Site Plan Review ChecklistCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227 -1130 / Fax: (952) 227 -1110 * CITY OFCHAN9ASSEN SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION CHECKLIST Per Chanhassen City Code Section 20 -109 Prior to filing an application for site plan review, the applicant shall attend a conference with city staff. The application shall include the following: (1) Completed Application Form. (2) Evidence of ownership or an interest in the property. (3) Application fee (to be calculated as follows): Type Fee Calculation Administrative $100 $100 Residential Districts $500 plus $5 per dwellin unit $500 + ($5 x Commercial /Industrial Districts* *Indude number of existi ng p em to $500 plus $10 per 1,000 square $500 + ($10 x — and number of new employees: feet of building area Notification Sign $200 $20&, Document Recording Escrow $50 $50, Property Owners' List within 500' of subject property $3 per address $3 x addresses =� (City to generate, fee determined at re-a Iication meeting) R n 9 Y (4) Seven (7) full -size folded copies, including an 8 %" x 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format of the following: a. Complete Site Plan, signed by a registered architect, civil engineer, landscape architect or other design professional, to include the following: 1. Name of project. 2. Name, address and telephone number of applicant, engineer, and owner of record. 3. Legal description (certificate of survey will be required). 4. Date proposed, north arrow, engineering scale, number of sheets, and name of drawer. 5. Vicinity map shoving relationship of the proposed development to surrounding streets, rights -of -way, easements and natural features. 6. Description of intended use of the site, buildings and structures, including type of occupancy and estimated occupancyload. 7. Existing zoning and land use. 1TYOFCHAtuHAS EP' 8. Tabulation box indicating: RECEIVED a. Size of parcel in acres and square feet. b. Gross floor area of each building. APR 18 1014 c. Percent of site covered by building. d. Percent of site covered by impervious surface. t H�!HA9�Ei`lPLP.D!IWNB i� 1 e. Percent of site covered by parking area. f. Projected number of employees. g. Number of seats if intended use is a restaurant or place of assembly. h. Number of parking spaces required. i. Number of parking spaces provided including handicapped. j. Height of all buildings and structures and number of stories.