Exterior PhotosPainting Finish and Windows rl, 0FCHANHAS3Ei" RECEIVED APR '18 2014 PICTURE FROM DISTANCE TO SHOW BOTH WINDOWS AND FINISH PAINT /TYPE OF MATERIAL pi91011U7���i�l.'l CITY OF CHANHASSEf' RECEIVED APR '18 2U14 NANHASSEN PLANNING OPPT WINDOWS WILL MATCH EXISTING ALLUMINUM TYPE BLACK HVAC SCREENING CITY OFCHANHAS3EO' RECEIVEC APR "1 is IU14 C-IANHASSFiM PLANNINA ilk'i We propose painting the new units to match the existing structure so that the units will blend in with the building. Our building is blocked by existing buildings and trees for a good % of traffic volume on HWY 5 limiting line of sight of our rooftops. We feel that matching the paint color of the building will keep a cleaner look then other options available. TRASH ENCLOSURE [,,i- (OFCHANHAS3'U RECEIVED APR 'I n 2014 ('9VHPSSEH PUNNING it 01 EXSISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE LOCATED ON NE CORNER OF LOT ON NORTH END OF PARKINGLOT. VIEW IS FROM NE LOOKING SW.