Highcrest Meadows Plat HIGHCRFST Chæ:1~s~ :"i.eClty CHANHASSEN 1 M IN'NESOT A I here~y certJ.1'y thalthis plat of HIGH CREST MEADOWS was ap?rog'e~ ~r tbe P!anl'J1:;: ConUr.IS$l1 MiDnesol.a. alan:gularrneetillg thereofhel~ lhis____day of _____' 2ú_ Chairm::m owner aM p=opnetors offolloww.¡¡; clesatbed p:-operty ~:X..:·:X.~·:X.~(X.Y.,,:Z. all in Carva H~!: caus!!d tœ ~~ to b!! :;urv~ed and pl.Jtted:J."HIGHCRE ST tvmADOWS ~d cloes h~~y dO:l.:lte and dedicate to the p1.'lbllc for pu!1lic US!! rcrre'J~thethor01.lgbMS.IDa <llso d.edlc:J.ting the e~~etlts J.S ~O~ DC. th.js plJ,t for d~roge ¡¡,nd utility purp OSt o:11y .'G .;0. KNOVJ ALL PERSONS ÐY THESE PRESENTS: That :::)~: >Huated In lbe ColD'rty of Carver, Slat!:: ofMinneoota. to WIL: County. Mwm:sola ___day approved lhb b= COUNTY SURVEYOR, CARVER COUNTY,MINNESOTA Pur:;utlDt to çhup~t:r 395, Mit'.m:~otù. LI.1W:; of 1~71. th:.~ plClt:OO~ 200_ trn$____day propt:roffi y'" to br:: ~1~ðd c~~d the.~t. prc..~cn Ä)':X~:X:\:·':>:.l~~ Joo___ i., n. \?l.tne~! Wh~o By________________.__ John E. Frr::cmy~ C~rv~r Cmmtr ~lIT"'ò'(,;Y01' CARVER COUNJY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Thi~ pl;:¡t ofl-nGHCR.ESTME.^DOWS WJ.~ ilfJpr1Jv~ iJIld accq¡t~d by tb~ l)oëLrd of(:ollìffil~ione'rs ofCarve'I COUJuy, Mlnn~sota, /It /I rq~ulAf m.r::dlt'JC hcld thJ ~ _____M}· Clf_____, 20__, /find I ~ 1'1 CJIIYlpllllnr.r:: 'WIll, the prO'll'I~I!'lm of Minnc.:ot/l SlrItulrJ:, Section 505,03 SuM, J All mnnllm¡:nt~ wI11 be ~~/II~ ~pr::r,tfil'::1 hy t.hr:: Cnun.'tj· ßMrd 1\.nd,l¡: rntr~ M thu pl;:¡t,:l.c.r::01rltI'lC tl"l Mb'lMOOL1. St"\!JJtf'J:, 50S 02 Subrt, 1 BOíUd OrCCIIIIIC.ii~iQn~n QfC¡uvl,..'f CQun\y, MÌDn~: By_________.Ch.:urm:m ^U~·.I___ XXKX":O::U:XX:.,:x. ".j;'~·:<;,~~ö: STA TE OF ________ COUNTY OF The fon:gomg iñ$tñiro~ v.'<IS aCknowlcdgl.:d bcforl.: me nris___lia.y or_____. 200___. .-·r XZ.i':":<^~:;Ü:);:)':. X.i::"-:':X;":X , this Dat('d plat Ihi d~m1b land COUNTY AUDITOR, CARVER COUNTY,MINNESOT A I h~eby certIfy tbat taxes: payable ul_____:a:nd pnor ytar~ baVI __day Qf______. 200_. Mark Lundgren, Couoty A1.tt1itor By:_____________.,_____~_. D ejJULy Ie been palc1 Not;)ryP~~=___=_~_=_=_C~iY._=_=----==-- My CCltnrni.o;~íon E:'=pire~___________ Ihm:b~ CI:rt.i1'y U18t 1 havl:survcycd e.ndplaLlr:ti lhl:propct1.y dcscribed on L'hi:cp1at.aB HIGHCREST MEADOWS; that this platui a correc:tl'eprr::~en.tJ.tiotl. oftb.e :;urvey~ tOOt all dirtlnce~:lfe corrctUy ~hoW!J. OD theplõJ.t in fl:etand hundredth:: of:.:r. foot.: tbat::111 morrume:c.tsh¡¡,ve been correctly pl;¡,c~d in thl: ¡¡roood a:: ~hown orwiU be plac~::3.:: rl:quU'td by Mif.l!l.e~ota Sbtute'::. Sec:ticm 505 05, SuM. I' thal the out¡;ide boundary hnes arr: COfTtctly dr.:sienated on the 111"t "nd t.hiI.t tJu:rr: ar~ no -mtlandsas defined in Mil1ne~o1a Sr.alU1es Sec:ticJn 505 02 Subdi'lrisiCln 1 to be designated othertmn CIS shagro. HClWãCdifRog;r5:"L;;-¡~~õf- Minoc:mla LicC1Ise No. 10945 wa:: li.ledln 11lI:: offtC'( thi ~___d'JY of______. COUNTY RECORDER. HennepIn CO\ln1y. Mi~ot:J. I her'by e<ml\' thot tlJj, pic! efHIGHCREST MEADOWS JOD_.at__o'clnc.k___M ___:loYof______. . LANDFORM MINNEAI"'OLIS.I"HQENIX Carl W. HansonJr, COUnl9' Recorder By:____.______.__ !hi Cð.t1 W Hð.ft;llon Jr. Rr:ci!ll.1"Ar ofTiU By:________ REGISTRAR OF TITLES, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby œnit'y tm.t 1hI$ plat of HIGHeR EST MEADOWS 1.ms: tU ed in tW:; oNlcl 200_.Jt__Cl\':lock___M. hy acknow1odced be:rorelne 1hi~___M.y of_______. 200_. ---------------- Notary Pllblic, Carver Count'}, Minnogola MyCommi.~~i01).Expire::____.20_, 2 g 2005 ENGINEERING OEP"r STA IE OF MINNESOTA COIJNTY OF CARVER The fl"lrt!(;íIinC SUrve:9or't:: Cet1.lficale'lM\.G HOw:u'd H Roger¡:. LrnHl S'IJI"'J'eyor CITY OF CHANHASSEN fR1~©~QW~[Þ) HIGHCRFST Ö .:: h~ :;: ~~; 7:! ~~ :;: li~ t: .., t·· .,: l.') [:1 I~ C, :r. \11 :1: 1- /--..... ...... ...... '"  LANDFORM 111 NNEAI"'OL IS. !"HOEN IX 8I-EET 2 OF 2 st-EE11 Aü[)!T!ON .I \ -........ ~ 8 1/ r·J OU'ILOT . LO!-!G.03.CfŒ5 AT R WûQD5 ~ v o TH~ oj G NO~TH o 80 160 ru-L...J SCALE IN PEIrI' ADDlïiGio.¡ ___...IIL__ ".n Gi'~GAr:HE 10 .. BÐHC tI FŒT IH lam AM) AI)..CIr.wr; LOT UNE5' lNÐIS OߣlMS( INIICA'lED N(Q BÐNG 10 Fn'T W .urn NUJ ADJOININC IVØIT OF IMY lWCS UNl£SS ODfflllIlr.il: 1ØCA'Im AT DftAWAœ: NrlO U1UT1 fASEMEN1S Nt[ S+OWN AS THIn (NOT TO ~CALE) I' O-j - _l~ C-~_ ADDiTiOH MEADOWS ...... - ii- ........ AI<[......... o DEMOTES 112 IfCU RØI PIPE SET MARlŒD RLS 1014t1 . DfNOŒ5 roufilD 1/2 INCH IRON PPE '. " '0· .:.::. .z. r..~ 110.00 80".29'12". CITY OF CHANHASSEI\ ~~~~~WI?!fJ: ¡-JiAli 2 8 2005 ENGINEERIî\!G DEPT -,. -'- .... "- , " to.' ~_.... l J~ tlt ..~ 1"- ,"oJ f."~ ;:¡.. j