Arbor Cove Stormwater Management Report STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FOR ARBOR COVE Chanhassen, Minnesota January 29, 2014 Otto Project No. 13-0545 Prepared for: Dogwood Road, LLC Prepared by: Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. 9 West Division Street, Buffalo, MN 55313 • 763-682-4727 • Fax 763-682-3522 • www.ottoassociates.com SUMMARY Runoff (cfs) 2 Year 10 Year 100 Year Existing Runoff 0.60 3.56 9.66 Proposed Runoff 0.23 2.38 7.72 Im p e r v i o u s A r e a ( S Q F T ) 33 , 8 6 8 To t a l T r e a t m e n t V o l u m e 2, 9 6 3 Vo l u m e t o b e R e t a i n e d 1, 4 1 1 Wa t e r Q u a l i t y V o l u m e 1, 5 5 2 Se l e c t B M P ( D r o p d o w n ) B M P D e t a i l s ( V o l u m e , A r e a ) U n i t s V o l u m e R e d u c t i o n T P T r e a t m e n t T S S T r e a t m e n t Bi o r e t e n t i o n ( C u b i c F e e t ) 2 , 7 6 9 Cu b i c F e e t 1, 1 0 8 2 , 0 7 7 2 , 4 9 2 Up l a n d V e g e t a t i o n 16 , 6 1 5 Sq u a r e F e e t 69 2 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 Se l e c t B M P 0 N/ A 0 0 0 To t a l Vo l u m e P e r c e n t a g e o f R e q u i r e m e n t M e e t s R e q u i r e m e n t ? Vo l u m e 1, 8 0 0 127.55%YES TP 2, 0 7 7 133.79%YES TS S 2, 4 9 2 160.54%YES 1S E1 Routing Diagram for 13-0545 EXIST Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc., Printed 1/29/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80"13-0545 EXIST Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1S: E1 Runoff=0.60 cfs @ 12.61 hrs, Volume=0.135 af, Depth>0.19" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80" Area (ac)CNDescription 6.50058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.10098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.90061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.00058Meadow, non-grazed, HSG B 8.50059Weighted Average 8.40098.82% Pervious Area 0.1001.18% Impervious Area 0.100100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 34.53000.06500.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 8.26000.06001.22 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 42.7900Total Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20"13-0545 EXIST Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 3HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1S: E1 Runoff=3.56 cfs @ 12.48 hrs, Volume=0.492 af, Depth>0.69" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20" Area (ac)CNDescription 6.50058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.10098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.90061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.00058Meadow, non-grazed, HSG B 8.50059Weighted Average 8.40098.82% Pervious Area 0.1001.18% Impervious Area 0.100100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 34.53000.06500.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 8.26000.06001.22 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 42.7900Total Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00"13-0545 EXIST Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 4HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1S: E1 Runoff=9.66 cfs @ 12.44 hrs, Volume=1.151 af, Depth>1.62" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00" Area (ac)CNDescription 6.50058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.10098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.90061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.00058Meadow, non-grazed, HSG B 8.50059Weighted Average 8.40098.82% Pervious Area 0.1001.18% Impervious Area 0.100100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 34.53000.06500.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 8.26000.06001.22 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 42.7900Total 1S P1 3S P2 4S P3 5S P4 5R Prop offsite 2P Infil. Basin 3P culvert Routing Diagram for 13-0545 PROP Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc., Printed 1/29/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1S: P1 Runoff=0.55 cfs @ 12.71 hrs, Volume=0.151 af, Depth=0.26" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80" Area (ac)CNDescription 4.05058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.40098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 1.40061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.00058Meadow, non-grazed, HSG B 6.85061Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 60 6.45094.16% Pervious Area 0.4005.84% Impervious Area 0.400100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 34.53000.06500.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 6.94400.04501.06 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 7.51400.09000.31 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 48.9880Total Summary for Subcatchment 3S: P2 Runoff=0.23 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=0.026 af, Depth=0.45" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.05058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.20098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.45061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.70071Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 66 0.50071.43% Pervious Area 0.20028.57% Impervious Area 0.200100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 8.0400.04500.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 14.72300.04500.26 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 22.7270Total Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 3HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 4S: P3 Runoff=0.15 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume=0.016 af, Depth=0.38" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.10098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.30061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.10058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.50068Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 64 0.40080.00% Pervious Area 0.10020.00% Impervious Area 0.100100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 9.2750.11000.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 9.31500.06000.27 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 18.5225Total Summary for Subcatchment 5S: P4 Runoff=0.85 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume=0.042 af, Depth=0.83" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.22098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.38061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.60075Weighted Average 0.38063.33% Pervious Area 0.22036.67% Impervious Area 0.220100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 6.0700.04000.20 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 0.4450.07701.88 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.80" 0.41550.10006.42 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 6.8270Total Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 4HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Reach 5R: Prop offsite Inflow Area =8.650 ac,10.64% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.04" for 2 yr event Inflow=0.23 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=0.026 af Outflow=0.23 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=0.026 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Summary for Pond 2P: Infil. Basin Inflow Area =7.950 ac,9.06% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.31" for 2 yr event Inflow=0.90 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume=0.209 af Outflow=0.60 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume=0.209 af, Atten= 33%, Lag= 0.0 min Discarded=0.60 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume=0.209 af Primary=0.00 cfs @ 2.00 hrs, Volume=0.000 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 982.08' @ 12.09 hrs Surf.Area= 1,475 sf Storage= 118 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 0.7 min calculated for 0.209 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 0.7 min ( 955.0 - 954.3 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #1982.00'6,830 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 982.001,43000 984.002,5403,9703,970 985.003,1802,8606,830 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary980.00'15.0" Round Culvert L= 28.0' CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 980.00' / 978.00' S= 0.0714 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior, Flow Area= 1.23 sf #2Device 1983.50'27.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3Discarded982.00'0.60 cfs Exfiltration at all elevations Phase-In= 0.01' Discarded OutFlow Max=0.60 cfs @ 12.00 hrs HW=982.04' (Free Discharge) 3=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.60 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 2.00 hrs HW=982.00' TW=0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Passes 0.00 cfs of 6.93 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 3P: culvert Inflow Area =7.450 ac,8.32% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.31" for 2 yr event Inflow=0.86 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume=0.193 af Outflow=0.85 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume=0.193 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 0.5 min Primary=0.85 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume=0.193 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Type II 24-hr 2 yr Rainfall=2.80"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 5HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peak Elev= 983.91' @ 12.00 hrs Surf.Area= 111 sf Storage= 23 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 0.4 min calculated for 0.193 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 0.4 min ( 956.7 - 956.3 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #1983.50'929 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 983.50000 984.001353434 986.00760895929 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary983.50'18.0" Round Culvert L= 55.0' CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 983.50' / 982.00' S= 0.0273 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior, Flow Area= 1.77 sf Primary OutFlow Max=0.85 cfs @ 12.00 hrs HW=983.91' TW=982.04' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 0.85 cfs @ 2.18 fps) Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 6HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1S: P1 Runoff=2.86 cfs @ 12.55 hrs, Volume=0.492 af, Depth=0.86" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20" Area (ac)CNDescription 4.05058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.40098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 1.40061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.00058Meadow, non-grazed, HSG B 6.85061Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 60 6.45094.16% Pervious Area 0.4005.84% Impervious Area 0.400100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 34.53000.06500.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 6.94400.04501.06 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 7.51400.09000.31 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 48.9880Total Summary for Subcatchment 3S: P2 Runoff=0.80 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume=0.070 af, Depth=1.21" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.05058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.20098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.45061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.70071Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 66 0.50071.43% Pervious Area 0.20028.57% Impervious Area 0.200100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 8.0400.04500.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 14.72300.04500.26 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 22.7270Total Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 7HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 4S: P3 Runoff=0.57 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume=0.045 af, Depth=1.09" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.10098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.30061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.10058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.50068Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 64 0.40080.00% Pervious Area 0.10020.00% Impervious Area 0.100100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 9.2750.11000.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 9.31500.06000.27 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 18.5225Total Summary for Subcatchment 5S: P4 Runoff=1.90 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume=0.091 af, Depth=1.82" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.22098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.38061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.60075Weighted Average 0.38063.33% Pervious Area 0.22036.67% Impervious Area 0.220100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 6.0700.04000.20 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 0.4450.07701.88 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.80" 0.41550.10006.42 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 6.8270Total Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 8HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Reach 5R: Prop offsite Inflow Area =8.650 ac,10.64% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.32" for 10 yr event Inflow=2.38 cfs @ 12.74 hrs, Volume=0.233 af Outflow=2.38 cfs @ 12.74 hrs, Volume=0.233 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Summary for Pond 2P: Infil. Basin Inflow Area =7.950 ac,9.06% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.95" for 10 yr event Inflow=3.12 cfs @ 12.56 hrs, Volume=0.628 af Outflow=2.80 cfs @ 12.75 hrs, Volume=0.628 af, Atten= 10%, Lag= 11.4 min Discarded=0.60 cfs @ 11.88 hrs, Volume=0.466 af Primary=2.20 cfs @ 12.75 hrs, Volume=0.163 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 984.09' @ 12.75 hrs Surf.Area= 2,600 sf Storage= 4,210 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 35.9 min calculated for 0.628 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 35.9 min ( 947.9 - 912.0 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #1982.00'6,830 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 982.001,43000 984.002,5403,9703,970 985.003,1802,8606,830 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary980.00'15.0" Round Culvert L= 28.0' CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 980.00' / 978.00' S= 0.0714 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior, Flow Area= 1.23 sf #2Device 1983.50'27.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3Discarded982.00'0.60 cfs Exfiltration at all elevations Phase-In= 0.01' Discarded OutFlow Max=0.60 cfs @ 11.88 hrs HW=982.04' (Free Discharge) 3=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.60 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=2.20 cfs @ 12.75 hrs HW=984.09' TW=0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Passes 2.20 cfs of 11.00 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 2.20 cfs @ 2.62 fps) Summary for Pond 3P: culvert Inflow Area =7.450 ac,8.32% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.94" for 10 yr event Inflow=3.03 cfs @ 12.55 hrs, Volume=0.583 af Outflow=2.98 cfs @ 12.56 hrs, Volume=0.583 af, Atten= 2%, Lag= 0.8 min Primary=2.98 cfs @ 12.56 hrs, Volume=0.583 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Type II 24-hr 10 yr Rainfall=4.20"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 9HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peak Elev= 984.50' @ 12.67 hrs Surf.Area= 290 sf Storage= 139 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 0.6 min calculated for 0.583 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 0.6 min ( 914.1 - 913.5 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #1983.50'929 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 983.50000 984.001353434 986.00760895929 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary983.50'18.0" Round Culvert L= 55.0' CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 983.50' / 982.00' S= 0.0273 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior, Flow Area= 1.77 sf Primary OutFlow Max=2.98 cfs @ 12.56 hrs HW=984.47' TW=983.98' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Outlet Controls 2.98 cfs @ 3.51 fps) Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 10HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1S: P1 Runoff=7.46 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume=1.097 af, Depth=1.92" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00" Area (ac)CNDescription 4.05058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.40098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 1.40061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.00058Meadow, non-grazed, HSG B 6.85061Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 60 6.45094.16% Pervious Area 0.4005.84% Impervious Area 0.400100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 34.53000.06500.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 6.94400.04501.06 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 7.51400.09000.31 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 48.9880Total Summary for Subcatchment 3S: P2 Runoff=1.73 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume=0.142 af, Depth=2.44" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.05058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.20098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.45061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.70071Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 66 0.50071.43% Pervious Area 0.20028.57% Impervious Area 0.200100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 8.0400.04500.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 14.72300.04500.26 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 22.7270Total Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 11HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 4S: P3 Runoff=1.28 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume=0.094 af, Depth=2.26" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.10098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.30061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.10058Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG B 0.50068Weighted Average, UI Adjusted CN = 64 0.40080.00% Pervious Area 0.10020.00% Impervious Area 0.100100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 9.2750.11000.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 2.80" 9.31500.06000.27 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 18.5225Total Summary for Subcatchment 5S: P4 Runoff=3.40 cfs @ 11.98 hrs, Volume=0.164 af, Depth=3.28" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00" Area (ac)CNDescription 0.22098Unconnected roofs, HSG B 0.38061>75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.60075Weighted Average 0.38063.33% Pervious Area 0.22036.67% Impervious Area 0.220100.00% Unconnected TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (min)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 6.0700.04000.20 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.80" 0.4450.07701.88 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 2.80" 0.41550.10006.42 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 6.8270Total Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 12HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Reach 5R: Prop offsite Inflow Area =8.650 ac,10.64% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.20" for 100 yr event Inflow=7.72 cfs @ 12.59 hrs, Volume=0.861 af Outflow=7.72 cfs @ 12.59 hrs, Volume=0.861 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Summary for Pond 2P: Infil. Basin Inflow Area =7.950 ac,9.06% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.05" for 100 yr event Inflow=7.97 cfs @ 12.55 hrs, Volume=1.355 af Outflow=7.83 cfs @ 12.61 hrs, Volume=1.355 af, Atten= 2%, Lag= 3.7 min Discarded=0.60 cfs @ 11.74 hrs, Volume=0.636 af Primary=7.23 cfs @ 12.61 hrs, Volume=0.719 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 984.63' @ 12.61 hrs Surf.Area= 2,943 sf Storage= 5,695 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 32.8 min calculated for 1.355 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 32.8 min ( 921.0 - 888.2 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #1982.00'6,830 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 982.001,43000 984.002,5403,9703,970 985.003,1802,8606,830 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary980.00'15.0" Round Culvert L= 28.0' CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 980.00' / 978.00' S= 0.0714 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior, Flow Area= 1.23 sf #2Device 1983.50'27.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #3Discarded982.00'0.60 cfs Exfiltration at all elevations Phase-In= 0.01' Discarded OutFlow Max=0.60 cfs @ 11.74 hrs HW=982.04' (Free Discharge) 3=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.60 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=7.23 cfs @ 12.61 hrs HW=984.63' TW=0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Passes 7.23 cfs of 11.82 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 7.23 cfs @ 3.62 fps) Summary for Pond 3P: culvert Inflow Area =7.450 ac,8.32% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.03" for 100 yr event Inflow=7.76 cfs @ 12.50 hrs, Volume=1.261 af Outflow=7.67 cfs @ 12.56 hrs, Volume=1.261 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 3.3 min Primary=7.67 cfs @ 12.56 hrs, Volume=1.261 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 2.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Type II 24-hr 100 yr Rainfall=6.00"13-0545 PROP Printed 1/29/2014Prepared by Otto Associates, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. Page 13HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03113 © 2012 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Peak Elev= 985.44' @ 12.57 hrs Surf.Area= 584 sf Storage= 550 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 0.8 min calculated for 1.261 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 0.8 min ( 890.3 - 889.5 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #1983.50'929 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 983.50000 984.001353434 986.00760895929 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary983.50'18.0" Round Culvert L= 55.0' CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 983.50' / 982.00' S= 0.0273 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior, Flow Area= 1.77 sf Primary OutFlow Max=7.67 cfs @ 12.56 hrs HW=985.44' TW=984.62' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 7.67 cfs @ 4.34 fps)