Geotechnical Evaluation Report 01-27-2014 Table of Contents Description Page A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 A.1. Project Description .............................................................................................................. 1 A.2. Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 1 A.3. Background Information and Reference Documents .......................................................... 1 A.4. Site Conditions..................................................................................................................... 1 A.5. Scope of Services ................................................................................................................. 1 B. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 2 B.1. Exploration Logs .................................................................................................................. 2 B.1.a. Log of Boring Sheets ............................................................................................... 2 B.1.b. Geologic Origins ..................................................................................................... 2 B.2. Geologic Profile ................................................................................................................... 2 B.2.a. Geologic Materials ................................................................................................. 2 B.2.b. Groundwater .......................................................................................................... 3 B.3. Laboratory Test Results ....................................................................................................... 3 C. Basis for Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 3 C.1. Design Details ...................................................................................................................... 3 C.1.a. Building Structure Loads ........................................................................................ 3 C.1.b. Pavements and Traffic Loads ................................................................................. 4 C.1.c. Anticipated Grade Changes .................................................................................... 4 C.1.d. Precautions Regarding Changed Information ........................................................ 4 C.2. Design and Construction Considerations ............................................................................ 4 D. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 4 D.1. Building and Pavement Subgrade Preparation ................................................................... 4 D.1.a. Excavations ............................................................................................................. 4 D.1.b. Excavation Dewatering ........................................................................................... 5 D.1.c. Selecting Excavation Backfill and Additional Required Fill ..................................... 5 D.1.d. Placement and Compaction of Backfill and Fill ...................................................... 6 D.2. Spread Footings ................................................................................................................... 6 D.2.a. Embedment Depth ................................................................................................. 6 D.2.b. Subgrade Improvement ......................................................................................... 6 D.2.c. Net Allowable Bearing Pressure ............................................................................. 6 D.2.d. Settlement .............................................................................................................. 6 D.3. Basement Walls ................................................................................................................... 7 D.3.a. Drainage Control .................................................................................................... 7 D.3.b. Selection, Placement and Compaction of Backfill .................................................. 7 D.3.c. Configuring and Resisting Lateral Loads................................................................. 8 D.4. Interior Slabs ....................................................................................................................... 9 Table of Contents (continued) Description Page D.4.a. Moisture Vapor Protection .................................................................................... 9 D.4.b. Radon ..................................................................................................................... 9 D.5. Exterior Slabs ....................................................................................................................... 9 D.6. Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 11 D.6.a. Subgrade Stabilization .......................................................................................... 11 D.6.b. Corrosion Potential .............................................................................................. 11 D.7. Construction Quality Control ............................................................................................ 11 D.7.a. Excavation Observations ...................................................................................... 11 D.7.b. Materials Testing .................................................................................................. 11 D.7.c. Cold Weather Precautions ................................................................................... 11 E. Procedures...................................................................................................................................... 12 E.1. Penetration Test Borings ................................................................................................... 12 E.2. Material Classification and Testing ................................................................................... 12 E.2.a. Visual and Manual Classification .......................................................................... 12 E.2.b. Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................... 12 E.3. Groundwater Measurements ............................................................................................ 12 F. Qualifications .................................................................................................................................. 12 F.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................. 12 F.1.a. Material Strata ..................................................................................................... 12 F.1.b. Groundwater Levels ............................................................................................. 13 F.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility .......................................................................... 13 F.2.a. Plan Review .......................................................................................................... 13 F.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing ............................................................... 13 F.3. Use of Report..................................................................................................................... 13 F.4. Standard of Care ................................................................................................................ 13 Appendix Boring Location Sketch Log of Boring Sheets, ST-1 through ST-5 Descriptive Terminology A. Introduction A.1. Project Description Dogwood Road, LLC is planning to develop the west portion of the Westwood Church property into 5 single-family house lots. These lots will be serviced by the existing street, Dogwood Road. A new sediment pond or infiltration basin is also planned on the north end of this site. A.2. Purpose The purpose of our evaluation was to assist you and your design team in evaluating the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions with regard to design and construction of the new single-family housing development. A.3. Background Information and Reference Documents To facilitate our evaluation, we were provided with or reviewed the following information or documents:  Available public aerial photographs showing the existing site conditions.  Geologic atlas showing the general soil types present in this area.  Preliminary site plan prepared by Otto Associates showing the proposed development. A.4. Site Conditions Most of this part of the site is heavily wooded with surface elevations at the borings ranging from about 992 at the north end to about elevation 1014 at the south end. A.5. Scope of Services Our scope of services for this project was originally submitted January 2, 2014 as a Proposal to Mr. Todd Simning of Dogwood Road, LLC. The proposal was authorized by Mr. Simning on January 2, 2014. Tasks performed in accordance with our authorized scope of services included:  Staking the proposed boring locations.  Clearing exploration locations of public underground utilities. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 2  Performing 5 penetration test borings to nominal depths of 20 feet below grade.  Performing laboratory tests on selected penetration test samples.  Preparing this report containing a boring location sketch, exploration logs, a summary of the geologic materials encountered, results of laboratory tests, and recommendations for structure subgrade preparation and the design of the proposed residential development. Our services were performed under the terms of our general conditions dated September 1, 2013. B. Results B.1. Exploration Logs B.1.a. Log of Boring Sheets Log of Boring sheets for our penetration test borings are included in the Appendix. The logs identify and describe the geologic materials that were penetrated, and present the results of penetration resistance data, laboratory tests performed on penetration test samples retrieved from them, and groundwater measurements. Strata boundaries were inferred from changes in the penetration test samples and the auger cuttings. Because sampling was not performed continuously, the strata boundary depths are only approximate. The boundary depths likely vary away from the boring locations, and the boundaries themselves may also occur as gradual rather than abrupt transitions. B.1.b. Geologic Origins Geologic origins assigned to the materials shown on the logs and referenced within this report were based on: (1) a review of the background information and reference documents cited above, (2) visual classification of the various geologic material samples retrieved during the course of our subsurface exploration, (3) penetration resistance data, (4) laboratory test results, and (5) available common knowledge of the geologic processes and environments that have impacted the site and surrounding area in the past. B.2. Geologic Profile B.2.a. Geologic Materials Based on the current soil borings, the general geologic profile at the site consists of topsoil at the surface followed by glacially deposited soil to the termination depths of the borings. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 3 The topsoil layer consisted of mostly organic clay and varied from about 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet thick. Below the topsoil, the borings encountered naturally deposited lean clay, lean clay with sand and sandy lean clay to the termination depths of the borings. Penetration resistance values recorded in the clay soils ranged from 11 to 20 blows per foot (BPF) corresponding to consistencies of rather stiff to very stiff. B.2.b. Groundwater While drilling, groundwater was not observed in any of the borings. Based on the borings, groundwater is likely present below the termination depths of our borings. Groundwater levels will vary over time and in response to climatic conditions. B.3. Laboratory Test Results The moisture contents of the selected clay soil samples tested were determined to vary from approximately 18 to 27 percent, indicating that these soils were mostly near or wetter than their probable optimum moisture contents. Pocket penetrometer tests were taken on select soil samples to estimate the unconfined compressive strengths of the soil samples tested. The results of these tests ranged from about 1 1/2 to 3 tons per square foot (tsf). The individual test results can be found in the right hand margin of various Log of Boring sheets, opposite the soil sample tested. C. Basis for Recommendations C.1. Design Details A single-family residential development is proposed to be constructed on the west end of the property currently owned by Westwood Church. The development will include 5 new single-family house lots as well as a sediment pond/infiltration basin in the north part of the site. The preliminary garage and basement elevations were not available at the time of this report. C.1.a. Building Structure Loads We have assumed that bearing wall loads associated with the proposed residential construction will range from 3 to 4 kips (3,000 to 4,000 pounds) per linear foot (klf) and column loads, if any, will be no greater than 75 kips per column. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 4 C.1.b. Pavements and Traffic Loads The new house lots, including underground water and sanitary sewer, will be accessed from the existing Dogwood Road. C.1.c. Anticipated Grade Changes Based on the surface elevations at the borings, the existing ground surface elevations range from about 993 to 1014. It is likely that most of these lots will only require a minimal amount of cutting or filling to prepare the building pads. Because these lots are heavily wooded, it is likely that the grading needed to prepare the house pads will be done on an individual, as-needed basis. C.1.d. Precautions Regarding Changed Information We have attempted to describe our understanding of the proposed construction to the extent it was reported to us by others. Depending on the extent of available information, assumptions may have been made based on our experience with similar projects. If we have not correctly recorded or interpreted the project details, we should be notified. New or changed information could require additional evaluation, analyses and/or recommendations. C.2. Design and Construction Considerations The geotechnical issues influencing design of the residential development appear to be limited. The geologic materials present below the topsoil generally appear suitable for support of conventional spread footings and grade-supported slabs. The topsoil is not suitable to support fill and houses and is also not suitable for use as engineered fill in the house pads and streets. D. Recommendations The following recommendations are based on the results of our soil borings and laboratory test results. D.1. Building and Pavement Subgrade Preparation D.1.a. Excavations We recommend removing the topsoil from beneath the proposed house pads and oversize areas. Based on the soil borings, excavation depths are expected to range from approximately 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet, however deeper soil correction efforts may be needed in other areas of the site not explored by our borings. Table 1 lists the recommended excavation depths at the individual boring locations. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 5 Table 1. Anticipated Excavation Depths for Residential Construction. Boring Surface Elevation (ft) Anticipated Depth of Excavation (ft) Approximate Bottom Elevation (ft) ST-1 992.7 2 1/4 990 1/2 ST-2 995.5 1 1/2 994 ST-3 1007.2 2 1005 ST-4 1010.3 1 1/3 1009 ST-5 1014.0 2 1012 Excavation depths will vary between the borings. Portions of the excavations may also be deeper than indicated by the borings. Contractors should also be prepared to extend excavations in wet or fine-grained soils to remove disturbed bottom soils. To provide lateral support to replacement backfill, additional required fill and the structural loads they will support, we recommend oversizing (widening) the excavations 1 foot horizontally beyond the outer edges of the building perimeter footings, or pavement limits, for each foot the excavations extend below bottom- of-footing subgrade elevations. D.1.b. Excavation Dewatering Water was not encountered in the borings, but it is possible that water could be encountered in other parts of the site during basement excavations. If encountered, we recommend removing groundwater from the excavations. Because the soils on this site are mostly clay, sumps and pumps should be adequate to control most infiltrating water situations. D.1.c. Selecting Excavation Backfill and Additional Required Fill If the bottoms of the excavations remain wet, we recommend the initial backfill soil consist of least 2 feet of coarse sand having less than 50 percent of the particles by weight passing a #40 sieve, and less than 5 percent of the particles passing a #200 sieve. We anticipate that this material will need to be imported to the site. On-site soils free of organic soil and debris can be considered for reuse as backfill and fill. However, the topsoil should not be re-used as engineered fill under house pads. The glacially deposited soils can be used as engineered fill. The clay soils being fine-grained, will be more difficult to compact if wet or allowed to become wet, or if spread and compacted over wet surfaces. Most of the on site clay soil appears to be suitable for use as engineered fill provided that they can be properly moisture conditioned. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 6 D.1.d. Placement and Compaction of Backfill and Fill We recommend spreading backfill and fill in loose lifts of approximately 8 to 12 inches depending on the soil type used and the size of compactor used. We recommend compacting backfill and fill within the house pads to a minimum of 95 percent of the standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D 698). If there are areas of the building pads that require more than 10 feet of fill, the minimum compaction should be 98 percent. The clay fill should be placed and compacted at a moisture content of no less than 1 percentage point below to no more than 3 percentage points above the soil’s optimum moisture content. D.2. Spread Footings D.2.a. Embedment Depth For frost protection, we recommend embedding perimeter footings for the houses, including the attached garages, a minimum of 42 inches below the lowest exterior grade. Interior footings may be placed directly below floor slabs. We recommend embedding building footings not heated during winter construction, and other unheated footings associated with porches, decks or stoops 60 inches below the lowest exterior grade. D.2.b. Subgrade Improvement If a small amount of groundwater is present within the footing excavation, or if the footing subgrade soils become disturbed prior to placing forms or reinforcement, we recommend subcutting the soft or wet clay and placing a 6- to 8-inch layer of clear rock. The clear rock will provide a stable working surface, and will allow for the flow of water to a drain tile or sump pump. D.2.c. Net Allowable Bearing Pressure We recommend sizing spread footings to exert a net allowable bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). This value includes a safety factor of at least 3.0 with regard to bearing capacity failure. The net allowable bearing pressure can be increased by one-third its value for occasional transient loads, but not for repetitive loads due to traffic, or for other live loads from snow or occupancy. D.2.d. Settlement We estimate that total and differential settlements among the footings will amount to less than 1 and 1/2 inch, respectively, under the assumed loads. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 7 D.3. Basement Walls The following sections address soil parameters for basement wall design. Although construction of retaining walls has not been specified for this project to date, the following recommendations can also be used for retaining wall design. D.3.a. Drainage Control We recommend installing subdrains behind the basement walls, adjacent to the wall footings, below the slab elevation. Preferably the subdrains should consist of perforated pipes embedded in washed gravel, which in turn is wrapped in filter fabric. Perforated pipes encased in a filter “sock” and embedded in washed gravel, however, may also be considered. We recommend routing the subdrains to a sump and pump capable of routing any accumulated groundwater to a storm sewer or other suitable disposal site. General waterproofing of basement walls surrounding occupied or potentially occupied areas is recommended even with the use of free-draining backfill because of the potential cost impacts related to seepage after construction is complete. D.3.b. Selection, Placement and Compaction of Backfill Unless a drainage composite is placed against the backs of the exterior perimeter basement walls, we recommend that backfill placed within 2 horizontal feet of those walls consist of sand having less than 50 percent of the particles by weight passing a #40 sieve and less than 5 percent of the particles by weight passing a #200 sieve. Sand meeting this gradation will need to be imported to this site. We recommend that the balance of the backfill placed against exterior perimeter walls also consist of sand, though it is our opinion that the sand may contain up to 20 percent of the particles by weight passing a #200 sieve. If clay or silt must be considered for use to make up the balance of the below-grade wall backfill (assuming a drainage composite or sand is placed against the backs of the walls), post-compaction consolidation of the clay occurring under its own weight can be expected to continue beyond the end of construction. The magnitude of consolidation could amount to between 1 and 3 percent of the backfill thickness, or wall height, and if not accommodated could cause slabs or pavements to settle unfavorably or be damaged. Should clays still be considered for use as backfill, however, we further recommend that:  The bottoms of the excavations required for basement wall construction are wide enough to accommodate compaction equipment.  Backfill is placed at moisture contents at least equal to, but not more than three percentage points above, its optimum moisture content. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 8  Backfill is placed in loose lifts no thicker than 6 inches prior to compaction.  The relative compaction of the backfill is measured through density testing at intervals not exceeding one test per 50 horizontal feet for each 2 vertical feet of backfill placed. We recommend a walk behind compactor be used to compact the backfill placed within about 5 feet of the basement walls. Further away than that, a self-propelled compactor can be used. Exterior backfill not capped with slabs or pavement should be capped with a low-permeability on-site clay soil to limit the infiltration of surface drainage into the backfill. The finished surface should also be sloped to divert water away from the walls. D.3.c. Configuring and Resisting Lateral Loads Below-grade wall design can be based on active earth pressure conditions if the walls are allowed to rotate slightly. If rotation cannot be tolerated, then design should be based on at-rest earth pressure conditions. Rotation up to 0.002 times the wall height is generally required to activate active earth pressure conditions when walls are backfilled with sand*. Rotation up to 0.02 times the wall height is required when walls are backfilled with clay. * To design for sand backfill, excavations required for wall construction should be wide enough and flat enough so that sand is present within a zone that (1) extends at least two horizontal feet beyond the bottom outer edges of the wall footings (the wall heel, not the stem) and then (2) rises up and away from the wall at an angle no steeper than 60 degrees from horizontal. We anticipate these geometric conditions will be met if the excavations meet OSHA requirements for the types of soils likely to be exposed in the excavation, and the wall footings are cast against wood forms rather than any portion of the excava tion. Recommended equivalent fluid pressures for wall design based on active and at-rest earth pressure conditions are presented below in Table 2. Assumed wet unit backfill weights, and internal friction angles are also provided. The recommended equivalent fluid pressures in particular assume a level backfill with no surcharge – they would need to be revised for sloping backfill or other dead or live loads that are placed within a horizontal distance behind the walls that is equal to the height of the walls. Our design values also assume that the walls are drained so that water cannot accumulate behind the walls. Table 2. Recommended Below-Grade Wall Design Parameters Backfill Soil Wet Unit Weight (pcf) Friction Angle (deg) Equivalent Fluid Pressure, Active Case (pcf) Equivalent Fluid Pressure, At-Rest Case (pcf) Sand 120 33 35 50 Clay 120 26 50 70 Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 9 Resistance to lateral earth pressures will be provided by passive resistance against the basement wall footings, and by sliding resistance along the bottoms of the wall footings. We recommend assuming a passive pressure equal to 280 pcf for clays. The sliding coefficients should equal 0.30 for clay. These values are un-factored. D.4. Interior Slabs D.4.a. Moisture Vapor Protection If floor coverings or coatings less permeable than the concrete slab will be used, we recommend that a vapor retarder or vapor barrier be placed immediately beneath the slab. Some contractors prefer to bury the vapor retarder or barrier beneath a layer of sand to reduce curling and shrinkage, but this practice risks trapping water between the slab and vapor retarder or barrier. Regardless of where the vapor retarder or barrier is placed, we recommend consulting with floor covering manufacturers regarding the appropriate type, use and installation of the vapor retarder or barrier to preserve warranty assurances. D.4.b. Radon In preparation for radon mitigation systems, we recommend that slabs on grade be constructed over a layer of gas permeable material consisting of a minimum of 4 inches of either clean aggregate, or sand underlain with a geotextile matting suitable for venting the subgrade. The clean aggregate material should consist of sound rock no larger than 2 inches and no smaller than ¼ inch. Sand should have less than 50 percent of the particles by weight passing a #40 sieve and less than 5 percent of the particles by weight passing a #200 sieve. Above the gas permeable aggregate or sand, a polyethylene sheeting (6 mil minimum) should be placed. The sheeting should be properly lapped and penetrations through the sheeting sealed. Penetrations through the slab and foundation walls should also be sealed. D.5. Exterior Slabs Most of the exterior slabs will be underlain with mostly clay soil. These soils are considered to be moderately to highly frost susceptible. These soils can retain moisture and heave upon freezing. In general, this characteristic is not an issue unless these soils become saturated due to surface runoff or infiltration or are excessively wet in-situ. Once frozen, unfavorable amounts of general and isolated heaving of the soils and related surface features could also develop. This type of heaving could impact design drainage patterns and the performance of the paved areas or exterior slabs. To address most of the heave related issues, we recommend the general site grades and grades for surface features be set to direct surface Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 10 drainage away from buildings, across large paved areas and away from walkways to limit the potential for saturation of the subgrade and any subsequent heaving. General grades should also have enough “slope” shown to tolerate potential larger areas of heave which may not fully settle when thawed. Even small amounts of frost-related differential movement at walkway joints or cracks can create tripping hazards. Several subgrade improvement options can be explored to address this condition. The most conservative and potentially most costly subgrade improvement option to help limit the potential for heaving, but not eliminate it, would be to remove any frost-susceptible soils present below the remove space exterior slabs “footprint” down to the bottom-of-footing grades or to a maximum depth of 4 feet below subgrade elevations, whichever is less. We recommend the resulting excavation then be refilled with sand or sandy gravel having less than 50 percent of the particles by weight passing the #40 sieve and less than 5 percent of the particles by weight passing a #200 sieve. Another subgrade improvement option would be to build in a transition zone between those soils considered to be frost-susceptible and those that are not to somewhat control where any differential movement may occur. Such transitions could exist between exterior slabs and pavements, between entry way slabs and sidewalks, and along the sidewalks themselves. For this option, the frost-susceptible soils in critical areas would be removed to a depth of at least 4 feet below grade as discussed above. The excavation below the footprint of the sidewalks or other slabs would then be sloped upward at a gradient no steeper than 3:1 (horizontal :vertical) toward the less critical areas. The bottom of the excavation should then be sloped toward the center so that any water entering the excavation could be quickly drained to the deepest area for removal. In the deepest areas of the excavation, a series of perforated drainpipes will need to be installed to collect and dispose of surface water infiltration and/or groundwater that could accumulate within the backfill. The piping would need to be connected to a storm sewer or a sump to remove any accumulated water. If the water is not removed, it is our opinion this option will not be effective in controlling heave. Regardless of what is done to the walkway or pavement area subgrade, it will be critical the end-user develop a detailed maintenance program to seal and/or fill any cracks and joints that may develop during the useful life of the various surface features. Concrete and bituminous will experience episodes of normal thermo-expansion and thermo-contraction during its useful life. During this time, cracks may develop and joints may open up, which will expose the subgrade and allow any water flowing overland to enter the subgrade and either saturate the subgrade soils or to become perched atop it. This occurrence increases the potential for heave due to freezing conditions in the general vicinity of the crack or joint. This type of heave has the potential to become excessive if not addressed as part of a maintenance program. Special attention should be paid to areas where dissimilar materials abut one another, where construction joints occur and where shrinkage cracks develop. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 11 D.6. Utilities D.6.a. Subgrade Stabilization Based on the results of the soil borings, the soils below the topsoil should be suitable for pipe support. We anticipate that utilities can be installed per manufacturer bedding requirements. If localized soft areas are encountered at pipe invert elevations, we recommend placing a stabilizing aggregate beneath the pipe. The depth of the aggregate bedding will vary, however, a minimum of 6 inches and a maximum of 2 feet is commonly used. This should be evaluated in the field at the time of installation. D.6.b. Corrosion Potential Most of the soils on this site are lean clay to sandy lean clay. These soils are potentially corrosive to ductile iron pipe. We recommend that corrosion protection be provided for any ductile iron pipe that may be installed on this project. D.7. Construction Quality Control D.7.a. Excavation Observations We recommend having a geotechnical engineer observe all excavations related to subgrade preparation as well as spread footing and slab-on-grade construction. The purpose of the observations is to evaluate the competence of the geologic materials exposed in the excavations, and the adequacy of required excavation oversizing. D.7.b. Materials Testing We recommend density tests be taken in excavation backfill and additional required fill placed below spread footings, slab-on-grade construction, beside foundation walls and behind basement walls. We also recommend slump, air content and strength tests of Portland cement concrete. D.7.c. Cold Weather Precautions If site grading and construction is anticipated during cold weather, all snow and ice should be removed from cut and fill areas prior to additional grading. No fill should be placed on frozen subgrades. No frozen soils should be used as fill. Concrete delivered to the site should meet the temperature requirements of ASTM C 94. Concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrades. Concrete should be protected from freezing until the necessary strength is attained. Frost should not be permitted to penetrate below footings. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 12 E. Procedures E.1. Penetration Test Borings The penetration test borings were drilled on January 15, 2014 with an off road-mounted core and auger drill equipped with hollow-stem auger. The borings were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586. Penetration test samples were taken at 2 1/2- or 5-foot intervals. Actual sample intervals and corresponding depths are shown on the boring logs. E.2. Material Classification and Testing E.2.a. Visual and Manual Classification The geologic materials encountered were visually and manually classified in accordance with ASTM Standard Practice D 2488. A chart explaining the classification system is attached. Samples were placed in jars or bags and returned to our facility for review and storage. E.2.b. Laboratory Testing The results of the laboratory tests performed on geologic material samples are noted on or follow the appropriate attached exploration logs. The tests were performed in accordance with ASTM or AASHTO procedures. E.3. Groundwater Measurements The drillers checked for groundwater as the penetration test borings were advanced, and again about 10 minutes after auger withdrawal. The boreholes were then backfilled. F. Qualifications F.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions F.1.a. Material Strata Our evaluation, analyses and recommendations were developed from a limited amount of site and subsurface information. It is not standard engineering practice to retrieve material samples from exploration locations continuously with depth, and therefore strata boundaries and thicknesses must be inferred to some extent. Strata boundaries may also be gradual transitions, and can be expected to vary in depth, elevation and thickness away from the exploration locations. Dogwood Road, LLC Project BL-14-00011 January 27, 2014 Page 13 Variations in subsurface conditions present between exploration locations may not be revealed until additional exploration work is completed, or construction commences. If any such variations are revealed, our recommendations should be re-evaluated. Such variations could increase construction costs, and a contingency should be provided to accommodate them. F.1.b. Groundwater Levels Groundwater measurements were made under the conditions reported herein and shown on the exploration logs, and interpreted in the text of this report. It should be noted that the observation periods were relatively short, and groundwater can be expected to fluctuate in response to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, seasonal freezing and thawing, surface drainage modifications and other seasonal and annual factors. F.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility F.2.a. Plan Review This report is based on a limited amount of information, and a number of assumptions were necessary to help us develop our recommendations. It is recommended that our firm review the geotechnical aspects of the designs and specifications, and evaluate whether the design is as expected, if any design changes have affected the validity of our recommendations, and if our recommendations have been correctly interpreted and implemented in the designs and specifications. F.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing It is recommended that we be retained to perform observations and tests during construction. This will allow correlation of the subsurface conditions encountered during construction with those encountered by the borings, and provide continuity of professional responsibility. F.3. Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the parties to which it has been addressed. Without written approval, we assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Our evaluation, analyses and recommendations may not be appropriate for other parties or projects. F.4. Standard of Care In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Appendix 13 15 14 15 12 13 11 2 2 1/2 2 2 18 22 OL CL CL ORGANIC CLAY, black, frozen to moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, stiff to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, stiff to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed 10 minutes after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. 990.5 978.7 971.7 2.2 14.0 21.0 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-1 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerSTS 1/15/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-1 METHOD: BORING: BPF BL-14-00011LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ M I N N E A P O L I S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 0 0 1 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 / 2 7 / 1 4 0 9 : 4 8 Braun Project BL-14-00011 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Westwood Church Site Dogwood Road and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 992.7 Depth feet 0.0 12 13 13 14 15 13 13 2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 22 21 OL CL CL CL ORGANIC CLAY, black, frozen to wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) Trace of fibers at 8 feet. Seams of Silty Sand at 10 feet. SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed 10 minutes after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. 994.0 991.5 981.5 974.5 1.5 4.0 14.0 21.0 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-2 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerSTS 1/15/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-2 METHOD: BORING: BPF BL-14-00011LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ M I N N E A P O L I S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 0 0 1 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 / 2 7 / 1 4 0 9 : 4 8 Braun Project BL-14-00011 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Westwood Church Site Dogwood Road and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 995.5 Depth feet 0.0 18 14 14 15 15 15 13 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 23 21 OL CL CL CL ORGANIC CLAY, black, frozen to wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) Seams of Silty Sand at 8 feet. SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed 10 minutes after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. 1005.3 1003.2 997.2 986.2 1.9 4.0 10.0 21.0 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-3 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerSTS 1/15/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-3 METHOD: BORING: BPF BL-14-00011LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ M I N N E A P O L I S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 0 0 1 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 / 2 7 / 1 4 0 9 : 4 8 Braun Project BL-14-00011 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Westwood Church Site Dogwood Road and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 1007.2 Depth feet 0.0 17 13 13 13 13 19 20 3 3 20 18 OL CL CL ORGANIC CLAY, black, frozen to wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown, moist to wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed 10 minutes after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. 1009.0 1006.3 989.3 1.3 4.0 21.0 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-4 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerSTS 1/15/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-4 METHOD: BORING: BPF BL-14-00011LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ M I N N E A P O L I S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 0 0 1 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 / 2 7 / 1 4 0 9 : 4 8 Braun Project BL-14-00011 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Westwood Church Site Dogwood Road and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 1010.3 Depth feet 0.0 12 12 13 18 19 16 19 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 23 27 OL CL CL CL CL ORGANIC CLAY, black, frozen to wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, trace roots, brown and dark brown, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) LEAN CLAY, brown, moist, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) LEAN CLAY with SAND, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed 10 minutes after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 1012.0 1010.0 1008.5 1005.0 993.0 2.0 4.0 5.5 9.0 21.0 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-5 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerSTS 1/15/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-5 METHOD: BORING: BPF BL-14-00011LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ M I N N E A P O L I S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 0 0 1 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 / 2 7 / 1 4 0 9 : 4 8 Braun Project BL-14-00011 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Westwood Church Site Dogwood Road and West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 1014.0 Depth feet 0.0 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Standard D 2487 - 00 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Rev. 7/07 DD Dry density, pcf WD Wet density, pcf MC Natural moisture content, % LL Liqiuid limit, % PL Plastic limit, % PI Plasticity index, % P200 % passing 200 sieve OC Organic content, % S Percent of saturation, % SG Specific gravity C Cohesion, psf Angle of internal friction qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf Liquid Limit (LL) Laboratory Tests Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x ( P I ) Drilling Notes Standard penetration test borings were advanced by 3 1/4” or 6 1/4” ID hollow-stem augers unless noted otherwise, Jetting water was used to clean out auger prior to sampling only where indicated on logs. Standard penetration test borings are designated by the prefix “ST” (Split Tube). All samples were taken with the standard 2” OD split-tube sampler, except where noted. Power auger borings were advanced by 4” or 6” diameter continuous- flight, solid-stem augers. Soil classifications and strata depths were in- ferred from disturbed samples augered to the surface and are, therefore, somewhat approximate. Power auger borings are designated by the prefix “B.” Hand auger borings were advanced manually with a 1 1/2” or 3 1/4” diameter auger and were limited to the depth from which the auger could be manually withdrawn. Hand auger borings are indicated by the prefix “H.” BPF: Numbers indicate blows per foot recorded in standard penetration test, also known as “N” value. The sampler was set 6” into undisturbed soil below the hollow-stem auger. Driving resistances were then counted for second and third 6” increments and added to get BPF. Where they differed significantly, they are reported in the following form: 2/12 for the second and third 6” increments, respectively. WH: WH indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of hammer and rods alone; driving not required. WR: WR indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of rods alone; hammer weight and driving not required. TW indicates thin-walled (undisturbed) tube sample. Note: All tests were run in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. Particle Size Identification Boulders ...............................over 12” Cobbles ...............................3” to 12” Gravel Coarse ............................3/4” to 3” Fine .................................No. 4 to 3/4” Sand Coarse ............................No. 4 to No. 10 Medium ...........................No. 10 to No. 40 Fine .................................No. 40 to No. 200 Silt ....................................... No. 200, PI 4 or below “A” line Clay ..................................... No. 200, PI 4 and on or above “A” line Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very loose ................................0 to 4 BPF Loose .......................................5 to 10 BPF Medium dense.........................11 to 30 BPF Dense......................................31 to 50 BPF Very dense...............................over 50 BPF Consistency of Cohesive Soils Very soft...................................0 to 1 BPF Soft.......................................2 to 3 BPF Rather soft...............................4 to 5 BPF Medium....................................6 to 8 BPF Rather stiff...............................9 to 12 BPF Stiff.......................................13 to 16 BPF Very stiff...................................17 to 30 BPF Hard.......................................over 30 BPF a.Based on the material passing the 3-in (75mm) sieve. b.If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add “with cobbles or boulders or both” to group name. c.Cu = D60 / D10 Cc = (D30)2 D10 x D60 d.If soil contains 15% sand, add “with sand” to group name. e.Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GMwell-graded gravel with silt GW-GCwell-graded gravel with clay GP-GMpoorly graded gravel with silt GP-GCpoorly graded gravel with clay f.If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM or SC-SM. g.If fines are organic, add “with organic fines” to group name. h.If soil contains 15% gravel, add “with gravel” to group name. i.Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SMwell-graded sand with silt SW-SCwell-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SCpoorly graded sand with clay j.If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. k.If soil contains 10 to 29% plus No. 200, add “with sand” or “with gravel” whichever is predominant. l.If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. m.If soil contains 30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. n.PI 4 and plots on or above “A” line. o.PI 4 or plots below “A” line. p.PI plots on or above “A” line. q.PI plots below “A” line. Poorly graded sand h Peat Well-graded gravel d PI plots on or above “A” line PI 7 and plots on or above “A” line j PI 4 or plots below “A” line j Fi n e - g r a i n e d S o i l s 50 % o r m o r e p a s s e d t h e No . 2 0 0 s i e v e Co a r s e - g r a i n e d S o i l s mo r e t h a n 5 0 % r e t a i n e d o n No . 2 0 0 s i e v e Soils Classification Gravels More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Sands 50% or more of coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Silts and Clays Liquid limit less than 50 Highly Organic Soils Silts and clays Liquid limit 50 or more Primarily organic matter, dark in color and organic odor Group Symbol Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests a Group Name b GW GP GM GC SW SP SM CL ML OL OL SC Poorly graded gravel d Silty gravel d f g Clean Gravels 5% or less fines e Gravels with Fines More than 12% fines e Clean Sands 5% or less fines i Sands with Fines More than 12% i Fines classify as ML or MH Fines classify as CL or CH Clayey gravel d f g Well-graded sand h Fines classify as CL or CH Fines classify as ML or MH Silty sand f g h Clayey sand f g h Inorganic Organic Liquid limit - oven dried Liquid limit - not dried 0.75 Inorganic Organic PI plots below “A” line Lean clay k l m Liquid limit - oven dried Liquid limit - not dried 0.75 CH MH OH OH Fat clay k l m Elastic silt k l m Organic clay k l m n Organic silt k l m o Organic clay k l m p Organic silt k l m q Cu 6 and 1 Cc 3 C PT Cu 4 and 1 Cc 3 C Cu 4 and/or 1 Cc 3 C Cu 6 and/or 1 CC 3 C 0 10 1620 30 4050 60 7080 90 100110 7 “U” L i n e “A” L i n e 10 20 30 40 50 60 4 0 ML or OL MH or OHCL o r O L CH o r O H CL - ML Silt k l m