Lyman Boulevard Phase 3 Permit Update 02-26-2014 Memorandum SRF No. 0076098 3040 To: Terrance Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen From: Matthew Meyer, Senior Environmental Scientist Nathen Will, Senior Associate Date: February 26, 2014 Subject: CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Phase 3 Wetland Permitting Update for Wetland 1A Introduction This memorandum transmits updated information and attachments to address the Technical Evaluation Panel’s (TEP) comments related to the secondary impacts associated with Wetland 1A, and to provide supportive evidence for the maintenance of hydrology, including the avoidance of secondary impacts to the remaining project wetlands. Wetland 1A Secondary Impacts As part of this project, the existing CSAH 18 roadway profile is being lowered approximately 6 feet to improve sightlines and safety at the intersection of Sunset Trail which includes the private driveway adjacent to Wetlands W-1A and W-1B. This profile adjustment is reflected in the attached cross sections, which show the proposed grading along entire CSAH 18 project. Refer to cross sections from Station 216+50 to Station 217+50 (Plan Sheets 204 and 205 – Appendix B) for the proposed grading impacts and driveway profile as compared to the existing ground line. The proposed grade changes associated with the driveway approach at Station 216+70 RT (eastbound CSAH 18) has the potential to reduce hydrology to the remaining 0.12 acres of Wetland W-1A; creating a secondary impact. As a result of grade changes on the south-side of Wetland W- 1A, the basin is considered to be impacted in entirety due to hydrology alterations that will likely drain the remaining portion of Wetland W-1A. Impacts have been revised in Table 1 (below). The additional mitigation is not necessitated by safety, and will be purchased from wetland bank number 1392 by Carver County. Hydrologic Maintenance of Project Wetlands Wetland 2 – The existing hydrology will be maintained to this wetland by perpetuating flow from the existing drainage area north of CSAH 18 and west of Sunset Trail under CSAH 18 through a cross culvert pipe at Station 209+60 constructed to match the existing culvert invert elevations. Surface flow to this wetland will continue from the adjacent farm field south of CSAH 18. Wetlands W-14, Bluff Creek and W-19 – The existing hydrology at these wetlands will be mostly unaffected by the project other than the proposed fill needed to construct the roadway which is impacting the wetlands. Refer to the attached construction plan sheets and cross sections for grading impacts. Table 1: Revised Wetland Impacts Wetland ID, Topographic Setting 1/4 1/4 Sec. (T116N, R23W) Type: Eggers & Reed/ Circ 39 Predominant Vegetation Total wetland area (ac) Permanent Roadway Impacts Temporary Roadway Impacts W-1A NE SW 23 Shallow marsh/3 Cattail 0.14 0.14 ac 0.00 ac W-1B NE SW 23 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass 0.06 0.06 ac 0.00 ac W-2 NE SE 22 NW SW 23 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, willow, common buckthorn, 0.8 0.8 ac 0.06 ac W-10, tributary SW NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, cattail >20 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-11, Flow- through SE NE 22 Shallow marsh/3 Reed canary grass, cattail >5 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-12, Isolated SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Diverse sedges, grasses, forbs 0.2 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-13, Isolated SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Cattail, sedges, forbs <0.1 0.00 ac 0.00 ac Bluff Creek SE NE, NE SE 22 N/A Reed canary grass >20 0.13ac * 0.00 ac W-14, Flow- through SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, green bulrush, sedge >5 0.86 ac 0.09 ac W-18, tributary SW NW 23 Seasonally flooded basin/1L Box elder, maple, buckthorn 0.2 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-19 NE SW 23 Seasonally flooded basin/1L Green ash >0.3 0.01 0.00 ac Total Permanent impacts (2.00 ac) Total Temporary impacts (0.15 ac) 0.15 ac Restored to pre- construction conditions * Proposed impacts at the edge of Bluff Creek consist of replacing culverts, grading, rock rip rap lining for outfall of culverts within actual channel north and south of Lyman Boulevard. Channel cross-section characteristics will be modified to accommodate the realigned culverts. Note: Shading = revised numbers from previous submittal. Wetland Mitigation Update A total of 2.00 acres of permanent wetland impact and 0.15 acres of temporary impact are proposed as a result of the roadway reconstruction. Of the 2.00 acres of impact, 0.33 acres are permanent and safety-related and 1.67 acres are not eligible for safety credits. Table 2 below summarizes the proposed mitigation strategies for each wetland identified along this project. Table 2: Summary of Proposed Wetland Mitigation for Each Wetland Impact within Project Area Wetland ID Safety-related Wetland Impacts (acre) Required Mitigation (2:1) from BWSR Road Replacement Program (acre) Non Safety-Related Wetland Impacts Outside Safety Improvements (acre) Required Mitigation (2:1) from Private Wetland Bank Credit Purchase (acre) W-1A 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.28 W1-B 0.06 0.12 0.00 Self-mitigating ditch(1) W-2 0.09 0.18 0.71 1.42 W-14 0.05 0.1 0.81 1.62 W-19 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 Bluff Creek 0.13 0.26 0.00 0.00 Total Wetland Impacts (acre) Safety-Related: 0.33 acres 0.66 acres Non Safety-Related: 1.67 acres 3.34 acres (1) This existing wetland ditch meets the three parameters of wetlands. The proposed roadway improvement will re-establish a similar ditch that will be re-seeded with an appropriate wetland seed mix. On behalf of the Carver County Public Works, we request the WCA LGU to notice the revised wetland impacts, and associated information to the members of the TEP including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Appendices List: Appendix A – Revised Wetland Figures Appendix B – Plan sheets and Cross Sections Appendix A: Revised Wetland Figures • Figure 3B Plan Sheet with Wetland Impacts W-14 (SEE 3A)WETLAND 2(SEE 3A) WE T L A N D 1 A 0. 1 4 A C . ( N O N - S A F E T Y ) WE T L A N D 1 B 0. 0 6 A C . ( S A F E T Y ) W- # # SP - # # H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-02Job # 6098-P32/11/2014 - 1:54PMREVISED 2/11/14 WETLAND I M P A C T S CSAH 18 FR O M A U D U B O N R O A D T O P O W E R S B O U L E V A R D Fi g u r e 3 B MATCH LINE MATCH LINE S.P. 010-618-0 1 3 / S . P . 0 1 0 - 6 1 7 - 0 2 0 / S . P . 1 9 4 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 9 CARVER COUN T Y Appendix B: Plan Sheets and Cross Sections