PC Minutes 02-18-2014Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING: TH LAKESIDE 8 ADDITION – PLANNING CASE 2014-04: REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION OF TH .2338 ACRES OF PROPERTY (REPLAT OF LOTS 1-3, BLOCK 3, LAKESIDE 7 ADDITION) INTO TWO (2) LOTS; AND A SITE PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE A THREE-UNIT TOWNHOUSE TO A TWINHOME ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL (PUD-R) AND LOCATED AT 35, 45 AND 55 RILEY CURVE, TH LAKESIDE 8 ADDITION. APPLICANT: RON CLARK CONSTRUCTION (REC, INC.) Generous: Thank you Chairman Aller, commissioners. This is just a slightly more complicated project. th It’s a Lakeside 8 Addition. They’re replatting three lots into two and they’re amending the site plan so that they have a two unit building instead of a three unit building within the project. This property is located on Riley Curve within Chanhassen which is on the north side of Lake Riley. This is the last, the th 7 Addition was the last phase of this project that was platted. As you can see the three unit structure was right adjacent to the internal private street system. They’re proposing to go the two unit structure in two lots. Again they’re replatting three lots into two and they’re amending the site plan to change a three unit structure to two unit structure. This shows how the plat, they have the three lots currently. They’re going to add a new lot line in there and vacate the existing one. There’s no drainage and utility easements within, internal to the plat. They’re all outside so there was no vacation required as part of this. The site plan, the structures get a little bigger because they’re a two unit structure instead of the three unit structure. Slightly narrower on the entire site and complies with all the other setback requirements. The grading plan, this will be a lookout unit so about 7 feet of the lower level will be exposed and then they’ll have a, on the building elevation you can see. This is the lookout level and then they’ll have the main level slightly up, 7 feet above grade. Continues a lot of the same material elements from the rest of the project. Slightly different elevation from some of the other buildings in there so. And again this is what thth the overall 7 Addition with the new 8 Addition will look like so again instead of having a three unit structure like this, they’re having a two unit. Staff is recommending approval of the subdivision and the amendment to the site plan for a two unit building and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Aller: I’m going to ask you the same question Bob with regard to hard cover and water, potential problems or lack of problems. There’s no impact? Generous: There’s no, actually there’s a little reduction in the hard cover but minimal. This is a planned development. We looked at the entire project all the way up to the lakes so. Aller: And as a practical matter they’re just shifting the use of the space into two. Generous: Right. Aller: Consolidating. Generous: And the applicant is here tonight so he can go into that further if he likes. Aller: Any additional questions based on the report? Weick: Is it here because it was approved with three? Generous: Yes. It was 3 lots and administratively we couldn’t change those lot lines. Weick: Okay. 3 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2014 Aller: Okay. If the applicant wants to come forward he can do so at this time. If not, that’s fine as well. Welcome sir. If you could state your name and address for the record. Mike Roebuck: Mike Roebuck, Ron Clark Construction. 16431 Highland Circle in Lakeville, Minnesota. Aller: Welcome. Mike Roebuck: Good evening. Just I’m here for any questions. I think Bob kind of explained our reasoning. Get a little more side yard and the two unit building fits the lot a little bit better than the three did. Aller: Is this primarily market driven? You just think it will market better as a larger unit or is it? Mike Roebuck: Yeah it’s really just I guess a combination of that. Just the building fits. We kind of had it squeezed in there pretty tight so this gives us a little more green space and gives us the ability to enlarge a few rooms than the previous design. Aller: Great. Any other questions of the applicant? Yusuf: Bob I think you mentioned that it will look different from the other houses in the same development, right? Will it be significantly different? Mike Roebuck: Actually it looks pretty much the same as the three unit building right across the street. Yusuf: Okay. Mike Roebuck: It’s the same style as that. The other buildings, the other twinhomes we built out there were a little bit different but as far as the building right across the street, pretty much the same. Yusuf: Okay, thank you. Aller: Great. Thank you sir. We appreciate you coming in. Mike Roebuck: Thank you. Aller: With that we’ll open the public hearing portion of the meeting. Again anyone wishing to speak for or against the request being made before us tonight, please come forward to do so. Seeing no one I will close the public hearing portion of the meeting. Open it to comments. Any additional comments? Weick: No. Aller: Looks good. It’s consistent with the other plan. With that I’ll entertain a motion. Yusuf: I’ll make the motion. Aller: Okay. Yusuf: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating two lots out of three lots and an amendment to the site plan to permit a two unit structure in place of the three unit structure, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 4 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2014 Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Hokkanen: I’ll second. Aller: Having a motion and a second, any further discussion? Yusuf moved, Hokkanen seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating two lots out of three lots and an amendment to the site plan to permit a two unit structure in place of the three unit structure, and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation subject to the following conditions: Subdivision th 1. The development shall comply with the conditions of approval for the Lakeside 7 Addition. 2. The reduction of one lot will require that the City process a $1,400 credit in park fees. Site Plan 1. Buildings over 9,250 square feet in area (floor area to include all floors, basements and garages) must be protected with an automatic fire protection system. 2. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 3. Retaining walls over four feet high require a design by a professional engineer, a building permit, inspections and final approval. 4. Walls and projections within five feet of property lines are required to be of one-hour fire- resistive construction. 5. Buildings are required to be designed by an architect and engineer (licensed in the State of Minnesota) as determined by the Building Official. 6. The developer and/or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 7. The site plan shall comply with the conditions of approval granted in conjunction with Lakeside th 7 Addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hokkanen noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated January 7, 2014 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE AND FUTURE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEMS. Aanenson: Thank you Chair, members of the commission. We did not have a meeting the last time so some of our items haven’t gone to council because there’s been a bit of a lag time there so for the January th 27 one we did look at the Interim Use for the parking lot construction so that’s one item that has gone forward. Just for your information too, with the water tower that’s up there, I’m not sure if you’re aware of that. So the water tower that we toured, the new water tower. So the utilities on the old water tower are being moved over, except for the AT&T. They’re doing a temporary structure there so that will be on the middle school site and once the tower is down, which should be happening sometime here in the next 5