CC Work Session Minutes 05-28-2013 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MAY 28, 2013 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Laufenburger. Councilwoman Ernst arrived during the joint meeting with the Environmental Commission. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, and Kate Aanenson PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Mark Undestad, Kim Tennyson, Lisa Hokkanen, Maryam Yusuf, Stephen Withrow, and Steven Weick ENVIRONMENTAL COMMIMSSION PRESENT: Katie Mahannah, Glenn Kaufmann, Bret Borth, and Amy Omann JOINT COMMISSION MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION. After introductions Chairman Aller reviewed 2012 developments, variances, PUD amendments, and th asked for feedback from the council on variance requests for accessory structures in the West 96 Street neighborhood. Councilman Laufenburger asked about inventory of buildable lots in the city. Chairman Aller continued with review of the Surface Water Management Review that is ongoing into 2013. Mayor Furlong asked about the zoning along the north side of old Highway 212. Todd Gerhardt explained that staff would like the Planning Commission to work on a vision plan along the old Highway 212 and “Y” area in conjunction with improvements in this area and upgrades to the river crossing. Councilman Laufenburger asked about how the flood plain area will be taken into account with development. Chairman Aller noted that the lower “Y” area is planned for the Planning Commission and Environmental Commission tour this summer. Kate Aanenson reviewed building permit projections for 2013 for commercial and residential, taking into account building of the Chanhassen Apartments. Mayor Furlong asked about tracking sales of existing residential units and asked for feedback from the work session with Planning Commission and City Council regarding the “New Normal” and how to take that information into account moving into the future. He emphasized the need to keep the downtown viable and the fact that the city may want to relook at the regional commercial zoning. Councilwoman Tjornhom liked the information from the New Normal meeting on how people coming into the city see Chanhassen. Chairman Aller asked about the comment that the commission should plan for connecting the city trail system. Kate Aanenson stated she would follow up with a report from Todd Hoffman on how the city will handle that issue. Councilman Laufenburger asked about height restrictions of buildings in the city. Mayor Furlong discussed comments regarding current residential trends for different demographics coming to Chanhassen without changing Chanhassen’s identity. Commissioner Yusuf stated she took away from the New Normal meeting the need for more single level living. Mayor Furlong discussed that th staff should continue to monitor the accessory structure variance requests in the West 96 Street and other neighborhoods in the future to see if an ordinance amendment is needed. JOINT COMMISSION MEETING WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION. Katie Mahannah reviewed the Environmental Commission’s monthly goals for their 2013 Annual Work Plan. In discussing clean up of the Seminary Fen, Councilman Laufenburger asked if there are plans for a raised boardwalk through the fen. Following up on what Councilman Laufenburger said, Mayor Furlong suggested the Environmental Commission begin discussions with the DNR on the idea of using raised City Council Work Session – May 28, 2013 boardwalks to improve accessibility, education and appreciation of the fen. Todd Gerhardt explained that Karen Engelhardt, the Office Manager, has been working with Carver County Historical Society on developing the history of the Seminary Fen. Chairman Mahannah asked if there was anything else the council would like the Environmental Commission to be working on in 2013. Mayor Furlong asked for comments regarding highlights from the Environmental Commission’s 2013 Sustainability Report regarding surface water, storm water, water conservation and urban forestry. Councilman Laufenburger suggested adding Lake Susan with the AIS boat inspection program. Mayor Furlong emphasized the educational aspect associated with the AIS inspection program. Kate Aanenson explained that the joint commission tour is a great way to educate both the Planning Commission and Environmental Commission on these four focus topics. Mayor Furlong discussed the possibility of being broader in describing water conservation. Councilwoman Ernst asked how rain barrels, etc are marketed. Kate Aanenson discussed work being done by Jill Sinclair regarding forestry preservation. Overall Mayor Furlong stated the work done on the Sustainability Report was good. Chairman Mahannah stated she would incorporate the changes in the report and place the item on the City’s website and have printed material to hand out at community events. DISCUSS PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH CENTER COMPANIES FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF IVAN’S SINCLAIR GAS STATION SITE, 7910 DAKOTA AVENUE. Todd Gerhardt discussed negotiations with Ben Merriman of Center Companies to purchase City owned property to redevelop the Sinclair property into an 8,000 square foot, three tenant retail building, discussed issues associated with cleaning up the underground gas tanks, and reviewed the list of pros and cons associated with this redevelopment. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification if there were development opportunities on the city owned parcel by itself or if the only development opportunity is through a combination of these two sites. Kate Aanenson explained that combining the properties is the best economic value. Councilman McDonald asked about the one entrance point. Councilman Laufenburger asked about the City’s financial responsibility with the clean up of contamination from the underground gas tank. There was consensus from council members in directing staff to continue to move forward with negotiations. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session at 7:00 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2