Stormwater Summary HYDROLOGY REPORT FOR BOULDER COVE Chanhassen, Minnesota February 13, 2014 Otto Project No. 14-0105 Prepared for: Lennar Corporation Prepared by: 9 WEST DIVISION STREET - BUFFALO, MN 55313 - (763) 682-4727 - FAX (763) 682-3522 Volume Control Narrative BOULDER COVE Lennar Corp. The existing soils on this property have been determined to be a limiting factor in meeting the one inch volume abstraction requirement. Braun Intertec’s soil borings indicate type D soils throughout the site (refer to attached Geotechnical Evaluation Report). Two of the borings show a layer of type B soils above type D soils; One in the location of the proposed wet pond and the other near the proposed filtration basin. In comparison to the 2005 multi-family development approval, this single-family plan is showing the proposed street pulled further south to expand the northern basin area. The intent was to provide infiltration in the north-central portion of the site where the type B soil was found in boring #5. In October of 2013, an additional test pit was taken in the proposed basin to determine the feasibility of infiltration. The results indicate that the infiltration rate would be on the order of 0.06 inches per hour for the area. (refer to attached letter by Braun Intertec dated October 31, 2013) Once it became evident that infiltration on the site is infeasible, Lennar stepped up their landscaping design in an effort to provide additional volume abstraction. They are proposing 124 new trees in addition to other plantings throughout the site. They are also preserving the existing berm and trees along the north side of the site. We are proposing a filtration basin and wet pond to meet the phosphorus calculations. BOULDER COVE Lennar Corporation Otto Project No. 14-0105 February 12, 2014 Volume Abstraction 1" Volume Abstraction = 1" x 3.4 acres = 12,342 CF Minimum Volume Abstraction required = 0.5" x 3.4 acres = 6,171 CF Proposed Filtration Basin Volume Below Overflow = 13,687 CF Proposed Volume Abstraction = 13,687 CF ÷ 2 = 7,178 CF Tree Preservation AV = 53,713 SF preserved x 0.10 x 1" = 448 CF Planting of New Trees SpeciesNo. Avg % Interceptor Maple368 Linden712 Oak610 Evergreen4410 Ornamental3110 AV = (0.5)(%I)(Canopy Area) x 1 inch Per City Code: 1 Tree = 1,089 SF Canopy AV = 536 CF Total Proposed AV = 8,162 CF (0.66" of Rainfall Over Site) BOULDER COVE Lennar Corporation Otto Project No. 13-0425 February 3, 2014 Phosphorus Calculations (per Appendix L of MN Stormwater Manual ) L = PRvCA(0.2) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009I I = % Impervious Lpre =26 (0.05 + 0.009 x 9.72)(0.3)(13.38)(0.2)=2.87lb/yr Lpost =26 (0.05 + 0.009 x 25.41)(0.3)(13.38)(0.2)=5.82lb/yr Removals:LR = (Lpost)(BMPre)(%DA served) LR bio:(5.82)(0.5)(0.30) = 0.87 lb/yr LR wet pond:(5.82-0.87)(0.5)(0.89) = 2.20 lb/yr Total Lpost =5.82-0.87-2.20 =2.75lb/yr SUMMARY Runoff (cfs) · AREA TO NORTH 2 Year 10 Year 100 Year Existing 2.80 6.03 9.81 Proposed 2.71 4.92 8.25 · AREA TO WEST 2 Year 10 Year 100 Year Existing 6.42 12.00 23.65 Proposed 2.61 6.78 21.41