PC SUM 2014 04 01
APRIL 1, 2014
Acting Chair Tennyson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mark Undestad, Kim Tennyson, Lisa Hokkanen, Maryam Yusuf, and Steven
Andrew Aller
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior
Planner; Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer and Bob Generous, Senior Planner
Laurie Sacchet 6175 Strawberry Lane, Shorewood
Jacqui & Craig Kouba 3520 Highway 7, Excelsior
Wade Navratil 3751 West 62 Street, Excelsior
Jason & Leah Schneider 26420 62 Street West, Excelsior
Ryan Johanson 6070 Strawberry Lane, Shorewood
Mark Diedi 16996 Hanover Lane, Eden Prairie
Dan Peso 6125 Church Road, Excelsior
Mark Undestad recited the Oath of Office for Planning Commissioner.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded to approve the Planning Commission Bylaws as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Sharmeen Al-Jaff presented the staff report on planning and zoning issues and Alyson Fauske presented
issues related to traffic and drainage. Commissioner Undestad asked for clarification on when the soil
borings were taken, existing drain tile in the area and traffic study. Acting Chair Tennyson asked for
clarification on the differences between the 2006 and current Lennar proposals, conditions related to the
road configuration and possible stop sign, and noted that the variance is for the length of the cul-de-sac.
Commissioner Hokkanen questioned the timing of the traffic study, the developer being able to meet all
the conditions in the staff report, and the variance for the cul-de-sac length. Commissioner Weick asked
for clarification on the connection with the two properties to the east of this development. The applicant,
Joe Jablonski with Lennar US Home Corporation at 16305 36 Avenue North, Suite 600, Plymouth,
Minnesota, discussed background information as to the design of this proposal, asked that conditions
related to the two single family properties to the east be removed, geotechnical issues regarding ground
water, and traffic. Acting Chair Tennyson opened the public hearing. Laurie Sacchet, 6175 Strawberry
Planning Commission Summary – April 1, 2014
Lane invited anyone to be at her house between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. to witness the bus and car traffic,
expressed concerns with additional traffic and the access point being in a poor location. Leah Schneider,
26420 West 62 Street, which is directly across the street from the entrance, expressed safety concerns
with traffic and noted that she hadn’t heard anything being done to address drainage on the north side of
the development explaining that their sump pump runs all year long. Jason Schneider, 26420 West 62
Street, having been a Chanhassen fireman for 22 years and seen a lot of accidents, requested that there be
an entrance off of Highway 7 during construction. Ryan Johanson, 6070 Strawberry Lane, understanding
this is a unique situation with development occurring at the intersection of Shorewood and Chanhassen,
explained that he’s not opposed to development but wants to see development done the right way which
addresses safety issues associated with roads in this area. He also had concern with the next gen homes
explaining his feeling that this project is premature until they know if next gen homes will be allowed,
and a traffic and watershed study done. Mark Diede, 16996 Hanover Lane, Eden Prairie explained that
because of open enrollment he drives his kids to school and expressed safety concerns with children
walking on West 62 Street and Strawberry Lane to get to school and asked that those concerns with the
road be addressed before allowing more houses into the area. He also asked that the City Council see a
plat with a 800 foot cul-de-sac. Wade Navratil, 3751 West 62 Street concurred with his neighbors that
this development is premature without a traffic study, noted that the proposed entrance conflicts with a
row of cedars, and drainage concerns. Dan Peso, 6125 Church Road, having a first grader and daughter
who will be in kindergarten in 2 years, also expressed traffic concerns and asked if stop lights are planned
for the Church Road and Highway 7 intersection. Jason Schneider returned to talked about accidents at
Highway 7 and Church Road and explained his existing water issues noting that he can’t have any more
water problems. Acting Chair Tennyson closed the public hearing. After questions and comments from
commission members, the following motion was made.
Undestad moved, Yusuf seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City
Preliminary Plat for Planning Case #2014-09 for Boulder Cove for 31 lots
Council approve
and 3 outlots with a Variance to allow a 1,200-foot long cul-de-sac as shown on the plans
received March 4, 2014 subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached
Findings of Fact and Recommendation:
1.Park and Recreation Conditions:
a.Full park fees in lieu of additional parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be
collected as a condition of approval for Boulder Cove. The park fees will be collected in
full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. Based upon the current
proposed lot count of 31 homes and the city’s 2014 single-family park fee of $5,800 per
unit, the total park fees for Boulder Cove would be $179,800.
2.Environmental Resources Conditions:
a.Tree preservation fence shall be installed at the edge of the drip line for tree #71. A layer
of woodchips shall be installed over the root zone to a depth of 3-4 inches. All other tree
preservation fencing shall be installed at the edge of the grading limits prior to any
b.No trees shall be planted within the public right-of-way. Front yard trees shall be located
inside the setback area.
c.Additional tree species shall be added to the plant schedule in order to reduce the
percentage attributed to spruce so that no more than one-third of the trees are from any
Planning Commission Summary – April 1, 2014
one species. Additional trees may not be from the maple family and must be overstory
species. Minimum total number of trees to be planted is 166.
d.There are overhead power lines along Highway 7. Only ornamental trees shall be
allowed to be planted in the bufferyard between the property line and the proposed fence.
e.Evergreens shall average seven feet in height when planted.
f.Any tree removal outside the parameters of the subject property shall require approval of
the property owner where the tree is located.
g.Applicant shall correct the tree inventory for the following trees:
Tree #38, sugar maple: shown on the plan as saved, shown in the inventory as
removed. The applicant shall resolve the discrepancy.
Tree #72, spruce: shown on plan and inventory as saved. Tree is noted to be in poor
condition. Tree shall be noted as REMOVE.
Tree #96, red oak: shown on plan at the very edge of the grading limits. Tree
appears to be in a position for a possible save. It is in fair condition. Staff
recommends that applicant work with staff to preserve tree if appropriate.
Tree #205, #206, ash: shown on plans as saved. These trees are within the grading
limits and have proposed grading shown on top of their locations. Trees shall be
noted as REMOVE.
3.Building Department conditions:
a.Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before
building permits will be issued.
b.Engineered design and building permits are required for retaining walls exceeding four
feet in height.
c.Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service.
d.Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures.
e.Proper removal, abandonment or sealing of storage tanks, on-site septic systems, wells,
etc. required. Permits required, as applicable.
f.If applicable, existing home(s) affected by new street will require address changes.
4.Fire Marshal conditions:
a.Three feet of clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants.
b.Fire hydrants must be made serviceable prior to combustible construction.
Planning Commission Summary – April 1, 2014
c.Temporary street signs shall be installed prior to and during construction.
d.Fire apparatus access roads capable of supporting the weight of fire apparatus shall be
made serviceable prior to combustible construction.
e.No burning permits will be issued for the removal of brush, trees.
5.Planning Department Conditions:
a.The “Next Generation” homes are not permitted under the current city ordinances.
b.A high-tension power line exists along Highway 7. Any work or landscaping must be
approved by Xcel Energy.
6.Engineering Department Conditions:
a.The developer must work with the City of Chanhassen and the City of Shorewood to
revise the plans to incorporate a “T” intersection at 62 Street, Strawberry Lane, and
Strawberry Court.
b.The developer shall provide an analysis to determine if the “T” intersection would
warrant a stop condition.
c.If a stop condition is warranted, the developer shall have a traffic engineer collect and
analyze traffic counts on 62nd Street to determine the queuing effects at the intersection.
d.Other details such as transitioning from a 31-foot wide street in Chanhassen to a 22-foot
wide street in Shorewood shall be addressed with the final plan submittal.
e.The developer is required to obtain any necessary permits from the Metropolitan Council
(sewer connection permit) and the City of Shorewood (work in right-of-way permit) and
the street must be restored.
f.The septic tank and mound system that services 3530 Highway 7 is within the project
boundaries. These items must be removed and disposed of at an approved facility in
conjunction with the site improvements as proposed.
g.Based on the proposed preliminary plan the developer must provide a sanitary sewer
service to 3530 Highway 7. The developer shall ensure that sewer service to 3530
Highway 7 is maintained throughout construction, which will involve pumping the septic
tank after the septic mound is removed and before a sewer service is installed to serve the
h.Water main for the project will be directionally bored under Highway 7 and will wet tap
into the existing 12-inch trunk water main on the south side of Highway 7. A portion of
this water main extension lies on 3520 Highway 7; the developer must acquire the
necessary easement prior to final plat submittal. The easement must be 20 feet wide
centered on the pipe.
Planning Commission Summary – April 1, 2014
i.Water main will extend between Lot 5, Block 1 and the tot lot to the existing water main
in the southwest corner of 3751 62nd Street. The water main alignment shown on the
utility plan is not within the existing easement; therefore, the developer must acquire the
easement necessary to install this water main prior to final plat submittal. The easement
must be 20 feet wide centered on the pipe.
j.A water main interconnect will be required to the Shorewood water main at 62nd Street
and Strawberry Lane.
k.The developer proposes to extend 6-inch water main to the east to provide service to
3520 and 3030 Highway 7. The developer must acquire the necessary easements to
complete this work.
l.All existing and proposed off-site drainage and utility easements must be referenced
m.Existing off-site easements must be referenced by document number or the plat in which
they were dedicated.
n.Public utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's
latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans
and specifications must be submitted at time of final plat.
7.Water Resources Coordinator Conditions:
a.Show the extent of the shoreland overlay district for Lake Minnewashta on the plan set
before final plat approval.
b.The applicant must demonstrate the extent of tree preservation for stormwater volume
reduction credit by overlaying grading limits on a current aerial photograph before final
plat approval.
c.The applicant must recalculate the volume reduction credit from new tree plantings
without the use of ornamental trees before final plat approval. The current best
information is that elevation is at least 969.5 to approximately 972.
d.The filtration feature shall be moved so that the bounce within the basin remains entirely
within the outlot before final plat approval.
e.A homeowners association shall be created and shall be responsible for the maintenance
of the filtration feature. The outlet pipe shall be the responsibility of the city.
f.An operations and maintenance manual shall be developed for the filtration feature
indicating how the HOA will maintain the feature and assure its proper function.
g.The landscape plan shall be updated to include the planting schedule for the infiltration
basin and the outlots and to provide shrubs or other buffering measures between the rear
yard lines and the filtration feature before final plat approval.
Planning Commission Summary – April 1, 2014
h.The pond in Outlot A shall be redesigned such that the likely seasonally high water table
is at or below the modeled normal water level.
i.Additional hydrogeological data provided and attested to by a licensed professional in
hydrogeology or similar may be used to show that the above condition is met.
j.All recommendations relating to subgrade improvements, preparations and drainage as
well as dewatering and drainage control from the March 3, 2014 Braun report shall be
k.The swale behind lots 4 through 10 of Block 2 shall have a drain tile installed as part of
the site grading and utility installation. This shall be included before final plat approval.
l.Environmental manholes or 4-foot sump manholes with SAFL baffles shall be installed at
CBMH1 and CBMH3.
m.A concerted effort shall be made to combine the outfall into the Pond in Outlot A such
that there is only one outfall. If it is not feasible from an engineering standpoint, then
documentation supporting this assertion shall be provided to city staff prior to final plat
n.A comprehensive, standalone SWPPP document with all elements required by Part III of
the NPDES construction permit shall be prepared and submitted to the City for review
and comment before final plat approval.
o.Surface Water Management connection charges are estimated to be $84,146.45. This
connection charge will be due at the time of final plat.
p.In the event that wetland characteristics are observed on the site during field visits during
the growing season, steps will need to be taken to assure compliance with the MN
Wetland Conservation Act, the Federal Clean Water Act and other applicable federal,
state and local regulations.
All voted in favor except for Weick and the motion carried 4 to 1.
Commissioner Weick noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the
Planning Commission meeting dated March 18, 2014 as presented.
Kate Aanenson provided an update on planning issues from
the March 24 City Council meeting and discussed future agenda items.
Undestad moved, Yusuf seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at
8:20 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim