at the next meeting - May 22, 1979. 2). Approval of minutes - Commissioner Niemeyer moved to approve the April 5th minutes as presented. Commissioner Pryzmus seconded. Commissioner Gullickson abstained. Motion carried. 3). HRA Plan Amendment, Final Approval, Holiday /Happy Chef Proposal - The Manager reviewed documents previously considered by the HRA. Additional documents reviewed included the appraisals received for the purchase of the easterly 50 feet of Lot 1 (adjacent to Great Plains Blvd. and Highway 5). Manager noted that the terms of the purchase, i.e. exercise of option agreement including price, specific terms of the resale, etc. could not be considered until after City Council approva .` of the plan amendment. These items were presented for information purposes. Also presented were actions of the Planning Commission wherein the Planning Commission had acted to recommend to the BRA that the proposed plan amendment not be approved and that such purchase /resale not occur through tax increment financing. Additionally, the Manager noted that copies of the staff report in regards to site plan review, signage, and landscaping were included together with actions of appro- priate commissions. After discussion, the HRA generally agreed that the order of business should be to act on the proposed plan amendment and to subsequently follow that with recommendations to the City Council regarding site plan review, landscaping, signage, etc. General discussion occurred in regards to the Planning Commission - recommendation. HRA members believed that a joint meeting with the Planning Commission may be helpful to reaffirm the purpose of the tax increment district and overall goals and objectives originally set by the HRA. In addition to those sections of state law relating to findings C of the City in establishment of a tax increment district, additional local goals included: 1) establishing a means by which the commercial and industrial tax base of the community could be expanded to ensure that these elements, together with the existing residential element could create a true city where people could live, work, and shop; 2) establish- ing a means by which businesses could be encouraged to develop in areas which were more conducive to City /HRA planning efforts; 3) establishing a means to ensure that public indebtedness in municipal facilities r ++. could be provided and paid for; 4) establishing a means to carryout a 4 1111.! rl1lluL - rlay 1u, major redevelopment of the downtown area including establishment of- retail business for the community, attractive municipal facilities - including park and public improvement systems and associated uses; and 5) establishing means to ensure that the industrial area could be developed in accordance with plans for that area (anticipated in 1970, but no public means available to assure construction of necessary roads, sewers, water, etc. systems crossing numerous properties). After further discussion, Commissioner Pryzmus moved that the HRA approve the plan amendment to acquire an additional 50 feet along the easterly side of Lot 1 (adjacent to Great Plains Blvd.) and that such plan amendment would be accomplished through a) public acquisition of the tract, b) resale of the property at a discount, and c) by recouping. discount costs through tax increment proceeds associated with the proposed Happy Chef /Holiday development. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes all. Site Plan Review - The Commission acted to recommend to the City Council that each of the following sections of the site plan be considered by the City Council in any positive action on the proposed development plan. The Commission reaffirmed that, as the HRA was recommending City participation in the purchase /resale of the easterly 50 feet of the property, that the development that is proposed adjacent to this green area could significantly enhance the soft entrance concept or seriously detract from the soft entrance. As such, the Commission generally believes that the following site plan comments were critical to the HRA purchase/ resale concept of the westerly 50 feet. 1). Planting and Landscaping Plan - After review, Commissioner Gullickson moved that the following amendments to the planting and landscaping plan (as prepared by Natural Green and as noted by Mr. Zamor as being the developer's proposed planting plan) be considered by the City Council and final consideration of such planting and landscaping plan; ea). that the theme of the planting plan (general intensity and types of material) be continued along the westerly property line of the Happy Chef property; b). that the plan be amended to include the boulevard trees (no specific species recommended but such should be in accordance with the overall plan including size, i.e. lindens, hard maple, etc.; 8-c). that plantings between the two buildings (Happy Chef/Holiday)- be continued southward; d). that the berming in the back portion of the Holiday building be extended so that the two berms would meet and continue.to the building line. The purpose of such would be to reduce the overall visibility impact of the back portion of the Holiday Station and amenity of the green area. General extension of contour lines was shown on the planting plan presented to the HRA and as on file in the HRA files. The above motion was seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes all. 's 2). Signage - After general discussion two motions were presented, both dying for a lack of a second. General discussion occurred during '._ which time Commissioners noted that affects of a freestanding sign both from an intensity of lighting standpoint as well as _ aesthetic consider- ations, could significantly detract from the soft entrance theme desired. However, the HRA also noted that this was a business and if a building mounted sign would not be legible on Highway 5 that a freestanding sign should be considered. Additionally, members noted that prior to any final decision on this item representatives of Holiday should be present to state their views on any proposed signage. Commissioner Gullickson moved to recommend that the City Council not act on the sign request, either supporting the staff recommendation or the Sign Committee recommendation, but that, instead, that the City Council refer this issue to the HRA for final decision at their May 22nd meeting. This action only affecting the signage for the Holiday Station. Motion seconded by Commission Niemeyer, ayes all. 9- Commissioner Niemeyer moved to accept the recommendation of the Sign Committee in regards to the Happy Chef signage. Seconded Commissioner Pryzmus. Ayes all. 3). Architecture - After general discussion; Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the elevation plan submitted in regards to the Holiday Station r be amended to require that the mansard roof, as proposed by the applicant, be continued on all four sides of the structure. Commissioner Pryzmus seconded, ayes all. 4). Review Solicitation for Proposals - Downtown Redevelopment Plan - The j City Manager presented the proposed letter which will request developers to present proposals for completing the downtown plan in accordance with the concept plan adopted by the HRA. Such letter includes responsibilities of the developer as well HRA and reflects potential methods of selection of bidders. The Manager noted that, as the HRA had not had significant time to review the proposed letter for solicitation of proposals, that amendments could be called into City Hall this next week. Additionally, that the proposed format requests one bid for the entire project. After further review, it is recommended that this portion of the proposal be modified to identify development sections. In doing such, potential bidders could bid one or more of the proposed development areas. After further review, it was moved by Commissioner Niemeyer that the above letter of solicitation, as proposed to be amended, be approved and that the Manager be authorized to prepare color photos of both the sectional development plan as well as color photos of the painting r prepared by Bloomberg Companies (assumes their agreement to use such). Motion seconded by Commission Pryzmus. Ayes all. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the Manager determine the feasibility of the HRA hiring a shared (circuit rider) planner to be shared by other communities and that such feasibility be completed within the next two weeks. General discussion occurred in regards to the motion noting that additional staff support (consultive support, etc.) will be required in the future but that the HRA was not in a position to specify the exact amount of such support at this time. Motion died for lack of second. 5). 10:45 p.m. - Adjournment. r Housing and Redevelopment Authority April 5, 1979 3 Chanhassen City Hall A special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was held at City Hall on the 5th day of April, 1979, at 9:00 p.m. The following members were present: Clifford Whitehill, John Przymus and Mike Niemeyer. Guests present included Larry Zamor, John Lee and Don Ashworth, City Manager. Absent was Bill Gullickson. 1. Approval of March 9, 1979, minutes: Commissioner Whitehill moved to consider approval of minutes following the discussion regarding the Happy Chef /Holiday Station (Item 2). Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes - All. Concept Discussion, HRA Participation - Open Space Purchase/ Sale Option, Highway 5 and 101 - Happy Chef /Holiday Station: The City Manager reviewed city council action in denial of this item. -Primary discussion from city council members was in reference to the plan's concept in regards to open space for a soft entrance into the city, the lack of space between the two proposed developments, the lack of space between the Happy Chef proposal and the vacant lot to the west, driveway entrances in close proximity to Great Plains Blvd., parking spaces within the green area, overall intensity of the develop- ment, and the necessity for the city to allow for re- subdivision of property to allow for the developments as proposed. Larry Zamor and John Lee, representing the Happy Chef /Holiday Station interests, presented the prior plans submitted to the city council (which had been denied) in comparison to a proposal reflecting an additional 40 feet of green area in the overall development. The plan was being presented per the HRA previous discussion as to whether the HRA could participate in the purchase of the green area adjacent to Highway 5 and Great Plains Blvd. and thus assure such was a green area. The city manager noted that he has discussed this concept with Mr. Lee and Mr. Zamor and that it was imperative for them to look at any means by which their proposal could be acceptable to the city. Given city council comments, that the concept of the city purchasing additional land adjacent to Great Plains Blvd., for the green area, would allow the applicants to purchase additional land to the west. Initial cost estimates reflected that the cost to .the city, following the same participation formula as approved for the Roos professional building, would equal approximately $15,000. Costs to the applicant would be approximately $5, . The City Manager noted that in discussions with Mr. Lee and Mr. Zamor that additional benefits could be gained from city involvement, i.e. that through IiRA participation in preserving the green area that i-hI? HRA wouia set a It—Lan—a— —conditions in regards to architectural style, signing on the property and lighting. Under the C -3 zoning, w Lc exL ns suc as sLgnLng are specLfic within the ordinance. However, as a inducement to development in accordance with overall HRA plans, the HRA could establish additional i conditions on the property which would - insure the soft entrance concept. _ After discussion Commissioner Whitehill moved that a public hearing date of May 14, 1979, be established to consider a potential purchase resale of this property in line with the above comments. Further, that the city attorney's office be requested to draft the necessary public hearing notice as well as placing the HRA motion in a legal form. The proposal should include purchase of the westerly 40 to 60 feet of the Holiday /Happy Chef property, abutting Great Plains Blvd. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes - All. 1. Approval of Minutes (Tabled from earlier): Commissioner Niemeyer moved to approve the December 19th minutes r as amended. Commissioner Whitehill abstained. Motion carried. i Commission Niemeyer moved to approve the February .lst minutes as presented. Commission Przymus seconded the motion. Ayes - All. Commissioner Niemeyer moved to approve the February 15, 1979, minutes as presented. Commission Przymus seconded the motion. Ayes - All. l3. Review Candidate Applications- HRA: After discussion the Commissioners determined that all planning commission candidates should be contacted;.to see if they desire to serve on the HRA. Additionally, previous candidates should be contacted. Commission members will additionally attempt to discuss (L the open seat with existing business people to determine if this seat could be filled by a businessman in Chanhassen. 4. Downtown Redevelopment Project, Current Status Report and Future ideeting Schedule: r Commissioners reviewed the proposal subinitted by Bloomberg Companies for .carrying out a major reconstruction project within the downtown area and requesting that the HRA, as a part of such proposal, carry out other necessary improvements as developed within the concept 7 plan. Commissioners generally discussed the proposal and expressed their appreciation to the Bloomberg Companies for submitting a proposal meeting the overall concepts of the downtown plan. General concern arose in the area of the inability of the HRA to proceed with necessary public actions based solely on this one proposal. Commissioners generally agreed that if the HRA plan is to become a reality that additional proposals will be required. The HRA requested that the city manager prepare a draft of a potential solicitation to bidders for carrying out the entire concept plan. This draft is to be presented to the HRA at their next meeting. Additionally, the r Manager should contact the Bloomberg Companies notifying them of ,I the potential action of the HRA and to express, again, the appreciation of the HRA in the Bloomberg Companies proposal. 4 Adjournment: 9:45 p.m. Don Ashworth 7 City Manager Housing and Redevelopment Authority 'September 28, 1978 Chanhassen City Hall . A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority C was called to order on September 28, 1978, at 8:45 p.m. at City Hall. The following members were present: Commissioners Niemeyer, Pryzmus and Whitehill. Absent were Commissioners Gullickson and Klingelhutz. City Manager, Don Ashworth was also present. The City Manager gave Mr. Whitehill the "Oath of Office." 8:45 p.m. - Call to Order Commissioner Whitehill moved that Mike Niemeyer be Acting Chairman for this meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus. Ayes - All. 9:00 p.m. - Building Poratorium Variance Request - Holiday /Happy Chef, Review Planning Commission Action: The following persons were present: Richard Rice, Architect, Happy Chef; Robert L. Frederick, Vice President, Happy Chef; and Jerry Jensen, Holiday. Summarization of discussion was as follows: * Commissioner Niemeyer presented action taken by the Planning Comission in referring items back to the HRA and previous HRA action. 1 * Representatives of Holiday /Happy Chef presented a revised plan, considering landscape concepts. * Commission members noted that, in regards to the moratorium ordinance, that they could not speak to detail development plan items or whether such was in accordance with planning commission and city standards. Concern was reflected in regards to the type of plantings and parking area of Holiday adjacent to Great Plains Blvd. The developers noted their willingness to work with the commission on a specific development plan if the moratorium variance were granted. * Moved by Commissioner Whitehill to approve granting a moratorium variance to Holiday and Happy Chef as presented. Seconded by John Pryzmus. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Whitehill and Pryzmus, Voting against: Commissioner Niemeyer. Motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Pryzmus and seconded by Commissioner Whitehill to approve the supplementary contract with BRW as per the memo of September 25, 1978. Ayes - All. Proposal to Increase Tax Increment District: The manager presented his report dated September 5, 1978, recommending that the HRA consider expanding the existing Tax Increment District to encompasses those properties south of Highway 5 planned as business /commercial. After discussion, the commission acted to request this item be placed ( on the next agenda together with a report from the attorney's office \'' regarding legality of such. The manager will also discuss this with representatives of BRW, if possible. The commission acted to set their next meeting date as November 26, 1978. Don Ashworth, City Manager Housing and Redevelopment Authority ' August 24, 1978 Chanhassen City Hall Tom Klingelhutz was appointed Temporary Chairman. A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order by Temporary Chairman, Tom Klingelhutz at 8:00 p.m. on August 24, 1978. The following members were present: Tom Klingelhutz, John Pryzmus, and Mike Niemeyer. Absent was Bill Gullickson. - The minutes of the August 10th meeting were not available. The first item on the agenda was the continuation of the discussion regarding development at the northwest corner of Highways 101 and 5. Jerry Jensen representing Holiday Stations and Dick Rice, Architect I for Happy Chef individually described their developments. Both presented a desire to work with the city in arriving at an attractive gateway to Chanhassen. The following motion was made by Commissioner Niemeyer and seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus and unanimously approved: 1. It is the intent of the HRA that Chanhassen have soft or green entrances reflecting our agricultural environment and base. This can be accomplished either with a large (200 feet) sparsely landscaped area or a smaller (40 to 100 feet) intensly developed landscaped area. 2. The HRA recommends to the city council that they approve a waiver from the moratorium to these developers providing they prepare a joint document describing in detail; size, shape, material of all signs, buildings, paving areas, trash storage areas, property lines, highway edges, proposed contouring and landscaping. 3. The HRA further recommends that the Planning Commission and �^ city council reduce the required parking for these developments down to 13 stalls off the pumps for Holiday and a 4 or more reduction for Happy Chef - the intent of this is to provide more landscape space at the edges without going below the parking the developers claim they need. 4. In order to save time, the HRA recommends that the developers present to the next group in the process, but that the HRA be represen at that meeting to assume conformity with the intent. 5. If these conditions cannot be met, then the moratorium not be waived until a satisfactory course of action can be found. The second item on the agenda was to accept unanimously Clifford Whitehill's application to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority dependent upon city council action. The city should thank Jerry Oltman for his application and strongly request he maintain it on file for the next opening. Craig Mertz's letter of August 23, 1978,.suggesting that the commission hold a formal organizational meeting was discussed. This was taken under advisement. _ Craig Mertz's letter of August 23, 1978, clarifying the issue of conflict of interest was discussed. The recommended disclosure forms were taken under advisement and the board members will process these at the next meeting. Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Mike Niemeyer Acting Secretary r Housing and Redevelopment Authority August 10, 1978 City Hall A meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order on August 10, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. Present commission members were Tom Klingelhutz, John Pryzmus and Mike - Niemeyer. Also present Don Ashworth and representatives of Holiday and Happy Chef, Jerry Altman and Clifford Whitehill. Variance Request, Building of Moratorium, Holiday and Happy Chef Proposal - Representatives of Holiday and Happy Chef were present requesting that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approve a variance to the building moratorium allowing them to build on the — northwest intersection of State Highway 5 and 101. Commission members discussed at some length the concept of protecting the major entrance to Chanhassen (Highway 5 and 101) from intensive land development. The proposal as presented does represent an intensive land use. The Commission could not define specifically the amount of green area required to soften or visually protect this intersection location. The City Manager noted, that it was the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that their proposal was consistent with the overall goals and objectives of the HRA. If -- the HRA is in a position to explicitly define the area to be landscaped or nature of such, they could set these as minimum standards at this point in time. However, this is the purpose of the moratorium to allow _.' the HRA to develop these types of standards and to determine whether the City will have the ability, both financially and legally, to enforce such standards. Commissioner Niemeyer stated that as the proposal stands that he would recommend that the applicant be denied a variance to the moratorium ordinance. However, rather than placing such in motion form he would move to table action on this item for a two -week period to allow the developer to re- present a proposal to the HRA. Basically, it would be the responsibility of the developer to "sell" the HRA on a plan which generally met the concepts presented tonight. Seconded by John Pryzmus -- ayes all. Interviews -- Potential HRA Candidates - The Commission interviewed both Jerry Altman and Clifford Whitehill for the vacant seat on the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. In addition, the Commission reviewed the previous application of John Force. After discussion, Commissioner Niemeyer moved to table action on recommending appointment of a Commission member to the next meeting. Seconded by Tom Klingelhutz, ayes all. — The Commissioners acted to set their next meeting for August 24. Adjournment 12:00 p.m. `J. CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 1612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Scott A. Martin, Executive Director DATE April 17, 1984 SUBJ: Extension of Tenant Leases in Old Instant Web Building As of March 31, 1984, all leases for space in the old Instant Web Building expired. However, the following six (6) tenants con- tinue to occupy this building on a month -to -month basis: Tenant Floor Area Monthly Rent 1. Animal Fair 2,000 sq. ft. $750.00 2. Halverson Supplies, Inc. 4,000 sq. ft. $666.66 3. Britt Corporation 400 sq. ft. $150.00 4. Quality Temp, Inc. 200 sq. ft. $100.00 5. Austad Construction Co. 500 sq. ft. $ 72.92 6. Coffee Talk, Inc.* 3,000 sq. ft. $437.50 *New tenant effective April 1, 1984 A floor plan showing the location of each tenant in the building is attached for your reference. Previous leases had been approved with terms of six months to one year. However, given the necessity to retain our ability to sell or demolish this building on short notice for redevelopment pur- poses, I recommend that each of the above tenants be offered leases with a 30 day notice provision subject to all of the same terms and conditions contained in our standard form lease. I have discussed this approach with each tenant, and have received positive responses from each one. A motion by the Board to approve these leases in block is recommended. Attachment 1. Floor Plan showing location of tenants. fl WC57;••1W�'Y7c YIfMl1 �.�_•- -••••• —_ . PI 1 JVLSNI 1 — 8 ._�.._.___. 7.—. Y k �> J AN aHa... n • x alr+c I 11 r _ .ro.maex! .iN�:. J.NVll'iNf'. ♦ _ t i .. � :, r4^ ( yt i Jam. 3 x � .K.i� t. �p✓S .{�� —` • - j ��z_��1� �1� � .. s .+-''+ate• i �'}1 +.. .arr�,, ..Fr" � �r * f .X`k'. ° i 1i.. 1 _ � _ � Sjrr� � • ^� ft(a� J � < f 'Y 1 °6'+'� .dKlt°'k1' `y�i �# x r �,, A e w i�L.- ��' --t1 1 7.. '�.na, t ' Z ~:; Fj+ Y `','• sl �:. .'. Sfi i Eta. A II j as w .0 fI I ` �_ .. }„y i � rll ! • � � - " � 1 n.. eI� '. '�, yl ��Lt . S � 't n �+S ern _ �' IM —� �>I r� r - -� r-- 7 c - -� � - -� r- -� - r..I r - -I r- -1 r- T r -- I 'r_� t - -] ar -) l_1 -sl' •__,}Ji CHANHASSEN N.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 04 -16 -84 PAGE 1 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 019911 40.00. -. TWIN CITY WATER. CLINIC -- CHECK M A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P 0 5 E CENTRAIRE INC REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 7 5,963.66 CHECKS WRITTEN } 019906 1,720.56 B W INC FEES, SERVICE J 019907 3,283.80 OOLLIFF INSURANCE INC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND - WORKMENS COMP. AND- OFFICIAL BONDS SJ AND - INSURANCE, BUILDINGS 019908 1'369.00 HOLMES + GRAVEN FEES, SERVICE J 019909 61.60 MINNEAPOLIS STAR +TRIBUNE PRINTING AND PUBLISHING J. 019910 13.50 SW SUBURBAN PUBLISHING PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 019911 40.00. -. TWIN CITY WATER. CLINIC -- -REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 019912 455.20 CENTRAIRE INC REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 7 5,963.66 CHECKS WRITTEN TOTAL OF 7 CHECKS TOTAL 5,963.66 :J ?J J J' J .J f! i l i V I F• i a q. a� 1 i �' � s�yl�i !`: „�I ��I,C, -TI P , �. i " R; P;' �''x� y, ' C!J .• 1 , J C7 'J J J f! i l i V I F• i a q. a� 1 i �' � s�yl�i !`: „�I ��I,C, -TI P , �. i " R; P;' �''x� y, ' C!J .• 1 , HOLMES & GRAVEN CHARTERED 470 P i I is bury Cc mcr. Min nca po I s, Minnesota 55402 Tcicp6one 612!338 -1177 MARCH 21i 1984 CHANHASSEN HRA C/O SCOTT MARTIN PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FROM INVOICE 840314 CH130 4 BROWN REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FEBRUARY 1t 1934 THRU FEBRUARY 29P 1984 AS FOLLOWS; 2/21/84 PHONE CONF W/S MARTIN RE LETTER OF CREDIT 2/22/84 DRAFT LETTER OF CREDIT; PHONE CONF W/S MARTIN 2/27/84 PHONE CONF W/S MARTIN & S BROWN RE CLOSING 2/28/84 REVISE CONTRACT; PREPARE FOR CLOSING 2/28/84 REVIEW DOCUMENTS; DRAFT AFFIDAVIT; PREPARE FOR CLOSING; PROOF DOCUMENTS 2/29/84 PHONE CONF RE CLOSING; REVIEW TITLE PR08LEMS TOTAL SERVICES: FOR ALL,DISBURSEMENTS AS FOLLOWS1 2/29/84 ACTION MESSENGER 16.20 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS: 16.20 $270,80 PHOTOCOPIES 70.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: S86 20 TOTAL SERVICES AND DISBURSEMENTS; 5357.00 -t 394 JSH ` HOLMES & GRAVEN CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center. Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402 Telephone 6121338 -1177 (MARCH 21. 1984 CHANHASSEN HRA C/O SCOTT MARTIN PO BOX 147 CHANHASSENP NN 55317 CH130 1 GENERAL FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FROM FEBRUARY 24, 1984 THRU FEBRUARY 24? 1984 AS FOLLOWS 2/24/84 PHONE CONF W/S MARTIN AND S BRAUN RE CLOSING JSH INVOICE 840313 TOTAL SERVICES; 532.00 V.K. 3�zti��� �4�1 -- 43aa CITY OF CHANHASSEN pga CEIVED MAR 22 S4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP; CENTRAIRE, INC. 7402 Washington Ave. EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344 Phone 941 -1044 TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER STREET CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TERMS: Net Due Upon Receiving Invoice T4TY DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL For: Animal Fair Installed new fuel oil pump and filter. Problem was caused by running fuel oil tank out of oil. Pump & filter nozzel: 8 Hours of Labor: RECtIvCD MAR 281984 TOTAL DUE: CITY OF CHANHASSEN �-°; CJGtLinFL -1�9w � PRICE $ 131.20 324.00 AMOUNT R $ 455 b.K. CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 03 -19 -84 PAGE 1 CHECK M A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E - 4 019821 239.19 , B R W INC FEES, SERVICE 019828 36.50 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT FEES, SERVICE S 019829 110.20 HOLMES + GRAVEN FEES, SERVICE r 3 385.89 CHECKS WRITTEN - TOTAL OF 3 CHECKS TOTAL 385.89 .y _ t y J l a l _ J � J J J .. J .. J J J iii �1;. 11 I +' rig! N° in. •, , a � i F I" 9 h r { F ,<, 1 s °r �'l rI �� i.� 6;�6�: �,� ,�R�i ¢3 f ! � u {i,i�, �s Its X4{7 MINNEAPOLIS • CHEYENNE • DENVER • BRECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE DATE: January 31, 1984 JOB NO: 18 -8101 RE: Surveying Services - Preparation of Registered Land Survey. Final adjust- ments as per County Survey check. Fees as per project agreement. Period of January 1984, Per Diem Services. Classification Hours Sr. Professional 2.50 Techician 3.75 Salary Cost $ 97.09 $ 97.09 x 2.0 $ 194.19 OK. L", 44rLW 43M 2/24 84 CITY OF CHANHASSEN P97CEI E® FE6221984 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT BENNETT, RINGROSE, WOLSFELD, JARVIS. GARDNER. INC. . 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55414 . PHONE 612;319 -7818 MINNEAPOLIS • CHEYENNE • DENVER • BRECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX Mr. Scott Martin Community Development Director 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 TID No. 2 INVOICE DATE: January 31, 1984 JOB NO: 62 -8030 For Professional Services Rendered during the Month of January, 1984. t Services: o Meeting (1/17/84) r Classification Hours Rate Amount Associate 1.00 $45.00 $ 45.00 r RVJCIiI oul•IPIMRI: Contract Amount - June 10, 1981 Billed Previously - $7,293.00 This Bill - $ 45.00 Billed To Date Total Remaining W'- $7,600.00 2�Za�$4 $7,338.00 $ 262.00 CITY CF CHANHASSEN e _ �Fk231984 COmIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP BENNETT, RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS, GARDNER. INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55414 • PHONE 81213194818 1 4 HOLMES & GRAVEN CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone 6111338 -1177 FEBRUARY 20. 19u4 CHANHASSEN HRA C/O SCOTT FIARTIN PO 80X 147 CHANHASSENP MN 55317 INVOICE 840232 CH130 4 BROWN REDEVELOP'IENT CONTRACT FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FRO!i JANUARY 278 1904 THRU JANUARY 31p 1984 AS FOLLOWS; 1/27/84 1/31/84 JSH PHONE CONF W/S iIARTIN RE CONTRACT F,EVISIONS REVISE REDEVELOPPIENT CONTRACT; LETTER TO S PIARTIN TOTAL SERVICES: �11U,20 i OK. kevol CITY OF CHANHASSEN FEB 231984 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 02 -27 -84 PAGE 1 CHECK $ A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P O S E 1 019729 616.16 8 R W INC FEES, SERVICE 1 019730 912.80 HOLMES + GRAVEN FEES, SERVICE 019731 26.95 SCOTT MARTIN TRAVEL + TRAINING 019732 304.85 MCGUIRE —TWIN CITY PLMBG. REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 019733 2,700.00 DOLLIFF INSURANCE INC INSURANCE, BUILDINGS _ 019734 24.00 GRANNIS — GRANNIS FEES, SERVICE 019735 349.82 GRINNELL FIRE PROTECTION REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND i y 019736 151.73 SCOTT MARTIN TRAVEL + TRAINING - -- 019737 2.44 MERLIN'S HARDWARE HANK REP. + MAINT.,BLDG + GND 9 5,088.75 CHECKS WRITTEN - J J J J J J J �J V J !, _ ✓,l.!'r' f ! i ', i' riMl- r� ls;.; { ,.; �, ,l ':' f � � ��, ��%% Il p} i( ��.EpQ, ' 1�b( >r �}1, '�G r {i 1C' } �,� i i g 1, �l(i f { NMI MINNEAPOLIS • CHEYENNE • DENVER • BRECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin INVOICE V V V SO DATE: December 31, 1983 JOB NO: 18 -8101 RE: Surveying Services - Preparation of Registered Land Survey. Fees as per project agreement of Novemer 1983, Per Diem Services Classification Hours Principal 0.50 Sr. Professional 2.00 Technician 9.00 Salary Cost $166.14 $166.14 x 2.0 County Checking Fee (Paid) $ 322.28 $ 79.00 6'-K 40 11131% CITY Of CHANHASSEN I n N 191994 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEF BENNETT, RINGROSE, WOLSFELD, JARVIS, GARDNER, INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55414 • PHONE 612/379 -7878 �®® INVOICE ® 3000 MINNEAPOLIS • CHEYENNE • DENVER • 89ECKENRIDGE • PHOENIX City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Mr. Scott Martin DATE: December 31, 1983 JOB NO: 62 -8214 RE: Engineering /Planning /Surveying Services for Downtown Redevelopment Project as per Agreement Per Diem Services - Phase I Work Task 1.7 o Preparation of revised tax parcel map Period of December, 1983 Classification Hours Associate 1.00 Technician III 4.50 Printer 1.50 Salary Cost - $ 94.85 Fee - $ 94.85 x 2.0 Expenses: BRW Graphics Reproduction Department $ 189.70 $ 15.18 LIM .� 4 1/23 j84- BENNETT. RINGROSE. WOLSFELO. JARVIS. GARDNER, INC. • 2829 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SE • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414 • PHONE 6121379-7878 Ir l HOLMES & GRAVEN CHARTERED 470 Pillsbury Center. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone 612 1538-1177 JANUARY 24. 1934 CHANHASSEN HRA C/O SCOTT `IARTIN PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN♦ MN 55317 INVOICE 840124 CH130 4 BROWN REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR ALL LEGAL SERVICES FROM DECEMBER 19P 1933 THRU DECET43ER 30P 1983 AS FOLLOWS: 12/19/83 INTRAOFFICE CONFERENCE W /SCOTT RE FACTS 12/19/83 INTRAOFFICE CONFERENCE 12/23183 PHONE CONF 'W /SCOTT MARTIN RE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT; DRAFT CONTRACT; REVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 12/27/83 DRAFT REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT 12/28/83 DRAFT CONTRACT 12/29/33 PHONE SCOTT MARTIN; DRAFT CONTRACT 12/30/83 PROOF AND REVISE CONTRACT JSH TOTAL SERVICES: a912.8L 6K. L��� CITY OF CHANHASSEN •:a rOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT HOUSING & REDEVELOP. AUTH. P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, PIN 55317 NAMED INSURED PLEASE RETURN UPPER HALF WITH PAYMENT INVOICE DOLLIFF, INC- /INSURANCE 2500 DAIN TOWER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 612 338-7021 mmwff*iololljkli= 008725-8 INVOICE DATE 02-10-84 AMOUNT REMITTED POLICY PERIOD DESCRIPTION OF POLICY PREMIUM EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE CHARGE CREDIT 01-09-84 01-09-85 POLICY # MNP001710 2,700-00 PACKAGE POLICY (PROPERTY & GENERAL LIABILITY) CITY OF CHANHASSEN r tb 131984 COMMUNI TY oEvELOPMEN DEPT PREMIUMS DUE AND PAYABLE ON EFFECTIVE DATE OF POLICY INVOICE A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1%% per month will be added to the balance $2,700.00 30 days and over. This is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18%. TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOP. AUTH. DOLLIFF, INC./ INSURANCE P.O. BOX 147 2500 DAIN TOWER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 .CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 612338 -7021 .NAMED INSURED PLEASE RETURN UPPER HALF WITH PAYMENT ACCOUNT 008725 -8 INVOICE DATE 02 -10 -184 AMOUNT REMITTED POLICY PERIOD - DESCRIPTION OF POLICY PREMIUM 1 - EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE CHARGE CREDIT 01 -09 -84 02 -19 -84 POLICY # SMP3274658 395.0 PACKAGE POLICY CANCELLED (REWRITTEN) - RETURN PREMIUM CITY OF CHANHASSE rta 131984 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN r DW- PREMIUMS DUE AND PAYABLE ON EFFECTIVE DATE OF POLICY INVOICE $395 0 A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1%% pet month will be added to the balance TOTAL _ . 30 days and over. This is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18 %. People Are Buying Larger New Homes, According to Study Recovery, Interest Rate Drop Cited for Reversing Trend Toward Smaller Units By Roam Gurrimiot Staff Reporter OJ'r11r. WM,L STkkk.T JOUµNA1- Americans are buying larger new home: _ .once again, despite widespread prediction; that new homes would continue to shrink it size because of high costs. An analysis of new -home sales data b} the Joint Center for Urban Studies of Massa chusetts Institute of Technology and Har vard University has found that the economic recovery, coupled with a drop in interest rates, is encouraging buyers to purchase the largest homes they can afford. From the 1982 fourth quarter through the �i 1983 third quarter, the median finished area in new single - family detached homes rose to 1,559 square feet from 1,445 square feet, ac. cording to the MIT- Harvard study. Similar increases in size occurred in townhouses and low -rise condominium units for the period. Home size peaked in 1978, when the median new single- family home contained 1,655 square feet. This move toward slightly larger homes should continue, especially in the South and West, where much of the future demand for new housing will occur, according to Wil- liam Apgar Jr., director of the MIT - Harvard study. In addition to economic factors, demo- graphics and consumer attitudes also are playing a role in the growth of home size. The "Baby Boom" generation, born between 1946 and 1964, is becoming more affluent and also needs space for its offspring. Moreover, a survey conducted last Octo- ber by the Joint Center showed consumers' greatest dissatisfaction in their living quar- ters was with the amount of space. One in five consumers was described as somewhat or very dissatisfied with the amount of liv- ing space in a unit. ,---. A number of builders also report that home size is growing again. Robert Strudler, senior vice president of U.S. Home Corp., said buyers' interest in larger homes is typi- cal of an economic recovery. Though home size does shrink and grow with economic cycles, it shrank less in size during the last recession than it did during the prior two recessions, according to Mr. Apgar. And despite the severity of the last recession, the percentage of large new homes (those with 2,400 or more square feet) remained a constant 15 %. One device that has enabled people to af- ford larger homes has been builders' prac- tice of lowering a buyer's monthly payment by paying the lender a sum to reduce the in- itial interest rate. Mr. Strudler said, "You' r can have a greater effect on buyers' monthly payments by 'buying down' the in- terest rate than by lowering the price of the t There 1i some disagreement on whether L home size will continue to grow, Michael Su- '-�tnfrhraef rrior emn.vniet for tho Natinw,atf Association' of Home Builders, said, "For this housing cycle, I think 1,500 square feet is about where we're going to stay." But Michael Carliner, director of housing forecasts for Chase Econometrics, said, "I think it will continue for another year at least." Median finished area in new homes should grow 30 to 50 square feet for 1984, he said. As a long -term trend, Mr. Carliner said, growth in home size should abate be- cause housing has lost much of its allure as a speculative investment. 6416 -A. �e. s ':P ^Ay. W. Gullickson C. Whitehill C. Horn J. Bohn T. Russell P. Swenson C. Robbins s 1983 CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ATTENDANCE RECORD s4 >1 v N � A u o ro � � x � v 0 a) "o ° u � rn a .°u w h q < W o 17 24 19 21 —F 18 15 — 20 15 i i A x x +Xx x A A A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x T—r x x A x x x