CC Work Session Minutes 02-10-2014 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 10, 2014 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilwoman Ernst, and Councilman Laufenburger STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, and Todd Hoffman TH 101 MINNESOTA RIVER CROSSING & CSAH 61 (FLYING CLOUD DRIVE): UPDATE. One of the Key Financial Strategies for this year is keeping the council updated on the river crossing project. Paul Oehme provided an update on the road design. Councilman Laufenburger asked where the muck that’s being dug up will be going. Mayor Furlong asked about the creek culvert, and an update on Hennepin County’s CSAH 61 road project. Paul Oehme continued discussing construction phasing, landscaping plan for the roundabout, street lighting on the bridge, roundabouts and intersections. Mayor Furlong thanked staff for including stormwater ponding as an irrigation source with this project. Paul Oehme showed the entrance monument associated with the roundabout, landscaping plan for the Bluff Creek Drive roundabout, retaining wall on CSAH 61, project cost estimates for the different funding sources, and project schedule with completion by Fall of 2015. Councilman Laufenburger asked what will happen to the current causeway and what will happen downstream when the causeway is gone. UPDATE ON CHANHASSEN PIONEER CEMETERY DEVELOPMENT. Kate Aanenson provided an update on planning and surveying work that’s been done to date, which has been delayed due to weather, clarifying boundaries prior to a neighborhood meeting showing the site plan. Mayor Furlong noted the need to save trees but also making the site functional at the same time. Council and staff discussed the number and design of the columbarium. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked if the residents’ parking concerns were being addressed. Councilwoman Ernst asked about meeting ADA requirements and capacity. DISCUSS LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR CARVER COUNTY’S APPLICATION FOR RESILIENT COMMUNITIES PROJECT. Todd Gerhardt provided background information on the University of Minnesota project and Kate Aanenson provided an overview of the partnership between the University and Carver County which allows students and faculty from across the university to collaborate and study projects through their coursework. The City of Chanhassen’s portion of the application is regarding the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Mayor Furlong asked if the financial contribution goes to students. Council members discussed the benefits of being involved with this project. Council concurred to authorize the City Manager to send a letter of support. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 6:35 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim