A-2. 2013 Year-End ReviewCITY OF 7700 Market Boulevard PC Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.2271300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us A -a MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson AICP, Community Development Director DATE: April 1, 2014 ow SUBJ: 2013 Year in Review BACKGROUND Pursuant to the City Code, the Planning Commission shall make an annual report to the City Council no later than March 31 sc of each calendar year, containing the commission's recommendations for the ensuing year. Below is a summary of items the Planning Commission reviewed in 2013 as well as possible work projects for 2014. In 2013, the City issued building permits for 175 dwelling units and we are projecting a two percent increase in the housing stock in the City or 2014. Staff estimates an April 1, 2014 population of 24,388. Planning Cases Case # Description Location 2013 -01 TH 101 Wetland Alteration Permit Between Lyman Blvd & Pioneer Trail 2013 -02 The Preserve at Rice Creek Concept PUD Intersection of Tigua Lane and West 861i Street 2013 -03 Lyman Blvd Wetland Alteration Permit Lyman Boulevard 2013 -04 Fretham 15 Subdivision 6300 Chaska Road 2013 -05 Fire Station #2 Radio Antenna CUP 6400 Minnewashta Parkway 2013 -06 Crossroads PUD Amendment 7905 Great Plains Boulevard 2013 -07 Chanhassen Apartments 7750 Galpin Boulevard 2013 -08 Bluff Creek Cottages Site Plan Review North of Pioneer Trail and west of Bluff Creek Boulevard 2013 -09 Bluff Creek Woods Subdivision 7331 Hazeltine Boulevard 2013 -10 Bluff Creek Gardens NP 850 Flying Cloud Drive Chanhassen is a Community for Life . Providing forToday and Planning forTomorrow Todd Gerhardt 2013 Year In Review April 1, 2014 Page 2 2013 -11 Worm Variance 760 West 96d' Street 2013 -12 Preserve at Rice Lake PUD Subdivision Intersection ofTigua Lane and West 86"' Street 2013 -13 Camden Ridge PUD Subdivision 1500 Pioneer Trail 2013 -14 Wilson Nursery Variance 9150 Great Plains Boulevard 2013 -15 Carver Beach Road Variance 960 Carver Beach Road 2013 -16 Emerson Variance 8409 Stone Creek Court 2013 -17 Dogwood Road Variance 7441 Dogwood Road 2013 -18 Lake St. Joe Cove Subdivision Kings Road 2013 -19 Southwest Village Subdivision & Site Plan Northeast corner of Highway 101 and Lyman Blvd. 2013 -20 Powers Pointe Site Plan 8100 Powers Blvd 2013 -21 Highland at Lakeside Variance 8711, 8719 and 8727 Lake Riley Drive 2013 -22 Lotus Trail Variance 6780 Lotus Trail 2013 -23 Chanhassen Great Plains Center Site Plan 7905 Great Plains Boulevard 2013 -24 Chanhassen Cemetery 8181 Galpin Boulevard 2013 -25 Undestad IUP 8750 Sunset Trail Joint Commission Tour — Hwy 101 between Lyman and Pioneer Trail, Lower Y reviewing the new river crossing, Riley Ridge Park Development Review Staff anticipates the continuation of smaller subdivision plats in 2014. New commercial developments will continue to grow as the population increases. The city council has approved the County Road 61 Corridor Study. The is study will examine the city's ability to provide municipal services to this area as well as review the land use designations. This information will be used for the Comprehensive Plan update for 2040. Another joint commission tour is proposed for September 2014. The Planning Commission may present additional items which they may review /research in 2014. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Department Cases. 2. Residential Building Permits Issued. 3. Housing Permits Graph. 4. Residential Building Permits Graph. 5. Chanhassen Population. 6. Chanhassen Population Graph. 7. Residential Development Statistics Lots. 8. Planning Staff 2014 Goals. gAplan \planting connission\2013 year in mview.doc 12/31/2013 Planning Department Cases �aO} 0: TYPE SIGN PERMITS VARIANCES CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS INTERIM USE PERMITS REZONINGS SITE PLAN REVIEWS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS SUBDIVISIONS 2000 24 15 6 3 5 12 3 17 2001 24 10 7 1 4 13 0 10 2002 22 16 7 1 0 9 3 16 2003 23 20 10 4 4 11 3 22 2004 63 17 2 2 3 10 8 12 2005 118 17 4 0 2 6 7 1 15 2006 65 8 8 6 7 7 2 10 2007 92 8 2 2 2 11 1 9 2008 90 12 4 1 1 9 3 3 2009 68 10 5 1 1 4 1 4 2010 70 4 4 1 2 3 15 2 2011 55 4 1 1 1 3 2 0 2012 75 9 0 0 6 5 3 6 2013 68 9 4 2 4 8 2 7 Avg 61 11 5 2 3 8 4 10 VACATIONS WETLAND ALTERATION PERMITS CODE AMENDMENTS 2 5 4 7 3 7 7 5 2 6 3 15 2 4 3 5 4 2 4 4 20 5 2 18 2 2 11 5 0 12 2 2 7 3 1 10 5 0 36 2 2 3 4 3 i t LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS 3 5 1 3 5 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 TOTAL 99 91 89 124 131 183 142 153 139 112 112 81 145 113 122 Beginning in 2006, Code amendments including all chan es to the Chanhassen City Code. G:1PLAMPast, Present, Future\CASES.xls vsizoia CITY OF CHANHASSEN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED x Year 1992 Ingle Family 228 Attached SF 0 pts 0 Tota Dwelllings 228 1993 251 16 0 267 1994 269 110 0 379 1995 216 197 65 478 1996 170 37 0 207 1997 177 97 0 274 1998 263 162 0 425 1999 187 88 0 187 2000 124 34 162 320 2001 85 44 100 229 2002 54 246 0 300 2003 59 94 243 396 2004 76 16 0 92 2005 60 24 0 84 2006 89 42 48 179 2007 65 86 18 169 2008 28 38 0 66 2009 71 14 0 85 2010 71 30 0 101 2011 106 62 0 168 2012 107 78 0 185 2013 89 86 0 175 2014 Estimate 130 30 31 191 2015 Estimate 130 65 0 195 Avg 1992 - 2013 129 73 29 227 Avg 2000 - 2013 77 64 41 182 Avg 2000 - 2015 84 62 38 183 g:\ plan \Past, Present, FutureVermits 1/7/2014 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED Year Single Family Duplex Town Houses Apartments Total Dwelling 1980 41 18 40 99 1981 22 2 24 1982 19 2 21 1983 60 8 36 104 1984 108 34 24 166 1985 189 38 20 18 265 1986 246 8 8 262 1987 289 2 32 323 1988 352 26 34 412 1989 307 14 62 383 1990 197 197 1991 191 191 1992 228 Attached single - family 228 1993 2511 16 267 1994 269 110 379 1995 216 197 65 478 1996 170 37 207 1997 177 97 274 1998 263 162 425 1999 187 88 277 2000 124 34 162 320 2001 85 44 100 229 2002 54 246 300 2003 591 94 243 396 2004 76 16 92 2005 60 24 0 84 2006 89 42 48 179 2007 65 86 18 169 2008 28 38 66 2009 71 14 85 2010 71 30 101 2011 106 62 168 20121 1071 78 185 2013 89 86 01 175 A, a 143 83 80 222 Source: City of Chanhassen Planning Department, January 2014 'duplexes are combined w/ townhouses as attached single family g ?plan aM,p M.FUWre�permits 1/7/2014 City of Chanhassen Housing Permits 60a soo aao - M d 300 - MApts GA¢ached SF 7 Z Binge Family 200 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year G: \PLAN \Past, Present, Future\permits.xls 100 - -- - G: \PLAN \Past, Present, Future\permits.xls RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 0 G: \PLAN \Past, Present, Future \DVVELLING.xIs 1/ ♦ I I 1 q 4W 350 300 250 1SEJOLE- FAhaLY � tDUPLEX E 200 tTOW OUSE 7 +- muLn -FAMaY Z 150 �m 50 0 _ Year G: \PLAN \Past, Present, Future \DVVELLING.xIs 1/ ♦ I I 1 q HISTORICAL HOUSING BUILDING PERMIT DATA \I No VING1.[ -I %NM N DI III I \ 101% \1101 11 Nit 1.11 -1 NNIII 1 \ \ \I \1. 1111 %1 t t \I }II IA 111 i. likI \I. CENSUS (households) PI k( 'I N I (.ko N, I II DLNOI ISDF 1) 11 DI\Ifll ISMD 111 DI %?OI IYDI II \II SIYGI.1 -1 DI III I'.A l MAN \1101 51 Nit I II -I \ \111 \ 1111 11 III kill 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1,352 18'. 36 65 108' 86 0 1994 1995 1996 44, 2. 52 41 22 19' 60 108'. 189 246 449. 352 307 197. 191 228 I M51 18 16 65 152 88 16 1,871 1,907 1.972 2,124 2,212 1.0% 1.9% 3.4 %' 7.7-W 4.1% 1 \ \t \I \\ Fit \ I:1. Bl UN I, 1.1.1\6 IN Pf ♦l NBtk III RI I. \1 132 43% 18 6% 60 19% 98 32% 107 100.1. 1971, 19X0 1981 1982 1983 I9N4 1985 1986 1987 198N 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199N 100 41 22 19' 60 108'. 189 246 289 352 307 197. 191 228 251 269 216 170 177. 260 16 18 2 2. 36 24. 38 8 2 26. 78 86' )12 1.609 162. 100 307' 481 40 _ 8 34' 20 8 32 34 14 _ 320 229 16 110 197 37 97 162 66 N5 101 168 18. 175 9.567 7.288 62 7.819 8,119 8.515 8.595 8,672 G5 8,828 8,886 8,965 116 99 24 21 104 166 265 262 321 412 383 197 191 228 267 179 478 207 274 422 1328 2,427 2,451 2,472 2,576 2.742 3.007 3,269 3,592 4,1104 4,387 4 584 4,775 5,003 5,262 5,641 6,116 6,317 6.591 7.011 2,285 99 12'. 7 4,249 l2 8. 6. 3 6 10 8:' 5.2% 4.3 %.. 1.0% 0.9% 4.2% 6.4 %'. 9.7% 8.7 %! 9.9% 11.5% _ 9.6% 4.5 %: 4.2% 4.8%. 5.3% 7.2 %. 8.5% 3.4% 4.3% 6.4 %' 2 0 3 6 6 TOTAL DWELLING DISTRIBUTION PERCENT 68% V 2% 17% 100% 1949 21100 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 187' 124' 85 54 59 76 60 89' 65' 28; 71 71 106 107 89 4.517 88'. 34: 44 246' 30 16 24' 42'' 86 38 14. 30 62, 78 86' )12 1.609 162. 100 307' 481 181 _ 1.229 275 320 229 300 396 92 84 179 169 66 N5 101 168 185 175 9.567 7.288 7,599 7.819 8,119 8.515 8.595 8,672 8,671 8,828 8,886 8,965 9,063 9,225 9,400 9,567 7,013 8,679 3.9% 44% 3.0%'. 3.8% 4.9% 1.1 %'.. 1.0% 21% 1.9 %' 0.7 %" 1.0%' 1.9% 2.0 %' 1.9 %' 99 12'. 7 10 l2 8. 6. 3 6 10 8:' 170 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS a] Final Plat PROJECTNAME Approved SINGLF ?FA MILV DETACHED Highlands of Lake St. Joe Windmill Run Royal Oaks Fstates Lots lake Woods Oaks at Minnewashta rower Heights Shenandoah Ridge Church Road TJO Minger Addition Minnewashta landings Olivewood Shadow Ridge _ _ Mission Hills /Single -family Woodridge Heights Creekside Broaden Pond Pointe Lake LueY Hobens Wild Woods Farm Forest Meadows Meadows at Longacres Trotters Ridge Willow Ridge _ Stone Creek Ithilien Addition Bluff Creek Estates Woods at Longacres Springfleld Lake Lucy Estates Knob Hill Dempsey Addition 'the Frontier - Oak Ridge of Lake Minnewashta Slather Addition _ Melody 111]1 Arundel Rice Lake Manor Estates Rook Place Black Walnut Acres Song Addition Highover Addition Munson, Sunridge Addition Lynmore Addition 7/12/1999 Eric Peterson Nickolay Brozorick Smith Hill Addition 5/10/1999 Arrowhead Development 10232000 Saudi Point 12/13/1999 Marsh Glen 7242000 Lucas [gel Addition 7232001 Summerfield 2nd Addition 10232000 ArOdson's Addition 11272000 White Oak Addition HO /2000 Ashling Meadows 4/92001 GROSS ACRES ROW' ACRES WETLAND/ PRIMARY/ POND ACRES MISC. ACRES PARK LAND NET .ACRES TOTAL UNITS GROSS DENSITY NET DENSITY 36 0 24,06 33 0.92 1.37 17.92 0 14.55 13 0 10.8 23 1.77 2.13 4.47 U0.1 0 3.85 7 1.57 1.82 35.83 8 15.83 45 1.26 2.84 7.1 0 6.5 13 1.83 2.00 11.5 0 8 20 1.74 2 50 3.3 0 21 1.21 -1.06 0 106 3 2.83 2.83 9.95 2.08 0 0.15 7,72 17 1.71 2.20 19.7 1.7 0 0 18 27 1.37 1.50 25.95 4.6 14.8 0 6.55 8 0.31 1.22 15.99 2.15 1.9 0 11.94 17 1.06 1.42 7.1 0 0 0 7.1 16 2.25 2.25 37.9 367 67 0 27.53 46 1.21 1.67 39.5 4.2 5.7 - 5-246 44 1.11 179 23.3 3.6 7.2 0 12.5 21 0.90 1.68 18.15 1.63 5.62 0 10.9 19 1.05 1.74 1.87 0 0 0 1.87 3 1.60 1.60 20.2 2.2 0 5 13 19 0.94 1.46 95 10 24 0 61 -112-1 18 1.84 32.5 7.44 5.6 0 1946 . 49 1.51 2.52 30.3 4 8.39 0 17.91 37 122 2.07 81 10.04 0.96 8 62 141 174 2.27 9 1.8 0.9 0 6.3 17 1.89 2.70 61.45 7.9 19.7 0 33.85 78 127 2.30 96.77 13.1 10.87 0 72.8 115 1.19 1.58 80.8 20.2 0.5 5.3 54.8 134 1.66 2.45 16.36 2.08 4.86 0 9.42 17 1.04 1.80 .8.35 1.1 0.66 0 6.59 12 1.44 1.86 5.11 0.04 0.96 0 4.11 7 1.36 1.70 8.9 0.09 0.2 0 8.61 9 1.01 1.05 11.8 2.1 0 0 9.7 23 1.95 2.37 1.22 0 D 0 1.22 2 LbAt 1464 4.57 0.73 0 0 3.84 10 2.10 2.60 1.32 0 0 0 1.32 2 1.52 1.52 7.06 0 1.24 0 5.82 2 0.28 0.34 1.08 0 0 0 1.08 2 1.85 1.85 3.281 0 0 0 3.28 1 0.30 0.30 8.3 0 1.75 0 6.55 1 0.12 0.15 48.99 13.83 2.83 0 32.33 54 1.10 1.67 51 0 0 0 5 2 0.40 0.40 6.39 0.83 2.12 0.64 2.8 8 1.25 2.86 6.32 0 3.59 0 2.73 2 0.32 0.73 3.7 0 0.91 0 2.79 2 0.54 0.72 1.44 0 0 0 1.44 2 1.39 1.39 1.33 0 0 0 1.33 2 1.50 1.50 0.91 0 0 0 0.91 2 2.20 2.20 1.47 0 0 0 1.47 2 1.36 1.36 13.41 1.45 1.91 0 10.05 19 1.42 1.89 1.09 0 0 0 1.09 2 183 1.83 5 0.95 0 0 4.05 10 2.00 2.47 2.47 0 0 0 2.47 4 1.62 1.62 3.4 0.6 0 0 2.81 5 1.47 1.79 40403 6.39 4.78 01 01 28.86 5I 1.27 1.77 e /P�ervpestPmxni PUwrdeer.ciry RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS Final Plat PROJECT NAME Approved Big Woods 827/2001 Tristan Heights 6/112001 Lake Lucy Ridge 5282002 Knob Rill 2nd 7222002 Hidden Creek Estates 7222002 Vas..rman Ridge 7222002 Boyer Lake Minnewashta Add. _ 8262002 Willow Ridge 3rd Addition - 5282002 Countryside - 6/142004 Burlrwood 12/82003 Walnut Grove 2nd 6/142004 Settlers West 7/12/2004 Kenyon Bluff 4/122004 lulu, View Addition 1/102005 Frontier 2nd Addition 823/2004 Hidden Creek Meadows 6/132005 Pinel ursl 31142005 Voberry Farmfi ighcrest) 4/112005 Cresrvtew 5/9/2005 John Henry _. 4/112005 Fos Den 4/252005 Lake Harrison 7/12/2005 Frontier 3rd Addition 725/2005 Minnewahsta Creek Hills 8222005 Haniem Addition 9292005 Bluff( reek Tx inhomes VOID Stnnefield 4/102006 Christianson Soh#05 -44 4/102006 F.idne.s Metes & Bounds 1232006 Boulder Cove 925/2006 The A, hors - 4/9/2007 Fax Hill 7(92007 Goner 4232007 Lotus Woods Apple Tree Estates 6/82009 Senn Metes & Rounds - 23- Mar -09 Pioneer Pass 9/132010 Lakeview (Reflections at Lake Riley) 2282011 Wynsong 1282013 Fretham 15th Addition 8262013 Bluff Creek Woods 8262013 Preserve at Rice Lake 8/122013 Camden Ridge 9/92013 Lake St. Joe's Cove 9/92013 Sl1BTOIAL PERCENT GROSS ACRES 6.3 ROW ACRES 1.1 WETLAND/ PRIMARY 0 MISC. /'. ACRES 0 PARK LAND 0 NET ACRES 512 TOTAL UNITS 9 GROSS DENSITY 1.43 NET DENSITY 1.73 1.15 0 0 0 0 1.15 2 1.74 1.74 18.57 2.4 7.16 9.01 17 0.92 1.89 7.59 1.22 0.57 0 0 5.8 9 1.19 1.55 22,28 3 8.5 0 0 10.78 -20-090 1.86 68.76 8.69 27.92 1.94 0 30.21 84 1.22 2.78 13.59 1.26 2.34 3.25 6.74 10 0.74 L48 2.09 0 0 0 0 2.09 2 0.96 0.96 5.93 1.02 0.58 4:33 10 1.69 2.31 5.17 1.75 3.42 9 1.74 2.63 3.09 0.5 l.] 1.49 4 1.29 2.68 44.56 4.17 0 16.13 24.26 48 1.08 1.98 2.16 0.24 0.37 1.55 3 1.39 1.94 2.83 2.83 2 0.71 0.71 2.61 0 0 2.61 5 1.92 1.92 19.24 2.02 5.96 11.26 21 1.09 1.87 27.62 4.28 0.14 23.2 41 1.48 1.77 35.79 5.54 4.53 0.39 25.33 57 1.59 2.25 3.36 0.6 2.76 5 1.49 1.81 1.19 1.19 3 2.52 2.52 2.77 0.64 2.13 6 2.17 2.82 62 6.17 20.9 1.53 4.42 28.98 38 0.61 1.31 0.77 0.77 2 2.60 2.60 1.4 1.4 3 2.14 2.14 1.99 0 0 0 0 1.99 3 1.51 1.51 17.63 2.23 15.4 30 1.70 1.95 1.05 105 2 190 190 2.18 2.18 2 0.92 0.92 13.69 1.95 123 10.51 39 2.85 3.71 19.83 3.05 0.9 15.88 22 1.11 1.39 1.69 0.3 1.39 3 1.78 2.16 1.09 1.09 -2-1 83 1.83 7.6 0.9 0.29 0.5 5.91 11 1.45 1.86 7.43 1.04 0.65 5.74 7 0.94 1.22 3.66 -3 66 2 0.55 0.55 63.4 10.52 17.58 0 8.71 26.59 94 148 3.54 50.48 6.86 19.85 4.83 18.94 66 1.31 3.48 9.37 2.3 7.07 4 0.43 0.57 2.29 0.1 2.19 4 1.75 1.83 3.57 0.78 2.79 3 0.84 1.08 13.22 1.66 7.56 4 16 1.21 4.00 22.93 4.62 1.27 3.5 13.54 58 2.53 4.28 4.04 0.97 0.15 2.92 8 1.98 2.74 1,662.87 228.29 13.7% 286.52 17.2% 6.72 0.4% 70.$7 4.2% 0 1,070.77 64.4% 2,144.00 AVG 1.29 2.00 Wd.m.wv,a.,cr.wwam,uY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS NAME L'1'1- FAMILY - sion Hills /Muhl -family amn Ridge Pond /Oak Hills iric Creek'I ownhumes en Place r Susan Hills 1'owmhnmes tcnaial Hills th Bas nhomes at Creekside not Grove (slam lot +twnhouses P, Susan Apartment Homes ers Ridge Apartments Iretum Village byterian Homes ding C Villages on the Ponds dandy of Bluff Creek rty on Buff Creek rty at Creekside Preserve way Place hVA'est Village side thassen Apartments SLBTOTAL PERCENT 110'[AI S o�w.w..�v.=.x,rwmam :m Final Plat GROSS ROW WETLAND/ MISC. PARK NE7' .Approved ACRES ACRES PRIMARY/ ACRES LAND ACRES 7 655.333 80.617 14815 4.68 44.93 376.856 . 12.3% 22.6% 0.7% _ 6.9% 573/1 2,31810 308.91 434.77 11.40 115.50 1,447.63 133% I R./ a40/ cn0i aoa 3,124 AVG 4.77 5,268 7.00 8.291 Cdyof Chanhassen: Comrmic'el and Intl tral Let 1/&2014 Dasadphlon Addmas Data Denaloyer 0. SQ, R. Land Sire Comolsee.D. Type Pfanaln9 Ce.0 SO, Market Value Amemerief Acres Tha Plus 580 W, 7ft St. 1111WI90 Tires Plan Group Let Tires Plue Group 7,742 070 Summer 96 Retail SP 95 -10 4M,520 $ 464,520 H'hleM Derain,.. 8360 Commerce Dr. 4,401995 Merl Obee Cor¢rmlion Hea2rs 9,181 157 OfficeM1Nere. 3P&5 -11 $ RitNikal Bank B Tmm 20,000 1A3 1995 Office SP 0-4 $ 1200,000 PowmaS a m 8325 Commerce Dr. 4SVIDD5 Bommn rthfwocates Powers teens 2],]50 2% OBOUWSre. SP&5 -5 $ 9]1,250 Paul9ee5 1880 Lake Dr 25,304 2A5 OFitan Nare. SPM-6 $ 8&5,840 Chanhasun Cer Wash Lake D, E, 0.8511035 DYS Pruinaterfies Partmer,hip DYS 11,134 178 Comm SP 95 -12 $ 668,040 ChiMren'a WOdd McGI nD, 82511995 ChiNren'S Looming Center 8,044 1,15 Comm So 0-14 $ 482840 Pos10Rx Anna Lake Oe W. NW DS. P.1 SerNCe 2280 5A0 tMff pR ehYare. SP95-15 $ ]08,0(10 CorNol Products 1724 Lake Dr.W W&IW5 Eden Tram CO . Control Plcducb 35,00 4.00 ORCaIWare. SP 0-18 $ 1225000 Pillabu E mon 800AWUMn Dr.W t &4 /tf1d551eNarGrou Pilabu BakeriasBFood SerWCe 48,800 41.30 hid. SP9S1I $ 170,00 Chanhusen East Bealmss Center Lake Dr. E. 11/27/1995 CSM Immbra CSM In.. 128,00 10.20 all 1907 OfficeWar, $ 4,40,00 lebee's S50 W. 78th 11/13/1995 Ie Amemem Limned Partnership of MN 8,500 1.24 In 111 W] Comm $ 05,00 SDBTOTAL WO$35 81.0 $ 14,1]8,25 Emedzinmem Center Paul OMPS =211996 Loans Rea "emcee Bloom Compame M,000 830 199]notbuit Retail E 3,800,00 walues .ill W, TBM St. 38511 WB LoWn Rea Selvkes wraets IIIPaMers 8,321 095 Retall 490,253 ORwellnd. Bld 1670 Lake Dr. W. 5/ &1906 Ra CClli s Technical lnd Sal¢ 38,848 358 OffceM/are. WM-22 E 1,383,153 H hwa SCenhe 50]W.I91h ]22/108 ROman Rws Mike Remse 10,00 1.06 s nt 10] Retail 800000 Paws, Claws, B Hoowa Pat Boarlin H 1018H IM0212 M311WB Nan, It D.M Blots Nanc Lee CaWJ Moot 21,088 13.40 D9] Comm ]38,00 Chuck's GdMl Commerce Dr. WI NO Hoped. LLC Cluck's Grvid' 16,]04 242 1997 OfficeM1Nare. $ 584,840 SUBTOTAL 155,061 27.45 $ ],386JUD AmeMlnn MotenuRes H, SRdarkat BIW. Fe62 Lotus Rinall, Services Americlnn 47,200 3SO 1677 Motel SPD &13 $ 2,532,000 ShinerHadwM E, 82 d Carter, BIW, W1997 Steiner Development Stainer Development 101,530 1002 Nov97 OXke6Nars. SP 97.6 $ 3,558,000 Slate Bank Of Chanhassen MO W, 78th St. 711 Q1997 State Bank of Chanhassen State Bank of Chanhassen 14,610 194 Apr -98 Comm SP97-7 $ 876,600 Villees on the Pend, Bldg 17 Mein Street &1111 W7 AUSMAR, LLC AVSMAR, LLC 30,000 1,30 on heltlnot Imit Office SP97 -9 $ 2,100,000 Pedheal Teelarolo,,y Group 758D Cie. D, 81251199] Eden Trace Cor,orartain Hall Proaieea International 22,50 178 Summer 108 sWIMer18W OBice&9are. SP 97 -10 $ 78],50 Villeee on Me PoMq Bldg 4 Great Plaina BlMM 5 m22N99] AUSMAR, LLC ADSMAR, LLC 15,000 1,19 romememkil So 07-12 $ 90,00 SaNlannei WBmkem 615 FIw, Cloud Dr 10/1311 W] SouMweat Auto Bmkem Commerce COnnedone 1.400 0.53 J-08 aakdaitir So 97-13. CUP 97-4 $ 49,000 SUBTOTAL 232,310 20.26 $ 11,101.100 Wa &,lnc. 7853 Castro Drre 31&1W8 SweeleMw -Shaw Construction Wayte, Inc. Iq 249M VIdL bid 24,&IS 390 Sumtt199B ORmeNJae. SP848 It 882,330 Materials EValuabon B Teter, Fac. 8330 Commerce D, WWIWB K& S Imaimenls, LLC K B S Iniaomems, LLC 9.582 1.80 mar 1067 office SPO&I $ 070,740 Eden Trace Lake Dr. W. B Audubon 4/13/1988 Eden Trace Rk1uM Martha- 39244 7.50 au iner 1678 OIBceNJare. SP9 &32bMa, $ 1,373,540 AmomNm Bus. Fork 11 Co. Blel,&CoWler 511111998 Steiner DevNOOment Steiner Develo muR 113,600 920 Fall 1W8 OfficeMare . SP9 5-4 $ 3,978.000 Houlihan's PoM Promenade S/111199B Whtsmrre Resburent Gr Wlreatrone Restaurant Dr. 7,743 1.40 fall INS molaniant SP D&5 $ 1,161,450 0-ram formals 1711 Lake Dr W. W1988 Eden Trace Ouemum Controls 15,000 215 Fall 1908 ORcewam, SPD &9 $ 525,000 MIAC9uLL'hw 209 Water Tower %ace &2211998 Desn I Edina AIIAWNLima, 55,911 446 1 wMer9&BB O6irMare. So 98-10 It 1,958,8&5 W.I. ale 78H 41 WVIQDB KKE Arthdecb 7841 LLC, 8,250 120 ran 1999 sufall Ransil So 97-4 $ 495,00 CSM IWOD Lake Dena Seat 92 &19WCSM Inwsbn lrm Chan. East BUSlnass C. 411 31.144 336 1999 Oflkemin.. SPD &18 $ 1,080,040 SUBTOTAL 3M,112 3557 $ 12,110,985 Arboretum C' . W. 82nd St. &TH 41 Wall M Steller Develo ant Gatees PeMers 5,737 IN fall 2000 m, sbrd s am, SP 98-1 $ 344$20 Family of Chral LiAmmn Church 2070 Coultar 81W. 511011679 Family of CNrst LIAN.n Family oromet Wheren Church 17,140 5]8 Wimert9W-2000 fee. SP90.2 $ 1,028,400 Nodllmd OBke Bldg. 250 Lake DC E, 42 &109 Mmeamn Oeveloment. Co. Wrtenson Develoment, Do. 53247 4.27 fall 1678 a SP 943 $ 3,727290 Wink Pro Baldfir, Lots 1& 2 Sk 1, CLBP]IM1 &14/1WD Eden Trace Monk ProeNm 39284 4.14 %it 180 OMcwWare. SP 9442bIds $ 1,374240 Eden Trace Bra Lot 3. Sir 1. CLBP 7M &14/109 Eden Trace CMnleseen Lakes PeMUSh', LLC 48553 4.00 WHDW OMCeANare. SP 945 $ 1.11W775 Eden Tome Bid Lot 4, Billet CLBP 7th WlVlW9 Eden Trace Chanhassen Likes Pmmamshi, LLC 18,388 2.93 fa111DW OfficeNYare. SP946 $ 643,580 DoianBuikeng 101 Lake Omni W. &14/190 D. Gr' Stained Cat's Paw Nwslment Grou p, LLC 40,WO 5.29 all 1mail Offi. SP 9&7 2bMa $ 2,848,300 Foss Swim School 421 Lake Drive &141190 FOSS Swim ScMol AUSMAR, LLC 9,800 244 Nil 19,W mwl SP 948 $ 588,00 Lake SUmn dment Homak Main Street& TH 101 WW19W The Shelard Crop, Ine. The Shewftl Gmu, Mr. 158543 9W Wimm21)00.201 amdment SP 9493b1de It 8.910.000 Bokco Bees 550 Lake Dine MW190V it Ceramics, I.W. Vial Corn nne, I.W. 11,00 O.M Wine, 199&2000 retallsMwrcom SP9 &10 $ 776,MO RubyTukaafay 450 Pons Pro menade &81)00 AIfam Engineandr, RuWTmaacsy 5,223 094 wNMmwn madureM SP9411 $ 783,450 Minnama MiniSteree 7800 Park Dr'we ]/12/1099 Mimraii mni-so Mirraota MNFSbrae 4482 3.84 WMer19942000 Samae, @m. SPW12 E 1$54,220 SidnerBuiMin3 2085 Water Tower Place 711211999 Stever Devalomema Steiner Darxle em 5990 4.53 fall 2000 OfficeMiare. So 6713 $ 2,099,530 Sxtl BAssocmea 14% Lake Oman Wet WI 09 Eden Trance Coromatio n Scott& S .ates 20,195 289 M112M0 OficarWeNDe SPW-14 $ ]M, @5 Boetlecker COm n 1620 Lake Dina West &nniam PMCON .."aninary 35;000 274 bit 190 OflcehYae. SP9415 $ 1,225.00 Sothweat Technol Center DNI Rd &Lake D, E, 1119 11999 CSM Imeamis CSM Impostors 204,300 19.90 spring 2000 Offtlare. SPW- 184653s $ 7,150,500 SUBTOTAL I 76.47. $ 35,470,100 4 p1anmg%Com IM Let Yearly Connotation Ckyof Clanhewon: Commercial and Indwhlvl Lot tn=14 Oescripsbn Aakina- Dan Denbper 0. So, Ft LeMSlae CempMba Oafs Type PbnnOp Case, Eat. Markaa Va. Mat. Powsto Andr.de Eden Tr Dewlo rash Eden Trece F4nmul lNerolq Lldn H'M1IeMD ant West UII Centre 11 EokeNar Religious Campus 9bx Creek Oflke fWlb Eden Tmw CS n6on ParkWirtananceBufficlurn, Ernpland eaNnnion Che Hill AOadem Pahl Perk Sublonal Power BIW.BLake Dr, W. Mello C1. Mello CL 90. Leka Drive 0380 Commerce Dr. W. 7M SL W. 7ft St. B Powers BIW. Coulnr BIW. B State Creek 8180E190Upland Cc Lake Ann Pads 850 Lake Dr. 308 W.70th St. ]801 AMUbon Road VISIONS 2/142000 21142000 WIWGOO 3272000 32],00 4242000 5182000 7242000 2242000C 6282000 8202000 0232000 1ake5uun HillaPoMen Eden Traw n Eden frets Ibn I.N.I�Marbn, W. H hbM Deveb mrc T.F. Jemm Eakenkar Mkhad Gana Eden T... Cotton reUOn of CMnlallon Pm.on Cha IHAIAwdem RW eCOnsbuctlon 1 Lake Susan HIIe Poriners Eden Trew ration Edon Treu CO n9w Jack Cnbtelmn Dab Oboe T.F. James Eclmar wharf Go. Eden Trece CO re61n L' of Clpnlwsaen Em bd Clu HIIAwdem Paisl Ped SWANS 43,000 49)30 2.484 13,11] 31,407 70000 10,2]0 fo0,om 10,080 MW5 4owo 8,839 1,083,112 21.34 322 3.07 0.50 157 SAO 173.00 3.� 1450 1.00 12.60 4.50 9.01 252 rNr20043A%t Dora Ids fall 2000 %it 20M !1112000 fall 20M 2001 summerMl bunt 21101 um 1et1 1111 2 0 0.5 winnr2000.2001 fall 2000 wiaao2000.2001 Juni Nr,2001 3441 rnnaM/5 Nd OMCeANere. Otfice/Were. OR OMceNlare. n Renl2bld Aspn 430,000 .6rel buawm us plfiae 50 %00,0120 %Ware. wareMwe ware., .94,280 .fl. .5clmal 3],200 .n. rewrd stud, SPBP19 SP 00.1 SP 00.2 5P 00.3 SP 95- 11fila2 SP W-P PUD 110.2 $p 801106 SP2000.8 SP2000.9 SP 2000.10 SP 8812 SP2000 -12 $ 32,000,000 $ 2]95,000 E 2,842450 Al 1]20.90 $ ]21435 $ 2,199,490 E 4.900,000 E 7OW.M0 $ 655$00 $ 5,330,075 $ 2800,000 E 484,]30 $ 82.1 %830 P.O.S. PIua Inc. Eden Trace, LMO Bu nBU3d ReMax De oCOmrete COm HeMNaans Parlor Hannifin CO n CuMrefs FamA Rs6ureM AMonnnm Aun Service Centor 8175 UpWrd Chle 82050 and Ckde 7811 Grist Plana BlW, 1850 Lake Dr. W. 2MOWanr TOwm PI. 450 Pont! PmmereOe a175SSNffioINaay4I 8128001 SIMO 1 6282001 8132001 8252001 82]2001 81312801 TOO DIgn Palbrerah ,LLC. Eden Trece Co reion DaMam, CBlrrele.to ,inc. Podcer HenM'mCO retlon We eRYeraMAmcbbs MikeSchlan,ea P.O.S. PIw,Im. Tntm,L LC_ DndIB tt LOW ProperuN PaWsrHmnNin .Wn W eRaereM AVOfeba Mike kInW m 29,840 28,821 BA50 25,130 32,000 4,979 7,000 IN 4.0 1.0 88 5A 0.9 13 6112001 18112001 aider01 -02 aNWr OI -00 ainhoot -02 winfer0l -02 aMCewerehouae oMwwerehouu oflke off..%shouss office mAndaaln rea ment Nousair SP2001 -1 SP2001 -2 8P 20014 SP 2001 -5 SP 2001 -8 SP 2001 -] SP 20518 i 1,826,800 E 1,8]3,305 $ 591 ,01111 g 1,am 035 $ 1,120,000 $ ]46,]00 E 488,[00 Wesbvotl Common cnN.n Ddl Pmfmblml BUAdI Tlnetleane goad 77700811804 9.4/MO1 10222001 Wenwood Commis Churt-0 M1buM Pm Itla .- SaoWComm CNaOn "Na Road LLC 69]56 207 85 5].1 2.1 winter 03 -04 NO 20M irtti4Mnal offinan 2001 -13 SPR SP2001 -12 $ ],115112 $ 1454,950 Subbnl 227,309 80.1] $ 16,00,282 Kwik T, W. 78th Street 1282002 K"T MT RatFn LLC B,et] IN !1112002 w aedemaeb a SP 2002 -1 $ SIMMS Amerca.L 'n 2SO lde Drte E. 4222002Amnbani- tun POd58O AmeMen L bn, SW ],822 2.12 6112002 P U,Club SP2001 -2 $ 1842,820 Powers OBbe Build 7907 Powers BIW. 52820025 urd Pm Inc. edewM ioll 28.800 2.80 INI1002 oflke SP2002 -3 $ 2.898.000 U.S. Bank 7830 BIW. 81MW2 ROM Dew eel Inc. RAM Oerc90 nd inc. 3,000 107 61120M oflbe SP20024 $ 367.920 Kinder ans Leaming Center 2800 Cormde Pleu 7RPt0025Mnm Dewt met, inc. KrMer Care Leeml Center 10,434 181 %112002 d. . SP20D2 -5 E 1252080 3t Hubert CellmlkC naou - rebn 8201 A41n 51red 41820020 us St. Hulnl C&Mlk Glmmun' 4IA22 020 wlMer 02 -03 Y¢MNbrel SP2002�4 $ 4 524,l Chioofl.aMBeaIbMdWh, 550 W.79M 5t lO/MOO2 Infroltv Af CM1enhasen, LLC C dChanhaesan 8,300 1.81 2003 ree6U.ft SP2002.8 $ 1245,000 WI ea Suits C NEwmttof lake M. 181M2002 VOP I, LLC VOPI, LLG 19,000 1.45 2009rbt uneOucaL ummncal SP 2002 -] § 2,850,000 Chanlassen LOrnrnunity Bank 475PoMPnmerede 18142002Pe Mro CNm.albn P 11800 041 rIn, 2004 bankoflke SP2002 -7 $ 1,320,000 Nodhcell Inn B S"N Main St. &lake M. 1242002 NOMwe Inn 6 SuASS NOrtbue Mn B Suites 70,673 271 2006 (not ulwbuotatl hotel ant cnmmercbl SP 2002-9 SubbMl 209814 25.35 E 26,151,4]3 CeMU Boul -H Count ]BBOCeMU BIW. 41142003 StomrDewlonnent, he. HeNene PeNnrs, LLC 10.3681 1.14 Nov, 2003 office SP 2003 -1 $ 1.243,920 Gemrel Milb ran WWAMUWn Road 4/142003 General Mib 48,000 41.30 O1L 2003 wereMUaa SP2W32 § 2000,000 V". 0esn 2832 Wder Tower %acs 527200351einer Dewlo maM,lnc. Jell 20,000 180 alnNr20034 oftenaaraMuse SP 2003 -4 E 1,300.000 AMraNm Sla Center W. ]BM Of am cantay SIW 71142000 NortM1C ,A Pannonia Clwleslmve opmero 25,003 4.70 fall2cd4 reniUr uant SP200" $ 31000.000 Houle Inn EW. Cacao, BIW.&H'M1 5 92WOMS6iner De,aaNrOeta, Inc. Sana, Swan, 53000 3.13 1u mer2W4 M1de1 SPM3 -a E 838O,D00 Merket5treet 5letbn Paul Dr. §NarkN BIW. 10/138003 K. A Rea Co , Write Sbad Snlbn, LLP 60,000 11.40 6112004 clmma /offcelrenA SP2003-9 It 7,200,000 Park NimBd 30011%8 Dr. E. 1292003 Fra mshub Companies Freuemhub Coro aniea 58,800 3.47 sNvNr2005 ogee /clink 200310 E 8,792,000 Suw.Nl 270,000 67.03 E ze,005,B20 St.. Creek TOan Offices 79013mne Creak Dr. 5242004 Edm T. Cor, Stone CRek Office Chroup LLC ]0,806 5s8 mm20.5 aspmg oRne Pon. Ga. N-15 $ 8,40.1,520 cwarmery 2211 Salpn BIW. 7112/2004 Hwc Creek Capibal, Ll.0 CVS/hano 13 WO IN 2005 merchasW Plan.0 .21 $ 11500.000 Ldebne FAnaea 2901 Comorete PL 6412004 Lifetime Fitness Liftime Fitness 300,000 22.10 ]142005 (land wmplde) hwAh duBoMCes Plan. Case 04-22 $ 37,0801000 Coinany Plem Lot 2855 M78th St. 6232004 CPV Development CO, LLC UV Dever meal CD, LLC 15,(100 IN s mer2005 afk/ac MrN al Plan. Cne 04-25 $ 1,8001000 Cwddad Sdw01 7805 Grad Plana BIW. 18112004 Fled Ries. Fred Mdse 9,088 1.0 %it 2005 school PIen. Caw 0432 $ ROOM ]&41 Retail HkJlm'a`fl 7841 11162004 Pi 1 ®, LLC Hi 680, LLC D,OW 5.25 6112005 naoWntad Plan 04-34 $ ]66000 Lake WMLa 435 PoM Pnomnlade 18132004 "CON VOP I 10,200 1.35 6112005 voblhebil Pan. Caw Ob40 $ 1,54],000 SNXMal 440,384 30.35 § 52208,890 Pa61 PeA 5100,0 McGI nDr. 1110200.5%%. Polk Shdb Pebl PalkstMb 4880 2.40 md2005 nMUm aw wmdwua Plan. Caw 0441 $ 285,000 Wa seers 880 W. 7Po1 Shed 12420055 DmID aa, W. Robed DWbh 15,000 1.81 2000 wmmercawaa6 Plan. Cme 05 -03 $ 1,wo,wo M,x COmWdbn 24]1 Gat In Coun 92,zO05 M' wCanahuctbn Volk-M 1Pro Iwa,LLO 49711 5.!19 2006 /6112008 Oflke Mmre P6n.Caw0827 $ 3,479,7]0 EaM Wder Treemrml PlAM 101 W.7Mh Strad /2520050 WChanhaaen C" dCheMaven 12,500 248 ublb Wl' PIen.Cme 0512 $ 0,450,0110 Jdubs Tawm ]00.5 CenW BIW. 1232005 Yeomen Hawdl Alch6eda8Maw. Factl br Me JO 8.8110 2.02 wmellM rea6ureM Plan. Ceu 0540 $ 818880 9%plsn441Gom IM List Tests Commanonn LIIym CM1eMUUn: Commemel end Indushal Lie 1"/2014 TeacHpOon An*ee De% Oewfepx Omer Sa. R. LOMSke CRnp%HOn Dxa Type Planmrg CaaeM Eat. Market Vahe Aaws Snblobl W,DO 1355 $ 15,832,330 CM1SWauea Wee BUSOeu Park Let 2431 Gal' Court 4110MOS Edan Treu Co Sea Etlen Trace Co ne a 40.41] Arborenam Buseeu Cemer 2970Wmx TOwx Race 5222008 S%ber Dewlo mend 5%krer Dewlo 3.32 %02000 oRcaWmeM1ouse pan. Case 0611 $ 3,458,190 SWMI%eRetad L n11W.&H'klva 101 &122ooB sW Metro Trema erd $W Metro Treme 25,300 2189 mtcembucbJ oRCelxarehouu %en. Case 0&18 $ 1,)]1,000 W.,01, 2440 Gel &LOUa &112000 Eden Trace CO re8on We ek, NC 10,000 0.80 ummer2W] awkdx2W8 re%3 Plen. Canowle $ 1,920,000 M2AW BOtl &G %u nee WLake Dane East ]/102008Hen C...aan He Comellu¢ 110,000 ).00 oMeMwrehOUSa P &n.Case062] $ ],1W,0O Goff Zone 825 Fl CMW O, 102312000 Jeff Helshom JeRHelebom 14,430 1.89 200] aN k Ran. Caseo &24 $ 1,]31,00 Adobabn MOadel. Moro eaend Audubon 12MI=08 S. SAlkewaki Paebahn WhxP1e5 LLC 11000 97.04 aaAar20D7 recreefon Ran. Case 0&30 $ ))o,WO Cuslam Fab 5otu5on¢ men ]WD DuabO DZ 121112000 Cuenm Feb Solutions Custom Fab Saluda. 1]1,00 ],UO2 38.70 ha-ael setl erorea Plan Ceae0&34 g 8,850.00 2A0 > wareM1Ouselmanufa Plan Cau, BU g 490,140 SUMO %I Subm%I 410,149 155.50 28.891.830 HuMeM BuMi ]9]S Gemu BoulevaN 32&2W7 COx Tem LLP HeaNeMAmerka 31$00 10.14 MamacS ms C Bktl. 529200] Cbaeka Cowen Ponders S. Asian GO 51,00 wiMx2W7-2000 werebouse Man Cau O]A5 S 2.104,00 Ou%N.Im. 2480 Gel 'n CAOrt &125Commerce DC 5&WO0] 10N 007POwerS Etlen Treceeo ra9]n em CWSea Me. Here B ran 48000 12,300 408 9.58 0.28 wa%r200] -200 a. 2W] -200 2008 oRKelwareMUU onesawarelmuse oflkm*aerdlcuae Plan Lau o] -f0 Pen Cade 07-11 Plan Case 07-21 $ 3828,000 E 3.30,000 § 881,000 PmveS emaE SuMn %I 163,30 18A8 10.031,00 Busoesshn ct Gae na Fitness 2411 Gel in Court WMIXIS Eden Trees Go sdi ns 50,000 30 fa112008 Croasmadsof CM1anhasaen 1018L nBIM. 8110208 Kraus And. "r Adeson 74,305 8.01 of0ce41xehouu Plan Case O]�2] I 35W000 Walreena SeaeaF.rWO.Cromsana 5I1Y 8A n, Inc. 7I41Lmsam Lender O/A3Craw sLLC 18.880 0.47 fa1I2010 re%Aand ORee Ran CU 0-01 $ 8.916,800 IDI Glade.. 6301 AnduWn Read 4114208 Eden Trace IDI DbbbWors ]1,92] a 209 re%il Plan C_O &05 $ 2]]8,800 Carwr Cennv S.Nee Cemer ]WS Keroer BlM 5/12/2008 Caner Co Cerver LOU 4.11 %11208 -winter oflkaNartlwuse P%n Cex080] S 5,036,890 JlmmyJoM1ns 7851 Mmket BouleveN WIMON NmusAncermn areas Anderson 13,20 0.0] 2W &200 once RenC 00609 E 1.591,20 Su,ndo,Crant,Club 291002M Snant & 00 Karen Jeakeai I(eren Jeckaon 1.850 0.14 %II Nroe realeumm Man Case 0&02 $ 247,5W CW 01 2451 Gal &Court )28208 Etlen Treca LO Mon Edon Trees CO 21,000 3.OB vM%r20o62W8 enMel kenneVM¢Ma %an Cese 0611 E 10]0,00 PuNa Works Build' ]01 PoA Race 122209E of ChenM1euen relivn C' of LM1enM1aeaen 0,500 82,500 2.02 mf eansNCled OficdwereM1Ousa Plen Ceu 00-14 E 2,135,000 11.95 wedx 200&2010 oRixlvereMUU Plan Cau 0&25 $ ],625,000 sublmel 386,132 420 32,590.80 Wesvwod LOmmu' CM1UM s n 3121 Wes%vwd Dr 3232000 WeaMnW COmmun' Chumh Wealaaxac nann Chumh 51,00 580 2010 Power Cm Rvfusbml Cemere H 2128 Powers BIW 528200 Untied Pro Nu Pm Erhea 10,000 103 InatbAbnel Ran Caae O6o3 § 8,120,000 CMn.an Ind.m5lmbn 50 Mocked Street 1 IRMW9 So.,Nst Trensil SoWM1WeatTrensX nat condr.ated offkaklksc Ran 0&00 $ 10.20,000 1,43 &112011 420 s %11 A' mm PC #00.18 $ ],00,00 sanofal 2111ow 70.2 5 szszO,Wo LOdu6 Re1a1 HeskeN's 19800 WUt)BN Sbe9 21W5ro Man Avenue 2222010 1m1120f0 Center Com mu, LLC TMm nAwnue VMluan, LLC Cerdx Cam nine. LLC TM nAwmro Vemuraa, LLC ]082 39,00 OB 143 &112010 mer 2011 re%$ PL 10-04 $ 1.188,80 M.A. Gedm mon warem. PC 10.11 S 1,385,00 Sudo %I 48,882 251 2,503,800 Clxnlmsun BPGas SbdWn ]BOSGreatPWm BOulewm 5182011 Kbelee Abut KM1aled AbW 3,915 1.1 fall 201 sa%tbNesmaniance arore PC11 -M E 281,800 SUbro%1 3,015 1.1 281,80 Pmnmu School ada Blur. 3282012 Waua-Andereon, lm. ChlMremD ' aGna 12.00 1.0 &112012 da 80 W.)eth Street GOOtlwB W. 7M 22]2012 Cemer Cam nee, LLC so W.]8 %Sweat, LLC 2060 2.8 4112812 Mead cM1iclnod educxen Plan C. 201208 .2012 $ E 1060,00 Canine Llub85 (SUpem 2FC W ex Wf02o121(eren Jackwn Kern Jeckeon 5,201 Mal Plan Cams -03 1,483,20 BeMM Namea 3.08 2013 ammalP %n Gee 201208 $ 559,]0 HazelXne BNd. 10222012 T11merM KeNryn Sluens Ty1xaM KeM 3a 15.01 2.2 mer1013 Cov[ivuivg Care Re[ittmevtF P%n Ceu 201915 Subb V 9B $ 5.31],03 ChenM1eaaen Ap rbnenla 1- 4MAbO130ppidev, Ile. idan,Svc. 198]01 14.0 %112014 155 urkepeamem Wildig Plan Case 2013-0] $ CommunRyAVet Oeaebnem re MYem¢m 2d bM wnesmi 15,06,000 WuROreek COtla BB 00 Peneer TreA 8/122013 Greup 13,)0 89 mer 2014 Power Po'uX wen BOUlewN 11/122013 Unlled Pro 180 UnXM Pm ties 140,80 12A mun Plan CauR01 &OB $ 1,108,000 Chanhauen Great Ple %s Cemer ekn BOUlewm 11252013 NHH Chanhawn Mere Cemeet LO11V. OUeI Fu- IIFOOd ma2014 oflbaN.sMOwe P %n Gee 20120 S ],040,00 10,443 1.1 "/x2214 re&d Ran Cam 2013 -23 301,040 30 S 24.01,00 Total 5,]0805 11.111 418.94,]24 9:lAlonlin T.m IM LW Yeady COmpxbon CHANHASSEN POPULATION Percent PERCENT MET Change Previous YEAR NUMBER INCREASE INCREASE COUNCIL Census 1960 CENSUS 3,411 1970 CENSUS 4,879 1,468 43% 43% 1980 CENSUS 6,359 1,480 30% 30% 1990 CENSUS 11,732 5,373 84% 84% 1995 ESTIMATE 15,588 3,856 33% 2000 CENSUS 20,321 4,733 30% 73% 2005 ESTIMATE 23,652 3,331 16% 22,512 2010 CENSUS 22,952 (700) -3% 27,500 13% 2011 ESTIMATE 23,179 227 1% 2012 ESTIMATE 23,484 532 2% 2013 ESTIMATE 23,954 470 2% 2014 PROJECTION 24,388 434 2% 2015 PROJECTION 24,617 229 1% 2020 PROJECTION 26,959 2,342 10% 34500 @ 17% 2025 PROJECTION 28,880 1,921 7% 2030 PROJECTION 30,213 1,333.0 5% 38000 @ 12% 2035 PROJECTION 31,995 1,782.0 6% 2040 PROJECTION 33,339 1,344.0 4% 31,600 # 10% SOURCES: U.S. CENSUS # 2040 Metropolitan Council Preliminary Forecast 9/11/13 @Metropolitan Council 2030 System Plan CITY OF CHANHASSEN Planning Department Annual Estimates CITY OF CHANHASSEN Planning Department Projections November 2013 G: \PLAN \Past, Present, Future \POP.xIs 2014 Planning Department Goals ❑ Downtown Review Analysis ❑ Inventory of all parcels within the downtown (CBD, BH, CC, PUDs). (Feb.) ❑ Create Information Sheet and Map ❑ Developed ❑ Undeveloped ❑ Underutilized ❑ Review Community Commercial Standards. (Mar.) ❑ Review Economic and Development data and trends. (Mar. — Apr.) ❑ Calculate square footages.(Apr.) ❑ Determine expansion potential (Apr.) ❑ Create pivot tables ❑ Prepare Report for City Council (May) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Land Use Analysis ❑ Calculate the amount of development by land use type. ❑ Utilize Density Report for land consumption. (Jan.) ❑ Utilize Commercial Industrial annual comparison for non - residential. (Jan.) ❑ Verify on GIS the total of each land use. (Jan. - Feb.) ❑ Add all land use map amendments (fig. 2 -2) ❑ Print maps by land use. ❑ Allocated new parks and open space lands from subdivisions. (Jan.) ❑ Analyze. (Feb.) ❑ Land Use Consumption calculations. Calculate vacant and developed lands. ❑ Note underutilized /underdeveloped properties (Vacant). ❑ Map "vacant' land ❑ Create future projections for land consumption. ❑ Prepare report. (Mar.) ❑ Update figure 2 -1 land use in 5 -year stages. ❑ Determine method to track land use consumption and maintain up to date data. ❑ Present to City Council and Planning Commission at Joint meeting. (April, 2014) ❑ Highway 101/61 Corridor & Utility Study ❑ RFP ❑ City Council Approve Contract ❑ Data and analysis ❑ Approve Study ❑ Implementation ❑ PID Combining ❑ Manage Development Review Process ❑ Update Code & Informational Brochures 2014 Planning DePdrtment Goals O CUP Compliance O Create list of CUPS O Allocate Compliance Review O Follow -up ONotice ONotice O January 0Inspection O July 171 Inspection OCom liance OCom liance ONotice ONotice O February 0Inspection O August OInspection OCom liance OCom liance ONotice ONotice O March 0Inspection O September 0Inspection OCom liance OCom liance ONotice ONotice O April 171 Inspection OOctober Ohispection OCom liance OCom liance ONotice ONotice O May OInspection C1 November 0Inspection OCom liance OCom liance ONotice ONotice O June C] Inspection O December C1 Inspection OCom liance OCom liance O Follow -up A. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Analysis I. Calculate the amount of development by land use type. Utilize Density Report for land consumption. (Jan.) Utilize Commercial Industrial annual comparison for non - residential. (Jan.) II. Verify on GIS the total of each land use. (Jan. - Feb.) Add all land use map amendments (fig. 2 -2) Print maps by land use. Allocated new parks and open space lands from subdivisions. (Jan.) III. Analyze. (Feb.) Land Use Consumption calculations. Calculate vacant and developed lands. Note underutilized/underdeveloped properties (Vacant). Map "vacant' land IV. Create fixture projections for land consumption. V. Prepare report. (Mar.) Update figure 2 -1 land use in 5 -year stages. Determine method to track land use consumption and maintain up to date data. VI. Present to City Council and Planning Commission at Joint meeting. (April, 2014) B. Downtown Analysis I. Inventory of all parcels within the downtown (CBD, BH, CC, PUDs). (Feb.) Create information sheet and map Developed Undeveloped Underutilized II. Review Community Commercial Standards. (Mar.) III. Review Economic and Development data and trends. (Mar. — Apr.) N. Calculate square footages.(Apr.) V. Determine expansion potential (Apr.) Create pivot tables VI. Prepare Report for City Council (May) C. Highway 101/61 Study 1. RFP 2 CC approve contract 3. Data and analysis 4. Approve study 5. Implementation D. CUP Compliance 1. Create list of CUPS 2. Allocate Compliance Review Jan. Notice July Notice Inspection Inspection Feb. Notice Aug. Notice Inspection Inspection Mar. Notice Sept. Notice Inspection Inspection Apr. Notice Oct. Notice Inspection Inspection May. Notice Nov. Notice Inspection Inspection June Notice Dec. Notice Inspection Inspection 3. Follow -up gAplan \project tracking\2014 \1and use analysis process.doc