A-1. New Regulations for Stormwater ManagementCITY OF
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TO: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director
FROM: Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator
DATE: April 1, 2014
RE: Local Water Management Update
RPBCWD Local Controls
The Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District has published rules for public
comment. These rules are intended to be adopted on April 16, 2014 at a meeting of
the District Managers. Comments on the rules are due by the end of the business day
on April 7.
The District has included representatives of the cities within their jurisdiction as
members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC met on eight
occasions and many of their comments were incorporated. In addition, the Citizens
Advisory Committee has been consulted throughout the process. Despite this input,
these rules will still have significant implications for the cities within the District
boundaries. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the proposed rules; discuss
the relationship to our existing local controls; present staff's current comments on the
rules revision, and; take feedback from the Planning Commission.
Included with this report is a copy of the proposed rules and a matrix prepared by
staff that compares city code with the other watershed and MPCA requirements.
1. Matrix of rules.
2. Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District proposed rules.
G: \ENG \Terry\Watershed Districts \RPBCW D \Rules Adoption 2013 \Agency Review Submittal \MemO_PC_040114.doa
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Caruer County WMO :
Lower Minnesota Riuer
NPDES Construction
Plan 18/26/18 Rules
RPBCWO : Plan 1/26/11
WO : Plan 12/14/11 Rules
Minnehaha Creek WO:
NPDES General Permit
Rules In Deuelopment
Plan 7/5/07 Rules 5/11
Threshold: single family
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Create 1> impervious or >10,000
a. Land - disturbing activities that
Disturb >1 acre of land
>_1 acre where more than 20% of
residential new
common development >1 acre
common development >1 acre
sf in sensitive areas
will disturb 50 cubic yards or more
site is or will be impervious
of earth;
b. Land - disturbing activities that
will disturb 5,000 square feet or
more of surface area or
vegetation; or
c. Subdivision of a parcel into
three or more residential lots.
Threshold: non-
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Create 1> impervious or >10,000 si
a. Land - disturbing activities that
Disturb >1 acre of land
?A acre where more than 20% of
residential nealtn
common development >1 acre
common development >S acre
in sensitive areas
will disturb 50 cubic yards or more
site is or will be impervious
of earth;
b. Land - disturbing activities that
will disturb 5,000 square feet or
more of surface area or
vegetation; or
Threshold: single f2millwg
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Additions: Create >1 acre
Same as above, except where
Disturb >1 acre of land
51 acre; requirements vary by size,
common development >1 acre
common development >1 acre
impervious or >10,000 sf in
redevelopment of more than 50%
change in imperviousness, and %
sensitive areas, for new
of site or that increases
impervious by more than 50 %,
Tear downs: Create >1 acre
applies to entire site; less than
impervious or >10,000 sf in
50% of site, applies only to
sensitive areas, for all impervious
disturbed area /new impervious
created by project;
Redevelopments that reduce
imperviousness by 10% are
exempt from rate, volume, and
WQ regs
Caruer County WM0 :
Lower Minnesota Riuer
NPDES Construction
Plan 10/26/10 Rules
RPBCWD : Plan 1/26/11
WD : Plan 12/14/11 Rules
Minnehaha Creek WD
NPDES General Permit
Rules In Deuelopment
Plan 7/5/07 Rules 5/11
Thresho0d: non-
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Additions: Create >1 acre
Same as above, except where
Disturb >1 acre of land
<1 acre; requirements vary by size,
red °den$lal
common development >1 acre
common development >1 acre
impervious or >10,000 sf in
redevelopment of more than 50%
change in imperviousness, and %
sensitive areas, for new
of site or that increases
redeoleV ®pQUien$
impervious by more than 50 %,
Tear downs: Create >1 acre
applies to entire site; less than
impervious or >10,000 sf in
50% of site, applies only to
sensitive areas, for all impervious
disturbed area /new impervious
created by project;
Threshold: grading and
Disturb >5,000 sf, excavate or
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
Disturb >1 acre of land, or part of
>1 acre construction activity; <1
a. Land - disturbing activities that
As required by the General Permit
All land disturbing activity except
erosion control
place >50 cy fill, any disturbance
common development >1 acre
common development >1 acre
acres in sensitive areas or part of
will disturb 50 cubic yards or more
for Construction
agriculture and disturbances of
on "highly erodible" land or land
common development >1 acre
of earth,
less than 5,000 sq ft moving less
in the Bluff Creek Overlay District,
b. Land - disturbing activities that
than 50 cu yd
or with any earthwork permit
will disturb 5,000 square feet or
more of surface area or vegetation
Water quality: new
Whichever is most restrictive:
No net increase in TP or TSS
Wet pond with 1,800 cu ft dead
90% removal of TP and TSS from
Provide for at least 75% removal
Treatment as required by the
No net increase in TP, except
meet NPDES construction permit;
annual load
storage per contributing acre and
the 1.05" event
of TP and 90% removal of TSS
General Permit for Construction;
where land use was row
NURP criteria (90% TSS and 60 %;
live storage of 1" of runoff from
from all runoff from impervious
NURP pond designs apply
crop /feedlot, must be modeled as
or special requirements for
new impervious surface
if meadow
discharges to "Preserve" waters
Water quality:
Whichever is most restrictive:
Decrease in TP and TSS annual
Wet pond with 1,800 cu ft dead
90% removal of TP and TSS from
Provide for at least 75% removal
Treatment as required by the
Varies based on size and whether
meet NPDES construction permit;
storage per contributing acre and
the 1.05" event
of TP and 90% removal of TSS
General Permit for Construction;
impervious is increased or
NURP criteria 90% TSS and 60 %;
live storage of 1" of runoff from
from all runoff from impervious
NURP pond designs apply
or special requirements for
new impervious surface
discharges to "Preserve" waters
Rate control
No increase over 1- or 2-, 10-, and
No specific requirement
No more than 5.66 cfs per acre
No increase over 2 -, 10 -, and 100-
No increase over 2-, 10 -, and 100-
No increase over 1 -or 2-, 10-, or
No increase over 1 -, 10 -, and 100-
100 -year rates
pond surface area
year rates and 10 -da y snowmelt;
year rates
100 -year rates
year rates, except where land use
was row crop /feedlot, must be
Extended detention for sites
modeled as if meadow
discharging directly to streams:
50% reduction of 2 -year discharge
from existing
Caruer County WMO :
Lower Minnesota Riuer
NPOES Construction
Plan 18/26/10 Rules
RPBCWD : P112n 1/26/11
WO : Plan 12/14/11 Rules
Minnehaha Creek WO
NPOES General Permit
Rules In Deuelopment
Plan 7/5/07 Rules 5/11
Infiltration: new
Discharging to special waters:
No net increase in annual runoff
If more than 1 acre of new
Abstraction of 0.5" runoff from
1.1" abstraction from all
0.5" runoff from new impervious
1" from impervious surface.
Infiltration of excess volume over
impervious, infiltrate /abstract 1"
impervious surface
impervious surface
Where 1" infeasible, must do at
pre - development volume, up to 2-
from new impervious surface
least 0.5" plus additional TP
yr, 24 -hour event
Any grading permit: Soil
amendment ripped into existing
soil materials to a depth of ten
inches on the site
Discharging to special waters:
Decrease in annual runoff volume
If more than 1 acre of new
Abstraction of 0.5" runoff from
1.1" abstraction from all
0.5" runoff from new impervious
1" from impervious surface.
Infiltration of excess volume over
impervious, infiltrate /abstract 1"
impervious surface
impervious surface
Where 1" infeasible, must do at
pre - development volume, up to 2-
from new impervious surface
least 0.5" plus additional TP
yr, 24 -hour event
Any grading permit: Soil
amendment ripped into existing
soil materials to a depth of ten
inches on the site
Wetland buffer
16.5 to 50 feet from wetlands
No specific requirement
100 feet from a special water
Minimum 20 feet, adjusted based
20 to 100 feet from wetlands,
a. <2 acres, 25' minimum;
16 to 75 feet, depending on
depending on mgmt. class; 100
on slope, whether runoff s
depending on mgmt. class; 50 feet
wetland mgmt class
feet from special water
directed to the buffer or if the
from a water basin; 50 feet from
wetland is ranked "high," to a
the greater of the centerline of
maximum 50 feet
watercourse or edge of meander
belt; 30 feet from a first -order
b..2 acres, 25' minimum, average
Linear projects
No specific requirement
Disturb >1 acre of land; may be
Disturb >1 acre of land
Projects adding 1 acre or more of
If project creates more than 5,000
No specific requirement
Projects creating >10,000 sq ft
excepted from some or all
impervious, for new impervious
square feet of new or additional
new impervious surface
infiltration requirement if lack
created by project
impervious surface. Applies only
sufficient right of way
to all new and reconstructed
impervious surface.
Bluff requirements
No removal of vegetation and no
No specific requirement
No specific requirement
No removal of vegetation in the
No removal of vegetation in the
No specific requirement
new impervious in the Bluff
Bluff Impact Zone (20' from top of
Bluff Impact Zone and Bluff Face;
Impact Zone (20' from top of
bluff); new structure setback 50 ft
new structure setback 30 ft top of
bluff); new structure setback 30 ft
top of bluff, SSTS setback 50 ft
bluff, SSTS setback 50 ft
top of bluff, SSTS setback 50 ft
TP-48 or Rtlas 14
TP -40
No specific requirement
No specific requirement
Atlas 14
Will adopt Atlas 14 as part of
current rule revision
February 21, 2014
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watersbed District DRAFT Rules
February 21, 2014
Definitions..................................................................... ............................... 5
Acronyms........................................................................ ............................... 9
Rule A - Procedural Requirements .................................... ..............................1 l
1 Policy ................................................................... .............................11
2 Application ........................................................... .............................11
3 Conditional approval .......................................... ............................... 12
5 Permit assignment and renewal .......................... ............................... 13
6 Suspension or revocation ................................... ............................... 14
Rule B - Floodplain Management and Drainage Alterations .............................15
Policy ................................................................... .............................15
Regulation ............................................................ .............................15
Criteria for floodplain and drainage alterations ... ...............................
Required information and exhibits ..................... ...............................
Exceptions ......................................................... ...............................
Rule C - Erosion and Sediment Control ............................. .............................18
Policy ................................................................... .............................18
Regulation ............................................................ .............................18
Criteria ................................................................. .............................18
Required information and exhibits ..................... ...............................
RuleD - Wetland, Lake and Creek Buffers ......................... .............................22
Policy ................................................................... .............................22
Regulation ............................................................ .............................22
Criteria ................................................................. .............................22
Temporary Alterations ........................................ ...............................
Roads and Utilities ............................................. ...............................
Shoreline or Streambank Improvements ............. ...............................
Required information and exhibits ..................... ...............................
Appendix D1 - High -Risk Erosion Areas Map ................. ...............................
Appendix D2 - Wetlands Definitions .............................. ...............................
Rule E
- Dredging and Sediment Removal .......................... .............................31
Policy ................................................................... .............................31
Regulation ............................................................ .............................31
Criteria ................................................................. .............................31
Required information and exhibits ..................... ...............................
Fast -Track Public Project Permit ......................... ...............................
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Rule F - Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization ................ .............................34
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Regulation ............................................................
3 Criteria .................................................................
4 Required information and exhibits ..................... ...............................
Rule G - Waterbody Crossings and Structures ....................
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Regulation ............................................................
3 Criteria ................................ - ............................................................
4 Required information and exhibits .......................
5 Maintenance .........................................................
Rule H - Appropriation of Public Surface Waters ................
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Regulation ............................................................
3 Criteria .................................................................
4 Exhibits ................................................................
Rule I - Appropriation of Groundwater ..............................
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Regulation ............................................................
3 Criteria .................................................................
4 Exhibits ................................................................
Rule J - Stormwater Management .....................................
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Regulation ............................................................
3 Criteria .................................................................
4 Required exhibits .................................................
Appendix J1 - Low Floor Elevation Guidance .................. ...............................
Rule K - Variances and Exceptions ....................................
1 Variances ........................................................... ...............................
2 Exceptions ......................................................... ...............................
3 Term ....................................................................
4 Violation ............................................................ ...............................
RuleL - Permit Fees .........................................................
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Requirement ................................. -- ..............................................
- 65
Rule M - Financial Assurances ..........................................
1 Policy ...................................................................
2 Requirement .................. .............................--- ...............................
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
3 Criteria ................................................................. .............................67
4 Financial Assurance Release ............................... ............................... 68
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
The following definitions and acronyms apply to the District rules and accompanying
guidance materials.
100 -year flood elevation: The surface elevation of a waterbody that has a 1- percent
chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year, as shown on District floodplain
maps, where available, or as calculated using a model utilizing the most recent
applicable National Weather Service reference data (e.g., Atlas 14).
Abstraction: Permanent retention of runoff on a site by structures and practices such
as infiltration basins, evapotranspiration and capture and reuse.
Back -to -back storm events: Distinct rainfall events occurring within 24 hours of each
Best management practices: Various structural and nonstructural measures taken to
minimize negative effects on water resources and systems, such as ponding, street
sweeping, filtration through a rain garden and infiltration, as documented in the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas and the
Minnesota Stormwater Manual.
Bioengineering: Various shoreline and streambank stabilization techniques using
aquatic vegetation and native upland plants, along with techniques such as willow
wattling, brush layering and willow - posts.
Existing conditions: Site conditions at the time of consideration of a permit application
by the District, before any of the work for which a permit is sought has commenced,
except that when impervious surfaces have been fully or partially removed from a
previously developed parcel but no intervening use has been legally or practically
established, "existing conditions" denotes the previously established developed use
and condition of the parcel.
Fill: Any rock, soil, gravel, sand, debris, plant cuttings or other material placed onto
land or into water.
Groundwater: Water in the interstices of rock and soil that is present at pressures
greater than one atmosphere.
Impervious surface: Any exposed surface that has been compacted or covered with a
layer of material, or is likely to become compacted from expected use, such that it is
highly resistant to infiltration.
Landlocked basin: A localized depression that does not have a natural outlet at or
below the 100 -year flood elevation.
Land - disturbing activity: Any alteration of the ground surface that could result,
through the action of wind and /or water, in soil erosion, substantial compaction, or the
movement of sediment into waters, wetlands, storm sewers, or adjacent property.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Land - disturbing activity includes but is not limited to demolition of a structure or
surface, soil stripping, clearing, grubbing, grading, excavating, filling and the storage
of soil or earth materials. Typical, routine farming operations (e.g., plowing,
harvesting) will not be considered land- disturbing activities for purposes of the rules.
Linear project: Construction or reconstruction of a public road or other transportation
route, sidewalk or trail, or construction, repair or reconstruction of a utility or utilities
within existing right of way that is not a component of a larger contemporaneous
development or redevelopment project.
Low floor: The lowest elevation of any floor of any structure, habitable or not.
Meander belt: The lateral extent of a watercourse meander. The edge of the meander
belt is the straight -line distance connecting the outside of the channel meander of the
upstream bend to the outside of the channel of the next downstream meander. (See
Figure 1.)
Nested: A hypothetical precipitation distribution where the precipitation depths for
various durations within a storm have the same exceedance probabilities. This
distribution maximizes the rainfall intensities by incorporating selected short - duration
intensities within those needed for longer durations at the same probability level. As a
result, the various storm durations are "nested" within a single hypothetical
distribution. Nested storm distribution (or frequency based hyetograph) development
must be done according to the alternating block methodology as outlined in Chapter 4
of the HEC -HMS Technical Reference Manual, (USACE, 2000). Reference: U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers. 2000. Hydrologic Modeling System HEC -HMS Technical Reference
Outfall: A constructed point source where a storm sewer system discharges to a
receiving water. An outfall does not include diffuse runoff or conveyances that connect
segments of the same stream or water systems (e.g., when a conveyance temporarily
leaves an storm sewer system at a road crossing).
Parcel: A contiguous area of land under common ownership, designated and described
in official public records and separated from other lands by its designation.
Protected wetland: A wetland, the draining, filling or excavation of which is protected
by law.
Reconstruction: For non - linear projects, changes, including addition, expansion or
other improvement to a building or buildings on a property that involves a change to
the footprint of the building or buildings on the parcel.
Redevelopment: Any land- disturbing activity on an already - developed parcel or any
substantial change to existing structures on a parcel.
Regulated feature: A public water basin, public watercourse, public waters wetland or
other protected wetland in the watershed; or any watercourse within one of the High-
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Risk Erosion Areas shown on the map in Appendix D1. 'Regulated feature" is a
collective term, used to describe all water resources regulated under Rule D.
Rehabilitation: A maintenance project that disturbs or replaces only the existing
impervious surface, does not disturb underlying soils or result in a change in the
direction, peak rate, volume or water quality of runoff flows from the parcel, and does
not include the addition of new impervious surface. Mill and overlay of paved surfaces
is rehabilitation.
Retaining wall: Vertical or nearly vertical structures constructed of mortar - rubble
masonry, hand -laid rock or stone, vertical timber pilings, horizontal timber planks with
piling supports, sheet pilings, poured concrete, concrete blocks, or other durable
materials and constructed approximately parallel to the shoreline.
Right -of -way: Parcels of land on which a linear project is located, including adjacent
area necessary for safe operation of the road, sidewalk or trail and dedicated to such
use by fee ownership or other recorded title interest.
Shoreline: The lateral measurement along the contour of the ordinary high water mark
of waterbodies other than watercourses, and the top of the bank of the channel of
watercourses, and the area waterward thereof.
Site: The location of activities that are the subject of a District permit and are under the
control of the applicant.
Stream Power Index: As defined by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Stream
Power Index is calculated: LN ((Drainage Area + 0.001) * ((Slope/ 100) + 0.0001)). SPI is
a function of slope and tributary flow accumulation values, which can be thought of as
the volume of water flowing to a particular point on the landscape. SPI represent the
ability of intermittent overland flow to create erosion, but the SPI values are not
differentiated based on soils type or land cover effects on runoff volume or erosion.
Structure: Any impervious thing that is constructed or placed on the ground and that
is, or is intended, to remain in place for longer than a temporary period.
Thalweg: The line connecting the points of lowest elevation in a watercourse, channel,
valley, ravine or gully.
Waterbody: A watercourse or water basin.
Water basin: An enclosed natural depression with definable banks, capable of retaining
wate r.
Watercourse: A natural channel with definable beds and banks capable of conducting
confined runoff from adjacent land.
Beyond the definitions above, words in the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed
District rules will be interpreted consistently with definitions in Minnesota water law
(Minnesota Statutes chapters 703A, 7038, 103C, 703D, 103E, 703F and 7030). The
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
specific definitions above will prevail in the event of a contradiction or deviation.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
BMP - best management practice
BWSR - Board of Water and Soil Resources
LGU - local government unit
MnRAM - Minnesota Routine Assessment Methodology for Evaluating Wetland
MPCA - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
MS4 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
RPBCWD - Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
NURP - Nationwide Urban Runoff Program
NGVD - national geodetic vertical datum
OHW - ordinary high water level
WCA - Wetland Conservation Act
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Figure 1 - meander belt
1 1
1 1
t f
1 I
� 1
! 1
! 1
! 1
! L
Top of Bank
Meander Belt
Rule A - Procedural Requirements
1 Policy
1.1 Any person undertaking an activity for which a permit is required by
these rules must obtain the required permit prior to commencing the
activity that is regulated by the District.
1.2 The District rules will be interpreted and permit decisions will be made
consistently with watershed district purposes articulated in the Minnesota
Statutes section 1036.201 and 103D.201.
2 Application
2.1 An application bearing the original signature of the property owner(s)
must be submitted to the District to obtain a permit under these rules. It
is recommended that applicants contact the District and /or submit
preliminary plans early in the project development process for
nonbinding informal review for conformity with District policies and rules.
2.2 Each substantive District rule includes application and exhibit
specifications that, along with this rule, apply to the submission of
applications to the District and will be utilized to make determinations of
completeness under this rule.
2.3 The District will not take formal action on an application involving land
development unless the project has received approval from the relevant
city planning commission and preliminary (first reading) approval by the
city council, and the Wetland Conservation Act replacement plan review
and approval process, if applicable, has been initiated. If plat approval is
not required, an application will be reviewed when the applicant provides
a written statement from a responsible local official that the project
appears to meet local approval requirements and the Wetland
Conservation Act replacement plan review and approval process, if
applicable, has been initiated.
2.4 The District will not act on an incomplete permit application. A complete
permit application includes all required information, exhibits and fees
and must be signed by all property owners. The District will notify an
applicant if his or her application is incomplete within fifteen (15)
business days of receipt of the application. Required information
includes, but is not limited to:
a the name, address, and telephone number(s) of all property owners;
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
b the name, address and telephone number(s) for all contractors
undertaking land- disturbing activities as part of the proposed project;
c a statement granting the District and its authorized representatives
access to the site for inspection purposes.
2.5 Application forms and guidance materials may be obtained from the
District office or downloaded from the District web site at
3 Conditional approval
The District may conditionally approve an application, but the permit will not be
issued until all conditions to the approval are satisfied. All conditions must be
satisfied within 12 months of the date of conditional approval, and failure to
satisfy all conditions within 12 months will result in expiration of approval.
4 Reconsideration
An applicant aggrieved by a condition or conditions on approval of an
application or the specific grounds for denial of an application may suspend the
District's decision on the application by filing a notice of reconsideration with
the District.
4.1 Notice of reconsideration must be filed with the District within 10
business days of the decision and at least one day before the date by
which a decision on the application must be issued to comply with
Minnesota Statutes section 15.99. The notice must be submitted on a
form provided by the District that includes the applicant' concurrence in
an extension of the time for District permit action under section 15.99
and must include a statement of the specific conditions and findings to
be reconsidered.
4.2 The District will schedule reconsideration of the matter by the Board of
Managers and provide notice of the date of reconsideration to the
applicant at least 30 days in advance.
4.3 No later than 15 days prior to the date of reconsideration, the applicant
may supplement the established permit- review record with any additional
exhibits, documentation or legal arguments the applicant wishes to
4.4 In accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 103D.345, subdivision 2,
an applicant will be responsible for the analytical costs incurred by the
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
District for purposes of the reconsideration, except no costs will be
recovered for reconsideration of a decision made on an application made
by a local, state or federal governmental body.
4.5 Upon the applicant's filing of a notice of reconsideration, the underlying
permit decision will be suspended until the District renders a
determination on the reconsideration and the activities that are the
subject of the application may not be undertaken before the District
renders a final decision on reconsideration.
4.6 Absent the timely filing of a notice of reconsideration of a condition or
the grounds for denial, the District's decision on the application is final at
issuance. A decision on reconsideration will constitute the District's final
decision on the application.
5 Permit assignment and renewal
A permit is valid for one year from the date the permit is approved, with or
without conditions, unless specified otherwise or the permit is suspended or
revoked. To renew or transfer a permit, the permittee must notify the District in
writing prior to the permit expiration date and provide an explanation for the
renewal or transfer request. The District may impose different or additional
conditions on a renewal or deny the renewal in the event of a material change in
circumstances, except that on the first renewal, a permit will not be subject to
additional or different requirements solely because of a change in District rules.
New or revised rule requirements will not be imposed on renewal of a permit
where the permittee has made substantial progress toward completion of the
permitted work. If the activities subject to the permit have not substantially
commenced, no more than one renewal may be granted. An applicant wishing
to continue to pursue a project for which permit approval has expired must
reapply for a permit from the District and pay applicable fees.
A permittee may assign a permit to another party only upon approval of the
District, which will be granted if:
5.1 the proposed assignee agrees in writing to assume responsibility for
compliance with all terms, conditions and obligations of the permit as
5.2 there are no pending violations of the permit or conditions of approval;
5.3 the proposed assignee has provided any required financial assurance
necessary to secure performance of the permit.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
The District may impose different or additional conditions on the transfer of a
permit or deny the transfer if it finds that the proposed transferee has not
demonstrated the ability to perform the work under the terms of the permit as
issued. Permit transfer does not extend the permit term.
6 Suspension or revocation
The District may suspend or revoke a permit issued under these rules wherever
the permit is issued on the basis of incorrect information supplied to the District
by the applicant, or if the preliminary and final subdivision approval received
from a municipality or county is not consistent with the conditions of the
Rule B - Floodplain Management and Drainage Alterations
1 Policy
It is the policy of the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Board of
Managers to regulate to control of floodwaters, ensure the preservation of the
natural function of floodplains as floodwater storage areas, maintain no net loss
of floodplain storage to accommodate 100 -year flood storage volumes and
maximize upstream storage and infiltration of floodwaters.
2 Regulation
A permit is required for:
2.1 Any alteration or filling of land below the 100 -year flood elevation of a
waterbody in the watershed.
2.2 Any alteration of surface water flows below the 100 -year flood elevation
of a waterbody by changing land contours, diverting or obstructing
surface or channel flow, or creating a basin outlet.
3 Criteria for floodplain and drainage alterations
3.1 The low floor elevation of all new and reconstructed structures will be
constructed at a minimum of two feet above any applicable 100 -year
flood elevation. Within landlocked basins, the low floor elevation of all
new and reconstructed structures will be constructed at an elevation one
foot above the surface overflow elevation or the calculated high water
level from back -to -back 100 -year, 24 -hour storm events or the 100 -
year, 10 -day snowmelt, whichever is higher.
3.2 Placement of fill below the 100 -year flood elevation is prohibited unless
fully compensatory storage at the same elevation ( +/- 1 foot) and within
the floodplain of the same waterbody is provided. Creation of floodplain
storage capacity to offset fill must occur within the original permit term.
If offsetting storage capacity will be provided off site, it will be created
before any floodplain filling for the project will be allowed.
3.3 The District will issue a permit to alter surface flows only if it finds that
the alteration will not have an adverse impact on any upstream or
downstream landowner and will not adversely affect flood risk, basin or
channel stability, groundwater hydrology, stream base flow, water quality
or aquatic or riparian habitat.
3.4 No structure may be placed, constructed or reconstructed and no surface
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
may be paved within 100 feet of the centerline of any watercourse,
except that this provision does not apply to:
a Bridges, culverts and other structures and associated impervious
surface regulated under Rule G - Waterbody Crossings and Structures;
b Trails 10 feet wide or less, designed primarily for nonmotorized use.
4 Required information and exhibits
The following exhibits must accompany the permit application; one full -size set
(22 inches by 34 inches), one set reduced to a maximum of 11 inches by 17
inches, and one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District
4.1 Site plan showing property lines, delineation of the work area, existing
elevation contours of the work area, ordinary high water level or normal
water elevation and 100 -vear flood elevation. All elevations must be
reduced to NGVD (1929 datum).
4.2 Grading plan showing any proposed elevation changes.
4.3 Preliminary plat of any proposed land development.
4.4 Determination by a licensed civil engineer or registered qualified
hydrologist of the 100 -year flood elevation for the parcel before and
after the project.
4.5 Computation by a professional engineer of cut, fill and change in water
storage capacity resulting from proposed grading.
4.6 Erosion - control plan.
4.7 Soil boring results, if requested by the District engineer.
4.8 Documentation that drainage and flowage easements over all land below
the 100 -year flood elevation have been conveyed to the municipality with
jurisdiction and recorded. For public entities, this requirement may be
satisfied by a written agreement executed with the District in lieu of a
recorded document; the agreement will state that if the land within the
100 -year floodplain is conveyed, the public body will require the buyer to
comply with this subsection.
5 Exceptions
No floodplain and drainage permit from the District is required:
5.1 For construction or reconstruction of a single - family home, unless any
portion of the parcel is:
a Within 300 feet of the centerline of and tributary to Riley Creek,
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Purgatory Creek or Bluff Creek; or
b Within 500 feet of the ordinary high water level of and tributary to any
other waterbody; and
c Below the 100 -year flood elevation.
5.2 If all of the following conditions exist:
a The 100 -year flood elevation of a water basin is entirely within a
b the water basin is landlocked;
c the municipality has adopted an ordinance regulating floodplain
encroachment; and
d the proposed project is entirely within the drainage area of the water
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Rule C - Erosion and Sediment Control
1 Policy
It is the policy of the District to ensure management of land disturbances to:
1.1 Improve water quality to fully support swimming in designated lakes and
to fully support designated uses for waterbodies.
1.2 Preserve vegetation and habitat important to fish, waterfowl and other
wildlife while also minimizing negative impacts of erosion.
1.3 Alleviate identified erosion problems.
1.4 Minimize the duration and intensity of soil and cover disturbances.
1.5 Require local governments and developers to manage runoff effectively to
minimize water quality impacts from new development, redevelopment
and other land- disturbing activities.
1.6 Encourage low- impact development techniques and approaches.
1.7 Minimize compaction of soil from land- disturbing activities and
encourage decompaction of soil compacted by land- disturbing activities.
2 Regulation
2.1 An erosion and sediment control permit must be obtained for any land -
disturbing activity that will involve:
a excavation of 50 cubic yards or more of earth, or;
b alteration or removal of 5,000 square feet or more of surface area or
2.2 A permit from the District is not required to create, restore or improve a
wetland and /or buffer pursuant to a District - approved natural resources
creation, restoration or management plan.
3 Criteria
3.1 Permit approval requires preparation of an erosion and sediment control
plan that provides:
a protection of natural topography and soil conditions;
b temporary erosion and sediment control practices such as silt fencing,
fiber logs, inlet protection, rock construction entrances, temporary
seeding, vegetative buffer strips, erosion control blanketing,
mulching, floatation silt curtains and other practices as specified by
the District and consistent with the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency's "Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas," as amended or
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
updated, and the "Minnesota Stormwater Manual," as amended or
c minimization of the disturbance intensity and duration, including
phasing of disturbance to minimize quantity of disturbed area at any
one time;
d additional measures, such as hydraulic mulching and other practices
as specified by the District, on slopes of 3:1 (H:V) or steeper to
provide adequate stabilization;
e protection of stormwater facilities during construction;
f final site stabilization measures;
g proper management of all construction site waste, such as discarded
building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter and
sanitary waste at the construction site.
3.2 Site stabilization
a All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs must be maintained
until completion of construction and vegetation is established
sufficiently to ensure stability of the site, as determined by the
b All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs must be removed
upon final stabilization.
c Soil surfaces disturbed or compacted during construction and
remaining pervious upon completion of construction must be
decompacted through soil amendment and /or ripping to a depth of
18 inches while taking care to avoid utilities, tree roots and other
existing vegetation prior to final revegetation or other stabilization.
d All disturbed areas must be stabilized within 7 calendar days
3.3 Inspection and maintenance. The permit holder will be responsible for
the inspection, maintenance and effectiveness of all erosion and
sediment control facilities, features and techniques until final site
stabilization. The permittee must, at a minimum, inspect, maintain and
repair all disturbed surfaces and all erosion and sediment control
facilities and soil stabilization measures every day work is performed on
the site and at least weekly until land- disturbing activity has ceased.
Thereafter, the permittee must perform these responsibilities at least
weekly until vegetative cover is established. The permittee will maintain a
log of activities under this section for inspection by the District on
request. Between November 15 and snowmelt, and if site work ceases
before completion for more than 14 consecutive days, the weekly
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
inspection requirement may be reduced to monthly if the site is managed
such that:
a Exposed soils are stabilized with established vegetation, straw or
mulch, matting, rock, rolled erosion control product or other
approved material. Seeding is encouraged, but is not alone sufficient.
b Temporary and permanent ponds and sediment traps are graded to
capacity before spring snowmelt. This does not include
infiltration /filtration facilities, which must be kept free of sediment
until final site stabilization.
c Sediment barriers are properly installed at necessary perimeter and
sensitive locations.
d Slopes and grades are properly stabilized with approved methods.
Rolled erosion control products must be used on slopes of 3:1 (H:V)
or greater and where erosion conditions dictate.
e Stockpiled soils and other materials subject to erosion are protected
by established vegetation, anchored straw or mulch, rolled erosion
control materials or other durable covering preventing movement of
eroded materials.
f All construction entrances are properly stabilized.
g Snow management protects erosion and sediment control measures.
4 Required information and exhibits
The following exhibits must accompany the permit application; one set full -size
(22 inches by 34 inches), one set reduced to a maximum of 11 inches by 17
inches) and one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District:
4.1 A narrative statement describing the proposed site work.
4.2 An erosion and sediment - control plan including:
a name, address and phone number of the individual who will
remain liable to the District for performance under this rule and
maintenance of erosion and sediment - control measures from
the time the permitted activities commence until vegetative
cover is established
b topographic maps of existing and proposed conditions that
clearly indicate all hydrologic features and areas where grading
will expose soils to erosive conditions, site property boundaries,
as well as the flow direction of all runoff and run -on;
i single - family home construction or reconstruction projects
may comply with this provision by providing aerial imagery or
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
an oblique map acceptable to the District;
c for all projects except construction or reconstruction of a single -
family home, tabulation of the construction implementation
d clear identification of all temporary erosion and sediment control
measures that will remain in place until vegetation is established;
e clear identification of all permanent erosion control and soil
stabilization measures, including their locations;
f clear identification of staging areas, as applicable;
g delineation of proposed changes to any floodplain, wetland or
wetland buffer;
h documentation as to the status of the project's National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System stormwater permit and
a copy of the project's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, if
i clear identification of locations where compaction is to be
prevented and /or mitigated.
Rule D - Wetland, Lake and Creek Buffers
1 Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Managers to ensure the preservation of the
natural resources, recreational, habitat, water treatment and water storage
functions of water resources. This rule is intended to:
1.1 Support municipal enforcement of the Wetland Conservation Act and the
policy of no net loss in the extent, quality and ecological diversity of
existing wetlands in the watershed.
1.2 Preserve vegetation and habitat important to fish, waterfowl and other
wildlife while also minimizing negative impacts of erosion.
1.3 Require buffers around wetlands, water basins and watercourses affected
by land- altering activities.
1.4 Ensure the preservation of the natural resources, habitat, water treatment
and water storage functions of wetlands, water basins and watercourses.
1.5 Maintain wetland integrity and prevent fragmentation of wetlands.
1.6 Prevent erosion of shorelines and streambanks, and foster the use of
natural materials for the protection, maintenance and restoration of
shorelines and streambanks.
2 Regulation
2.1 Compliance with the criteria in section 3 of this rule is required for any
activity that requires a permit under the Rule B - Floodplain Management
and Drainage Alterations, Rule E - Dredging and Sediment Removal, Rule
F - Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization, Rule G - Waterbody Crossings
and Structures or Rule j - Stormwater Management rules and on property:
a encompassing or adjacent to a public water basin, public watercourse,
public waters wetland or other protected wetland in the watershed; or
b encompassing or adjacent to a defined regulated feature within a
High -Risk Erosion Area shown on the map in Appendix D1, except
that the requirements of this rule will not apply to a parcel for which
the applicant submits data demonstrating a Stream Power Index rating
of 3 or less and an absence of any significant existing erosion.
2.2 The requirements of this rule do not apply to incidental wetland.
3 Criteria
3.1 Buffer width. Buffer must be created or maintained on any regulated
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
feature disturbed by activity regulated by the District and on any regulated
feature downgradient from the activity, in accordance with the following criteria:
a Subject to paragraphs 3.1 b through e, buffers must extend:
i An average of 100 feet from the edge of an exceptional value
wetland,' minimum 60 feet;
ii An average of 75 feet from the edge of a high value wetland,
minimum 50 feet;
iii an average 40 feet from the edge of a medium value wetland,'
minimum 20 feet;
iv an average 20 feet from the edge of a low value wetland,'
minimum 10 feet;
v an average 50 feet from the ordinary high water level of a water
basin, minimum 30 feet;
vi an average of 50 feet from the centerline of a public waters
watercourse or the edge of the meander belt, whichever is greater,
minimum 30 feet;
vii an average of 50 feet from the thalweg of any watercourse within a
High -Risk Erosion Area, as shown in Appendix D1, minimum 30
b The actual width of buffer required for a particular project may be
reduced from the applicable width in paragraph a as follows:
i For every 3 percent decrease in average buffer slope from 18
percent, the average buffer width may be reduced 1 foot.
ii For every grade of Hydrologic Soil Group above Type D for the
predominant buffer soil condition, the average buffer width may
be reduced 1 foot.
c Steep slopes. Paragraph b notwithstanding, where a buffer
encompasses all or part of a slope averaging 18 percent or greater
over a distance of 50 feet or more upgradient of the regulated feature,
calculated using a reasonably precise topographic surface model, the
buffer will extend to the width specified under section 3.1 a or to the
top of the slope, whichever is greater. An existing contour alteration
or artificial structure on a slope constitutes a break in slope only if it
will indefinitely dissipate upgradient runoff velocity and trap
upgradient pollutant loadings.
' Wetland values will be determined in accordance with Appendix D2.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
d Existing single - family residential properties: Paragraphs b and c do
not apply. When required on an existing single - family residential
property, buffer width will be 25 percent of the distance between the
closest existing habitable structure and the edge of the regulated
feature or 30 feet, whichever is greater, except that the buffer width
need not exceed the applicable width under paragraph a.
e Buffer width may vary, provided that the minimum buffer width is
maintained at all points, there is no reduction in total buffer area, and
the buffer provides wetland and habitat protection at least equivalent
to a buffer of uniform width. Buffer wider than 200 percent of the
applicable width calculated in accordance with above provisions will
be excluded from the buffer - averaging calculation.
f Buffer is only required on the property that is the subject of the
District permit, and is required where the regulated feature is either
on or within the applicable buffer width of the subject property.
g Buffer required for linear projects will be limited in width to the extent
of available right -of -way.
3.2 Buffer areas, or portions thereof, that are not vegetated or will be
disturbed by grading activities during construction must be planted with
native vegetation and maintained to retain natural resources and
ecological value. Existing buffer areas preserved in compliance with this
rule must be managed in as naturalized a condition as possible to
encourage growth of native vegetation and eliminate invasive species.
Buffer vegetation must not be cultivated, cropped, pastured, mowed,
fertilized, subject to the placement of mulch or yard waste, or otherwise
disturbed, except for periodic cutting or burning that promotes the
health of the buffer, actions to address disease or invasive species,
mowing for purposes of public safety, mowing of turf grass, temporary
disturbance for placement or repair of buried utilities, or other actions to
maintain or improve buffer quality, each as approved by the District in
advance in writing or when implemented pursuant to a written agreement
executed with the District.
a Diseased, noxious, invasive or otherwise hazardous trees or
vegetation may be selectively removed from buffer areas and trees
may be selectively pruned to maintain health.
b Pesticides and herbicides may be used in accordance with Minnesota
Department of Agriculture rules and guidelines.
c No fill, debris or other material will be placed within a buffer.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
d No structure or impervious cover (hard surface) may be created within
a buffer area, except that boardwalks and trails designed for
nonmotorized use and stormwater management facilities may be
located within a buffer area as long as the minimum buffer width is
maintained between the trail or boardwalk and regulated feature, and
plans and specifications are approved by the District prior to
e A pervious path, not more than 12 feet wide, may be maintained to
provide access to a regulated feature. Access paths will not be located
where concentrated runoff will flow to the regulated feature.
3.3 Buffer will be indicated by permanent, free - standing markers at the
buffer's upland edge, with a design and text approved by the District in
writing. A marker will be placed along each lot line, with additional
markers at an interval of no more than 200 feet. If a District permit is
sought for a subdivision, the monumentation requirement will apply to
each lot of record to be created. On public land or right -of -way, the
monumentation requirement may be satisfied by the use of a marker
flush to the ground or breakaway markers of durable material.
3.4 Before any work subject to District permit requirements commences,
buffer areas and maintenance requirements must be documented in a
declaration or other document approved by the District and recorded in
the office of the county recorder or registrar. On public land or right -of-
way, buffer areas and maintenance requirements may be documented in
a written agreement with the District in lieu of a recorded document.
4 Temporary Alterations.
Temporary alteration of buffer areas permitted under this rule or in writing by the
District must comport with the requirements of this section.
4.1 Compliance with District Rule C - Erosion and Sediment Control is required,
irrespective of the area or volume of earth to be disturbed.
4.2 Buffer zones and the location and extent of vegetation disturbance will be
delineated on the erosion control plan.
4.3 Alterations must be designed and conducted to ensure only the smallest
amount of disturbed ground is exposed for the shortest time possible.
Mulches or similar materials must be used for temporary soil coverage and
permanent native vegetation established as soon as possible.
4.4 Fill or excavated material may not be placed to create an unstable slope.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
5 Roads and Utilities.
A structure, impervious cover or right -of -way maintained permanently in conjunction
with a crossing of a waterbody or wetland may be constructed and maintained in buffer
area that would otherwise be required under this rule. The structure, impervious cover
or right -of -way must be designed to minimize the area of permanent vegetative
disturbance. Minimization includes, but is not limited to, approach roads and rights -
of -way that are perpendicular to the crossing and of a minimum width consistent with
use and maintenance access needs.
5.1 All work will be conducted in accordance with section 4 of this rule.
6 Shoreline or Streambank Improvements.
A shoreline or streambank improvement, including a sand blanket, is excepted from
the prohibitions of subsection 3.2, provided the improvement complies with District
Rule F - Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization. The applicable buffer will extend from
the topmost extent of the shoreline or streambank improvement.
7 Required information and exhibits.
The following exhibits will accompany the permit application; one set full -size (22
inches by 34 inches), one set reduced to a maximum of 11 inches by 17 inches) and
one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District.
7.1 For work on any property subject to this rule:
a A scaled site plan showing existing conditions, including the following
i Topographic contours at two -foot intervals;
ii Existing streets, roads and trails;
iii Existing structures and facilities;
iv Extent of regulated feature as delineated in the field;
v Location of existing trees and tree masses;
vi Soil types and locations.
b A scaled proposed site plan showing proposed development that
include the following elements:
i Topographic contours showing finished grade at two -foot
ii Proposed streets, parking, trails and sidewalks;
iii Location of proposed structures and facilities;
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
iv Extent of regulated feature and associated buffers as delineated in
the field;
v Location of major landscaping including those existing trees and
tree masses to be retained.
vi Property lines and corners and delineation of lands under
ownership of the applicant
vii Street rights -of -way;
viii Utility easements;
7.2 For projects on properties on which wetlands are located, exhibits must
be submitted as follows:
a For existing single - family residential properties encompassing all or
part of a wetland: A wetland delineation.
b For all other properties encompassing all or part of a wetland: A
wetland delineation, type determination, and function and values
assessment of any regulated wetland using the Minnesota Routine
Assessment Method (MnRAM) or another wetlands- assessment
method approved by the District. The delineation and function and
values assessment must be conducted by a certified wetland
delineator and supported by the following documentation:
i Identification of the methods used;
ii Identification of presence or absence of normal circumstances or
problem conditions;
iii Wetland data sheets, or a report, for each sample site, referenced
to the location shown on the delineation map. In each data
sheet /report applicant must provide the reasoning for satisfying,
or not satisfying each of the technical criteria and why the area is
or is not a wetland;
iv A delineation map showing the size, locations, configuration and
boundaries of wetlands in relation to identifiable physical
characteristics, such as roads, fence lines, waterways or other
identifiable features;
v The location of all sample sites and stakes /flags must be
accurately shown on the delineation map.
7.3 For properties adjacent to but not encompassing any portion of a
wetland, the District will determine the need for wetland buffer and
applicable buffer width using best available data, including any wetland
functions and values data submitted by the applicant.
Appendix D1 - High -Risk Erosion Areas Map
® M I C6
min E4
2 F2 E3 ME
1 F3
t F4 F5 F6 F7 FS
E1 E
G1 G4 G5 GB GT G8
H1 �H2 _ `Hy H4
J2 J3 �� J5 � J7 J8
a f 2
DRAFT 2rn2014
Map Met
The map provided here is for general information only The detailed
MM Page IMes
information necessary for determination of the exact location and
C3 Kh Ri
limits of high -nsk emvon areas must be obtained from the Riley
Erosion MeasVaart Erq )
Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District website at w .rpbcwd -org.
9ueams w m Ngh Risk
The detailed map also can be obtained in printed a other electronic
Erosion Area (Ban Erie)
formats; please call the Distnct office at 952 -294 -5976.
Steep Sbpes>18 %(Bart EM)
S take/Pwd(MetCw ll
�4� S4eamsrGeeks (Pwr)
Ois >ia eanCary
CourRy ewntlary (MNDOT)
� @sea MUrtitlpakies
® M I C6
min E4
2 F2 E3 ME
1 F3
t F4 F5 F6 F7 FS
E1 E
G1 G4 G5 GB GT G8
H1 �H2 _ `Hy H4
J2 J3 �� J5 � J7 J8
a f 2
DRAFT 2rn2014
Map Met
Appendix D2 - Wetlands Definitions
"Exceptional value wetlands" are those meeting one or more of the following rating
levels, as determined by application of the current edition of the Minnesota Routine
Assessment Method (MnRAM) or another wetlands- assessment method approved by
the District.
Function or Value
Vegetative Diversity
Wildlife Habitat
Amphibian Habitat
AND Vegetative Diversity
Fish Habitat
Shoreline Habitat
Aesthetics /education /recreation /cultural
AND Wildlife Habitat
Stormwater Sensitivity
AND Vegetative Diversity
Medium or greater
Vegetative Diversity
AND Maintenance of Hydrologic Re ime
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
"High value wetlands" are those meeting one or more of the following rating levels, as
determined by application of the current edition of MnRAM or another wetlands -
assessment method approved by the District.
Function or Value
Vegetative Diversity
Wildlife Habitat
Amphibian Habitat
Fish Habitat
Shoreline Protection
Aesthetics /education /recreation /cultural
AND Wildlife Habitat
Stormwater Sensitivity
AND Vegetative Diversity
Medium or greater
Vegetative Diversity
AND Maintenance of Hydrologic Re ime
High or greater
"Medium value wetlands" are those that do not qualify as high value wetlands but that
meet one or more of the following rating levels, as determined by application of the
current edition of MnRAM or another wetlands- assessment method approved by the
Function or Value
Vegetative Diversity
Wildlife Habitat
Amphibian Habitat
AND Vegetative Diversity
Fish Habitat
Shoreline Habitat
Aesthetics /education /recreation /cultural
AND Wildlife Habitat
Stormwater Sensitivity
"Low value wetlands" are those that do not qualify as "exceptional," "high," or "medium"
Rule E - Dredging and Sediment Removal
It is the policy of the Board of Managers to regulate the removal of sediment
from public waters to mitigate the impacts of stormwater sediment transport
and deposition.
2 Regulation
No person will dredge or otherwise remove 1 cubic yard or more of sediment from
the beds, banks or shores of any public water by any means without first securing
a permit from the District.
2.1 Dredging or sediment removal will be permitted only:
a To maintain, or remove sediment from, an existing channel, subject to
such further limitations on method or extent of dredging as this rule
may provide;
b To implement or maintain an existing legal right of navigational access;
c To remove sediment to eliminate a source of nutrients, pollutants or
d To improve the public recreational, wildlife or fisheries resources of
surface waters; or
e For other actions by public entities for public purposes.
2.2 No District permit under this rule is required for activities conducted
pursuant to a permit from the state Department of Natural Resources, but
the District buffer requirements apply to activity that would otherwise
require a District permit.
3 Criteria
3.1 Dredging or sediment removal will be permitted upon submission of
exhibits demonstrating that the dredging or sediment removal:
a Is the minimal- impact solution to achieve reasonable navigational
access, when proposed for navigation purposes;
b Will not alter the original alignment, slope or cross - section of the
beds, banks or shores of any public water;
c Will not occur above the ordinary high water level or into the upland
adjacent to the lake or watercourse;
d Will not enlarge a natural watercourse or basin landward or create a
channel to connect adjacent backwater areas for navigational purposes;
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
e Will not cause increased seepage or result in subsurface drainage;
f Is not proposed for a location where any portion of the area to be
dredged contains any slope steeper than 3:1 (H:V) in a marina or
channel, or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) for an area adjoining residential
lakeshore; and
g Is not proposed for a location where adverse ecological impact to a
high - quality wetland or other ecologically sensitive area cannot be
3.2 Dredged or excavated sediment must be placed at a location:
a above the ordinary high water level of a public water, public water
wetland or wetland subject to the Wetland Conservation Act;
b Not in a floodplain; or
c Not subject to erosion or likely to cause redeposition of the sediment
to an adjacent waterbody, stormwater facility or storm sewer.
3.3 Degradation or erosion of the banks or bed of the subject waterbody by
entry of equipment must be avoided, and the banks or bed of the subject
waterbody must be restored and stabilized at the conclusion of the
permitted work and prior to the removal of floatation silt curtain, if
3.4 Where determined necessary by the District to protect water quality, a
floatation silt curtain will be placed around the sediment - removal site
and maintained for the duration of the project.
3.5 No activity affecting the bed of a public water may be conducted between
March 15 and June 15 on watercourses, or between April 1 and June 30
on all other public water waterbodies, to minimize impacts on fish
spawning and migration.
4 Required information and exhibits
The following exhibits will accompany the permit application; one full -size set
(22 inches by 34 inches), one set reduced to a maximum of 11 inches by 17
inches, and one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District:
4.1 A site plan, showing:
a Delineation of the work area;
b Property lines;
c Ordinary high water elevation; and
d 100 -year flood elevation.
4.2 Profile, cross sections and /or topographic contours (at intervals of no
more than 1 foot) showing existing and proposed elevations and
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
proposed side slopes in the work area.
4.3 In the case of projects using hydraulic means of sediment removal and
onsite spoil containment, the applicant will provide:
a Cross - section of the proposed dike;
b Stage /storage volume relationship for the proposed spoil containment
c Detail of any proposed outlet structure, showing size, description and
invert elevation;
d Stage /discharge relationship for any proposed outlet structure from
the spoil containment area; and
e Site plan showing the locations of any proposed outlet structure and
emergency overflow from the spoil containment area.
4.4 A site plan showing the proposed location of floating silt curtain(s).
4.5 Supporting data:
a Description and volume computation of material to be removed;
b Description of equipment to be used;
c Construction schedule;
d Location map of spoil containment area;
e Erosion control plan for containment area;
f Restoration plan for any proposed permanent on -site spoil
containment site showing final grades, removal of control structure,
and a description of how and when the site will be restored, covered
or revegetated after construction.
g Detail of any proposed floating silt curtain including specifications.
5 Fast -Track Public Project Permit
A public entity may obtain a permit for removal of between 1 and 20 cubic yards
of sediment from a public waterbody at a stormwater system outlet or similar
structure on notice to the District at least 48 hours in advance, including
location of the removal. The removal must comply with all criteria in section 3 of
this rule.
93 :?
Rule F - Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization
1 Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Managers to prevent erosion of shorelines and
streambanks, and to foster the use of natural materials and bioengineering for
the maintenance and restoration of shorelines.
2 Regulation
No person will install an improvement to stabilize a shoreline or streambank,
including but not limited to riprap, a bioengineered installation, a sand blanket
or a retaining wall, on any watercourse or a public water without first securing a
permit from the District.
a Planting of vegetation not intended to provide deep soil structure stability
does not require a permit under this rule.
b No District permit under this rule is required for activities conducted
pursuant to a permit from the state Department of Natural Resources, but
the District buffer requirements apply to activity that would otherwise
require a District permit.
3 Criteria
3.1 An applicant for a permit under this rule must demonstrate a need to
prevent erosion or restore an eroded shoreline, unless the proposed
improvement is part of a public project designed to restore natural
3.2 Sequencing. An applicant must first consider maintenance or restoration
of shoreline using bioengineering. If bioengineering cannot provide a
stable shoreline, a combination of riprap and bioengineering may be used
to restore or maintain shoreline. If a combination of riprap and
bioengineering cannot provide a stable shoreline within a reasonable
period, riprap may be used to restore or maintain shoreline.
a Live plantings incorporated in shoreline bioengineering must be native
aquatic vegetation and/or native upland plants.
b Riprap to be used in shoreline erosion protection must be sized
appropriately in relation to the erosion potential of the wave or
current action of the particular waterbody, but in no case will the
riprap rock average less than six inches in diameter or more than 30
inches in diameter. Riprap will be durable, natural stone and of a
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
gradation that will result in a stable shoreline embankment. Stone,
granular filter and geotextile material will conform to standard
Minnesota Department of Transportation specifications, except that
neither limestone nor dolomite will be used for shoreline riprap, but
may be used at stormwater outfalls. All materials used must be free
from organic material, soil, clay, debris, trash or any other material
that may cause siltation or pollution.
c Riprap will be placed to conform to the natural alignment of the
d A transitional layer consisting of graded gravel, at least six inches
deep, and an appropriate geotextile filter fabric will be placed
between the existing shoreline and any riprap. The thickness of riprap
layers should be at least 1.25 times the maximum stone diameter.
Toe boulders, if used, must be at least 50 percent buried.
e Riprap must not cover emergent vegetation, unless authorized by a
Department of Natural Resources permit.
f Riprap will extend no higher than the top of bank or two feet above
the 100 -year high water elevation, whichever is lower.
3.3 The finished slope of any shoreline will not be steeper than 3:1
(horizontal to vertical).
3.4 Horizontal encroachment from a shoreline will be the minimal amount
necessary to permanently stabilize the shoreline and will not unduly
interfere with water flow or navigation. No riprap or filter material will be
placed more than 6 feet waterward of the OHW. Streambank riprap will
not reduce the cross - sectional area of the channel or result in a stage
increase at or upstream of the installation.
3.5 The design of any shoreline erosion protection will reflect the engineering
properties of the underlying soils and any soil corrections or
reinforcements necessary. The design will conform to engineering
principles for dispersion of wave energy and resistance to deformation
from ice pressures and movement, considering prevailing winds, fetch
and other factors that induce wave energy.
3.6 Placement of riprap for merely cosmetic purposes is prohibited.
3.7 Retaining walls extending below the OHW of a waterbody are prohibited,
except where:
a there is a demonstrable need for a retaining wall in a public
improvement project, and
b the design of the retaining wall has been certified by a registered
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
3.8 Criteria - Sand Blankets. The following standards apply to sand
a The sand or gravel used must be clean prior to being spread. The
sand must contain no toxins or heavy metals and must contain no
weed infestations such as, but not limited to, water hyacinth, alligator
weed, and Eurasian watermilfoil, or animal infestations such as, but
not limited to, zebra mussels or their larva.
b The sand layer must not exceed six inches in thickness, 50 feet in
width along the shoreline, or one -half the width of the lot, whichever
is less, and may not extend more than 10 feet waterward of the
ordinary high water level.
c Only one installation of sand or gravel to the same location may be
made during a four -year period. After the four years have passed
since the last blanketing, the location may receive another sand
blanket. No more than two applications may be made at an individual
project site.
i Exception. Beaches operated by public entities and available to the
public shall be maintained in a manner that represents the minimal
impact to the environment, relative to other reasonable
alternatives, but otherwise are exempt from the criteria in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
4 Required information and exhibits.
The following exhibits will accompany the permit application; one full -size set (22
inches by 34 inches), one set reduced to a maximum of 11 inches by 17 inches, and
one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District:
4.1 A site plan, showing:
a Conditions establishing, to the satisfaction of the District, existing
erosion or the potential for erosion;
b a survey locating the existing OHW contour, existing shoreline ,
floodplain elevation and location of property lines;
c elevation contours of the upland within 15 feet of the OHW and
referenced to accepted datum; and
d plan view of locations and lineal footage of the proposed riprap.
The plan must show the location of an upland baseline parallel to the
shoreline with stationing. The baseline will be staked in the field by the
applicant and maintained in place until project completion. Baseline
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
origin and terminus each must be referenced to three fixed features
measured to the closest 0.05 foot, with measurements shown and
described on the plan. Perpendicular offsets from the baseline to the
OHW must be measured and distances shown on the plan at 20 -foot
stations. The plan will be certified by a registered engineer or surveyor.
4.2 A construction plan and specifications, showing:
a A sequencing analysis in compliance with section 3.2;
b materials to be used, including the size(s) of any riprap to be used;
c cross section detailing the proposed riprap, if any, drawn to scale,
with the horizontal and vertical scales noted on the drawing. The
detail should show the finished riprap slope, transitional layer design
and placement, distance waterward of the riprap placement and OWH.
d Description of the underlying soil materials.
e Material specifications for stone, filter material and geotextile fabric.
4.3 For sites involving aquatic plantings, a separate Aquatic Plant
Management permit will be obtained from the Department of Natural
a This provision does not apply to slope protection projects using
woody species such as willow and dogwood.
4.4 An erosion control and site restoration plan.
4.5 For an application for a sand blanket, the following exhibits are required:
a Site plan showing property lines, delineation of the work area, existing
elevation contours of the adjacent upland area, ordinary high water
elevation, and 100 -year high water elevation (if available). All
elevations must be reduced to NGVD (1929 datum).
b Profile, cross sections and /or topographic contours showing existing
and proposed elevations in the work area. (Topographic contours
should be at intervals not greater than 1.0 foot).
c A completed Sand Blanket Permit Application form.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Rule G - Waterbody Crossings and Structures
1 Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Managers to discourage the use of beds and
banks of waterbodies for the placement of bridges, utilities or other structures,
and to protect the hydraulic capacity and floodplain of streams and drainage
2 Regulation
No person will construct, improve, replace or remove a crossing in contact with
or under the bed or bank of any waterbody within the District, place or replace a
structure in the bed or banks of waters of the state that are not public waters,
remove a structure from the bed or bank of any waterbody, or conduct
horizontal drilling under a waterbody without first securing a permit from the
2.1 No District permit under this rule is required for activities conducted
pursuant to a permit from the state Department of Natural Resources, but
the District buffer requirements apply to activity that would otherwise
require a District permit.
3 Criteria
3.1 Use of the bed or banks of a waterbody must meet:
a a demonstrated public benefit for projects affecting public waters or
b a demonstrated specific need for all other waterbodies.
3.2 Construction, replacement or improvement of a waterbody crossing in
contact with the bed or bank of a waterbody:
a Will retain adequate hydraulic capacity and assure no net increase in
the flood stage of the pertinent waterbody;
b Will retain adequate navigational capacity pursuant to the waterbody's
recreational classification;
c Will not adversely affect water quality, change the existing
flowline /gradient, or cause increased scour, erosion or sedimentation;
d Will preserve existing wildlife passage along each bank and riparian
area by means that:
1 account for wildlife that are native to the area or may be present;
2 are approved by a qualified wildlife biologist.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
e Will represent the 'minimal impact' solution to a specific need with
respect to all other reasonable alternatives.
3.3 Construction or improvement of an outfall structure in contact with the
bed or bank of a waterbody must:
a incorporate a stilling- basin, surge- basin, energy dissipator, or other
device or devices when necessary to minimize disturbance and
erosion of natural shoreline and bed resulting from peak flows;
b when feasible, utilize discharge to stormwater treatment ponds,
artificial stilling or sedimentation basins, or other devices for
entrapment of floating trash and litter, sand, silt, debris, and organic
matter prior to discharge to public waters; and
c use natural or artificial ponding areas to provide water retention and
storage for the reduction of peak flows into waterbodies to the
greatest extent possible.
3.4 Projects involving horizontal drilling will provide for minimum clearance
of 3 feet below the bed of a waterbody and a minimum setback of 50 feet
from any stream bank for pilot, entrance and exit holes.
3.5 Placement or replacement of a structure must:
a Represent the minimal impact solution to a specific need with respect
to all other reasonable alternatives;
b Represent the minimum encroachment, change or damage to the
environment, particularly the ecology of the waters, necessary to
achieve the intended purpose;
c Comply with the District floodplain rule; and
d Not cause adverse effects to water quality and the physical or
biological character of the waterbody.
3.6 Removal of structures or other waterway obstructions:
a Will maintain or restore the original cross - section and bed conditions
to the greatest extent practicable;
b Will achieve complete removal of the structure, including any footings
or pilings that impede navigation; and
c Will not involve the removal of a water -level control device.
3.7 For all projects:
a No activity affecting the bed or banks of a protected water may be
conducted between March 15 and June 15 on watercourses, or
between April 1 and June 30 on all other public water waterbodies, to
minimize impacts on fish spawning and migration.
b Banks must be stabilized immediately after completion of permitted
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
work and revegetated as soon as growing conditions allow.
c The potential transfer of aquatic invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels,
Eurasian Watermilfoil, etc.) must be minimized to the maximum
extent possible.
d Compliance with applicable criteria in subsections 3.2 to 3.7 of Rule F
- Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization is required.
4 Required information and exhibits.
The following exhibits will accompany the permit application; one full -size set (22
inches by 34 inches), one set reduced to a maximum of 11 inches by 17 inches, and
one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District:
4.1 Construction plans and specifications, certified by registered professional
4.2 An analysis prepared by a professional engineer or qualified hydrologist
showing the effect of the project on hydraulic capacity and water quality.
4.3 An erosion control and site restoration plan.
5 Maintenance
Crossings and structures in contact with the bed or bank of a waterbody will be
repaired and maintained to ensure continuing compliance with applicable
criteria in section 3 or this rule, including but not limited to ensuring adequate
hydraulic and navigational capacity; assuring no net increase in the flood stage;
preventing adverse effects to water quality, changes to the existing
flowline /gradient and increased scour, erosion or sedimentation; and
minimizing the potential for obstruction of the waterbody. A declaration or
other recordable document stating terms for maintenance and approved by the
District will be recorded before activity under a permit issued under this rule
commences. In lieu of recordation, a public permittee or a permittee without a
property interest sufficient for recordation may assume the maintenance
obligation by means of a written agreement with the District. The agreement
will state that if the ownership of the structure is transferred, the public body
will require the transferee to comply with this subsection.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
Rule H - Appropriation of Public Surface Waters
1 Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Managers to regulate the appropriation of public
surface waters pursuant to the mandate in Minnesota Statutes section 1038.21 1,
subdivision 4.
2 Regulation
A permit from the District is required to appropriate less than 10,000 gallons
per day and up to 1,000,000 gallons per year of water for a nonessential use
2.1 A public water basin or wetland within the District; or
2.2 A public watercourse within the District.
3 Criteria
An appropriation of public water permitted under this rule must not alter the
hydrologic regime in a basin or watercourse in a manner that deprives the
public or riparian property owners of reasonable use of and access to the water.
3.1 In addition, the appropriation must:
a Be reasonable and practical with regard to alternative sources of water
or methods available, including use of water appropriated during high
flows and levels and stored for later use, to attain the stated objective;
b Include the utilization of water storage and reuse and conservation
practices to the greatest extent feasible;
c Be subject to restriction, at any time, to meet in- stream flow needs or
protect basin water levels.
3.2 A permittee must provide by March 1 each year a report including:
a A monthly log of amount of water appropriated over the prior
calendar year; and
b the method of appropriation, if changed from original application.
3.3 Permits issued under this rule will continue until revoked or relinquished.
Failure to comply with the criteria and requirements of this rule will be
grounds for revocation.
4 Exhibits
An applicant for a permit under this rule must provide:
4.1 Written evidence of ownership, control of or a license to use the land
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
abutting the surface water source from which water will be appropriated.
4.2 A completed application showing:
a Applicant address;
b Applicant email address;
c Purpose of the requested appropriation;
d Source of water;
e Amount of water to be appropriated on a maximum daily, monthly
and annual basis;
f Means, methods and techniques of appropriation;
g Proposed pumping schedule, including rates, times and duration;
h Alternative sources of water considered and reasons why the
particular alternative proposed was selected;
j Information on any water storage facilities and capabilities and any
proposed reuse and conservation practices; and
k A contingency plan or agreement with the District to discontinue the
permitted appropriation in the event of restrictions.
An appropriation application form may be obtained from the District offices or
Rule I - Appropriation of Groundwater
1 Policy
It is the policy of the Board of Managers to regulate appropriations to ensure the
health and availability of groundwater in the watershed.
2 Regulation
A permit from the District, incorporating an approved groundwater -
appropriation plan, is required for an appropriation of groundwater of less than
10,000 gallons per day and up to 1,000,000 gallons per year or of any amount
for domestic use by less than 25 persons.
3 Criteria
3.1 An applicant for a permit under this rule must demonstrate that the
implementation of its groundwater appropriation plan will:
a Be reasonable and practical with regard to alternative sources of water
or methods available;
b Include the utilization of water storage and reuse and conservation
practices to the greatest extent feasible;
c Be subject to restriction to meet in- stream flow needs or protect basin
water levels.
3.2 A permittee must provide by March 1 each year a report including:
a A monthly log of the amount of water appropriated over the prior
calendar year; and
b the method of appropriation, if changed from original application.
3.3 Permits issued under this rule will continue until revoked or relinquished.
Failure to comply with the criteria and requirements of this rule will be grounds
for revocation.
4 Exhibits
An applicant for a permit under this rule must provide a completed application
and groundwater appropriation plan including:
4.1 Applicant address;
4.2 Applicant email address;
4.3 Purpose of the requested appropriation;
4.4 Alternative sources of water considered and reasons why the
groundwater appropriation proposed was selected;
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District DRAFT Rules February 21, 2014
4.5 Depth of well, and number and capacity in gallons per minute of pump(s)
to be installed;
4.6 Proposed pumping schedule, including rates, times and duration;
4.7 Proposed means of monitoring pumping volumes;
4.8 Information on any water storage facilities and capabilities and any
proposed reuse and conservation practices; and
4.9 A contingency plan or draft agreement with the District to discontinue the
appropriation in the event of restriction.
An appropriation application form may be obtained from the District offices or
Rule J - Stormwater Management
1 Policy
It is the policy of the District to regulate the management of stormwater runoff
1.1 Limit the impact of runoff quality and rate on receiving waterbodies.
1.2 Improve water quality to fully support swimming in designated lakes.
1.3 Improve water quality to fully support designated uses for waterbodies,
and remove waterbodies from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency list
of impaired waters.
1.4 Alter stormwater hydrographs (stream flow) through infiltrative strategies
that reduce peak discharge rates and overall flow volume.
1.5 Require that onsite retention and regional water quality treatment
systems operate together to provide complete and effective runoff
1.6 Provide for nondegradation of surface waterbodies in the watershed.
1.7 Encourage the use of Better Site Design, Low Impact Development and
other techniques that minimize impervious surfaces or incorporate
volume - control practices, such as infiltration, to limit runoff volumes.
1.8 Maximize opportunities to improve stormwater and snowmelt
management presented by redevelopment of land.
1.9 Require governmental entities and developers to manage runoff
effectively to minimize water quality impacts from new development,
redevelopment and other land- disturbing activities.
2 Regulation
A permit from the District, incorporating an approved stormwater management
plan, is required under this rule prior to the commencement of any activities to
which this rule applies. The District may review a stormwater management plan
at any point in the development of a regulated project and encourages project
proposers to seek early review of plans by the District.
2.1 The requirements of this rule apply to:
a Land - disturbing activities that will disturb 50 cubic yards or more of
b Land - disturbing activities that will disturb 5,000 square feet or more
of surface area or vegetation, or
c Subdivision of a parcel into three or more residential lots.
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2.1, the requirements of this
rule do not apply to:
a Construction or reconstruction on a single - family home site, unless
any portion of the parcel is:
1 Within 300 feet of the centerline of and tributary to Riley Creek,
Purgatory Creek or Bluff Creek,
2 Within 500 feet of the ordinary high water level of and tributary to
any other public water or protected wetland, or
3 Below a 100 -year flood elevation adopted by the District.
b Construction or reconstruction on a single - family home site
consistent with a subdivision, development or redevelopment plan
that is subject to an unexpired District permit.
c Rehabilitation, including mill and overlay, of paved surfaces.
2.3 Redevelopment. If a proposed activity will disturb more than 50 percent
of the existing impervious surface on the parcel or will increase the
imperviousness of the entire parcel by more than 50 percent, the criteria
of section 3 will apply to the entire project parcel. Otherwise, the criteria
of section 3 will apply only to the disturbed areas and additional
impervious surface on the project parcel. For purposes of this paragraph,
disturbed areas are those where underlying soils are exposed in the
course of redevelopment.
2.4 Linear projects. Notwithstanding subsection 2.3, a permit under this rule
is not required for a linear project if the project entails construction or
reconstruction creating less than 5,000 square feet of new or additional
impervious surface. For linear projects creating 5,000 square feet or
more but less than 1 acre of new or additional impervious surface, the
criteria of subsection 3.1 will apply to all new impervious surface. For
linear projects creating more than 1 acre of new or additional impervious
surface, the criteria of subsection 3.1 will apply to all new and
reconstructed impervious surface created by the project.
2.5 Common scheme of development. Activity subject to this rule on a parcel
or adjacent parcels under common or related ownership will be
considered in the aggregate, and the requirements applicable to the
activity under this rule will be determined with respect to all development
that has occurred on the site or on adjacent sites under common or
related ownership since the date this rule took effect (DATE).
a For development or redevelopment under common or related
ownership, compliance with the criteria of section 3 may be achieved
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District -Draft Rules
through a shared stormwater management facility or facilities as long
as the criteria in subsection 3.1 are met for each contributing
drainage area within the common or related ownership.
2.6 Performance monitoring. A permit granted by the District on a finding
that stormwater management facilities, as they are to be constructed and
maintained under the permit, will meet applicable performance standards
under Rule I, does not require additional steps if the permit is complied
with but standards are not met. Notwithstanding, as a specific condition
to a permit, the District may impose monitoring, performance evaluation,
additional compliance measures or other requirements for the purposes
of demonstrating that performance standards are being met.
3 Criteria
3.1 An applicant for a permit under this rule must demonstrate, using a
model utilizing the most recent applicable National Weather Service
reference data (e.g., Atlas 14), that the implementation of its stormwater
management plan will:
a Limit peak runoff flow rates to that from existing conditions for the
two -, 10- and 100 -year frequency storm events using a nested 24-
hour rainfall distribution, and a 100 -year frequency, 10 -day snowmelt
event, for all points where stormwater discharge leaves the site;
b Provide for the abstraction onsite of 1.1 inches of runoff from all
impervious surface of the parcel;
i Where infiltration or filtration facilities, practices or systems are
proposed, pretreatment of runoff must be provided.
ii The bottom of infiltration facilities must be at least three feet
above the seasonal high water table.
c Provide for at least seventy five percent (75 %) annual removal
efficiency for total phosphorus, and at least ninety percent (90 %)
annual removal efficiency for total suspended solids from all site
runoff. The onsite abstraction of runoff may be included in
demonstrating compliance with the total suspended solids and total
phosphorus removal requirements.
3.2 Criteria for restricted sites. Where the District engineer concurs that an
applicant has demonstrated that the abstraction standard in paragraph
3.1 b cannot practicably be met by onsite best management practices, the
applicant must:
a Achieve the abstraction standard to the maximum extent practicable
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District- Draft Rules
and treat all runoff from the impervious surface on the site to achieve
the water - quality standard in paragraph 3.1 c. Abstraction options
considered and presented must include examination of relocating
project elements to address varying soil conditions and other site
b The stormwater management plan for a restricted site must provide
rate control in accordance with standard in paragraph 3.1 a.
3.3 Low -floor elevation
No structure may be constructed or reconstructed such that its lowest
floor elevation is less than 2 feet above the 100 -year event flood
elevation and no stormwater management system may be constructed or
reconstructed in a manner that brings the low floor elevation of an
adjacent structure into noncompliance with this standard.
a All structures riparian to inundation areas or constructed or natural
stormwater management facilities must be located and elevations
must be set according to Appendix Jl - "Low Floor Elevation
b Landlocked basins. Any new or reconstructed structure wholly or
partially within a landlocked basin must be constructed such that its
lowest floor elevation is:
i 1 foot above the surface overflow of the basin, or
ii 2 feet above the elevation resulting from two concurrent 100 -year
single rainfall events in a 24 -hour period or a 100 -year, 10 -day
snowmelt, whichever is higher.
iii The starting elevation of the basin prior to the runoff event will be
established by the highest of one of the following:
A Existing ordinary high water elevation established by the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources;
B Mottled soil.
c Landlocked water basins may be provided with outlets if an outcome -
based analysis and resource oriented management review regarding
downstream impacts is completed and demonstrates that:
i A hydrologic regime is maintained that complies with all other
ii Dead storage is provided to retain the fully developed future
conditions back to back 100 -year critical event water volume,
above the highest anticipated groundwater elevation to the extent
possible while preventing damage to property adjacent to the
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District- Draft Rules
iii The outlet does not create adverse downstream flooding or water
quality conditions, or materially affect stability of downstream
iv Proposed development tributary to the landlocked basin has
incorporated runoff volume and rate control practices to the extent
v There is a demonstrated need for an outlet to protect existing
structures and infrastructure; and
vi The outlet design is part of an approved comprehensive local water
management plan.
3.4 Maintenance
All stormwater management structures and facilities must be designed
for maintenance access and properly maintained in perpetuity to assure
that they continue to function as designed. Permit applicants must
provide a maintenance, inspection and, if required, monitoring plan that
identifies and protects the design, capacity and functionality of onsite
and offsite stormwater management facilities; specifies the methods,
schedule and responsible parties for inspection, maintenance and
monitoring; provides for the inspection and maintenance in perpetuity of
the facility, with documentation retained onsite and available to the
District upon reasonable notice; and contains at a minimum the
requirements in the District's standard maintenance declaration. The plan
will be recorded on the deed in a form acceptable to the District. A
public entity assuming the maintenance obligation may do so by filing
with the District a document signed by an official with authority.
4 Required exhibits
The following exhibits must accompany the permit application; one set full size
(22 inches by 34 inches); one set reduced to maximum size of 11 inches by 17
inches, and one set as electronic files in a format acceptable to the District:
4.1 Stormwater management system modeling in a form acceptable to the
District engineer.
4.2 A site plan showing:
a Property lines and delineation of lands under ownership of the
b Existing and proposed elevation contours.
c Identification of existing and proposed normal, and ordinary high and
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
1 00 -year water elevations onsite.
4.3 A stormwater management plan including, at a minimum:
a Proposed and existing stormwater facilities' location, alignment and
b Delineation of existing wetlands, marshes, shoreland and /or
floodplain areas onsite or to which any portion of the project parcel
drains, except that where a project will not alter or change the
hydrology of a wetland, the wetland need only be identified on the
c Geotechnical analysis including soil borings at all proposed
stormwater management facility locations.
d Construction plans and specifications for all proposed stormwater
management facilities, including design details for outlet control
e Stormwater runoff volume and rate analyses for the 24 -hour, 2 -, 10-
and 100 -year critical events, existing and proposed conditions.
Nested storm distribution (or frequency based hyetograph)
development must be done according to the alternating block
methodology as outlined in Chapter 4 of the HEC -HMS Technical
Reference Manual, (USACE, 2000).
f All hydrologic, water quality, and hydraulic computations completed
to design the proposed stormwater management facilities.
g Narrative addressing incorporation of retention BMPs.
h Platting or easement documents showing sufficient drainage and
ponding /flowage easements over hydrologic features such as
floodplains, storm sewers, ponds, ditches, swales, wetlands and
wate rways.
i Documentation as to the status of the project's National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System stormwater permit, if applicable.
j If infiltration of runoff is proposed, the District may require
submission of a phase I environmental site assessment and /or other
documentation to facilitate analysis by the District of the suitability of
soils for infiltration.
4.4 An erosion control plan complying with District Rule C.
4.5 Upon completion of site work, a permittee must submit as -built drawings
demonstrating that at the time of final stabilization, stormwater facilities
conform to design specifications as approved by the District.
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
Appendix J1 - Low Floor Elevation Guidance
Overview of Lowest Floor Issue
There seems to be two reasons for establishing a minimum lowest floor elevation in
the vicinity of a pond - to prevent flooding of the structure by surface water and to
prevent seepage or damage from uplift pressures that could result from a rise in the
water table elevation. The first reason (direct flooding) can easily be established with
knowledge of the maximum flood elevation of a pond (or the 100 -year elevation, if
this is used) and ground surface topography. The second reason (a rise in the water
table due to increased pond elevations) is not so straight forward. This second area is
the subject of this memo.
When a formerly dry pond becomes wet (or when a wet pond's water elevation
increases) due to a storm event, downward seepage of the ponded water begins. The
rate of seepage through the bottom of the pond is dependent upon:
1) The elevation of the water surface above the pond bottom
2) The soil type at the bottom of the pond (i.e. the pond bottom's thickness and
3) The type of soil underneath the pond (e.g., clay, silt, sand, gravel)
4) The degree of saturation of the soils beneath the pond
5) The depth to the water table
In general, higher seepage through the bottom of the pond will occur when the water
surface elevation is high, the pond's bottom sediments are thin and/or sandy, the
soils underneath the pond are permeable (such as sand or gravel), the soils
underneath the pond have a high moisture content (i.e, they are at field capacity or
higher), and the water table is well below the bottom of the pond (i.e. the soils are
freely draining).
Higher seepage rates through the bottom of the pond will cause the water table
elevation to rise by creating a "mounding condition" below the pond. How high and
how widespread the water table mound becomes are contributing factors to whether
or not basements will be affected. However, the single most important factor that will
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
determine if seepage from a pond will cause wet basement problems is the depth to
the water table, below the basement.
The magnitude and extent of the groundwater mounding conditions is also
contingent upon the aquifer's transmissivity (aquifer permeability multiplied by
aquifer thickness), the specific yield of the aquifer materials, and the duration of the
high water levels in the pond. In general, thicker aquifers with higher permeability
will experience less mounding than thinner aquifers of lower permeability. Perched
aquifers (i.e. groundwater zones less than about 10 feet that overlie extensive clay
layers) typically experience the greatest amount of mounding.
Overview of Variance Evaluation Method
All of the combinations of settings, pond configurations, aquifer parameters, and
distances from ponds cannot be anticipated beforehand in coming up with a method to
quickly evaluate whether or not a variance to the minimum floor elevation ordinance
should be considered. However, by making some generalities, the most commonly
encountered situations can be evaluated. This is the approach taken here.
A groundwater flow model of a "typical" pond and aquifer setting was developed.
Aquifer parameters and pond elevations were varied and the resulting water table
mounding conditions were simulated. The following conditions were evaluated:
1. Pond elevation increases of 2 feet, 4 feet, and 6 feet above normal or dry
2. Depth to the water table (before flooding) of 3 feet (to represent conditions of 3
feet or less) and 10 feet (to represent conditions where the depth to the water
table is greater than 3 feet). The purpose of simulating these two conditions is
that with shallow water tables, the rate of infiltration is substantially reduced as
the groundwater mound rises into the pond. For deeper aquifer conditions, the
pond bottom is always above the water table and the depth to the water table
has no bearing on the seepage rate.
3. Three aquifer conditions: clay or perched aquifers (trans missivities of 7 ftZ /day
and specific yield values of 0.1); silt aquifers (transmissivity of 70 ftZ /day and
specific yield values of 0.2) and sand and gravel aquifers (transmissivities of
2000 ftZ /day and specific yield values of 0.2).
4. Pond bottom sediment thickness of 1 feet and bottom sediment hydraulic
conductivity of 1 ft /day.
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
5. Instantaneous occurrence of a flood condition in the pond, which lasts for 25
days, followed by instantaneous reduction to normal conditions. The purpose of
using this condition is that the effects of aquifer storage (specific yield) are
taken into account. A duration of 25 days was selected as being a reasonable
time period of flood conditions.
6. Increases in the water table elevation were recorded at several distances
between 5 feet and 200 feet from the pond. The maximum rise during the
modeled period was selected for plotting.
The U.S. Geological Survey's groundwater modeling code, MODFLOW, was used for this
How to Determine if a Variance is Warranted
In order to determine if a proposed lowest floor elevation is acceptable, the
following need to be known:
i . Depth to the water table and an estimation of the water table's seasonally high
2. Type of aquifer materials - e.g., clay, silt, sand, gravel
3. Information as to whether or not the water table is perched or is part of a
deeper, thicker aquifer system.
4. An estimate of the flood elevation of the pond.
S. The distance of the proposed floor to the pond.
Depth to the water table and the type of aquifer material needs to be determined
through the installation of soil borings. The other information should be estimated
from other sources.
Once this information is obtained, the minimum depth to the water table from the
bottom of the proposed floor slab can be determined from one of six plots, attached
to this memorandum. Which of the six plots to use depends on the depth of the water
table with respect to the pond's bottom and the type of aquifer material (e.g., clay,
silt, sand, gravel). The following steps should be used:
1. Determine the closest distance of the proposed floor to the pond (if the pond
size increases during flooding, the distance should be from the flooded
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
perimeter of the pond to the proposed floor).
2. Using Plot 1 , determine the minimum permissible depth to the water table for
the specified distance from the pond. If the actual depth to the water table (see
discussion below for determining this) is greater than the value on Plot 1, no
further evaluation is necessary - the floor is sufficiently high with respect to the
water table that the water table will not reach the bottom of the slab, regardless
of the soil type or transmissivity. If the depth to the water table is less than the
value from Plot 1, further evaluation is necessary.
3. If the soil type of the aquifer, below the water table, is mostly clay OR if the
aquifer is perched (a continuous clay layer is less than 5 feet below the water
table), Plot 2 must be used. The appropriate pond level increase (2, 4, or 6 feet)
for flood conditions must be used in Plot 2 to find the minimum permissible
depth to the water table. If the depth to the water table from Plot 2 is less than
the actual depth to the water table, the proposed floor elevation is too low and
must be raised to equal the value from Plot 2.
4. If the soil type of the aquifer is mostly silt AND the pond bottom is 3 feet or less
above the water table, Plot 3 should be used.
5. If the soil type of the aquifer is mostly sand or gravel AND the pond bottom is 3
feet or less above the water table, Plot 4 should be used.
6. If the soil type of the aquifer is mostly silt AND the pond bottom is 3 feet or
more above the water table, Plot 5 should be used.
7. If the soil type of the aquifer is mostly sand or gravel AND the pond bottom is 3
feet or more above the water table, Plot 5 should be used.
The values from the plots are guidelines, based on typical conditions. If the plots
indicate the proposed floor elevation is too low, additional analyses and data collection
could be pursued by the applicant. These additional analyses could include additional
soil borings, long -term monitoring of piezometers, or more sophisticated modeling.
Determining Depth to the Water Table
If a variance to a lowest floor elevation ordinance is to be considered, the depth to the
water table at the location in question must be known. Without this knowledge, there
cannot be a technical basis for approving a variance. Furthermore, the applicant should
demonstrate that the measured water -table elevation is both representative of
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District- Draft Rules
conditions over the entire floor area and is representative of values typical for
seasonally high conditions (e.g. spring conditions). A suggested requirement for
collecting this information is the following:
1. A minimum of two soil borings shall be installed at or near the perimeter of the
lowest floor. At least one of these borings shall be where the floor is closest to
the nearest pond.
2. Soil borings shall extend to a depth of at least 7 feet below the water table. The
borings shall be left open for a time sufficient to determine the stabilized water
level in the borehole. The water level shall be measured with reference to a
known bench mark that can relate the water table elevation to the proposed
floor elevation. Soils at or immediately below the water table shall be sampled
and texturally classified using an approved classification method.
Water levels measured during dry summer months or during the winter may be lower
than water levels during the spring. The applicant should be required to make an effort
to determine the likely amount of seasonal fluctuation in the water table in the area.
Water level records from wells completed in the area could be used. If information is
unavailable, the applicant should be required to add a value to the measured water
table elevation. One suggestion would be to assume 25% of the total annual
precipitation (29 inches), divided by the average effective porosity for non - cohesive
soils (0.3), which is:
(29 inches /4) x (1 foot /12 inches) /0.3 = 2 feet
If the seasonally adjusted maximum water -table elevation is eight (8) feet or below
the bottom of the slab of the lowest floor, it is unlikely that temporary flood
conditions in the pond will cause the water table to rise to the level of the floor.z
Determining Soil Type at the Water Table
The textural classification from the soil borings will be necessary for determining the
expected rise in the water table caused by an increase in pond elevation. At a
minimum, the soil should be classified as one of the following:
1. Sandy or gravely soils - consisting of predominantly sand or gravel, with minor
amounts of silt and clay
2 This assumes that the pond level begins to return to normal within about 30 days
and the pond level's increase is not greater than 6 feet.
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
2. Silty soils - consisting predominantly of silt
3. Clayey soils - consisting predominantly of clay.
�$ 12.00
in 8.00
a 6.00
PLOT 1: Minimum Depth to Water Table for No Further Evaluation
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 1i
Distance from Pond (feet)
Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
d 16.00
� 14.00
c 10.00
y 0.00
°- 6.00
PLOT 2: Minimum Permissible Depth to Water Table - Clay or Perched Conditons
(Perched Conditions = Water Table <5 feet above a continuous clay layer)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Distance from Pond (feet)
n .4-
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
m 2.50
° 2.00
y 1.50
= 1.00
PLOT 3: Minimum Permissible Depth to Water Table - Silt - Pond Bottom <3 feet abor
Ambient Water Table
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Distance from Pond (feet)
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
PLOT 4: Minimum Permissible Depth to Water Table - Sand & Gravel • Pond Bottom <3
above Ambient Water Table
- —
y 0.40
a 0.15
.= 0.10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
45 1 Distance from Pond (feet)
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District- Draft Rules
PLOT 6: Minimum Permissible Depth to Water Table - Silt - Pond Bottom >3 feet abo%
Ambient Water Table
$ 4.00
.c 3.00
= 2.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Distance from Pond (feet)
Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
`m 0.40
m 0.30
`m 0.20
2 0.10
PLOT 6: Minimum Permissible Depth to Water Table - Sand & Gravel - Pond Bottom
above Ambient Water Table
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Distance from Pond (feet)
Rule K - Variances and Exceptions
The Board of Managers will consider a request for a variance from strict
compliance with the requirements of a District rule on submission of a request
by a permit applicant. To grant a variance, the Board of Managers must find,
based on demonstration by the applicant, that because of unique conditions
inherent to the subject property, which do not apply generally to other land or
structures in the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek watershed, strict application of a
rule provision will impose a practical difficulty on the applicant, not a mere
For purposes of the Board of Managers' determination of whether a practical
difficulty exists, the following factors will be considered:
1.1 how substantial the variation is from the rule provision;
1.2 the effect of the variance on government services;
1.3 whether the variance will substantially change the character of or cause
material adverse effect to water resources, flood levels, drainage or the
general welfare in the District, or be a substantial detriment to
neighboring properties;
1.4 whether the practical difficulty can be alleviated by a technically and
economically feasible method other than a variance. Economic hardship
alone may not serve as grounds for issuing a variance if any reasonable
use of the property exists under the terms of the District rules;
1.5 how the practical difficulty occurred, including whether the landowner,
the landowner's agent or representative, or a contractor, created the need
for the variance; and
1.6 in light of all of the above factors, whether allowing the variance will
serve the interests of justice.
2 Exceptions
The Board of Managers may approve an exception from a provision of the rules
requiring a particular treatment or management strategy, or setting forth a
design specification, if an applicant demonstrates that better natural resource
protection or enhancement can be achieved by the project as proposed, with
such further conditions as the Board of Managers may impose, than would strict
compliance with the provision.
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
3 Term
A variance or exception granted by the District is valid only as long as the
underlying permit remains valid.
4 Violation
A violation of any condition of a permit approved with a variance constitutes
grounds for termination of the variance.
Rule L - Permit Fees
It is the determination of the Board of Managers that:
1.1 Charging a minimal permit application fee will increase public
awareness of and compliance with District permitting requirements, and
will reduce enforcement and inspection costs;
1.2 The public interest will benefit from inspection by District staff of
certain large -scale projects in locations presenting particular risk to
water resources to provide the Board of Managers with sufficient
information to evaluate compliance with District rules and applicable
law, and the District's annual tax levy should not be used to pay such
costs; and
1.3 From time to time persons perform work requiring a permit from the
District without a permit, and persons perform work in violation of an
issued District permit. The Board of Managers determines that its costs
of inspection and analysis in such cases will exceed the costs incurred
where an applicant has complied with District requirements. The Board
of Managers further concludes that its annual tax levy should not be
used to pay costs incurred because of a failure to meet District
requirements but rather such costs should be recovered from the
responsible parties.
2 Requirement
The District will charge applicants permit fees in accordance with a schedule
that will be maintained and revised from time to time by resolution of the Board
of Managers to ensure that permit fees cover the District's actual costs of
administrating and enforcing permits and the actual costs related to field
inspections of permitted projects, such as investigation of the area affected by
the proposed activity, analysis of the proposed activity, services of a consultant
and any required subsequent monitoring of the proposed activity. Costs of
monitoring an activity authorized by permit may be charged and collected as
necessary after issuance of the permit. The fee schedule may be obtained from
the District office or the District's web site at htto: / /www.rpbcwd.org. A permit
applicant must submit the required permit fee to the District at the time it
submits the relevant permit application. The fee provided for in this rule will not
be charged to any agency of the United States or of any governmental unit or
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
political subdivision of the State of Minnesota.
Rule M - Financial Assurances
1 Policy
It is the policy of the District to protect and conserve the water resources of the
District by requiring a bond or other financial performance assurance with a
permit application to ensure adequate performance of the authorized activities
and compliance with the District rules.
2 Requirement
The District may require a performance bond, letter of credit or other financial
assurance in a form approved by the District for an activity regulated under
these rules. A performance financial assurance will not be required of any
agency of the United States or of any governmental unit or political subdivision
of the State of Minnesota.
3 Criteria
Financial assurances required pursuant to this rule must be issued in
compliance with the following criteria:
3.1 The financial assurance will be a performance bond, letter of credit, cash
deposit or other form acceptable to the District, and a commercial
financial assurance will be from an issuer licensed and doing business in
Minnesota. Financial assurance templates may be obtained from the
District web site (httr): / /www.ri)bcwd.org) and also are available from the
District office.
3.2 The financial assurance will be issued in favor of the District and
conditioned upon the applicant's performance of the activities authorized
in the permit in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit
and all applicable laws, including the District's rules, and payment when
due of any fees or other charges authorized by law, including the
District's rules. The financial assurance will state that in the event the
conditions of the financial assurance are not met, the District may make a
claim against it. In the event that the District makes a claim against a
financial assurance, the full amount of the financial assurance required
must be restored within 45 days.
3.3 The financial assurance must be effective for at least three years from the
date of issuance and will contain a provision that it may not be canceled
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek watershed District - Draft Rules
without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the District.
3.4 The financial assurance will be submitted by the permit applicant, but the
financial assurance principal may be either the landowner or the
individual or entity undertaking the proposed activity.
3.5 No financial assurance will be released except pursuant to the terms of
section 4.
3.6 No interest will be paid on financial assurances held by the District.
3.7 The amounts of financial assurances required by the District will be set by
the Board of Managers by resolution. The schedule of financial assurance
amounts will be maintained on the District website
(http: / /www.rpbcwd.ora) and also will be available from the District
office. Financial assurance amounts will be set as necessary to cover the
following potential liabilities to the District:
a field inspection, monitoring and related fees authorized under
Minnesota Statutes section 103D.345;
b the cost of maintaining and implementing erosion and sediment
control and other protective measures required by the permit;
c the cost of remedying damage resulting from noncompliance with the
permit or for which the permittee is otherwise responsible.
3.8 When a cash escrow is to be provided to fulfill a District financial
assurance requirement, the perm ittee /escrow provider will be required as
a condition of permit issuance, transfer or renewal to enter into a cash
escrow agreement with the District. Permit approval may be revoked for
failure to comply with this requirement. A cash escrow agreement
template will be maintained on the District website
(http: / /www.rpbcwd.oro) and also will be available from the District
4 Financial Assurance Release
On written notification of completion of a project, the District will inspect the
project to determine if the project has been constructed in accordance with the
terms of the permit and District rules. If the project is completed in accordance
with the terms of the permit and District rules, and there is no outstanding
balance for unpaid permit fees, the District will release the financial assurance.
4.1 Final inspection compliance constituting grounds for financial assurance
release includes, but is not limited to:
Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District - Draft Rules
a demonstration by the permittee and confirmation by the District that
the site has been vegetated and stabilized to prevent erosion and
sedimentation per Rule C, subsection 3.4, and that erosion and
sedimentation controls have been removed;
b demonstration and confirmation that stormwater management
features have been constructed or installed and are functioning as
designed and permitted;
c payment of all outstanding fees to the District.
The District may return a portion of the financial assurance if it finds that the
entire amount is no longer required to ensure compliance with the permit
conditions and District rules. If the District has not inspected the project and
made a determination about the project's compliance with the above criteria
within 45 days of District receipt of written notification of project completion,
the financial assurance is deemed released unless the District notifies the
permittee that final inspection compliance matters remain outstanding. In the
event that a financial assurance is released through expiration of the time for
confirmation of final inspection compliance, the District will provide a writing
releasing the financial assurance if needed to meet the issuer's requirements.