Narrative 02-14-2014OFC'-&, -&, R. -NED Boulder Cove Community Narrative C Ee,2o13 Chanhassen, MN �`iM1M <sSEL� PIApiNIN3 +7FaY I. Location The Boulder Cove property (site) is located in the City of Chanhassen, MN along Highway 7 (HWY 7) between Church Road and Shorewood Oaks Drive. West 62nd street is located to the north of the site. Refer to the location map below. II. Context The Boulder Cove site is currently vacant. The property was used for agricultural purposes until the late 1990s and was later occupied by a landscaping com any until approximately late 2006 or early 2007 Old equipment, dilapidated structures, and debris such as chunks of concrete, asphalt, scrap metal and wood have been left on -site. Single family homes border the subject property to the north. HWY 7 and single family homes border the site to the south, and single family homes also border the site to the east and west. The property that borders the site to the north is located in Shorewood, MN and contains Single Family residences. The zoning classification for the Boulder Cove property is RLM- Residential Low and Medium Density with a Comprehensive Plan land 1 use of Residential Low Density. Properties to the south, east and west are zoned RSF- Single Family Residential with Comprehensive Plan Land Uses of Residential Low Density. Ill. Development Description General Overview Lennar is pleased to submit an application for subdivision of the Boulder Cove site into 31 single - family lots with a proposed landscaped buffer along the northern and southern edges to provide visual and noise reduction screening. It is Lennar's intent to clean up waste that has been left behind prior to beginning construction of single family homes. Outlot A includes a tot lot while preserving a large specimen oak tree located in the southwestern portion of the site. Outlots B and C provide seasonal drainage areas. Phasing is to be done in one stage, as shown on the proposed preliminary plat. Access & Traffic Access to the Boulder Cove neighborhood will be provided through a paved local street that terminates in a cul -de -sac. The proposed local street extends from West 62nd Street, the community's northern border. The proposed local road ends in a cul -de -sac and the roadway itself exceeds the City's standard length of 800' for a cul -de -sac. A variance is being requested for the length of the local road and is explained in more detail below. According to the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition, a single - family home produces approximately 9.52 vehicular trips per day. The proposed Boulder Cove Neighborhood would produce approximately 295 additional vehicular trips, which is less than the 371 daily vehicular trips that would have been produced by the previously- approved 39 -lot subdivision. Open Space Lennar recognizes the importance of integrated open space planning. Open space is provided for functional and passive use. Three outlots totaling 3.20 acres are proposed, constituting approximately 24% of the site. Outlot A contains a tot lot or pocket park for use by residents. Outlots B and C provide seasonal drainage basins and landscaped amenities with visual appeal. Landscaped buffers are provided along West 62nd Street and HWY 7 to provide visual and noise reduction screening from the residences to the north and the highway to the south. Sewer & Water Service Boulder Cove is located in the MW -1 sub - district of the Minnewashta Sewer District. Existing infrastructure includes the MCES Shorewood Interceptor that runs adjacent to the property within HWY 7. City Sanitary Sewer lines are located along the northern side of the site within West 62nd Avenue. It is anticipated that the proposed community will tie into and be served by the existing sewer and water system infrastructure in the area. 2 IV. Design Review Lennar prides itself on our home designs. With five series of homes, and 6 to 14 models and floor plans in each series, coupled with hundreds of exterior and interior options, each home feels custom - designed by the owner while still meeting local requirements for setbacks, E'= architectural colors and materials, and landscaping and hardscape elements within the community. Lennar has successfully constructed several communities within the City of Chanhassen. Among these communities are Pinehurst, Camden Ridge, and Reflections. The vision for Boulder Cove would include similar architectural styling and exterior treatment to Reflections. Lennar's Landmark Series is anticipated for the Boulder Cove neighborhood. This series consists of 13 floor plans with typically 4 bedrooms, 2 to 4 bathrooms, and 3 car garages. Anticipated price points would be in the low to mid $400,000 range. Colors consist of warm earth tones like greys, beiges and browns, or neat, clean solids, such as reds or whites. High quality materials will be used on the exteriors. The materials may consist of a variety of stone, brick, or wood composites. These composites allow for a natural looking finish while providing maximum durability to withstand the elements over the life of the home. Some of the architectural accents included are porch pilasters, accented shutters and fascia boards, soffit eaves, decorative brackets, accented trim, and dormers. Samples of our house plans are included in this submittal. Please note this sampling does not constitute all plans that will be available to consumers. V. Land Use & Conformance Analysis Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Designation of the Boulder Cove Site is Residential Low Density, which consists of low- density, single - family detached housing. Page 2 -3 of the Comprehensive Plan states that net densities within this category range from 1.2 to 4.0 du /ac. There are several zoning applications within the low density category including RSF, R -4, RLM, and PUD -R. The proposed site plan has a net density of 3.05 du /ac, which implements the Comprehensive Plan density for this land use designation. The Comprehensive Plan also lists goals and policies regarding new development within Chanhassen. The goals and policies directly implemented by the proposed community are discussed below. Chapter 2 — Land Use Goal: Achieve a mixture of development which will assure a high quality of life and a reliable tax base. 3 Policy: Encourage low density residential development in appropriate areas of the community in a manner that reinforces the character and integrity of existing single - family neighborhoods while promoting the establishment of new neighborhoods of similar beauty. Implementation: The proposed Boulder Cove neighborhood will directly implement this Land Use Goal. The density of 3.05 du /ac implements the density designated in the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. Prior to construction of homes, the site would be improved and the existing structures removed, cleaning up a trespass problem. Vegetated buffers along the northern and southern sides of the community would promote the establishment of this new neighborhood while utilizing an infill parcel within the City that is well - placed between various lake communities. Chapter 4 — Housing Goal: Provide housing opportunities for all residents, consistent with the identified community goals: • Accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental, and location of housing within the community. • A variety of housing types for all people in all stages of the life cycle • A community of well- maintained housing and neighborhoods, including ownership and rental housing • Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs Implementation: Boulder Cove will directly implement the housing goals listed above. Homes will be available to all persons for purchase regardless of racial or ethnic background. With a $400k price point, the anticipated homes will target the first -time move -up buyer in a community adjacent to Lake Minnetonka, Lake Virigina, and Lake Minnewashta. Homes will be located within the Minnetonka School District. A Homeowners Association will be created to maintain the open space areas to ensure that the integrity of the community is maintained. Consistent with Comprehensive Plan policy, the proposed layout and lot configuration respects the natural environment of the community and does not encroach into natural resources or physical features. This has been achieved through the provision of several outlots that provide drainage basin spaces and some passive open space for use by residents within the neighborhood. A large specimen oak tree is also being preserved. Prior to constructing the proposed neighborhood, all existing structures will be removed, resulting in an environmental improvement on -site. The Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan specifically states on page 4 -3 that the largest household type in the City is a family household — a married couple with children. The desire for family households is driving the demand for the detached single - family homes in Chanhassen. Based on the City's location in eastern Carver County and access to employment centers, family housing will continue to have a strong demand. Furthermore, page 4 -6 states that over half of the City's Housing stock is more than 20 years old. Page 4 -10 notes that the City has less than 1,000 acres of residential land left for development. It is anticipated that the majority of the residential land will be developed by 2020, and the growth between 2020 and 2030 will be infill M development. The Comprehensive Plan suggests that there is demand for for -sale housing within the City of Chanhassen that will remain through 2030. As an infill lot, the community has been planned to establish a new neighborhood while taking design site constraints into consideration. The Boulder Cove neighborhood adds 31 more single - family detached homes to the City of Chanhassen on an infill property that is currently littered with trash, debris, old equipment, and dilapidated structures. Prior to construction of homes, the property would be cleaned, resulting in a visually appealing neighborhood in this area of Chanhassnen. It is the City's goal to provide a variety of housing types while promoting the integration of life -cycle housing opportunities throughout the community. Lennar would like to introduce our NextGen Series to the City of Chanhassen. This revolutionary series is a multi - generational home plan designed specifically to accommodate two adult generations living under one roof with privacy and convenience. This new home allows for a separate first floor living space that includes its own entrance, living area, kitchenette, attached laundry, and garage. It is not a detached guesthouse or simply an extra bedroom, but a separate space to be locked from the main house, or to offer easy access depending on family needs. This could include care for elderly family members, care for children with disabilities, or visiting family members such as college students or guests traveling from abroad. The result is a 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom home that creatively satisfies a variety of housing needs while fitting with the architectural styling and development regulations of the neighborhood. Chapter 6 — Parks and Open Space Goal: Provide a balanced park system which includes neighborhood parks, community parks, special use facilities, preserve areas, regional facilities and schools. Goal: Create a city -wide trail and sidewalk system that connects neighborhoods to parks, schools, and other community destinations. Implementation: The proposed site plan for Boulder Cove will directly implement the goal above. Three outlots are proposed within the neighborhood, totaling 3.20 acres in seasonal drainage basins and passive open space while preserving a specimen oak tree. Outlot A includes a tot lot /playground area in the southwest corner of the site, and outlots B and C provide seasonal drainage. Although the open space and drainage areas may not be counted by the City as open space, the proposed 3.20 acres of open space constitutes 24% of land that makes up the community. The proposed open spaces preserve existing vegetation, protect natural resources and provide residents with access to existing natural areas close to home, all while maintaining buffers between existing neighborhoods. A sidewalk is also provided along Strawberry Court which facilitates pedestrian access up to 62nd Street West. Chapter 7 — Transportation Goal: To create an integrated multi -modal transportation system which permits safe, efficient and effective movement of people and goods while supporting the City's development plans, and complementing the metropolitan transportation system that lies within its boundaries. 61 Roadway Policy 2: New roadway facilities should be constructed in conjunction with new developments and designed according to the intended function. They should be planned and designed to be compatible with the surrounding environment. Roadway Policy 4: Residential street systems should be designed to discourage cut -thru traffic, to promote the connection of neighborhoods, and to be compatible with other transportation modes including transit, bicycle and walking. Subdivisions: As a part of platting, each development should provide dedication and improvement of public streets consistent with the standards found in city ordinances. The city will promote the provision of street and pedestrian connections to maximize safety and ease of access. Buffers: Sufficient setbacks and /or berming should be designed into all development projects adjacent to major public roadways. Neighborhoods: It is the City's policy to require interconnections between neighborhoods through the construction of local streets to foster a sense of community, to improve safety, and to provide convenient access for residents Implementation: The proposed neighborhood at Boulder Cove will directly implement the transportation goal and policies above. A local road is proposed for access connecting to 62 n Street to the north. The local road is designed to meet City requirements, resulting in safe, efficient, and effective access and mobility for future residents. Because it is designed to meet City requirements, it is compatible with the existing roadway network in the area. The proposed local street terminates in a cul -de -sac, serving only the homes at Boulder Cove. Boulder Cove will eliminate 2 existing connections to HWY 7. It will also result in 8 less units from the previous approval resulting in 76 fewer daily vehicular trips than the 39 -lot subdivision that was previously approved. The local street also includes a sidewalk for pedestrian access throughout the neighborhood. Buffers are located on the northern and southern sides of the community to provide privacy. Homes on the south side of the community are also located closer towards the front of the lots along Strawberry Court to allow for a larger rear setback and buffer area backing up to HWY 7. A 6 -foot privacy fence will also be installed along HWY 7. Zoning The Boulder Cove site has a zoning classification of RLM (Residential Low and Medium Density). The intent of the "RLM" District is to provide for single - family attached or detached residential development on land guided residential —low or medium density in the city's comprehensive plan with a maximum net density of eight units per acre. Compliance with development regulations for single family residences within the RLM Zone are shown below: 3 Lot Requirements and Setbacks Boulder Cove Zoning Code 20-645 Compliance Minimum lot area : 9000 sf Q Minimum lot frontage: 50 feet Q Minimum lot depth: 110 sf Q Maximum lot coverage: 35% Q Setbacks: - Front Yards: 25 feet - Rear Yards: 25 feet Q - Side yards: 5 feet garage side; 10 feet house side - Minimum separation between structures: 15 feet Maximum Height: 35 feet Q The proposed subdivision map for the Boulder Cove site implements these development regulations. All lots exceed the 9,000 square foot minimum lot size, and 65 -foot lots are proposed. All lots are deeper than 110 square feet and impervious site coverage is below the 35% maximum. A spreadsheet is included with this submittal package. Proposed building areas meet all required setbacks and proposed homes are 2- stories, which is beneath the 35 -foot height limit. Variance A variance is being requested to allow for a road longer than 800' because the site is constrained due to shape, size, and proximity to a major highway. Pursuant to City Code Section 20 -58, the request for a variance complies with the findings in the following ways: • The variance would allow for development consistent with the spirit and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. • The site is constrained; practical difficulties include access, soils that make development challenging, shallow groundwater depths, and the overall size and shape of the site. • The requested variation is not based on economic considerations alone; the variance for the proposed access road is due to the fact that that Minnesota Department of Transportation will not approve an access point on to a highway (HWY 7). Boulder Cove also eliminates two existing connections onto HWY 7. • The constraints of the site are not due to circumstances beyond owner control, nor were the constraints created by the current land owner. • The variance, if granted, will not alter the character of the locality; it would allow for a neighborhood on an infill piece of property and the property that will be cleaned prior to construction of proposed homes. VI. Summary Lennar has historically worked successfully with Chanhassen City staff to deliver several notable communities within the City. We look forward to working closely with City staff on this opportunity and eliminating blighted land while establishing another community that both the City of Chanhassen and Lennar can be proud of. 7