HRA 1985 04 18AGENDA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1985, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Tax Increment Financing Plan. 4. Special Assessment Reduction Program, Discussion of Opus Proposal. 5. Old Business. 6. New Business. 7. Approval of Bills. — 8. Adjournment. MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 4, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners Swenson, Horn, Bohn and Whitehill. Commissioner Robbins was absent. Also present were: Councilmembers Dale Geving, Carol Watson and Mayor Tom Hamilton. Staff present were: City Manager Ashworth, City Planner Dacy and Mary Vujovich from Grannis, Campbell, Farrell & Knutson. -... ,jivui,u ana proposal of the sale of tk old Instant Web building. He explained that Brauer and - Associates were hired to review the subdivision and site plan based on the city's ordinances in preparation for Planning Commission and City Council review. Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn to adopt the purchase agreements subject to 1) the site plan building and facia review and approval; 2) submission of the construction loan agreement; 3) submission of financial statements. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: RNMENT: Horn moved, seconded by Swenson to adjourn the - meeting at 9:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH 21, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present were: Commissioners Swenson, Horn, Robbins and Bohn. Chairman Whitehill was absent. Also present were: City Manager Ashworth, City Planner Dacy, Fred Hoisington of Brauer and Associates, and Roger Knutson of Grannis, Campbell, Farrell & Knutson. MINUTES: Robbins moved, seconded by Horn to approve the minutes of the February 21, 1985 meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PRESENTATION OF THE FINDINGS OF FORUM TWO, BRAUER AND ASSOCIATES: Fred Hoisington presented the findings of Public Forum 2. He explained the alternate concept 1 was not approved because it proposed no connection over the railroad or to Highway 5. Altnernate concept 2, however, was approved as it connected West 79th Street with a north /south road to Highway 5 crossing over the railroad. Hoisington related that the concept is intended to create commercial development around West 78th Street with regional and convenience commercial uses along the west side of the north /south roadway. It is intended that development be done in incremental steps. He also stated that there is a potential for residential development, especially north of West 78th Street in the downtown area. The next step in the downtown redevelop- ment project is a developer's forum. It was originally scheduled for April 11th. Hoisington presented a list of developers to invite. The following names were added to this list: Marvin Hartman, Ron Clark Construction, and Jim Boisclair Corporation. Councilwoman Watson commented that the main street concept was appropriate, however, was concerned about the viability of another access onto Highway 5. Hoisington stated that in order for that intersection to be created, the State would want the elimination of one of the existing intersections. Commissioner Swenson commented that the proposed concept was the closest to the previous ring road concept. Commissioner Bohn felt that the proposed concept was more logical, affected fewer business people and would consider crossing the railroad tracks without con - necting into Highway 5. Councilman Geving felt that the connec- tion to Highway 5 may be unrealistic. He preferred and approved of the maintenance of the existing road alignments. He suggested _ that the old City Hall be moved to some location in downtown to act as a landmark. Mayor Hamilton felt that the concept was a realistic plan noting that the incremental phasing is important. He also suggested looking into a road along the north side of the railroad tracks for alternative access. Commissioner Horn recom- mended that Hoisington prepare a series of alternatives including what has been ruled out for presentation to the developers at the next forum. Motion by Bohn, seconded by Robbins to skip item 4 on the agenda and move to item 5. All voted in favor and the motion carried. MARCH 21, 1985 PAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT FUNDS FOR YEAR IX AND XI: Dacy aistributea a memo aatea Marcn Li, 1ytl5 regaraing the Year IX and Year XI CDBG allocations. She stated that Larry Blackstad from the Urban Hennepin County CDBG staff recommended that the allocation for the Senior Citizen Center be allocated under the Year XI program as other communities are using Year XI funds for this purpose. Therefore, $56,215 would be earmarked for land acquisition for the parcel adjacent to the Instant Web building site. She stated that he also advised that most of the Year XI funds be allocated toward land acquisition with the remainder set aside for administrative purposes. Motion by Robbins, seconded by Bohn to recommend to the City Council that the CDBG allocations be expended as follows: Year IX Reallocation: Land Acquisition $56,215. Year XI Allocation: Land Acquisition $38,000. Senior Citizen Center 200. Administration 332. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Motion by Robbins, seconded by Bohn to go back to item 4. All voted in favor and the motion carried. AGREEMENTS OF THE SALE OF THE INSTANT WEB BUILDING: Discussion of Agreements: Knutson presented the agreement for the sale of the Instant Web building. He explained that Gary Kirt of David C. Bell Investment Company did not want to issue a letter of credit. In the alternative, Knutson stated that he has received and reviewed Kirt's financial statements and feels assured that the $150,000 mortgage can be guaranteed. The HRA felt that the City Attorney should pursue the reception of a one year term policy insurance statement from Kirt. Knutson also related to the HRA that he was concerned about the City's liability if the land to be acquired cannot be purchased by June 1st. The HRA determined that the City Manager and the Mayor re- negotiate with the proposed building owners. Motion by Horn, seconded by Bohn to approve the concepts as related to the agreements as presented by the City Attorney. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Discussion of Design and Overall Site Plan: Hoisington pre- sented the analysis of the submitted interior design and site plan. Hoisington noted that his review was intended to assess MARCH 21, 1985 PAGE 3 the overall functional adequacy of the site plan and its con- sistency with the evolving central business district plans. He advised the HRA that the bowling center that was originally intended to be located on the southeast portion of the building is now being negotiated to be located on the southwest portion of 7 the building. This change in interior design will affect the parking layout and site design. He also noted that a restaurant was proposed to be located in Kirt's section in the northeast portion of the building. This poses concerns regarding adequate parking spaces in the immediate area. He noted that the sub- division and site plan has to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council and a more detailed plan will be r presented at those meetings. _Discussion of Acquisition of Bloomberg Property: Ashworth advised the HRA that in order for Community Development Block l Grant funds to be used to acquire the necessary acreage from Mr. Bloomberg, an Environmental Assessment Worksheet has to be completed. He stated that the Planning staff is now working on that document. Also needed is the hiring of a process manager to insure that all HUD regulations are being met regarding the acquisition of the property. Two firms were contacted: Dan Wilson and Von Klug and Associates. Ashworth stated that Wilson has contacted him and Ashworth recommended the hiring of Mr. Wilson in order to begin the process. Swenson moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the hiring of Dan Wilson to act as the City's Process Manager in acquiring the land with Community Development Block Grant Funds. All voted in favor and the motion carried. _Existing Tenant Update: Ashworth explained that several let- - ters have been sent out not only to the vehicle owners in the mid to rear portion of the building, but also to the individual tenants. He stated that in some situations and alternate payment schedule has had to be negotiated with tenants who were more than I sixty days in arrears. Specific arrangements with Quali -Tech and Gedney have been made to allow the continuation of their storage until April 31st. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Swenson, seconded by Bohn to approve the bills as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Bohn moved, seconded by Swenson to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ass,., s F CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (6 1 2) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Barbara Dacy, City Planner DATE: April 12, 1985 SUBJ: Tax Increment Financing Plan At the last meeting, the City Manager distributed copies of the Tax Increment Financing Plan dated March, 1985. Although no action is proposed, review and discussion of the financing plan must occur in preparation for amending the 1985 budget, which was also impacted by the sale of the Instant Web building. Please bring the copy of the plan with you to the meeting. Please feel free to call me if you need another copy. CHANHASSEN HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317. (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Don Ashworth, Excecutive Director DATE: April 15, 1985 SUBJ: Special Assessment Reduction Agreement, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Opus Corporation Opus Corporation finds that the lots in the northwest section of the business park cannot be used as originally thought because of soil conditions. The best solution to maximize usage of lots having good soils will require replatting and a new cul -de -sac street /utility improvements (see attached memorandum from the City Planner). Opus is basically asking two questions: 1). Chanhassen City Council: Will the City Council consider a resubdivision of the poor soiled lots and authorize the new road /utility improvements as a public improvement project to be assessed back to those benefitted lots ?; and 2). HRA: Will the Housing and Redevelopment Authority reconsider its special assessment reduction program recognizing that the lots being corrected will have spe- cial assessments much higher than typically found in surrounding communities and other lots in the business park? The latter question posed by Opus is a difficult one. The HRA operating budget has been strapped for the past two years and is just now starting to show strength. I am anticipating a reluc- tance to place additional committments against current resources until such time as additional strength has been achieved. On the other side of the coin is the reality that the program was ini- tially established to provide a competive edge for Chanhassen in attracting new businesses into our community. The program has -- worked successfully and was probably the most influencing factor in Fluoroware, Empak, DayCo, etc. construction decisions. It should be noted that the recently approved Redmond Products site Housing and Redevelopment Authority April 15, 1985 Page 2 plan was originally intended for Lot 1, Block 4 of the Business Park. Due to soil constraints, location of the Redmond facility were not feasible. It was fortunate that the alternative site on the north side of Highway 5 next to Lyman Lumber was found.) The typical payback period for businesses receiving special assessment incentives has been 'approximately l)i years, i.e. it takes approximately li years for the average business taxes in the business park to repay the special assessments that were taken over by the HRA. To change from an incentive of 7% of the market value to 108 - 128, would increase the payback period to between two and three years. To insure that the percent of reduction did not provide a precedent for other 'lots or other future decisions, staff would recommend that a two tier schedule be established wherein the percent would remain at the 78 level if total assessments for a property were less than $30,000 per acre and would be 108 to 128 if the assessments exceeded $30,000 per acre. No action is proposed on either items l or 2, above. The item is being presented solely for discussion with the developers then being notified as to City Council and HRA thoughts. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 MEMORANDUM _ TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Barbara Dacy, City Planner DATE: April 12, 1985 SUBJ: Proposed Replat of Lots, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Attached is the plat of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park indicating the areas to be replatted or lots consolidated. Opus has deter- mined that very poor soil and slope conditions are hampering the marketability of these lots. L-ts 1 and 2, Block 4 are intended to be consolidated and sold as one lot. Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 are intended to be replatted by shifting the existing north -south lot line to an east -west divi- sion. Lots 2 -10, Block 1 are intended to be replatted by the creation of a cul -de -sac into the interior of these lots. Opus has made application on the replat of Lots 4 and 5, Blcok 2 and it is scheduled for Planning Commission review on April 24, 1985 and Council review on May 6, 1985. Planning staff's initial review of this request is favorable and we would be recommending approval (subject to any necessary conditions). Proposed for Lots 2 -10, Block 1 is the creation of a cul -de -sac and the reorientation of lots toward that street (Lots 2 and 3 con- ; tain the poorest soil conditions) . By replatting, lot dimensions ` can be adjusted to work around the soil limitations. Creation of the cul -de -sac will also reorient access from four existing lots onto Audobon Road (a collector) toward the cul -de -sac (a minor street). Upon submission of preliminary plat details, staff can be more analytical; however, the proposed concept in this part of the park appears to be a good solution to the problem. Attachments 1. Opus replat areas 2. Letter from Michelle Foster, Opus Corp., dated March 18, 1985. 3. Proposed Replat of Lots 2 -10, Block 1 11111111 IS Will I I /' • �. lk wv,o -... ofmis JsKU ,'err d�a� %b�e,,,°(e `•cN�y"% x.r;M O(mlva .1 14 /lv . er C1W Y rpxn,nrl % ecf of n,anno„r000 � t ^ (•Sh/e N9`"'9' .Yo.S a.E {ra.efd � lrn z wy , e wrt �fop, 1 ,a:a+� r o 1 it n w 0 V l w \ ° �i •� P � f� .waea.-r / 3 � - -__--_ I, '... dt' 4 'f 8• E pa F x p Crn,ge (m , <y p yk �i OG 7d Be CI M 47 Y Eye —.�,II 4 i � - res•J.`ssx + 9�A.y_.,`� " rw"" \ ° / f �'°g -�' '�+-.} p I8 �.. �fya oa Eam mi w z UjLV` � 9y. / b� E� ,0,• +ae'w PFD "°, R ii�� C 8 1 a0un't � e 8 s "''`�`OE F.`° t � � •$ ,s1 � °`aJ,Em M � i o ter. ' '�ro Ma°°�� x &/4,.� \ 4w•��'� � / %x . o $ .b�E 2� .. ✓w.d Yr*' ��'[ 8 E O(SN', Jxr.,a r # " xs 3.�sx Ai`➢ � .w t ( _.,. i- a °w "E i el `Rx { x /7a• r°-0' "'c 4 S + o �°'""� a �e n' e x i ourtor oe I q „ ARE} INTEND�i� °� ��` f, WbLicm � ao g ` R AND REFLA7TiN6.:Me axe `� '' � n -- -- -- -- — — -- -- �`�`_• - J 'I101e gj0 0 EV�' 3 1 JJ •T 1 / /.rr 1�I il ms -�� `y 6 y✓ vD OV6 0 Yj se w x \\ 5 `B �'�v s fgoemeb ZT TUK Lors 2, -c o, SLok- i s--� f t DJ5 q, 5, Wcr-tc 0, In awer nil- ' l et i �o S� v OPUS CORPORATION ® DESIGNERS • BUILDERS • DEVELOPERS March 18, 1985 Mr. Donald Ashworth City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Mr. Ashworth: As we have discussed in our previous meetings, Opus Corporation on behalf of Alscor Investors Joint Venture,requests additional special assessment reduction assistance in the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. We have recently completed a marketing and development plan for each of the platted lots in the Park. The results of that process have indicated more limited development potential than originally anticipated on several of the lots due to soil and slope conditions, and the need for additional street and utility improvements in order to complete development. I have previously forwarded to you our analysis of the existing and future special assessment situation for each lot assuming maximum development. This analysis showed that an increase in the special assessment reduction percentage to somewhere in the 10% to 12% range could be warranted, perhaps at the higher end given the relatively optimistic construction values which were used. It is our mutual objective to see that quality development occur in the Park as quickly as possible. We feel our current marketing efforts will move us in that direction. The additional commitment from the City will help the Park retain its competitive position in the marketplace. Thank you for your cooperation to date and consideration of our request. Sincerely, Michele Foster Assistant Director Real Estate Development MF /ms 1AAR 2 0 1985 CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNEAPOLIS • CHICAGO • PHOENIX • MILWAUKEE EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 800 OPUS CENTER • 9900 BREN ROAD EAST • P.O. BOX 150 • MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55440 (612) 936 -4444 CHANHASSEN H.R.A. A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E 04 -15 -85 PAGE 1 CHECK 0 A M O U N T C L A I M A N T P U R P 0 S E 024884 15,265.79 BRAUER 6 ASSOCIATES FEES, SERVICE i 024885 16.50 CITY OF CHANHASSEN UTILITIES 024886 10.00 //J� DIV OF BOILER INSPECTION REP. ♦ MAINT.,BLDG + GND"'� t47u(MAc_ F2�tp, 024887 360.00 FREEBERG COMPANY FEES, SERVICE i 024888 1,860.00 GRANNIS, CAMPBELL, FEES, SERVICE 024889 26.95 SW SUBURBAN PUBLISHING PRINTING AND PUBLISHING // � Iv //////��//j�//��' /gw�(�y�p — L16� Ab s — L bg6l IPZ:TK A) 6 17,539.24 CHECKS WRITTEN TOTAL OF 6 CHECKS TOTAL 17,539.24 6,744.23 Public - Private Ventures ..._ dpi{ r ( Bill To: its. Barbara Dacy City Planner Chanhassen HRA 690 Coulter Drive P.J. Box 147 Chanhassen, NIN 55317 I' "'')ICE Dat Invoice No: 19ts5135 P H, Jop Ho: 815 -08 Conti nUi n i Planning Services Terms: DUE UPON For professional services including: 1. Base map preparation 2. Collection and analysis of data and plans for transportation systemns 3. 'I'eeting with staff 4. ieetings with local businessr;ipn and developers 5. Preparation of preliminary eonc;.pt plan 6. Review of preliminary concept with H.R.A. FEE: $15,700.00 + Expenses per contract dated 1/1:;/'5 Fees: Work completed to date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v 3,:00.01.) Work previously billed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -799.01' TOTAL FEES S 7,910.UO Expenses: Rase map preparation /;rints /pros!o boards - - - - 1;'x5.92 Envelopes for foru i ;5iai l ing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )7.4 %t Hileaye------------------------------------- Photocopies ---- --- --- ----- -- ------- ---- - - - -- _1.30 TOTAL EXPENSES 5 ` LU0. /(. TOTAL 11/2b/8b BILLING 5 Bill To: Ms. 3arbara Dacy City Planner Chanhassen HRA r 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Hox 147 Chanhassen, PAN 55317 r f INVOICE Date: Invoice No 3/25/85 1935157 3 &A Job No: 85 -20 Continuing Services Terms: DUE UPON REM PT For professional services in review of Instant Web Building Proposal including- * Review of proposed Web site and building development • Review of traffic and parking needs • Informal meetings with City staff * Attendance at February 21st HRA meeting Fees: Senior Professional -- 14.25 hrs. @ 60.00 hr. $ 855.00 Professional IV - - - - -- 3.50 hrs. @ 55.00 hr. 192.50 Professional III - - - -- 3.00 hrs. @ 45.00 hr. 135.00 Professional II - - - - -- 6.50 hrs. @ 40.00 hr. 260.00 Senior Tech ---- - - - - -- 0.50 hrs. @ 28.00 hr. 14.00 TOTAL FEES 51,456.50 Expenses: Mileage------ ----- ------ -------- --- -- - --- - -- $ 3.00 Photocopies -- -- -------- ------ ---- --- -- -- - --- .90 TOTAL ''EXPENSES $ 3.90 TOTAL 3/25/85 BILLING $1,460.40 Bill To: Ns. Barbara Dacy City Planner Chanhassen NRA 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Terms: DUE UPON RECEIPT INVOICE Date: Invoice No: 3/25/85 1985159 BAA Job No: 85 -08 Continuing Planning Services For professional services including: * preparation of Forum 2 materials * review meeting with City staff * Continued meetings with local developers and businessmen * organization, attendance, and presentation at Forum 2 * attendance and presentation of Forum 2 results at February 21 NRA meeting FEE: a15,100.00 + Expenses per contract dated 1/18/85 Fees: Work completed to date ---------------------- Work previously billed ---------------- - - - - -- TOTAL FEES Expenses: Foam core boards /prints --------------- - - - - -- Film---------------------------------------- Cards /letters for forum --------------------- Mileage Postage ------------------------------------- Photocopies /photos ---------------- ---- ------ TOTAL EXPENSES $ 14,150.00 - 8,600.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 24.25 3.70 62..35 13.31 .:56 49.92 $ 154,69 TOTAL 3/25/85 BILLING $ 5,704.69 Qhanhassen HRA %Scott A. Martin Executive Director _ P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 , ' 0� ' Professional services rendered in re: I F 02/05/85 RNK Meeting re: Instant Web Building. 4.00 320.00 02/06/85 GGF Conference re: sale of property to .40 28.00 - David Bell Company. 02/06/85 RNK Preparation of memorandum of understanding; 4.00 320.00 analysis of problem. 02/07/85 RNK Office conference re: Instant Web. .70 56.00 02/08/85 VG2 Telephone calls from Don Ashworth re: .70 56.00 termination of leases. 02/13/85 GGF Instant Web Building - conference with 2.70 189.00 - Don Ashworth re: terms of sale of building and changes to proposed contract; begin redraft of contract. 02/14/85 GGF Instant Web Building - redraft of memorandum 3.70 259.00 of basic terms for sale of property to Bell; telephone conference with Ashworth; forward redraft to Ashworth. 02/15/85 GGF Instant Web Building - conference with .60 42.00 Don Ashworth re: changes to memorandum. 02/19/85 GGF Instant Web Building - conference with City 3.90 273.00 Manager; attend meeting with Gary Kirt, Don Ashworth, and Mayor Hamilton. 02/20/85 GGF Instant Web - conference with terms of .80 56.00 purchase by David C. Bell. 02/20/85 RNK Telephone call re: Instant Web. .40 32.00 02/21/85 RNK Draft outline of sale of Instant Web Building. 1.00 80.00 02/21/85 RNK Telephone call from Don re: Instant Web. .30 24.00 02/21/85 RNK HRA meeting. 125.00 Subtotal for fees only: $1,860.00 TOTAL DUE: $1,860.00 I F